total: 340
Thermal decomposition of different types of asbestos
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Study on the thermal decomposition of crocidolite asbestos
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Thermal decomposition of acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives
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Thermal decomposition of polyurethane pressure-sensitive adhesives dispersions
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Thermal decomposition of surface compounds for the generation of small quantities of acetaldehyde
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Generation of standard gaseous mixtures by thermal decomposition of surface compounds
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Thermodynamics of the thermal decomposition of calcium oxalate monohydrate examined theoretically
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On the inappropriate fit of diffusion functions at thermal decomposition of some azomonoethers in liquid state
PublicationW celu analizy rozkładu termicznego tytułowych barwników azowych zastosowano mechanizmy D1, D2, D3 i D4. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że rozkład zachodzi w fazie ciekłej, zaś w celu wyznaczenia parametrów aktywacji oraz wyznaczenia funkcji przemiany zastosowano koncepcje homo- i heterogeniczne.
TG-FTIR, DSC and quantum chemical studies of the thermal decomposition of quaternary methylammonium halides
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Thermal Decomposition of Carbamoyl Meldrum’s Acids: A Starting Point for the Preparation of 1,3-Oxazine Derivatives
PublicationThe ability to undergo [4 + 2] versus [2 + 2] cycloaddition was under investigation for ketenes thermally generated from carbamoyl Meldrum’s acid. Usually, 1,3-oxazino-5-carbamoylo-4,6-diones are formed when carbamoyl Meldrum’s acid reacts with imine. However, in some cases, a reaction takes an unexpected course, leading to the formation of tetraponerines alkaloids derivatives or cyclic iminoethers.
Thermal decomposition of [Cd{SSi(OBut)3}(S2CNC4H8)]2 to CdS “micro-noodles”
PublicationThis work presents studies on thermal degradation of novel heteroleptic complex possessing mixed S-donor ligands, [Cd{SSi(OBut)3}(S2CNC4H8)]2 using TGA, DSC, TGA-IR, SEM and XRD methods.
Thermal decomposition of surface compounds for the generation of small quantities of acetaldehyde. Calibration of a thermal desorption gas chromatography flame ionization detection.
PublicationW pracy opisano sposób wytwarzania niewielkich ilości acetaldehydu w procesie termicznego rozkładu związku powierzchniowego uzyskanego w wyniku chemicznej modyfikacji żelu krzemionkowego.Proces rozkładu prowadzony jest w temperaturze 130-190 stopni Celsjusza.Przedstawiono również sposób syntezy prowadzący do uzyskania odpowiedniego związku powierzchniowego.
Thermal decomposition kinetics of dynamically vulcanized polyamide 6-acrylonitrile butadiene rubber-halloysite nanotube nanocomposites
PublicationThermally stable thermoplastic elastomer nanocomposites based on polyamide 6 (PA6), acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), and halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) were dynamically vulcanized, and their nonisothermal decomposition kinetics were examined. The Friedman, Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose (KAS), Ozawa–Wall–Flynn (FWO), and modified Coats–Redfern (m‐CR) isoconversional models were used to obtain information about the kinetics of the thermal...
Impact of Tetrazolium Ionic Liquid Thermal Decomposition in Solvothermal Reaction on the Remarkable Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 Particles
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) could serve as a structuring agent, a solvent, or a source of dopant during solvothermal synthesis of semiconductors particles. To understand the role of IL during formation of TiO2 particles, it is necessary to study the stability of this IL in solvothermal synthesis conditions, as well as studying the surface properties of formed TiO2 particles. In view of this, the effect of the 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium...
Utilization of thermal decomposition of immobilized compounds for the generation of gaseous standard mixtures used in the calibration of gas analysers
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Study of a method for the preparation of standard gas mixtures based on thermal decomposition of surface compounds. Application to isothiocyanates
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Synthesis of reduced graphene oxide nanosheets using nanofibers from methane and biogas thermal decomposition with various catalysts
PublicationReduced graphene oxide and graphene oxide (rGO, GO) were synthesised from carbon nanofibers, which were formed in catalytic thermal decomposition of methane (CDM) and biogas with different catalysts used in the process. The aim of the work was valorization of CDM carbon nanofiber products. The samples were characterized using Raman spectra, a scanning electron microscope and a transmission electron microscope. As a result, we observe...
Utilization of glass fibres as supports for surface compounds for generation of gaseous standard mixtures using thermal decomposition technique
PublicationPrzy oznaczaniu analitów na śladowym lub ultraśladowym poziomie stężeń, szczególnie w przypadku próbek o złożonym lub niejednorodnym składzie matrycy, analityk napotyka dodatkowe trudności techniczne i metodyczne związane z walidacją stosowanych procedur. Niezbędne jest zatem dysponowanie odpowiednimi wzorcami (lub lepiej materiałami odniesienia), które swoim składem są jak najbardziej zbliżone do składu próbek rzeczywistych. W...
Preparation of gaseous standard mixtures: methods for controlling the amount of components generated in the process of thermal decomposition of immobilized compounds.
PublicationGazowe mieszaniny wzorcowe odgrywają ważną rolę w ocenie metod analitycznych i urządzeń pomiarowych. W tym przypadku gazowe mieszaniny wzorcowe mogą być traktowane jako specjalny rodzaj materiału odniesienia.Proces walidacji wymaga użycia tzw. matrycowych materiałów odniesienia. Wybór techniki umożliwiającej uzyskanie gazowej mieszaniny wzorcowej o żądanych parametrach użytkowych zależy od natury składników mierzonych i gazu...
Calibration of the thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry system using standards generated in the process of thermal decomposition of chemically modified silica gel
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Influence of Thermal Decomposition of Wood and Wood-Based Materials on the State of the Atmospheric Air. Emissions of Toxic Compounds and Greenhouse Gases
PublicationThis paper presents the energy characteristics of wood and wood-based materials in the form of commercially available pellets, furniture board (MDF) and OSB. Toxicometric indices were determined for gaseous destructs arising from thermal decomposition and combustion of the materials studied. The paper proves that combustion conditions are crucial in terms of toxic destructive emissions. It has been shown that the combustion of...
Utilization of standards generated in the process of thermal decomposition chemically modified silica gel for a single point calibration of a GC/FID system
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Thermal decomposition of some aromatic azomonoethers. Part II. Non-isothermal study of three liquid crystals in dynamic air atmosphere
PublicationW ramach pracy zweryfikowano stabilność termiczną trzech barwników azowych o właściwościach ciekłokrystalicznych - potencjalnych prekursorów do otrzymywania warstw stosowanych w optyce nieliniowej. Zarejestrowano przebiegi TG, DTG, DTA oraz DSC jak również analizowano skład gazów powstających podczas rozpadu za pomocą przystawki FTIR. Przeprowadzono analizę kinetyki rozkładu, wyznaczając energię aktywacji procesu.
Influence of chemical structure on physicochemical properties and thermal decomposition of the fully bio-based poly(propylene succinate-co-butylene succinate)s
PublicationIn this work, two polyesters and four copolyesters were studied. All materials were synthesized to obtain the monomers dedicated for thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers. For this type of PUR, the monomers should characterize by appropriate selected physicochemical properties and macromolecular structure distribution, which depends on synthesis conditions. The study of chemical structure with extensive and knowledgeable analysis...
Bio‑derived polyurethanes obtained by non‑isocyanate route using polyol‑based bis(cyclic carbonate)s—studies on thermal decomposition behavior
PublicationNon-isocyanate polyurethanes (NIPUs) constitute one of the most prospective groups of eco-friendly materials based on their phosgene-free synthesis pathway. Moreover, one of the steps of their obtaining includes the use of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), which allows for the promotion of the development of carbon dioxide capture and storage technologies. In this work, non- isocyanate polyurethanes were obtained via three-step synthesis...
Applicability of glass fiber as a support material for generation of gase ous standard mixtures using thermal decomposition of the surface compound. Calibration of analytical equipment.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono technikę sporządzania gazowych mieszanin wzorcowych(składnikiem mierzonym był eten) w oparciu o termiczny rozkład związków powierzchniowych. Jako nośnik dla związku powierzchniowego zastosowano włókno szklane. W temperaturze 245 stopni Celsjusza związek powierzchniowy ulega rozkładowi bądź przegrupowaniu uwalniając znaną ilość analitu (etenu). Technika ta umożliwia sporządzanie gazowych mieszanin...
Possibilities of Production of New Reference Material ? Preparation of Gaseous Standard Mixtures Using Thermal Decomposition of Immobilized Compounds ? the Effect of Selected Parameters on the Amount of Released Analyte
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Possibilities of production of new reference material - preparation of gaseous standard mixtures using thermal decomposition of immobilized compounds - the effect of selected parameters on the amount of released analyte.
PublicationW pracy opisano wyniki badań dotyczących wytwarzania nowego typu bezmatrycowych materiałów odniesienia lotnych związków organicznych. Do otrzymywania lotnych analitów wykorzystano technikę termicznego rozkładu związków powierzchniowych. Badano wpływ parametrów prowadzenia reakcji modyfikacji i termicznego rozkładu otrzymanych związków powierzchniowych na ilość otrzymanego analitu. Wyznaczono powtarzalność i oszacowano niepewność...
New procedure of silica gel surface modification-preparation of gaseous standard mixtures of methyl chloride using the technique of thermal decomposition of the surface compound for calibration of a TD-GC-FID system.
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową procedurę modyfikacji powierzchni żelu krzemionkowego w celu wytworzenia związku powierzchniowego będącego źródłem chlorku metylu. Minimalna temperatura rozkładu (150 st. C) zapewnia trwałość chemicznie modyfikowanego złoża w temp. pokojowej. Badania prowadzono w temperaturze optymalnej (280 st.C). Stwierdzono, że powierzchnia żelu jest obsadzona jednorodnie przez związek powierzchniowy i gazowa mieszanina wzorcowa...
Heteroleptic cadmium(II) complex, potential precursor for semiconducting CdS layers. Thermal stability and non-isothermal decomposition kinetics
PublicationW ramach pracy zweryfikowano stabilność termiczną [Cd{SSi(OBut)3}(S2CNEt2)]2 - potencjalnego prekursora do otrzymywania warstw półprzewodnikowych CdS. Równocześnie przeprowadzono analizę kinetyki rozkładu za pomocą różnych metod izokonwersyjnych zaproponowanych przez Flynn-Wall-Ozawa, Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose i Friedmanna w wyniku czego wyznaczono całkowity tryplet kinetyczny dla omawianego kompleksu.
Heteroleptic tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolate complexes of manganese(II) - thermal studies
PublicationThe thermal behavior of Mn(II) silanethiolate series [Mn(SR)2L(MeOH)n], where R=SSi(OBut)3, L=heterocyclic nitrogen base and n=0, 1 or 2 has been comparatively investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TG) and TG-infrared spectoscopy (IR) techniques. The TG curves indicate the differences in the thermal decomposition due to presence of distinct N-donor ligands and labile MeOH molecules coordinated...
New Technique of preparation of standard gas mixtures needed for validation of analytical procedures used in environmental studies
PublicationStandard gas mixtures are indispensable reference materials for ensuring the reliability of analytical work. Paper presents one novel approach in the field of production of gaseous reference materials based on the application of thermal decomposition process of proper surface compound for obtaining the desired gaseous analyte. The main fields of application of reference materials are presented. The field of application of thermal...
Thermal-Resistant Polyurethane/Nanoclay Powder Coatings: Degradation Kinetics Study
PublicationIn the present study, thermal degradation kinetics of polyurethane (PU) powder coatings reinforced with organo-modified montmorillonite (OMMT) was investigated. PU nanocomposites were prepared in different concentrations of 1, 3, and 5 wt.% of OMMT via the extrusion method. The microstructure of the nanocomposites was observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) illustrating uniform dispersion of OMMT nano-clay platelets in the...
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA ) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) results for potassium citrate
Open Research DataThese data contains thermogravimetric analysis (TGA ) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) results for thermal decomposition of potassium citrate.
Thermal Biomass Conversion: A Review
PublicationIn this paper, the most important methods of thermal conversion of biomass, such as: hydrothermal carbonization (180–250 °C), torrefaction (200–300 °C), slow pyrolysis (carbonization) (300–450 °C), fast pyrolysis (500–800 °C), gasification (800–1000 °C), supercritical steam gasification, high temperature steam gasification (>1000 °C) and combustion, were gathered, compared and ranked according to increasing temperature. A comprehensive...
Polyurethane/Silane-Functionalized ZrO2 Nanocomposite Powder Coatings: Thermal Degradation Kinetics
PublicationA polyurethane (PU)-based powder coating reinforced with vinyltrimethoxysilane (VTMS)-functionalized ZrO2 nanoparticles (V-ZrO2) for thermal stability was developed. Chemical structure, microstructure and thermal degradation kinetics of the prepared coatings were investigated. The peak of aliphatic C–H vibrating bond in the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrum of V-ZrO2 was a signature of VTMS attachment. Scanning electron...
Thermal degradation kinetics of poly(propylene succinate) prepared with the use of natural origin monomers
PublicationLinear biobased polyester polyols were prepared with the use of succinic acid and 1,3-pro- panediol (both with natural origin). Tetraisopropyl orthotitanate (TPT) was used as a catalyst. In order to determine the effect of various synthesis temperature conditions on the thermal degradation kinet- ics, nine sequences of temperature conditions were used during two-step polycondensation reaction. Thermogravimetric analysis was conducted...
Effects of Basalt and Carbon Fillers on Fire Hazard, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties of EPDM Rubber Composites
PublicationDue to growing restrictions on the use of halogenated flame retardant compounds, there is great research interest in the development of fillers that do not emit toxic compounds during thermal decomposition. Polymeric composite materials with reduced flammability are increasingly in demand. Here, we demonstrate that unmodified graphene and carbon nanotubes as well as basalt fibers or flakes can act as effective flame retardants...
Fully bio-based poly(propylene succinate) synthesis and investigation of thermal degradation kinetics with released gases analysis
PublicationOne of the most important information about polyesters is their thermal stability and phase transition tem- peratures. These characteristics give information about the promising behavior of the polyester during proces- sing. In this work, linear bio-based polyester polyols were prepared with the use of succinic acid and 1.3- propanediol (both with natural origin). As a polycondensation catalyst was used tetraisopropyl orthotitanate...
Thermal degradation of polylactic acid (PLA)/polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) blends: A systematic review
PublicationPolylactic acid (PLA) and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) are two biopolyesters obtained from renewable resources like corn or sugar under bacterial fermentation. PLA is the most widely used biopolymer in diverse applications. Addition of PHB to PLA can improves the crystallinity of PLA, and thereby its mechanical strength. However, both PLA and PHB suffer from poor thermal stability, which limits their potential industrial application....
Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass and Municipal Waste into Useful Energy Using Advanced HiTAG/HiTSG Technology
PublicationAn advanced thermal conversion system involving high-temperature gasification of biomass and municipal waste into biofuel, syngas or hydrogen-rich gas is presented in this paper. The decomposition of solid biomass and wastes by gasification is carried out experimentally with a modern and innovative regenerator and updraft continuous gasifier, among others. A ceramic high-cycle regenerator provides extra energy for the thermal conversion...
Production of new non-matrix reference material of ethene
PublicationThe main objective of the research is to produce new non-matrix reference materials of ethene. The study are based on thermal decomposition of surface compound chemically bonded with the surface of glass fibers coated with thin layer of aluminum. Positivehomogeneity test, stability test and organization of inter-laboratory comparison are leading to find new non-matrix reference materials which are indispensable tools in the analysis...
Exploration of optical fibres as a carrier for new benzene and toluene matrix-free reference materials
PublicationTo meet high expectations concerning precision and accuracy of reference materials, preparation of matrixfree reference materials using thermal decomposition-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS) was proposed in this study. In the paper, the results obtained in preparation of the new reference materials for benzene and toluene are presented, based on the thermal decomposition technique of compounds chemically bound to...
Synthesis and thermal studies of flexible polyurethane nanocomposite foams obtained using nanoclay modified with flame retardant compound
PublicationThis work presents thermal studies of nanocomposites based on the flexible polyurethane (PU) matrix and filled using montmorillonite organically modified with organophosphorus flame retardant compound. Flexible PU nanocomposite foams were prepared in the reaction carried out between reactive alcoholic hydroxyl and isocyanate groups with the ratio of NCO to OH groups equal to 1.05. The amount of an organoclay ranging from 3 to 9...
Thermal and physical properties of ZrO2–AlO(OH) nanopowders synthesised by microwave hydrothermal method
PublicationIndustrially relevant nanopowder was synthesised by microwave hydrothermal synthesis to obtain well-controlled composition (ZrO2–AlO(OH) system) which was found to determine a number of physical and thermal characteristics. This study reports variation of particle size, density, specific surface area (SSABET), as well as thermal behaviour of nanopowder mixtures of ZrO2–AlO(OH) in the whole range of compositions. It was found that...
Thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal using the rotary kiln pyrolyzer and the fluidized bed boiler – The performance of pilot-scale installation
PublicationThermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal (MBM) is subject to stringent regulations that are meant to provide elimination of any potential pathogens. Incineration as well as other possible routes for thermal conversion of MBM are still at the research state. The universal technology was developed that allows to combust various types of waste organic materials, including animal waste, municipal solid waste and sludge, mixed at any...
Benzene-induced hydro(solvo)thermal synthesis of Cu2+ and Zn2+ coordination polymers based on 1,3-benzenedicarboxylate
PublicationHydro(solvo)thermal reactions of Cu(NO3)2·2.5H2O or Zn(NO3)2·6H2O with 1,3-H2bdc provided two structurally different coordination polymers; a 2D network “metallacalixarene” based on the paddlewheel-type cluster with the formula [Cu(1,3-bdc)·H2O]·H2O (1) and a 3D framework [Zn(1,3-bdc)] (2), respectively. The use of a base was unnecessary in this synthesis; however, the presence of benzene played a crucial role in the crystallization...
New matrix-free reference material for ethene in the form of optical fibres
PublicationReference materials are indispensable in the qualitycontrol and quality assurance of analytical measurements. Onenovel approach to the generation of standard gaseous mixturesof toxic, reactive, volatile, labile, and malodorous substancesinvolves thermal decomposition or rearrangement, under definedtemperature conditions, of compounds immobilized, bychemical bonding, on the surface of an appropriate carrier torelease specific amounts...
The application of TD-GC-FID technique for production of matrix-free reference materials
PublicationIn the last few years particular pressure is exerted on finding new analytical methods which would provide real possibilities of monitoring and control of the state of the environment. Intensive development of analytical techniques for measurements of gaseous media and the negative effects of BTX compounds make it necessary to produce new gaseous reference materials. To prepare the appropriate non- matrix reference material thermal...
Pilot installation for thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal using the rotary kiln pyrolyzer and the fluidised bed boiler
PublicationThe technology of thermal utilization of meat-and-bone meal (MBM) is still at the research state. However, there are already a number of existing pilot-scale installations that provide the complete, effective and environmentally safe process conducting. The universal technology was developed that allows to combust various types of waste, including animal waste, municipal waste and sludge, mixed at any ratio with different types...