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Search results for: AXIAL BLOOD PUMP
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American Journal of Blood Research
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Integrated Blood Pressure Control
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Iranian Journal of Blood and Cancer
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PublicationThere is increasing evidence that heart performance directly influences cerebral perfusion. We hypothesised that increased inspiratory resistance would affect the cardiac contribution to the relationship between blood pressure and pial artery pulsation oscillations.
Masked hypertension in type 2 diabetes: never take normotension for granted and always assess out-of-office blood pressure
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The J-curve phenomenon revisited again: SPRINT outcomes favor target systolic blood pressure below 120 mmHg
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Blood pressure in acute ischemic stroke
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Which Target Blood Pressure in Year 2018? Evidence from Recent Clinical Trials
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Impact of slow breathing on the blood pressure and subarachnoid space width oscillations in humans
PublicationThe aim of the study was to assess cardiac and respiratory blood pressure (BP) and subarachnoid space (SAS) width oscillations during the resting state for slow and fast breathing and breathing against inspiratory resistance. Experiments were performed on a group of 20 healthy volunteers (8 males and 12 females; age 25.3 ± 7.9 years; BMI = 22.1 ± 3.2 kg/m2). BP and heart rate (HR) were measured using continuous finger-pulse photoplethysmography....
Increased inspiratory resistance alters the cardiac contribution to the dynamic relationship between blood pressure and pial artery pulsation oscillations in healthy subjects
PublicationThere is increasing evidence that heart performance directly influences cerebral perfusion. We hypothesised that increased inspiratory resistance will affect the cardiac contribution to the relationship between blood pressure and pial artery pulsation oscillations.
Analysis of energy and economic efficiency water heating by heat pump air-water
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Reasons for the discontinuation of therapy of personal insulin pump in children with type 1 diabetes
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Monitoring of myocardium state during off-pump coronary artery by-pass grafting
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono technikę pomiarową do oceny procesów zachodzących podczas operacji przesłowania aortalno-wieńcowego wymagających zatrzymania przepływu krwi. Zaproponiwany system i metoda pomiarowa przewidziane są do wykorzystania podczas opercacji na tzw. bijącym sercu. Pokazano przykłady rejestrowanych sygnałów przydatnych do oceny stanu mieśnia serca oraz dokonano oceny właściwości pomiarowych zastosowanych technik.
Molecular mechanism of proton-coupled ligand translocation by the bacterial efflux pump EmrE
PublicationThe current surge in bacterial multi-drug resistance (MDR) is one of the largest challenges to public health, threatening to render ineffective many therapies we rely on for treatment of serious infections. Understanding different factors that contribute to MDR is hence crucial from the global “one health” perspective. In this contribution, we focus on the prototypical broad-selectivity proton-coupled antiporter EmrE, one of the...
Performance of the very high-temperature heat pump with low GWP working fluids
PublicationTraditional heat pumps are a very attractive pro-ecological solutions for a number of applications, including providing of heating or heat recovery from industrial processes. The application range of heat pumps could be greatly enlarged when the operating temperature would be increased to 130-150°C and/or the temperature lift can be increased to 50-100 K. In the paper, the very high temperature vapour-compressor based single stage...
Non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring as a guide to drug treatment of uncontrolled hypertensive patients: effects on home blood pressure in the BEAUTY study
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Coupling between Blood Pressure and Subarachnoid Space Width Oscillations during Slow Breathing
PublicationThe precise mechanisms connecting the cardiovascular system and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are not well understood in detail. This paper investigates the couplings between the cardiac and respiratory components, as extracted from blood pressure (BP) signals and oscillations of the subarachnoid space width (SAS), collected during slow ventilation and ventilation against inspiration resistance. The experiment was performed on...
Effect of the working liquid compressibility on the picture of volumetric and mechanical losses in a high pressure displacement pump used in a hydrostatic drive. Part I Energy losses in a drive system, volumetric losses in a pump
PublicationŚciśliwość cieczy roboczej może znacząco zmienić wartości i proporcje współczynników strat objętościowych i mechanicznych w pompie wyporowej zastosowanej w układzie napędu hydrostatycznego. Wpływ ten jest szczególnie widoczny w trakcie pracy pod wysokim ciśnieniem a także wówczas, gdy występuje zapowietrzenie cieczy roboczej. W części I przedstawiono wykres zaproponowany przez autora, wzrostu mocy w układzie napędu hydrostatycznego...
Effect of the working liquid compressibility on the picture of volumetric and mechanical losses in a high pressure displacement pump used in a hydrostatic drive. Part I Energy losses in a drive system, volumetric losses in a pump
PublicationŚciśliwość cieczy roboczej może znacząco zmienić wartości i proporcje współczynników strat objętościowych i mechanicznych w pompie wyporowej zastosowanej w układzie napędu hydrostatycznego. Wpływ ten jest szczególnie widoczny w trakcie pracy pod wysokim ciśnieniem a także wówczas, gdy występuje zapowietrzenie cieczy roboczej. W części I przedstawiono wykres zaproponowany przez autora, wzrostu mocy w układzie napędu hydrostatycznego...
Temporal Changes in Complexity of Cardiovascular Regulation during Head-Up Tilt Test by Entropic Measures of Fluctuations of Heart Period Intervals and Systolic Blood Pressure
PublicationTemporal changes in complexity of cardiovascular regulation during head-up tilt test by entropic measures of fluctuations of heart period intervals and systolic blood pressure
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Systolic blood pressure control prevents cognitive decline and slows development of white matter lesions in the brain: the SPRINT MIND study outcomes
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Analysis of blood vessel topology by cubical homology
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The Stability of 4‐Chloromethcathinone in Blood and Vitreous Humor
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The Disturbances of the Zinc Concentration in the Blood in Selected Neoplasms
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Optical Investigation of Hematocrit Level in Human Blood
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania metod optoelektronicznych, takich jak: spektroskopia Ramana i interferometria niskokoherencyjna do pomiaru poziomu hematokrytu ludzkiej krwi.
Application of the Harmonic Balance Method for Spatial Harmonic Interactions Analysis in Axial Flux PM Generators
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Research of new two-speed planet type gear hydraulic motors with axial clearance compensation.
PublicationOpisano sposoby realizacji napędu dwubiegowego na przykładzie silnika satelitowego HS 3,2 [dm3/obr.] oraz przedstawiono zalety i przykłady zastosowań napędów wielobiegowych. Zaprezentowano porównanie metody analitycznej oraz eksperymentalnej wyznaczania nierównomierności chłonności hydraulicznego silnika satelitowego w celu zweryfikowania własności eksploatacyjnych silnika dwubiegowego HS 3,2/0,8 [dm3/obr] wyprodukowanego przez...
Spectral criterion of infinite fatigue life of machinery parts under multi-axial random loading
PublicationPrzedstawiono kryterium nieograniczonej trwałości zmęczeniowej metalowych elementów poddanych wieloosiowym losowym drganiom. W celu jego wyznaczenia zastosowano hipotezę energii odkształcenia postaciowego i równanie Goodmana/Soderberga. Traktując gęstości widmowe mocy składowych naprężenia jako znane, kryterium to sformułowano w dziedzinie częstości. W przykładzie obliczeniowym rozpatrzono okresowy w sensie średniokwadratowym stan...
Experimental research of circular saw blade tooth axial run-out influence on cutting effects
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę pomiaru i wyniki badań doświadczalnych wpływu bicia osiowego ostrzy piły tarczowej na efekty przecinania
Experimental Studies of Concrete-Filled Composite Tubes under Axial Short- and Long-Term Loads
PublicationThe paper presents experimental studies on axially compressed columns made of concrete-filled glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) tubes. The infill concrete was C30/37 according to Eurocode 2. The investigated composite pipes were characterized by different angles of fiber winding in relation to the longitudinal axis of the element: 20, 55 and 85 degrees. Columns of two lengths, 0.4 m and 2.0 m, were studied. The internal diameter...
An experimental study of emission and combustion characteristics of marine diesel engine with fuel pump malfunctions
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Renal denervation achieved by endovascular delivery of ultrasound in RADIANCE-HTN SOLO or by radiofrequency energy in SPYRAL HTN-OFF and SPYRAL-ON lowers blood pressure
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Increased inspiratory resistance affects the dynamic relationship between blood pressure changes and subarachnoid space width oscillations
PublicationBackground and objective Respiration is known to affect cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) movement. We hypothesised that increased inspiratory resistance would affect the dynamic relationship between blood pressure (BP) changes and subarachnoid space width (SAS) oscillations. Methods Experiments were performed in a group of 20 healthy volunteers undergoing controlled intermittent Mueller Manoeuvres (the key characteristic of the procedure...
A Case for Less Intensive Blood Pressure Control: It Matters to Achieve Target Blood Pressure Early and Sustained Below 140/90mmHg
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imPlatelet classifier: image‐converted RNA biomarker profiles enable blood‐based cancer diagnostics
PublicationLiquid biopsies offer a minimally invasive sample collection, outperforming traditional biopsies employed for cancer evaluation. The widely used material is blood, which is the source of tumor-educated platelets. Here, we developed the imPlatelet classifier, which converts RNA-sequenced platelet data into images in which each pixel corresponds to the expression level of a certain gene. Biological knowledge from the Kyoto Encyclopedia...
Study of Non-Newtonian biomagnetic blood flow in a stenosed bifurcated artery having elastic walls
PublicationFluid structure interaction (FSI) gained attention of researchers and scientist due to its applications in science felds like biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering etc. One of the major application in FSI is to study elastic wall behavior of stenotic arteries. In this paper we discussed an incompressible Non-Newtonian blood fow analysis in an elastic bifurcated artery. A magnetic feld is applied along x direction. For...
Implementation of Molecular Dynamics and Its Extensions with the Coarse-Grained UNRES Force Field on Massively Parallel Systems: Toward Millisecond-Scale Simulations of Protein Structure, Dynamics, and Thermodynamics
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Determination of benzodiazepines and Z-hypnotic drugs in whole blood samples by GC–MS/MS: Method development, validation and application
PublicationBenzodiazepines (BZDs) and Z-drugs are widely used as anxiolytics, sedative hypnotics, anticonvulsants and muscle relaxants. “Designer benzodiazepines” (DBZDs) are a new psychoactive substance class consisting of benzodiazepine derivatives that are not allowed for medical use and are known for being used recreationally. From a toxicologist standpoint, the huge number of such substances implicate a necessity for developing fast...
Influence of geometry of iron poles on the cogging torque of a field control axial flux permanent magnet machine
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Computational Bar Size Optimization of Single Layer Dome Structures Considering Axial Stress and Shape Disturbance
PublicationA computational method is proposed in this paper to minimize the material usage in the construction of modern spatial frame structures by prestressing a minimal number of members. The computational optimization is conducted in two steps. Firstly, a numerical model of a single-layer dome structure is used to minimize the cross-sectional area through several iterations. Different assumed ratios (r) ranging from 0.95 to 0.75 are multiplied...
Determination of trace levels of eleven bisphenol A analogues in human blood serum by high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationChemicals showing structural or functional similarity to bisphenol A (BPA), commonly called BPA analogues, have recently drawn scientific attention due to their common industrial and commercial application as a substitute for BPA. In the European Union, the use of BPA has been severely restricted by law due to its endocrine disrupting properties. Unfortunately, it seems that all BPA analogues show comparable biological activity,...
Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion
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Blood and Lymphatic Cancer-Targets and Therapy
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Clinical Medicine Insights-Blood Disorders
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The operating field of a hydrostatic drive system. Parameters of the energy efficiency investigations of pump and hydraulic motors
PublicationPrzedstawiono pole pracy układu napędu hydrostatycznego. Uzasadniono podział parametrów pracy silnika hydraulicznego i pompy na parametry niezależne i zależne od pracy tych maszyn wyporowych i układu z nich utworzonego. Zaproponowano podjęcie tematu badawczego mającego na celu opracowanie metod wyznaczania charakterystyk energetycznych pomp i silników hydraulicznych obrotowych oraz zmodyfikowanych metod wyznaczania charakterystyk...
Selected aspects of determining the reliability of the pump subsystems with redundancy, used in main engine auxiliary systems
PublicationThe rules of classification societies require the use of redundancy in the systems essential for the safety of the ship. Duplication of pumps in the main engine auxiliary systems like cooling water system, lubricating oil system, fuel oil system is a good example here. Therefore, in the author's opinion, some attention should be paid to this issue. Two important questions arise here. Does duplication of pumps in marine systems...