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Search results for: MODES OF FREE VIBRATIONS
Modes of vibrations occuring in the washboarding phenomenon
PublicationW oparciu o współczesną literaturę oraz wyniki badań własnych przedstawiono teorie zjawiska washboarding dla obróbki na pilarkach taśmowych z użyciem wąskich i szerokich pił. Zaprezentowano również wytłumaczenie wspomnianego zjawiska dla przypadku obróbki na pilarkach ramowych. Poprzez analogię do drgań typu chatter (drgania samowzbudne w obróbce metali) zaproponowano nazwy regenerative washboarding, dla drgań samowzbudnych na...
Free Vibrations of Sustainable Laminated Veneer Lumber Slabs
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Modelling of the Baumann turbine stage operation Part II. Free and kinetic vibrations
PublicationIn this paper has been presented a methodology of validation a novel mathematical model dedicated to evaluation and prediction of material degradation and demage of steam turbine elements such as blades, valves and pipes due to three mechanisms: stress-corosion, high-temperature creep and low-cyclic fatigue. The validation concept is based on an experimental setup manufactured in the Laboratory of Faculty of Mechanical and Power...
Modeling of free vibrations and resonant frequencies of simply-supported submerged horizontal plate
PublicationA theoretical approach was applied to study the vibration of simple-supported submerged horizontal plate. The derived analytical solution was used to determine natural frequencies for a horizontal plate vibrating in fluid. The investigations were conducted for a very wide range of material density and elasticity modulus covering all materials used in engineering practice. Analysis shows that plate vibration frequency decreases...
Nonlinear free and forced vibrations of a dielectric elastomer-based microcantilever for atomic force microscopy
PublicationThe majority of atomic force microcode (AFM) probes work based on piezoelectric actuation. However, some undesirable phenomena such as creep and hysteresis may appear in the piezoelectric actuators that limit their applications. This paper proposes a novel AFM probe based on dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs). The DE is modeled via the use of a hyperelastic Cosserat model. Size effects and geometric nonlinearity are included...
Nonlinear Free and Forced Vibrations of a Hyperelastic Micro/Nanobeam Considering Strain Stiffening Effect
PublicationIn recent years, the static and dynamic response of micro/nanobeams made of hyperelasticity materials received great attention. In the majority of studies in this area, the strain-stiffing effect that plays a major role in many hyperelastic materials has not been investigated deeply. Moreover, the influence of the size effect and large rotation for such a beam that is important for the large deformation was not addressed. This...
Analysis of free vibrations of cantilever bars with parabolically variable cross-sections using the Rayleigh’s method
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Application of polymer element in reduction of temporary steel grandstand vibrations
PublicationThe numerical analysis focused on reduction of vibrations of a temporary steel scaffolding grandstand has been conducted in this paper. These types of structures are regularly subjected to dynamic loads which, in conjunction with light and quite slender structural members, may induce dangerous vibrations. To increase their safety, temporary steel grandstands are usually strengthened with the diagonal stiffeners of tubular cross...
Forced vibrations in a dynamic system that is damped by a mechanism that trans-pass through its singular position
PublicationIn the paper, vibrations of a hybrid multibody-continuous system are investigated. For all the mechanical devices, effective damping methods are crucial in the design process. To obtain it, installation of viscous dampers or elasto-viscous elements is dominant. In the paper, an alternative method is investigated. It is based on modal disparity. To describe the method briefly, when structural damping is present in continuous systems,...
Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Polyurethane Flexible Adhesive in Reduction of Structural Vibrations
PublicationThe aim of the present study is to consider the idea of using polyurethane flexible adhesive in to reduce the vibrations in structures exposed to dynamic loads and evaluate their damping properties in relation to large deformations. Firstly, two aluminium cantilever beams, simulating structural elements (without and with polyurethane layer in the form of tape), were analysed, in order to check the damping of the unconstrained polymer...
Numerical analysis of a temporary steel grandstand
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to present the results of the numerical analysis focused on the response of the temporary steel scaffolding grandstand subjected to human-induced vibrations due to jumping. Shell as well as beam elements have been used in the numerical model. Its first stage has involved conducting modal analysis in order to determine the modes of free vibrations and the corresponding natural frequencies for the empty...
PublicationTemporary structures, such as grandstands, are commonly used during different types of mass events, especially sport and music concerts. In this paper, the results of the experimental study on temporary steel grandstand are presented. The aim of the investigation was to determine modal characteristics of such structures. Modes of free vibrations and corresponding natural frequencies have been obtained for empty and occupied grandstand....
Damage Detection in the Wind Turbine Blade Using Root Mean Square and Experimental Modal Parameters
PublicationThe paper presents results of an experimental study related to a non-destructive diagnostic technique used for preliminary determination the location and size of delamination in composite coatings of wind turbine blades. The proposed method of damage detection is based on the analysis of the ten first mode shapes of bending vibrations, which correspond to displacements of rotor blades perpendicular to the rotor plane. Modal parameters...
Assessment of dynamic characteristics of thin cylindrical sandwich panels with magnetorheological core
PublicationBased on the equivalent single-layer linear theory for laminated shells, free and forced vibrations of thin cylindrical sandwich panels with magnetorheological core are studied. Five variants of available magnetorheological elastomers differing in their composition and physical properties are considered for smart viscoelastic core. Coupled differential equations in terms of displacements based on the generalized kinematic hypotheses...
Modal analysis of cylindrical steel tanks
PublicationCylindrical steel tanks are very popular structures used for storage of products of chemical and petroleum industries. Their safety and reliability is crucial because any failure could have serious consequences. The aim of present paper is to show the results of the first phase of investigation of seismic behaviour such structures. Modal analysis using Finite Element Method (FEM) for three models of real tanks used in Poland has...
Modal analysis of temporary steel grandstand equipped with different bracing systems
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present the results of numerical analysis focused on temporary steel scaffolding grandstand. The investigation has been devoted to modal analysis where modes of free vibrations and corresponding natural frequencies have been estimated and compared. The structure was equipped with different types of stiffener members. One on them is a typical tubular stiffener, while the second one is spe-cially designed...
Behaviour of steel columns under impact
PublicationOne of import issues related to the idea of sustainable society is the safety of civil engineering structures. The safety and reliability of steel structures under impact loading is among a number of different aims during the design state. The aim of this paper is to present the results of investigation focused on dynamic behaviour of steel columns under impact loading. Modal and transient dynamic analyses using Finite Element...
Investigation of behaviour of metal structures with polymer dampers under dynamic loads
PublicationA large number of accidents concerning structures subjected to dynamic loads have been recently observed. One of the examples of such a structure is a temporary steel grandstand erected using scaffolding system. Dynamic load that is generated by crowd movement has a significant influence on the behaviour of the structure and may lead to excessive structural vibrations. The aim of the study is to consider the idea of using polymer...
A spline-based FE approach to modelling of high frequency dynamics of 1-D structures
PublicationIn this paper a computational methodology leading to the development of a new class of FEs, based on the application of continuous and smooth approximation polynomials, being splines, has been presented. Application of the splines as appropriately defined piecewise elemental shape functions led the authors to the formulation of a new approach for FEM, named as spFEM, where contrary to the well-known NURBS approach, the boundaries...
Modal analysis of a steel grandstand
PublicationAmong the issues related to the idea of sustainable society is the safety of civil engineering structures devoted to satisfy different needs of people. One of the types of structures devoted to satisfy recreational needs are grandstands, which are used during sport events or music concerts. It is obligatory to consider interaction between structure and crowd load especially when the crowd movement involves rhythmic jumping, dancing,...
Dynamics analysis of footbridge mode shapes the s8 expressway on the basis of the results of in situ tests
PublicationNon-destructive diagnostics for structure may use dynamic measurements realized during vibrations of a facility induced by dynamic environmental impact, enforced by the use of inductors or impulse impact. Dynamic tests and the analysis were undertaken for a footbridge situated over the expressway S8. The studies in situ allowed for dynamic characteristics to be determined: frequency, shape modes and damping for respective frequency...
Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation Activity of a 2,4-Dinitrophenyl Phospholipid Hybrid Bilayer: Retrieving Orientational Parameters from a DFT Analysis of Experimental Data
PublicationThe vibrational nonlinear activity of films of 2,4-dinitrophenyl phospholipid (DNP) at the solid interface is measured by sum-frequency generation spectroscopy (SFG). Hybrid bilayers are formed by a LangmuirSchaefer approach in which the lipid layer is physisorbed on top of a self-assembled monolayer of dodecanethiol on Pt with the polar heads pointing out from the surface. The SFG response is investigated in two vibrational frequency...
Influence of Added Water Mass on Ship Structure Vibration Parameters in Virtual and Real Conditions
PublicationModelling of ship structures in a virtual environment is now standard practice. Unfortunately, many engineers forget to consideri the influence of added water on the frequency values and the amplitude of natural vibrations. The article presents the effect of water damping on the frequency values of the individual natural vibration modes. The tests were carried out in two stages. First, the mentioned values were determined using...
Eulerian motion magnification applied to structural health monitoring of wind turbines
PublicationSeveral types of defects may occur in wind turbines, as physical damage of blades or gearbox malfunction. A wind farm monitoring and damage prediction system is built to observe abnormal vibrations of elements of wind turbine: blades, nacelle, and tower. Contactless methods are developed which do not require turbine stopping. In this work, structural health monitoring of a wind turbine is evaluated using a conversion from the captured...
The Application of Vibration Recording and Analysis in Tribological Research on Sliding Friction
PublicationThe paper reports on a tribological research on the macroscopic manifestation and characteristics of sliding friction. The aim of the task was to measure friction in lubricated sliding contacts and test the interactions between the environment (the test rig) and the experimental friction contact. Friction-induced vibrations were observed and studied as a manifestation of the process. The typical set of velocity and force/torque...
Wpływ imperfekcji geometrycznych na bezpieczeństwo montażu i naprawy zbiorników cylindrycznych metoda podbudowy
PublicationW pracy zajęto się wyznaczeniem nośności granicznej zbiorników stalowych o osi pionowej montowanych lub naprawianych z zastosowaniem hydraulicznego systemu podnoszenia konstrukcji. Podniesiony zbiornik jest szczególnie narażony na utratę stateczności, a obciążenie wiatrem utrudnia prowadzenie prac. Jakiekolwiek deformacje blach, szczególnie w pobliżu zamocowań podnośników mogą w znacznym stopniu obniżyć obciążenie krytyczne konstrukcji....
Vibrations in Physical Systems
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Modal analysis of railway current collectors using Autodesk Inventor
PublicationThe paper presents the results of modal analysis of railway current collector type 160EC. In the first place, the analysis was carried out analytically for a simplified two lumped mass pantograph model. Then numerical analysis was conducted in the Autodesk Inventor (AI) on the prepared multibody model using the AI modal analysis algorithm, which is based on the finite element method (FEM). Model elements which are most relevant...
Wpływ wybranych właściwości maszyny badawczej na wynik eksperymentu tribologicznego z tarciem ślizgowym
PublicationNiniejsza monografia stanowi podsumowanie przekrojowych badań związanych z wpływem właściwości stanowiska badawczego (tribometru) na przebieg i rejestrowane wyniki eksperymentu tribologicznego z tarciem ślizgowym ciał stałych smarowanych cieczą w warunkach tarcia bez efektów smarowania hydrodynamicznego. Autor przedstawia wyniki kompleksowych analiz właściwości dynamicznych stanowiska badawczego w kontekście efektów obserwowanych...
Density functional theory-based simulations of sum frequency generation spectra involving methyl stretching vibrations: effect of the molecular model on the deduced molecular orientation and comparison with an analytical approach
PublicationThe knowledge of the first hyperpolarizability tensor elements of molecular groups is crucial for a quantitative interpretation of the sum frequency generation (SFG) activity of thin organic films at interfaces. Here, the SFG response of the terminal methyl group of a dodecanethiol (DDT) monolayer has been interpreted on the basis of calculations performed at the density functional theory (DFT) level of approximation. In particular,...
PublicationW artykule przedstawione zostały wyniki badań diagnostycznych łożysk silnika indukcyjnego z zastosowaniem metody pomiaru prądu zasilającego oraz wibracji. Poruszone zostały problemy dotyczące poszukiwania nowej metody opartej na pomiarze i analizie prądu, która w znacznym stopniu ułatwiłaby szybkie i sprawne znalezienie uszkodzenia w maszynie, bez konieczności bezpośredniego dostępu do badanego urządzenia. Zaprezentowano rezultaty...
The influence of polarization of titania nanotubes modified by a hybrid system made of a conducting polymer PEDOT and Prussian Blue redox network on the Raman spectroscopy response and photoelectrochemical properties
PublicationIn this work we show the impact of applied potential on network vibrations and photoelectrochemical properties of a composite material containing hydrogenated titania nanotubes and poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) with iron hexacyanoferrate (H-TiO2/pEDOT:Fehcf) acting as a redox centre. For this purpose, Raman spectroscopy measurements under the working electrode (WE) polarization were carried out, allowing investigation of changes...
Using FreeFEM open software for modelling the vibrations of piezoelectric devices
PublicationModelling vibrations of piezoelectric transducers has been a topic discussed in the literature for many decades. The first models - so-called one-dimensional - describe the vibrations only near operating frequency and near its harmonics. Attempts to introduce two-dimensional models were related to the possibility of one transducer working at several frequencies, including both thickness vibrations and those resulting from the transducer...
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Traffic-induced vibrations. The impact on buildings and people
PublicationTraffic-induced vibrations have recently been of major concern to engineers as one of the aspects of so called physical environmental pollution. The interest is related to the observations of serious negative effects of such kind of vibrations on buildings and their inhabitants. Traffic-induced vibrations may cause plaster cracks, structural damage and even failure and collapse of the structure. They may also be the reason of serious...
Spurious Modes in Model Order Reduction in Variational Problems in Electromagnetics
PublicationIn this work, we address an everlasting issue in 2 model order reduction (MOR) in electromagnetics that has 3 remained unnoticed until now. Contrary to what has been 4 previously done, we identify for the very first time spurious 5 modes in MOR for time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations and 6 propose a methodology to remove their negative influence on the 7 reduced order model (ROM) response. These spurious modes 8 have nonzero resonance...
The reduction of vibrations in circular sawing machines
PublicationThe presented in this paper the main objectives of the research were to explore vibrations signals of the main spindle system, the machine tool body and a circular saw to extract informative features for assessment of the designs of the panel saw Fx3 and its follower Fx550.Even though the main spindle of the new table sliding saw Fx550 has its rotational speeds larger about 20% in comparison to the Fx3, peak values of the vibrational...
Mode vibrations of plates – experimental analysis
PublicationIn this paper results of the square MDF plate and circular saw blades examination with the use of the harmonic method to static identification of resonant frequencies and shapes of mode vibrations are presented. Obtained results reveled that for circular saws with large holes in a saw blade appeared two resonant frequencies for the same nodal number.
ELECTIVE PROJECT II _sem 5_Green Story - Free Time Space
e-Learning CoursesThe topic of the course - Green Story - Free Time Space, joins green architecture and a place to spend free time - inside and outside – to read, to eat, to relax. The idea is to design green – to give back the greenery to the public square – to make a city space more friendly for users and more friendly to the environment. You can design a story, to make a space more attractive. You can design a Green Story, to make people more...
Application of Fast Cameras to String Vibrations Recording
PublicationA hardware and software solution for guitar string vibration measurement by fast cameras is described. Orthogonal setup for 3D image acquisition is proposed capable to capture several thousand image frames per second. Dedicated image processing algorithm was developed and described in the paper, aimed at tracking the movement of some selected points along the string. Fast and accurate tracking results provided a detailed information...
Foreign Entry Modes of High-tech Firms in Poland
PublicationThe main objective of the article is to present the role and importance of foreign entry modes in internationalization process and their key determinants. Research methods: A quantitative research design was used. A survey was conducted on the sample of 263 firms operating in...
PublicationDynamical properties of rotating circular saw blades are crucial for both production quality and personnel safety. This paper presents a novel method for monitoring circular saw vibrations and deviations. A machine vision system uses a camera and a laser line projected on the saw’s surface to estimate vibration range. Changes of the dynamic behaviour of the saw were measured as a function of the rotational speed. The critical rotational...
Experimental study on effectiveness of polymer dampers in reduction of structural vibrations
PublicationVibrations of civil engineering structures, generated by dynamic loads, may be very dangerous to the structures themselves as well as may have significant influence on human perception and comfort. A number of different methods have been proposed in order to minimize such situations. This concern newly designed structures as well as those which dynamic properties have to be modified due to problems with excessive vibrations. One...
Experimental study on the effectiveness of polymer dampers in reduction of structural vibrations
PublicationVibrations of civil engineering structures, generated by dynamic loads, may be very dangerous to the structures themselves as well as may have significant influence on human perception and comfort. A number of different methods have been proposed in order to minimize such situations. This concern newly designed structures as well as those which dynamic properties have to be modified due to problems with excessive vibrations. One...
Nonlinear Interaction of Magnetoacoustic Modes in a Quasi-Isentropic Plasma Flow
PublicationThe nonlinear interaction of magnetoacoustic waves in a plasma is analytically studied. A plasma is an open system. It is affected by the straight constant equilibrium magnetic flux density forming constant angle with the wave vector which varies from 0 till . The nonlinear instantaneous equation which describes excitation of secondary wave modes in the field of intense magnetoacoustic perturbations is derived by use of projecting....
The effectiveness of polymer adhesive in reduction of vibrations of structural members
PublicationIn this paper, the idea of using polymer adhesive as a damping layer is proposed. An experimental study of two aluminium cantilevered beams has been conducted. One of them presents a plain cantilevered beam, while the second one considers two aluminium beams bonded with a polymer adhesive of different thickness (0,5; 1,2; 1,75; 3,1 and 5 mm). The polymer adhesive considered in the study is a specially designed flexible...
Excitation of the Secondary Modes by the Broad Spectrum Sound in a Liquid with Relaxation Losses
PublicationFeatures of nonlinear phenomena and, in particular, acoustic excitation of the entropy and relaxation modes in a liquid electrolyte with a chemical reaction are examined. The total range of frequencies of an exciter is considered, and the instantaneous dynamic equations are derived which govern perturbations in the secondary modes. The instantaneous leading-order acoustic forces of the secondary modes are evaluated. Examples of harmonic...
Application of Support Vector Machine for Determination of Impact of Traffic-Induced Vibrations on Buildings
PublicationThe aim of the article is to present an algorithm of Support Vector Machine created to forecast the impact of traffic-induced vibrations on residential buildings. The method is designed to classify the object into one of two classes. The classification into the first class means that there is no impact of vibrations on the building, while classification to the second class indicates the possible influence and suggests the execution...
Predicting the impact of traffic–induced vibrations on buildings using artificial neural networks
PublicationTraffic–induced vibrations may constitute a considerable load to a building, cause cracking of plaster, cracks in load–bearing elements or even a global structural collapse of the whole structure [1-4]. Vibrations measurements of real structures are costly and laborious, not justified in all cases. The aim of the paper is to create an original algorithm, to predict the negative dynamic impact on the examined residential building...