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Search results for: emi
Impacts of Using Exhaust Gas Recirculation and Various Amount of Dimethyl Ether Premixed Ratios on Combustion and Emissions on a Dual-Fuel Compression Ignition Engine
PublicationIn the presented research, the authors dealt with the specific properties of the combustion process of dimethyl ether (DME) in a combustion car (Volkswagen Golf IV) engine AJM 1.9 TDI PDE made by Volkswagen factory. Dimethyl ether is an alternative fuel produced most often from natural gas, which can be used in compression ignition engines as a single fuel or co-burned with diesel oil. This work describes the impacts of using exhaust...
Emission enhancement of Eu(III) and/or Tb(III) ions entrapped in silica xerogels with ZnO nanoparticles by energy transfer
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rezultaty wpływu domieszkowania nanocząsteczkami ZnO kserożeli krzemianowych zawierających jony Eu(III)i/lub Tb(III). Wzmocnienie emisji w kserożelach zawierających Tb(III) następowało na skutek wymiany energii między jonami Tb i nanocząsteczkami ZnO. Wzmocnienia takiego nie zaobserwowano w przypadku jonów Eu. Zaobserwowano również kwantowy efekt rozmiaru w przerwie energetycznej ZnO.
Environmental emission, fate and transformation of microplastics in biotic and abiotic compartments: Global status, recent advances and future perspectives
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Optical emission spectroscopy study for nitrogen–acetylene–argon and nitrogen–acetylene–helium 100 kHz and dc discharges
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Recent achievements in chemical hydride generation inductively coupled and microwave induced plasmas with optical emission spectrometry detection
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Possibility of NOx emission reduction from combustion process using sewage sludge gasification gas as an additional fuel
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Investigation on broadband near-infrared emission in Yb3+/Ho3+ co-doped antimony–silicate glass and optical fiber
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Broadband mid-infrared emission in heavy metal oxide glasses triply-doped with Er3+/Ho3+/Yb3+ ions
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Ultra-broadband emission in Er3+/Tm3+/Ho3+ triply-doped germanate glass and double-clad optical fiber
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Multicolor up-conversion emission in tellurite glasses co-doped with rare earth ions for white LED applications
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Measurements of high-temperature emission spectra of highly irradiated LiF:Mg,Cu,P (MCP-N) TL detectors
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Relationship among Economic Growth (GDP), Energy Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emission: Evidence from V4 Countries
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Screening evaluation of the quality of commercially available cigars, cigarillos, and bidis based on emission levels of selected terpenes and terpenoids
PublicationThe aim of the research was to verify the use of the solvent-free, non-destructive and easy to operate analytical method to study and compare the emissions of 16 representatives of terpenes and terpenoids from commercially available cigars, cigarillos and bidis − a potential screening analysis for the quality of combustible tobacco products. To assess the amount of organic compounds emitted to the gaseous phase from investigated...
PublicationTransient states are an important part of the spectrum of engine loads, especially the traction engines. In the case of marine diesel engines, transient states are of particular importance in reducing the analysis of motion units for special areas and maneuvering in port, the participation of transient states in the load spectrum significantly increases, also, the emission of toxic compounds from this period increases proportionally....
O 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2 molecule studied via detection of low-energy fluorescence emission
PublicationOxygen 1s excitation and ionization processes in the CO2 molecule have been studied with dispersed and non-dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy as well as with the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photon-photoion coincidence technique. The intensity of the neutral O emission line at 845 nm shows particular sensitivity to core-to-Rydberg excitations and core-valence double excitations, while shape resonances are suppressed. In contrast,...
Self-organized multilayered graphene-boron doped diamond hybrid nanowalls for high performance electron emission devices
PublicationCarbon nanomaterials like nanotubes, nanoflakes/nanowalls and graphene have been used as electron sources due to their superior field electron emission (FEE) characteristics. Nevertheless, these materials show poor stability and a short lifetime, preventing them from being used in practical device applications. The intention of this study was to find an innovative nanomaterial, possessing both high robustness and reliable FEE behavior....
Insights into modification of lignocellulosic fillers with isophorone diisocyanate: structure, thermal stability and volatile organic compounds emission assessment
PublicationThis study presents an analysis of the structure and properties of different types of lignocellulosic fillers modified by isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) to provide insights into the possibility of their application to the manufacturing of wood polymer composites (WPCs). Moreover, it deals with the environmental aspects of modified fillers, by assessment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted during modification, as well as...
PublicationT his study is dedicated to investigations of the working process in a dual-fuel low-emission combustion chamber for a floating vessel’s gas turbine. As the object of the research, a low-emission gas turbine combustion chamber with partial premixing of fuel and air inside the outer and inner radial-axial swirls was chosen. The method of the research is based on the numerical solution of the system of differential...
Thermodynamic Analysis of Negative CO2 Emission Power Plant Using Aspen Plus, Aspen Hysys, and Ebsilon Software
PublicationAbstract: The article presents results of thermodynamic analysis using a zero-dimensional mathematical models of a negative CO2 emission power plant. The developed cycle of a negative CO2 emission power plant allows the production of electricity using gasified sewage sludge as a main fuel. The negative emission can be achieved by the use this type of fuel which is already a “zeroemissive” energy source. Together with carbon capture...
Modification of cellulosic filler with diisocyanates – volatile organic compounds emission assessment and stability of chemical structure over time
PublicationThis paper investigated the impact of type and content of diisocyanate on the structure of modified cellulose fillers. Four the most popular isocyanates were applied – isophorone, hexamethylene, toluene and methylene diphenyl diisocyanate – at loadings of 1–15 wt%. Chemical structure, and its short-term storage stability, were investigated for eight weeks. Moreover, the main volatile organic compounds detected during modification,...
On the Application of Magnetoacoustic Emission for a Nondestructive Assessment of the Post Welding Heat Treatment of High Chromium Steel Weld Seams
PublicationThe paper analyses the possibility of post weld heat treatment (PWHT) quality assessment with the help of magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) signal measurements. Two welded superheater tubes, made of high chromium VM12 steel, were analysed—as welded and heat treated one. The analysed sample in the as welded state exhibited significantly higher hardness, accompanied by a big difference in the MAE signal intensity (of order of about...
Potential of novel atomic emission techniques as a tool for investigation of the possibilities of using industrial waste as additives in construction materials
PublicationNowadays, due to the global ecological crisis and ways to prevent a climate disaster, more and more attention is paid to green techno-logies and green Chemistry, which are part of the so-called “The Green Deal.” The main assumption is the optimization of the processes of producing necessary goods and the implementation of methods of managing postproduction waste in the least environmentally harmful manner. In the presented research,...
Airborne wear particle emission from train brake friction materials with different contents of steel and copper fibres
PublicationThis study investigated the influence of the amount of steel and copper fibres in a train brake friction material on the tribological performance, emission intensity and characteristics of airborne wear particles. The particles were generated on a pin-on-disc tribometer under controlled friction and environmental conditions. It was found that the steel fibre results in a more intensive emission of 0.3–10 μm particles compared to...
Testing interaction models by using x-ray absorption spectroscopy: solid Pb
PublicationPraca prezentuje zastosowanie metody EXAFS jako narzędzia do testowania potencjałów oddziaływań międzyatomowych używanych w symulacjach dynamiczno-molekularnych na przykładzie czystego ołowiu w fazie stałej (od temperatury pokojowej do temperatury topnienia). Testowaniu poddano następujące potencjały: dwuciałowy empiryczny potencjał Dzugutova, Larssona i Ebbsjo (DLE), potencjał ciasnego wiązania (TB) i potencjał w modelu osadzonego...
Fuzzy logic for control Peltier module
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Thermal, flow and acoustic characteristics of the heat sink integrated inside the synthetic jet actuator cavity
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The PIV Measurements of Time-Averaged Parameters of the Synthetic Jet for Different Orifice Shapes
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Research of vibration asymmetry of fluidic oscillator with vortex chambers
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Acoustic and Flow Aspects of Novel Synthetic Jet Actuator
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Comparison of the Axial Fan and Synthetic Jet Cooling Systems
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An improved methodology for accelerated marine immersed corrosion testing of ship structural components
PublicationCorrosion degradation is a prominent ageing mechanism in engineering structures (e.g. ships and offshore structures), leading to safety concerns and significant economic expenses. This study presents an improved methodology for indoor accelerated corrosion testing of structural components. The method involves controlling natural factors (oxygen saturation, temperature, salinity, and flow rate) to accelerate the corrosion in a controlled...
Dissociation energies of protonated water clusters
PublicationRelative abundances of positively ionized water clusters formed in a low-pressure electrical discharge as function of reduced electric field were obtained by using drift cell and quadrupole mass spectrometer. It was noticed that some clusters say with n = 4 were more abundant than others, at comparable drift conditions. Dissociation energies have been derived from equilibrium conditions for relative clusters abundances. The Hartree-Fock...
Dissociation pathways of protonated water clusters
PublicationRelative abundances of positively ionized water clusters formed in a low-pressure electrical discharge as function of reduced electric field were obtained by using drift cell and quadrupole mass spectrometer. It was noticed that some clusters say with n=4 were more abundant than others, at comparable drift conditions. Dissociation energies have been derived from equilibrium conditions for relative clusters abundances. The Hartree-Fock...
PublicationGłównym celem wykonanej ekspertyzy było wykonanie oceny stanu technicznego wozów wyciągowych znajdujących się na pochylniach Buczyniec i Jelenie, wraz ze wskazaniem przyczyn ich nieprawidłowego funkcjonowania oraz sformułowaniem zaleceń dotyczących dalszej eksploatacji. W ramach wykonanej ekspertyzy przeanalizowano istniejącą dokumentację techniczną i formalną oraz wykonano trzy wizje lokalne na pochylni Buczyniec i dwie wizje...
PublicationShips and offshore structures operate in a severe corrosion degradation environment and face difficulty in providing long- lasting corrosion protection. The Classification Societies recommend regular thickness measurements leading to structural component replacements, to ensure structural integrity during service life. The measurements are usually performed using ultrasonic thickness gauges and such an approach requires multiple...
Ocena zużycia energii i emisji szkodliwych związków chemicznych do środowiska w procesie wytwarzania pojemników przeznaczonych do przechowywania spożywczych napojów gazowanych i niegazowanych
PublicationW niniejszym artykule przedstawiono ocenę zużycia energii i emisji szkodliwych substancji związków chemicznych do środowiska w procesie wytwarzania pojemników przeznaczonych do przechowywania spożywczych napojów gazowanych i niegazowanych. W ocenie brano pod uwagę puszki aluminiowe, butelki szklane i butelki PET. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że najmniejszym zużyciem energii w procesie wytwarzania cechują się butelki PET, natomiast...
Wykorzystanie technik analitycznych do oceny emisji lotnych związków organicznych uwalnianych z materiałów polimerowych, jako obiecujące rozwiązania w kontroli ich jakości – Część 2
PublicationW pracy przedstawione zostały informacje na temat najczęściej stosowanych procedur analitycznych opartych na wykorzystaniu techniki analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej w trybie dynamicznego pobierania próbek analitów do badania emisji związków chemicznych z grupy lotnych związków organicznych. Rozwiązanie to zostało zaproponowane, jako nowego typu podejście do oceny zmian właściwości fizyko-chemicznych materiałów polimerowych zachodzących...
Wykorzystanie technik analitycznych do oceny emisji lotnych związków organicznych uwalnianych z materiałów polimerowych, jako obiecujące rozwiązania w kontroli ich jakości – Część 1
PublicationDynamiczny wzrost w zakresie wykorzystania szerokiej gamy materiałów polimerowych w produkcji przedmiotów codziennego użytku powoduje, że mogą one znacząco wpływać na rodzaj i ilość związków chemicznych występujących w środowisku zewnętrznym (outdoor), jak i w środowisku wewnętrznym (indoor), takich jak pomieszczenia mieszkalne oraz środowiska pracy (stanowiska pracy). Bardzo istotny wpływ na jakość środowiska wewnętrznego ma...
Functional 3D-Printed Polymeric Materials with Metallic Reinforcement for Use in Cut-Resistant Gloves
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Current knowledge about self-healing polymers in the aspect of application for full-rubber protective gloves
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Evaluation of damage of polymeric toecaps used in protective footwear – case study
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Carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption from passenger cars tested over the NEDC and WLTC – an overview and experimental results from market-representative vehicles
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Flavones in cocoa defence against Phytophthora megakarya
PublicationCross-pollination of suitable genotypes and earlier selection of elite offspring using adequate plants-associated defence markers in plantlets leaves are decisive for development of T. cacao genotypes tolerant to black pods disease (BPD). T. cacao plantlets from manual cross-pollination of ♀SNK64 × ♂UPA143 were analyzed for their susceptibility to BPD using leaf disc test. Subsequently, leaves (healthy, wounded and wound+infected)...
Combustion characteristics and retention-emission of selenium during co-firing of torrefied biomass and its blends with high ash coal
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Photoluminescence enhancement study in a Bi-doped Cs2AgInCl6 double perovskite by pressure and temperature-dependent self-trapped exciton emission
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Five years of innovations in development of glow discharges generated in contact with liquids for spectrochemical elemental analysis by optical emission spectrometry
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Spectral characteristic of high-dose high-temperature emission from LiF:Mg,Cu,P (MCP-N) TL detectors
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Exploring the Relationship between Particulate Matter Emission and the Construction Material of Road Surface: Case Study of Highways and Motorways in Poland
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Quantitative determination of processed waste expanded perlite performance as a supplementary cementitious material in low emission blended cement composites
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Investigation of magnetic and magnetomechanical hysteresis properties of Fe Si alloys with classical and mechanical Barkhausen effects and magnetoaco ustic emission.
PublicationW stopach Fe 3,5% Si o strukturze GO oraz NO badano własności histerezowe za pomocą polowego HBE i mechanicznego MEB efektu Barkhausena oraz emisji magnetoakustycznej EMA. Rozkład naprężeń wewnętrznych został wyznaczony wykorzystując zależność natężenia MEB od naprężeń zewnętrznych (próba pierwszego naprężania). Stwierdzenie MEB oraz EMA o znaczącym naprężeniu dowodzi występowania granic typu 90 deg. Są to granice domen typu...