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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: HIGH ENERGY RADIATION
Heat recovery from the hybrid photovoltaic tile – experimental studies with the solar light simulator
PublikacjaConsidering the current development of micro-cogeneration energy sources, supported by the national prosumer policy and the act on the renewable energy sources, there is a great demand for the effective solar technologies. In this area, the photovoltaic cells with a combined conversion of the solar radiation energy into the electrical and thermal energy (PV/T cells) seem to be attractive. They are already widely available and treated...
Does the low optical band gap of yellow Bi3YO6 guarantee the photocatalytical activity under visible light illumination?
PublikacjaBi3YO6, which is known as an ionic conductor, was tested here as an electrode and photoanode in contact with aqueous electrolytes. Bi3YO6 was deposited onto the Pt substrate and the such prepared electrode was polarized in various aqueous electrolytes. The optical energy band gap of the material equal to 1.89 eV was determined using the Kubelka-Munk function resulting from the UV-Vis spectrum (allowed indirect transition) and also...
Recent advances in high-frequency modeling by means of domain confinement and nested kriging
PublikacjaDevelopment of modern high-frequency components and circuits is heavily based on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. Some phenomena, although important from the point of view of the system performance, e.g., EM cross-coupling effects, feed radiation in antenna arrays, substrate anisotropy, cannot be adequately accounted for using simpler means such as equivalent network representations. Consequently, the involvement...
TiO2 nanotubes modification by photodeposition with noble metals: Characterization, optimization, photocatalytic activity, and by-products analysis
PublikacjaSelf-organized TiO2 nanotubes (TNTs) with 4 µm length were obtained by anodization method and calcined to obtain anatase crystallite phase. The photocatalysts were further decorated with Au, Ag, Pt or Pd nanoparticles (NPs), varying the metal loads (0.50, 0.75, 1, 2 and 5 mol%) by photodeposition. The material characterization confirmed the presence of nanoparticles in the TNTs surface, signs of the localized surface plasmon resonance...
Design and Optimization of Metamaterial-Based 5G Millimeter Wave Antenna for Gain Enhancement
PublikacjaIn this brief, a low profile, broadband, high-gain antenna array based on optimized metamaterials (MMs) with dual-beam radiation is reported for 5G millimeters wave (mm-wave) applications. The design is a simple bow tie operating at a 5G band of 28 GHz. It consists of two bow ties with substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)-based power splitter. A broad impedance bandwidth of 26.3−29.8 GHz is obtained by appropriately combining the...
Overview of Metamaterials-Integrated Antennas for Beam Manipulation Applications: The Two Decades of Progress
PublikacjaMetamaterials (MMs) are synthetic composite structures with superior properties not found in naturally occurring materials. MMs have gained massive attention over the last two decades because of their extraordinary properties, such as negative permittivity and permeability. These materials enable many applications in communication subsystems, especially in the field of antenna design, to enhance gain, bandwidth, and efficiency,...
PublikacjaIn today’s world, fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and gas, are the primary energy sources from which electricity is obtained. As they are exhaustible and their exploitation has a negative impact on the natural environment, they should be, at least partially, replaced by renewable energy sources. One of these sources is solar energy. The use of solar energy releases no CO2, SO2, or NO2 gases, and does not contribute to global...
Compact Dual-Polarized Corrugated Horn Antenna for Satellite Communications
PublikacjaIn this paper, a structure and design procedure of a novel compact dual-polarized corrugated horn antenna with high gain and a stable phase center for satellite communication is presented. The antenna incorporates an Ortho-Mode Transducer (OMT), a mode converter, and a corrugated structure. The compact OMT section is designed to be fed by standard WR-75 waveguides. The proposed compact design utilizes only ten corrugated slots...
Quantitative study of free convective heat losses from thermodynamic partitions using Thermal Imaging
PublikacjaThe following paper presents a simple method of determining the presence, distribution and values of heat losses from external building walls as thermodynamic partitions using a Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC). According to Fourier's equation, the value of heat loss is proportional to the temperature gradient ∂t/∂y|y=0 in air in the y direction perpendicular to the heated surface. Unfortunately, air temperature cannot be measured...
The Physicochemical and Antibacterial Properties of Chitosan-Based Materials Modified with Phenolic Acids Irradiated by UVC Light
PublikacjaThis paper concerns the physicochemical properties of chitosan/phenolic acid thin films irradiated by ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths between 200 and 290 nm (UVC) light. We investigated the preparation and characterization of thin films based on chitosan (CTS) with tannic (TA), caffeic (CA) and ferulic acid (FA) addition as potential food‐packaging materials. Such materials were then exposed to the UVC light (254 nm) for...
Optimal bandgap of a single-junction photovoltaic cell for the mobile Internet-of-Things
PublikacjaThe procedure for determining the maximum power of a single-junction photovoltaic cell operating in various types of lighting is presented. This is a key issue for photovoltaics powering the mobile Internet-of-Things (IoTs). The simulations performed are based on the detailed balance principle, without any of simplifying assumptions included in the Shockley-Queisser model. Optimal energy bandgap for diffuse solar light was found...
Ultra-Compact SIRC-Based Self-Triplexing Antenna with High Isolation
PublikacjaAn ultra-compact self-triplexing antenna realized on a substrate-integrated rectangular cavity (SIRC) is discussed in this study. The proposed structure employs two L-shaped slots and an in-verted U-shaped slot to radiate at three independent operating frequency bands. Three 50-ohm microstrip feed lines are used to excite the radiation in these slots. The operating frequency is individually tuned using the slot size. The slot placement...
Air journal bearing utilizing near-field acoustic levitation: stationary shaft case
PublikacjaResults of a study to examine a unique idea of self-levitating journal bearing are presented in this paper. the idea represents a radical departure from the current bearing technology. it utilisesacoustic levitation, which relies on the sound energy radiated by an object supporting a load. acoustic levitation has been demonstrated to support loads of up to 10 kg. in order to support a load theacoustic wave emitted by the radiating...
Improved finite element method for flow, heat and solute transport of Prandtl liquid via heated plate
PublikacjaIn the current study, a vertical, 3D-heated plate is used to replicate the generation of heat energy and concentration into Prandtl liquid. We discuss how Dufour and Soret theories relate to the equations for concentration and energy. In order to see how efectively particles, interact with heat and a solvent, hybrid nanoparticles are used. It does away with the phenomena of viscous dissipation and changing magnetic felds. The motivation...
SEI Growth and Depth Profiling on ZFO Electrodes by Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
PublikacjaZnFe2O4 (ZFO) Li-ion batteries (LIBs) represent a reliable, affordable, and safe energy storage technology for use in portable application. However, current LIB active materials (graphite, lithium/transition metal spinel or layered oxides, olivine structures) can store only limited energy since they rely on insertion storage based on solid-state host-guest interactions. Moreover, performances and durability of the cells are strongly...
The Imaging of Gdansk Bay Seabed by Using Side Sonar
PublikacjaThis paper is mainly aimed at presentation of an impact of environmental conditions on imaging accuracy by using hydro-acoustic systems in waters of a high non-uniformity of spatial distribution of hydrological parameters. Impact of refraction on erroneous estimation of range, in case of wave radiation into water under a large angle, like in side sonars or multi-beam echo-sounders, is especially important. In this paper seasonal...
Nanotechnology meets radiobiology: Fullerenols and Metallofullerenols as nano-shields in radiotherapy
PublikacjaDespite significant advances in the development of radioprotective measures, the clinical application of radioprotectors and radiomitigators remains limited due to insufficient efficacy and high toxicity of most agents. Additionally, in oncological radiotherapy, these compounds may interfere with the therapeutic effectiveness. Recent progress in nanotechnology highlights fullerenols (FulOHs) and metallofullerenols (Me@FulOHs) as...
Radionuclides activity and effective doses referred to geological formations
PublikacjaNaturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) are present in Earth’s crust and they caused natural background radiation, variable in different regions. Liquid, gas and solid radionuclides emit three types of radiation – alpha, beta and gamma. Fluctuations of natural radioactivity in different geological formations in the world and in Poland were compared in relation to radiological hazard. Also drilling cuttings from boreholes...
Natural radioactivity of solid and liquid phases from shale oil and gas prospection in Pomerania
PublikacjaIonizing radiation intensity data and estimation of equivalent absorbed dose from solid and liquid samples from prospection of shale gas and oil at selected sites in Pomerania are presented. Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) are associated with geological formations or fluids and can be enhanced during oil and gas production. They appear in e.g. drilling cuttings, flow back water, produced water, scale and sludge....
Connectivity Improvement in Wireless Sensor Networks Using ESPAR Antennas with Dielectric Overlays
PublikacjaThis article presents an electrically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) switched beam antenna with a dielectric overlay to miniaturize the antenna and modify the radiation pattern in the vertical plane. The antenna is intended for a gateway in a wireless sensor network (WSN) and is located on the ceiling of a room. Because the ESPAR antenna consists of an array of vertical monopoles, there is a deep minimum in the radiation...
Metody doboru miejsc zainstalowania zasobników energii w sieciach elektroenergetycznych niskiego napięcia
PublikacjaW związku z rosnącą liczbą źródeł odnawialnych przyłączanych do sieci niskiego napięcia (nn) jakość energii elektrycznej w tej sieci ulega pogorszeniu. Jedną z metod jej poprawiania jest instalowanie zasobników energii, tj. baterii akumulatorów, superkondensatorów czy kół zamachowych. Zasobniki energii są w stanie złagodzić dobową zmienność obciążenia, skompensować moc bierną i wyższe harmoniczne oraz zmniejszyć asymetrię obciążenia...
Certyfikacja wielokryterialna jako narzędzie kształtowania wysokiej jakości przestrzeni miejskiej
PublikacjaCelem tego artykułu jest omówienie systemów certyfikacji wielokryterialnej - zarówno narzędzi służących ocenie pojedynczych budynków, jak i zespołów zabudowy. Przeanalizowano rolę systemów certyfikacji oraz innowacyjnych technologii jako sposobu redukcji zużycia energii i osiągania wysokiej jakości energetycznej środowiska zbudowanego.
Wpływ widma promieniowania optycznego i położenia oprawy oświetleniowej wykorzystującej źródła elektroluminescencyjne na efektywność i minimalizację zużycia energii elektrycznej w farmie wertykalnej
PublikacjaRozprawa poświęcona jest optymalizacji modułów oświetlenia upraw roślinnych. W rozprawie wzięto pod uwagę zarówno wpływ widma światła modułów oświetlenia na własności użytkowe roślin, jak również aspektów energetycznych (oszczędność energii elektrycznej) oraz ogólnej sprawności modułów oświetlenia. W rozprawie udowodniono, że zindywidualizowany dobór widma promieniowania optycznego oprawy oświetleniowej stosowanej do uprawy roślin...
Możliwości ograniczenia zużycia energii napędowej urządzeń przez optymalizację doboru wymienników ciepła, właściwą konfigurację i kontrolę przepływu płynów roboczych
PublikacjaArtykuł poświęcony możliwości ograniczenia zużycia energii napędowej urządzeń na drodze optymalizacji doboru wymienników ciepła, właściwej konfiguracji i kontroli przepływu płynów roboczych. Przedstawiono w nim ocenę zużycia energii w systemach energetycznych o największej energochłonności w realiach Polski. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwość wykorzystania wymienników ciepła o wysokiej efektywności dla zmniejszenia oporu przenoszenia...
Metamaterial-Based Series-Fed Antenna with High Gain and Wideband Performance for Millimeter Wave Spectrum Applications
PublikacjaThis paper presents a high-gain, wideband series-fed antenna designed for 5G millimeter-wave (MMW) applications. The structure employs a substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW)-based power splitter and metamaterials (MMs). The power divider functions effectively at 27.5 GHz, exhibiting an impedance bandwidth from 26.9–28.6 GHz. The series-fed dipole is assembled on the SIW-based power splitter, incorporating four dipoles with varying...
Design of a Planar UWB Dipole Antenna with an Integrated Balun Using Surrogate-Based Optimization
PublikacjaA design of an ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with an integrated balun is presented. A fully planar balun configuration interfacing the microstrip input of the structure to the coplanar stripline (CPS) input of the dipole antenna is introduced. The electromagnetic (EM) model of the structure of interest includes the dipole, the balun, and the microstrip input to account for coupling and radiation effects over the UWB band. The EM...
Theory and application of Near-infrared spectroscopy
PublikacjaIn recent years one can observe a significant increase in the requirements on quality control in all industrial sectors. The growing number of involved analyses makes the traditional, time consuming, requiring use of large quantities of reagents, thus expansive methods inconvenient especially for industrial applications. Fortunately, there is a very fast, cheap and not invasive analytical method that is increasingly used in qualitative...
Stardust - Investigation of Microbes in the Stratosphere
PublikacjaThe stratospheric microbiome has been investigated several times using the methods of classical microbiology. In this experiment, we have combined them with some novel approaches including whole- metagenome amplification, Maldi TOF mass spectrometry and Sanger DNA sequencing. The results of the experiment may provide the scientists with knowledge about the mechanisms of survivability of microorganisms in stratospheric conditions...
Reverberation chamber in emc tests of naval systems
PublikacjaPaper covers the techniques of emission and immunity testing to the electromagnetic field in reverberation chamber. The procedure of he chamber calibration and field homogeneity assessment were covered. The naval forces' product as selected as an example for discussing the testing procedure in the chamber. The paper's summary gives the assortment of methodology in radiation emission testing and immunity to the electromagnetic field...
Design and Optimization of Metamaterial-based Highly-isolated MIMO Antenna with High Gain and Beam Tilting Ability for 5G Millimeter Wave Applications
PublikacjaThis paper presents a wideband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna with high gain and isolation, as well as beam tilting capability, for 5G millimeter wave (MMW) applications. A single bow-tie antenna fed by a substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) is proposed to cover the 28 GHz band (26.5–29.5 GHz) with a maximum gain of 6.35 dB. To enhance the gain, H-shaped metamaterial (MM)-based components are incorporated into the...
Filter-Hilbert Method for Automatic Correction of Non-Anechoic Antenna Measurements with Embedded Self-Calibration Mechanism
PublikacjaOne of the most important steps in the process of antenna development involves measurements of its prototype. Far-field performance of radiators is normally characterized in strictly controlled environments such as anechoic chambers which can ensure certification-grade accuracy. Unfortunately, they are also characterized by high construction costs which might not be justified for low-budget research and/or teaching-related activities....
The Synergistic Microbiological Effects of Industrial Produced Packaging Polyethylene Films Incorporated with Zinc Nanoparticles
PublikacjaZinc compounds in polyolefin films regulate the transmission of UV-VIS radiation, affect mechanical properties and antimicrobial activity. According to hypothesis, the use of zinc- containing masterbatches in polyethylene films (PE) with different chemical nature—hydrophilic zinc oxide (ZO) and hydrophobic zinc stearate (ZS)—can cause a synergistic effect, especially due to their antimicrobial properties. PE films obtained on an...
Magnetoacoustic Heating in Nonisentropic Plasma Caused by Different Kinds of Heating-Cooling Function
PublikacjaThe nonlinear phenomena which associate with magnetoacoustic waves in a plasma are analytically studied. A plasma is an open system with external inflow of energy and radiation losses. A plasma’s flow may be isentropically stable or unstable. The nonlinear phenomena occur differently in dependence on stability or instability of a plasma’s flow. The nonlinear instantaneous equation which describes dynamics of nonwave entropy mode...
An All-Metal Broadband Low SLL slot array antenna for use in 5G Sub-6 GHz networks
PublikacjaThis paper describes the design and implementation of an all-metal wideband cavity-backed slot array antenna specifically optimized for 5G sub-6GHz networks. The antenna is engineered to feature low sidelobe levels (SLL), which enhance signal clarity and reduce interference. The proposed antenna utilizes a novel approach, directly exciting all radiating slots through the cavity layer, thus eliminating the need for a complex and...
Wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej - diagnoza i terapia
PublikacjaW artykule przeanalizowano stan i dalszy rozwój krajowego sektora wytwarzania energii elektrycznej w świetle najnowszych raportów Międzynarodowej Agencji Energetycznej, wskazujących potencjalne trendy i perspektywy w światowej energetyce. Na tle przewidywanego wzrostu zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną wskazano na możliwość istotnego ograniczenia emisji CO2 drogą zastąpienia przestarzałych, nieefektywnych...
Redundant information encoding in QED during decoherence
PublikacjaBroadly understood decoherence processes in quantum electrodynamics, induced by neglecting either the radiation [L. Landau, Z. Phys. 45, 430 (1927)] or the charged matter [N. Bohr and L. Rosenfeld, K. Danske Vidensk. Selsk, Math.-Fys. Medd. XII, 8 (1933)], have been studied from the dawn of the theory. However, what happens in between, when a part of the radiation may be observed, as is the case in many real-life situations, has...
Applying response surface method to optimize the performance of a divergent-chimney solar power plant
PublikacjaOne of the effective tools to generate electricity from solar energy is Divergent-chimney solar power plant (DSPP). Divergent and cylindrical chimneys of solar power plants have different performances considering turbine pressure drop ratio (ft). For the first time, the divergent angle (DA) and solar radiation (SR) interaction effects on 〖ft〗_opt are discussed through applying the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Response...
Carnivorous plants used for green synthesis of silver nanoparticles with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity
PublikacjaIn this study, we exploit the anti-oxidative potential of four carnivorous plants to produce uniform and biologically active silver nanoparticles. The use of polyvinylpyrrolidone promoted syn-thesis of quasi-spherical nanoparticles characterized by stability and high uniformity. Their activity was tested against three human pathogens and three species of plant pathogenic bacteria. The study demonstrates the influence of synthesis...
Response of a fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer to refractive index and absorption changes – modelling and experiments
PublikacjaThis paper describes how the refractive index and the absorption of investigated substances change the spectrum of the optical radiation at the output of the fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer. The modeling of the operation of the interferometer takes into account not only the spectra of the refractive index and the absorption of the medium that is inside the cavity, but also spectra of the refractive indices of the core and...
Expedited design of microstrip antenna subarrays using surrogate-based optimization
PublikacjaComputationally efficient simulation-driven design of microstrip antenna subarrays is presented. The proposed design approach aims at simultaneous adjustment of all relevant geometry parameters of the subarray, which allows us to take into account the effect of the feeding network on the subarray radiation pattern (in particular, the side lobe level, SLL). In order to handle a large number of variables involved in the design process,...
The influence of electromagnetic pollution on living organisms – historical trends and forecasting changes
PublikacjaCurrent technologies have become a source of omnipresent electromagnetic pollution from generated electromagnetic fields and resulting electromagnetic radiation. In many cases this pollution is much stronger than any natural sources of electromagnetic fields or radiation. Wireless and radio communication, electric power transmission or devices in daily use such as smartphones, tablets and portable computers every day expose people...
The role of noble metals in TiO2 nanotubes for the abatement of parabens by photocatalysis, catalytic and photocatalytic ozonation
PublikacjaThe role of modified TiO2 nanotubes (TNTs) with noble metals was studied for photocatalysis, catalytic and photocatalytic ozonation of a paraben’s mixture. The TNTs were obtained by anodization and were modified by photodeposition with 0.25 mol% of Au, Pt or Pd. Results showed that solar photocatalysis led to higher degradation than UVA radiation, and under UVA radiation, the use of 3 Pt-TNTs (3 TNTs plates modified with Pt) and...
Elliptical slot UWB monopole antenna
PublikacjaThe UWB monopole antenna with elliptical radiating slot end and microstrip feeding line terminated with radial stub have been designed, fabricated and measured. The antenna show return loss less than -12 dB in the whole UWB bandwidth. Linearity of the reflection coefficient phase product have also been achieved. Radiation patterns of the antenna measured at three selected frequency points indicated regular, approximately omni directional...
Electrochemical and photoelectrochemical properties of the interface between titania nanotubes covered by conducting polymer in aqueous by conducting polymer in aqueous electrolytes – The effect of various geometry and electrolytes concentration
PublikacjaIn the present work we show the impact of nanotubes (NTs) geometry of titania utilized as a substrate in organic-inorganic systems acting as a p-n junction on efficient conversion of radiation energy into electrochemical energy. The electrolytic bath composition and electrolysis conditions were controlled in order to obtain TiO2NTs of various geometry as a result of electrochemical oxidation of titanium foil. The electrode material...
RSS-Based DoA Estimation Using ESPAR Antenna for V2X Applications in 802.11p Frequency Band
PublikacjaIn this paper, we have proposed direction-of arrival (DoA) estimation of incoming signals for V2X applications in 802. 11p frequency band, based on recording of received signal strength (RSS) at electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna's output port. The motivation of the work was to prove that ESPAR antenna used to increase connectivity and security in V2X communication can be also used for DoA estimation....
MHD Casson flow across a stretched surface in a porous material: a numerical study
PublikacjaIn this study, we examine the nature of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Casson flow of fluid across a stretched surface in a porous material. It studies how the behaviour of Casson fluids is affected by a number of variables, including thermal radiation, chemical processes, Joule heating, and viscosity dissipation. The Keller box strategy, based on the finite difference method (FDM), is used to tackle the complex numerical problem. Graphical...
Calibration-Free Single-Anchor Indoor Localization Using an ESPAR Antenna
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present a novel, low-cost approach to indoor localization that is capable of performing localization processes in real indoor environments and does not require calibration or recalibration procedures. To this end, we propose a single-anchor architecture and design based on an electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna and Nordic Semiconductor nRF52840 utilizing Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)...
Problems of Measuring Gas Content in Oil in a Two-Phase Flow: A Review
PublikacjaIn view of the necessity of measuring the air content in oil in two-phase flows in the context of general industry, a review of the most popular methods of measuring the air content in oil was carried out. This review includes an assessment of their advantages and disadvantages and of whether they meet criteria such as the degree of filling, the size and number of bubbles, verification, the absence of additional pressure drops,...
Numerical analysis by FEM and analytical study of the dynamic thermal behavior of hollow bricks with different cavity concentration
PublikacjaThis paper presents the investigation results on the influence of the cavity concentration in hollow bricks on static and dynamic thermal parameters: a time lag, a decrement factor, an equivalent thermal diffusivity (ETD) and an equivalent thermal conductivity (ETC). The dynamic thermal behavior of hollow bricks is studied with an optimized cavity shape to reduce the intensity of radiation and convective heat exchange. The thermal...
Numerical analysis by FEM and analytical study of the dynamic thermal behavior of hollow bricks with different cavity concentration
PublikacjaThis paper presents the investigation results on the influence of the cavity concentration in hollow bricks on static and dynamic thermal parameters: a time lag, a decrement factor, an equivalent thermal diffusivity (ETD) and an equivalent thermal conductivity (ETC). The dynamic thermal behavior of hollow bricks is studied with an optimized cavity shape to reduce the intensity of radiation and convective heat exchange. The thermal...