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Search results for: arduino microcontroller
The study of Arduino Uno feasibility for DAQ purposes
PublicationUsing microcontroller systems becomes a routine in various measurement and control tasks. Their wide availability together with a huge potential of extending their functionality by additional modules allows developing advanced measuring and monitoring systems by non-specialists. However, using popular example codes often leads the user to pass over or not to be aware of the limitations of the system and drawing too far-reaching...
Digital microcontroller for sonar waveform generator
PublicationGenerating sounding signals is essential for the operation of active sonar. The system should be highly reliable. This can be achieved through architecture, communication between the devices, and a well-designed and self–testing software. The system presented in the article is responsible for the generation of hydroacoustic sounding signals, and ensures proper interaction between power amplifiers and power supplies. Thanks to its...
A method of measuring RLC components for microcontroller systems
PublicationA new method of measuring RLC components for microcontroller systems dedicated to compact smart impedance sensors based on a direct sensor-microcontroller interface is presented. In the method this direct interface composed of a reference resistor connected in series with the tested sensor impedance is stimulated by a square wave generated by the microcontroller, and then its voltage response is sampled by an internal ADC of the...
Microcontroller driven miniaturized digital depth sounder.
PublicationPrzedstawiono schemat blokowy, specyfikację techniczną oraz zasadę działania miniaturowej echosondy cyfrowej, sterowanej mikrokontrolerem PIC16F873.Specjalistyczne oprogramowanie echosondy umożliwia prezentację echogramów w czasie rzeczywistym oraz udostępnianie ich w sieci Internet w typowych przeglądarkach WWW.
A compact smart resistive sensor based on a microcontroller
PublicationPrzedstawiono nowe rozwiązanie inteligentnego czujnika rezystancyjnego bazującego na mikrokontrolerze, w którym czujnik rezystancyjny jest elementem składowym filtra anty-aliazingowego przetwornika A/C. Procedura pomiaru temperatury obejmuje pobudzenie filtra dwoma impulsami prostokątnymi o zadanym czasie trwania oraz próbkowanie jego odpowiedzi czasowej. Następnie na podstawie wartości pomierzonych próbek napięcia wyznaczana jest...
Position and velocity measurement using incremental encoder and microcontroller.
PublicationThere is presented measurement of position and velocity using Atmel's microcontroller ATTiny2313 with 20 MHz clock and encoder with 1024 pulses per revolution. This configuration allows measuring maximum speed 48800 rpm with 1x accuracy, 20200 rpm with 2x accuracy and 9400 rpm with 4x accuracy (quadrature). Position is measured with resolution of 0.352', 0.176' and 0.088' for 1x, 2x, 4x accuracy respectively. Algorithms of position...
Przykład zastosowania przetworników piezoelektrycznych do stworzenia elektronicznych padów na platformie sprzętowej Arduino
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano autorskie urządzenie umożliwiające sterowania procesem wyzwalania dowolnych próbek dźwiękowych przy użyciu tak zwanych padów perkusyjnych w zewnętrznym samplerze. Pady stworzono za pomocą zestawu zabawkowej perkusji, przetworników piezoelektrycznych oraz specjalnie zaprogramowanej platformy sprzętowej Arduino.
A random signal generation method for microcontrollers with DACs
PublicationA new method of noise generation based on software implementation of a 7-bit LFSR based on a common polynomial PRBS7 using microcontrollers equipped with internal ADCs and DACs and a microcontroller noise generator structure are proposed in the paper. Two software applications implementing the method: written in ANSI C and based on the LUT technique and written in AVR Assembler are also proposed. In the method the ADC results are...
An Implementation of a Compact Smart Resistive Sensor Based on a Microcontroller with an Internal ADC
PublicationIn the paper a new implementation of a compact smart resistive sensor based on a microcontroller with internal ADCs is proposed and analysed. The solution is based only on a (already existing in the system) microcontroller and a simple sensor interface circuit working as a voltage divider consisting of a reference resistor and the resistive sensor connected in parallel with an interference suppression capacitor. The measurement...
Simple Measurement Method for Resistive Sensors Based on ADCs of Microcontrollers
PublicationA new, complete measurement method for resistance measurement of resistive sensors for systems based on microcontrollers equipped with analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) is proposed. The interface circuit consists of only four resistors, including a resistive sensor and a reference resistor, connected directly to the microcontroller pins. It is activated only during measurements, which significantly reduces power consumption....
Measurement method for capacitive sensors for microcontrollers based on a phase shifter
PublicationA complete measurement method dedicated to capacitive sensors has been developed. It includes the development of hardware (an analogue interface circuit for microcontrollers with built-in times/counters and analogue comparators) and software (a measurement procedure and a systematic error calibration (correction) algorithm which is based on a calibration dictionary). The interface circuit consists of a low-pass filter and a phase...
Diagnosis of fully differential circuits based on a fault dictionary implemented in the microcontroller systems
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową koncepcję testera wbudowanego bist przeznaczonego do diagnostyki w pełni różnicowych układów analogowych implementowanych w mikrosystemach mieszanych sygnałowo. w trakcie testowania mierzona jest amplituda i faza wyjściowego napięcia różnicowego. procedura detekcji i lokalizacji uszkodzeń bazuje na słowniku uszkodzeń przechowywanym w pamięci programu mikrokontrolera. korzystną cechą przestrzeni pomiarowej wyznaczonej...
Design and implementation of the driver system for Hamamatsu C12880MA microspectrometer
PublicationRecent miniaturization developments in devices for spectroscopy have reduced greatly their costs and increased their availability for a wide range of users and applications. This paper presents the design and implementation of a driver system for a Hamamatsu C12880MA microspectrometer. The system implementation was carried out and compared using two independent microcontroller modules: Arduino Uno and STM32F411RE Nucleo. We assessed...
Testing method of analog parts for mixed signal microsystems based on microcontrolles.
PublicationZaproponowano nową metodę detekcji i lokalizacji pojedynczych uszkodzeń parametrycznych, która może znaleźć zastosowanie do samo-testowania sieci analogowych w mikrosystemach mieszanych sygnałowo sterowanych mikrokontrolerami. Metoda ta jest oparta na przekształceniu transformującym próbki odpowiedzi czasowej na pobudzenie impulsem prostokątnym na krzywe identyfikacyjne na płaszczyźnie. Metoda pozwala na detekcję i lokalizację...
A diagnosis method of analog parts of mixed-signal systems controlled by microcontrollers.
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową klasę K-D metod diagnostyki analogowych części mieszanych sygnałowo mikrosystemów bazujących na mikrokontrolerach. Metody składają się z trzech etapów: etapu przedtestowego tworzenia słownika uszkodzeń, etapu pomiarowego bazujacego na pomiarach próbek napięcia odpowiedzi układu analogowego na pobudzenie impulsem prostokątnym wykonywanych przez wewnętrzne zasoby mikrokontrolera i z etapu detekcji i lokalizacji...
A measurement method for capacitive sensors based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationIn the paper, there is presented a new time-domain measurement method for determining the capacitance values of capacitive sensors, dedicated, among others, to capacitive relative humidity sensors. The method is based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcontrollers with internal analog comparators (ACs) and with precision voltage reference sources, e.g. digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The reference...
A New Approach to Capacitive Sensor Measurements Based on a Microcontroller and a Three-Gate Stable RC Oscillator
PublicationA complete smart capacitive sensor solution basedA complete smart capacitive sensor solution based on a microcontroller was developed. This approach includes the development of both the hardware and software. The hardware part comprises an 8-bit microcontroller equipped with two timers/counters and a three-gate stable RC relaxation oscillator. The software part handles system configuration, measurement control, communication control,...
A microcontroller system for measurement of three independent components in impedance sensors using a single square pulse
PublicationOpracowano nową metodę pomiaru w dziedzinie czasu i wyznaczania trzech składowych elementów modelu czujnika impedancyjnego oraz zaimplementowano ją w inteligentnym czujniku impedancji sterowanym 8-bitowym mikrokontrolerem. Metoda bazuje na pobudzeniu dzielnika napięciowego składającego się z rezystora pełniącego funkcję konwertera prąd na napięcie i z czujnika impedancji pojedynczym impulsem prostokątnym o czasie trwania T bezpośrednio...
A Set of Low-power Microcontroller-based Modules Used for Testing of Small Energy Measurement Methods
PublicationEstimation of energy consumption of low-power devices is not widely discussed in the scientific literature, but this topic is getting more and more popular. Evaluation process of newly developed methods and instrumentation requires carefull treatment. In order to fulfill this niche, the set of micro-power microcontroller based devices was proposed. The devices represent typical energy consuption profiles and allow experimental verification...
A measurement method for lossy capacitive relative humidity sensors based on a direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationA new time-domain measurement method for determining the capacitance and resistance values of lossy relative humidity capacitive sensors is presented. The method is based on a direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcontrollers with internal analog comparators and timers. The interface circuit consists only of four reference resistors (two reference resistors if a microcontroller includes a voltage reference source),...
A method of self-testing of an analog circuit terminated by an ADC in electronic embedded systems controlled by microcontrollers
PublicationA new self-testing method of analog parts terminated by an ADC in electronic embedded systems controlled by microcontrollers is presented. It is based on a new fault diagnosis method based on on-line (i.e. during measurement), transformations of voltage samples of the time response of a tested part to a square pulse - onto localization curves placed in the measurement space. The method can be used for fault detection and single...
Time-domain measurement methods for R, L and C sensors based on aversatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationtIn the paper new time-domain measurement methods for determining values of resistive (R), inductive(L) and capacitive (C) sensors based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcon-trollers with internal analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and analog comparators (ACs) are presented.The interface circuit consists of a reference resistor Rrworking as a voltage divider, a given R, L or C sensorand a microcontroller...
Implementation of Extended Kalman Filter with Optimized Execution Time for Sensorless Control of a PMSM Using ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontroller
PublicationThis paper addresses the implementation and optimization of an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) sensorless control using an ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller. A various optimization levels based on arithmetic calculation reduction was implemented in ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller. The execution time of EKF estimator was reduced from 260.4 μs to 37.7 μs without loss of accuracy. To further...
Synthesis, the crystal structure, and high-resolution NMR spectroscopy of methyl 4-O-acetyl-3-azido-2,3,6-trideoxy-6-iodo-ŕ-D-arabino-hexopyranoside
PublicationW wyniku wieloetapowej syntezy otrzymano glikozyd metylowy 4-O-acetylo-3-azydo-2,3,6-trideoksy-6-jodo-ŕ-D-arabino-heksopyranozy. Związek wykazuje konformację 4C1, co wykazano na podstawie wysokorozdzielczej spektroskopii1H i 13C NMR oraz rentgenowskiej analizy strukturalnej monokryształu. W pracy scharakteryzowano również 7 nowych związków otrzymanych jako produkty pośrednie i uboczne.
Samotestowanie toru analogowego ze wzmacniaczem w pełni różnicowym w elektronicznych systemach wbudowanych sterowanych mikrokontrole-rami
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową metodę samotestowania toru analogowego opartego na wzmacniaczu w pełni różnicowym w elektronicznych systemach wbu-dowanych sterowanych mikrokontrolerami. Bazuje ona na nowej metodzie diagnostycznej opartej na przekształceniu transformującym próbki odpo-wiedzi czasowej badanej części analogowej na pobudzenie "ujemnym" impulsem prostokątnym na wejściu Vocm na krzywe identyfikacyjne w przestrzeni pomiarowej. Metoda...
PublicationWspółczesna robotyka rozwija się bardzo dynamicznie. Coraz więcej osób prywatnych i inżynierów konstruuje różnego rodzaju pojazdy mobilne. Dlatego autorzy niniejszego referatu postawili sobie następującą tezę: możliwa jest budowa latającego robota mobilnego na bazie kontrolera o niskiej mocy obliczeniowej oraz prostego regulatora, i podjęli się jej udowodnienia.
A compact smart sensor based on a neural classifier for objects modeled by Beaunier's model
PublicationA new solution of a smart microcontroller sensor based on a simple direct sensor-microcontroller interface for technical objects modeled by two-terminal networks and by the Beaunier’s model of anticorrosion coating is proposed. The tested object is stimulated by a square pulse and its time voltage response is sampled four times by the internal ADC of microcontroller. A neural classifier based on measurement data classifies the...
Two-Row ESPAR Antenna with Simple Elevation and Azimuth Beam Switching
PublicationIn this letter, we propose a two-row electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna designed for direction of arrival (DoA) estimation in Internet of Things (IoT) applications relying on simple microcontrollers. The antenna is capable of elevation and azimuth beam switching using a simple microcontroller-oriented steering circuit and provides 18 directional radiation patterns, which can be grouped in 3 distinctive...
Diagnostyka analogowych filtrów wielosekcyjnych oparta na klasyfikato-rach neuronowych z dwucentrowymi funkcjami bazowymi
PublicationPrzedmiotem artykułu jest zastosowanie klasyfikatora z dwucentrowymi funkcjami bazowymi do lokalizacji uszkodzeń w wielosekcyjnych torach analogowych elektronicznych systemów wbudowanych sterowanych mikrokontrolerem. Przedstawiono szczegóły procedury pomiarowej oraz metody detekcji i lokalizacji uszkodzeń toru analogowego z wykorzysta-niem klasyfikatora DB zaimplementowanego w postaci algorytmicznej w kodzie programu mikrokontrolera....
Spectroscopic and wireless sensor of hematocrit level
PublicationAn optical method for hematocrit measurement has been presented. the sensor, designed and developed by authors, consists of spectroscopic set-up controlled by a microcontroller. measurement results are sent via wireless module. experiment has confirmed the ability of the sensor to determine the hematocrit with appropriate measurementaccuracy.
On the use of a charge balancing method for low energy measurements
PublicationThe paper presents the method for the estimation of the energy consumption of the low-power microcontroller-based devices. Due to high dynamics of the changes of the supply current of the tested devices during the operational cycle, the consumed energy estimation is not easy. In order to avoid disadvantages of known methods, the charge balancing method was employed similarly like in some types of A/D converters.
Spectroscopic wireless sensor of hematocrit level
PublicationAn optical method for hematocrit measurement is presented. The sensor, designed and developed by authors, consists of a spectroscopic set-up and a microcontroller. The work of the sensor is based on measurement of intensity of two selected spectral bands. Tests confirmed the ability of the sensor to determine the hematocrit level with appropriate measurement accuracy. Measurement results can be transmitted via wireless module to...
Low cost electrochemical sensor module for measurement of gas concentration
PublicationThis paper describes a low cost electrochemical sensor module for gas concentration measurement. A module is universal and can be used for many types of electrochemical gas sensors. Device is based on AVR ATmega8 microcontroller. As signal processing circuit a specialized integrated circuit LMP9l000 is used. The proposed equipment will be used as a component of electronic nose system employed for classifying and distinguishing...
Programmable dynamically changing RC model for evaluation of Dynamic EIS methods and instrumentation
PublicationThe paper concerns the RC equivalent circuit of electrochemical cell with the impedance changed during the experiment. The model was constructed using the digital potentiometers controlled by the microcontroller. This solution allows to control the model impedance by the software means. By creating adequate changes of the impedance spectrum as a time function, the different impedance measurement method can be tested to find out...
Usage of Two-Center Basis Function Neural Classifiers in Compact Smart Resistive Sensors
PublicationA new solution of the smart resistance sensorwith the Two-Center Basis Function (TCBF) neuralclassifier, for which the resistance sensor is a component ofan anti-aliasing filter of an ADC is proposed. Thetemperature measurement procedure is based on excitationof the filter by square impulses, sampling time response ofthe filter and processing measured voltage values by theTCBF classifier. All steps of the measurement procedure...
Digital Control System of the Wavemaker in the Towing Tank
PublicationThe paper describes a digital control system of the rigid flap wavemaker in a towing tank in CTO S.A. Ship Design and Research Centre. The control system is based on an 8-bit AVR microcontroller and consists of two cascading PID controllers. The digital system replaced the previous analogue system from 1974 and has been integrated with the existing sensors and actuators of the wavemaker. The new control system allows to obtain...
An idea of an approach to self-testing of mixed signal systems based on a quadratic function stimulation
PublicationA new approach to self-testing of the analog parts of mixed-signal electronic systems controlled by microcontrollers equipped with an ADC and a DAC is presented. It is based on a BIST and a new fault diagnosis method. A novelty is the use of the DAC as a component of the BIST, allowing to generate a stimulating signal with a quadratic function shape. It contributes to a better extraction of information about the state of the circuit...
ESPAR Antenna-Based WSN Node With DoA Estimation Capability
PublicationIn this paper, we present a low-cost energy-efficient electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna-based wireless sensor network (WSN) node designed for IEEE 802.15.4 standard that is capable of performing direction of arrival (DoA) estimation in real-life outdoor environments. To this end, we propose the WSN node architecture, design and realization that utilizes NXP JN5168 radio frequency (RF) wireless transceiver...
Prototype and design of six axis robotic manipulator
PublicationThe paper presents a design of six axis manipulator. The design consists of specially designed solutions for housing, planetary gearboxes and electronics. The manipulator is controlled by a supervisory control system. The use of a series of measuring elements allows to track the current position of each axis and use this to create a cascade control loop with velocity and acceleration feed-forward. The implemented control algorithm...
Performance Analysis of Convolutional Neural Networks on Embedded Systems
PublicationMachine learning is no longer confined to cloud and high-end server systems and has been successfully deployed on devices that are part of Internet of Things. This paper presents the analysis of performance of convolutional neural networks deployed on an ARM microcontroller. Inference time is measured for different core frequencies, with and without DSP instructions and disabled access to cache. Networks use both real-valued and...
Fast Real-Time RDFT- and GDFT-Based Direct Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor Drive
PublicationThis paper presents the theoretical analysis and experimental verification of a direct fault harmonic identification approach in a converter-fed electric drive for automated diagnosis purposes. On the basis of the analytical model of the proposed real-time direct fault diagnosis, the fault-related harmonic component is calculated using recursive DFT (RDFT) and Goertzel DFT (GDFT), applied instead of the full spectrum calculations...
Distributed measurement system with data transmission secured using XXTEA algorithm
PublicationThe paper deals with wireless data transmission security in the distributed measurement and control system. An overview of cryptographic algorithms was presented paying special attention to the algorithm dedicated to units with low processing power, which is important due to minimization of energy consumption. Measurement modules equipped with simple microcontrollers send data wirelessly to the central unit. The transmission was...
A method of self-testing of analog circuits based on fully differential op-amps with theTCBF classifier
PublicationA new approach of self-testing of analog circuits based on fully differential op-amps of mixed-signal systems controlled by microcontrollers is presented. It consists of a measurement procedure and a fault diagnosis procedure. We measure voltage samples of a time response of a tested circuit on a stimulation of a unit step function given at the common-mode reference voltage input of the op-amp. The fault detection and fault localization...
PublicationThis paper describes an amperometric sensor module for gas concentration measurement. A module can be used for many types of electrochemical gas sensors without major hardware changes. Device is based on AVR ATmega8 microcontroller. As signal processing circuit a specialized integrated circuit LMP9l000 configurable via I2C interface is used. The concept of a measuring system composed of several modules dedicated for a gas sensors...
A testing method of analog parts of mixed-signal electronic systems equipped with the IEEE1149.1 test bus
PublicationA new solution of the JTAG BIST for testing analog circuits in mixed-signal electronic microsystems controlled by microcontrollers and equipped with the IEEE1149.1 bus is presented. It is based on a new fault diagnosis method in which an analog circuit is stimulated by a buffered signal from the TMS line, and the time response of the circuit to this signal is sampled by the ADC equipped with the JTAG. The method can be used for...
Miniaturized impedance analyzer using AD5933
PublicationThe paper presents the analyzer allowing to measure impedance in a range of 10 ohms <|Zx|<10 Gohms in a wide frequency range from 10 mHz up to 100 kHz. The device specific features are: miniaturization, low power consumptions and the use of impedance measurement method based on DSP. These features were possible thanks to the use of newest generation of large scale integration chips: e.g. „system on a chip” microsystems (AD5933)...
Miniaturized impedance analyzer using AD5933
PublicationThe paper presents the analyzer allowing to measure impedance in a range of 10 ohms <|Zx|<10 Gohms in a wide frequency range from 10 mHz up to 100 kHz. The device specific features are: miniaturization, low power consumptions and the use of impedance measurement method based on DSP. These features were possible thanks to the use of newest generation of large scale integration chips: e.g. „system on a chip” microsystems (AD5933)...
Protection System Design of Induction Motor for Industries
PublicationThe fundamental and durable structures of induction motor, as well as their low manufacturing cost, make them popular components in a wide range of current applications. Providing a safety net for employees is a must-have for businesses. This project’s motivation for improvement is to provide industrial motors, lift motors, pumps, and so on with safety. An induction motor’s primary goal is to protect it from problems, such as...
Protection System Design of Induction Motor for Industries
PublicationThe fundamental and durable structures of induction motor, as well as their low manufacturing cost, make them popular components in a wide range of current applications. Providing a safety net for employees is a must-have for businesses. This project’s motivation for improvement is to provide industrial motors, lift motors, pumps, and so on with safety. An induction motor’s primary goal is to protect it from problems, such as...
Greenhouse control system design
PublicationCoraz większa populacja i zmniejszające się tereny uprawne wymusza efektywniejsze metody uprawy roślin. Zaradzić temu mogą układu hydroponiczne, które dzięki rozwojowi techniki są w stanie osiągać znacznie większe oraz bardziej jednorodne plony. Jest to możliwe dzięki zaawansowanym systemom opartym na dokładnych urządzeniach pomiarowych, sterowaniu w zamkniętej pętli oraz mikrokontrolerom umożliwiającym...