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Influence of landfill leachate on municipal wastewater treatment - model plant(WWTP-MP)
PublicationAbstract In the current study, wastewater treatment model plant (WWTP-MP) was used to investigate the possibilities of landfill leachate co-treatment together with municipal wastewater. The WWT-MP, designed as an A2O multiphase system, was fed with the raw municipal wastewater (from the WWTP Gdańsk "Wschód'', Qav.=82x103 m3/d) with increasing, from 1 to 5 % (vol.), quantity of landfill leachate (collected from Gdańsk landfill ''Szadółki")....
The Concept of Construction of Hybrid Constructed Wetland for Wastewater Treatment in Roztocze National Park
PublicationRoztocze National Park (RNP) is one of 23 national parks in Poland. It was created in 1974 both to protect the natural and cultural heritage as well as to share the park area for science, education and tourism. In caring for the environment, the park removed asbestos coverage, performs thermo-modernization using renewable energy sources by the installation of solar panels and photovoltaic cells on the roofs of buildings, and pellet...
Diversity of fecal coliforms and their antimicrobial resistance patterns in wastewater treatment model plant.
PublicationThe occurrence of resistance patterns among wastewater fecal coliforms was determined in the study. Susceptibility of the isolates was tested against 19 antimicrobial agents: aminoglycosides, aztreonam, carbapenems, cephalosporines, b-lactam/b-lactamase inhibitors, penicillines, tetracycline, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, and fluoroquinolones. Additionally the removal of resistant isolates was evaluated in the laboratory-scale...
Efficiency of Wastewater Treatment in Single-Family Constructed Wetlands in Kaszuby Lake District
PublicationIn the paper results of investigation upon three different configurations of single family treatment wetlands were presented. It was indicated that the application of treatment wetlands for single family effluent is a effective and sustainable solution for wastewater treatment in the rural areas. In spite of the receiving higher concentration of pollutants in comparison to the TWs operated in Europe and USA analysed TWs ensure...
Impact of influent wastewater quality on nitrogen removal rates in multistage treatment wetlands
PublicationNitrogen removal in treatment wetlands is influenced by many factors, and the presence of electron donors (biodegradable organic matter) and electron acceptors (nitrate ions) is the main limiting one; for obtaining these conditions, multistage treatment wetlands (MTWs) are required, where an extensive nitrification can be obtained in the first stages under aerobic conditions leaving then to the following anoxic/anaerobic stages...
Wastewater treatment by means of Advanced Oxidation Processes at basic pH conditions: A review
PublicationAdvanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been used as an alternative and effective option for treatment of industrial wastewater, especially in the case of the non-biodegradable compounds. Despite of several well developed AOPs, the majority of them are effective only at acidic or neutral pH, namely Fenton related processes, making the list of available effective advanced oxidation technologies strongly limited. In many cases,...
Model based evaluation of plant improvement at a large wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)
PublicationIn this work, the effect of the improvement carried out at a large-scale wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was evaluated, by means of modelling works, with the aim to determine the influence of the modernization over the process performance. After modernization, the energy consumption due to the aeration decreased about a 20% maintaining the effluent quality. In order to double-check the good effluent quality, modelling works were...
Degradation of 1,4-dioxane by sono-activated persulfates for water and wastewater treatment applications
PublicationThis paper presents a hybrid advanced oxidation process (AOP) based on sonocavitational activation of persulfate (PS) for degradation of 1,4-dioxane during wastewater treatment. Application of sono-cavitation effectively convert PS to radical species demonstrating synergistic effect by increasing the reaction rate and reducing the required energy for activation. It is economically feasible and deployed alternative to the direct...
Model of aeration system at biological wastewater treatment plant for control design purposes
PublicationThe wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is a dynamic, very complex system, in which the most important control parameter is the dissolved oxygen (DO) con-centration. The air is supplied to biological WWTP by the aeration system. Aera-tion is an important and expensive activity in WWTP. The aeration of sewage ful-fils a twofold role. Firstly, oxygen is provided as the main component for biolog-ical processes. Secondly, it supports...
Diversity of fecal coliforms and their antimicrobial resistance patterns in wastewater treatment model plant
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Application of pH measurements for the following the course of biological treatment of wastewater and its control
PublicationZaprezentowano wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w skali laboratoryjnej w reaktorze imitującym działanie reaktora SBR. Oczyszczaniu poddano ścieki syntetyczne z dodatkiem glukozy. W trakcie oczyszczania ścieków monitorowano zmiany pH, redox, przewodności oraz stężenia azotu amonowego, azotanów i fosforanów. Stwierdzono korelację między pH i zmianami stężenia fosoranów oraz brak podobnej zależności dla związków azotowych.
Assessment of the Effects of Wastewater Treatment Plant Modernization by Means of the Field Olfactometry Method
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The Effects of Wastewater Treatment Plant Failure on the Gulf of Gdansk (Southern Baltic Sea)
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Comparison Study on Sonodirect and Sonoalternate Current Electrocoagulation Process for Domestic Wastewater Treatment
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Application of fuzzy neural network for supporting measurements and control in a wastewater treatment plant
PublicationOczyszczanie ścieków jest jednym z ważniejszych aspektów ochrony środowiska. Nowoczesne systemy kontroli w oczyszczalniach ścieków pozwalają na poprawę jakości procesu oczyszczania redukując jednocześnie koszty. Systemy kontroli i optymalizacji jakie odkilku lat opracowuje się dla oczyszczalni ścieków, bazują zazwyczaj na skomplikowanych modelach matematycznych. Kluczowym problemem w zastosowaniu tych systemów jest duża liczba...
Application of mechanistic and data-driven models for nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment systems
PublicationIn this dissertation, the application of mechanistic and data-driven models in nitrogen removal systems including nitrification and deammonification processes was evaluated. In particular, the influential parameters on the activity of the Nitrospira activity were assessed using response surface methodology (RSM). Various long-term biomass washout experiments were operated in two parallel sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with a different...
Characteristics of odors emitted from municipal wastewater treatment plant and methods for their identification and deodorization techniques
PublicationOdors emitted from municipal wastewater treatment plants belong to a group of pollutants, which is the main cause of people complaining about atmospheric air quality. The limitation of emissions of unpleasant odors generated by wastewater treatment plants by using appropriate deodorization methods is omitted on numerous occasions. This can have a negative inflence on public trust and the quality of atmospheric air. The article...
Stochastic optimisation algorithm for optimisation of controller parameters for control of dissolved oxygen in wastewater treatment plant
PublicationWastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are very important facilities for mankind. They enable the removal and neutralisation of man-made pollutants. Therefore, it is important for wastewater treatment plants to operate as efficiently as possible so that the level of pollutants in the treated wastewater meets specific requirements. This paper concerns the design of a hierarchical nonlinear adaptive control system for dissolved oxygen...
Bibliometric analysis of artificial intelligence in wastewater treatment: Current status, research progress, and future prospects
PublicationWastewater treatment is an important topic for improving water quality and environmental protection, and artificial intelligence has become a powerful tool for wastewater treatment. This work provides research progress and a literature review of artificial intelligence applied to wastewater treatment based on the visualization of bibliometric tools. A total of 3460 publications from 2000 to 2023 were obtained from the Web of Science...
Challenges and Perspectives of Nature-Based Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Rural Areas of Central and Eastern Europe
Publicationn Central and Eastern Europe, about one-third of the population lives in small settlements (<2000 PE). Since the current European Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) does not clearly regulate the collection and treatment of wastewater from these settlements, countries solve the problem individually. Simple and robust technologies such as nature-based treatment systems could be the solution and are widely applied in...
Partitioning of heavy metals in sub-surface flow treatment wetlands receiving high-strength wastewater
PublicationThe retention of heavy metals at two pilot-scale treatment wetlands (TWs), consisting of two vertical flow beds (VSSF) followed by a horizontal flow bed (HSSF) was studied. The TWs received highstrength wastewater: reject waters from sewage sludge centrifugation (RW) and landfill leachate (LL). The concentrations of metals: Fe, Mn, Zn, Al, Pb, Cu, Cd, Co, Ni were measured in treated wastewater, substrate of the beds and in plant...
Hybrid systems using hydrodynamic cavitation/ultrasound/Fenton processes for effective treatment of wastewater
PublicationThe present situation of rapid growth in industrialization generates complex recalcitrant pollutants that are challenging to degrade by conventional wastewater treatment processes. The new generation pollutants such as non-metals in cosmetics or household cleaning chemicals and radioactive compounds which are recalcitrant are the emerging threat to the ecosystem. The headstrong micro and macro pollutants present in wastewater are...
Utilizing Cement Kiln Dust as an Efficient Adsorbent for Heavy Metal Removal in Wastewater Treatment
PublicationCement kiln dust (CKD), a by-product of cement manufacturing, has been largely underutilized despite its potential as an eco-friendly adsorbent for wastewater treatment. This study addresses the knowledge gap regarding CKD’s effectiveness in removing heavy metals from wastewater residuals. A comprehensive experimental program was conducted to optimize key parameters such as the pH (6–9), contact time, sorbent dosage, and initial heavy...
Respiration rate estimation using non-linear observers in application to wastewater treatment plant
PublicationA problem of respiration rate estimation using two new non-linear observers for a wastewater treatment plant is addressed in this paper. In particular, a non-linear adaptive Luenberger-like observer and a super twisting sliding mode observer have been derived to produce stable and bounded estimates of the respiration rate. During the synthesis of the particular observer, an appropriate mathematical utility model was used. The observability...
Modelling of wastewater treatment plant for monitoring and control purposes by state - space wavelet networks
PublicationMost of industrial processes are nonlinear, not stationary, and dynamical with at least few different time scales in their internal dynamics and hardly measured states. A biological wastewater treatment plant falls into this category. The paper considers modelling such processes for monitorning and control purposes by using State - Space Wavelet Neural Networks (SSWN). The modelling method is illustrated based on bioreactors of...
Balancing Energy Inputs/Outputs and GHG Emissions for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment – a Case Study
PublicationThe aim of the study is a model-based evaluation of the selected operating modes and technological upgrades on the energy balance and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in a large wastewater treatment plant in the city of Slupsk (northern Poland). The considered scenarios focus on energy savings for aeration, increasing energy recovery via biogas cogeneration and reduction of the CO2 equivalent emission from both direct processes (related...
Respiration rate estimation for model predictive control of dissolved oxygen in wastewater treatment plant
PublicationRespiration rate is very important parameter for biological processes in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The sequential algorithm for estimate the respiration rate is proposed and investigated. The Kalman filter (KF) is used. Simulation tests for the benchmark WWTP are presented.Respiracja jest bardzo ważnym parametrem dla prawidłowego przebiegu procesów biologicznych w oczyszczalni ścieków. W artykule przedstawiono i zbadano...
Evaluation and start-up of an electro-Fenton-sequencing batch reactor for dairy wastewater treatment
PublicationThis study examined the performance of an integrated wastewater (WW) treatment system, namely an electro-Fenton (EF)-sequencing batch reactor (SBR), for dairy industry WW. The EF process was used as the first stage of the SBR. It degrades bio-refractory compounds via advanced oxidation processes, thereby resulting in the formation of simple biodegradable intermediates. Several factors, including the hydraulic retention time (HRT),...
Phytotechnology applied to municipal wastewater treatment on irrigated fields of Gdansk (Poland) (1872-1992)
PublicationPola nawadniane ściekami w Gdańsku zbudowane zostały w roku 1872 i pracowały do roku 1992. Obejmowały one 320 ha piasków nadmorskich w miejscowości Gdansk Sianki, między Wisloujściem a Stogami. Obciążenie hydrauliczne pól wynosiło początkowqo 3000 mm rocznie, ale stopniowo wzrastało aż do poziomu 8000 mm rocznie. Pola pokryte były monokulturą trawiasta złożoną głównie z perzu, a zagłębieniach terenowych występowała głównie pokrzywa....
Nitrogen speciation in wastewater treatment plant influents and effluents - the US and Polish case studies
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów różnych frakcji azotu w dopływachi odpływach z trzech konwencjonalnych oczyszczalni ścieków w stanie Illinois (USA) i czterech wysokoefektywnych oczyszczalni w północnej Polsce. Azot organiczny rozpuszczony był dominującą frakcją (56-95%) azotu ogólnego w odpływach z oczyszczalni amerykańskich, podczas gdy w odpływach z oczyszczalni polskich stanowił mniej istotną frakcję (19-62%). W jednym...
Nitrogen speciation in wastewater treatment plant influents and effluents - the US and Polish case studies
PublicationW pracy badano stężenia rozpuszczonego węgla organicznego i rozpuszczonego azotu organicznego. W badanych oczyszczalniach amerykańskich ta forma azotu stanowiła 56-95% azotu organicznego, podczas gdy w polskich oczyszczalniach udział ten był znacznie niższy i wynosił 19-62%.
Seasonal changes in the concentrations of airborne bacteria emitted from a large wastewater treatment plant
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Cleaning of Ultrafiltration Membranes: Long-Term Treatment of Car Wash Wastewater as a Case Study
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Intelligent control of integrated wastewater treatment system under full range of operating conditions.
PublicationW rozprawie przedstawiono struktury i algorytmy pozwalające na efektywne sterowanie łącznym usuwaniem azotu, fosforu i związków węgla w zintegrowanym systemie ściekowym, w szerokim zakresie jego obciążeń. Obiektem badań była oczyszczalnia ścieków w Kartuzach. Do sterowania tak złożonym i skomplikowanym systemem zaproponowano trójpoziomową i trójwarstwową, hierarchiczną strukturę sterowania. Poziomy sterowania (Nadzorujący, Optymalizacyjny,...
An assessment of wastewater pollution, treatment efficiency and management in a semi-arid urban area of Pakistan
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Chlorinated solvents in a petrochemical wastewater treatment plant: Anassessment of their removal using self-organising maps
PublicationThe self-organising map approach was used to assess the efficiency of chlorinated solvent removal frompetrochemical wastewater in a refinery wastewater treatment plant. Chlorinated solvents and inorganicanions (11 variables) were determined in 72 wastewater samples, collected from three different purificationstreams. The classification of variables identified technical solvents, brine from oil desalting andrunoff sulphates as pollution...
Supervisory Control System for Adaptive Phase and Work Cycle Management of Sequencing Wastewater Treatment Plant
PublicationThe paper presents the design of the integrated control system applied to Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) in a biological Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Swarzewo, which operates under activated sludge technology. Based on the real data records, ASM2d biological processes model and aeration system model, hierarchical control system for dissolved oxygen tracking and cycle management is designed. Internal Model Controller (IMC)...
Chitosan-coated coconut shell composite: A solution for treatment of Cr(III)-contaminated tannery wastewater
PublicationTannery industry generates a large amount of Cr(III)-contaminated wastewater daily. Unless properly treated, not only this effluent contaminates the water body, but also damages the environment and threatens public health. This batch study investigates the feasibility of chitosan-coated coconut shells as a low-cost material for removing Cr(III) from tannery wastewater. Both chitosan and coconut shell (CS) waste are abundantly available...
Polymer and graphitic carbon nitride based nanohybrids for the photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals in wastewater treatment – A review
PublicationPharmaceuticals, including antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, have been frequently detected in water reservoirs, in concentrations ranging from ng/L to μg/L, owing to their wide use in treatment of human and animal disease. Their uncontrolled use results in their increased release into the environment which is harmful for humans, animals, aquatic life and aquatic system. To remove these pollutants from water bodies, various...
Integrating conventional nitrogen removal with anammox in wastewater treatment systems: Microbial metabolism, sustainability and challenges
PublicationThe various forms of nitrogen (N), including ammonium (NH4+), nitrite (NO2−), and nitrate (NO3−), present in wastewaters can create critical biotic stress and can lead to hazardous phenomena that cause imbalances in biological diversity. Thus, biological nitrogen removal (BNR) from wastewaters is considered to be imperatively urgent. Therefore, anammox-based systems, i.e. partial nitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (PN/anammox)...
Comparison between industrial and simulated textile wastewater treatment by AOPs – Biodegradability, toxicity and cost assessment
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Concept of Flocks Fragmentation and Averaging Method for the Application of Electrocoagulation in Process for Coke Oven Wastewater Treatment
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Biogas Production in AnMBRs via Treatment of Municipal and Domestic Wastewater: Opportunities and Fouling Mitigation Strategies
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Aeration Process in Bioreactors as the Main Energy Consumer in a Wastewater Treatment Plant. Review of Solutions and Methods of Process Optimization
PublicationDue to the key role of the biological decomposition process of organic compounds in wastewater treatment, a very important thing is appropriate aeration of activated sludge, because microorganisms have to be supplied with an appropriate amount of oxygen. Aeration is one of the most energy-consuming processes in the conventional activated sludge systems of wastewater treatment technology (may consume from 50% to 90% of electricity...
Innovations in Wastewater Treatment: Harnessing Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulations with Cutting-Edge Technologies and Advanced Control Systems
PublicationThe wastewater treatment landscape in Central Europe, particularly in Poland, has undergone a profound transformation due to European Union (EU) integration. Fueled by EU funding and rapid technological advancements, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have adopted cutting-edge control methods to adhere to EU Water Framework Directive mandates. WWTPs contend with complexities such as variable flow rates, temperature fluctuations,...
Evaluation of the Possibility of Using Hydroponic Cultivations for the Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants
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BARITECH Integrated technology for improved energy balance and reduced greenhouse gas emissions at municipal wastewater treatment plants
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Sanitary Engineering according to Pol-Nor/197025/37/2013 agreement from 2013-09-25
Multiregional PI control strategy for dissolved oxygen and aeration system control at biological wastewater treatment plant
PublicationThe dissolved oxygen is a key parameter for biological processes at wastewater treatment plant. The dissolved oxygen tracking problem is one of the most complex and fundamental issue of biological processes. The paper proposes a new multiregional control strategy for dissolved oxygen tracking problem. The aeration system is included in overall control structure. The control mechanism within the operating point area is based on...
Rural domestic wastewater treatment in Norway and Poland: experiences, cooperation and concepts on the improvement of constructed wetland technology
PublicationThis article describes Norwegian and Polish experiences concerning domestic wastewatertreatment obtained during nearly 20 years of operation for constructed wetland (CW) systemsin rural areas and scattered settlements. The Norwegian CW systems revealed a highperformance with respect to the removal of organic matter, biogenic elements and faecalindicator bacteria. The performance of the Polish CW systems was unstable, and varied...
Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production by Municipal Wasted Activated Sludge: The Case Study of Marineo (ITALY) Wastewater Treatment Plant
PublicationPolyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are biodegradable polymers with promising applications in various industries. The production of PHAs from sewage sludge represents an innovative and sustainable approach to both waste management and biopolymer synthesis. Sewage sludge, a by-product of wastewater treatment, contains a rich organic carbon source, making it an ideal substrate for producing PHA. This microbial synthesis of PHAs from sewage...