wszystkich: 584
wybranych: 138
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: environmental sciences
Three-dimensional hierarchical porous carbon derived from natural resources for highly efficient treatment of polluted water
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One-step synthesis of N-doped metal/biochar composite using NH3-ambiance pyrolysis for efficient degradation and mineralization of Methylene Blue
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Carbonized metal–organic frameworks with trapped cobalt nanoparticles as biocompatible and efficient azo-dye adsorbent
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Potassium citrate-derived porous carbon with high CO2 capture and Congo red adsorption performance
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Distribution of mercury in different environmental compartments in the aquatic ecosystem of the coastal zone of the Southern Baltic Sea
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Watershed characteristics and climate factors effect on the temporal variability of mercury in the southern Baltic Sea rivers
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Characterization of the fate of lipids in activated sludge
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono doświadczenie wykazujące transformację lipidów w aerobowych warunkach osadu czynnego. Wykazano, że całkowitej, początkowej zawartości lipidów (2000 mg/l) nie udało się obniżyć do wartości niższej niż 300 mg/l. Jednakże, zawartość poszczególnych kwasów tłuszczowych uległa drastycznym zmianom, zarówno spadkowi, jak i wzrostowi podczas wszystkich faz wzrostu mikrobiologicznego. Obserwowane zmiany zawartości indywidualnych...
Singlet oxygen-dominated peroxymonosulfate activation by layered crednerite for organic pollutants degradation in high salinity wastewater
PublikacjaAdvanced oxidation processes have been widely studied for organic pollutants treatment in water, but the degradation performance of radical-dominated pathway was severely inhibited by the side reactions between the anions and radicals, especially in high salinity conditions. Here, a singlet oxygen (1O2)-dominated non-radical process was developed for organic pollutants degradation in high salinity wastewater, with layered crednerite...
Acidity trace pollutants of urban rain and roof runoff from selected roof coverings
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono dane dotyczące chemizmu opadów atmosferycznych i wód spływnych pobranych na terenie dużej aglomeracji miejskiej. Oznaczane były: pH, aniony - chlorki, azotany i siarczany oraz metale ciężkie - cynk, ołów, miedź, kadm. Próbki były pobierane na terenie Trójmiasta i w Dąbrówce Tczewskiej koło Gdańska z budynków pokrytych nowymi i starymi pokryciami. Badania prowadzono od kwietnia do czerwca 2006.
Impact of soluble organic matter and particulate organic matter on anammox system: Performance, microbial community and N2O production
PublikacjaIn this study, the effects of soluble readily biodegradable COD (sCOD) and particulate slowly biodegradable COD (pCOD) on anammox process were investigated. The results of the longterm experiment indicated that a low sCOD/N ratio of 0.5 could accelerate the anammox and denitrification activity, to reach as high as 84.9% ±2.8% TN removal efficiency. Partial denitrification-anammox (PDN/anammox) and denitrification were proposed...
Groundwater recharge assessment in dry years
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Investigating the potential influence of biochar and traditional organic amendments on the bioavailability and transfer of Cd in the soil–plant system
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Evaluation of potentially toxic elements’ (PTEs) vertical distribution in sediments of Gafsa–Metlaoui mining basin (Southwestern Tunisia) using geochemical and multivariate statistical analysis approaches
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EIA in teaching sustainable development and environmental protection in engineering education
PublikacjaA multifaceted approach in teaching the environmental impact assessment (EIA) as a way to stress the role of environmental education in technical sciences is the focus of this article. The EIA is an example of an effective tool that supports spatial planning in implementing sustainable development. The aim is to present the idea and benefits of a facilitative and collaborative approach in teaching the EIA, stressing the role of...
The impact of lipophilicity on environmental processes, drug delivery and bioavailability of food components
PublikacjaLipophilic properties of the compound allow to predict its fate in living organisms and to propose the models of chemicals transport and accumulation in the ecosystem. Lipophilicity is also useful as the characteristic of chemicals in respect to their optimal attributes for specific biological and non-biological tasks. The lipophilicity descriptors define the potency of endo- and xenobiotics to metabolic transformations and their...
Chemometrics and Statistics | Multicriteria Decision Making
PublikacjaThis contribution describes the application of Multicriteria Decision Making tools in analytical chemistry. The general scheme of MCDM is presented to show its general steps. The most frequently applied in analytical sciences MCDM techniques – AHP, ELECTRE, PROMETHEE and TOPSIS – are briefly described and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The applications in analytical chemistry are selection of an appropriate...
Impact assessment culture in the European Union. Time for something new?
PublikacjaCurrent approaches and cultures for the economic evaluations of environmental and health policies may suffer from excessive reliance on a standard neoclassic economic toolbox that neglects alternative perspectives. This may prematurely limit the spectrum of available policy options. Here we show how the inclusion of neglected currents of thought such as non-Ricardian economics, bioeconomics and a set of qualitative-quantitative...
PublikacjaThe main aim of this work is to provide insight into a bibliometric analysis of Data Journals and Data Papers in terms of research areas, disciplines, publication year and country. In particular, we calculated many bibliometric indicators, especially: the number of publications and citations. Furthermore, this work also investigated the top 20 journals in which scientists published the largest number of Data Papers. It was found...
Evaluating experimental molecular physics studies of radiation damage in DNA*
PublikacjaThe field of Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMP) is a mature field exploring the spectroscopy, excitation, ionisation of atoms and molecules in all three phases. Understanding of the spectroscopy and collisional dynamics of AMP has been fundamental to the development and application of quantum mechanics and is applied across a broad range of disparate disciplines including atmospheric sciences, astrochemistry, combustion and environmental...
Art and Healthcare - Healing Potential of Artistic Interventions in Medical Settings
PublikacjaThe stereotype of a machine for healing seems to be well rooted in common thinking and social perception of hospital buildings. The technological aspect of healthcare architecture has been influenced for several years by three major factors. The first is linked to the necessity of providing safety and security in the environment of elevated epidemiological risk. The second concerns the need for incorporating advanced technology...
Spatial Modelling in Environmental Analysis and Civil Engineering
PublikacjaAs can be seen, Spatial Modelling in Environmental Analysis and Civil Engineering applies to a multitude of applications. In an attempt to bring the topic closer to potential readers, the special issue referred to security methods, optimization of calculations, conducting measurements and empirical tests. Each article has made an original contribution to the development of practical science that can be replicated by researchers...
Generation and Propagation of Nonlinear Waves in a Towing Tank
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of the research focused on linear and nonlinear wave generation and propagation in a deepwater towing tank equipped with a single flap-type wavemaker of variable draft. The problem of wave generation and propagation has been theoretically formulated and solved by applying an analytical method; linear and nonlinear solutions were obtained. The linear solution has been verified experimentally. The...
Nanoparticles: Synthesis, characteristics, and applications in analytical and other sciences
PublikacjaNanoparticles (NPs) are widely employed in different research areas, ranging from analytical chemistry and environmental science to medicine, the agriculture and pharmaceutical industry. This is mainly due to the unique characteristics of NPs and the novelty they introduce in such applications. In analytical chemistry, the role of NPs can differ depending on the nature of the steps involved in analytical process. NPs are probably...
Bibliometric analysis and literature review of ultrasound-assisted degradation of organic pollutants
PublikacjaUltrasound as a clean, efficient, and cheap technique gains special attention in wastewater treatment. Ultrasound alone or coupled with hybrid processes have been widely studied for the treatment of pollutants in wastewater. Thus, it is essential to conduct a review about the research development and trends on this emerging technique. This work presents a bibliometric analysis of the topic associated with multiple tools such as...
Looking for Resistance to Soft Rot Disease of Potatoes Facing Environmental Hypoxia
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Green aspects of techniques for the determination of currently used pesticides in environmental samples
PublikacjaPesticides are among the most dangerous environmental pollutants because of their stability, mobility and long-term effects on living organisms. Their presence in the environment is a particular danger. It is therefore crucial to monitor pesticide residues using all available analytical methods. The analysis of environmental samples for the presence of pesticides is very difficult: the processes involved in sample preparation are...
PublikacjaWspółczesna architektura obiektów służby zdrowia podlega dynamicznym przeobrażeniom formalnym wynikającym zarówno z rozwoju technologii medycznych, zmian zachodzących w podejściu wobec pacjenta. Narastający w naukach medycznych kierunek holistyczny ustawia pacjenta jako użytkownika w trzech wymiarach: biologicznym, społecznym i psychologicznym. Stąd pojawiające się w procesie projektowym dotyczącym szpitali czy przychodni nowe...
Validation of atmospheric aerosols parallel sampling in a multifold device
PublikacjaIn this work, particulate matter was collected using an active sampling system consisting of a PM10 (<10 μm) inlet coupled to a multifold device containing six channels, connected to a vacuum pump. Each channel was equipped with a filter holder fitted with adequately chosen filters. The system was fixed on a metallic structure, which was placed on the roof of the laboratory building, at the Faculty of Sciences, in Lisbon. Sampling...
Conversion of waste biomass into activated carbon and evaluation of environmental consequences using life cycle assessment
PublikacjaIn this article, activated carbon was produced from Lantana camara and olive trees by H3PO4 chemical activation. The prepared activated carbons were analyzed by characterizations such as scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. H3PO4 is used as an activator agent to create an abundant pore...
Promising Nanoparticle-Based Heat Transfer Fluids—Environmental and Techno-Economic Analysis Compared to Conventional Fluids
PublikacjaProviding optimal operating conditions is one of the major challenges for effective heating or cooling systems. Moreover, proper adjustment of the heat transfer fluid is also important from the viewpoint of the correct operation, maintenance, and cost efficiency of these systems. Therefore, in this paper, a detailed review of recent work on the subject of conventional and novel heat transfer fluid applications is presented. Particular...
The interaction between bacterial abundance and selected pollutants concentration levels in an arctic catchment (southwest Spitsbergen, Svalbard)
PublikacjaPersistent organic pollutants (POPs) have been a topic of interest in environmental sciences for > 60 years. POPs in the Arctic have been investigated since the 1970s, when first atmospheric measurements revealed the presence of these pollutants in the polar regions. Major contaminant transport routes to the Arctic include atmospheric and oceanic transport, as well as inflow from rivers and sea ice. The sources of pollutants, such...
Towards defragmented Lighting Design: concatenating research theories for effective use in design practices.
PublikacjaThis paper aims to provide guidelines for transferring design research to practice in the realm of lighting. It is based on the premise that design research in lighting should function as a development of practice, instead of being a distraction to it. Design research refers to the scholarly inquiry that seeks to advance design by studying and improving it in systematic and scientific ways by expanding, testing and operationalizing...
Application of ion chromatography for the determination of inorganic ions, especially thiocyanates in human saliva samples as biomarkers of environmental tobacco smoke exposure
PublikacjaŚrodowiskowy dym tytoniowy jest jednym z czynników decydujących o jakości powietrza wewnętrznego różnego typu pomieszczeń zamkniętych. Toksyczne składniki wydzielające się wraz z głównym i bocznym strumieniem dymu tytoniowego mają istotny wpływ na skład chemiczny płynów biologicznych. Jednym z biomarkerów narażenia na szkodliwe składniki środowiskowego dymu tytoniowego są jony rodankowe. Celem badań było znalezienie korelacji pomiędzy...
Mercury concentrations in Antarctic zooplankton with a focus on the krill species, Euphausia superba
PublikacjaThe Antarctic is the most isolated region in the world; nevertheless, it has not avoided the negative impact of human activity, including the inflow of toxic mercury (Hg). Hg deposited in the Antarctic marine environment can be bioavailable and accumulate in the food web, reaching elevated concentrations in high-trophic-level biota, especially if methylated. Zooplankton, together with
Assumptions of interdisciplinarity in educating interior designers
PublikacjaInterdisciplinarity in the context of educational programmes in higher education, focusing, in particular, on architecture and interior design are discussed in this article. Thorough analysis of interdisciplinarity in interior design led to a conclusion that learning outcomes of art need to be expanded by technical sciences related to engineering competencies (architecture and urban planning) and even agricultural, forestry...
How can analysts use multicriteria decision analysis?
PublikacjaProper decision making in multifacitated situation is very challenging task. It is especially difficult if there are many alternatives and criteria that are often contradictory. Analytical chemistry and related sciences involve many situations where decisions on complex problems are made. The support tools may be the use of MCDA (Multi-criteria Decision Analysis) algorithms. They formalize the decision process, make it transparent...
Ogród muz I
PublikacjaNiniejsza książka składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej znajdują się eseje wprowadzające Czytelnika w tematykę obecności tradycji antycznej w Gdańsku wczesnonowożytnym. Ich autorami są młodzi badacze z różnych ośrodków akademickich. Część druga to katalog wystawy, która miała miejsce w siedzibie Polskiej Akademii Nauk Biblioteki Gdańskiej (19 czerwca do 31 lipca 2015 roku). Na ekspozycji zaprezentowano stare druki i rękopisy...
W gdańskim ogrodzie muz. Gimnazjum Akademickie w Gdańsku wobec kultury starożytnych Greków i Rzymian: idee, teksty, artefakty.
PublikacjaNiniejsza książka składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej znajdują się eseje wprowadzające Czytelnika w tematykę obecności tradycji antycznej w Gdańsku wczesnonowożytnym. Ich autorami są młodzi badacze z różnych ośrodków akademickich. Część druga to katalog wystawy, która miała miejsce w siedzibie Polskiej Akademii Nauk Biblioteki Gdańskiej (19 czerwca do 31 lipca 2015 roku). Na ekspozycji zaprezentowano stare druki i rękopisy...
On my way to global science - 1933-2015 memoirs". A volume of memoirs by professor Wiesław Maria Grudzewski
PublikacjaI wish to express my graditude for the oportunity to read excellent on the life and academic work of Professor Grudzewski, and outstanding scientist and unquestioned authority on economic sciences in the area of management science. Professor Grudzewski had an influence on the events presented in his memoirs through his acquaintances and associates.
Sensitivity of the Baltic Sea level prediction to spatial model resolution
Publikacjahe three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the Baltic Sea (M3D) and...
Mercury in suspended matter of the Gulf of Gdańsk: Origin, distribution and transport at the land–sea interface
PublikacjaThe coastal regions of inland seas are particularly vulnerable to Hg pollution. An important carrier of toxic Hg in the marine environment is suspended matter originating from multiple sources. The present study was conducted in the Gulf...
Description of the Dataset Rhetoric at School – a Selection of the Syllabi from the Academic Gymnasium in Gdańsk – Transcription and Photographs
PublikacjaThe research dataset described in the article was based on photographs and transcription of a textual record from Latin syllabi for classes at the Gdańsk Academic Gymnasium. The syllabi concern the years 1645/1648/1652/1653. The original document is held in the collection of the Gdańsk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences [reference number: Ma 3920 8o]. The collected research material can be used for studying the practical...
Investigation of Transmit and Receive Characteristics of Laboratory Model for the Parametric Echosounder
PublikacjaInvestigation and operation of devices based on nonlinear interaction of high-intensity waves have been carried out for several decades. However, it is still a new tool to study the properties of the water environment and especially the upper layers of the seabed. This paper describes the results of tests of the new device that is intended to be applied for sounding underwater areas. The device has been designed and built in collaboration with...
Co w architekturze piszczy? Dźwiękowy wymiar przestrzeni / What’s the buzz in architecture? – The sonic aspect of space
PublikacjaThe article presents a debate on the dividing line between architecture and the sound sciences. It sketches out the theoretical and practical aspects of space development in the context of its sonic reception. The analysis is based on examples of projects combining architecture and art in public space and their consequences for the reception of this space. The projects relate to the use of art in urban space with special emphasis...
Greener organic solvents in analytical chemistry
PublikacjaThe paper presents the most recent advances in analytical applications of greener organic solvents. Substitution of problematic solvents with more benign organic ones is much easier than shifting to technique applying alternative solvents, such as ionic liquids or supercritical fluids. In the area of liquid chromatography greener mobile phases, much attention is given to application ethanol or acetone instead of acetonitrile. Solvent-based...
Description of the Dataset Hanow – Praecepta de Arte Disputandi – Transcription and Photographs
PublikacjaThis article briefly characterises the “Hanow – Praecepta de arte disputandi – transcription and photographs” research dataset. The dataset was created based on photographs and transcriptions of the manuscript of the Latin lectures on the rules of effective discussion (the title of the manuscript: Praecepta de arte disputandi) by Michael Chris-toph Hanow (1695–1773), professor of Gdańsk Academic Gymnasium. The original document...
Pronouncement of embedded agency in the field of social entrepreneurship
PublikacjaThe paper provides insights into how social entrepreneurship and the institutional theory framework can be combined. The author situates the social entrepreneurship phenomenon here, and embarks on the traditional structure vs agency debate from social sciences, sociology of organizations in particular. The concept of embedded agency is referred to and employed to explain the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship. In this paper,...
Fragment prywatnego księgozbioru gdańskiego kupca George'a Tönnigesa zachowany w zbiorach Biblioteki Gdańskiej PAN
PublikacjaIn the present holdings of the Gdańsk Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences beside the historical book collections once belonging to Gdańsk patricians (e.g. J. Uphagen, M. Hanow, W. Schlieff and A. Rosenberg), there are remains of a less known private book collection belonging in the 18th century to George Tönniges, a representative of the Gdańsk patriciate. On the one side, these several prints, fortunately survived up till...
DYNWIR S-70 program for modal analysis of multisupported and multimass rotors
PublikacjaThe article provides a brief description of the program Dynwir-S-70 (currently being developed in the Rotor Dynamics and Slide Bearings Department in the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdansk) which is a program for analysis of multi-supported and multi-mass rotors. Used algorithms and the construction of mass and stiffness matrix were presented. Damping matrix structure based on Rayleigh damping...
PublikacjaOpisano kontekst i cele projektu Innovative Business Transfer Models for SMEs in the BSR (INBETS BSR) współfinansowanego z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Regionu Morza Bałtyckiego w latach 2014-2020. W projekt zaangażowanych jest czternastu partnerów z regionu Morza Bałtyckiego: Danii, Estonii, Finlandii, Litwy, Łotwy, Niemiec, Polski, Rosji i Szwecji. Rolę lidera projektu pełni Baltic Sea Academy...