total: 312
Catalog Publications
Year 2025
Responsive and proactive market orientation and hospital financial performance: The mediating effect of service program innovativeness
PublicationPURPOSE: The study aims to investigate the direct and indirect relationships among market orientation, service program innovativeness, and the financial performance of hospitals. Two types of market orientation – responsive and proactive – were considered, along with two dimensions of service program innovativeness: meaningfulness and novelty. METHODOLOGY: T he study gathered data through a survey conducted on a random sample of...
Year 2024
AI-powered Customer Relationship Management – GenerativeAI-based CRM – Einstein GPT, Sugar CRM, and MS Dynamics 365
PublicationGenerative artificial intelligence (GenAI) and its implementation in successive business management support systems is a rapidly growing area of theoretical consideration, ongoing research, discourse and application in practice. Recently, the implementation of of GenAI in customer relationship management (CRM) systems has been observed. Accordingly, the aim of this article is to identify areas where GenAI can enhance CRM systems,...
Exploring the role of brand experience in driving consumer emotions and engagement with sports brands in Australia
PublicationPurpose: This paper aims to fill the theoretical gap in understanding and practical implementation by examining how sports brands in Australia use brand experience to link emotional response and brand engagement. Design/methodology/approach: The study fits into the positivist paradigm. The starting point is the stimulus-organism-response theory. A quantitative method, which is an online survey, was used to collect data. Responses...
The concept of the impact of market orientation on company performance
PublicationThe current explanation of the impact of market orientation on company performance is based on the search for competitive advantage, understood as offering the greatest value to customers. However, the development of economic thought has led to the understanding that it is the economic value that a company creates through its product that forms the basis for gaining competitive advantage. Therefore, it was deemed necessary to revise...
Year 2023
Driving the Image of an Electricity Supplier through Marketing Activities
PublicationThe aim of this study is to determine how marketing actions undertaken within the marketing mix by electricity providers influence their image. Referring to the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory, research hypotheses were formulated, and a regression model was constructed, assuming positive impacts of selected marketing actions of electricity providers on their image. A quantitative approach was employed to test the research...
Measuring the effectiveness of digital communication - social media performance: an example of the role played by AI-assisted tools at a university
PublicationThe aim of the article is to show the role played by AI-powered tools in measuring the effectiveness of digital communication in social media using a university case study. Therefore, a research problem was formulated to identify the metrics (KPIs) used to measure the effectiveness – non-financial outcomes – of digital social media communication at the university using AI tools. The literature review on the role of AI in digital...
PublicationIt is acknowledged that achieving product-based competitive advantage is a key task for a company. However, there is still a research gap in determining those specific actions in the process of developing new products that arise from companies' efforts to achieve product-based competitive advantage. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the specific actions in the new product development (NPD) process that result from...
The Impact of Generative AI and ChatGPT on Creating Digital Advertising Campaigns
PublicationThe use of AI-based solutions is currently discussed in relation to various industries. The proliferation of tools based on generative artificial intelligence (GAI), including the emergence of ChatGPT, has resulted in testing as a first step and implementations in further areas of business life, including marketing, as a second step. Still only a few studies have analysed and evaluated specific solutions for different areas of...
Year 2022
Enhancing Customer Engagement in Social Media with AI – a Higher Education case study
PublicationPurpose. The study aims to demonstrate the importance of artificial intelligence (AI) and examples of tools based on it in the process of enhancing (building, measuring, and managing) customer engagement (CE) in social media in the higher education industry. CE is one of the current essential non-financial indicators of company performance in Digital Marketing strategy. The article presents a decision support system (DSS) based...
Gender differences in the perception of the Quality of College Life in Spanish University
PublicationThrough the current research, we intend to analyse how students differ in their levels of quality of college life (QCL) according to gender, and how this relates to overall quality of life (QoL) and loyalty [measured by Identification and word of mouth (WoM)] to their specific university. The survey included 243 students attending public university in Spain. The results obtained through the analysis of data allow affirming that...
Neuroeconomy and Neuromarketing: The Study of the Consumer Behaviour in the COVID-19 Context
PublicationTo address the study of consumer behavior in the post-COVID-19 era, the present Research Topic brings together a set of papers that attempt to study how different factors triggered by the pandemic have achieved a significant effect on consumers' behavioral intentions. These papers examine different subtopics related to food, health products, collaborative economy and, of course, neuroscience. Globally, the objectives of this special...
Szacowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej w procesie rozwoju nowego produktu - ujęcie praktyczne
PublicationCelem rozdziału jest przedstawienie koncepcji szacowania przewagi konkurencyjnej w procesie rozwoju nowego produktu. Potrzeba takiego szacunku wynika z przyjęcia założenia mówiącego, że nadrzędnym celem rozwoju nowego produktu jest takie jego kształtowanie, które umożliwi przedsiębiorstwu tworzenie przewagi konkurencyjnej. Planowanie i monitorowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej w projektach nowych produktów wymaga ustalenia, w jaki...
The Impact of a New Product’s Novelty and Meaningfulness on its Commercial Performance
Publications new product development (NPD) process encompasses creative actions, so a new product is characterized by two essential dimensions used to describe any creative output – namely novelty and meaningfulness. Therefore, businesses are faced with the questions to what extent and under what market conditions to develop each of these dimensions in order to obtain high new product commercial performance. Based on gaps indentified in the...
Trust in Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM): the concept and the most important determinants
PublicationeWOM and trust in it is now the most important factor in determining buyers' purchasing behavior. Familiarity with the determinants of trust establishes the formation of appropriate marketing activities. However, the growing number of new forms of eWOM and its increasingly complex and multidimensional nature have created a lot of confusion. The article aims to organize the concepts related to trust in eWOM, to indicate the most...
Wiedza rynkowa i twórczość w kształtowaniu nowych produktów
PublicationTematyka niniejszej monografii osadzona jest w dyscyplinie nauk o zarządzaniu i jakości, w pracy podjęto bowiem problematykę wyjaśnienia osiągania przez przedsiębiorstwo pożądanych rezultatów (np. przewagi konkurencyjnej, wyników handlowych nowych produktów) na podstawie rozwoju nowych produktów. Uwaga została skupiona na produktach materialnych kierowanych zarówno do konsumentów, jak i do organizacji. Wśród czynników warunkujących...
Year 2021
A new concept of contemporary marketing
PublicationPurpose: This conceptual paper aims to propose a new concept of marketing that responds well to the needs of a changing world, taking into account the continuous development of the service economy and the revolution in the development of the Internet and related tools. Methodology/Approach: The proposed concept is based on well-researched theories: service marketing, experience marketing, relationship marketing and digital marketing...
Otwarte innowacje w polskich małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach
PublicationNiniejsza monografia poświęcona jest analizie związku między działalnością innowacyjną małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw a otwartymi innowacjami. Publikacja wpisuje się w szeroki nurt badań empirycznych nad otwartymi innowacjami oraz stanowi uzupełnienie luki poznawczej dotyczącej badania zależności między wykorzystaniem OI a aktywnością innowacyjną polskich małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw. Badania empiryczne, których fragment...
Współczesny Word of Mouth – dylematy pojęciowe
PublicationPrzekaz ustny (Word of Mouth) jest obecnie jednym z najważniejszych czynników, które mają wpływ na klientów podczas podejmowania decyzji o zakupie, a także na zarządzanie ich zachowaniami w procesie dokonywania zakupów. Szczególne znaczenie ma on w przypadku dóbr niematerialnych, o wysokim ryzyku zakupu, jakim są usługi. Rosnąca liczba jego nowych form i coraz bardziej skomplikowana natura, związana głównie z umieszczaniem opinii...
Zaangażowanie konsumenta w usługach w ujęciu logiki dominacji usługowej
PublicationW odniesieniu do opracowanego modelu koncepcyjnego integrującego teorie zaangażowania klienta (ang. CE) i logiki dominacji usług (ang. S-D logic) zrealizowano badanie ilościowe wśród konsumentów usług. Wyniki badania pozwoliły na weryfikację założeń teoretycznych i potwierdzenie słuszności zakładanych powiązań między zmiennymi modelu. Wykorzystując konfirmacyjną analizę czynnikową (ang. CFA), potwierdzono strukturę czynnikową badanej...
Year 2020
Consumerism in Poland – a fact or a myth?
PublicationPurpose Consumerism, understood as excessive consumption, poses a vital problem in the world, and requires taking appropriate steps and actions in individual countries depending on the extent and nature of this phenomenon. The purpose of this paper is to examine the phenomenon of consumerism in Poland, with partial reference to other EU countries and to answer the question whether there is consumerism as such in Poland. Design/methodology/approach...
Exploring the Role of Social Media Use Motives, Psychological Well-Being, Self-Esteem, and Affect in Problematic Social Media Use
PublicationGiven recent advances in technology, connectivity, and the popularity of social media platforms, recent literature has devoted great attention to problematic Facebook use. However, exploring the potential predictors of problematic social media use beyond Facebook use has become paramount given the increasing popularity of multiple alternative platforms. In this study, a sample of 584 social media users (Mage = 32.28 years; 67.81%...
Marketing relacji we współczesnym świecie
PublicationTeoria i praktyka marketingu ulegają ciągłej ewolucji, podążając za zmianami gospodarczymi, społecznymi oraz technologicznymi i dostosowując się do nich. Obecne trendy, które napędzają zmiany w globalnym świecie biznesu powodują, że silne relacje z klientami są bardziej niż kiedykolwiek, niezbędne dla strategii firm, które chcą osiągać przewagę konkurencyjną. Nowe warunki działania przedsiębiorstw to również świat, w którym miesza...
Relacje międzyorganizacyjne w dobie Industry 4.0
PublicationStrukturę opracowania zbudowano w odniesieniu do zagadnienia relacji międzyorganizacyjnych. Omawianą kwestię osadzono w obecnych realiach Industry 4.0. Celem monografii jest omówienie roli Industry 4.0 w budowaniu i rozwoju relacji międzyorganizacyjnych oraz w kształtowaniu ich specyfiki. W pięciu rozdziałach przedstawiono aspekty „sieciowego” powiązania różnych podmiotów i jednostek na gruncie teorii zarządzania. Opracowanie otwiera...
Wpływ cyfrowej komunikacji marketingowej na angażowanie się w markę i współtworzenie jej wartości przez młodych konsumentów
PublicationGłównym celem badań jest identyfikacja czynników i powiązań istotnych w procesie pozytywnego odziaływania komunikacji marketingowej online na angażowanie się młodych konsumentów w markę, a następnie ponawianie przez nich zakupów oraz współtworzenie wartości marek. W przeprowadzonym badaniu zdecydowano się na wykorzystanie paradygmatu pragmatycznego, gdyż pozwala on łączyć metody badawcze, strategie, techniki i procedury charakterystyczne...
Year 2019
Customer Engagement Consequences for Firms
PublicationPurpose: Customer engagement (CE) is a customers’ voluntary resource contribution to firms’ functions, and it goes beyond transactions during customers’ behavioral manifestations toward the brand or firm’s offerings or activities. The effective CE management requires to understand the potential CE effects, and leverage the potential benefit and threat of CE, however negative consequences or risks of CE have remained unexplored...
Laxer Clinical Criteria for Gaming Disorder May Hinder Future Efforts to Devise an Efficient Diagnostic Approach: A Tree-Based Model Study
PublicationInternet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been recognized in May 2013 and can be evaluated using the criteria developed by American Psychiatric Association (APA). The present study investigated the role each IGD criteria plays in diagnosing disordered gaming. A total of 3,377 participants (mean age 20 years, SD = 4.3 years) participated in the study. The data collected was scrutinized to detect patterns...
Market knowledge and new product performance: the mediating effects of new product performance
PublicationMarket knowledge is recognised as an important predictor of new product performance, which existing studies have proven. However, a missing link in this relationship is creativity, and specifically, as a natural process in product innovation. This study aims to examine a model that includes two mediating mechanisms between market knowledge scope and two new product outcomes, respectively: a new product’s competitive advantage and...
Market orientation and hotel performance: The mediating effect of creative marketing programs
PublicationThis work investigates the indirect effects between market orientation and hotel performance through creative marketing programs. The focus is on exploring the indirect effects between 1) customer orientation, competitor orientation, and cross-functional integration; and 2) hotel financial performance through two aspects of creative marketing programs, namely, novelty and meaningfulness. Through an empirical analysis using structural equation...
The authenticity in social media. Club and football players’ relations
PublicationThe authenticity in social media is one of the crucial factors of brands success. In the era of fake news, illusions, manipulations or other artificial attributes of the virtuality and reality today it is a real source of value. The presented study aims to verify how football club and football players’ brands’ authenticity influence attitudinal loyalty in social media. Findings proved that the authenticity is something social media...
The Effect of Online Reviews on Consumer-Based Brand Equity: Case-Study of the Polish Restaurant Sector
PublicationPurpose: This paper focuses on the effects of positive and negative online reviews (eWOM) on the metrics of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) in the context of the Polish restaurant sector. Methodology: The dedicated online survey was completed by 777 consumers, which we then analyzed with structural equation modeling. Each catering outlet was to allow to order meals online. We used descriptive analysis, confirmatory factor analysis,...
PublicationThe development of social media has a substantial impact on the surge of social engagement of Internet users. It is particularly prominent in the domain of content creation and content sharing. Such communication may contain various references to different products brands and companies. Internet users may refer to them explicitly or brands may be present in the background only. Therefore, it is pivotal for managers and researchers...
The Technological Advancement of New Products, Product Newness and Market Information
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to propose product newness and obtaining market information as mediators of the relationship between the technological advancement of a new product and its commercial success. So far, little is known about the mediators of this relationship but knowledge about the factors that strengthen or weaken it is valid, both for the theory and practice of new product management. On the one hand, product newness...
Year 2018
Creating Hotel Services from a Perspective of Extraordinary Customer Experience
PublicationThis conceptual article aims to explore the process of providing hotel services in the context of requirements arising from the experience economy. Both the concept of experience marketing and the concept of customer experience management provided a theoretical framework for the discussion. Based on a review of literature and conclusions derived from hotel managers’ experiences, a research model is proposed, which may be of some...
Different sources of market information and product innovativeness
PublicationThe purpose of this study is to identify whether the gathering of market information from different sources – i.e. from customers, competitors and other entities – is related to product innovativeness. The relationships proposed so far have not been empirically investigated but they can have important theoretical and practical implications for product innovation. To achieve the purpose of the paper data concerning 287 new products...
PublicationOd momentu pojawienia się koncepcji marketingu usług przechodzi ona nieustającą ewolucję. Pojawiające się nowe trendy ( Service-Dominant Logic, Service Logic, New Service Marketing) i obszary badań marketingu usług (np. Transformative Service Research) skłaniają do dokonywania podsumowań pewnego etapu rozwoju i stawiania pytań, w którym kierunku powinny podążać badania marketingu usług w przyszłości. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie...
Personal Brand Authenticity and Social Media: The Top 5 Football Players’ Case
Publicationhe authenticity is a key factor which attracts the interest of young consumers in the more and more dominant virtual world full of “fake news”,“fake images”, and “fake impressions”. The celebrity authenticity is also important when it comes to gain the positive attitude of the audience and the success in the long term. The unique talent is crucial for all stars. According to football stars, the authenticity of their personal brands...
Psychometric assessment of the Internet Gaming Disorder diagnostic criteria: An Item Response Theory study
PublicationInternet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been recognized by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) as a tentative disorder in the latest fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). In order to advance research on IGD, the APA has suggested that further research on the nine IGD criteria to investigate its clinical and empirical feasibility is necessary. The aim of the present study was to develop...
Sources of Market Information, Its Quality and New Product Financial Performance
PublicationWhile we observe a growing interest in the role of market information in new product development (NPD), existing research has still largely ignored the quality of market information that is a crucial issue in the era of the information society. What does affect the quality of market information in new product development projects, and how does this quality influence the financial performance of new products? In this paper, we address...
The effects of perceived risk, brand value, and brand trust on eWOM
PublicationUnrestricted access to the Internet, mobile devices, social applications and offering shopping comment options via online stores and platforms, encourages customers to generate online reviews about brands. That is why it became important to learn about the factors that motivate customers to create electronic word of mouth (eWOM). The survey aimed to check if there are links between perceived brand value, perceived risk, brand trust...
Year 2017
Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Loyalty
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to review, systematize, and summarize empirical research on the antecedents and consequences of brand loyalty. The literature review has identified five categories of antecedents to brand loyalty associated with consumer, brand, social, corporate and relational factors. The type of loyalty formed varies according to the combination of various antecedents, with premium loyalty being considered the...
Brand loyalty creation in the social network. Does the product category matter?
PublicationThe final goal of all marketers’ effort is to achieve a high level of loyalty toward their brands. Social network brand sites are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand loyalty creation. The aim of this research, based on European sample, is to fill the gap in understanding the product category loyalty and brand loyalty relation as an output of brand identification...
Consumer social network brand identification and personal branding. How do social network users choose among brand sites?
PublicationBrands’ social networking sites (fan pages) are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand value creation. The aim of this research is to understand better how users choose among social networking sites as an act of brand identification. The study presents a new model whose structure of identification drivers for social networking brand sites varies for customer...
Consumerism and the Quality of Life
PublicationHigh level of consumption, driven by marketing activities, the pleasure and joy of possession and the accumulation of material goods are often associated with prosperity, sense of happiness and fulfilment in life. On a broader scale, economic indicators related to production and consumption are used to define the well-being and quality of life in societies. Unfortunately, the phenomenon of consumerism entails negative social and...
Entrepreneurship in Virtual Economy: the Case of Currency One SA
PublicationPurpose: The scientific purpose of the study is an attempted synthesis of interpretation of “the virtual economy” and “the virtual environment” in the Polish and foreign literature on the subject. The cognitive purpose thereof is to offer an identification and a qualitative analysis of the factors that determine the development of e-entrepreneurship using an example of business practice. Methodology: The theoretical basis of the...
Literature Review on Conceptualisation of Online Consumer Engagement
PublicationThe purpose of the current study is to develop a literature review on “online consumer engagement” (OCE). Articles from 2006 to 2016 published in the marketing journals and other related journals have been reviewed to summarise the OCE concept. Although there is not an agreed definition and conceptualisation of OCE, this study classified the concept as either behavioural or psychological within the dimensions of cognitive, emotional,...
Personal Branding and Brand Loyalty, Social Network Users Brand Identification: Polish-French Model
PublicationSocial network brand sites are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand value creation. The aim of this research, based on a multinational sample, is to fill the gap in understanding how users choose among social networking sites as an act of brand identification. The authors of the paper point to the fact that creating a personal brand is becoming more...
Postrzegana użyteczność serwisu www, zaufanie i satysfakcja użytkowników a ich lojalność – model teoretyczny i wyniki badania
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badania, w którym weryfikowano oddziaływanie postrzeganej użyteczności serwisu www na lojalność użytkowników przez dwie zmienne pełniące funkcję mediatorów, to znaczy zaufanie i satysfakcję użytkowników. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród 136 studentów w odniesieniu do serwisu www określonego wydziału jednej z krajowych uczelni za pomocą ankiety internetowej. Wyniki badania wskazują, że postrzegana użyteczność...
Pozyskiwanie informacji rynkowych, przewidywalność rynku a wyniki nowych produktów
PublicationCelem pracy jest empiryczna weryfikacja trzech efektów mediacyjnych pomiędzy, z jednej strony, gromadzeniem informacji rynkowych od nabywców, konkurentów i innych podmiotów rynkowych, a z drugiej strony, wynikami uzyskiwanymi w zakresie nowych produktów. Jako zmienną pośredniczącą każdej z tych relacji przyjęto przewidywalność rynku. Podstawę empiryczną stanowiły dane zebrane wśród krajowych przedsiębiorstw wysokiej i średnio-wysokiej techniki....
Relationships between Trust and Collaborative Culture in The Context of Tacit Knowledge Sharing
PublicationThe literature review presents a lot of theoretical and empirical evidence that Trust affects Collaborative Culture. The opposite also proves to be true: Collaborative Culture influences Trust. The main hypothesis presented in this paper says that both these factors are strongly correlated and modify each other. This study examines the mutual relationship of the said variables in the context of Tacit Knowledge Sharing based on...
Selfie and Personal Branding Phenomena in the Context of the Network Economy. A Literature Review
PublicationSelf-taken pictures called “selfies” shared in social media have become a worldwide phenomenon. This is due to the increased need of human being to share to other people their daily lives and to build their own personal brand in the networked world. Despite that, the subject of personal branding has not been sufficiently discussed in academic marketing literature over the past decade. The objective of the study is to present the...