wszystkich: 21
Katalog Publikacji
Rok 2025
Morse homology for the Hamiltonian action in cotangent bundles
PublikacjaIn this paper we use the gradient flow equation introduced in Asselle and Starostka (Calc. Var. 59: 113, 2020) to construct a Morse complex for the Hamiltonian action AH on a mixed regularity space of loops in the cotangent bundle T ∗M of a closed manifold M. Connections between pairs of critical points are realized as genuine intersections between unstable and stable manifolds, which (despite being infinite dimensional objects)...
Rok 2024
A note on the Morse homology for a class of functionals in Banach spaces involving the 2p-area functional
PublikacjaIn this paper we show how to construct Morse homology for an explicit class of functionals involving the 2p-area functional. The natural domain of definition of such functionals is the Banach space W_0^{1,2p}(\Omega), where p > n/2 and \Omega \subet R^n is a bounded domain with sufficiently smooth boundary. As W_0^{1,2p}(\Omega) is not isomorphic to its dual space,critical points of such functionals cannot be non-degenerate...
Linear Time-Varying Dynamic-Algebraic Equations of Index One on Time Scales
PublikacjaIn this paper, we introduce a class of linear time-varying dynamic-algebraic equations (LTVDAE) of tractability index one on ar- bitrary time scales. We propose a procedure for the decoupling of the considered class LTVDAE. Explicit formulae are written down both for transfer operator and the obtained decoupled system. A projector ap- proach is used to prove the main statement of the paper and sufficient conditions of decoupling...
Periodic Solutions of Generalized Lagrangian Systems with Small Perturbations
PublikacjaIn this paper we study the generalized Lagrangian system with a small perturbation. We assume the main term in the system to have a maximum, but do not suppose any condition for perturbation term. Then we prove the existence of a periodic solution via Ekeland’s principle. Moreover, we prove a convergence theorem for periodic solutions of perturbed systems.
Periodic solutions of Lagrangian systems under small perturbations
PublikacjaIn this paper we prove the existence of mountain pass periodic solutions of a certain class of generalized Lagrangian systems under small perturbations. We show that the found periodic solutions converge to a periodic solution of the unperturbed system if the perturbation tends to 0. The proof requires to work in a rather unusual (mixed) Orlicz–Sobolev space setting, which bears several challenges.
The relative cup-length in local Morse cohomology
PublikacjaLocal Morse cohomology associates cohomology groups to isolating neighborhoods of gradient flows of Morse functions on (generally non-compact) Riemannian manifolds M. We show that local Morse cohomology is a module over the cohomology of the isolating neighborhood, which allows us to define a cup-length relative to the cohomology of the isolating neighborhood that gives a lower bound on the number of critical points of functions...
Rok 2023
A convergence result for mountain pass periodic solutions of perturbed Hamiltonian systems
PublikacjaIn this work, we study second-order Hamiltonian systems under small perturbations. We assume that the main term of the system has a mountain pass structure, but do not suppose any condition on the perturbation. We prove the existence of a periodic solution. Moreover, we show that periodic solutions of perturbed systems converge to periodic solutions of the unperturbed systems if the perturbation tends to zero. The assumption on...
A note on simple bifurcation of equilibrium forms of an elastic rod on a deformable foundation
PublikacjaWe study bifurcation of equilibrium states of an elastic rod on a two-parameter Winkler foundation. In the article "Bifurcation of equilibrium forms of an elastic rod on a two-parameter Winkler foundation" [Nonlinear Anal., Real World Appl. 39 (2018) 451-463] the existence of simple bifurcation points was proved by the use of the Crandall-Rabinowitz theorem. In this paper we want to present an alternative proof of this fact based...
Billiard in a rotating half-plane
PublikacjaThe main objective of this research is to study the properties of a billiard system in an unbounded domain with moving boundary. We consider a system consisting of an infinite rod (a straight line) and a ball (a massless point) on the plane. The rod rotates uniformly around one of its points and experiences elastic collisions with the ball. We define a mathematical model for the dynamics of such a system and write down asymptotic...
Invariant Measures for Uncountable Random Interval Homeomorphisms
PublikacjaA necessary and sufficient condition for the iterated function system { f (·, ω) | ω ∈ } with probability P to have exactly one invariant measure μ∗ with μ∗((0, 1)) = 1 is given. The main novelty lies in the fact that we only require the transformations f (·, ω) to be increasing homeomorphims, without any smoothness condition, nei- ther we impose conditions on the cardinality of . In particular, positive Lyapunov exponents conditions...
The Arnold conjecture in $ \mathbb C\mathbb P^n $ and the Conley index
Publikacjan this paper we give an alternative, purely Conley index based proof of the Arnold conjecture in CP^n asserting that a Hamiltonian diffeomorphism of CP^n endowed with the Fubini-Study metric has at least (n+1) fixed points.
Rok 2022
Constructive Controllability for Incompressible Vector Fields
PublikacjaWe give a constructive proof of a global controllability result for an autonomous system of ODEs guided by bounded locally Lipschitz and divergence free (i.e. incompressible) vector field, when the phase space is the whole Euclidean space and the vector field satisfies so-called vanishing mean drift condition. For the case when the ODE is defined over some smooth compact connected Riemannian manifold, we significantly strengthen...
Limits Theorems for Random Walks on Homeo(S1)
PublikacjaThe central limit theorem and law of the iterated logarithm for Markov chains corresponding to random walks on the space Homeo(S1) of circle homeomorphisms for centered Lipschitz functions and every starting point are proved.
On a comparison principle and the uniqueness of spectral flow
PublikacjaThe spectral flow is a well-known quantity in spectral theory that measures the variation of spectra about 0 along paths of selfadjoint Fredholm operators. The aim of this work is twofold. Firstly, we consider homotopy invariance properties of the spectral flow and establish a simple formula which comprises its classical homotopy invariance and yields a comparison theorem for the spectral flow under compact perturbations. We apply...
t-SNE Highlights Phylogenetic and Temporal Patterns of SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Nucleocapsid Protein Evolution
PublikacjaWe propose applying t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding to protein sequences of SARS-CoV-2 to construct, visualize and study the evolutionary space of the coronavirus. The basic idea is to explore the COVID-19 evolution space by using modern manifold learning techniques applied to evolutionary distances between variants. Evolutionary distances have been calculated based on the structures of the nucleocapsid and spike proteins.
Rok 2021
Bifurcation of equilibrium forms of a gas column rotating with constant speed around its axis of symmetry
PublikacjaWe will be concerned with the problem of deformation of the lateral surface of a column that rotates with constant speed around its axis of symmetry. The column is filled by a gas and our goal is to investigate the deformation of the lateral surface depending on the pressure of the gas.
Bistability in a One-Dimensional Model of a Two-Predators-One-Prey Population Dynamics System
PublikacjaIn this paper, we study a classical two-predators-one-prey model. The classical model described by a system of three ordinary differential equations can be reduced to a one-dimensional bimodalmap. We prove that this map has at most two stable periodic orbits. Besides, we describe the bifurcation structure of the map. Finally, we describe a mechanism that leads to bistable regimes. Taking this mechanism into account, one can easily...
Connected components of the space of proper gradient vector fields
PublikacjaWe show that there exist two proper gradient vector fields on Rn which are homotopic in the category of proper maps but not homotopic in the category of proper gradient maps.
Homoclinics for singular strong force Lagrangian systems in R^N
PublikacjaWe will be concerned with the existence of homoclinics for second order Hamiltonian systems in R^N (N>2) given by Hamiltonians of the form H(t,q,p)=Φ(p)+V(t,q), where Φ is a G-function in the sense of Trudinger, V is C^2-smooth, periodic in the time variable, has a single well of infinite depth at a point ξ and a unique strict global maximum 0 at the origin. Under a strong force type condition aroud the singular point ξ, we prove...
The equivariant spectral flow and bifurcation of periodic solutions of Hamiltonian systems
PublikacjaWe define a spectral flow for paths of selfadjoint Fredholm operators that are equivariant under the orthogonal action of a compact Lie group as an element of the representation ring of the latter. This G-equivariant spectral flow shares all common properties of the integer valued classical spectral flow, and it can be non-trivial even if the classical spectral flow vanishes. Our main theorem uses the G-equivariant spectral flow...
The law of the Iterated Logarithm for random interval homeomorphisms
PublikacjaA proof of the law of the iterated logarithm for random homeomorphisms of the interval is given.