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Ultra-high performance liquid chromatographic determination of levofloxacin in human plasma and prostate tissue with use of experimental design optimization procedures
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The potential role of fatty acids in prostate cancer determined by GC–MS analysis of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue samples
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Effect of Washing on the Quality of Surimi-Like Preparation Obtained from Soft Tissue of Freshwater Mussel Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834)
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Interspecific distribution and co-associations of chemical elements in the liver tissue of marine mammals from the Polish Economical Exclusive Zone, Baltic Sea
PublicationPrzeprowadzono analizy próbek wątroby ssaków morskich z Polskiej Strefy Ekonomicznej Morza Bałtyckiego w celu oznaczenia szerokiej gamy pierwiastków (mikro- i makroelementy) z wykorzystaniem takich technik analitycznych jak ICP-MS, ICP-AES oraz CV-AAS.Badano zależności pomiędzy zawartością poszczególnych pierwiastków a wiekiem, płcią, miejscem bytowania, sposobem odżywiania i gatunkiem ssaków.
Bystander activation of Bordetella pertussis‐induced nasal tissue‐resident memory CD4 T cells confers heterologous immunity to Klebsiella pneumoniae
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Blood equivalent phantom vs whole human blood, a comparative study
PublicationPreclinical research of biomedical optoelectronic devices is often performed with the use of blood phantoms — a simpli¯ed physical model of blood. The aim of this study is the comparison and distinction between blood phantoms as well as whole human blood measurements. We show how the use of such phantoms may in°uence the incorrect interpretation of measured signal. On the other hand, we highlight how the use of blood phantoms enables...
IL-17–Producing Innate and Pathogen-Specific Tissue Resident Memory γδ T Cells Expand in the Lungs of Bordetella pertussis–Infected Mice
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Concurrent DNA Copy-Number Alterations and Mutations in Genes Related to Maintenance of Genome Stability in Uninvolved Mammary Glandular Tissue from Breast Cancer Patients
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Genes Involved in the Processes of Cell Proliferation, Migration, Adhesion, and Tissue Development as New Potential Markers of Porcine Granulosa Cellular Processes In Vitro: A Microarray Approach
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Method of determining to the solving of friction forces on the tissue surface in bioreactor = Numeryczny wkład do wyznaczania sił tarcia na powierzchni tkanki w bioreaktorze
PublicationNiniejsza praca przedstawia metodę całkowania równań ruchu lepko-sprężystej cieczy odżywczej w cienkiej warstwie granicznej na powierzchni komórek chrząstki (chondrocytów), podczas nieustalonego procesu ich hodowli w bioreaktorze. Układ równań podstawowych w trójwymiarowej przestrzeni składa się z trzech równań zachowania pędu oraz z równania ciągłości. Proces hodowli komórek w bioreaktorach zależy od własności cieczy odżywczych.Ponieważ...
Improving osteoblasts cells proliferation via femtosecond laser surface modification of 3D-printed poly-ε-caprolactone scaffolds for bone tissue engineering applications
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Sawsan S. Sayed Prof. Dr.
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Comparison of mouse plasma and brain tissue homogenate sample pretreatment methods prior to high-performance liquid chromatography for a new 1,2,4-triazole derivative with anticonvulsant activity
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Radiotherapy-related changes in serum proteome patterns of head and neck cancer patients; the effect of low and medium doses of radiation delivered to large volumes of normal tissue
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Protective impact of extract from Aronia melanocarpa berries against low-level exposure to cadmium-induced lipid peroxidation in the bone tissue: a study in a rat model
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Teratomas of Drosera capensis var. alba as a source of naphthoquinone: ramentaceone
PublicationPlants belonging to genus Drosera (family Droseraceae) contain pharmacologically active naphthoquinones such as ramentaceone and plumbagin. Hairy root cultures obtained following Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation have been reported to produce elevated levels of secondary compounds as well as exhibit desirable rapid biomass accumulation in comparison to untransformed plants. The aim of this study was to establish...
Detection of Helicobacter rodentium-like DNA in the liver tissue of patients with chronic liver diseases by polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and DNA sequence analysis
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N-doped carbon nanospheres as selective fluorescent probes for mercury detection in contaminated aqueous media: chemistry, fluorescence probing, cell line patterning, and liver tissue interaction
PublicationA precise nano-scale biosensor was developed here to detect Hg2+ in aqueous media. Nitrogen-doped carbon nanospheres (NCS) created from the pyrolysis of melamine–formaldehyde resin were characterized by FESEM, XRD, Raman spectra, EDS, PL, UV–vis spectra, and N2 adsorption–desorption, and were used as a highly selective and sensitive probe for detecting Hg2+ in aqueous media. The sensitivity of NCS to Hg2+ was evaluated by photoluminescence...
Niechciany ''Pomost'' jako świadek destrukcji tkanki architektonicznej w Parku Nadmorskim w Sopocie = The unwanted ''Walking Overpass'' as the Witness to the destruction pf architectural tissue in the Seaside Park in Sopot
PublicationW referacie zawarta jest refleksja nad bezkarnym działaniem niszczycielskim w najdelikatniejszej strukturze krajobrazu miasta nadmorskiego. Krajobrazu ani jego dobrej pierwotnej tkanki nie da się odtworzyć tak szybko jak się ją niszczyło. W efekcie zapomnieliśmy, że piękno spaceru w Parku Nadmorskim jest wspólnym dobrem.
Equations of tribological parameters for liquid flow in boundary layer on the tissue surface in bioreactor = Wyznaczanie parametrów tribologicznych dla przepływu cieczy w warstwie granicznej na powierzchni tkanki w bioreaktorze
PublicationW niniejszej pracy przedstawiony został problem tribologiczny wynikający z przepływu nieustalonego odżywczej cieczy lepkiej w cienkiej warstwie przyściennej w bezpośrednim kontakcie z zewnętrzną powierzchnią warstwy wierzchniej wzrastających komórek (chondrocytów) w trakcie procesu ich hodowli w bioreaktorze. Efektem rozważań będą wartości sił tarcia powstające na powierzchni wzrastającej tkanki. Najnowsze badania wykazały lepszą...
Development of a small-molecule epigenetic regenerative therapy. Subcutaneous administration of alginate formulations with high loads of zebularine and retinoic acid promotes tissue growth, vascularization and innervation and induces extensive epigenetic repatterning
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Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
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TH-D-BRB-06: Assessment of Proton Beam In-Vivo Dose Verification by Directly Comparing Doses Measured in Tissue-Equivalent Polymer Gels to Proton-Activated Positron-Emission Distributions in the Gels Post Irradiation
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Jerzy Wtorek prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJerzy Wtorek received the M.Sc., the Ph.D. and the D.Sc. degrees in electronics from Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk, Poland, in 1976, 1986, and 2004, respectively. He has been with Electronics, Telecommunication and Informatics Faculty, Gdańsk University of Technology since 1977. He is currently an Associate Professor at Biomedical Engineering Department. His research interests include the developing of noninvasive methods...
Anna Sękowska-Namiotko
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Determination of long-chain aldehydes using a novel quartz crystal microbalance sensor based on a biomimetic peptide
PublicationThere is an increasingly popular trend aimed at improvement of fundamental metrological parameters of sensors via implementation of materials mimicking biological olfactory systems. This study presents investigation on usefulness of the peptide mimicking HarmOBP7 region as a receptor element of the piezoelectric sensor for selective analysis of long-chain aldehydes. Identification of odorant binding proteins creates new possibilities...
In vitro effect of three-dimensional (3D) titanium mini-plate systems used for surgical treatment of condylar fractures on interleukin 1 (IL-1) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) concentration in THP-1 macrophages
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Rivaroxaban protects from the oxysterol-induced damage and inflammatory activation of the vascular endothelium
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IoT for healthcare applications
PublicationThis chapter summarizes IRACON contributions related to the application of IoT in healthcare. It consists of the following three sections. Section 8.1 presents the measurement campaigns and the related statistical analysis to obtain various channel models for wearable and implantable devices. In addition, the importance of physical human-body phantoms used for channel, Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), and Electromagnetic (EM) exposure...
Detekcja osoby w wannie
PublicationStarzenie się społeczeństwa powoduje narastanie problemów chorób wieku starczego. Częstym problemem są zasłabnięcia w wannie podczas kąpieli. Celem publikacji jest przedstawienie metody identyfikacji tkanki ożywionej w wodzie z wykorzystaniem technik elektromagnetycznych. Obserwując zmiany amplitudy i częstotliwości pracy generatorów, pracujących w pętli sprzężenia zwrotnego z cewką, istnieje możliwość scharakteryzowania i określenia...
Non invasive optical cellular imaging in humans.
PublicationOne of the most appealing and still unsolved problems in biological and medical imaging is the possibility of noninvasive visualization of tissue in vivo with an accuracy of microscopic examination. A major difficulty to solve in biomedical imaging is a degradation of image quality caused by the presence of optical inhomogeneity of tissue. Is there any chance to develop a microscopic method that allows non-invasive observation...
Bio-inspired approaches for explosives detection
PublicationDue to unique abilities of the animals regarding analysis of complex gas substances, they still remain a gold standard in analysis of explosives. Unusual capabilities of biological chemosensory systems, including both vertebrates and invertebrates, stimulate elaboration of the devices mimicking their activity and operation parameters as precisely as possible. The electronic analogues are a subject of investigation in many research...
Polyurethanes modified with natural polymers for medical application. Part II. Polyurethane/gelatin, polyurethane/starch, polyurethane/cellulose
PublicationThis paper is a literature overview of biomedical PUR modifications with natural polymers such as starch, cellulose and gelatin. Properties like biodegradability and biocompatibility of modified PUR cause that these materials may be used as wound dressings, tissue scaffolds, tissue implants and also vascular grafts.
Naturally-derived hydrogels for 3D pancreatic tumor models: A short review
PublicationStatistics suggest a high proportion of mortality rate by pancreatic cancer, which is a solid tumor characterized by high heterogeneity and the presence of a complex extracellular matrix. The very low effectiveness of pancreatic cancer treatment roots in the high metastatic potential and drug resistance of this tumor. Therefore, the quest for efficient cellular models enabling precise mimicking in vivo conditions, and anticancer...
Raman spectroscopic investigation of blood and related materials
PublicationThis paper reports preliminary studies on use of Raman spectroscopy for investigation of blood. High quality blood spectra were recorded in-vitro with excitation wavelengths of 830 nm. Because of complex composition of the blood as well as by light attenuation and scattering in the tissues, spectra set up from wide, low-intensive Raman bands and intensive optical background. To get information about origin of bands in Raman spectra...
Terahertz Dual-Band Metamaterial Biosensor for Cervical-Cancer Diagnostics
PublicationThis study highlights the potential of employing terahertz metamaterial structures as dual-band biosensors for the early detection of cancerous biological tissue. The fundamental principle leveraged here is the alteration of the effective dielectric constant of biological tissue by cancerous cells. The change in the dielectric constant, in turn, induces a shift in the resonance frequency of the metamaterial sensor. One notable...
Application of 3D- printed hydrogels in wound healing and regenerative medicine
PublicationHydrogels are three-dimensional polymer networks with hydrophilic properties. The modifiable properties of hydrogels and the structure resembling living tissue allow their versatile application. Therefore, increasing attention is focused on the use of hydrogels as bioinks for three-dimensional (3D) printing in tissue engineering. Bioprinting involves the fabrication of complex structures from several types of materials, cells,...
Novel Research on Biomedical Polyurethanes
PublicationThe variety of mechanical properties characterizes properly designed PURs. They may be biocompatible and reveal compatibility with blood, making them attractive materials for the fabrication of tissue scaffolds; however, like all synthetic materials, PURs don’t reveal sufficient biocompatibility. PURs may undergo certain chemical modifications (e.g., 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-D-sorbitol, ascorbic acid (AA), growth factors, covering with...
LY294002 and sorafenib as inhibitors of intracellular survival pathways in the elimination of human glioma cells by programmed cell death
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Biomechanical properties of 3D-printed bone models
PublicationBone lesions resulting from large traumas or cancer resections can be successfully treated by directly using synthetic materials or in combination with tissue engineering methods (hybrid). Synthetic or hybrid materials combined with bone tissue’s natural ability for regeneration and biological adaptation to the directions of loading, allow for full recovery of its biological functions. Increasing interest in new production methods...
Magnetic nanocomposites for biomedical applications
PublicationTissue engineering and regenerative medicine have solved numerous problems related to the repair and regeneration of damaged organs and tissues arising from aging, illnesses, and injuries. Nanotechnology has further aided tissue regeneration science and has provided outstanding opportunities to help disease diagnosis as well as treat damaged tissues. Based on the most recent findings, magnetic nanostructures (MNSs), in particular,...
MALT lymphoma - Female, 79 - Tissue image [10010729534329101]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of STOMACH tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
MALT lymphoma - Female, 79 - Tissue image [10010729534328791]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of STOMACH tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Utilizing pulse dynamics for non-invasive Raman spectroscopy of blood analytes
PublicationNon-invasive measurement methods offer great benefits in the field of medical diagnostics with molecular-specific techniques such as Raman spectroscopy which is increasingly being used for quantitative measurements of tissue biochemistry in vivo. However, some important challenges still remain for label-free optical spectroscopy to be incorporated into the clinical laboratory for routine testing. In particular, non-analyte-specific...
Microbial diversity of inflamed and noninflamed gut biopsy tissues in inflammatory bowel disease.
PublicationBACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic gastrointestinal condition without any known cause or cure. An imbalance in normal gut biota has been identified as an important factor in the inflammatory process. METHODS: Fifty-eight biopsies from Crohn's disease (CD, n = 10), ulcerative colitis (UC, n = 15), and healthy controls (n = 16) were taken from a population-based case-control study. Automated ribosomal intergenic...
A Highly Selective Biosensor Based on Peptide Directly Derived from the HarmOBP7 Aldehyde Binding Site
PublicationThis paper presents the results of research on determining the optimal length of a peptide chain to eectively bind octanal molecules. Peptides that map the aldehyde binding site in HarmOBP7 were immobilized on piezoelectric transducers. Based on computational studies, four Odorant Binding Protein-derived Peptides (OBPPs) with dierent sequences were selected. Molecular modelling results of ligand docking with selected peptides were...
Behaviour of orthotropic surgical implant in hernia repair due to the material orientation and abdomen surface deformation
Publicationrelation to the different range of typical deformations observed in different directions and zones of abdomen surface due to the patients’ life activities, has a significant influence on the extreme junction forces in the mesh–tissue connections and hence the repair persistence. The finite element model of the orthotropic implant was developed, and the junction forces in the connections of tissue and mesh were studied. The kinematical...
MALT lymphoma - Female, 79 - Tissue image [10010729534328381]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of STOMACH tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
MALT lymphoma - Female, 79 - Tissue image [10010729534323101]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of STOMACH tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.