Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: slurries pipelines
Radioisotope measurements of the liquid-gas flow in the horizontal pipeline using phase method
PublikacjaThe paper presents application of the gamma-absorption method to a two-phase liquid-gas flow investigation in a horizontal pipeline. The water-air mixture was examined by a set of two Am-241 radioactive sources and two NaI(Tl) scintillation probes. For analysis of the electrical signals obtained from detectors the cross-spectral density function (CSDF) was applied. Results of the gas phase average velocity measurements for CSDF...
Improved model of isothermal and incompressible fluid flow in pipelines versus the Darcy–Weisbach equation and the issue of friction factor
PublikacjaIn this article, we consider the modelling of stationary incompressible and isothermal one-dimensional fluid flow through a long pipeline. The approximation of the average pressure in the developed model by the arithmetic mean of inlet and outlet pressures leads to the known empirical Darcy–Weisbach equation. Most importantly, we also present another improved approach that is more accurate because the average pressure is estimated...
Pipelined sceling of signed residue numbers with the mixed-radix conversion in the programmable gate array
PublikacjaIn this work a scaling technique of signed residue numbers is proposed. The method is based on conversion to the Mixed-Radix System (MRS) adapted for the FPGA implementation. The scaling factor is assumed to be a moduli product from the Residue Number System (RNS) base. Scaling is performed by scaling of terms of the mixed-radix expansion, generation of residue reprezentation of scaled terms, binary addition of these representations...
Pipeline system for heat transportation from nuclear power plant — An optimizing approach
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Microscopic examination of CuNiFeR pipeline
Dane BadawczeCopper and nickel alloys called cunifers (Cu, Ni, Fe and R – rest of alloy elements) have found wide application in the production of ship pipeline components in contact with sea water, such as, for example, the main engine cooling system. These alloys are characterized by a very high corrosion resistance, which is ensured by appropriately carried out...
Macroscopic examination of CuNiFeR pipeline
Dane BadawczeCopper and nickel alloys called cunifers (Cu, Ni, Fe and R – rest of alloy elements) have found wide application in the production of ship pipeline components in contact with sea water, such as, for example, the main engine cooling system. These alloys are characterized by a very high corrosion resistance, which is ensured by appropriately carried out...
Application of gamma densitometry and statistical signal analysis to gas phase velocity measurements in pipeline hydrotransport
PublikacjaThe work presents selected methods of signal analysis used in the processing of data obtained from radiometric probes. The used data came from an exemplary study of a two-phase liquid-gas flow at the laboratory installation. In such rigs many possible transport types may be observed, i.e. slug, plug and bubble flow, and each of them gives different signal-to-noise ratio of recorded data. Therefore, available radiometric methods...
Application of gamma densitometry and statistical signal analysis to gas phase velocity measurements in pipeline hydrotransport
PublikacjaThe work presents selected methods of signal analysis used in the processing of data obtained from radiometric probes. The used data came from an exemplary study of a two-phase liquid-gas flow at the laboratory installation. In such rigs many possible transport types may be observed, i.e. slug, plug and bubble flow, and each of them gives different signal-to-noise ratio of recorded data. Therefore, available radiometric methods...
Electrolytic corrosion of water pipeline system in the remote distance from stray currents– case study
PublikacjaCase study of corrosion failure of urban water supply system caused by the harmful effects of stray currents was presented. The failure occurred at a site distant from the sources of these currents namely the tramway and railway traction systems. Diagnosis revealed the stray currents flow to pipeline over a remote distance of 800 ÷ 1,000 meters from the point of failure. At the point of failure stray currents flowed from the pipeline...
Usuwanie struwitu z rurociągów w oczyszczalni ścieków komunalnych = Struvite removal from pipelines in municipal wastewater treatment plant
PublikacjaStruwit MgNH4PO4 .6H2O jest minerałem występującym w przyrodzie. Minerał ten może powstawać również w organizmie człowieka oraz zwierząt jako kamień nerkowy. W wielu oczyszczalniach ścieków struwit wytrąca się m.in. podczas odprowadzania cieczy nadosadowej z komór fermentacyjnych. Powoduje to szybkie zmniejszanie się przekroju czynnego rurociągów i konieczność ich wymiany lub usuwania powstałego osadu. Ponadto, powstający osad...
Pipelined division of signed numbers with the use of residue arithmetic for small number range with the programmable gate array
PublikacjaIn this work an architecture of the pipelined signed residue divider for the small number range is presented. Its operation is based on reciprocal calculation and multiplication by the dividend. The divisor in the signed binary form is used to compute the approximated reciprocal in the residue form by the table look-up. In order to limit the look-up table address an algorithm based on segmentation of the divisor into two segments...
Tensile test of part of CuNiFeR pipeline
Dane BadawczeCopper and nickel alloys called cunifers (Cu, Ni, Fe and R – rest of alloy elements) have found wide application in the production of ship pipeline components in contact with sea water, such as, for example, the main engine cooling system. These alloys are characterized by a very high corrosion resistance, which is ensured by appropriately carried out...
PublikacjaLiquid-gas flows in pipelines appear in many industrial processes, e.g. in the nuclear, mining, and oil industry. The gamma-absorption technique is one of the methods that can be successfully applied to study such flows. This paper presents the use of thegamma-absorption method to determine the water-air flow parameters in a horizontal pipeline. Three flow types were studied in this work: plug, transitional plug-bubble,...
Investigation of Liquid–Gas Flow in a Horizontal Pipeline Using Gamma-Ray Technique and Modified Cross-Correlation
PublikacjaThis article presents the application of the radioisotope absorption method in the study of two-phase water–air flow in a horizontal pipe. The measurement principle and the test stand are briefly described. The main part of the article presents the signal analysis methods applied to data obtained from scintillation detectors. Because these signals are mostly stochastic waveforms, they were analyzed statistically using the cross-correlation...
Modeling of medium flow processes in transportation pipelines - the synthesis of their state-space models and the analysis of the mathematical properties of the models for leak detection purposes
PublikacjaThe dissertation concerns the issue of modeling the pipeline flow process under incompressible and isothermal conditions, with a target application to the leak detection and isolation systems. First, an introduction to the model-based process diagnostics is provided, where its basic terminology, tools, and methods are described. In the following chapter, a review of the state of the art in the field of leak detection and isolation...
Measurements of Dispersed Phase Velocity in Two-Phase Flows in Pipelines Using Gamma-Absorption Technique and Phase of the Cross-Spectral Density Function
PublikacjaThis paper concerns the application of the gamma radiation absorption method in the measurements of dispersed phase velocity in two-phase flows: liquid–gas flow in a horizontal pipe- line and liquid–solid particles in a vertical pipe. Radiometric sets containing two linear 241Am gamma radiation sources and two NaI(Tl) scintillation detectors were used in the research. Due to the stochastic nature of the signals obtained from the...
Corrosion performance of super duplex stainless steel and pipeline steel dissimilar welded joints: a comprehensive investigation for marine structures
PublikacjaThis study investigates the corrosion behavior of dissimilar gas tungsten arc (GTA) welded joints between super duplex stainless steel (sDSS 2507) and pipeline steel (X-70) using electrochemical and immersion corrosion tests. The GTA welds were fabricated using ER2594 and ER309L fller metals. The study examined the electrochemical characteristics and continuous corrosion behavior of samples extracted from various zones of the weldments...
Badania połączeń spawanych rurociągu wody pitnej we Włocławku, ang. Welding joints tests in drinking water pipeline.
PublikacjaCelem badań opisanych w pracy było określenie przyczyn korozji powstałej w strefie wpływu ciepła (SWC) w obwodowych połączeniach spawanych w rurociągu wody pitnej. Materiałem, z którego wykonano rurociąg to stal 304/304L. W obszarze złącza spawanego stwierdzono wżery inicjowane od niezgodności geometrycznych, gdzie mogły gromadzić się osady zwiększające udział chlorków bezpośrednio przy powierzchni rury, promujące tym procesy korozyjne....
Technical and economical analysis of combined cycles of gas turbine -steam turbine on pipeline compressor stations. Part II - Economic analysis
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono zagadnienie nadbudowy zespołów turbosprężarkowych, znajdujących się na tłoczni gazu ziemnego, odzyskowymi blokami parowymi. W analizie tego przedsięwzięcia wzięto pod uwagę kilka wariantów konfiguracji układu parowego oraz kilka wariantów uwzględniających zmienność obciążenia turbin gazowych napędzających kompresory. Dla układu parowego dobrano wszystkie podstawowe parametry, a następnie wykonano obliczenia...
Technical and economical analysis of combined cycles of gas turbine - steam turbine on pipeline compressor stations. Part I - Technical analysis
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono zagadnienie nadbudowy zespołów turbosprężarkowych, znajdujących się na tłoczni gazu ziemnego, odzyskowymi blokami parowymi. W analizie tego przedsięwzięcia wzięto pod uwagę kilka wariantów konfiguracji układu parowego oraz kilka wariantów uwzględniających zmienność obciążenia turbin gazowych napędzających kompresory. Dla układu parowego dobrano wszystkie podstawowe parametry, a następnie wykonano obliczenia...
Technical and economical analysis of combined cycles of gas turbine - steam turbine on pipeline compressor stations. Part II - Economic analysis
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono zagadnienie nadbudowy zespołów turbosprężarkowych, znajdujących się na tłoczni gazu ziemnego, odzyskowymi blokami parowymi. W analizie tego przedsięwzięcia wzięto pod uwagę kilka wariantów konfiguracji układu parowego oraz kilka wariantów uwzględniających zmienność obciążenia turbin gazowych napędzających kompresory. Dla układu parowego dobrano wszystkie podstawowe parametry, a następnie wykonano obliczenia...
6.2, Engineering structures. [Chapter] 6.2.1, Assessment of the technical condition and repairs to cylindrical tank : 6.2.2, Assessment and repair of underground arterial pipelines : 6.2.4, Assessment and repair of steel chimneys
PublikacjaJerzy Ziółko opracował następujące fragmenty książki: w rozdziale 6.2. Engineering structures (Obiekty inżynierskie), pkt. 6.2.1 Assessment of the technical condition and repairs to cylindrical tank (Diagnostyka stanu technicznego i naprawy zbiorników walcowych), pkt. 6.2.2 Assessment and repair of underground arterial pipelines (Diagnostyka i naprawy podziemnych rurociągów magistralnych, pkt. 6.2.4 Assessment and repair of steel...
Evaluation of the Construction and Investment Process of a High-Pressure Gas Pipeline with Use of the Trenchless Method and Open Excavation Method. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
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Effective Targeting of Colon Cancer Cells with Piperine Natural Anticancer Prodrug Using Functionalized Clusters of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles
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PublikacjaPracę wykonano na zlecenie Przedsiębiorstwa Badawczo-Wdrożeniowego "HYDRO-POMP" Sp. z o.o. ul. Wróblewskiego 19, 93-578 Łódź. Wykonawcą zlecenia jest Politechnika Gdańska, Wydział Chemiczny, Katedra Elektrochemii, Korozji i Inżynierii Materiałowej, 80-233 Gdańsk, ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12. Celem pracy była analiza stanu technicznego i badania dwóch rurociągów: solanki oraz wody przemysłowej. Badania wykonywano w warunkach terenowych...
Piperine Targets Different Drug Resistance Mechanisms in Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines Leading to Increased Sensitivity to Cytotoxic Drugs
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Scanning electron microscopy studies of the weld decay on SS 304 of water supply pipeline
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains micrographs made with scanning electron microscope (SEM) Hitachi S-3400N, of the weld decay for water supply system pipelines made of AISI 304 stainless steel. Within the dataset one can see the different corrosion mechanisms. The micrographs were made after the Strauss test (excluding pictures labeled as pits_in_HAZ, done without...
API 5L X65 steel - fracture documentation of CMOD-force test in -10°C, across rolling direction
Dane BadawczeSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature +20°C, across rolling direction
Dane BadawczeSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature -10°C, along rolling direction
Dane BadawczeSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature -10°C, across rolling direction
Dane BadawczeSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature +20°C, along rolling direction
Dane BadawczeSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - CMOD-force record in -10°C, along rolling direction
Dane BadawczeSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - CMOD-force record in -10°C, across rolling direction
Dane BadawczeSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - fracture documentation of CMOD-force test in -10°C, along rolling direction
Dane BadawczeSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
Analytical ‘Steady-State’-Based Derivation and Clarification of the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy Condition for Pipe Flow
PublikacjaThis article addresses the problem of choosing the optimal discretization grid for emulating fluid flow through a pipeline. The aggregated basic flow model is linearized near the operating point obtained from the steady state analytic solution of the differential equations under consideration. Based on this model, the relationship between the Courant number (μ) and the stability margin is examined. The numerically set coefficient...
Efektywność przewodowego transportu paliw gazowych. Część 1
PublikacjaW pracy przeprowadzono badanie możliwości podwyższenia efektywności transportu rurociągowego gazu ziemnego. Przeanalizowano różnorodne aspekty z zakresu procedur projektowania. Zaproponowano modele określania kosztów kapitałowych (inwestycyjnych) i kosztów zmiennych. Określono równania jednostkowych kosztów całkowitych (rocznych), które poddano „quasi-optymalizacji”, w celu wyznaczenia średnic racjonalnych dla gazociągów.
Efektywność przewodowego transportu paliw gazowych. Część 2
PublikacjaW pracy przeprowadzono badanie możliwości podwyższenia efektywności transportu rurociągowego gazu ziemnego. Przeanalizowano różnorodne aspekty z zakresu procedur projektowania. Zaproponowano modele określania kosztów kapitałowych (inwestycyjnych) i kosztów zmiennych. Określono równania jednostkowych kosztów całkowitych (rocznych), które poddano „quasi-optymalizacji”, w celu wyznaczenia średnic racjonalnych dla gazociągów.
Układy mechatroniczne w energetyce
Kursy OnlineIn the course basics of industrial instalations are presented.Types of installations, their division, materials used for pipelines were described. The ways of connecting pipelines and sealing connections were presented. Armature and fittings for pipelines were described
Decision support system for design of long distance heat transportation system
PublikacjaDistrict Heating (DH) systems are commonly supplied using local heat sources. Nowadays, modern insulation materials allow for effective and economically viable heat transportation over long distances (over 20 km). The paper proposes a Decision Support System (DSS) for optimized selection of design and operating parameters of a long distance Heat Transportation System (HTS). The method allows for evaluation of feasibility and effectiveness...
Leak detection methods for transmission pipelines.**2001, 156 s. 63 rys. 31 tab. bibliogr. 78 poz. maszyn. Rozprawa doktorska (2002.????) PG, Wydz. ETI. Promotor: dr hab. inż. Z. Kowalczuk, prof. nadzw. PG. Metody detekcji wycieków w rurociągach przemysłowych.
Nauka i Tehnologii Truboprovodnogo Transporta Nefti i Nefteproduktov-Science & Technologies-Oil and Oil Products Pipeline Transportation
Czasopisma -
Pipelines and auxiliary equipment of energy installations (WM)
Kursy Online -
Paweł Raczyński dr inż.
OsobyPaweł Raczyński ukończył studia na Politechnice Gdańskiej w 1977 r. uzyskując tytuł zawodowy magistra inżyniera elektroniki, specjalności automatyka i informatyka. W 1977 r. podjął pracę na Wydziale Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej na stanowisku asystenta. W 1986 r. uzyskał stopień naukowy doktora nauk technicznych. W swoich badaniach zajmuje się zagadnieniami konstrukcji systemów sterowania oraz diagnostyki technicznej, w szczególności...
Digital structures for high-speed signal processing
PublikacjaThe work covers several issues of realization of digital structures for pipelined processing of real and complex signals with the use of binary arithmetic and residue arithmetic. Basic rules of performing operations in residue arithmetic are presented along with selected residue number systems for processing of complex signals and computation of convolution. Subsequently, methods of conversion of numbers from weighted systems to...
FEM Calculations in Analysis of Steel Subsea Water Injection Flowlines Designing Process
PublikacjaPaper describes the result of theoretical research aimed at assessing the loads and operating conditions of a Coiled Tubing pipeline injecting water, suspended to the mining platform of Lotos Petrobaltic. For this purpose, appropriate calculation models have been developed using the Finite Element Method (FEM), taking into account the nature of the analyzed object and its loads. The analyzes were carried out for two pipes (previously...
Images of topography and mechanical properties (phase imaging) of cast iron samples from water installations
Dane BadawczeMeasurements in contact and semi-contact mode. NTEGRA Prima (NT-MDT) device. CSG 10.
A Survey on the Datasets and Algorithms for Satellite Data Applications
PublikacjaThis survey compiles insights and describes datasets and algorithms for applications based on remote sensing. The goal of this review is twofold: datasets review for particular groups of tasks and high-level steps of data flow between satellite instruments and end applications from an implementation and development perspective. The article outlines the generalized data processing pipelines, taking into account the variations in...
Trwałość spawanych instalacji wodnych wykonanych z nierdzewnych stali austenitycznych
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono dwa przypadki przedwczesnych uszkodzeń spawanych instalacji wodnych wykonanych ze stali odpornych na korozję. W celu ustalenia przyczyn uszkodzenia instalacji przeprowadzono badania metalograficzne, makro - i mikroskopowe oraz mikroanalizę składu chemicznego EDS na próbkach pobranych z reprezentatywnych miejsc. Wykazano, że głównymi przyczynami awarii rurociągów wody pitnej były niezgodności spawalnicze,...
Risks caused by microbiologically influenced corrosion in diesel fuel storage tanks
PublikacjaMicrobiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) poses serious problems for the petrochemical and refinery industries. Particularly favourable conditions for MIC arise in storage tanks and transmission pipelines for mixtures of diesel oil with the addition of a biocomponent (in Poland 7%). The best conditions for the development of MIC occur at the fuel-water interface, where microorganisms are provided with a source of food and water,...