Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GASES
Technologies for deodorization of malodorous gases
PublikacjaThere is an increasing number of citizens’complaints about odor nuisance due to production or service activity. High socialawareness imposes pressure on entrepreneurs and service providers forcing them to undertake effective steps aimed at minimi-zation of the effects of their activity, also with respect to emission of malodorous substances. The article presents informationabout various technologies used for gas deodorization....
Unusual streaming in chemically reacting gases
PublikacjaNonlinear stimulation of the vorticity mode caused by losses in the momentum of sound in the chemically reacting gas, is considered. The instantaneous dynamic equation which describes the nonlinear generation of the vorticity mode, is derived. It includes a quadratic nonlinear acoustic source. Both periodic and aperiodic sound may be considered as the origin of the vorticity flow. In the non-equilibrium regime of the chemical reaction,...
Features of Nonlinear Sound Propagation in Vibrationally Excited Gases
PublikacjaWeakly nonlinear sound propagation in a gas where molecular vibrational relaxation takes place is studied. New equations which govern the sound in media where the irreversible relaxation may take place are derived and discussed. Their form depends on the regime of excitation of oscillatory degrees of freedom, equilibrium (reversible) or non-equilibrium (irreversible), and on the comparative frequency of the sound in relation to...
Hazardous gases detection by fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono układ pomiarowy oraz metodę za pomocą której można jednym rezystancyjnym czujnikiem gazów wykrywać dwa gazy: amoniak i siarkowodór. Podano wskaźnik jaki pozwala dokonać detekcji tych gazów już przy stężeniach rzędu pojedynczych ppm. Przebadano także powtarzalność wyników pomiarów w kilku egzemplarzach czujników.
Hysteresis curves for some periodic and aperiodic perturbations in gases
PublikacjaEvolution of sound in a medium whose properties irreversibly vary in the course of wave propagation, is studied. For example, a gas that is a particular case of a Newtonian fluid is considered. Hysteresis curves, pictorial representations of irreversible attenuation of the sound energy, in the plane of thermodynamic states are plotted. The irreversible losses in internal energy are proportional to the total attenuation and depend...
Electron diffision coefficients in triatomic gases measurements and model
PublikacjaPraca zawiera porównanie współczynników dyfuzji elektronów w gazach trójatomowych (N2O, C2O) zmierzonych w doświadczeniu ze współczynnikami wyznaczonymi numerycznie z wykorzystaniem równania Boltzmanna oraz z zastosowaniem metody Monte Carlo. Przedstawiona procedura pozwala zweryfikować przekroje czynne na zderzenia elektronów z drobinami gazów.
Prototype of electrochemical sensor for measurements of volatile organic compounds in gases
PublikacjaThe paper presents a laboratory prototype of an electrochemical sensor for measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in gases, utilizing ionic liquids and commercial screen printed electrodes by DropSens. The following ionic liquids have been tested as the electrolyte and redox reaction environment: 1-butyl, 3-methylimidazolium dicyanoamide ([BMIM][N(CN)2]), 1-octyl, 3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([OMIM][BF4]),...
Standing Waves in a Rectangular Resonator Containing Acoustically Active Gases
PublikacjaThe distribution of perturbations of pressure and velocity in a rectangular resonator is considered. A resonator contains a gas where thermodynamic processes take place, such as exothermic chemical reaction or excitation of vibrational degrees of a molecule’s freedom. These processes make the gas acoustically active under some conditions. We conclude that the incident and reflected compounds of a sound beam do not interact in the...
The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Process Gases within the Biowaste Compost
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Analytical techniques used in monitoring of atmospheric air andstack gases
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono klasyfikację metod i technik analitycznych wykorzystywanych w badaniach powietrza atmosferycznego i gazów odlotowych. Przedstawiono również typowe urządzenia wykorzystywane na etapie pobierania próbek.
Removal of BTEX Compounds From Waste Gases; Destruction and Recovery Techniques
PublikacjaThe tendency for BTEX compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) to spread into all compartments of the environment together with their influence on both ecosystem and human health means that the emission of thesecompounds into the air is becoming the matter of worldwide concern. The legal regulations introduced by the European Union governing the assessment and management of air quality obliges member states to systematically...
Interaction of Acoustic and Thermal Modes in the Vibrationally Relaxing Gases. Acoustic Cooling
PublikacjaThe dynamic equation which governs an excess temperature associated with the thermal mode in vibrationally relaxing gas is derived. The nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy to the energy of the thermal mode in a relaxing gas causes slow variation of temperature with time. The nal dynamic equation is instantaneous. All types of sound, including aperiodic, may be considered as an acoustic source of corresponding heating or cooling....
Decay properties of unstable Tonks-Girardeau gases from a split trap
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Sea to air transport of trace gases in the coastal zone: a literature review
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono informacje i dane liczbowe dotyczące zjawiska wymiany składników śladowych (CO2, N2O, CH4, DMS, COS, NH3, metyloaminy, lotne związki halogenoorganiczne, CO) pomiędzy powierzchnią morza i powietrzem atmosferycznym w strefie przybrzeżnej. Dokonano oceny ogólnej emisji tych związków oraz podano informacje o stężeniach i o strumieniach (w skali rocznej).
Detecting harmful gases using fluctuation-enhanced sensing with Taguchi sensors
PublikacjaTechniki sensorowe powinny być nie tylko wszechstronne ale także poprawiać dostarczaną informację.Artykuł przedstawia nowe podejście do analizy sygnałów obserwowanych podczas wykrywania gazów. Wykorzystuje się całe pasmo częstotliwości obserwowanych fluktuacji rezystancji sensora, w przecwieństwie do klasycznego podejścia wykorzystującego tylko obserwacje zmian rezystancji stałoprądowej. Nowe podej[cie pozwala zredukować liczbę...
Hysteresis curves and loops for harmonic and impulse perturbations in some non-equilibrium gases
PublikacjaEvolution of sound in a relaxing gas whose properties vary in the course of wave propagation, is studied. A relaxing medium may reveal normal acoustic properties or be acoustically active. In the first case, losses in acoustic energy lead to an increase in internal energy of a gas similarly as it happens in Newtonian fluids. In the second case, acoustic energy increases in the course of sound propagation, and the internal energy...
Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Process Gases within Municipal Biowaste Compost
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Determination of toxic gases based on the responses of a single electrocatalytic sensor and pattern recognition techniques
PublikacjaA response from an electrocatalytic gas sensor contains fingerprint information about the type of gas and its concentration. As a result, a single gas sensor can be used for the determination of different gases. However, information about the type of gas and its concentration is hidden in the unique shape of the current–voltage response and it is quite difficult to explore. One of the ways to get precise information about the measured...
PublikacjaThe need for precise detection of toxic gases drives development of new gas sensors structures and methods of processing the output signals from the sensors. In literature, artificial neural networks are considered as one of the most effective tool for the analysis of gas sensors or sensors arrays responses. In this paper a method of toxic gas components identification using a electrocatalytic gas sensor as a detector and an artificial...
Acoustic field and the entropy mode induced by it in a waveguide filled with some non-equilibrium gases
PublikacjaThe non-linear propagation of an acoustic beam in a rectangular waveguide is considered. The medium of sound propagation, is a gas where thermodynamically non-equilibrium processes take place: such as exothermic chemical reactions or excitation of vibrational degrees of a molecule’s freedom. The incident and reflected compounds of the acoustic field do not interact in the leading order in the case of periodic weakly nonlinear sound...
Optimization of the Relative Humidity of Reactant Gases in Hydrogen Fuel Cells Using Dynamic Impedance Measurements
PublikacjaWater management is a key factor affecting the efficiency of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). The currently used monitoring methods of PEMFCs provide limited information about which processes or components that humidity has a significant impact upon. Herein, we propose the use of a novel approach of impedance measurements using a multi-sinusoidal perturbation signal, which enables impedance measurements under dynamic...
A semiempirical model for low energy electron–atom transport cross sections: The case of noble gases
PublikacjaA semiempirical approach to describe low energy electron–atom transport cross sections of easy implementation and reproduction is presented. The heart of the model is an energy independent two-parameter potential that was adjusted to reproduce the accurate total cross sections for He, Ne, Ar and Kr, measured with a threshold photoelectron source technique from meV up to 20 eV. Once the potential was conceived, the model was validated...
Determination of carbon monoxide, methane and carbon dioxide in refinery hydrogen gases and air by gas chromatography
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono metodę oznaczania śladowych zawartości tlenku węgla, metanu oraz dwutlenku węgla w rafineryjnych gazach wodorowych oraz powietrzu; granica oznaczalności metody wynosi odpowiednio 0,15, 0,15 oraz 0,20 mikro-gram/litr. Zaprezentowano w pracy prostą modyfikację chromatografu gazowego wyposażonego w detektor płomieniowo-jonizacyjny (FID). Zastosowano kolumnę typu PorapakQ, dodatkowo połączono szeregowo z krótką...
Experimental study of the fuel jet combustion in high temperature and low oxygen content exhaust gases
PublikacjaPrzeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne spalania pojedynczego strumienia paliwa gazowego. Paliwo podawano współosiowo do generowanych przez konwencjonalny palnik gazowy spalin o wysokiej temperaturze i niskiej zawartości tlenu. Badano wpływ zawartości tlenu w utleniaczu na widzialność płomienia i skład produktów spalania.
Low-frequency noise in Au-decorated graphene–Si Schottky barrier diode at selected ambient gases
PublikacjaWe report results of the current–voltage characteristics and low-frequency noise in Au nanoparticle (AuNP)-decorated graphene–Si Schottky barrier diodes. Measurements were conducted in ambient air with addition of either of two organic vapors, tetrahydrofuran [(CH2)4O; THF] and chloroform (CHCl3), as also during yellow light illumination (592nm), close to the measured particle plasmon polariton frequency of the Au nanoparticle...
Data analysis of FTIR spectra for study of outlet gases of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells fuelled by biogas
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono system umożliwiający połączenie spektroskopii FTIR z specjalnie zaprojektowanym oprogramowaniem w celu uzyskania informacji o stężeniach gazów wylotowych z ogniw paliwowych SOFC. Przebadane zostały główne produkty reformingu biogazu: tlenek węgla, dwutlenek węgla, metan oraz wodór. Opisane oprogramowanie umożliwia w prosty i szybki sposób uzyskanie informacji o gazach wylotowych ogniwa paliwowego.
Determination of the amount of wash amines and ammonium ion in desulfurization products of process gases and results of related studies
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono metodę oznaczania tzw. amin myjących i ich produktów degradacji, włączając jon amonowy w wodach procesowych i ściekach wytwarzanych podczas odsiarczania gazów. W procesach rafinacji ropy naftowej zastosowano jonowymienną chromatografię cieczową z detektorem refraktometrycznym oraz tanią kationowymienną kolumnę HPLC. Otrzymane wyniki oznaczeń porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi przez miareczkowanie potencjometryczne....
Agri-food waste biosorbents for volatile organic compounds removal from air and industrial gases – A review
PublikacjaApproximately 1.3 billion metric tons of agricultural and food waste is produced annually, highlighting the need for appropriate processing and management strategies. This paper provides an exhaustive overview of the utilization of agri-food waste as a biosorbents for the elimination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from gaseous streams. The review paper underscores the critical role of waste management in the context of a...
The Impact of Alternative Fuels on Fuel Consumption and Exhaust Emissions of Greenhouse Gases from Vehicles Featuring SI Engines
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Acid–Base Balance, Blood Gases Saturation, and Technical Tactical Skills in Kickboxing Bouts According to K1 Rules
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Fully bio-based poly(propylene succinate) synthesis and investigation of thermal degradation kinetics with released gases analysis
PublikacjaOne of the most important information about polyesters is their thermal stability and phase transition tem- peratures. These characteristics give information about the promising behavior of the polyester during proces- sing. In this work, linear bio-based polyester polyols were prepared with the use of succinic acid and 1.3- propanediol (both with natural origin). As a polycondensation catalyst was used tetraisopropyl orthotitanate...
Influence of temperature and nitrogen pressure on the test without active gases for high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells
PublikacjaHigh-Temperature Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (HT-PEMFCs) are a candidate for electrical energy supply devices in more and more applications. Most notably in the aeronautic industry. Before any use, an HT-PEMFC is preheated and after that supplied with its active gases. Only at this state, the diagnostics can be performed. A method of testing not requiring a complete start-up would be beneficial for many reasons. This article...
Influence of Thermal Decomposition of Wood and Wood-Based Materials on the State of the Atmospheric Air. Emissions of Toxic Compounds and Greenhouse Gases
PublikacjaThis paper presents the energy characteristics of wood and wood-based materials in the form of commercially available pellets, furniture board (MDF) and OSB. Toxicometric indices were determined for gaseous destructs arising from thermal decomposition and combustion of the materials studied. The paper proves that combustion conditions are crucial in terms of toxic destructive emissions. It has been shown that the combustion of...
A new construction of shell-and-tube heat exchanger with impinging jets and minichannels technologies for heat recovery from gases – experimental analysis
PublikacjaA dynamic development of technologies allowing waste heat utilization is observed in a correspondence with a pro-ecological approach of the zero waste idea. Such approach becomes the most demanding in the area of low-temperature was heat sources, especially gaseous media. Till now, they were usually not utilized due to unfavorable thermal conditions and high costs. Therefore, the zero waste approach directs research on techniques...
Analytical method of determining dynamic properties of thermocouples used in measurements of quick – changing temperatures of exhaust gases in marine diesel engines
PublikacjaThe article presents selected issues of mathematical modeling of heat exchange between the thermocouple and the exhaust gas flowing them, in unsteady conditions. On the way of energy balancing consideration of thermodynamic processes developed differential equations describing the dynamic properties for three versions of the design sheathed thermocouples: with weld isolated from the sheath, with weld welded the sheath and with...
Greenhouse Gases-Science and Technology
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In situ study of a composition of outlet gases from biogas fuelled Solid Oxide Fuel Cell performed by the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
PublikacjaThe purpose of this study was to develop a method and software based on the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for the in-situ, quantitative analysis of the composition of outlet gases from Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). The calibration procedure performed at the beginning of the experiment indicated a polynomial dependence between the concentration of a calibrating gas (CO, CO2, CH4) and the corresponding integrated absorbance in...
Change of exhaust gases concentration for SOFC fueled by H2 and biogas mixture at 750 C
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the Change of exhaust gases concentration for SOFC fueled by H2 (for 12h) and biogas mixture at 750 C (60:40 CH4:CO2). The outlet concentration of the gases from SOFC were measured using novel FTIR-based unit.
Change of exhaust gases concentration for LSCNT modified SOFC fueled by biogas mixture at 750 C
Dane BadawczeThe dataset changes of exhaust gases concentrations (CH4,CO,CO2,H2) over working time for SOFC with La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-s layer. Concentrations were calculated based on the FTIR measurements and calibration files presented in coupled dataset.
The changes of outlet gases concentrations from SOFC with Ce(Pr,Sm)O2-s layers
Dane BadawczeThe dataset includes The changes of outlet gases concentrations from SOFC with Ce(Pr,Sm)O2-s layers. Samples were produced using aqueous soft chemistry methods (microemulsion method) and applied in form of a layer onto the anode of the commercial SOFC. The SOFC was working under biogas feeding.
Change of exhaust gases concentration for reference SOFC and SOFC with LSCNT layer fueled by biogas mixture at 750 C
Dane BadawczeThe dataset changes of exhaust gases concentrations (CH4,CO,CO2,H2) over working time for SOFC with La0.27Sr0.54Ce0.09Ni0.1Ti0.9O3-s layer as well as reference SOFEC (unmodified). Concentrations were calculated based on the FTIR measurements and calibration curves presented in different dataset. Longterm measurements of SOFC were performed using in-house...
Electrical and noise responses of carbon nanotube networks enhanced by UV light for detection of organic gases (ethanol, acetone)
Dane BadawczeCarbon nanotube networks of different optical transparencies were investigated via resistance and 1/f noise measurements for detection of ethanol and acetone. The sensor resistive and noise responses were collected for dark and UV-assisted conditions, revealing the improvement in sensor sensitivity and limit of detection after applying UV light (275...
Electrical and noise responses of Graphene-Silicon Schottky diodes decorated with Au nanoparticles for light-enhanced sensing of organic gases
Dane BadawczeGraphene-Silicon Schottky junctions decorated with Au nanoparticles were used for light-enhanced detection of organic tetrahydrofuran and chloroform. Au nanoparticles exhibited localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in the range of yellow light; thus yellow LED (wavelength of 592 nm) was utilized to induce the plasmonic effect, that increased the...
Analysis of effects of formation of non-condensable gases and water vapor during a severe accident in a boiling water nuclear reactor Analiza skutków powstawania niekondensujących gazów i pary wodnej podczas ciężkiej awarii wrzącego reaktora jądrowego
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A comprehensive review of sectorial contribution towards greenhouse gas emissions and progress in carbon capture and storage in Pakistan
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Level and trend uncertainties of Kyoto relevant greenhouse gases in Poland.W: IIASA Home page. Mid-Summer Workshop of Young Scientists Summer Program. 18-19 July 2002, Laxenburg, Austria. Laxenburg: Int. Inst. Applied Syst.** 2002. Dostępny z Internetu: http://www.iiasa.ac.at IIASA - Publications Catalog [s. 1-38, 1 rys. 13 tab. bibliogr. 27 poz.] Poziom i trend niepewności oszacowania emisji gazów cieplarnianych w Polsce
PublikacjaScharakteryzowano metody określania niepewności szacowania emisji gazów cie-plarnianych z różnych źródeł. Wykonano badania i skomentowano wyniki.
On the Nonlinea Distortions of Sound and its Coupling with Other Modes in a Gasesous Plasma with Finite Electric Conductivity in a Magnetic Field
PublikacjaNonlinear phenomena of the planar and quasi-planar magnetoacoustic waves are considered. We focus on deriving of equations which govern nonlinear excitation of the non-wave motions by the intense sound in initially static gaseous plasma. The plasma is treated as an ideal gas with finite electrical conductivity permeated by a magnetic field orthogonal to the trajectories of gas particles. This introduces dispersion of a flow. Magnetoacoustic...
Janusz Smulko prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyUrodził się 25 kwietnia 1964 r. w Kolnie. Ukończył w 1989 r. z wyróżnieniem Wydział Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej, specjalność aparatura pomiarowa. Zajął II miejsce w konkursie Czerwonej Róży na najlepszego studenta Wybrzeża w 1989 r. Od początku kariery związany z Politechniką Gdańską: asystent (1989–1996), adiunkt (1996–2012), profesor nadzwyczajny PG (od 2012). Odbył staże naukowe w Texas A&M University (2003, NATO...
Electrical and noise responses of the ink-printed WS2-based gas sensor for sensing mixtures of NO2 and NH3 under UV light (275 nm)
Dane BadawczeThe data set consists of results collected for the resistive gas sensor composed of 2D flakes of tungsten disulfide (WS2) printed on the ceramic substrate: 1) time-resolved DC resistance measurements and 2) low-frequency noise measurements realized in the dark and under UV light assistance (275 nm) for selected gas atmospheres (NO2 and NH3 as target...
Perspectives of fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing by twodimensional materials
Dane BadawczeHigh-quality graphs (600 dpi) of the experimental data presented in the published paper: