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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: FUNCTIONAL POLYOLEFINS
Sacrum - Profanum, Profanum-Sacrum, Przemiany funkcji budowli sakralnych w XX wieku = Sacrum-Profanum, Profanum-Sacrum, Transformations of function of sacral buildings in 20th century
PublikacjaPublikacja dotyczy aktualnych problemów zwiazanych z procesami desakralizacji i resakralizacji obiektów. złozony problem dotyczy krajów zarówno Europy wschodniej i zachodniej. Ulegają mu obiekty różnych obrządków i wyznań. Problem dotyczy zarówno samej architektury jak i przemian społecznych.
Closed-form expression for the magnetic shielding constant of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac–Coulomb Green function
PublikacjaWe present analytical derivation of the closed-form expression for the dipole magnetic shielding constant of a Dirac one-electron atom being in an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate. The external magnetic field, by which the atomic state is perturbed, is assumed to be weak, uniform, and time independent. With respect to the atomic nucleus we assume that it is pointlike, spinless, motionless, and of charge Ze. Calculations are...
Weryfikacja Poziomów Nienaruszalności Bezpieczeństwa z uwzględnieniem Zagadnień Ochrony Informacji
PublikacjaNiniejszy rozdział poświęcono wybranym istotnym zagadnieniom analizy bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego, w szczególności weryfikacji poziomów nienaruszalności bezpieczeństwa SIL funkcji bezpieczeństwa implementowanych w rozproszonych systemach sterowania i zabezpieczeń z uwzględnieniem zagadnień ochrony informacji. Zaproponowano metodę opartą na informacji ilościowej i jakościowej do weryfikacji SIL (IEC 61508, 61511) z uwzględnieniem...
Contemporary multifunctional buildings towards a sustainable development of the housing environment
PublikacjaDevelopment of contemporary urban centers depends on the basis that buildings present more and more complex structures in terms of size and purpose. They are referred to as multifunctional buildings. This aspiration has its origins in the development of urban centers and in the desire to optimize the built-up areas. The article presents the theory of the approach to the design of multifunctional buildings with a focus on the residential...
Lidia Jasińska-Walc prof. dr hab. inż.
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Mateusz Gerigk dr inż. arch.
OsobyMateusz Gerigk (dr inż. arch.) urodzony 1987 roku w Gdyni. W 2006 roku ukończył Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr 2 im. A. Mickiewicza w Gdyni oraz Społeczną Szkołę Muzyczną II st. im. Z. Noskowskiego w Gdyni. W 2011 roku ukończył jednolite studia magisterskie na kierunku Architektura i Urbanistyka na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. W 2018 obronił doktorat w dziedzinie Architektura i Urbanistyka pt. Wielokryterialne projektowanie...
Aleksandra Kordalska dr
OsobyEkonomistka. Zatrudniona na stanowisku adiunkta na Wydziale Zarządzania i Ekonomii Politechniki Gdańskiej. Jej zainteresowania naukowe koncentrują się wokół problemów handlu międzynarodowego, w szczególności handlu międzynarodowego krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Najważniejsze badania dotyczą globalnych łańcuchów wartości, zaangażowania w globalne łańcuchy wartości w kontekście wielkości oraz własności przedsiębiorstw, specjalizacji...
Human Factors in designing the Instrumentation and Control Systems Important to Safety
PublikacjaThis work addresses selected aspects of human factors in designing the instrumentation and control (I&C) systems important to safety as a part of the functional safety management of industrial hazardous plants, in particular nuclear power plants. As it is known in such plants a concept of “defence in depth” (D-in-D) is widely applied and some layers of protection are designed with regard to functional safety (FS) concept given...
Synthesis and biological activity of novel ester derivatives of N3-(4-metoxyfumaroyl)-(S)-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid containing amide and keto function as inhibitors of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase
PublikacjaA short series of novel ester derivatives of N3-4-methoxyfumaroyl-(S)-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid (FMDP) containing amido or keto functions have been designed and synthesized. Their antifungal activity and inhibitory properties toward fungal glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase has also been evaluated. The obtained compounds 11-13 and 15-17 demonstrated good antifunga activity against Candida albicans. Compounds 11-13 displayed also...
Evolution of left ventricular function after Wharton's jelly mesenchymal stem cells transcoronary administration: 5-year follow up in a pilot cohort of CIRCULATE-AMI Randomized Trial
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Tożsamość architektury jako odpowiedź na kontekst funkcji i miejsca na przykładzie budynku muzeum = Identity of architecture as a response to the context of function and place on the example of museum building
PublikacjaArchitektura starożytna, będąca przedmiotem dzieła Witruwiusza stanowi korzenie europejskiej myśli architektonicznej. Klasycyzm określił kanony i archetypy obowiązujące przez stulecia w projektowaniu muzeów. Wielowątkowość współczesnej sztuki, postęp w zakresie technologii budownictwa oraz dążenie do oryginalnością spowodowały odejście od jednej obowiązującej teorii i kanonu piękna w architekturze. Współczesne projekty muzeów reprezentują...
Michał Tomasz Kucewicz dr
OsobyMichal Kucewicz was born in 1986 in Gdansk. In 2005 he completed International Baccalaureate programme in Topolowka (III High School in Gdańsk). Thanks to the G. D. Fahrenheit scholarship, he moved to the United Kingdom to study neuroscience. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the Cambridge University, and his doctoral degree from the University of Bristol specializing in electrophysiology of memory and cognitive...
Proposal of New Tracer Concentration Model in Lung PCT Study Comparison with Commonly Used Gamma-variate Model
PublikacjaPerfusion computed tomography (pCT) is one of the methods that enable non-invasive imaging of the hemodynamics of organs and tissues. On the basis of pCT measurements, perfusion parameters such as blood flow (BF), blood volume (BV), mean transit time (MTT) and permeability surface (PS) are calculated and then used for quantitative evaluation of the tissue condition. To calculate perfusion parameters it is necessary to approximate...
Calculating the Partition Coefficients of Organic Solvents in Octanol/Water and Octanol/Air
PublikacjaPartition coefficients define how a solute is distributed between two immiscible phases at equilibrium. The experimental estimation of partition coefficients in a complex system can be an expensive, difficult, and time-consuming process. Here a computational strategy to predict the distributions of a set of solutes in two relevant phase equilibria is presented. The octanol/water and octanol/air partition coefficients are predicted...
Color prediction from first principle quantum chemistry computations: a case of alizarin dissolved in methanol
PublikacjaThe electronic spectrum of alizarin (AZ) in methanol solution was measured and used as reference data for color prediction. The visible part of the spectrum was modelled by different DFT functionals within the TD-DFT framework. The results of a broad range of functionals applied for theoretical spectrum prediction were compared against experimental data by a direct color comparison. The tristimulus model of color expressed in terms...
Uniform expansion estimates in the quadratic map as a function of the partition size, using the “critical” partition type
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains selected results of numerical computations described in the paper "Quantitative hyperbolicity estimates in one-dimensional dynamics" by S. Day, H. Kokubu, S. Luzzatto, K. Mischaikow, H. Oka, P. Pilarczyk, published in Nonlinearity, Vol. 21, No. 9 (2008), 1967-1987, doi: 10.1088/0951-7715/21/9/002.
Uniform expansion estimates in the quadratic map as a function of the partition size, using the “derivative” partition type
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains selected results of numerical computations described in the paper "Quantitative hyperbolicity estimates in one-dimensional dynamics" by S. Day, H. Kokubu, S. Luzzatto, K. Mischaikow, H. Oka, P. Pilarczyk, published in Nonlinearity, Vol. 21, No. 9 (2008), 1967-1987, doi: 10.1088/0951-7715/21/9/002.
Uniform expansion estimates in the quadratic map as a function of the partition size, using the Floyd–Warshall algorithm
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains selected results of numerical computations described in the paper "Quantitative hyperbolicity estimates in one-dimensional dynamics" by S. Day, H. Kokubu, S. Luzzatto, K. Mischaikow, H. Oka, P. Pilarczyk, published in Nonlinearity, Vol. 21, No. 9 (2008), 1967-1987, doi: 10.1088/0951-7715/21/9/002.
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the second singlet Sigma gerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the second singlet Sigma gerade plus (2sSg+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the first singlet Sigma gerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the first singlet Sigma gerade plus (1sSg+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the second triplet Sigma ungerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the second triplet Sigma ungerade plus (2tSu+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the fourth singlet Sigma gerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the fourth singlet Sigma gerade plus (4sSg+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the third singlet Sigma gerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the third singlet Sigma gerade plus (3sSg+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the fifth singlet Sigma gerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the fifth singlet Sigma gerade plus (5sSg+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the third triplet Sigma ungerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the third triplet Sigma ungerade plus (3tSu+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the fifth triplet Sigma ungerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the fifth triplet Sigma ungerade plus (5tSu+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the fourth triplet Sigma ungerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the fourth triplet Sigma ungerade plus (4tSu+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Electronic transition dipole moment functions of the first triplet Sigma ungerade plus state of the Lithium dimer
Dane BadawczeElectronic transition dipole moment functions (ETDMF) of the first triplet Sigma ungerade plus (1tSu+) state have been calculated for the Lithium dimer. ETDMFs are needed in understanding processes like photodissociation, photoassociation, cooling, and trapping of molecules. The results of the five ETDMFs have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference...
Raw data for the paper "Mutually polarizable QM/MM model with in situ optimized localized basis functions"
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains raw data used to generate plots in the paper Mutually polarizable QM/MM model with in situ optimized localized basis functions. The paper is devoted to a second generation of the TINKTEP model -- an QM/MM approach combining linear-scaling DFT (ONETEP) and a polarizable force field (AMOEBA).
Metrisability of managing of stream-systemic processes
PublikacjaTo achieve the planned goal, in order to properly describe the manufacturing system management, six process stream functions were introduced. Non-dimensional flows of these functions in time can be empirically defined during the manufacturing process. They are interpreted as non-dimensional expenses. Maximum values for these functions in properly-managed processes equal one. Also, a global management function was introduced, being...
Dataset of phase portraits of the fractional prey-predator model with Holling type-II interaction (without predator harvesting)
Dane BadawczeThe need for a fractional generalization of a given classical model is often due to new behaviors which cannot be taken into account by the model. In this situation, it can be useful to look for a fractional deformation of the initial system, trying to fit the fractional exponent of differentiation in order to catch properly the data.
Testing the impact of simplifications adopted in models describing wave loads on ship
PublikacjaThe wave-ship system in naval architecture is generally assumed to be a linear one. This allows for the computation of a transfer function of ship response to waves including wave loads on ship. The transfer function and the wave spectral density function enable the development of the stochastic process of wave loads on ship, corresponding to the irregular wave generating that loads. If the mathematical models of wave load transfer...
Testing the impact of simplifications adopted in models describing wave loads on ship
PublikacjaThe wave-ship system in naval architecture is generally assumed to be a linear one. This allows for the computation of a transfer function of ship response to waves including wave loads on ship. The transfer function and the wave spectral density function enable the development of the stochastic process of wave loads on ship, corresponding to the irregular wave generating that loads. If the mathematical models of wave load transfer...
Studies on the building typology, Kartuzy case study, March 2020
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Kartuzy case study, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood, basic and social functions, population density, building...
Studies on the building typology, Dolny Sopot district case study, March 2020
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Dolny Sopot district case study, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood, basic and social functions, population density,...
Studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Oliwa district case study, March 2020
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Stara Oliwa district case study, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood, basic and social functions, population...
Studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Przymorze Małe district case study, March 2020
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Przymorze Małe district case study, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood, basic and social functions, population...
Studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Brzeźno district case study, March 2020
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Brzeźno district case study, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood, basic and social functions, population...
Elastic scattering of electrons by water: An ab initio study
PublikacjaIn this work we devise a theoretical and computational method to compute the elastic scattering of electrons from a non-spherical potential, such as in the case of molecules and molecular aggregates. Its main feature is represented by the ability of calculating accurate wave functions for continuum states of polycentric systems via the solution of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation, including both the correlation effects and multi-scattering...
Żywność funkcjonalna- najważniejsze osiągnięcia w zakresie badań i wykorzystania
PublikacjaW wielu ośrodkach naukowych trwają badania ukierunkowane na poznanie mechanizmów działania składników żywności funkcjonalnej na poziomie ekspresji genetycznej, co stwarza możliwość precyzyjniejszego scharakteryzowania funkcji bioaktywnych składników diety z uwzględnieniem zmienności genetycznej populacji. Daje to w efekcie bardziej wiarygodne wyniki badań naukowych dotyczących wpływu bioaktywnych składników diety na funkcjonowanie...
A Fortran-95 algorithm to solve the three-dimensional Higgs boson equation in the de Sitter space-time
Dane BadawczeA numerically efficient finite-difference technique for the solution of a fractional extension of the Higgs boson equation in the de Sitter space-time is designed. The model under investigation is a multidimensional equation with Riesz fractional derivatives of orders in (0,1)U(1,2], which considers a generalized potential and a time-dependent diffusion...
Programming languages 2021/22
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to present four basic programming models (procedural, object-oriented, functional and in logic) and to demonstrate their practical use in information systems.
Programming languages 2022/23
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to present four basic programming models (procedural, object-oriented, functional and in logic) and to demonstrate their practical use in information systems.
Programming languages 2023/24
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to present four basic programming models (procedural, object-oriented, functional and in logic) and to demonstrate their practical use in information systems.
Programming languages
Kursy OnlineThe aim of the course is to present four basic programming models (procedural, object-oriented, functional and in logic) and to demonstrate their practical use in information systems.
Anna Schmidt dr hab. inż.
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Potential energy curve, rovibrational energies and nuclear wave functions of 2 singlet Pi state in KLi dimer
Dane BadawczeThis data sets contains potential energy curve, energy levels and nuclear wave functions of rovibrational states of KLi dimer in 2 singlet Pi electronic state. Potential energy curve (PEC) for the electronic state was calculated in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation by the means of effective core potentials and MRCI method. Nuclear wave functions and...
Density smoothness estimation problem using a wavelet approach
PublikacjaIn this paper we consider a smoothness parameter estimation problem for a density function. The smoothness parameter of a function is defined in terms of Besov spaces. This paper is an extension of recent results (K. Dziedziul, M. Kucharska, B. Wolnik, Estimation of the smoothness parameter ). The construction of the estimator is based on wavelets coefficients. Although we believe that the effective estimation of the smoothness...
Metoda analizy wielokryterialnej do planowania rozwoju sieci elektroenergetycznej średniego i niskiego napięcia
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono metodę wspomagającą decyzje w zakresie wyboru wariantu przyłączenia odbioru do sieci elektroenergetycznej dystrybucyjnej niskiego napięcia lub średniego napięcia oraz mikrogeneracji do sieci niskiego napięcia. Metodę tą zaimplementowano w skoroszycie kalkulacyjnym Microsoft Excel i zastosowano do analizy złożonych przypadków przyłączenia odbioru lub mikrogeneracji.
Studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Nowy Port district case study, March 2020
Dane BadawczeThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Stary Nowy Port district case study, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood, basic and social functions, population...