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Search results for: grid computing
Object oriented grid computing for computational electromagnetics
PublicationArtykuł opisuje bibliotekę WiCommGrid napisaną w języku java, która realizuje ideę wymiany informacji pomiędzy węzłami środowiska rozproszonego z zastosowaniem programowania zorientowanego obiektowo. Biblioteka ta przystosowana jest do współdziałania z wieloma systemami operacyjnymi oraz z rożnym środowiskiem sprzętowym. Zbudowaną aplikację zastosowano do zrównoleglonych obliczeń rozkładu pola elektromagnetycznego w oparciu o algorytm...
Genetic Positioning of Fire Stations Utilizing Grid-computing Platform
PublicationA chapter presents a model for determining near-optimal locations of fire stations based on topography of a given area and location of forests, rivers, lakes and other elements of the site. The model is based on principals of genetic algorithms and utilizes the power of the grid to distribute and execute in parallel most performance-demanding computations involved in the algorithm.
Quality Modeling in Grid and Volunteer-Computing Systems
PublicationA model of computational quality in large-scale computing systems was presented in the previous chapter of this book. This model describes three quality attributes: performance, reliability and energy efficiency. We assumed that all processes in the system are incessantly ready to perform calculations and that communication between the processes occurs immediately. These assumptions are not true for grid and volunteer computing...
Plugging grids into computing portals: the PROGRESS grid resource broker plug‐in mechanism
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Computing internodal conductivities in numerical modeling of two dimensional unsaturated flow on rectangular grid
PublicationW artykule porównano rozwiązania numeryczne dwuwymiarowego równania przepływu nienasyconego z użyciem różnych metod uśredniania współczynnika przewodności hydraulicznej między sąsiednimiwęzłami. Uwzględniono średnia arytmetyczną, geometryczną, "pod prad" oraz całkową, a także niedawno zaproponowany sposób uśredniania oparty na analizie przepływu ustalonego. Ten ostatni sposób okazałsię najbardziej uniwersalny, gdyż umożliwiał otrzymanie...
Visual Low-Code Language for Orchestrating Large-Scale Distributed Computing
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Dynamic GPU power capping with online performance tracing for energy efficient GPU computing using DEPO tool
PublicationGPU accelerators have become essential to the recent advance in computational power of high- performance computing (HPC) systems. Current HPC systems’ reaching an approximately 20–30 mega-watt power demand has resulted in increasing CO2 emissions, energy costs and necessitate increasingly complex cooling systems. This is a very real challenge. To address this, new mechanisms of software power control could be employed. In this...
Experience based knowledge representation for Internet of Things and Cyber Physical Systems with case studies
PublicationCyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things have grown significant attention from industry and academia during the past decade. The main reason behind this interest is the capabilities of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they appear as seamlessly integrating classical networks, networked objects and people to create more efficient environments. However, enhancing these technologies with intelligent skills becomes...
Towards an experience based collective computational intelligence for manufacturing
PublicationKnowledge based support can play a vital role not only in the new fast emerging information and communication technology based industry, but also in traditional manufacturing. In this regard, several domain specific research endeavors have taken place in the past with limited success. Thus, there is a need to develop a flexible domain independent mechanism to capture, store, reuse, and share manufacturing knowledge. Consequently,...
Evolution-based scheduling of multiple variant and multiple processor programs
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Compact global association based adaptive routing framework for personnel behavior understanding
PublicationPersonnel behavior understanding under complex scenarios is a challenging task for computer vision. This paper proposes a novel Compact model, which we refer to as CGARPN that incorporates with Global Association relevance and Adaptive Routing Pose estimation Network. Our framework firstly introduces CGAN backbone to facilitate the feature representation by compressing the kernel parameter space compared with typical algorithms,...
Crowdsourcing and Volunteer Computing as Distributed Approach for Problem Solving
PublicationIn this paper, a combination between volunteer computing and crowdsourcing is presented. Two paradigms of the web computing are described, analyzed and compared in detail: grid computing and volunteer computing. Characteristics of BOINC and its contribution to global Internet processing are shown with the stress put onto applications the system can facilitate and problems it can solve. An alternative instance of a grid computing...
Internetowe systemy przetwarzania rozproszonego typu grid w zastosowaniach biznesowych
PublicationSkoncentrowano się na możliwościach wykorzystania oraz integracji rozproszonych mocy obliczeniowych komputerów Internautów w globalnej sieci www. Zaprezentowano paradygmaty sieciowego przetwarzania typu grid computing oraz volunteer computing. Podkreślono istotność tego typu przetwarzania w zagadnieniach wymagających bardzo dużych mocy obliczeniowych. Zaprezentowano przykłady rozwiązań systemowych tego typu: system BOINC, będący...
Genetic Programming with Negative Selection for Volunteer Computing System Optimization
PublicationVolunteer computing systems like BOINC or Comcute are strongly supported by a great number of volunteers who contribute resources of their computers via the Web. So, the high efficiency of such grid system is required, and that is why we have formulated a multi-criterion optimization problem for a volunteer grid system design. In that dilemma, both the cost of the host system and workload of a bottleneck host are minimized. On...
Some Optimization Methods for Simulations in Volunteer and Grid Systems
PublicationIn this chapter, some optimization methods have been presented for improving performance of simulations in the volunteer and grid computing system called Comcute. Some issues related to the cloud computing can be solved by presented approaches as well as the Comcute platform can be used to simulate execution of expensive and energy consuming long-term tasks in the cloud environment. In particular, evolutionary algorithms as well...
Big Data Processing by Volunteer Computing Supported by Intelligent Agents
PublicationIn this paper, volunteer computing systems have been proposed for big data processing. Moreover, intelligent agents have been developed to efficiency improvement of a grid middleware layer. In consequence, an intelligent volunteer grid has been equipped with agents that belong to five sets. The first one consists of some user tasks. Furthermore, two kinds of semi-intelligent tasks have been introduced to implement a middleware...
Sieciowe systemy przetwarzania rozproszonego typu GRID – rozwiązania systemowe oraz przykłady aplikacyjne
PublicationZaprezentowano możliwości wykorzystania oraz integracji rozproszonych mocy obliczeniowych komputerów Internautów w globalnej sieci www. Pokazano paradygmaty internetowego przetwarzania rozproszonego typu grid computing oraz volunteer computing. Zwrócono uwagę na istotność tego typu przetwarzania w rozwiązywaniu zagadnień wymagających bardzo dużych mocy obliczeniowych. Pokazano reprezentatywne przykłady rozwiązań systemowych tego...
Metaheuristic algorithms for optimization of resilient overlay computing systems
PublicationThe idea of distributed computing systems has been gaining much interest in recent years owing to the growing amount of data to be processed for both industrial and academic purposes. However, similar to other systems, also distributed computing systems are vulnerable to failures. Due to strict QoS requirements, survivability guarantees are necessary for provisioning of uninterrupted service. In this article, we focus on reliability...
Development of Domain-Specific Solutions within the Polish Infrastructure for Advanced Scientific Research
PublicationThe Polish Grid computing infrastructure was established during the PL-Grid project (2009-2012). The main purpose of this Project was to provide the Polish scientists with an IT basic platform, allowing them to conduct interdisciplinary research on a national scale, and giving them transparent access to international grid resources via international grid infrastructures. Currently, the infrastructure is maintained and extended...
Rozpraszanie obliczeń za pomocą serwerów dystrybucyjnych
PublicationOmówiono zasady funkcjonowania serwerów dystrybucyjnych w systemie obliczeniowym klasy grid pracującym w trybie volunteer computing. Omówiono sposoby zwiększania wydajności tej warstwy systemu za pomocą zarządzania strumieniem paczek danych. Odniesiono się także do koncepcji Map-Reduce w implementacji przetwarzania równoległego.
Integration of cloud-based services into distributed workflow systems: challenges and solutions
PublicationThe paper introduces the challenges in modern workflow management in distributed environments spanning multiplecluster, grid and cloud systems. Recent developments in cloud computing infrastructures are presented and are referring howclouds can be incorporated into distributed workflow management, aside from local and grid systems considered so far. Severalchallenges concerning workflow definition, optimisation and execution are...
Optymalizacja strategii sieci inteligentnych agentów za pomocą programowania genetycznego w systemie rozproszonym realizującym paradygmat volunteer computing
PublicationDynamicznie rosnąca złożoność i wymagania w odniesieniu do rozproszonych systemów informatycznych utrudnia zarządzanie dostępnymi zasobami sprzętowymi i programistycznymi. Z tego powodu celem rozprawy jest opracowanie wielokryterialnej metody programowania genetycznego, która pozwala na optymalizację strategii zespołu inteligentnych agentów programistycznych w zakresie zarządzania systemem realizującym paradygmat volunteer computing....
Syntactic modular decomposition of large ontologies with relational database
PublicationSupport for modularity allows complex ontologies to be separated into smaller pieces (modules) that are easier to maintain and compute. Instead of considering the entire complex ontology, users may benefit more by starting from a problem-specific set of concepts (signature of problem) from the ontology and exploring its surrounding logical modules. Additionally, an ontology modularization mechanism allows for the splitting up of...
Wind Conditions in Urban Layout – Numerical and Experimental Research
PublicationThis paper presents research which compares the numerical and the experimental results for different cases of airflow around a few urban layouts. The study is concerned mostly with the analysis of parameters, such as pressure and velocity fields, which are essential in the building industry. Numerical simulations have been performed by the commercial software Fluent, with the use of a few different turbulence models, including...
The Innovative Faculty for Innovative Technologies
PublicationA leaflet describing Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology. Multimedia Systems Department described laboratories and prototypes of: Auditory-visual attention stimulator, Automatic video event detection, Object re-identification application for multi-camera surveillance systems, Object Tracking and Automatic Master-Slave PTZ Camera Positioning System, Passive Acoustic Radar,...
Volunteer Computing System Comcute with Smart Scheduler
PublicationIn this paper, a volunteer grid called Comcute is studied. Moreover, the harmony search scheduler is proposed. This scheduler has been designed for efficient using some resources of volunteer grid. The harmony search scheduler optimizes both a workload of a bottleneck computer and the cost of grid. Finally, some experiment outcomes have been discussed.
LTE and NB-IoT Performance Estimation Based on Indicators Measured by the Radio Module
PublicationMonitoring the operating parameters of power grids is extremely important for their proper functioning as well as for ensuring the security of the entire infrastructure. As the idea of the Internet of Things becomes more ubiquitous, there are tools for monitoring the state of the complex electrical grid and means to control it. There are also developed new measuring devices and transmission technologies allowing for the transfer...
Detection of Anomalies in the Operation of a Road Lighting System Based on Data from Smart Electricity Meters
PublicationSmart meters in road lighting systems create new opportunities for automatic diagnostics of undesirable phenomena such as lamp failures, schedule deviations, or energy theft from the power grid. Such a solution fits into the smart cities concept, where an adaptive lighting system creates new challenges with respect to the monitoring function. This article presents research results indicating the practical feasibility of real‐time...
A Point Set Connection Problem for Autonomous Mobile Robots in a Grid
PublicationConsider an orthogonal grid of streets and avenues in a Manhattan-like city populated by stationary sensor modules at some intersections and mobile robots that can serve as relays of information that the modules exchange, where both module-module and module-robot communication is limited to a straight line of sight within the grid. The robots are oblivious and move asynchronously. We present a distributed algorithm that, given...
Sensitivity of the Baltic Sea level prediction to spatial model resolution
Publicationhe three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the Baltic Sea (M3D) and...
Adaptacyjny system oświetlania dróg oraz inteligentnych miast
PublicationPrzedmiotem rozprawy jest zbadanie praktycznej możliwości wykrywania w czasie rzeczywistym anomalii w systemie oświetlenia drogowego w oparciu o analizę danych ze inteligentnych liczników energii. Zastosowanie inteligentnych liczników energii elektrycznej (Smart Meter) w systemach oświetlenia drogowego stwarza nowe możliwości w zakresie automatycznej diagnostyki takich niepożądanych zjawisk jak awarie lamp, odstępstwa od harmonogramu...
KernelHive: a new workflow-based framework for multilevel high performance computing using clusters and workstations with CPUs and GPUs
PublicationThe paper presents a new open-source framework called KernelHive for multilevel parallelization of computations among various clusters, cluster nodes, and finally, among both CPUs and GPUs for a particular application. An application is modeled as an acyclic directed graph with a possibility to run nodes in parallel and automatic expansion of nodes (called node unrolling) depending on the number of computation units available....
On-line Search in Two-Dimensional Environment
PublicationWe consider the following on-line pursuit-evasion problem. A team of mobile agents called searchers starts at an arbitrary node of an unknown network. Their goal is to execute a search strategy that guarantees capturing a fast and invisible intruder regardless of its movements using as few searchers as possible. We require that the strategy is connected and monotone, that is, at each point of the execution the part of the graph...
Reduction of Computational Complexity in Simulations of the Flow Process in Transmission Pipelines
PublicationThe paper addresses the problem of computational efficiency of the pipe-flow model used in leak detection and identification systems. Analysis of the model brings attention to its specific structure, where all matrices are sparse. With certain rearrangements, the model can be reduced to a set of equations with tridiagonal matrices. Such equations can be solved using the Thomas algorithm. This method provides almost the same values...
Harmony Search to Self-Configuration of Fault-Tolerant Grids for Big Data
PublicationIn this paper, harmony search algorithms have been proposed to self-configuration of fault-tolerant grids for big data processing. Some tasks related to big data processing have been considered. Moreover, two criteria have been applied to evaluate quality of grids. The first criterion is a probability that all tasks meet their deadlines and the second one is grid reliability. Furthermore, some intelligent agents based on harmony...
Wyznaczanie map hałasu z wykorzystaniem chmury obliczeniowej
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono gridow usług obliczeniow Mapy Hałasu. Algorytm predykcji hałasu i model ródła powstał w ramach bada Katedry Systemów Multimedialnych, Politechniki Gdaskiej. Aplikacja webowa umoliwia wykonanie map akustycznych, w szczególnoci hałasu drogowego bez uycia dodatkowego oprogramowania komercyjnego. W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia z tematyki modelowania hałasu i propagacji dwiku w przestrzeniach miejskich....
Application of PL-Grid Platform for Modeling of the Selected Acoustic Phenomena
PublicationDomain grids are specific computational environments, developed within the PLGrid Plus project. For the Acoustic domain grid two supercomputer grid based services were prepared. Dedicated software consists of the outdoor sound propagation module and psychoacoustical noise dosimeter. The results are presented in a form of maps of sound level and Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) values, therefore the services may play an informative...
The Application Of A Noise Mapping Tool Deployed In Grid Infrastructure For Creating Noise Maps Of Urban Areas
PublicationThe concept and implementation of the system for creating dynamic noise maps in PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The methodology of dynamic acoustical maps creating is introduced. The concept of noise mapping, based on noise source and propagation models, was developed and employed in the system. The details of incorporation of the system to the PL-Grid infrastructure are presented. The results of simulations performed by...
Creating Dynamic Maps of Noise Threat Using PL-Grid Infrastructure
PublicationThe paper presents functionality and operation results of a system for creating dynamic maps of acoustic noise employing the PL-Grid infrastructure extended with a distributed sensor network. The work presented provides a demonstration of the services being prepared within the PLGrid Plus project for measuring, modeling and rendering data related to noise level distribution in city agglomerations. Specific computational environments,...