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Search results for: 5-phase motor
Thermal analysis and experimental verification of permanent magnet synchronous motor by combining lumped-parameter thermal networks with analytical method
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Algorytmy sterowania trakcją pojazdu autonomicznego z elektrycznymniezależnym napędem kół
PublicationW ostatnich latach rośnie zainteresowanie pojazdami autonomicznymi o napędzie elektrycznym lub hybrydowym. Na szczególną uwagę zasługują wielosilnikowe napędy, pozwalające dostosować moment na każdym kole pojazdu do warunków drogowych. Odpowiednie sterowanie momentem poszczególnych kół w każdej fazie ruchu pojazdu, zwłaszcza na krętej drodze oraz w warunkach niskiej, nierównomiernej i zmieniającej się w czasie przyczepności nawierzchni,...
Solid Phase Micro-Extraction, a Versatile and Handy Tool in Environmental Trace Organic Analysis, Gets a New Class of Coatings, Polymeric Ionic Liquids
PublicationSolid phase microextraction (SPME) fundamentals, characteristics and application are described. The special stress is put on characteristics of sorbents used as SPME fiber coatings. Description of commercially available fibers and the present-day trends in development of new sorbents for SPME are given. Discussion is focused on possibility of application of ionic liquids (IL) and polymeric ionic liquids (PIL) as SPME fiber coatings....
Determination of antifreeze substances in the airport runoff waters by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry method
PublicationA new method has been developed for the determination of antifreeze agents such as ethylene glycol (EG), propylene glycol (PG), and diethylene glycol (DEG) in the samples of airport runoff water. The method is based on headspace solid–phase microextraction (HS–SPME) of target analytes, which is coupled with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Until now, there was a lack of appropriate methodology for collecting reliable...
Tuning the extraction properties of ionogel-coated Solid-phase microextraction fibers based on the solvation properties of the ionic liquids
PublicationA silica-based network was used to immobilize ionic liquid-based ionogels and applied as a fiber coating forsolid-phase microextraction (SPME). The ionogels were prepared by a sol–gel process, using two ionic liquids,triethylsulfonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([Set3][TFSI]) and 1-butyl-1-methylpiperidinium bis(tri-fluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C4C1Pip][TFSI]), as well as their equimolar mixture. Methyltrimethoxysilane wasused...
A Comparative Quantitative Structure-Retention Relationships Study for Lipophilicity Determination of Compounds with a Phenanthrene Skeleton on Cyano-, Reversed Phase-, and Normal Phase-Thin Layer Chromatography Stationary Phases
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Application of response surface methodology to optimize solid-phase microextraction procedure for chromatographic determination of aroma-active monoterpenes in berries
PublicationMost of scientific papers concern the qualitative or semi-quantitative analysis of aroma-active terpenes in liquid food matrices. Therefore, the procedure based on solid-phase microextraction and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry for determination of monoterpenes in fresh berries was developed. The optimal extraction conditions using divinylbenzene-carboxen-polydimethylsiloxane fiber...
PublicationNumerical modelling of hydrogen production by means of methanol decomposition in a thermocatalytic reactor using corrugated foil made of the Ni3Al intermetallic phase is shown in the paper. Experimental results of the flow analysis of mixtures containing helium and methanol in a thermocatalytic reactor with microchannels were used for the initial calibration of the CFD calculations (calculations based on the Computational Fluid...
Geotechnika IŚ niestacjonarne sem. 5 - zima 2022/23
e-Learning CoursesKurs z przedmiotu: Geotechnika (wykład i ćwiczenia) dla studentów studiów inżynierskich niestacjonarnych na kierunku Inżynieria środowiska (sem. 5)
3-Acyloketeny generowane z 5-acylo-2,2-dimetylo-1,3-dioksa-4,6-dionów w syntezie mono i bicyklicznych układów β-laktamowych
PublicationZakres rozprawy obejmuje dwa zróżnicowane tematycznie zagadnienia. Zasadniczy fragment opisuje próby stereoselektywnej syntezy układów β-laktamowych na drodze cykloaddycji ketenów generowanych termicznie z pochodnych kwasu Meldruma z iminami. Pozostałą część badań stanowi wątek cyklizacji metatetycznych. Zagadnienie stereoselektywnej syntezy β-laktamów w wyniku cykloaddycji aldimin do generowanych termicznie z rozkładu pochodnych...
Monolithic capsule phase microextraction prior to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the determination of organochlorine pesticides in environmental water samples
PublicationIn this study, a capsule phase microextraction (CPME) protocol followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry is proposed for the accurate and sensitive monitoring of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in environmental water samples. Different monolithic sol–gel encapsulated sorbents were compared and monolithic sol–gel poly(ethylene glycol)-based sorbent incorporated into porous microextraction capsules resulted in the highest...
Single-phase power electronics transformer with active functions for smart grid
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Simulation and Experiment of a Compact Wideband 90^{circ} Differential Phase Shifter
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia projekt i analizę kompaktowego różnicowego przesuwnika fazy, który jest rozwinięciem konfiguracji zaproponowanej Abbosha poprzez modyfikację obciążenia wrót. Zaproponowana konfiguracja zawiera 3dB sprzęgacz kierunkowy z wrotami transmisyjnymi i sprzężonymi zakończonymi obciążeniami reaktancyjnymi. W artykule przedstawiono model teoretyczny prezentujący zasadę działania układu i jego projekt. Uzyskane wyniki...
Riboflavin binding protein—Chiral stationary phase: Investigation of retention mechanism
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Pressure-induced phase transition in LiLuF4:Pr3+investigated by an optical technique
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Optical processes in YVO4:Eu3+across zircon-to-scheelite phase transition
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Exergy analysis of operation of two-phase ejector in compression refrigeration systems
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POSS along the Hard Segments of Polyurethane. Phase Separation and Molecular Dynamics
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Recognition of two-phase flow patterns with the use of dynamic image analysis
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Two-phase flow structure assessment based on dynamic image analysis
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Mechanism of a Four-Phase Liquid Membrane Oscillator Containing Hexadecyltrimethylammonium Bromide
PublicationBadano zachowanie nitrometanowego oscylatora z membraną ciekłą zawierającego kationowy surfaktant. Początkowo układ składał się z trzech faz: wodnej donorowej zawierającej surfaktant i etanol, membrany ciekłej (kwas pikrynowy w nitrometanie) oraz fazy wodnej akceptorowej zawierającej sacharozę. Podczas procesu oscylacyjnego wytwarzała się nowa fazą X między membraną ciekłą, a fazą akceptorową. Stwierdzono oscylacje różnicy potencjału...
Stability of liquid film formed due to impingement of a two-phase jet
PublicationPrzedstawiono analizę teoretyczną i badania eksperymentalne zjawiska rozrywania się warstwy cieczy powstałej na powierzchni ciała stałego z uderzającej strugi.
Strategies for optimizing the phase correction algorithms in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy
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The role of intermolecular interactions in stabilizing the structure of the nematic twist-bend phase
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Thermotropic Biaxial Nematic Phase in Liquid Crystalline Organo-Siloxane Tetrapodes
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Dissociative electron attachment to gas phase thiothymine: experimental and theoretical approaches
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Phase-locking of optical fiber with hexagonal cores array doped with neodymium
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Ultrasonic Waves in Magnetic Liquids: Two-Phase Approach and Experimental Results
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Solid phase extraction of explosives on Ni-doped carbosils prepared by mechanochemistry
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Losses Model of the WPT System with Single-Phase T-Type Inverter
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PublicationThe main aim of the following paper is mathematical modelling for momentum, heat and mass transfer, which is accompanied by chemical surface reactions of the flow of the mixture helium and methanol. The thermocatalytic devices used for decomposition of hydrocarbons incorporate vertical microchannels coupling at the ends and heated to 500 oC at the walls. The results of the experiment were compared with CFD calculations to calibrate...
Composite Bioelectrodes Based on Lipidic Cubic Phase with Carbon Nanotube Network
PublicationElektrody z węgla szklistego modyfikowane fazą kubiczną z siecią nanorurek zastosowano do enzymatycznej redukcji tlenu katalizowanej przez lakazę. Zastosowanie nanorurek obniżyło nadpotencjał redukcji tlenu o 0,5 V. W celu zwiększenia gęstości prądu redukcji tlenu zastosowano znany mediator przeniesienia elektronów - ABTS. Mediator adsorbowano na nanorurkach lub wiązano kowalencyjnie z końcami nanorurek. Kowalencyjne związanie...
Ag/Pt-modified TiO2 nanoparticles for toluene photooxidation in the gas phase
PublicationAg/Pt-modified TiO2nanocomposites were synthesized using the sol–gel method. The effect of metal typeand amount as well as synthesis route on the photocatalytic activity in reaction of toluene removal, usedas a model volatile organic compound, was investigated. Toluene, at the concentration of about 200 ppm,was irradiated over modified TiO2using light-emitting diodes (LEDs, max= 415 nm). The results showedthat toluene could be...
The use of numerical methods for the analysis of phase phenomena in multi element antennas.
PublicationW artykule zostały zaprezentowane wyniki analizy wpływu wzajemnej i własnej impedancji promieniowania na fazę sygnału odbieranego przez antenę wieloelementową. Obliczenia dokonano dla elektrycznego modelu zastępczego Mason`a przetwornika ultradźwiękowego.
A review of theoretical and practical aspects of solid-phase microextraction in food analysis.
PublicationSPME (mikroekstrakcja do fazy stacjonarnej) to szybka, nowoczesna technika przygotowania próbki do analizy. W niniejszej pracy dokonano przeglądu zastosowania techniki SPME do badania zanieczyszczeń żywności i analizy jej naturalnych składników. Praca zawiera również krótki teoretyczny opis zasad działania techniki SPME.
Phase compensation scheme for feedforward linearised CMOS operational transconductance amplifier.
PublicationW pracy opisano technikę kompensacji charakterystyk fazowych linearyzowanego metodą feedforward operacyjnego wzmacniacza transkonduktancyjnego CMOS. Wykazano, że proponowana koncepcja układowa prowadzi do znacznej poprawy liniowości charakterystyki przejściowej wzmacniacza oraz do rozszerzenia zakresu liniowości prądu wyjściowego. Ponadto w pracy przeprowadzono analizę charakterystyk częstotliwościowych, w wyniku której otrzymano...
Two-phase water-air flow measurement using gamma-ray absorption technique – plug flow
Open Research DataThe attached datasets contains the measurement results of the air-water flow in a horizontal pipeline. Flow type: plug flow. The data shows the pulse counts of the two radiometric sets. Each of these kits consisted of a QSA Global Am-241 gamma ray source and a Tesla SKG-1 type NaI(Tl) scintillation probe. The pulses were recorded using a dedicated EC...
Two-phase water-air flow measurement using gamma-ray absorption technique – slug flow
Open Research DataThe attached datasets contains the measurement results of the air-water flow in a horizontal pipeline. Flow type: slug flow. The data shows the pulse counts of the two radiometric sets. Each of these kits consisted of a QSA Global Am-241 gamma ray source and a Tesla SKG-1 type NaI(Tl) scintillation probe. The pulses were recorded using a dedicated EC...
Two-phase water-air flow measurement using gamma-ray absorption technique –bubble flow
Open Research DataThe attached datasets contains the measurement results of the air-water flow in a horizontal pipeline. Flow type: bubble flow. The data shows the pulse counts of the two radiometric sets. Each of these kits consisted of a QSA Global Am-241 gamma ray source and a Tesla SKG-1 type NaI(Tl) scintillation probe. The pulses were recorded using a dedicated...
5. Logic and epistemology
e-Learning Courses -
Notacja UML w praktyce 2022/2023 - ed AB-5
e-Learning CoursesMateriały do przedmiotu: "UML w praktyce" na studiach AB edycja 5
Mohammad Hossein Ghaemi dr inż.
PeopleMohammad Hossein Ghaemi Mohammad Hossein Ghaemi (1967), is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology - WIMiO (till 2020: Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology), Department of Automatics and Marine Energy Engineering. He studied first at Tehran University, where was graduated in the field of Mechanical Engineering (Solid Mechanics). Then he received his MSc degree in the area...
Diamond-Based Supercapacitors with Ultrahigh Cyclic Stability Through Dual-Phase MnO2-Graphitic Transformation Induced by High-Dose Mn-Ion Implantation
PublicationWhile occasionally being able to charge and dischargemore quickly than batteries, carbon-based electrochemical supercapacitors(SCs) are nevertheless limited by their simplicity of processing, adjustableporosity, and lack of electrocatalytic active sites for a range of redox reactions.Even SCs based on the most stable form of carbon (sp3carbon/diamond)have a poor energy density and inadequate capacitance retention during longcharge/discharge...
Ionogel sorbent coatings for determining organophosphorus and pyrethroid insecticides in water and fresh juice samples by headspace-solid phase microextraction
PublicationThe sol–gel method yielded three different ionogel sorbent coatings that were obtained based on a silica material containing ionic liquids (ILs) immobilized in its pores. Two ILs, triethylsulfonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide [Set3][TFSI] and 1-butyl-1-methylpiperidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C4C1Pip][TFSI], as well as their equimolar mixture [Set3/C4C1Pip], were used to obtain ionogel fibers. The developed...
Kinetics of molecular decomposition under irradiation of gold nanoparticles with nanosecond laser pulses—A 5-Bromouracil case study
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Comparison of quenching mechanisms in Gd3Al5−xGaxO12:Ce3+ (x = 3 and 5) garnet phosphors by photocurrent excitation spectroscopy
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Search for ABCB1 Modulators Among 2-Amine-5-Arylideneimidazolones as a New Perspective to Overcome Cancer Multidrug Resistance
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Crystallographic studies of piperazine derivatives of 3-methyl-5-spirofluorenehydantoin in search of structural features of P-gp inhibitors
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A new complex compound of chromium(III) with 5-aminopyridine-2-carboxylate anions – Structure, physicochemical and catalytic properties
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Investigations into Particulate Emissions from Euro 5 Passenger Cars with DISI Engines Tested at Multiple Ambient Temperatures