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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: cheng cycle
Sewage sludge co-pyrolysis with agricultural/forest residues: A comparative life-cycle assessment
PublikacjaThis study aims to determine the sustainability and energy efficiency of co-pyrolysis scenarios as treatment processes for municipal sewage sludge through a life cycle assessment (LCA). In addition, sensitivity and energy recovery analyses are conducted to determine the possible methods for optimizing the co-pyrolysis process from a circular bioeconomy perspective. Corncob and wood residue have been selected as potential co-feed...
Decomposing Cavities in Digital Volumes into Products of Cycles
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Alternative cogeneration thermodynamic cycles for domestic ORC
PublikacjaThe Organic Flash Cycle (OFC) is suggested as a vapor power cycle that could potentially improve the efficiency of utilization of the heat source. Low and medium temperature finite thermal sources are considered in the cycle. Additionally the OFC’s aim is to reduce temperature difference during heat addition. The study examines 2 different fluids. Comparisons are drawn between the OFC and an optimized basic Organic Rankine Cycle...
The hat problem on cycles on at least nine vertices
PublikacjaThe topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. In this version every player...
Optimization of steam cycles with respect to supercritical parameters
PublikacjaArtykuł zawiera analizę budowanych aktualnie bloków nadkrytycznych stosowanych na świecie. W pracy przeprowadzono analizę obiegów z pojedynczym oraz podwójnym przegrzewem międzystopniowym dodatkowo z regeneracyjnym podgrzewem wody zasilającej odpowiednio z sześcioma, siedmioma, ośmioma, dziewięcioma oraz dziesięcioma wymiennikami regeneracyjnymi. Obliczenia wykonywano dla różnych wartości temperatur i ciśnienia pary świeżej, różnych...
Organic Supercritical Thermodynamic Cycles with Isothermal Turbine
PublikacjaOrganic Rankine cycles (ORC) are quite popular, but the overall efficiencies of these plants are rather very low. Numerous studies have been conducted in many scientific centers and research centers to improve the efficiency of such cycles. The research concerns both the modification of the cycle and the increase in the parameters of the medium at the inlet to the turbine. However, the efficiency of even these modified cycles rarely...
Investigations of Ammonia Emissions from Euro 5 Passenger Cars Over a Legislative Driving Cycle
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Thermodynamic Analysis of a Closed-Cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Power Plant for Offshore Platforms
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Effects of flavonoids on expression of genes involved in cell cycle regulation and DNA replication in human fibroblasts
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Process Monitoring in Heavy Duty Drilling Rigs—Data Acquisition System and Cycle Identification Algorithms
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Organic Rankine cycle turbogenerator cooling – Optimization of the generator water jacket heat exchange surface
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Temperament and ovarian reproductive hormones in women: Evidence from a study during the entire menstrual cycle
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Modulation of cellular response to anticancer treatment by caffeine:inhibition of cell cycle checkpoints, DNA repair and more
PublikacjaKofeina i inne metyloksantyny wywołują bardzo różne efekty fizjologiczne w organizmie człowieka. W pracy przedstawiamy, które z tych efektów mogą wpływać na skuteczność terapii przeciwnowotworowych. Kofeina może bezpośrednio wpływać na transport oraz aktywację metaboliczną cząsteczek leków do komórki, poprzez tworzenie kompleksów z lekami zawierającymi układy poliaromatyczne. Kofeina hamuje aktywność kinaz ATM/ATR co prowadzi do...
Experimental tests and numerical simulations of full scale composite sandwich segment of a foot- and cycle- bridge
PublikacjaIn the paper experimental tests and numerical simulations of a full cross-section segment of ultimately designed foot-and cycle-bridge are presented. The experimental tests were conducted on element with length reduced to 3 m and unchanged (target) cross-section dimensions. The external skin of structure is GFRP laminate while internal core is PET foam. Several quasi-static tests were performed using hydraulic cylinder to generate...
Supervisory Control System for Adaptive Phase and Work Cycle Management of Sequencing Wastewater Treatment Plant
PublikacjaThe paper presents the design of the integrated control system applied to Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) in a biological Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Swarzewo, which operates under activated sludge technology. Based on the real data records, ASM2d biological processes model and aeration system model, hierarchical control system for dissolved oxygen tracking and cycle management is designed. Internal Model Controller (IMC)...
PublikacjaSteel materials, due to their numerous advantages - high availability, easiness of processing and possibility of almost any shaping are commonly applied in construction for carrying out basic carrier systems and auxiliary structures. However, the major disadvantage of this material is its high corrosion susceptibility, which depends strictly on the local conditions of the facility and the applied type of corrosion protection system....
PublikacjaA thermal diagram of the combined gas‒steam turbine unit of a hybrid cycle, which is an energy complex consisting of a base gas turbine engine with a steam turbine heat recovery circuit and a steam-injected gas turbine operating with overexpansion, is proposed. A mathematical model of a power plant has been developed, taking into consideration the features of thermodynamic processes of simple, binary, and steam-injected...
Thermodynamic Cycle Concepts for High-Efficiency Power Plans. Part A: Public Power Plants 60+
PublikacjaAn analysis was carried out for different thermodynamic cycles of power plants with air turbines. Variants with regeneration and different cogeneration systems were considered. In the paper, we propose a new modification of a gas turbine cycle with the combustion chamber at the turbine outlet. A special air by-pass system of the combustor was applied and, in this way, the efficiency of the turbine cycle was increased by a few points....
Conversion of waste biomass into activated carbon and evaluation of environmental consequences using life cycle assessment
PublikacjaIn this article, activated carbon was produced from Lantana camara and olive trees by H3PO4 chemical activation. The prepared activated carbons were analyzed by characterizations such as scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. H3PO4 is used as an activator agent to create an abundant pore...
Exergetic Analysis of the nCO2PP Cycle with Particular Reference to the Exergy Destruction of Sewage Sludge Due to Gasification
PublikacjaAn exergy analysis is carried out on the negative CO2 emission gas power plant (nCO2PP), which integrates the process sections of fuel preparation, power generation and carbon capture. Processes of exergy destruction are studied with particular focus on the process in the gasification unit of the fuel preparation section, where a large amount of exergy is destroyed in various chemical reactions from sewage sludge to producer gas...
On some ramsey and turan-type numbers for paths and cycles
PublikacjaUdowodniono, że R(P_3,C_k,C_k)= R(C_k,C_k)= 2k - 1, dla nieparzystych k. Udowodniono, że R(P_4,P_4,C_k) = k + 2 oraz R(P_3,P_5,C_k) = k + 1 dla k > 2.
The symmetrization method and limit cycles of vibro-impact systems
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The identification of operational cycles in the monitoring systems of underground vehicles
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Subcritical Thermodynamic Cycles with Organic Medium and Isothermal Expansion
PublikacjaThe efffciencies of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) are not very high and only very seldom do they exceed 20%. The increase and optimization of initial parameters and certain modifications of the thermodynamic cycle make it possible to overcome these drawbacks. A new modified cycle has been described and analyzed in detail in the paper. Similarly to the Ericsson cycle for gas turbines, isothermal expansion in the turbine is suggested...
Design Analysis of Micro Gas Turbines in Closed Cycles
PublikacjaThe problems faced by designers of micro-turbines are connected with a very small volume flow rate of working media which leads to small blades’ height and high rotor speed. In the case of gas turbines this limitation can be overcome by the application of a closed cycle with very low pressure at the compressor inlet (lower than atmospheric pressure). In this way we may apply a micro gas turbine unit of accepted efficiency to work...
Erratum to: Effects of flavonoids on expression of genes involved in cell cycle regulation and DNA replication in human fibroblasts
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Yamogenin-Induced Cell Cycle Arrest, Oxidative Stress, and Apoptosis in Human Ovarian Cancer Cell Line
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A facile preparation method and proof of cycle-stability of carbon-coated metal oxide and disulfide battery materials
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Design analysis of turbines for co-generating micro-power plant working in accordance with organic Rankine's cycle
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono wyniki analizy projektowej turbin dla mikrosiłowni kogeneracyjnej pracującej według organicznego obiegu Rankine'a z wykorzystaniem biopaliwa. Rozważono zakres mocy cieplnej od 25kW do 100kW, któremu odpowiadała możliwa do uzyskania moc elektryczna od 2kW do 12kW. Przeanalizowano projekty turbin osiowych (jedno- i wielostopniowych, także z częściowym zasilaniem), turbin promieniowych i promieniowo-osiowych. Porównano...
Multicriteria Optimization Approach to Design and Operation of District Heating Supply System over its Life Cycle
PublikacjaDistrict Heating (DH) systems are commonly supplied using local heat sources. Nowadays, modern insulation materials allow for effective and economically viable heat transportation over long distances (over 20 km). In the paper a method for optimized selection of design and operating parameters of long distance Heat Transportation System (HTS) is proposed. The method allows for evaluation of feasibility and effectivity of heat transportation...
Chloroacridine derivatives as potential anticancer agents which may act as tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme inhibitors
PublikacjaThe chloroacridines affect biological forms of melanoma in different ways. Amelanotic (Ab) melanoma (with inhibited melanogenesis and higher malignancy) was particularly sensitive to the action of the chloroacridines. The Ab melanoma cells died through apoptosis and through death without caspase activation. Diminished activity of TAC enzymes was noticed among Ab melanoma cells together with ATP/NAD depletion, especially in the...
Pharmacomicrobiomics of cell-cycle specific anti-cancer drugs – is it a new perspective for personalized treatment of cancer patients?
PublikacjaIntestinal bacteria are equipped with an enzyme apparatus that is involved in the active biotrans-formation of xenobiotics, including drugs. Pharmacomicrobiomics, a new area of pharmacology, analyses interactions between bacteria and xenobiotics. However, there is another side to the coin. Pharmacotherapeutic agents can significantly modify the microbiota, which consequently affects their efficacy. In this review, we comprehensively...
The analysis of the influence of the corrosion protection method of selected steel elements on the steel structure life cycle costs
PublikacjaSteel products are widely used in the construction for the performance of essential and additional elements of engineering structures. They are characterized by high tensile strength, compression and bending, the structure homogeneity, the possibility of assembly regardless of the season and climatic conditions, ease of processing and the possibility of almost any shape. The main disadvantage of steel structures is their high susceptibility...
Environmental impacts of food waste management technologies: A critical review of life cycle assessment (LCA) studies
PublikacjaFood waste is a serious global problem. Therefore, it is essential to reduce food waste and adopt recycling strategies to minimize its environmental impacts. However, conventional waste disposal methods emit harmful gases such as dioxin, CH4, N2O, and NH3, which contaminate the air and water resources. This work reviews the environmental consequences of food waste based on lifecycle assessment (LCA) techniques using methods such...
Analysis of Organic Rankine Cycle efficiency and vapor generator heat transfer surface in function of the reduced pressure
PublikacjaIn the paper presented is analysis of the influence of reduced pressure on efficiency and heat transfer area of vapor generator of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) in case of subcritical and supercritical parameters of operation. Compared are two cases of subcritical and supercritical ORC featuring a similar arrangement of heat source supply and heat removal, that is featuring the same temperatures of working fluid before the turbine,...
Thermodynamic Cycle Concepts for High-Efficiency Power Plants. Part B: Prosumer and Distributed Power Industry
PublikacjaAn analysis was carried out for different thermodynamic cycles of power plants with air turbines. A new modification of a gas turbine cycle with the combustion chamber at the turbine outlet has been described in the paper. A special air by-pass system of the combustor was applied, and in this way, the efficiency of the turbine cycle was increased by a few points. The proposed cycle equipped with an effective heat exchanger could...
A collection of directed graphs for the minimum cycle mean weight computation
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains definitions of the 16 directed graphs with weighted edges that were described in the following paper: Paweł Pilarczyk, A space-efficient algorithm for computing the minimum cycle mean in a directed graph, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 20 (2020), no. 4, 349--355, DOI: 10.22436/jmcs.020.04.08, URL: These...
The experimental results of sorption cycles
Dane BadawczeExperimental studies of sorption cycles were carried out using a prototype research stand, which is a laboratory-scale model of an adsorption chiller. The Intensified Heat Transfer Adsorption Bed (IHTAB) reactor is adapted to the analysis and optimization of various parameters of adsorption systems, e.g., constructions and compositions of adsorption...
Measurements and numerical simulations of laser hardening and remelting thermal cycles
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Experimental investigation of Organic Rankine Cycles for domestic micro CHP
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych obiegu ORC wyposażonego w ekspander typu scroll (I etap badań) oraz ekspander utworzony na bazie turbinki pneumatycznej (II etap badań). Raportowane badania przeprowadzono na laboratoryjnym stanowisku realizującym obieg ''domowej'' mikrosiłowni parowej.
Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 1/2
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Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 2/2
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Application of the Life Cycle Analysis and the Building Information Modelling Software in the Architectural Climate Change-Oriented Design Process
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Change in the Low-Cycle Performance on the 3D-Printed Materials ABS, ASA, HIPS, and PLA Exposed to Mineral Oil
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Tattooed man: Could menstrual cycle phase and contraceptive use change female preferences towards bad boys?
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The use of recycled semiconductor material in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules production - A life cycle assessment of environmental impacts
PublikacjaTo offset the negative impact of photovoltaic modules on the environment, it is necessary to introduce a longterm strategy that includes a complete lifecycle assessment of all system components from the production phase through installation and operation to disposal. Recycling of waste products and worn-out systems is an important element of this strategy. As the conclusions from the previous studies have shown, thermal treatment...
A new concept of PWM duty cycle computation using the Barycentric Coordinates in a Three-Dimensional voltage vectors arrangement
PublikacjaThe paper presents a novel approach to the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) duty cycle computing for complex or irregular voltage vector arrangements in the two (2D) and three–dimensional (3D) Cartesian coordinate systems. The given vectors arrangement can be built using at least three vectors or collections with variable number of involved vectors (i.e. virtual vectors). Graphically, these vectors form a convex figure, in particular,...
Entrepreneurship Vulnerability to Business Cycle. A New Methodology for Identification Pro-cyclical and Counter-cyclical Patterns of Entrepreneurial Activity
PublikacjaIn literature, there is ongoing discussion whether entrepreneurial activity, approximated by, for instance, changes in self-employment, tends to behave pro-cyclically, counter-cyclically or rather is a-cyclical. Thus far, both theoretical and empirical evidence, where various multiple methodological approaches are used, does not provide clear answer to the latter; while widely offered explanations are scattered and lack robustness....
DNA structure and integrity checkpoints in the cell cycle and their role in drug targeting and resistance of tumor cells to anticancer treatment
PublikacjaW artykule dokonaliśmy przeglądu literatury dotyczącej różnych typów uszkodzeń DNA indukowanych przez różne czynniki terapeutyczne w komórkach nowotworowych. Omówiliśmy także w jaki sposób aktywują różne typy punktów kontrolnych w cyklu komórkowym i w jaki sposób punkty te są regulowane przez inne szlaki sygnalizacji wewnątrzkomórkowej takie jak szlaki naprawy uszkodzeń DNA, stresu komórkowego i śmierci-przeżycia. W szczególności...
Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 2/2
PublikacjaThe process of conversion of wind kinetic energy into electricity in innovative wind power plant emits practically no harmful substances into the environment. However, the production stage of its components requires a lot of energy and materials. The biggest problem during production plan-ning process of an innovative wind power plant is selection of materials and technologies and, consequently, the waste generated at this stage....