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Search results for: epoxy
Epoxy Composites Filled with Natural Calcium Carbonate. 1. Epoxy Composites Obtained in the Presence of Monoperoxy Derivative of Epidian-6 Epoxy Resin
PublicationPhysico-mechanical properties of the products based on filled epoxy-oligomeric mixtures composed of Epidian-5 epoxy resin, oligoesteracrylate TGM-3 and monoperoxide derivative of Epidian-6 epoxy resin (PO) have been investigated. CaCO3 was used as a filler and polyethylene polyamine was a curing agent. The effect of PO and CaCO3 on the gel-fraction content and physico-mechanical properties was examined. Using a scanning electron...
Epoxy Composites Filled with Natural Calcium Carbonate. 2. Epoxy Composites Obtained in the Presence of Monomethacrylic Derivative of Epidian-6 Epoxy Resin
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Environmental degradation of advanced epoxy laminates
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań propagacji pęknięć przy stałym obciążeniu laminatów epoksydowych wzmocnionych włóknami szklanymi opraz aramidowo-szklanymi. Na tle krótkiego przeglądu literatury na dany temat przedstawiono oryginalne wyniki badań eksperymentalnych autorki.
Computational modelling of the modification of epoxy resins
PublicationSymulacja komputerowa właściwości fizycznych sieci żywic epoksydowych (DGEBA/DDM) modyfikowanych związkami akrylowymi przy użyciu programu Cheops® MillionZillion Software.
Acid-aided epoxy-amine curing reaction as reflected in epoxy/Fe3O4 nanocomposites: Chemistry, mechanism, and fracture behavior
PublicationThis work seeks to answer the question whether or not the presence of acid functional groups accelerate epoxyamine curing reaction. Epoxy/Fe3O4 nanocomposite was considered as a case, where discussions are based on chemistry, mechanism behind curing reactions and fracture behavior influenced by acid assistance to crosslinking. Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) with nanosilica decorative layer (B-MNP) were synthesized and subsequently...
Integration of antifouling properties into epoxy coatings: a review
Publicationhe need for nontoxic antifouling coatings has encouraged material scientists to develop a class of organic coatings for diverse applications. As a versatile thermosetting resin and well known for coating application, antifouling characteristics have been integrated into epoxy along with anticorrosion and adhesive functions. Accordingly, both micro- and macro-biofoulings have been successfully controlled by using epoxy-based antifouling...
Selected biotrends in development of epoxy resins and their composites
PublicationEpoxy resins and their fibre or particulate composites are widely used in various industries, including building, naval, aircraft, automotive and aerospace. Modern polymer science and technology focus on the development of green polymers and composites. There are two major areas of interest in the case of epoxy resins: the development of bio-based resins and the production of composites with natural fibers. One of the most interesting...
Examination of the epoxy coating system's resistance to Corrobill
PublicationThe tests of the influence of the surface cleaning agent on the epoxy coating were carried out. Electrochemical and corrosion tests were carried out. The effect of the preparation on the adhesion and hardness of the tested coating was tested.
Metal-Organic Framework (MOF)/Epoxy Coatings: A Review
PublicationEpoxy coatings are developing fast in order to meet the requirements of advanced materials and systems. Progress in nanomaterial science and technology has opened a new era of engineering for tailoring the bulk and surface properties of organic coatings, e.g., adhesion to the substrate, anti-corrosion, mechanical, flame-retardant, and self-healing characteristics. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), a subclass of coordinative polymers...
Nonisothermal cure kinetics of epoxy/MnxFe3-xO4 nanocomposites
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Cure kinetics of epoxy/MWCNTs nanocomposites: Isothermal calorimetric and rheological analyses
PublicationA combinatorial route has been applied in cure kinetics study of epoxy nanocomposites containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) based on differential scanning calorimetry and rheokinetic analyses under isothermal conditions. Pristine and amine-modified MWCNTs bearing primary and secondary amines were used at very low concentrations (0.1 and 0.3 wt.% based on epoxy weight). Model-free and model-fitting methods were applied...
Curing epoxy with electrochemically synthesized Zn Fe3-O4 magnetic nanoparticles
PublicationCathodic electrodeposition (CED) was applied in synthesis of undoped and zinc (Zn) doped Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Changes in the lattice structure of nanoparticles were monitored using X-ray diffraction (XRD), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) supported by dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS), and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). Detailed analyses explored the formation of ZnxFe3–xO4 nanoparticles with x ≈ 0.1,...
Fracture of aluminium joints bonded with epoxy adhesive reinforced by mmt nanoparticles
PublicationCrack propagation behavior was studied for aluminium/aluminum adhesive joints bonded with two epoxy adhesives: pure and reinforced with clay nanoparticles. The focus was also on the novel use of the constant displacement rate test to study adhesion/adhesives efficiency. The epoxy systems studied were: Epidian E6 produced from bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin, (''Organika -Sarzyna'' Poland); pure or strengthened with montmorillonit...
Mechanical Properties of Bio-Composites Based on Epoxy Resin and Nanocellulose Fibres
PublicationThe aim of our research was to investigate the effect of a small nanocellulose (NC) addition on an improvement of the mechanical properties of epoxy composites. A procedure of chemical extraction from pressed lignin was used to obtain nanocellulose fibers. The presence of nanoparticles in the cellulose pulp was confirmed by FTIR/ATR spectra as well as measurement of nanocellulose particle size using a Zetasizer analyzer. Epoxy...
Cure kinetics of epoxy/MWCNTs nanocomposites: Nonisothermal calorimetric and rheokinetic techniques
PublicationNonisothermal calorimetric and isothermal rheokinetic analyses were used to study cure kinetics of epoxy/anhydride systems containing very low concentration of pristine and amine-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). Isoconversional methods were applied in calorimetric modeling of cure kinetics. Eα vs. α dependency and autocatalytic nature of curing were identified for both types of nanocomposites by isoconversional...
Determination of Hydroxy Groups in the Modified Epoxy Oligomers Using IR-Spectroscopy
PublicationThe use of IR-spectroscopy has been proposed to determine the content of hydroxy groups in the modified functional oligomers based on bisphenol A diglycidyl ether. Apart from hydroxy groups the investigated oligomers contain epoxy or peroxy, carboxy or acrylic groups.
Mechanical, thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy/glass composites with submicron particles
PublicationIn this research the influence of submicron zinc oxide and silicon dioxide particles on mechanical, thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy matrix composites reinforced with glass fibres was investigated. Composites were fabricated using hand lay-up method. Materials contained 39-41 wt.% of glass fibres. The bending tests, dynamic mechanical analysis and tribological tests were performed on each group of composites and also for...
Impact damage in SiO2 nanoparticle enhanced epoxy – Carbon fibre composites
PublicationLow velocity impact behaviour of nano-SiO2 enhanced carbon fibre/epoxy composites for naval applications is reported. Epoxy resin matrix was enhanced by 1- 8 wt% SiO2 nanoparticles, based on industrial surface-modified nanosilica. Impact parameters: force, deformation, energy, damage size were recorded. The most pronounced effect was damage size decrease; e.g. ∼28% recorded by infrared thermography and X-ray computed radiography...
Environmental stress cracking in e-glass and aramid/glass epoxy composites
PublicationKompozyty epoksydowe wzmocnione włóknami szklanymi są dość odporne na wpływy środowiskowe w stanie nieobciążonym, jednak po przyłożeniu obciążeń łatwo pękają w środowisku wody i rozcieńczonych kwasów. Charakterystyki propagacji pęknięć środowiskowych w laminatach szklano/epoksydowych były przedmiotem szeregu prac, jednak brak jest danych na temat zachowania laminatów o wzmocnieniu hybrydowym aramidowo-szklanym stosowanych w budowie...
Current-Voltage Characteristics of the Composites Based on Epoxy Resin and Carbon Nanotubes
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Synthesis of Epoxy Methacrylate Resin and Coatings Preparation by Cationic and Radical Photocrosslinking
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Cross-linking of epoxy-oligomeric mixtures in the presence of modified phenol-formaldehyde resins
PublicationCross-linking of epoxy oligomeric mixtures consisting of industrial epoxy resin ED-20, oligoetheracrylate TGM-3, peroxide derivative of epoxy resin ED-24 and phenol-formaldehyde oligomer with unsaturated methacrylate fragments or peroxide groups was studied in the presence of polyethylenepolyamine at room temperature and heated to 383, 403 or 423 K for 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 minute. The influence of mixture composition, temperature...
Cross-linked epoxy-isocyanate blends containing Epidian-6 modified by glycols
PublicationPolymeric films of cross-linked structure may be formed using epoxy-isocyanate blends composed of Epidian-5 epoxy resin, 4,4’-diphenylmethanediisocyanate (MDI), Z-1 polyamine hardener and Epidian-6 epoxy resin modified by glycols. The effect of the component natures and ratio, process temperature and time on the gel-fraction content, as well as film hardness, was examined. The chemistry of the film forming process was determined...
Properties of nano-Fe3O4 incorporated epoxy coatings from Cure Index perspective
PublicationThe mission of an advanced epoxy-based nanocomposite coating is to provide a given substrate with protection against an unwelcome guest; e.g. corrosive molecules/media, environmental stress, flame, thermal degradation or microorganisms. In such systems, the degree to which superior properties can be guaranteed depends on the state of network formation in the epoxy in the presence of nanoparticles. For low-filled epoxy nanocomposite coatings,...
The Influence of Hybridization of Epoxy–Glass Laminates Modified with Metal Oxides and Graphite Particles
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Engineering of composite materials made of epoxy resins modified with recycled fine aggregate
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Post-impact moisture absorption in hybrid glass, aramid, carbon/epoxy composites
PublicationZbadano chłonność wody i własności po udarze i absorpcji wody w laminatach hybrydowych aramidowo-szklano-węglowych. Badania porównawcze dla laminatów szklano-epoksydowych wykazały 18% i 33% spadek wytrzymałości na ściskanie odpowiednio w wyniku udaru o energii 10J oraz udaru i absorpcji wody.
On delamination threshold loads in low velocity impact on glass-carbon/epoxy composites.
PublicationZbadano możliwości zastąpienia badań udarowych o niskiej energii ze spadającą masą badaniami quasi-statycznymi przy analogicznym obciążeniu próbki dla laminatów epoksydowych wzmocnionych włóknami węglowymi i szklanymi oraz węglowymi. Uzyskano dobrą zgodność wyników obu typów badań , co znajduje potwierdzenie w wynikach innych badaczy.
Effect of Surface Treatment of Halloysite Nanotubes (HNTs) on the Kinetics of Epoxy Resin Cure with Amines
PublicationThe epoxy/clay nanocomposites have been extensively considered over years because of their low cost and excellent performance. Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) are unique 1D natural nanofillers with a hollow tubular shape and high aspect ratio. To tackle poor dispersion of the pristine halloysite (P-HNT) in the epoxy matrix, alkali surface-treated HNT (A-HNT) and epoxy silane functionalized HNT (F-HNT) were developed and cured with...
Curing epoxy resin with anhydride in the presence of halloysite nanotubes: the contradictory effects of filler concentration
PublicationEpoxy resins can be cured with a wide variety of curing agents such as amines and anhydrides, but anhydride curing would be more favorable for research purpose because of epoxy-anhydride curing taking place slowly at room temperature. Incorporation of natural nanosized minerals into epoxy is of environmental importance. Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) display chemical properties similar to those of silica and alumina, and hydroxyl...
Kinetics of Cross-Linking Reaction of Epoxy Resin with Hydroxyapatite-Functionalized Layered Double Hydroxides
PublicationThe cure kinetics analysis of thermoset polymer composites gives useful information about their properties. In this work, two types of layered double hydroxide (LDH) consisting of Mg2+ and Zn2+ as divalent metal ions and CO32− as an anion intercalating agent were synthesized and functionalized with hydroxyapatite (HA) to make a potential thermal resistant nanocomposite. The curing potential of the synthesized nanoplatelets in the...
Comparative Study of the Reinforcement Type Effect on the Thermomechanical Properties and Burning of Epoxy-Based Composites
PublicationAramid (AF), glass (GF), carbon (CF), basalt (BF), and flax (FF) fibers in the form of fabrics were used to produce the composites by hand-lay up method. The use of fabrics of similar grammage for composites’ manufacturing allowed for a comprehensive comparison of the properties of the final products. The most important task was to prepare a complex setup of mechanical and thermomechanical properties, supplemented by fire behavior...
Epoxy/Ionic Liquid-Modified Mica Nanocomposites: Network Formation–Network Degradation Correlation
PublicationWe synthesized pristine mica (Mica) and N-octadecyl-N’-octadecyl imidazolium iodide (IM) modified mica (Mica-IM), characterized it, and applied it at 0.1–5.0 wt.% loading to prepare epoxy nanocomposites. Dynamic differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was carried out for the analysis of the cure potential and kinetics of epoxy/Mica and epoxy/Mica-IM curing reaction with amine curing agents at low loading of 0.1 wt.% to avoid particle...
New Transparent Flame-Retardant (FR) Coatings Based on Epoxy-Aluminum Hypophosphite Nanocomposites
PublicationThe present study investigated the flame-retardant (FR) effect of transparent epoxy coating containing aluminum hypophosphite (AHP) nanoparticles (NPs) on polylactic acid (PLA) sheets used as a typical model of combustible polymeric material. First, AHP NPs (≤60 nm) were prepared by a specific two-stage wet milling process and deeply analyzed (morphology, thermal/mechanisms of degradation under nitrogen and air). The thermal properties...
Mechanical and physical assessment of epoxy, mineral, solvent-based, and water-soluble coating materials
PublicationThis paper assesses the behavior of mineral, epoxy (EP), solvent, and water-soluble coatings when exposed to salt and regular water for 28 days. Also, it evaluates the pull-off adhesion strength of the same coating materials applied to concrete slabs saturated with oil and water and dried with two different processes: air-dried for 28 days and air-dried for 14 days plus 14 days in the oven at 70 °C. Properties such as carbonation,...
Monitoring the curing process of epoxy adhesive using ultrasound and Lamb wave dispersion curves
PublicationMonitoring the stiffness of adhesives is a crucial issue when considering the durability andstrength of adhesive joints. While there are many studies conducted on specimens madeonly from adhesive, the problem of curing of an adhesive film in real joints is moderatelyconsidered. This paper presents the monitoring of stiffening of epoxy adhesive using ultra-sound. Ultrasonic pulse velocity method was firstly applied for monitoring...
PublicationDynamic mechanic (DMA) tests were performed to compare the mechanical behaviour of glass fibre reinforced epoxy laminate composites with SiO2 nanoparticle reinforced matrix. The selection of the most promising nanoparticle concentrations was considered in terms of elastic modulus and glass transition temperature. The reference specimens (0% nanoparticles) did not contain diluent accordingly the results do not allow the exact comparison...
Impact of thermal and humidity conditions on structural epoxy adhesives during medium-term exposure
PublicationAn experimental program was undertaken to evaluate the performance characteristics, strengths and limitations of two commercially available two-component structural epoxy resin adhesives under varying thermal and humidity conditions, focusing on their performance in scenarios relevant to engineering applications. The following adhesives were selected for investigation, 3M Scotch DP490 and DP125 Gray. In practice, DP490, a high-rigidity...
Strontium-based nanosized phosphates as anticorrosive fi llers of epoxy and polyurethane coating compositions
PublicationAnticorrosive epoxy and polyurethane coatings were compounded using zinc-free nanosized phosphates of strontium (SP) or strontium and aluminum (SAP). For comparison, a nanosized calcium aluminum ammonium phosphate (CAP) and a microsized zinc phosphate (ZP) were tested. Results of salts spray and cyclic corrosion tests revealed better anticorrosive properties of the SAP-based coatings...
The Tribological, Physico-Chemical and Rheological Properties of Lubricating Grease Produced on Epoxy Resin Base
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The Effect of Texturing of the Surface of Concrete Substrate on the Pull-Off Strength of Epoxy Resin Coating
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Engineering and Manufacturing Technology of Green Epoxy Resin Coatings Modified with Recycled Fine Aggregates
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Anhydride-Cured Epoxy Powder Coatings from Natural-Origin Resins, Hardeners, and Fillers
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An attempt to mechanistically explain the viscoelastic behavior of transparent epoxy/starch-modified ZnO nanocomposite coatings
PublicationThe effects of bare and starch-modified ZnO (ZnO-St) nanoparticles on viscoelastic and mechanical properties are studied by dynamic mechanical and tensile analyses. Transparent epoxy-based nanocomposite films are prepared by incorporating bare or starch-modified ZnO particles into the epoxy matrix. The results demonstrated that ZnO particles hindered the curing reactions and hence the final properties of the cured epoxy. As a result,...
Curing epoxy with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) surface-functionalized Co Fe3-O4 magnetic nanoparticles
PublicationIn this work, the bulk and surface composition of Fe3O4 supermagnetic nanoparticles were modified for efficient epoxy curing. The bare, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) capped, and cobalt (Co)-doped EDTA capped Fe3O4 nanoparticles were synthesized electrochemically. The crystalline structure and phase information, surface capping, morphology and magnetization behavior of nanoparticles were studied by X-Ray diffraction (XRD),...
Cure Index demonstrates curing of epoxy composites containing silica nanoparticles of variable morphology and porosity
PublicationAn image was taken by Cure Index on curability of epoxy with silica nanoparticles having variable morphology and porosity. Three kinds of silica nanoparticles with non-porous curved-rod, non-porous spherical, and mesoporous spherical microstructures were synthesized and characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller analyses. Epoxy nanocomposites containing...
Submicron inorganic particles as an additional filler in hybrid epoxy matrix composites reinforced with glass fibres
PublicationIn this study, the effect of selected submicron metal oxide (zinc oxide, titanium oxide) or non-metal oxide (silicon dioxide) particles on mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy/glass composites was investigated. The applied epoxy resin was a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A cured with triethylenetetramine. As a reinforcement twill weave E-glass fabric was used. Hybrid composites (contained particulate and fibrous...
Development of nanoscale morphology and role of viscoelastic phase separation on the properties of epoxy/recycled polyurethane blends
PublicationA novel and cost-effective approach towards the modification of epoxy matrix has been developed using recycled polyurethane for the first time without sacrificing any of the intrinsic properties of the resin. Polyurethane, recycled from waste foam by glycolysis process (RPU), was found to be very effective in improving the properties of the thermosetting resin based on Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A (DGEBA). The effect of the...
In-Out Surface Modification of Halloysite Nanotubes (HNTs) for Excellent Cure of Epoxy: Chemistry and Kinetics Modeling
PublicationIn-out surface modification of halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) has been successfully performed by taking advantage of 8-hydroxyquinolines in the lumen of HNTs and precisely synthesized aniline oligomers (AO) of different lengths (tri- and pentamer) anchored on the external surface of the HNTs. Several analyses, including FTIR, H-NMR, TGA, UV-visible spectroscopy, and SEM, were used to establish the nature of the HNTs’ surface engineering....