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Search results for: wastewater treatment plant
Reliability Testing of Wind Power Plant Devices with the Use of an Intelligent Diagnostic System
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Efficiency analysis of an energy conversion system for a variable speed small hydropower plant
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The Influence of Selected Plant Essential Oils on Morphological and Physiological Characteristics in Pseudomonas Orientalis
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Recent Insights into Plant miRNA Biogenesis: Multiple Layers of miRNA Level Regulation
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Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) as a medicinal plant and its natural products
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Biologically Active Preparations from the Leaves of Wild Plant Species of the Genus Rubus
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Effect of Plant Growth Regulators and Lights on Micropropagation Protocol for Quisqualis indica L.
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Influence of Pumped-Storage Power Plant on Physical and Ecological State of Lake Żarnowiec
PublicationOd 1983 roku istnieje elektrownia szczytowo-pompowa w Żarnowcu. Od 1973 roku do chwili obecnej prowadzono badania stanu ekologicznegi, chemicznego i fizicznego wód jeziora Żarnowieckiego. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki tych badań i na ich podstawie oceniono wpływ pracy elektrowni na stan jeziora.
Application of Organic Rankine Cycle as bottoming cycle to conventional heat and power plant
PublicationW pracy rozważono możliwość zastosowania układu ORC w skojarzeniu z ciepłownią lub elektrociepłownią celem podniesienia stopnia wykorzystania jednostki CHP podczas eksploatacji w skali roku. Połączenie układu ORC z zawodową jednostką CHP może wpłynąć na wzrost rocznej produkcji energii elektrycznej i jednoczsne zmniejszenie fluktuacji podczas pracy bloku energetycznego. Z jednej strony następuje konwersja energii cieplnej na elektryczną...
Experimental Investigation of the ORC System Elements of a Home Cogenerative Micro Power Plant
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań obiegu ORC z prototypową pompą czerpakową czynnika roboczego HFE 7100 i elektrycznym przepływowym podgrzewaczem oleju termalnego w układzie ORC bez regeneracji. Z analizy wyników badań wynika, że w obiegu ORC bez regeneracji z zaworem rozprężnym (symulującym pracę mikroturbiny) osiągnięto przegrzanie par czynnika niskowrzącego HFE 7100. Uzyskano powtarzalność wyników badań wykonanych serii pomiarowych...
Pipeline System for Heat Transportation from Nuclear Power Plant – an Optimizing Approach
PublicationOver the last few years heat piping insulation technology and pump systems efficiency have been significantly improved. Reduced thermal losses encourage heat transportation over long distances. It provides an opportunity for increasing thermodynamic efficiency of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) that are often located in rural areas because of safety issues. It can be achieved by Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generation, as heat produced...
Analysis of an Energy Management System of a Small Plant Connected to the Rural Power System
PublicationThis paper presents the analysis of an energy management system (EMS) implemented to fulfill the requirements of a microgrid (MG) power supply owned by a small industrial company and connected to the rural power system. The main goal of this system is to ensure connection with the existing rural power system in terms of energy exchange, as well as to perform islanding mode operation of the microgrid based on the energy demand of...
Exergy analysis of a negative CO2 emission gas power plant based on water oxy-combustion of syngas from sewage sludge gasification and CCS
PublicationA power cycle with water-injected oxy-combustion (water cycle) is investigated by exergy analysis. It is fueled with syngas (aka. producer gas) from gasification of sewage sludge. The cycle is equipped with a spray-ejector condenser (SEC). CO2 is separated and compressed for transportation and storage. The net delivered electric power is 31% of the fuel exergy. The task efficiency is 39% when the flue gas bleed to gasification...
Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity-The Journal of Treatment and Prevention
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Correlation between Early Treatment Failure and Ki67 Antigen Expression in Blast Cells of Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia before Commencing Treatment
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Differential expression profile between amygdala and blood during chronic lithium treatment in a rat model of depression – a pilot study
PublicationLithium is a mood stabilizer widely used in the pharmacotherapy of bipolar disorder and treatment‑resistant depression. Taking into account dysregulated inflammatory activity in depression and the immunomodulatory role of lithium, we hypothesized that genes associated with inflammatory responses may be potential biomarkers of lithium action. We aimed to compare gene expression changes between the brain and the periphery after...
Complementary use of GCxGC–TOF–MS and statistics for differentiation of variety in biosolid samples
PublicationFormation of biosolid cakes, which are one of the main wastes generated in wastewater treatment plants, is connected with emission of many hazardous chemical compounds, including odoriferous ones. To optimize particular processes of biosolid cake processing, it is necessary to assess chemical composition of the gas mixtures containing the compounds released from the cakes. The paper proposes application of two-dimensional gas chromatography...
Screening of predicted synergistic multi-target therapies in glioblastoma identifies new treatment strategies
PublicationAbstract Background IDH-wildtype glioblastoma (GBM) is a highly malignant primary brain tumor with a median survival of 15 months after standard of care, which highlights the need for improved therapy. Personalized combination therapy has shown to be successful in many other tumor types and could be beneficial for GBM patients. Methods We performed the largest drug combination screen to date in GBM, using a high-throughput effort...
On the Application of Magnetoacoustic Emission for a Nondestructive Assessment of the Post Welding Heat Treatment of High Chromium Steel Weld Seams
PublicationThe paper analyses the possibility of post weld heat treatment (PWHT) quality assessment with the help of magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) signal measurements. Two welded superheater tubes, made of high chromium VM12 steel, were analysed—as welded and heat treated one. The analysed sample in the as welded state exhibited significantly higher hardness, accompanied by a big difference in the MAE signal intensity (of order of about...
Simultaneous Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater Using Modified Sodium Montmorillonite Nanoclay
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Phosphate and Nitrate Removal from Coffee Processing Wastewater Using a Photoelectrochemical Oxidation Process
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Potential negative effect of long-term exposure to nitrofurans on bacteria isolated from wastewater
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Application of static headspace gas chromatography for routine analysis of VFAs in cattle farm wastewater
PublicationOznaczanie lotnych kwasów tłuszczowych w próbkach środowiskowych jest tematem coraz powszechniej analizowanym z uwagi na ich uciążliwość w środowisku. Celem pracy było wykorzystanie techniki statycznej analizy headspace (HS) w połączeniu z analizą chromatograficzną do oznaczania lotnych kwasów monokarboksylowych w wodnych próbkach środowiskowych pochodzących z hodowli bydła.
Pre-Treatment of Furniture Waste for Smokeless Charcoal Production
PublicationThe aim of this study was to assess the possibility of using furniture waste for smokeless fuel production using the pyrolysis process. Four types of wood-based wastes were used in the pyrolysis process: pine sawdust (PS), chipboard (CB), medium-density fiberboard (MDF), and oriented strand board (OSB). Additionally, the slow and fast types of pyrolysis were compared, where the heating rates were 15 C/min and 100 C/min, respectively....
Application of the Anammox Process for Treatment of Liquid Phase Digestate
PublicationThe liquid phase of the digestate (LPD) contains a relatively high concentration of nitrogen, with total ammonium nitrogen being the dominant form of nitrogen, as well as other essential nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium. Consequently, it must be treated before it is released into the environment. However, there are no reports of co-purification of LPD in the anammox process in sequencing batch reactor with granular sludge,...
The Quality of the Outflow from Conventional WWTPs and Treatment Wetlands
PublicationUntil recently the humic substances were considered to have no negative impact on human health. Therefore elimination of these substances from potable water was only performed due to aesthetic reasons. In the recent years, however, it was found out that humic substances may cause unacceptable smell of water or cumulate toxic substances by complexing metal ions and adsorption of persistent organic pollutants such as pesticides,...
Accelerated ageing of organic coating systems by thermal treatment
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Heart laceration during oesophagectomy for the treatment of oesophageal carcinoma
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Lipid peroxidation as a consequence of diabetes: effects of different treatment
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Investigation of biological and photochemical treatment of municipal landfill leachates
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rezultaty badań charakterystyki oraz efektywności foto- oraz biodegradacji odcieków z dwóch składowisk komunalnych w północnej Polsce. Celem pracy było zbadanie efektywności oczyszczania w systemie UV, UV/H2O2 oraz możliwości biologicznego oczyszczania odcieków metodą osadu czynnego. Stosowanie metody kombinowanej (UV/H2O2/osad czynny) pozwoliło na uzyskanie lepszej efektywności oczyszczania (98% spadek wartości...
The Air and Sewage Pollutants from Biological Waste Treatment
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Influence of the heat treatment on corrosion characteristics of the Superston alloy
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wpływ hartowania i odpuszczania na twardość i właściwości korozyjne stopu Superston, stosowanego na śruby okrętowe. Stwierdzono, iż hartowanie z temperatury 900 st.C i odpuszczanie w temperaturze 550 st.C znacząco podwyższa odporność na korozję stopu Superston w 3% roztworze NaCl w porownaniu ze stanem odlanym.
Laser surface treatment of aluminium alloys at cryogenic conditions.
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową metodę obróbki laserowej powierzchni stopów aluminium w warunkach kriogenicznych. W wyniku tej obróbki w warstwie wierzchniej stopów przeznaczonych na tłoki silników spalinowych uzyskano znaczące podwyższenie twardości, odporności na zużycie ścierne oraz wzrost właściwości korozyjnych.
H NMR analysis of rat serum with endometriosis treatment
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The effect of heat treatment of hardwood on the specific cutting resistance
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań mocy skrawania podczas przecierania modyfikowanego i niemodyfikowanego termicznie drewna dębowego i jesionowego na pilarce ramowej PRW15M. W pierwszym etapie badań, graniakowe próbki drewna dębowego i jesionowego były modyfikowane termicznie za pomocą przegrzanej pary (temperatura 197C, czas 4 h) w parzelni wysokotemperaturowej, w warunkach przemysłowych. Następnie, wyznaczono właściwe powierzchniowe...
New laser-enhanced surface treatment of Ti bioalloy
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badan mikrostruktury i korozji w roztworze Ringera stopu Ti6Al4V, który był poddawany nadtapianiu laserem CO2 w powietrzu, wodzie i ciekłym azocie. Stwierdzono znaczący wpływ warunków obróbki na mikrostrukturę, mikrotwardość i głębokość zmodyfikowanej warstwy wierzchniej.
Secukinumab for the Treatment of Psoriasis in Pediatrics: Patient Selection and Acceptability
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Therapeutic targeting of cathepsin C: from pathophysiology to treatment
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Genistein: a natural isoflavone with a potential for treatment of genetic diseases
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Genistein: a lysosomal stimulator for treatment of various lysosomal diseases
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Revisiting the pre-hypertension debate: Increasing evidence for treatment – or not?
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Treatment of Hypertension in Patients 80 Years of Age or Older
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Combination treatment in hypertension – the latest 2013 European Guidelines
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Improving Patient Compliance with Hypertension Treatment: Mission Possible?
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Material characteristic of an innovative stent for the treatment of urethral stenosis
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Immunomodulatory effect of lithium treatment on in vitro model of neuroinflammation
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Diagnosis and treatment of invasive Candida infections – a review article
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Ketamine—New Possibilities in the Treatment of Depression: A Narrative Review
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Energy-Efficient AnMBRs Technology for Treatment of Wastewaters: A Review