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Search results for: cover
Bounds on the Cover Time of Parallel Rotor Walks
PublicationThe rotor-router mechanism was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk in undirected graphs. In this model, a set of k identical walkers is deployed in parallel, starting from a chosen subset of nodes, and moving around the graph in synchronous steps. During the process, each node maintains a cyclic ordering of its outgoing arcs, and successively propagates walkers which visit it along its outgoing arcs in...
Bounds on the cover time of parallel rotor walks
PublicationThe rotor-router mechanism was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk in undirected graphs. In this model, a set of k identical walkers is deployed in parallel, starting from a chosen subset of nodes, and moving around the graph in synchronous steps. During the process, each node successively propagates walkers visiting it along its outgoing arcs in round-robin fashion, according to a fixed ordering. We consider...
Snow Cover Studies: a Review on the Intensity of Human Pressure
PublicationSnow cover should be treated as a highly dynamic medium. A variety of physical and chemical processes interact to alter its chemical composition and affect the metamorphism of its individual crystals and layers; this, in turn, has a direct influence on their mutual adhesion, and ultimately on the stability of the entire snow cover. The literature data here reported provide basic information on the forms of solid precipitation,...
Relationship between album cover design and music genres.
PublicationThe aim of the study is to find out whether there exists a relationship between typographic, compositional and coloristic elements of the music album cover design and music contained in the album. The research study involves basic statistical analysis of the manually extracted data coming from the worldwide album covers. The samples represent 34 different music genres, coming from nine countries from around the world. There are...
Automatic Detection of Cloud Cover over the Baltic Sea
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The new concept of material.Material "przekryciowo-izolacyjny" "Cover & insulation" material
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PublicationPhotovoltaic modules are one of the renewable energy sources with great potential for application in various regions of the world as well as for different terrain. They are, however, sensitive to external factors, affecting the overall amount of energy generated, such as solar irradiance, shading effects and any form of soil build-up on the front glass cover of solar device. The latter issue happens over a course of weeks, months...
Long-term variability of cloud cover in Poland (1971–2020)
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Evaluation of concrete cover by surface wave technique: Identification procedure
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Fixed roof to shell connection in tank with an internal floating cover.
PublicationReferat dotyczy projektowania połączenia dachu stałego zbiornika walcowego z płaszczem w przypadku zastosowania wewnętrznego przekrycia pływającego. Zaproponowano zastosowanie dodatkowego pierścienia usztywniającego, zabezpieczającego górną krawędź płaszcza zbiornika. Wyniki analiz z zastosowaniem metody elementów skończonych zamieszczono w formie map naprężeń.
Snow cover and its variability in the Polish Sudetes Mts. and the Sudetic Foreland
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Conditions of spatiotemporal variability of the thickness of the ice cover on lakes in the Tatra Mountains
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Effect of Cover Brine Type on the Quality of Meat from Herring Marinades
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PublicationIn the article structural issues that connected with the reinforced concrete supporting construction of the stadium roofing for EURO 2012 in Gdańsk were described. In the first part of the article the concept of stadium foundation were described. In the second the static - strength analysis for two variants fastening together individual foundation elements were made. The two assumed geometrically different concept of foundation...
Hydrological responses to large-scale changes in land cover of river watershed: Review
PublicationDespite many studies on the hydrological responses to forest cover changes in micro and mesoscale watersheds, the hydrological responses to forest cover alterations and associated mechanisms through the large spatial scale of the river watershed have not been comprehensively perceived. This paper thus reviews a wide range of available scientific evidence concerning the impacts exerted by the forest removal on precipitation, water...
Monitoring Trends of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Rajang River Basin
PublicationIn this study, the spatiotemporal changes in land use and land cover (LULC) were evaluated from 1992 to 2015 for the Rajang River Basin (RRB) located in the Sarawak State of Malaysia. The changes in water bodies cropped lands, and forests were assessed based on the available remotely sensed satellite data. Supervised classification with the Maximum-Likelihood-Algorithm technique was adopted for monitoring the LULC changes using...
Durability of snow cover and its long-term variability in the Western Sudetes Mountains
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Duration of snow cover and its variability in the Polish part of the Sudetes Mts. and their foreland
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Industry 4.0—Supporting Industry in Design Solutions—All-in-One Computer Cover
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PublicationThe authors present the experience and results of field studies carried out at the technical acceptance of Forest Opera (name in Polish: Opera Leśna) in Sopot (Poland). An unusual design of covering made in the form of “Sheerfill I” technical fabric membrane required spanned in the form of sails, required the use of terrestrial laser scanning. Such approach allowed for the fast and accurate record of the surface of individual panels...
Seasonal and spatial differences in metal and metalloid concentrations in the snow cover of Hansbreen, Svalbard
PublicationMetals and metalloids in snow on glaciers, depending on the season of deposition, may come from various sources: local rock dust (erosion of the geological substratum), marine aerosol, local human activity (e.g. fuel combustion, waste incineration) and long-range atmospheric transport. Hansbreen glacier, located close to the Polish Polar Station in Svalbard, is a perfect site to study metals and metalloids: it has complex geological...
Similarities and Differences Between the Vertex Cover Number and the Weakly Connected Domination Number of a Graph
PublicationA vertex cover of a graph G = (V, E) is a set X ⊂ V such that each edge of G is incident to at least one vertex of X. The ve cardinality of a vertex cover of G. A dominating set D ⊆ V is a weakly connected dominating set of G if the subgraph G[D]w = (N[D], Ew) weakly induced by D, is connected, where Ew is the set of all edges having at least one vertex in D. The weakly connected domination number γw(G) of G is the minimum cardinality...
Biological and Agrotechnical Aspects of Weed Control in the Cultivation of Early Potato Cultivars under Cover
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Reasons for shortening snow cover duration in the Western Sudetes in light of global climate change
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Linking the diversity of native flora to land cover heterogeneity and plant invasions in a river valley
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Land cover transitions and changing climate conditions in the Polish Carpathians: Assessment and management implications
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The increase in the proportion of impervious surfaces and changes in air temperature, relative humidity, and cloud cover in Poland
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Some variants of perfect graphs related to the matching number, the vertex cover and the weakly connected domination number
PublicationGiven two types of graph theoretical parameters ρ and σ, we say that a graph G is (σ, ρ)- perfect if σ(H) = ρ(H) for every non-trivial connected induced subgraph H of G. In this work we characterize (γw, τ )-perfect graphs, (γw, α′)-perfect graphs, and (α′, τ )-perfect graphs, where γw(G), τ (G) and α′(G) denote the weakly connected domination number, the vertex cover number and the matching number of G, respectively. Moreover,...
Changes in the Thickness of Ice Cover on Water Bodies Subject to Human Pressure (Silesian Upland, Southern Poland)
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Winter temperature and forest cover have shaped red deer distribution in Europe and the Ural Mountains since the Late Pleistocene
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Spatial variability of throughfall in a stand of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) with deciduous admixture as influenced by canopy cover and stem distance
PublicationVegetation cover affects the amount of precipitation, its chemical composition and its spatial distribution, and this may have implications for the distribution of water, nutrients and contaminants in the subsurface soil layer. The aim of this study was a detailed diagnosis of the spatio-temporal variability in the amount of throughfall (TF) and its chemical components in a 72-year-old pine stand with an admixture of oak and birch....
Characteristics of the onset of the growing season in Poland based on the application of remotely sensed data in the context of weather conditions and land cover types
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The Application of the Thermal Stabilization Prompted by the Ice Cover Expansion Considering the Energy Production Optimization in the Dam-Reservoir Coupled Systems on the Vistula River
PublicationIn this study, the thermal stabilization of a water resource together with an energy production optimization in the power plant of the dam–reservoir coupled system is conducted. This coupled dam system is designed to consist of a primary (Włocławek) and secondary (Siarzewo) dam due to the erosion control aspect. The other beneficial aspect of this coupled dam design is to have an additional power plant, with the aim of achieving...
Spatiotemporal Assessment of Satellite Image Time Series for Land Cover Classification Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Case Study of Reunion Island, France
PublicationCurrent Earth observation systems generate massive amounts of satellite image time series to keep track of geographical areas over time to monitor and identify environmental and climate change. Efficiently analyzing such data remains an unresolved issue in remote sensing. In classifying land cover, utilizing SITS rather than one image might benefit differentiating across classes because of their varied temporal patterns. The aim...
Suspended-sediment transport related to ice-cover conditions during cold and warm winters, Toudaoguai stretch of the Yellow River, Inner Mongolia, China
PublicationThe presence of winter ice in cold regions changes the water level, flow rate, velocity distribution, and other parameters of the river, which in turn affects the sediment concentration and channel evolution. Based on data obtained from Toudaoguai Hydrological Station from 1959 to 2021, this study examines the characteristics of the ice regime during cold and warm winters and the water and sediment transport processes along the...
Sources and composition of chemical pollution in Maritime Antarctica (King George Island), part 2: Organic and inorganic chemicals in snow cover at the Warszawa Icefield
PublicationThe study area is located on King George Island, where 90% of the area is permanently glaciated. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the inorganic and organic chemistry of snow cover in the icefield and a comparison against previous results obtained in fresh water. Snow samples were collected in the summer of 2017 in the Warszawa Icefield area. Sampling points are located along two transects: between the Arctowski Polish...
Cover Feature: Anilate Tethered Neutral Tetrahedral Pd(II) Cages Exhibiting Selective Encapsulation of Xylenes and Mesitylene (Chem. Eur. J. 19/2020)
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Front Cover: Chiral Molecular Cages Based on Cyclotriveratrylene and Sucrose Units Connected with p ‐Phenylene Linkers (Eur. J. Org. Chem. 6/2021)
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Cover Feature: Electronic Circular Dichroism Imaging (ECD i ) Casts a New Light on the Origin of Solid‐State Chiroptical Properties (Chem. Eur. J. 4/2022)
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Zanieczyszczenie obecne w próbkach śniegu pobranego z warstw jako źródło informacji o stanie środowiska w dużej aglomeracji miejskiej = Pollutants present in snow samples collected from various layers of snow cover as a source of information about the state of environment in a big urban agglomeration
PublicationPróbki śniegu pobierano przez okres około miesiąca z 12 miejsc zlokalizowanych na terenie Trójmiasta. Sześć z nich znajdowało się w pobliżu dróg komunikacyjnych o różnym natężeniu ruchu. Każde z nich miało swój punkt odniesienia oddalony od niego o około 200 m. W próbkach śniegu oznaczano pH, przewodność, zawartość wybranych anionów i kationów. Wartości pH wyznaczono przy użyciu elektrody szklanej połączonej z pH/tlenomierzem mikrokomputerowym,...
Silent Signals The Covert Network Shaping the Future
PublicationSilent Signals The Covert Network Shaping the Future In a world dominated by information flow and rapid technological advancements, the existence of hidden networks and unseen influences has never been more relevant. "Silent Signals: The Covert Network Shaping the Future" delves deep into the mysterious and often opaque world of covert communication networks. This influential work sheds light on the silent...
Limit States of Shallow Bridge Foundations With Sheet Piling Covers
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The aluminium and polycarbonate covering of the canopy above the stadium in Gdansk
PublicationW artykule przestawiono informacje o elementach konstrukcyjnych poszycia zadaszenia stadionu piłkarskiego w Gdańsku zrealizowanego z okazji rozgrywanych w Polsce i Ukrainie mistrzostw Europy w piłce nożnej. Omówione zostały elementy poszycia z poliwęglanu wraz z jego konstrukcją nośną oraz układem odwodnienia. Podano informacje o testach i badaniach przeprowadzonych przed wykonaniem obiektu, które zadecydowały o przyjętych rozwiązaniach...
The aluminium and polycarbonate covering to the roof over the stadium in Gdańsk
PublicationThis paper presents information about structural elements of the roof covering to the stadium in Gdansk built for the 2012 European Football Championship in Poland and the Ukraine. The paper discusses elements of the polycarbonate covering, the supporting structure and the drainage system. It also provides information about tests and research performed prior to construction, which determined the solutions adopted as well as...
The selected roof covering technologies in the aspect of their life cycle costs
PublicationIn the article is presented an analysis of the life cycle costs calculation for selected roof coverings. The scope of research includes costs of construction, maintenance and demolition of the roof covering structure for two alternative technologies – the traditional and new generation. On the presented example of an industrial building with a roof area of 1000 m², the above costs are taken to consideration for the roof covering...
Degradation of metal implants covered with silver
PublicationSilver was known for its antibacterial properties as long ago as in antiquity. The silver ions have ability to join the bacteria surface. Low density of silver ions Ag+ influence the protons through the bacteria surface, which results in total destruction of the cell. Antibacterial activity of silver remains in proportion with the density of silver ions Ag+ in the environment.
Acidity trace pollutants of urban rain and roof runoff from selected roof coverings
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono dane dotyczące chemizmu opadów atmosferycznych i wód spływnych pobranych na terenie dużej aglomeracji miejskiej. Oznaczane były: pH, aniony - chlorki, azotany i siarczany oraz metale ciężkie - cynk, ołów, miedź, kadm. Próbki były pobierane na terenie Trójmiasta i w Dąbrówce Tczewskiej koło Gdańska z budynków pokrytych nowymi i starymi pokryciami. Badania prowadzono od kwietnia do czerwca 2006.
Investigations of Titanium Implants Covered with Hydroxyapatite Layer
PublicationTo reduce unfavorable phenomena occurring after introducing an implant into human body various modifications of the surface are suggested. Such modifications may have significant impact on biocompatibility of metallic materials. The titanium and it's alloys are commonly used for joint and dental implants due to their high endurance, low plasticity modulus, good corrosion resistance as well as biocompatibility. Special attention...
Analysing media coverage of India's vaccine diplomacy
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The Aerophytic Diatom Assemblages Developed on Mosses Covering the Bark of Populus alba L.