wszystkich: 116
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: biomechanics
The influence of three different test positions and thigh asymmetry on measurements of isometric hip flexion strength in men and women
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Modelling and simulation of striated muscle and groups of muscles in arm-forearm system 2D
PublikacjaModel mięśnia szkieletowego poprzecznie prążkowanego został przedstawiony jako szeregowe połączenie aktywnych i pasywnych odcinków reologicznych. Zasymulowane zostały: skurcze pojedyncze, niecałkowity skurcz tężcowy, całkowity skurcz tężcowy. Model zespołu mięśni w układzie ramię-przedramię opisu-je zmianę kąta obrotu przedramienia względem nieruchomego ramienia. Pobudzając zginacze i prostowniki był zasymulowany obrót przedramienia.
Estimation of flow for tissue perfusion of nutrient liquids in bioreactor.
PublikacjaPrzedstawione zostały problemy związane z wyznaczaniem pola prędkości w warstwie przyściennej opływanej tkanki miękkiej w bioreaktorze. Warunki brzegowe na powierzchni miękkiej tkanki o właściwościach porowatych zostały w niniejszej pracy sformułowane.
Dynamic characteristics of interaperitoneal perfusion.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych perfuzyjnego przepływu przez model jamy brzusznej człowieka. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na techniczne aspekty modelu oraz wyników badań. Omówiono technikę pomiarową oraz przeanalizowano rezultaty pod kątem teorii przepływów przez zbiorniki i reaktory.
Tensile and flexural moduli for human orbital wall bones – comparative study
PublikacjaThe main aims of the current research were: (1) to analyze in detail the tensile modulus and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of orbital wall bones separately for the left and right orbit of the same cadaver and (2) to compare the obtained results with a flexural modulus of the left and right orbit reported earlier by A. C. van Leeuwen et al. [14]. A set of 54 specimens of orbital superior and/or medial walls harvested from 16 human...
Application of muscle model to the musculoskeletal modeling
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to investigate new fusiform muscle models. Each of these models treats a muscle as a system composedof parts characterized by different mechanical properties. These models explain the influence of differences in the stiffness of lateral parts and the degree of muscle model discretization. Each muscle model is described by a system of differential equations and a single integro-differential equation....
Analysis of muscles behaviour. Part II. The computational model of muscles group acting on the elbow joint
PublikacjaThe purpose of this paper is to present the computational model of muscles' group describing the movements of flexion/extension at the elbow joint in the sagittal plane of the body when the forearm is being kept in the fixed state of supination/pronation. The method ofevaluating the muscle forces is discussed in detail. This method is the basis for the quantitative and qualitative verification of the proposed computational model...
Mechanical behaviour of the implant used in human hernia repair under physiological loads
PublikacjaIn laparoscopic operations of abdominal hernias some recurrences still take place, even when applying a surgical mesh. This is usually caused by a failure of the connection between the tissue and the implant. The study deals with the influence of an implant’s orientation on forces in joints, which connect the mesh to human tissues. In the paper, the implant is modelled as a membrane structure within framework of the Finite Element...
Analysis of muscles behaviour : The computational model of muscle. -Part I
PublikacjaW artykule zaproponowano model obliczeniowy mięśnia szkieletowego, który potraktowano jako strukturę o złożonych i zróżnicowanych właściwościach mechanicznych. Szczegółowo opisano metodę identyfikacji tych właściwości. Ponadto określono sposób przeprowadzenia weryfikacji ilościowej i jakościowej zaproponowanego modelu. Za pomocą takiego obliczeniowego modelu mięśnia można łatwo określać siły w mięśniach, które należą do zespołu...
Mechanical behaviour of knit synthetic mesh used in hernia surgery
PublikacjaPurpose: There is a discussion in literature concerning mechanical properties and modelling of surgical meshes. An important feature of elastic modulus dependency on load history is taken into account in this paper, as implants are subjected to variable loading during human activity. The example of DynaMesh®-IPOM surgical implant is studied. Methods: The analysis is based on failure tension tests and cyclic loading and unloading...
Deposition of phosphate coatings on titanium within scaffold structure
PublikacjaPurpose: Existing knowledge about the appearance, thickness, and chemical composition of phosphate coatings on titanium inside porous structures is insufficient. Such knowledge is important for the design and fabrication of porous implants. Methods: Metallic scaffolds were fabricated by selective laser melting of 316L stainless steel powder. Phosphate coatings were deposited on Ti sensors placed either outside the scaffolds or...
Validation of Hydraulic Mechanism during Blowout Trauma of Human Orbit Depending on the Method of Load Application
PublikacjaThe more we know about mechanisms of the human orbital blowout type of trauma, the better we will be able to prevent them in the future. As long as the buckling mechanism’s veracity is not in doubt, the hydraulic mechanism is not based on equally strong premises. To investigate the correctness of the hydraulic mechanism’s theory, two different methods of implementation of the hydraulic load to the finite element method (FEM) model...
Mechanical and structural investigations of wings of selected insect species
PublikacjaThis paper presents research and measurements leading to obtaining the Young’s modulus of wing bearing structures of selected insect species. A small testing machine intended for three-point bending and equipped with instruments registering low forces was constructed for the needs of the experiment. The machine was used to perform numerous bending tests of wings of three species of insects (obtained from a breeding farm): Attacus...
The Influence of External Additional Loading on the Muscle Activity and Ground Reaction Forces during Gait
PublikacjaAsymmetrical external loading acting on the usculoskeletal system is generally considered unhealthy. Despite this knowledge, carrying loads in an asymmetrical manner like carrying on one shoulder, with one hand, or on the strap across the torso is a common practice. This study is aimed at presenting the effects of the mentioned load carrying methods on muscle activity assessed by using thermal field and ground reaction forces....
The effective elastic properties of human trabecular bone may be approximated using micro-finite element analyses of embedded volume elements.
PublikacjaBoundary conditions (BCs) and sample size affect the measured elastic properties of cancellous bone. Samples too small to be representative appear stiffer under kinematic uniform BCs (KUBCs) than under periodicity-compatible mixed uniform BCs (PMUBCs). To avoid those effects, we propose to determine the effective properties of trabecular bone using an embedded configuration. Cubic samples of various sizes (2.63, 5.29, 7.96, 10.58...
Enhancing rheological muscle models with stochastic processes
PublikacjaPurpose: Biological musculoskeletal systems operate under variable conditions. Muscle stiffness, activation signals, and loads change during each movement. The presence of noise and different harmonic components in force production significantly influences the behaviour of the muscular system. Therefore, it is essential to consider these factors in numerical simulations. Methods: This study aims to develop a rheological mathematical...
Effect of pulse laser treatment at different process variables on mechanical behavior of carbon nanotubes electrophoretically deposited on titanium alloy
PublikacjaPurpose: Titanium and its alloys are widely used as biomaterials for long-term implants, but they are usually surface-modified due to their weak bioactivity and wear resistance. Laser processing was used to modify the surface layer, and elemental carbon was a component of the deposited coatings. This research aims to use a combination of both methods based on preliminary electrophoretic deposition of multi-wall carbon nanotubes...
Modeling the debonding process of osseointegrated implants due to coupled adhesion and friction
PublikacjaCementless implants have become widely used for total hip replacement surgery. The long-term stability of these implants is achieved by bone growing around and into the rough surface of the implant, a process called osseointegration. However, debonding of the bone–implant interface can still occur due to aseptic implant loosening and insufficient osseointegration, which may have dramatic consequences. The aim of this work is to...
Biological and mechanical properties of bone cement with nanoarticles - in vitro and in vivo research
PublikacjaDespite antibiotic preventive treatment both before and after implant implementation, the risks of infection are real. These infections develop at the implant surface a few months after inserting them into the body. To prevent the development of bacteria and reduce the risk of infection, implants coated with nanoparticles are used. The Mechanical Department of the Technical University of Gdansk carries out research into using bone...
Behaviour of orthotropic surgical implant in hernia repair due to the material orientation and abdomen surface deformation
Publikacjarelation to the different range of typical deformations observed in different directions and zones of abdomen surface due to the patients’ life activities, has a significant influence on the extreme junction forces in the mesh–tissue connections and hence the repair persistence. The finite element model of the orthotropic implant was developed, and the junction forces in the connections of tissue and mesh were studied. The kinematical...
Influence of energy absorbers on Malgaigne fracture mechanism in lumbar-pelvic system under vertical impact load
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Comment on permeability conditions in finite element simulation of bone fracture healing
PublikacjaThe most popular model of the bone healing considers the fracture callus as poroelastic medium. As such it requires an assumption of the callus’ external permeability. In this work a systematic study of the influence of the permeability of the callus boundary on the simulated bone healing progress is performed. The results show, that these conditions starts to play significant role with the decrease of the callus size. Typically...
Two-criteria optimisation problem for ventral hernia repair
PublikacjaTwo-criteria optimisation problem related to laparoscopic ventral hernia repair is formulated in this paper. An optimal implant from a given set and its orientation is sought. The implant is subjected to kinematic extortions due to a patient’s body movement and intra-abdominal pressure. The first criterion of the optimisation problem deals with the reaction force in the implant fastener, while the deflection of the implant constitutes...
Mathematical modelling of implant in an operated hernia for estimation of the repair persistence
PublikacjaThis paper presents mathematical modelling of an implanted surgical mesh used in the repair process of the abdominal hernia. The synthetic implant is simulated by a membrane structure. The author provides a material modelling of the implant based on the dense net model appropriate for technical fabrics. The accuracy of the proposed solution is evaluated by comparing the simulations of the dynamic behaviour of the system with the...
Mechanical properties of mosquito nets in the context of hernia repair
PublikacjaThe paper deals with issue of applying mosquito nets as implants in hernia repair, which have already been used in resource-poor developing countries. Uniaxial tensile tests have been conducted on polyester mosquito meshes in two orthogonal directions. Non-linear elastic constitutive laws parameters have been identified to be applied in dense net material models. Mechanical performance of tested mosquito nets has been compared...
Combined numerical and experimental approach to determine numerical model of abdominal scaffold
PublikacjaA proper junction of the prosthesis and the abdominal wall is important in successful hernia repair. The number of tacks should be balanced to assure appropriate mesh fixation and not to induce post-operative pain. Numerical simulations help to find this balance. The study is aimed at creating a proper numerical model of a knitted surgical mesh subjected to boundary conditions and load occurring in the abdominal cavity. Continuous,...
Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.
OsobyDSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction) Publikacje z listy MNiSW (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E.,...
Czesław Kazimierz Szymczak prof. dr hab. inż.
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Leszek Dąbrowski dr inż.
OsobyLeszek Dąbrowski jest starszym wykładowcą w Katedrze Konstukcji Maszyn i Pojazdów. Ukończył studia w 1985 roku, pracę doktorską z tribologii (inżynierii łożyskowania) obronił w 1997 r. Prowadzi działalność dydaktyczną, inżynierską i badawczą w zakresie metod komputerowych w mechanice, biomechanice i inżynierii medycznej. Ostatnie prace badawcze dotyczą wykorzystania tomografii komputerowej i metody elementów skończonych w ortopedii...
Katarzyna Szepietowska dr inż.
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Validation of lumbar spine finite element model
Dane BadawczeThe functional biomechanics of the lumbar spine have been better understood by finite element method (FEM) simulations. However, there are still areas where the behavior of soft tissues can be better modeled or described in a different way. The purpose of this research is to develop and validate a lumbar spine section intended for biomechanical research....
Robotics for human health and performance (PG_00054982) 04.2024
Kursy OnlineDuring this course students will be provided with the knowledge in areas of robotics and biomechanics necessary to design instrumentation for human health and performance, as well as about human-robot interface.
Biomechanika,Wykład,IM,IMSiB,letni 2023-2024(PG_00048715)
Kursy OnlineCelem przedmiotu jest uzyskanie wiedzy z biomechaniki ciała człowieka.The aim of this subject is to acquire knowledge about the human body biomechanics.
Biomechanika,Wykład,IMM,letni 2023-2024 (PG_00055757)
Kursy OnlineCelem przedmiotu jest uzyskanie wiedzy z biomechaniki ciała człowieka.The aim of this subject is to acquire knowledge about the human body biomechanics.
Robotics for human health and performance 03.2022
Kursy OnlineThis course is to provide knowledge in area of biomechanics, necessary to design instrumentation for human health and performance, and automatics necessary to design simple instrumentation as well as about human-robot interface.
Surface and interfacial anti-plane waves in micropolar solids with surface energy
PublikacjaIn this work, the propagation behaviour of a surface wave in a micropolar elastic half-space with surface strain and kinetic energies localized at the surface and the propagation behaviour of an interfacial anti-plane wave between two micropolar elastic half-spaces with interfacial strain and kinetic energies localized at the interface have been studied. The Gurtin–Murdoch model has been adopted for surface and interfacial elasticity....
Cervical spine injuries during car collisions with three types of roadside barriers
PublikacjaTraditional methods for assessing vehicle passenger safety in crash tests involving roadside barriers rely on safety indices derived from vehicle kinematic responses. However, this approach may not accurately capture the complex biomechanical stresses exerted on the human body during a collision, raising concerns about the validity and reliability of these indices in accurately evaluating passenger safety. This study investigates...
Cost-Effective and Sufficiently Precise Integration Method Adapted to the FEM Calculations of Bone Tissue
PublikacjaThe technique of Young’s modulus variation in the finite element is not spread in biomechanics. Our future goal is to adapt this technique to bone tissue strength calculations. The aim of this paper is to present the necessary studies of the element’s integration method that takes into account changes in material properties. For research purposes, a virtual sample with the size and distribution of mechanical properties similar...
A significance of multi slip condition for inclined MHD nano-fluid flow with non linear thermal radiations, Dufuor and Sorrot, and chemically reactive bio-convection effect
PublikacjaThe aim of this research is to discuss the significance of slip conditions for magnetized nanofluid flow with the impact of nonlinear thermal radiations, activation energy, inclined MHD, sorrot and dufour, and gyrotactic micro motile organisms over continuous stretching of a two-dimensional sheet. The governing equations emerge in the form of partial differential equations. Since the resultant governing differential equations...
The influence of a change in the meniscus cross-sectional shape on the medio-lateral translation of the knee joint and meniscal extrusion
PublikacjaObjective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of a change in the meniscus cross sectional shape on its position and on the biomechanics of a knee joint. Methods One main finite element model of a left knee joint was created on the basis of MRI images. The model consisted of bones, articular cartilages, menisci and ligaments. Eight variants of this model with an increased or decreased meniscus height were then...
Numerical Model of Femur Part
PublikacjaThe aim of the study is to create a new more accurate method of femur part modelling by using the finite element method. According to this new method, a femur part is treated as a complex structure composed of trabecular bone (internal part) and cortical bone (external part). The internal part is modelled as a scaffold, thus the external part is modelled as a coat (i.e. covering). Applying the programme ABAQUS, there were created...
Krzysztof Jan Kaliński prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyUkończył studia magisterskie na Wydziale Mechanicznym Technologicznym (MT) PG (1980, dyplom z wyróżnieniem). Stopień doktora otrzymał na Wydziale Budowy Maszyn PG (1988, praca wyróżniona), stopień doktora habilitowanego na Wydziale Mechanicznym (WM) PG (2002, praca wyróżniona), a tytuł profesora nauk technicznych – w 2013 r. Od 2015 r. jest profesorem zwyczajnym, a od 2019 r. - profesorem. Obszar jego badań naukowych obejmuje:...
Development and validation of lumbar spine finite element model
PublikacjaThe functional biomechanics of the lumbar spine have been better understood by finite element method (FEM) simulations. However, there are still areas where the behavior of soft tissues can be better modeled or described in a different way. The purpose of this research is to develop and validate a lumbar spine section intended for biomechanical research. A FE model of the 50th percentile adult male (AM) Total Human Model for Safety...
Numerical analysis of lumbar spine injury during road safety barrier collision
PublikacjaPurpose: Enhancing road safety is a critical goal worldwide, necessitating the development of clear standards for road safety systems. This study focuses on lumbar spine (L-spine) compression injuries during collisions with concrete road safety barriers (RSBs). It aims to analyze internal forces during impact to understand L-spine injury biomechanics in such accidents. Methods: The research included a literature review, analyzing...
Krzysztof Żerdzicki dr inż.
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Vehicle CG and Head Accelerations from TB32 Impacts Against Various Barriers
Dane BadawczeOrganized into separate folders, cable, concrete, and w_beam,each subdirectory provides a single CSV file (vrz_ax_ay_az.csv) detailing the translational accelerations along the X, Y, and Z axes and the rotational velocity around the Z axis of the vehicle’s center of gravity during an EN1317 TB32 impact test. Additionally, a resultant_head_accelerations.csv...
Mechanical response of human thoracic spine ligaments under quasi-static loading (Raw Data)
Dane BadawczeThe RawDataSet contains experimental results from quasi-static uniaxial stretching tests of the ligaments of the human thoracic spine. The data includes results for the tensioning of Anterior Longitudinal Ligaments, Posterior Longitudinal Ligaments, Capsular Ligaments, Ligamentum Flavum, Interspinous Ligaments, and Supraspinous Ligaments.
Numerical Analysis of Mice Carotid Arteries’ Response Emphasizing the Importance of Material Law Constants’ Validation
PublikacjaIn this paper, a detailed validation of the passive material properties of mice carotid arteries and constants of the Fung and Holzapfel hyperelastic material laws is conducted by means of static nonlinear FEM analyses. The response of the carotid arteries in an inflation test is studied here for the following mouse models: wild-type, mdx, sgcd−/−, Eln+/+, Eln+/−, Fbln5+/+, and Fbln5−/−. All FEM computations are conducted on models...
Orthotropic membrane as a mechanical model of surgical implant in abdominal hernia repair
PublikacjaEven though the incisional hernia repair surgery is a well known procedure, mechanical properties of the tissue-implant system are unknown so the implantation of the repairing mesh is quite intuitive and, recurrences of the illness still take place. The main objective of the study is to define an operated hernia model that can be used for surgery planning and the assessment of the repair persistence. The load applied to the structure...
PublikacjaIn the present research, Proceed® implant is considered. The system is subjected to short-time dynamic pressure load, similar to post-operative cough naturally occurring in human abdomen. The model refers to a clinical case of 5cm of hernia operated by Proceed implant fixed by 15 joints every 3cm around the orifice. The simulations of the implanted mesh are performed by means of the Finite Element Method. The implant is modelled...