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wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LOCAL ERROR ESTIMATION
The Multiplatform Environment for Simulation and Features Estimation of Mixed-Signal Devices
PublikacjaThe use of simulation laboratories is gaining popularity in thedomains of engineering programs. However, the experience in teaching showsthat the simulation itself is not very effective in didactic processes. Teachingprocesses in thefield of specialist subjects, designed for students of technicaluniversities, should be based on direct operations performed by the student onreal devices. At the same time, at the later stages of didactic...
Position Estimation in Corridors Along the Coupled Mode of Radiating Cables
PublikacjaRadiating cables are mostly used to provide radio communication in tunnels or corridors, but they can also be used to estimate the position of a mobile terminal along the cable. In this paper, a measuring receiver’s position was estimated by measuring the difference in the direct signal’s reception time, which was generated by a transmitter connected to one end of the radiating cable, and the delayed signal retransmitted from another...
PublikacjaOperating in crowded waterways pose a risk of accidents and disasters due to maneuvering limitations of the ship. In order to predict ship’s maneuvering characteristics at the design stage, model tests are often executed as the most accurate prediction tool. Two approaches can be distinguished here: free running model tests and numerical simulations based on planar motion model with the use of hydrodynamic derivatives obtained...
Numerical Estimation of Hull Hydrodynamic Derivatives in Ship Maneuvering Prediction
PublikacjaPrediction of the maneuvering characteristics of the ship at the design stage can be done by means of model tests, computational simulations or a combination of both. The model tests can be realized as direct simulation of the standard maneuvers with the free running model, which gives the most accurate results, but is also the least affordable as it requires very large tank or natural lake, as well as complex equipment of the...
Vehicle Detection and Speed Estimation Using Millimetre Wave Radar
PublikacjaThe dataset titled Data from 76- to 81-GHz mmWave Sensor located at S7 road contains data recorded employing an IWR1642 mmWave sensor from Texas Instruments. The data comes from two sessions lasting 24h each. The dataset provides the possibility to perform analyses related to car traffic intensity on one of the carriageways of the motorway heading to the Gdańsk metropolitan area. Based on the gathered data, it is possible to calculate...
Estimation and tracking of complex-valued quasi-periodically varying systems
PublikacjaW artykule rozważany jest problem identyfikacji obiektów o parametrach zmieniających się w sposób pseudookresowy. Przedstawiono w nim algorytm oparty o metodę funkcji bazowych umożliwiający śledzenie takich obiektów oraz pokazano atrakcyjne z punktu widzenia złożoności obliczeń jego wersje zdekomponowane. Przydatność rozważanych algorytmów uzasadniono porównując je z rozwiązaniami innych autorów.
Estimation the rhythmic salience of sound with association rules and neural networks
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono eksperymenty mające na celu automatyczne wyszukiwanie wartości rytmicznych we frazie muzycznej. W tym celu wykorzystano metody data mining i sztuczne sieci neuronowe.
Applications of Chebyszehev minimax deconvolution filtering to the estimation of deterended data
PublikacjaW pracy wyznaczono empirycznie, że sygnał wyjściowy rozplotowego filtru względem nieparzystej pary impulsów Kroneckera , z użyciem minimaksowej normy Czebyszewa, jest bardzo "bliski" pozbawionemu trendu sygnałowi wejściowemu. Obliczenia dla znacząco dużej liczby rzeczywistych danych z rynków kapitałowych i walutowych wykazały, że średnia miara rzeczonej "bliskości" , określona definicją znormalizowanego w L2 współczynnika kowariancji,...
Local ordering of nano-structured Pt probed by multiple-scattering XAFS
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy MS EXAFS krystalicznej platyny i nanostruktur platyny (klastry o rozmiarach od 1nm do 7nm). Rezultaty analizy masowej platyny (uwzględniające rozkłady dwu i trój-ciałowe) są zgodne z wcześniejszymi danymi strukturalnymi i wibracyjnymi i stały się podstawą do realistycznej analizy EXAFS nanocząstek Pt realizownej w połączeniu z wynikami pomiarów TEM, SEM i XRD. Badaniom poddano nanocząstki Pt...
The Use of Artificial Intelligence as a Tool Supporting Sustainable Development Local Policy
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Innovation level and local development of EU regions. A new assessment approach
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Development of Free Electron Lasers in Europe Local and Global Implications – 2016
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Performance of the CMS drift-tube chamber local trigger with cosmic rays
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European X-Ray Free Electron Laser (EXFEL): local implications
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Experimental analysis of coefficients of local resistance on elbows in multilayer pipe systems
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Method and system for disciplining a local reference oscillator by GPS 1PPS signal
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A Biased-Randomized Iterated Local Search Algorithm for Rich Portfolio Optimization
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Application of impedance imaging to evaluation of organic coating degradation at a local scale
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Effects of local anesthetics on the respiratory burst of cord blood neutrophils in vitro
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Novel Method of Local Corrosion Events Characterization by Electrochemical Noise Analysis
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Local impedance imaging of boron-doped polycrystalline diamond thin films
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Aplication of impedance imaging to evaluation of organic coating degradation at a local scale
PublikacjaZaproponowano nowe podejście do oceny lokalnych właściwości elektrycznych powłok organicznych. Wykorzystuje ono mikroskop sił atomowych pracujący w trybie kontaktowym. Pomiędzy igłę mikroskopu i podłoże metalowe pokryte powłoką przykładany jest sinusoidalny napięciowy sygnał pobudzenia o zadanej częstotliwości i mierzony jest prądowy sygnał odpowiedzi. Zalety tego podejścia zostały zaprezentowane na przykładzie powłoki akrylowej...
Advanced local energy planning using the ALEP-PL computer software
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono autorski system komputerowy ALEP-PL do gromadzenia i agregacji danych o lokalnych obiektach energetycznych. System pozwala na analizy senariuszowe poprzez bilanse zapotrzebowania na paliwa i energie oraz poprzez wskaźnikowe wyznaczanie wilekości emisji CO2. Dodatkowo, dzięki wybudowanemu w system ALEP-PL zestawowi technologii modernizacyjnych, aplikacja umożliwia opracowywanie strategii redukcji emisji CO2, poprawy...
Homotopy invariance of the Conley index and local Morse homology in Hilbert spaces
PublikacjaIn this paper we introduce a new compactness condition — Property-(C) — for flows in (not necessary locally compact) metric spaces. For such flows a Conley type theory can be developed. For example (regular) index pairs always exist for Property-(C) flows and a Conley index can be defined. An important class of flows satisfying the this compactness condition are LS-flows. We apply E-cohomology to index pairs of LS-flows and obtain...
Regularized Local Multivariate Reduced-Order Models With Nonaffine Parameter Dependence
PublikacjaThis paper addresses a singular problem, not yet discussed in the literature, which occurs when parametric reduced-order models are created using a subspace projection approach with multiple concatenated projection bases. We show that this technique may lead to the appearance of localized artifacts in the frequency characteristics of a system, even when the reduced-order projection basis is rich enough to describe the original...
Voltage Source Power Line Conditioner for Applications in Local Supply Systems
PublikacjaThe paper presents the basic principles of operation of voltage source power line conditioners (VSPLC) as well as their energy and filtration properties. A 4-level cascade based Voltage Source Converter (VSC) is used as a voltage source. The advantages of this topology is relatively simple construction and simple way of balancing DC link voltages. Results of the theoretical and experimental investigations confirm good energetic...
A Non-local elasto-plastic model to describe localisations of deformation in concrete
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki numerycznej symulacji lokalizacji odkształceń stosując metodę elementów skończonych na bazie nielokalnego prawa sprężysto-plastycznego dla betonu. Prawo wykorzystuje długość charakterystyczną. Obliczenia dla ściskania jednoosiowego pokazały, że wyniki numeryczne nie zależą od siatki MES. Osiągnięto pełną regularyzację problemu brzegowego.
Local structural and chemical ordering of nanosized Pt(3±δ)Co probed by multiple-scattering x-ray absorption spectroscopy
PublikacjaThis work reports a detailed investigation of the local structure and chemical disorder of a Pt(3±δ)Co thin film and Pt(3±δ)Co nanoparticles. We have used a combination of techniques including x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), x-ray diffraction (XRD), and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The important effect of chemical ordering on pair and three-atom configurations has been studied using computer simulations...
Simple Computational Methods in Predicting Limit Load of High-Strength Cold-Formed Sections due to Local Buckling: A Case Study
PublikacjaCold-formed thin-walled sections are prone to local buckling caused by residual stresses, geometrical imperfections and inconsistency of material properties. We present a real case of buckling failure and conduct a numerical and experimental study aimed to identify methods capable of predicting such failures. It is important because designers of structures are getting more FEA-oriented and tend to avoid lengthy procedures of cold-formed...
A survey examining the level of knowledge about open educational resources among local librarians
Dane BadawczeThe file contains the results of a survey conducted by the librarians of the Gdansk University of Technology Library among employees of Tricity public libraries on the subject of the use of open educational resources in their daily work. The survey was conducted online using a Google form between November 2021 and February 2022.
Performance of the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Underwater Acoustic Communication System with Differential Detection in Strong Multipath Propagation Conditions
PublikacjaThe underwater acoustic communication (UAC) operating in very shallow-water should ensure reliable transmission in conditions of strong multipath propagation, significantly disturbing the received signal. One of the techniques to achieve this goal is the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique, which consists in binary phase shift keying (BPSK) according to a pseudo-random spreading sequence. This paper describes the DSSS...
G2DC-PL+: a gridded 2 km daily climate dataset for the union of the Polish territory and the Vistula and Odra basins
PublikacjaG2DC-PL+, a gridded 2 km daily climate dataset for the union of the Polish territory and the Vistula and Odra basins, is an update and extension of the CHASE-PL Forcing Data – Gridded Daily Precipitation and Temperature Dataset – 5 km (CPLFD-GDPT5). The latter was the first publicly available, high-resolution climate forcing dataset in Poland, used for a range of purposes including hydrological modelling and bias correction of...
Iterative Global Sensitivity Analysis Algorithm with Neural Network Surrogate Modeling
PublikacjaGlobal sensitivity analysis (GSA) is a method to quantify the effect of the input parameters on outputs of physics-based systems. Performing GSA can be challenging due to the combined effect of the high computational cost of each individual physics-based model, a large number of input parameters, and the need to perform repetitive model evaluations. To reduce this cost, neural networks (NNs) are used to replace the expensive physics-based...
The Concept of Accuracy Analysis of the Vertical Displacements Gained from the Hydrostatic Levelling Systems’ Measurements
PublikacjaAbstract: Nowadays, hydrostatic levelling is a widely used method for the vertical displacements’ determinations of objects such as bridges, viaducts, wharfs, tunnels, high buildings, historical buildings, special engineering objects (e.g., synchrotron), sports and entertainment halls. The measurements’ sensors implemented in the hydrostatic levelling systems (HLSs) consist of the reference sensor (RS) and sensors located on the...
A simple way of increasing estimation accuracy of generalized adaptive notch filters
PublikacjaGeneralized adaptive notch filters are used for identification/tracking of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems and can be considered an extension, to the system case, of classical adaptive notch filters. It is shown that frequency biases, which arisein generalized adaptive notch filtering algorithms, can be significantly reduced by incorporating in the adaptive loop an appropriately chosen decision delay. The resulting performance...
Entropy of water calculated from harmonic approximation: estimation of the accuracy of method
PublikacjaSome molecular dynamics simulations were performed for liquid TIP4P and SPC water at a constant density (1.00 g/cm(3)) and within the temperature range of 5-90 degrees C. By using harmonic approximation, both the entropy of water S-H and the specific heat c(v) were calculated, and the results were compared to literature data. It was found that harmonic approximation overestimates absolute entropy of TIP4P water by 5.6 J/mol K (similar...
Speech formant frequency and pitch estimation using instantaneous complex frequency
PublikacjaW pracy opisany został algorytm estymacji częstotliwości podstawowej oraz częstotliwości środkowych i pasm formantów mowy z wykorzystaniem zespolonej pulsacji chwilowej. W artykule przedstawiono również wyniki działania algorytmu dla polskich samogłosek.
Estimation of the short-term predictor parameters of speech under noisy conditions
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The use of response surface methodology for reliability estimation of composite engineering structures
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Vector and Triangular Representations of Project Estimation Uncertainty: Effect of Gender on Usability
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Maximum A Posteriori Bayesian Estimation of Chromatographic Parameters by Limited Number of Experiments
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Wiener Filtering Applied to Conducted EMI Estimation in Soft Switching Inverter
PublikacjaW artykule tym przedstawiono metodę szacowania poziomu zaburzeń elektromagnetycznych przewodzonych generowanych w miekko-przełączalnym falowniku napięcia. Wykorzystano metodę filtracji Wienera, gdzie wykorzystano skończoną liczbę filtrów Wienera jako odzwierciedlenie wszystkich warunków generacji i propagacji zaburzeń. Do określenia transmitancji filtrów wykorzystano przebiegi napięć na zaciskach łączników energoelektronicznych...
Asynchronous distributed state estimation based on a continuous time stochastic model
PublikacjaGłównym zadaniem systemu estymacji jest szacowanie stanu obserwowanego obiektu. W rozproszonych wieloczujnikowych systemach estymacji stan obiektu jest estymowany przez pewien zbiór estymatorów lokalnych. Każdy estymator lokalny wykonuje filtrację (np opartą na filtracji Kalmana) danych pochodzących ze skojarzonego z nim czujnika bądź czujników oraz fuzję przetworzonych danych z czujników z danymi pochodzącymi z innych lokalnych...
Disposition of Drugs of Abuse and Their Metabolites in Wastewater as a Method of the Estimation of Drug Consumption
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Estimation of Housing Demand with Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS)
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Application of Square Msplit Estimation in Determination of Vessel Position in Coastal Shipping
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Stiffness and pre-stretching estimation from indentation test of hyperelastic membrane
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The verification of the estimation of transport and sorption parameters in the MATLAB environment. Column test
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Estimation of hydromechanical parameters of limb lymphedematous tissue with the use of chamber tests