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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: MAGNETIC FLUX LEAKAGE
Operational Performance and Weld Bead Characteristics of Experimental Tubular-Wires for Underwater Welding
PublikacjaAiming to evaluate new formulations and their operational behavior underwater, two experimental tubular wires with different chemical compositions in their internal flux were initially manufactured, employing a pilot machine and a unique manufacturing process. Weld beads were deposited on a plate placed in a flat position inside a tank using a mechanized system and the IMC 300 welding power source. The work was done at a depth...
Method of determining the residual fluxes in transformer core
PublikacjaThe article presents the method of calculating the residual induction in transformer columns. The method is based on measurement of the magnetic induction in selected points around the transformer core. The values of residual induction are calculated as linear combination of the results of measurement.
Wpływ błędów parametrów modelu maszyny indukcyjnej na działanie rozszerzonego obserwatora prędkości
PublikacjaW artykule opisano metodę odtwarzania prędkości wirnika maszyny indukcyjnej przy wykorzystaniu rozszerzonego obserwatora prędkości. Zbadano wpływ błędów parametrów modelu maszyny indukcyjnej na właściwości dynamiczne obserwatora poprzez porównanie macierzy stanu obserwatora obarczonego oraz nieobarczonego błędami parametrów. Zbadany został także wpływ błędów parametrów na jakość odtwarzania zmiennych maszyny w stanie ustalonym.
Occurrence and Determination of Volatile Fatty Acids in Landfill Leachate and Gas
PublikacjaIn landfills containing biological matter volatile fatty acids (VFAs) are generated at high rate at the early stage of waste disposal and their content in leachate is high as compared to the leachate from old parts of landfill since they are converted to methane gas. Monitoring of the leachate for the content of VFAs can help determine the processes occurring in waste and possible effect of the leachate on the environment in the...
Occurrence and Determination of Volatile Fatty Acids in Landfill Leachate and Gas
PublikacjaIn landfills containing biological matter volatile fatty acids (VFAs) are generated at high rate at the early stage of waste disposal and their content in leachate is high as compared to the leachate from old parts of landfill since they are converted to methane gas. Monitoring of the leachate for the content of VFAs can help determine the processes occurring in waste and possible effect of the leachate on the environment in the...
Single-Phase Dual Ground 7L Inverter Topology with Reduced Component Count and Stress
PublikacjaIn this article, an improved single-phase dual-ground transformerless inverter topology is proposed. The proposed inverter topology is able to generate a 7L output voltage waveform with a boosting factor of 1.5. The increased voltage gain of the proposed topology does not result in increased voltage stress on the components. The proposed structure requires 8 IGBTs, one diode, and three switched capacitors (SCs) with self-voltage...
Mathematical model defining volumetric losses of hydraulic oil compression in a variable capacity displacement pump
PublikacjaThe objective of the work is to develop the capability of evaluating the volumetric losses of hydraulic oil compression in the working chambers of high pressure variable capacity displacement pump. Volumetric losses of oil compression must be determined as functions of the same parameters, which the volumetric losses due to leakage, resulting from the quality of design solution of the pump, are evaluated as dependent on and also...
Application of the discrete Green's function-based antenna simulations for excitation of the total-field/scattered-field interface in the FDTD method
PublikacjaIn this article, the discrete Green's function formulation of the finite-difference time-domain (DGF-FDTD) method is proposed for simulation of wire antennas irradiating inhomogeneous dielectric scatterers. Surface equivalence theorem in the discrete domain is used to separate the problem into an inhomogeneous domain and a wire antenna that are simulated with the use of FDTD and DGF-FDTD, respectively. Then, the excitation of the...
Synthesis, structure and physical properties of new intermetallic spin glass-like compounds RE2PdGe3 (RE = Tb and Dy)
PublikacjaNew intermetallic compounds Tb2Pd1.25Ge2.75 and Dy2Pd1.25Ge2.75 have been synthesized using the arc-melting method. The crystallographic structure and magnetic, electronic transport, and thermal properties are reported. The crystal structure obtained from powder x-ray diffraction analysis suggests that these compounds crystallize in the AlB2-type structure (space group P6/mmm, no. 191) with lattice parameters a = 4.228 53(5)/4.230 54...
Improved finite element method for flow, heat and solute transport of Prandtl liquid via heated plate
PublikacjaIn the current study, a vertical, 3D-heated plate is used to replicate the generation of heat energy and concentration into Prandtl liquid. We discuss how Dufour and Soret theories relate to the equations for concentration and energy. In order to see how efectively particles, interact with heat and a solvent, hybrid nanoparticles are used. It does away with the phenomena of viscous dissipation and changing magnetic felds. The motivation...
Noncentrosymmetric Triangular Magnet CaMnTeO6: Strong Quantum Fluctuations and Role of s0 versus s2 Electronic States in Competing Exchange Interactions
PublikacjaNoncentrosymmetric triangular magnets offer a unique platform for realizing strong quantum fluctuations. However, designing these quantum materials remains an open challenge attributable to a knowledge gap in the tunability of competing exchange interactions at the atomic level. Here, a new noncentrosymmetric triangular S = 3/2 magnet CaMnTeO6 is created based on careful chemical and physical considerations. The model material...
Semi-adaptive feedback active control of MRI noise
PublikacjaA feedback controller is proposed for cancellation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) noise. The design of the controller takes into account specific features of the MRI noise signal. Simulation results show that a considerable rejection rate of the MRI noise can be obtained.
The forming and emission of high power electromagnetic pulses
PublikacjaAn impulse energy source, a power conditioning system and an electromagnetic field emitter are essential to generate an electromagnetic field pulse (EMFP) with a specific frequency bandwidth. Selected simulation results for a power conditioning system consisting of a fuse opening switch and a paraboloidal electromagnetic emitter have been presented in this article. The synthetic system examined in the simulation is powered by...
Sensorless five-phase induction motor drive with third harmonic injection and inverter output filter
PublikacjaThe paper presents a sensorless control approach for a five-phase induction motor drive with third harmonic injection and inverter output filter. In the case of the third harmonic injection being utilised in the control, the physical machine has to be divided into two virtual machines that are controlled separately and independently. The control system structure is presented in conjunction with speed and rotor flux observers that...
Ferromagnetism and structural phase transition in rhombohedral PrIr3
PublikacjaThe synthesis, structural, magnetic, thermal, and transport properties are reported for polycrystalline PrIr3. At room temperature PrIr3 displays the rhombohedral space group R-3m and a PuNi3-type structure. At around 70 K a phase transition to a monoclinic C2/m structure is observed and continued cooling reveals temperature independent behavior of the unit cell volume. Further, PrIr3 undergoes a paramagnetic to ferromagnetic transition with...
CeIr3: superconductivity in a phase based on tetragonally close packed clusters
PublikacjaWe present the crystallographic analysis, superconducting and spectroscopic characterization, and theoretical modeling of CeIr3. Lattice parameters a = 5.2945(1) Å and c = 26.219(1) Å are found for the R-3m symmetry crystal structure, which are close to the literature values. CeIr3 is a moderate type-II superconductor (κ GL = 17, λ e–p = 0.65) below 2.5 K. Ce ions exhibit a strongly intermediate valence character as evidenced by...
Intermetallic disordered magnet Gd2Pt1.1Ge2.9 and its relation to other AlB2 -type compounds
PublikacjaThe intermetallic germanide Gd 2 Pt 1.1 Ge 2.9 was synthesized using an arc-melting method. The crystal structure was characterized using powder x-ray diffraction, revealing a disordered ternary AlB 2 -type structure (space group P 6 / m m m , No. 191) with lattice parameters a = 4.2092 ( 1 ) Å and c = 4.0546 ( 2 ) Å . Physical properties were investigated by magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity measurements, which...
A DFT+U study of carbon nanotubes under influence of a gate voltage
PublikacjaA possibility of appearance of antiferromagnetic ordering in armchair carbon nanotubes and graphene is studied using density functional theory within a DFT+U approach. It is shown that the Coulomb repulsion between electrons in the -orbitals of graphene would need to reach a threshold value of ,...
The influence of plastic deformation on the magnetoelastic properties of the CSN12021 grade steel
PublikacjaWłasności magnetosprężyste materiałów są silnie modyfikowane przez zmiany struktury dyslokacyjnej, które są wynikiem procesów deformacji plastycznej. Zmiany te mogą być wykorzystane jako podstawa do opracowania metody nieniszczącej oceny stopnia deformacji materiału.Jak dotychczas zaproponowane zostały różne metody, oparte na pomiarach pętli histerezy magnetycznej czy też natężenia magnetycznego efektu Barkhausena. Artykuł porównuje...
Antiferromagnetic ordering and Kondo lattice behavior in moderate heavy fermion system Ce3NiSi3
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Superconductivity in the calcium-decorated hexagonal boron nitride monolayer
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Revisiting properties of CaCoSinO2n+2. Crystal and electronic structure
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Lack of magnetoacoustic emission in iron with 6.5% silicon
PublikacjaZjawisko emisji magnetoakustycznej (EMA) na ogół tłumaczy się dwoma przyczynami: ruchem nie 180-cio stopniowych granic domenowych (1) lub kreacją i anihilacją domen magnetycznych. Artykuł prezentuje silne dowody na poparcie faktu, że to właśnie ruch granic nie 180-cio stopniowych odpowiada za powstawanie efektu EMA. Wynika to z wyników pomiarów dających zerowe natężenie efektu EMA przeprowadzonych dla szerokiego zakresu naprężeń...
Numerical evaluation of spatial time-varying magnetisation of ferritic tubes excited with a C-core magnet
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono uzyskane metodą elementów skończonych numeryczne oszacowanie czasowo-przestrzennego rozkładu magnetyzacji w ferrytycznych rurach magnesowanych elektromagnesem typu C. Wzięto pod uwagę nieliniowe własności magnetyczne oraz występowanie prądów wirowych. Prąd magnesujący miał charakter piłokształtny.
The influence of elastic deformation on the properties of the magnetoacoustic emission (mae) signal for go electrical steel
PublikacjaZbadano własciwości sygnału emisji magnetoakustycznej (MAE) elektrotechnicznej stali GO poddanej deformacji plastycznej w temperaturze pokojowej
Thermal analysis of Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Casson fluid with suspended Iron (II, III) oxide-aluminum oxide-titanium dioxide ternary-hybrid nanostructures
PublikacjaThis study is carried out to enhance and analyze the thermal performance of non-Newtonian Casson fluid by immersing Ternary hybrid nanoparticles Fe3O4-Al2O3-TiO2 uniformly. To model the behaviour of such complex phenomena mathematically, a system of complex transport differential equations is developed by utilizing a non-Fourier heat transfer model for energy transport. The non-dimensional system of transport equations involving...
Antiferromagneticspinglass-likebehaviorinsinteredmultiferroic AurivilliusBim+1Ti3Fem−3O3m+3 compounds
PublikacjaThe structure,hyperfine interactionsandmagneticpropertiesoftheseriesofmultiferroicBim+1Ti3Fem−3 O3m+3 Aurivilliuscompoundswith m¼4–8 werestudiedusingX-raydiffraction, 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopyandvibratingsamplemagnetometry.Sampleswerepreparedbytheconventionalsolid- state sinteringmethod.Bulkmagneticmeasurementsshowedthatfor m¼4 thecompoundis paramagnetic downto2Kwhileinthecompoundwith m¼5 theantiferromagnetictypetransition wasobservedat11K.Inthecaseofcompoundswith...
Error analysis of calculating average d-q current components using Regular Sampling and Park transformation in FOC drives
PublikacjaIn electric drives using voltage source inverters, motor currents contain ripple component resulting from pulse-width modulated (PWM) voltage. The frequency range of the ripples is much higher than the bandwidth of current control. Therefore the control is performed on the basis of a fundamental current component, i.e. average value with the averaging time being the PWM period. In majority of cases the average current is measured...
Optimization of the distance between the vertical plates in the convective air heat exchanger
PublikacjaThis paper examines the influence of the distance between vertical plates on the intensity of free convective heat transfer along with the optimization of this distance. Experimental tests were carried out for one model channel of such an heat exchanger with widths , 0.085 and 0.18 m. This channel, open at the top and sides, was formed by two isothermal symmetrically heated parallel vertical plates of dimensions m and m. The influence...
3D intact knee model used in analysis of the medial meniscus biomechanics in the osteoarthritic knee joint - input text file for computation
Dane BadawczeThe finite element method was used to simulate the stance phase of the gait cycle. An intact knee model with original geometry and material parametetrs was prepared based on magnetic resonance scans of the left knee joint of a healthy volunteer. The file was created in Abaqus 6.14-2, but can be read in a text editor.
Development of novel optoelectronic sensory structures utilising colour centres in nanodiamonds and their interactions with analytes
PublikacjaThe goal of this dissertation was to develop and assess surface modifications of fluorescent nanodiamonds (NDs) for optical sensing. Three modification routes were tested, each aimed at a different application. Modification with poly-L-lysine (pLys) was verified for optical sensing of pH via an interrelationship between electrically negative (NV¯) and neutral (NV0) nitrogen-vacancy centres. Immobilisation of Ochratoxin A (OTA),...
Static electric multipole susceptibilities of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in the ground state: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function
PublikacjaThe ground state of the Dirac one-electron atom, placed in a weak, static electric field of definite $2^{L}$ polarity, is studied within the framework of the first-order perturbation theory. The Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function [R. Szmytkowski, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 30, 825 (1997); erratum R. Szmytkowski, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 30, 2747 (1997)] is used to derive closed-form analytical...
Sensorless Disturbance Detection for Five Phase Induction Motor with Third Harmonic Injection
PublikacjaThe paper presents a sensorless disturbance detection procedure that was done on a five phase induction motor with third harmonic injection. A test bench was developed where a three phase machine serves as disturbance generator of different frequencies. The control of the machines is based on multi scalar variables that ensures an independent control of the motor EMF and the rotor flux. For disturbance identification a speed observer...
Comparison of state feedback and PID control of pressurizer water level in nuclear power plant
PublikacjaThe pressurizer water level control system in nuclear power plant with pressurized water reactor (PWR) is responsible for coolant mass balance. The main control goal is to stabilize the water level at a reference value and to suppress the effect of time-varying disturbances (e.g. coolant leakage in primary circuit pipeline system). In the process of PWR power plant operation incorrect water level may disturb pressure control or...
Design of the LLC Filter for AC Grid-Based Converter
PublikacjaThis paper emphasizes reducing harmonic distortion in the electrical current delivered by photovoltaic (PV) inverters to the power grid. It highlights the issue of significant harmonic components present in the output voltage of inverters, which is attributed to pulse width modulation (PWM) switching techniques. This necessitates the deployment of LCL filters as a strategic approach to limit current harmonics effectively. Additionally,...
Influence of Properties of Hydraulic Fluid on Pressure Peaks in Axial Piston Pumps’ Chambers
PublikacjaThe article concentrates on the research of the pressure peaks in a working chamber of an axial piston pump. The main focus of the article is the influence of fluid properties on the pressure peaks value. Experimental and analytical methods were used to determine the impact of the fluid density, viscosity, compressibility and aeration. The article describes the pressure peak generation process and explains the theoretical basis...
Influence of water and mineral oil on the leaks in satellite motor commutation unit clearances
PublikacjaThe article describes the flow rates of mineral oil and water flowing, as working media, through the commutation unit of a hydraulic satellite motor. It is demonstrated that geometrical dimensions of commutation unit clearances change as a function of the machine shaft rotation angle. Methods for measuring the rate of this flow and the pressure in the working chamber are presented. The results of pressure measurements in the working...
Evaluation of fire hazard in electrical installations due to unfavorable ambient thermal conditions
PublikacjaEvaluation of fire hazard caused by electrical installations is a difficult and important topic, and it limits the possibility of loss of life or health of people, as well as the occurrence of significant property damage. In particular, this hazard was caused by power cables and especially photovoltaic (PV) installations. The authors proved that power cables directly exposed to strong solar radiation are likely to exceed maximum...
Incorporation of doxorubicin into plant-derived nanovesicles: process monitoring and activity assessment
PublikacjaExtracellular vesicles (EVs) are an experimental class of drug carriers. Alternative sources of EVs are currently being explored to overcome limitations related to their manufacturing from mesenchymal stem cells. In this work, Citrus limon-derived EVs were tested as carriers for the widely used chemotherapeutic drug – doxorubicin (DOX). Capillary electrophoresis (CE) and nanoplasmonic sensing (NPS) were developed for the quality...
Magnetoacoustic Heating in Nonisentropic Plasma Caused by Different Kinds of Heating-Cooling Function
PublikacjaThe nonlinear phenomena which associate with magnetoacoustic waves in a plasma are analytically studied. A plasma is an open system with external inflow of energy and radiation losses. A plasma’s flow may be isentropically stable or unstable. The nonlinear phenomena occur differently in dependence on stability or instability of a plasma’s flow. The nonlinear instantaneous equation which describes dynamics of nonwave entropy mode...
Nonlinear Model of Synchronous Generator for Autonomous Electrical Power Systems Analysis
PublikacjaThis paper presents the nonlinear lookup table model for synchronous generator (SG) analysis. The saturation effects of the SG magnetic circuit have been considered. The saturated characteristic of the SG magnetic circuit are based on the open circuit saturation curve for magnetizing inductances. The model has been implemented into the Synopsys/Saber software using the MAST modelling language. To implement the no-load voltage characteristic...
Napawanie elementów wymiennika ciepła austenitycznym drutem proszkowym
PublikacjaNa potrzeby przemysłu energetycznego produkuje się wymienniki ciepła przeznaczone do eksploatacji w warunkach agresywnych chemicznie, np. w środowisku siarkowodoru. Z przyczyn ekonomicznych często stosuje się w takim przypadku materiały bimetaliczne wytwarzane procesami napawania. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nieniszczących, pomiarów twardości, analizy składu chemicznego, pomiarów ferrytu delta oraz badań makro- i mikroskopowych...
Five-phase squirrel-cage motor. Construction and drive properties
PublikacjaThis paper presents the simulation and experimental results of a five-phase squirrel-cage induction motor. The new machine has been designed to operate in a drive system with third harmonic rotor flux injection in order to improve the motor torque utilization. The motor structure, the mathematical model as well as the laboratory prototype have been described. The motor speed-torque characteristics and transients are elaborated...
Determinants of the surface quality, density and dimensional correctness in selective laser melting of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy
PublikacjaSelective laser melting is widely used for custom-designed elements. Successful manufacturing depends on laser treatment parameters and material features. This research aimed to determine the effects of laser power, scan time and hatch distance on surface quality, relative density and dimensional precision for cuboids made of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy. The influence of energy density, energy flux and pre-heating was seen to be decisive...
Investigations on mixture preparation for two phase adiabatic pressure drop of R134a flowing in 5 mm diameter channel
PublikacjaThe article presents detailed two-phase adiabatic pressure drops data for refrigerant R134a. Study cases have been set for a mass flux varying from 200 to 400 kg/m2 s, at the saturation temperature of 19.4 ◦C. Obtained experimental data was compared with the available correlations from the literature for the frictional pressure drop during adiabatic flow. Influence of mixture preparation on pressure drop was investigated, for...
Optimal Rotating Receiver Angles Estimation for Multicoil Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer
PublikacjaThis study proposed an approach to dynamic wireless charging that uses a rotating receiver coil. Our simulation study focused on the verification of a novel way of increasing the coupling coefficient and power transfer stability by following the flux of the transmitting coils. To obtain the highest possible coupling by means of the FEM analysis, we studied the optimization of the trajectory of the angular velocity of the rotating...
Interspecies distances between propionic acid degraders and methanogens in syntrophic consortia for optimal hydrogen transfer
PublikacjaA mixed culture from an anaerobic biowaste digester was enriched on propionate and used to investigate interspecies hydrogen transfer in dependence of spatial distances between propionate degraders and methanogens. From 20.3 mM propionate, 20.8 mM acetate and 15.5 mM methane were formed. Maximum specific propionate oxidation and methane formation rates were 49 and 23 mmol mg−1day−1, respectively. Propionate oxidation was inhibited by...
Hyperbranched polyethylenimine functionalized silica/polysulfone nanocomposite membranes for water purification
PublikacjaHyperbranched polyethyleneimine functionalized silica (PEI-SiO2) nanoparticles with considerable hydrophilicity were synthesized and incorporated into a polysulfone (PSF)/dimethylacetamide (DMA)/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) membrane casting solution in five different ratios to fabricate PEI-SiO2/PSF nanocomposite membranes using nonsolvent-induced phase separation. The hydrophilic PEI-SiO2 nanoparticles were characterized by TEM,...
The Effects of Pin Profile on HDPE Thermomechanical Phenomena during FSW
PublikacjaFriction stir welding (FSW) of polymeric materials has recently attracted significant attention. Herein, we present the effect of the tool pin profile on the FSW of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) joints through joint experimental analysis and thermomechanical simulations. For analysis of pin profile effects on the thermomechanical properties of HDPE joints, frustum (FPT), cubic (CPT), and triangular (TPT) pin shapes were selected...
Experimental study of magnetorheological fluids under large periodic deformations
PublikacjaMagnetorheological (MR) fluids are smart materials whose properties can be controlled by a magnetic field. They are used in a variety of applications with tailored operating parameters, facilitating broad and relatively straightforward implementation and control of the functional properties of these systems. The aim of the study was to determine the variation in shear stress of MR fluids under varying...