Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: hierarchical control structure with optimization
A Development of a Capacitive Voltage Divider for High Voltage Measurement as Part of a Combined Current and Voltage Sensor
PublikacjaThis article deals with the development of capacitive voltage divider for high voltage measurements and presents a method of analysis and optimization of its parameters. This divider is a part of a combined voltage and current sensor for measurements in high voltage power networks. The sensor allows continuous monitoring of the network distribution status and performs a quick diagnosis and location of possible network failures....
Green and Sustainable Membranes: A review
PublikacjaMembranes are ubiquitous tools for modern water treatment technology that critically eliminate hazardous materials such as organic, inorganic, heavy metals, and biomedical pollutants. Nowadays, nano-membranes are of particular interest for myriad applications such as water treatment, desalination, ion exchange, ion concentration control, and several kinds of biomedical applications. However, this state-of-the-art technology suffers...
Nonlinear material identification of heterogeneous isogeometric Kirchhoff–Love shells
PublikacjaThis work presents a Finite Element Model Updating inverse methodology for reconstructing heterogeneous materialdistributions based on an efficient isogeometric shell formulation. It uses nonlinear hyperelastic material models suitable fordescribing incompressible material behavior as well as initially curved shells. The material distribution is discretized by bilinearelements such that the nodal values...
Rapid Microwave Design Optimization in Frequency Domain Using Adaptive Response Scaling
PublikacjaIn this paper, a novel methodology for cost-efficient microwave design optimization in the frequency domain is proposed. Our technique, referred to as adaptive response scaling (ARS), has been developed for constructing a fast replacement model (surrogate) of the high-fidelity electromagnetic-simulated model of the microwave structure under design using its equivalent circuit (low-fidelity model). The basic principle of ARS is...
The Simulation of Activated Sludge System for Optimization of Predictive Aeration at Large WWTP
PublikacjaEffective use of biodegradable substrates as an internal carbon sources (ICS) for denitrification and EBPR and predicting performance of aeration systems during nitrification in activated sludge bioreactors, may be useful in realization the sustainable development by potentially saving energy consumption at WWTPs. A large number of WWTPs use activated sludge systems with an integrated removal of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus...
Novel application of dynamic electrochemical impedance monitoring to a cataphoretic coating process
PublikacjaThe paper presents a novel method of on-line impedance monitoring of cataphoretic coating application process. Utilization of dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS) overcame the fundamental problem connected with non-stationarity of the aforementioned coating deposition process, which eliminates classical impedance spectroscopy technique from a real-time description of cataphoresis. The paper illustrates selected examples...
Asymmetrical-Slot Antenna with Enhanced Gain for Dual-Band Applications
PublikacjaDual-band operation is an important feature of antennas to be applied in modern communication systems. Although high gain of radiators is rarely of concern in urban areas with densely located broadcasting stations, it becomes crucial for systems operating in more remote environments. In this work, a dual-band antenna with enhanced bandwidth is proposed. The structure consists of a driven element in the form of an asymmetrical radiator/slot...
Speed observer of induction machine based on backstepping and sliding mode for low‐speed operation
PublikacjaThis paper presents a speed observer design based on backstepping and slidingmode approaches. The inputs to the observer are the stator current and thevoltage vector components. This observer structure is extended to the integra-tors. The observer stabilizing functions contain the appropriate sliding surfaceswhich result from the Lyapunov function. The rotor angular speed is obtainedfrom the non‐adaptive formula with a sliding...
MARKAL long-term power generation scenarios for Poland - Concept of the model
PublikacjaIn this paper we have presented the concept of Polish MARKAL optimization model developed for the needs of power generation scenarios in long-term perspective i.e. by 2040. The depiction of Polish MARKAL with Reference Energy System structure was provided. In addition, basic model assumptions, energy technology database, projections of electricity demand and power plant ageing pathways were presented. Our goal is to test MARKAL...
Miniaturized uniplanar triple-band slot dipole antenna with folded radiator
PublikacjaA miniaturized uniplanar slot dipole for triple-frequency operation is presented. The antenna consists of a folded slot radiator with an increased number of degrees of freedom that allow for efficient size reduction. Rigorous electromagnetic (EM)-driven design optimization is applied in order to achieve the smallest possible size while maintaining acceptable levels of antenna reflection at the required operating frequencies. The...
High-Efficacy Global Optimization of Antenna Structures by Means of Simplex-Based Predictors
PublikacjaDesign of modern antenna systems has become highly dependent on computational tools, especially full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models. EM analysis is capable of yielding accurate representation of antenna characteristics at the expense of considerable evaluation time. Consequently, execution of simulation-driven design procedures (optimization, statistical analysis, multi-criterial design) is severely hindered by the...
Aplikacja na system operacyjny Android sterująca kontrolerem sieci SDN
PublikacjaW artykule omówiono koncepcję, realizację i testy przeprowadzone przy tworzeniu aplikacji na system Android przeznaczonej do sterowania kontrolerem sieci SDN. Przedstawione zostały schemat blokowy, sieć działań aplikacji oraz struktura sieci wykorzystanej do testów aplikacji. Przeprowadzone testy zakończyły się sukcesem i aplikacja spełnia wszystkie założenia.
On the low-cost design of abbreviated multisection planar matching transformer
PublikacjaA numerically demanding wideband matching transformer composed of three nonuniform transmission lines (NUTLs) has been designed and optimized at a low computational cost. The computational feasibility of the design has been acquired through the exploitation of low-fidelity NUTL models in most steps of the design procedure and an implicit space mapping optimization engine, providing high accuracy results with only a handful of EM...
Synteza bezczujnikowego sterowania maszyną indukcyjną klatkową zasilaną z falownika prądu
PublikacjaSynteza bezczujnikowego sterowania maszyną indukcyjną klatkową zasilaną z falownika prądu stanowi cel niniejszej monografii. Praca zawiera podstawowe informacje na temat modelowania układu napędowego z maszyną indukcyjną klatkową zasilaną z falownika prądu. Przedstawiono informacje na temat linearyzacji nieliniowych obiektów. Na pod-stawie metody syntezy strukturalnej opracowano nowe transformacje do postaci zmien-nych multiskalarnych,...
Influence of the Shear Cap Size and Stiffness on the Distribution of Shear Forces in Flat Slabs
PublikacjaThe scope of this paper is to investigate analytically and numerically the influence of shear cap size and stiffness on the distribution of shear forces in flat slabs in a slab–column-connections-reinforced concrete structure. The effect of support (shear cap) stiffness on the calculation of the length of the shear control perimeter according to the available methods is presented. Based on the analysis, the authors indicate in...
On Decomposition-Based Surrogate-Assisted Optimization of Leaky Wave Antenna Input Characteristics for Beam Scanning Applications
PublikacjaRecent years have witnessed a growing interest in reconfigurable antenna systems. Travelling wave antennas (TWAs) and leaky wave antennas (LWAs) are representative examples of structures featuring a great level of flexibility (e.g., straightforward implementation of beam scanning), relatively simple geometrical structure, low profile, and low fabrication cost. Notwithstanding, the design process of TWAs/LWAs is a challenging endeavor...
Project-Based Collaborative Research and Training Roadmap for Manufacturing Based on Industry 4.0
PublikacjaThe importance of the economy being up to date with the latest developments, such as Industry 4.0, is more evident than ever before. Successful implementation of Industry 4.0 principles requires close cooperation of industry and state authorities with universities. A paradigm of such cooperation is described in this paper stemming from university partners with partly overlapping and partly complementary areas of expertise in manufacturing....
Dobór parametrów silnika indukcyjnego dużej mocy
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono trzy typy statycznych modeli matematycznych silników klatkowych oraz metodę estymacji parametrów, przy wykorzystaniu algorytmów genetycznych. Korzystając z kryteriów: suma kwadratów, suma wartości bez-względnych oraz całkowego, oceniono przydatność badanych modeli. Opracowane modele matematyczne zostały wykorzystane przy doborze algorytmów sterownia sterów strumieniowych. Po-kazano metodykę doboru parametrów...
Miniaturized, green salting-out liquid–liquid microextraction coupled with GC–MS used to evaluate biogenic amines in wine samples
PublikacjaMonitoring of the biogenic amines (BAs) content in food products, including wine, is important due to the health and safety of consumers and from the quality control point of view. In a given study, simultaneous derivatization and salting-out liquid–liquid microextraction (SALLME) coupled with GC–MS for BAs determination from wine samples was developed. For the optimization the Box-Behnken design was applied, where three independent...
Virtual Engineering Object / Virtual Engineering Process: A specialized form of Cyber Physical System for Industrie 4.0
PublikacjaThis paper reviews the theories, parallels and variances between Virtual Engineering Object (VEO) / Virtual Engineering Process (VEP) and Cyber Physical System (CPS). VEO and VEP is an experience based knowledge representation of engineering objects and processes respectively. Cyber–physical systems (CPSs) are the next generation of engineered systems in which computing, communication, and control technologies are tightly integrated....
Five-phase squirrel-cage motor. Construction and drive properties
PublikacjaThis paper presents the simulation and experimental results of a five-phase squirrel-cage induction motor. The new machine has been designed to operate in a drive system with third harmonic rotor flux injection in order to improve the motor torque utilization. The motor structure, the mathematical model as well as the laboratory prototype have been described. The motor speed-torque characteristics and transients are elaborated...
Power electronic transformer based on cascaded H-bridge converter
PublikacjaIn this paper the control strategy of power electronic transformer (PET) is proposed. The analyzed structure of PET uses two seven-level cascaded H-bridge (CHB) rectifiers. The electrical power of PET is transferred between DC-links of CHB converters using dual-active-bridges (DABs) and low voltage high frequency transformers. The roposed solution allows for controlling the active and reactive power with a low level of harmonic...
Band engineering of BiOBr based materials for photocatalytic wastewater treatment via advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) – A review
PublikacjaSemiconductor based photocatalysts have been an efficient technology for water and wastewater remediation, addressing the concepts of green chemistry and sustainable development. Owing to narrow and suitable band structure, BiOBr is a promising candidate for efficient wastewater treatment via photocatalysis. Enhancement of photocatalytic properties can be obtained by various techniques like doping, element rich strategy, facet...
On Nature-Inspired Design Optimization of Antenna Structures Using Variable-Resolution EM Models
PublikacjaNumerical optimization has been ubiquitous in antenna design for over a decade or so. It is indispensable in handling of multiple geometry/material parameters, performance goals, and constraints. It is also challenging as it incurs significant CPU expenses, especially when the underlying computational model involves full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis. In most practical cases, the latter is imperative to ensure evaluation reliability....
Nested Space Mapping Technology for Expedite EM-driven Design of Compact RF/microwave Components
PublikacjaA robust simulation-driven methodology for rapid and reliable design of RF/microwave circuits comprising compact microstrip resonant cells (CMRCs) is presented. We introduce a nested space mapping (NSM) technology, in which the inner space mapping layer is utilized to improve the generalization capabilities of the equivalent circuit model corresponding to a constitutive element of the circuit under consideration. The outer layer...
Design and optimization of a novel compact broadband linearly/circularly polarized wide-slot antenna for WLAN and Wi-MAX applications
PublikacjaA novel topologically modified structure of a compact low profile wide-slot antenna for broadband applications is presented. The antenna comprises a modified E-shaped slot with unequal arm lengths in the ground plane, and a parasitic quasi-rectangular loop placed coplanar with the feedline. For exciting orthogonal modes with equal amplitude, a single-point feeding technique with an asymmetrical geometry of the coplanar waveguide...
The development of an indirect ELISA for the detection of goose parvovirus antibodies using specific VP3 subunits as the coating antigen
PublikacjaIn Poland, the leader in goose production in Europe, goose parovirus infection, or Derzsy’s disease (DD), must be reported to the veterinary administration due to the serious economic and epizootic threat to waterfowl production. Prophylactic treatment for DD includes attenuated live or inactivated vaccines. Moreover, the control of DD includes the monitoring of maternal derived antibody (MDA) levels in the offspring and antibody...
A numerical study on optimal FTMD parameters considering soil-structure interaction effects
PublikacjaThe study on the performance of the nonlinear friction tuned mass dampers (FTMD) for the mitigation of the seismic responses of the structures is a topic that still inspires the efforts of researchers. The present paper aims to carry out a numerical study on the optimum tuning of TMD and FTMD parameters using a multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm including soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects for...
An optimal nonlinear fractional order controller for passive/active base isolation building equipped with friction-tuned mass dampers
PublikacjaThis paper presents an optimal nonlinear fractional-order controller (ONFOC) designed to reduce the seismic responses of tall buildings equipped with a base-isolation (BI) system and friction-tuned mass dampers (FTMDs). The parameters for the BI and FTMD systems, as well as their combinations (BI-FTMD and active BI-FTMD or ABI-FTMD), were optimized separately using a multi-objective quantum-inspired seagull optimization algorithm...
Performance-driven yield optimization of high-frequency structures by kriging surrogates
PublikacjaUncertainty quantification is an important aspect of engineering design, as manufacturing toler-ances may affect the characteristics of the structure. Therefore, quantification of these effects is in-dispensable for adequate assessment of the design quality. Toward this end, statistical analysis is performed, for reliability reasons, using full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. Still, the computational expenditures associated...
Survey on fuzzy logic methods in control systems of electromechanical plants
PublikacjaРассмотрены алгоритмы управления электромеханическими системами с использованием теории нечеткой логики, приводятся основные положения их синтеза, рассматриваются методы анализа их устойчивости на основе нечетких функций Ляпунова. Эти алгоритмы чаще всего реализуются в виде различных регуляторов, применение которых целесообразно в системах, математическая модель которых не известна, не детерминирована или является строго нелинейной,...
Green TPUs from Prepolymer Mixtures Designed by Controlling the Chemical Structure of Flexible Segments
PublikacjaThis study concerns green thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) obtained by controlling the chemical structure of flexible segments. Two types of bio-based polyether polyols—poly(trimethylene glycol)s—with average molecular weights ca. 1000 and 2700 Da were used (PO3G1000 and PO3G2700, respectively). TPUs were prepared via a two-step method. Hard segments consisted of 4,4?- diphenylmethane diisocyanates and the bio-based 1,4-butanodiol...
Sensorless Fault Detection of Induction Motor with Inverter Output Filter
PublikacjaThe paper presents the problem of monitoring and fault detection of a sensorless voltage inverter fed squirrel cage induction motor with LC filter. The detection is based on load torque estimation of the investigated torque transmission system. The load torque is calculated besides the computation of other variables that are mandatory for sensorless drive operation such as rotor flux and speed. The implemented LC filter smooths...
Effect of particle size of aluminosilicate microspheres on the change of hydration heat of cement mortars and selected physical, chemical, and mechanical properties.
Dane BadawczeThis subject of the work is the study of selected properties of cement mortars containing two fractions of aluminosilicate microspheres with grain size in the range of 125 to 250 μm and from 250 to 500 μm. Mortar mixtures with ordinary Portland cement (OPC 42.5R) and three substitution rates of cement by microspheres, 1.5%, 3.5%, and 5.0%, were investigated....
Rapid Design Tuning of Miniaturized Rat-Race Couplers Using Regression-Based Equivalent Network Surrogates
PublikacjaA simple technique for fast design tuning of compact rat-race couplers is presented. Our approach involves equivalent circuit representation, corrected by nonlinear functions of frequency with coefficients extracted through nonlinear regression. At the same time, the tuning process connects two levels of coupler representation: EM simulation of the entire circuit and re-optimization of the coupler building blocks (slow-wave cells...
The impact of material degradation on the resistance and reliability of truss structures
PublikacjaThe paper analyses limit load-carrying capacity and buckling load of truss towers used to support high voltage power lines. The analysed typical structure was subjected to characteristic loads and their combinations. The results were applied to assess structural resistance with regard to steel corrosion in the long-term operation. The extent of structural deterioration was assessed due to Young's modulus decrement in the course...
On Design Optimization of Miniaturized Microscrip Dual-Band Rat-Race Coupler with Enhanced Bandwidth
PublikacjaIn the paper, a novel topology of a miniaturized wideband dual-band rat-race coupler has been presented. Small size of the circuit has been obtained by meandering transmission lines of the conventional circuit. At the same time, the number of independent geometry parameters has been increased in order to secure sufficient circuit flexibility in the context of its design optimization for dual-band operation. Optimum dimensions of...
Using Minimum Actuators to Control Shape and Stress of a Double Layer Spherical Model Under Gravity and Lateral Loadings
PublikacjaSpherical domes are picturesque structures built in developed countries to attract tourists. Due to horizontal and vertical overloading, the structures’ attractive shapes may be disturbed, and some members' stress may exceed the elastic level. In this paper, the shape and stress of a deformed double-layer spherical numerical model due to simultaneous lateral and vertical loadings are controlled, meanwhile, the number of actuators...
EM-Driven Size Reduction and Multi-Criterial Optimization of Broadband Circularly-Polarized Antennas Using Pareto Front Traversing and Design Extrapolation
PublikacjaMaintaining small size has become an important consideration in the design of contemporary antenna structures. In the case of broadband circularly polarized (CP) antennas, miniaturization is a challenging process due to the necessity of simultaneous handling of electrical and field properties (reflection, axial ratio, gain), as well as ensuring sufficient frequency range of operation, especially at the lower edge of the antenna...
Multi-region fuzzy logic controller with local PID controllers for U-tube steam generator in nuclear power plant
PublikacjaIn the paper, analysis of multi-region fuzzy logic controller with local PID controllers for steam generator of pressurized water reactor (PWR) working in wide range of thermal power changes is presented. The U-tube steam generator has a nonlinear dynamics depending on thermal power transferred from coolant of the primary loop of the PWR plant. Control of water level in the steam generator conducted by a traditional PID controller...
PublikacjaThe implementation of smart charging of electric vehicles allows operators of local power networks and electricity suppliers to implement new business models for the interaction of electric vehicles with the network. In addition to the optimal selection of Microgrid capacities when charging electric vehicles, it is also important to use different charging methods. To satisfy the interests of all participants of local systems from...
Balanced Spider Monkey Optimization with Bi-LSTM for Sustainable Air Quality Prediction
PublikacjaA reliable air quality prediction model is required for pollution control, human health monitoring, and sustainability. The existing air quality prediction models lack efficiency due to overfitting in prediction model and local optima trap in feature selection. This study proposes the Balanced Spider Monkey Optimization (BSMO) technique for effective feature selection to overcome the local optima trap and overfitting problems....
Optimized 5-hour multiplex PCR test for the detection of tinea unguium: performance in a routine PCR laboratory
PublikacjaWe recently reported the development of a 5-hour multiplex PCR test for the detection of tinea unguium and the optimization of this test by the inclusion of an inhibition control. Here we report the performance of this procedure as used in a routine clinical laboratory as compared to conventional microscopy and culture-based techniques performed in a mycology reference laboratory. We found in processing 109 samples that 22 (20.2%)...
Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators
PublikacjaThis paper presents a part of the works conducted in the Plasmaero European project (task 1.1) on surface dielectric barrier discharge actuators applied to airflow control. The study is divided into several parts. In the first part, the goal is to enhance the electric wind produced by a typical single DBD actuator by optimization of the active electrode shape. For instance, the use of a thin wire instead of a plate air-exposed...
Scheduling for Industrial Control Traffic Using Massive MIMO and Large Intelligent Surfaces
PublikacjaIndustry 4.0, with its focus on flexibility and customizability, is pushing in the direction of wireless communication in future smart factories, in particular massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), and its future evolution Large Intelligent Surfaces (LIS), which provide more reliable channel quality than previous technologies. As such, there arises the need to perform efficient scheduling of industrial control traffic...
Changes in the Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 Methodology: The Improved Approach of Competitiveness Benchmarking
PublikacjaThe Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) developed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) is used as a standard for measuring a country’s competitiveness. However, in literature, the GCI has been accused of numerous methodological flaws. Consequently, in 2018, the WEF introduced significant methodological changes. This study aims to examine whether the methodological modifications in the GCI’s structure increase its ability to capture...
PublikacjaInstalowanie kompensatorów statycznych w sieciach rozdzielczych i przesyłowych służy poprawie profili napięciowych. Kompensatory jako źródła mocy biernej zwiększają stabilność napięciową systemu. Pozwalają także na szybszą odbudowę systemu w przypadku awarii napięciowej. W artykule zaprezentowano wpływ struktury i wysterowania układu SVC na zmianę impedancji w układzie zasilania. Ma to bezpośredni wpływ na częstotliwości, przy...
Rapid Re-Design and Bandwidth/Size Trade-Offs for Compact Wideband Circular Polarization Antennas Using Inverse Surrogates and Fast EM-Based Parameter Tuning
PublikacjaDesign of compact wideband circularly polarized (CP) antennas is challenging due to the necessity of simultaneous handling of several characteristics (reflection, axial ratio, gain) while maintaining a small size of the structure. Antenna re-design for various operating bands is clearly more difficult yet practically important because intentional reduction of the bandwidth (e.g., by moving the lower edge of the operating band up...
Opracowanie technologii naprawy nieciągłości metalicznych w połączeniach spawanych, w konstrukcji podpór przednich pras filtracyjnych położonych na terenie Grupowej Oczyszczalni Ścieków Dębogórze
PublikacjaCelem niniejszej pracy jest opracowanie wytycznych technologicznych, których wdrożenie pozwoli na usunięcie istniejących pęknięć, co przyczyni się do stabilizacji wymiarowej podpór oraz całej konstrukcji pras. Osiągniecie tego celu wymaga podjęcia następujących działań: - ocenę stanu technicznego naprawianego komponentu- podpór przednich trzech pras filtracyjnych, - określenie własności spawalniczych materiału naprawianego, -...
Studies of the Modelling Accuracy of Steam Turbine Control Systems for Diagnostic Tests of Automatic Synchronizers
PublikacjaOne of the important factors that affect the reliable operation of the power system and the rapid restitution after disaster is a quick and effective combining synchronous electric power facilities to operate in parallel. Hence, diagnostics of automatic synchronizers at every stage of their life, from building a prototype, through the whole life, until removing such devices from the operation, is an extremely important and responsible...