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Search results for: STANDARD IEEE 80211
Journals -
Characterization of Modified Silica Gel as a Source of Ethene for Standard Gaseous Mixtures
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Standard IEC 61850 w sieci rozdzielczej średniego napięcia CERN
PublicationArtykuł stanowi skrótowy opis wyników pracy autora w okresie od 01.10.2009 do 30.09.2010 w Engineering Department, High-Voltage Section w CERN. Przedstawiono system zasilania elektroenergetycznego obiektów CERN wraz automatyką ATS w sieci 18 kV. Zdefiniowano założenia dla automatyki w ramach planowanych modernizacji sieci średniego napięcia, wskazując na wymóg zgodności ze standardem IEC 61850. Zaproponowano trójpierścieniową topologię...
Non-matrix reference materials-the challenges in the preparation of standard gas mixtures
PublicationIn the last few years particularly great pressure is exerted on quality control and assurance of analytical measurement results. An invaluable role in this process is played by reference materials. The paper presents the characteristics of basic types of reference materials, with particular attention to gaseous reference materials.
Standard hypothyroid treatment did not restore proper metabolic response to carbohydrate
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Standard and Fast Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with NH3on Zeolites Fe-BEA
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Standard gas mixtures – indispensable reference materials in the analysis of gaseous media
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Assessment of crack resistance of ship steels according to SEP 1390 standard
PublicationThe aim of the study was to evaluate the weldability of E36 nd NVE-36 steels by bending test according to SEP 1390. In the case of the specimen from E36 steel 9 external cracks were found, 5 of which were stopped in the fusion line and 4 in heat affected zone. In the case of the specimen from NVE-36 steel 8 external cracks were found, 4 of which were stopped in the fusion line and 4 in heat affected zone. Results of bending test...
Beyond the standard entropic inequalities: stronger scalar separability criteria and their applications
PublicationNiedawno pokazano, że jeżeli dwupodukładowy stan kwantowy spełnia strukturalne kryterium separowalności oparte na pewnym liniowym odwzorowaniu dodatnim (tzw. odwzorowanie redukcyjne) to musi także spełniać skalarne kryterium separowalności oparte na nierównościach entropijnych. Ponieważ nierówności te są obiecującymi z eksperymentalnego punktu widzenia detektorami splątania w układach kwantowych, interesującym wydaje się pytanie...
Elgold: gold standard, multi-genre dataset for named entity recognition and linking
Open Research DataThe dataset contains 276 multi-genre texts with marked named entities, which are linked to corresponding Wikipedia articles if available. Each entity was manually verified by at least three people, which makes the dataset a high-quality gold standard for the evaluation of named entity recognition and linking algorithms.
Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987)
Journals -
PublicationW pracy przywołano pokrótce najważniejsze działania, które towarzyszyły powstaniu i funkcjonowaniu Oddziału IEEE Gdańsk Computer Society (Chapter C16). Zaprezentowano skład Zarządu Oddziału w kolejnych kadencjach. Zwrócono uwagę między innymi na rolę Oddziału w promowaniu osiągnięć wybitnych naukowców, prezentujących swoje prace w ramach wykładów, odbywających się pod auspicjami Oddziału, jak też na współudział Oddziału w organizacji...
IEEE Pulse
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IEEE Potentials
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Synthesis and characterization of modified silica gel as an intermediate in the generation of gaseous standard mixtures
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A New Approach to Generation of Standard Gas Mixtures used in the Calibration of Gas Analysers
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The first Polish interlaboratory comparision of the luminescent bacteria bioasssay with three standard toxicants
PublicationBadania biegłości laboratoriów z zastosowaniem odpowiednich materiałów referencyjnych powinny być regularnie wykonywane dla potwierdzenia jakości stosowanej procedury. W pracy zaprezentowano rezultaty pierwszych badań przeprowadzonych dla 9 polskich laboratoriów w zakresie oznaczania toksyczności z zastosowaniem bakterii Vibrio fischeri.Wyniki pokazują, że pierwsze polskie porównania międzylaboratoryjne biotestu opartego o bakterie...
Selected problems of determining an efficient operation standard in contemporary heat-and-flow diagnostics
PublicationW referacie wymieniono przyczyny powodujące niejednoznaczności i trudności wyznaczania wzorca sprawnej pracy turbinowych siłowni lądowych i morskich. Przeanalizowano dwie z tych przyczyn: obniżenie wartości parametrów dolotowych czynników roboczych oraz zmiany w konfiguracji połączeń pomiędzy urządzeniami składowymi obiegów cieplnych. Jako remedium na wynikające stąd trudności zaproponowano model obliczeniowy obiegu cieplnego o...
Verification of GNSS measurements of the railway track using standard techniques for determining coordinates
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Quantitative determination of titin and nebulin in poultry meat by SDS-PAGE with an internal standard
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Methods of improving accuracy of indoor localization systems based on 802.11 standard infrastructure
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy różnorodnych metod zwiększania dokładności istniejących już algorytmów lokalizacji, implementowanych w standardzie WLAN 802.11. W pracy przedstawiono nowatorskie rozwiązanie wykorzystujące elementy poprawiające dokładność, takie jak: algorytmy, adaptacja środowiska, filtrowanie sygnałów.
Assessment of crack resistance of S355J2+N steel according to SEP 1390 standard
PublicationThe aim of the study was to evaluate the weldability of S355J2+N steel by bending test according to SEP 1390. In the specimen from S355J2+N steel 3 external cracks were found, 1 of which were stopped in the fusion line and 2 in heat affected zone. Results of bending test for investigated grade of steel are positive.
The Linear Array 2x1 of Slot Monopoles for 6-8.5 GHZ UWB Standard
PublicationThe results of numerical simulations and measurements of 2x1 linear array of slot monopoles are presented in the paper. At the begining a single slot monopole was designed. Next the 2x1 linear array of these monopoles was numerically tested for various configurations of the feeding network. The single monopole and the array were fabricated and the results of the measurements of the reflection coefficients and the radiationpatterns...
Verification of GNSS Measurements of the Railway Track Using Standard Techniques for Determining Coordinates
PublicationThe problem of the reproduction of the railway geometric layout in the global spatial system is currently solved in the form of measurements that use geodetic railway networks and also, in recent years, efficient methods of mobile positioning (mainly satellite and inert). The team of authors from the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Maritime University in Gdynia as part of the research project InnoSatTrack is looking for...
Team research project – evolution from faculty activity to university study standard
PublicationThe article will describe the idea of a university-wide team student project as a tool of modern academic teaching in the era of widespread use of artificial intelligence tools. The problem of contemporary teaching is the emerging tools for automatic content generation, including didactic and scientific content. The question arises how to verify students' qualifications and learning outcomes. The solution may be students' group...
Leszek Jarzębowicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleLeszek Jarzebowicz received the M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees from Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), Poland, in 2005, 2010 and 2019, respectively. His research areas include control and modeling of electric drives, diagnostics of railway vehicles, analysis of energy efficiency in electrified transport, and microprocessor implementation of control algorithms. His teaching interests focus on electric vehicles, electrical engineering...
Detection of UPEC IH11128 ability to form biofilm in a standard congo red (CR) method of colony staining.
Open Research DataA standard method of testing E. coli's ability to form biofilm is based on the analysis of morphologyof bacterial colonies grown on yeast extract/casamino acids (YESCA) nutrient agar medium containing congored (CR) as an indicator dye of ECM production. The CR dye adsorbed from the culture medium bybacteria binds to the components of the ECM, including...
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine
Journals -
Can an Integrative SNP Approach Substitute Standard Identification in Comprehensive Case/Control Analyses?
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Harder Won and Easier Lost? Testing the Double Standard in Gender Rules in 62 Countries
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Standard „Inwestowanie w ludzi” jako metoda pomocna w zarządzaniu organizacjami projakościowymi
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Standard „Inwestowanie w ludzi” jako metoda pomocna w zarządzaniu organizacjami projakościowymi
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Non-standard Analysis Filter Bank Design Applied to Hybrid Filter Bank Architecture
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Standard TETRA dla potrzeb obsługi służb państwowych w strefie przybrzeżnej Bałtyku
PublicationPrzedstawiono główne obszary potencjalnych zastosowań systemu trankingowego TETRA w tzw. domenie morskiej. Poruszono także zagadnienie współpracy miedzynarodowej w tym zakresie, w basenie Morza Bałtyckiego.
Glioma cells showing IDH1 mutation cannot be propagated in standard cell culture conditions
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A Comparison of Muscle Activity Between the Cambered and Standard Bar During the Bench Press Exercise
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Activity and Safety of Standard and Prolonged Capecitabine/Temozolomide Administration in Patients with Advanced Neuroendocrine Neoplasms
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2D Viscous Flutter Analysis of a 11th Standard Configuration Using Ansys Cfx 14
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Numerical simulation of transient flow in storm sewers using standard and improved mccormack scheme
PublicationProblem przepływu wody w rurach kanalizacji deszczowej wiąże się z pewnymi specyficznymi zjawiskami zachodzącymi w przewodach podczas zjawisk burzowych. Jeśli rury zaczynają być całkowicie wypełnione wodą, można zaobserwować przejście z ruchu ze swobodną powierzchnią do ruchu pod ciśnieniem i odwrotnie. Takie zjawisko można zaobserwować również w kanałach kontrolowanych przez urządzenia sterujące, np. zasuwy. Ponadto ruch szybkozmienny...
Design of IIR digital filters with non-standard characteristics using differential evolution algorithm
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie algorytmu ewolucji różnicowej do projektowania filtrów cyfrowych o niestandardowych charakterystykach. Przy użyciu tego algorytmu zaprojektowano trzy filtry z charakterystykami amplitudowymi: liniowo narastającą, liniowo opadającą i nieliniowo narastającą. Filtry uzyskane tą metodą są stabilne i ich charakterystykispełniają wszystkie założenia projektowe.
Post processing and selecting data obtain with parametric sub-bottom profiler SES-2000 Standard during sounding the Gulf of Gdansk
PublicationThe main goal of the paper is to describe the results of sounding the Gulf of Gdansk seabed using a parametric sub-bottom profiler SES-2000 Standard. Quality of obtained during trials data depends inter alia on proper location of antenna to reduce influence of pitch, roll, heave and ship noise (bubbles from propeller and a hull flow, vibration from main engine and peripheral devices). Furthermore calibration of complementary units...
Automated Detection of Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Events Based on Robust Airflow Envelope Tracking in the Presence of Breathing Artifacts. - [IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS]
PublicationThe paper presents a new approach to detection of apnea/hypopnea events, in the presence of artifacts and breathing irregularities, from a single channel airflow record. The proposed algorithm, based on a robust envelope detector , identifies segments of signal affected by a high amplitude mo d- ulation corresponding to apnea/hypopnea events. It is show n that a robust airflow envelope - free of breathing artifacts - improves effectiveness...
Quantitative assessment of the main antioxidant compounds, antioxidant activities and FTIR spectra from commonly consumed fruits, compared to standard kiwi fruit
PublicationBioactive compounds (polyphenols and ascorbic acid) and dietary fibers, and related antioxidant activities of commonly consumed apples, bananas, peaches, pears, blond and red grapefruits, pomelos, oranges, lemons, red plums, white grapes, mango, persimmon and strawberries grown in the same geographical and climatic conditions were compared with standard kiwi fruit. The presence of polyphenols was studied by Fourier transform infrared...
Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in house dust using standard addition method and gas chromatography with electron capture and mass spectrometric detection
PublicationMonitoring of the environmental fate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) involves determination of their concentration in air, airborne particles and settled dust. This requires the implementation of appropriate analytical tools like measuring instruments, reference materials and analytical procedures. In this study an analytical procedure was developed for determining PBDEs in samples with a complex matrix composition. The...
UE regional state aid for territories with low standard of living
Open Research DataThe dataset encompassed a choice of important legal acts, a list of selected Polish bibliography and a list of important individual decisions issued on the topic of regional state aid ( for investment purposes) in Poland in the periods 2007- 2013 and 2014- 2020. Thanks to that the reader gets the possibility to acquire basic knowledge on the abovementioned...
Automatic resource identification for FPGA-based reconfigurable measurement and control systems with mezzanines in FMC standard