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wyświetlamy 1000 najlepszych wyników Pomoc
Characteristics and fate of organic nitrogen in municipal biological nutrient removal wastewater treatment plants
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence and fate of colloidal and dissolved organic nitrogen (CON and DON) across biological nutrient removal (BNR) activated sludge bioreactors. Primary and secondary effluent total nitrogen (TN) measurements and component fractionation, CON and DON concentration profiles across BNR bioreactors, and laboratory batch experiments with the process mixed liquor were carried out at several...
Thermal-hydraulic issues of flow boiling and condensation in organic Rankine cycle heat exchangers
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono szereg zagadnień cieplno-przepływowych podczas wrzenia i kondensacji w przepływie w wymiennikach ciepła obiegu ORC. Uwzględniono przemiany fazowe. Analizowano zagadnienia stabilności pracy wymienników oraz ich dynamikę
Analytical method for calculation of heat source temperature drop for the Organic Rankine Cycle application
PublikacjaIn the paper presented are considerations on the cooperation of the limited capacity heat source with the Organic Rankine Cycle unit. Usually the heat source providing thermal energy to the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) may have twofold characteristics. It can be in the form of a single phase fluid, i.e. as hot exhaust gas or hot liquid, or in some cases it may be available as a phase changing fluid, as for example, technological...
Sano-Tachiya-Noolandi-Hong versus Onsager modelling of charge photogeneration in organic solids
PublikacjaW pracy obliczono numerycznie charakterystyki polowe wydajności fotogeneracji nośników ładunku na gruncie różnych wesrsji modeli Onsagera i Noolandiego-Honga. Wyznaczone krzywe teoretyczne porównano z wynikami doświadczalnymi uzyskanymi metodą elektromodulacji (foto)luminescencji (EML) dla próżniowo naparowanych warstw organicznych kompleksów Alq3 i Ir(ppy)3.
The influence of the thickness, recombination and space charge on the loss of photocurrent in organic semiconductors: an analytical model
PublikacjaWe propose an analytical model of the photocurrent efficiency dependence on the light intensity in organic semiconductors. The influence of the thickness of sample, space charge effects and recombination of charge on the loss of photocurrent has been considered. We demonstrate that the presented model is the enhancement of an analytical model reported recently by Rappaport et al (2005 J. Appl. Phys. 98 033714). The method to identify...
Testing and sampling devices for monitoring volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in indoor air
PublikacjaAdults spend most of their time in enclosed spaces (e.g., apartment, office and public buildings). According to research conducted by scientists, air quality indoors is much worse than the ambient air quality outdoors. Hazardous chemicals found in air indoors can adversely affect the functioning of the human body and cause many respiratory and circulatory diseases. Harmful chemical compounds (mainly volatile organic compounds and...
Adsorption of a Four-Component Mixture of Volatile Organic Compound Vapors on Modified Activated Carbons
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Determination of volatile organic compounds using solventless sample preparation techniques and gas chromatography
PublikacjaIn this paper the latest advances in the determination of volatile organic compounds using solvent-free extraction techniques in the sample preparation step are presented. A paper is focus mainly on one of the most popular sample preparation technique: solid-phase microextraction technique (SPME) combined with different detection systems and its applications to sampling of VOCs from the samples with different matrices. This paper...
The new concept of capillary forces aided evaporator for application in domestic organic rankine cycle
PublikacjaThis paper presents studies on the possibility of applying capillary forces induced in the porous structure to a modern design of evaporator. The potential application of such heat exchanger is for example an evaporator of the domestic micro combined heat and power (CHP) unit. One of the problems in the micro-CHP is excessive demand for pumping power. The proposed design helps in overcoming that issue. In the evaporator outlined...
Organic carbon fluxes of a glacier surface: a case study of Foxfonna, a small Arctic glacier
PublikacjaArctic glaciers are rapidly responding to global warming by releasing organic carbon (OC) to downstream ecosystems. The glacier surface is arguably the most biologically active and biodiverse glacial habitat and therefore the site of important OC transformation and storage, although rates and magnitudes are poorly constrained. In this paper, we present measurements of OC fluxes associated with atmospheric deposition, ice melt,...
Carbon Nanomaterials From Metal-Organic Frameworks: A New Material Horizon for CO2 Reduction
PublikacjaThe rise of CO2 in the atmosphere, which results in severe climate change and temperature increase, is known as the major reason for greenhouse effect. Reducing CO2 to value-added products is an attractive solution to this severe problem, along with addressing the energy crisis, to which the catalysts being employed are of vital importance. Due to their high porosity and tunable compositions, Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) show...
PublikacjaThe recycling of plastics is currently one of the most significant industrial challenges. Due to the enormous amounts of plastic wastes generated by various industry branches, it is essential to look for the potential methods of their utilization. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that recycled plastics are not pure materials, and they still may show an unfavorable environmental impact. They may contain different contaminants...
Folia Organologica. International yearbook of organ and organ music
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Zhonghua fu chan ke za zhi
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Development of an orbital shaker-assisted fatty acid-based switchable solvent microextraction procedure for rapid and green extraction of amoxicillin from complex matrices: Central composite design
PublikacjaIn this study, a cheap, fast and simple orbital shaker-assisted fatty acid-based switchable solvent microextraction (OS-FASS-ME) procedure was developed for the extraction of amoxicillin (AMOX) in dairy products, pharmaceutical samples and wastewater prior to its spectrophotometric analysis. Fatty acid-based switchable solvents were investigated for extracting AMOX. The key factors of the OS-FASS-ME procedure were optimized using...
The effect of freeze-drying and storage on lysozyme activity, lactoferrin content, superoxide dismutase activity, total antioxidant capacity and fatty acid profile of freeze-dried human milk
PublikacjaPooled human milk samples were freeze-dried and stored for 6 weeks at a temperature of 5 C and 25 C. Freeze-drying decreased the water content of milk by 86.5%, and the obtained lyophilizate was readily soluble in water. The freeze-drying process did not affect superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, fatty acid (FA) profile or lactoferrin (LF) content, but it decreased total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of human milk by 22.1% and induced...
The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha
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Organic Chemistry Frontiers
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Ludzkość-technologia: organizm symbiotyczny
PublikacjaFelieton popularnonaukowy dotyczący filozofii techniki.
Cell and Organ Transplantology
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Biogeochemistry of three different shallow gas systems in continental shelf sediments of the South-Eastern Baltic Sea (Gulf of Gdańsk): Carbon cycling, origin of methane and microbial community composition
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Detection of Helicobacter rodentium-like DNA in the liver tissue of patients with chronic liver diseases by polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and DNA sequence analysis
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The CON−H…+NH2 Blue-Shifting H-Bond Stabilizing Effect on Z Secondary Amides and Cyclic System Conformational Rearrangement through an Alkylamine-Chain Migration Pathway
PublikacjaThe paper is focusing on the amide linkage exceptional properties and usage of chemistry (conformational rearrangement, geometrical stereoisomers, spectroscopic blue shift phenomenon, protonation and deprotonation reactions, synthetic scope, and mechanistic implications). Hydrogen-bond-stabilized acylation reactions of a diamine with thioamides or nitriles reveal how substituents influence both the outcome of stereoselectivity...
Application of headspace-solid phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to determine short-chain monocarboxylic acids in cattle farm wastewater and waste landfill leachates
PublikacjaZaproponowano metodykę oznaczania krótkołańcuchowych kwasów monokarboksylowych w ściekach z hodowli bydła i odciekach ze składowisk zawierających organiczne odpady, oparta na technice mikroekstrakcji do fazy stacjonarnej z fazy nadpowierzchniowej próbek ciekłych, w połączeniu ze sprzężonym układem GC-MS.
Synthesis and Structure of Novel Copper(II) Complexes with N,O- or N,N-Donors as Radical Scavengers and a Functional Model of the Active Sites in Metalloenzymes
PublikacjaToevaluatetheantioxidantactivityofpotentialsyntheticenzymemimetics,wepreparednewfivecopper(II)complexesviaaself‐assemblymethodandnamedthem[Cu(2‐(HOCH2)py)3](ClO4)2(1),[Cu(2‐(HOCH2)py)2(H2O)2]SiF6(2),[Cu2(2‐(HOCH2CH2)py)2(2‐(OCH2CH2)py)2](ClO4)2(3),[Cu(pyBIm)3](BF4)2∙1.5H2O(4)and[Cu(py2C(OH)2)2](ClO4)2(5).ThesyntheticprotocolinvolvedN,O‐ orN,N‐donors:2‐(hydroxymethyl)pyridine(2‐(HOCH2)py),2‐(hydroxyethyl)pyridine(2‐(HOCH2CH2)py),2‐(2‐pyridyl)benzimidazole(pyBIm),di(2‐pyridyl)ke‐tone(py2CO).TheobtainedCu(II)complexeswerefullycharacterisedbyelementalanalysis,FTIR,EPR,UV‐Vis,single‐crystalX‐raydiffractionandHirshfeldsurfaceanalysis.Crystallographicandspectroscopicanalysesconfirmedchromophoresofbothmonomeric({CuN3O3}(1),{CuN2O4}(2),{CuN6}(4),{CuN4O2}(5))anddimericcomplex({CuN2O3}(3)).Mostoftheobtainedspeciespos‐sessedadistortedoctahedralenvironment,exceptdimer3,whichconsistedoftwocoppercentreswithsquarepyramidalgeometries.Thewater‐solublecompounds(1,3and5)wereselectedforbiologicaltesting.Theresultsofthestudyrevealedthatcomplex1insolutionsdisplayedbetterradicalscavengingactivitythancomplexes3,5andfreeligands.Therefore,complex1hasbeenselectedforfurtherstudiestotestitsactivityasanenzymemimetic.Thechosencompoundwastestedontheerythrocytelysateoftwogroupsofpatientsafterundergoingchemotherapyandchemoradiotherapy.Theeffectofthetestedcompound(1)onenzymeactivitylevels(TAS,SODandCAT)suggeststhattheselectedcomplexcanbetreatedasafunctionalmimeticoftheenzymes.
An Influence of the Aromatic Side Chains Conformations in Positions 2 and 3 of Vasopressin Analogs on Interactions with Vasopressin and Oxytocin Receptors
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Central and Eastern European States from an International Perspective: Economic Potential and Paths of Participation in Global Value Chains
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Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs
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Hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of pollutants as a factor influencing their redistribution during snowpack melt
PublikacjaGlaciers accumulate organic pollutants delivered by snow. However, our understanding of the exact dynamics of organic pollutants in the snowpack relies primarily on laboratory experiments and mathematical models. To fill the gap related to the detailed field data, we have conducted observations of melting snow profiles in two locations and three different stages of melting on one High Arctic glacier, as well as in superimposed...
Intellect (Bristol, United Kingdom)
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Development of conductive porous media as packing materials for biotrickling filter – microbial fuel cell system (BTF-MFC system)
Dane BadawczeDataset presents values of electrical resistance measured for three developed conductive packimg materials for the application in a BTF-MFC system.
Effects of three-month feeding high-fat diets with different fatty acid composition on kidney histology and expression of genes related to cellular stress and water-electrolyte homeostasis in mice
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Comparative analysis of the quality parameters and the fatty acid composition of two economically important Baltic fish: cod, Gadus morhua and flounder, Platichthys flesus (Actinopterygii) subjected to iced storage
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Development and validation of a method for the simultaneous analysis of fatty acid ethyl esters, ethyl sulfate and ethyl glucuronide in neonatal meconium: application in two cases of alcohol consumption during pregnancy
PublikacjaAlcohol consumption during pregnancy constitutes one of the leading preventable causes of birth defects and neurodevelopmental disorders in the exposed children. Fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs), ethyl glucuronide (EtG) and ethyl sulfate (EtS) have been studied as potential biomarkers of alcohol consumption. However, most analytical approaches proposed for their analysis in meconium samples consist of separated extraction procedures...
Effective degradation of sulfide ions and organic sulfides in cavitation-based Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs)
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of investigations on the effectiveness and reaction rate constants of the oxidation of sulfide ions and organic sulfides in real industrial effluents from the production of bitumens (2000 mg S2- L-1) using hydrodynamic and acoustic cavitation. The content of the effluents was analysed in terms carbon disulfide, dimethyl sulfide, and di-tert-butyl disulfide concentration. A possibility of complete...
PublikacjaThe paper compares two methods of analysis of odour of volatile organic compounds: classical sensory analysis and electronic nose technique. Eight volunteers participated in the classical sensory analysis investigations, which lasted two weeks. An instrumental odour analysis involved a prototype of 6-sensor electronic nose designed by the authors. The research performed with this device provided higher reproducibility and reliability...
Investigations on the removal of hydrophobic odorous volatile organic compounds by biotrickling filtration monitored with electronic nose
PublikacjaThe presented paper presents the results of research on the removal of selected hydrophobic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from their mixture with air by means of a trickled-bed biofiltration. The efficiency of the removal of toluene and α-pinene, as model VOCs, in a three-section biotrickling filter is evaluated using GCFID and additionally monitored with an electronic nose. The results show that the removal of the model mixture...
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in indoor air in the Gdansk area using permeation passive samplers.
PublikacjaDozymetria pasywna, znana od wielu lat, jest użytecznym narzędziem w monitoringu poziomu zanieczyszczeń. Do określenia jakości powietrza wewnętrznego w 22 pomieszczeniach mieszkalnych, zlakoalizowanych na terenie Gdańska, wykorzystano dozymetry pasywne typu permeacyjnego na etapie pobierania próbek analitów. Uzyskane wyniki porównano z wynikami uzyskanymi przy wykorzystaniu matedy dynamicznej. Podjęto również próbę identyfikacji...
Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor Air in the Gdansk Area Using Permeation Passive Samplers
PublikacjaPassive dosimetry — known for over a hundred years — is still a useful tool in monitoring air pollutants. In this work, permeation passive samplers were used to determine indoor air quality in 22 apartments located in the Gdansk area in the northern part of Poland. The results obtained by the passive sampling technique were compared to those obtained by dynamic sampling. Attempts were also made to identify indoor sources of...
Elemental and organic carbon in aerosols over urbanized coastal region (southern Baltic Sea, Gdynia)
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Stability studies of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in different organic solvents and identification of their transformation products
PublikacjaGłównym problemem w laboratoriach analitycznych jest konserwacja próbek i ekstraktów przeznaczonych do analizy. Rozpatrując procesy degradacji z analitycznego punktu widzenia i związanej z tym wiarygodności uzyskiwanych wyników pod uwagę należy wziąć wpływ procesów degradacji w badanym elemencie środowiska na poziom stężenia składników śladowych; wpływ tych samych procesów na poziom składników śladowych w już pobranych próbkach...
Effect of housing geometry on the performance of Chemcatcher passive sampler for the monitoring of hydrophobic organic pollutants in water
PublikacjaZaprojektowano nową obudowę próbnika typu Chemcatcher, tzw. próbnik typu Chemcatcher drugiej generacji. Większość badań kalibracyjnych przeprowadzono stosując próbnik typu Chemcatcher pierwszej generacji. Dlatego zbadano wpływ obudowy próbnika typu Chemcatcher na jego działanie.
In Vitro Cytotoxicity Assessment of Betulinic Acid Organic Salts on Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells
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Characterization of Ti/SBA-15 Composites Synthesized by Chemical Vapour Deposition of Organic Titanium Compounds
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The Comparison of Typical Organic Solvents and Ionic Liquid for More Environmentally and User-Friendly Pyocyanin Extraction
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Sample preparation for gas chromatographic determination of halogenated volatile organic compounds in environmental and biological samples
PublikacjaPodstawowym elementem przygotowania próbek środowiskowych i biologicznych do analizy jest etap izolacji i/lub wzbogacania polegający na przeniesieniu analitów z matrycy pierwotnej charakteryzującej się złożonym i często zmiennym składem (próbka oryginalna) do matrycy wtórnej z równoczesnym usunięciem substancji przeszkadzających (izolacja)i zwiększeniem stężenia analitów do poziomu powyżej granicy oznaczalności stosowanego przyrządu...
Injection of charge into the archetype organic hole transporting material TPD at the electrical contacts with ITO and Al
PublikacjaW pracy opisano mechanizm przewodnictwa ciemnego w układzie ITO/warstwa TPD/Al oraz Al/warstwa TPD/Al, gdzie TPD oznacza dwaminę powszechne stosowaną jako transporter dziur w organicznych diodach EL.