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Search results for: SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT
Kształtowanie tożsamości na przykładzie małych miast województwa pomorskiego
PublicationSmall towns form an important element of the landscape, economy, both social and cultural life of our regions. Moreover, the way they develop determine regional indicators of the quality of life. These centers take today attempt to redefine its role and place in the spatial structures of the region, looking for new impulses and development opportunities to improve the living conditions of the local public. They have deeply divergent...
Strategic aspects in spatial planning - theory and practice in largest cities of Poland
PublicationThe rate of changes and the growing uncertainty rise to the need for a strategic approach to development planning, which is active and flexible in relation to the changing reality. Strategic planning, occurring in companies, was adapted by the social-economic development planning of self-government units. However, there are difficulties in applying the strategic planning in the spatial planning and integration of the two forms...
Public valuation of social impacts. The comparison between mega and non-mega sporting events
PublicationThe main aim of this study is to assign value to intangible effects,including social impacts, which appear when organising sportingevents of various scales in the city of Gdansk located in northernPoland. A survey was conducted to determine the city residents’willingness-to-pay (WTP) using the contingent valuation method(CVM). The average WTP values, which ranged between PLN 6.04and PLN 46.34, show that the scale of the sporting...
Improving Social Justice, Environmental Integrity, and Geopolitical Resilience in EU Electric Mobility Transition
PublicationWe recommend improving social justice, environmental integrity, and geopolitical resilience in electric mobility transition. To achieve this policy recommendation, we propose the following: (1) Increase societal acceptance and justice of climate policies by engaging local stakeholders; (2) Prioritize sustainable mobility practices over replacement of internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) with battery electric vehicle (BEV);...
The analysis of temperature changes of the saliva traces left on the fur during laboratory rats social contacts
PublicationAutomatic analysis of complex rodent social be- havior, especially aggressive ones, is of important scientific interest. In this paper we analyze the properties of the data created as a result of aggressive rodent social behavior. Detec- tion of specific aggressive behaviors is based on the event of leaving traces of saliva on the fur of the attacked individual, which are clearly visible in the thermal imaging. The traces change...
Volunteerism in the last year as a moderator between empathy and altruistic social value orientation: An exploratory study
PublicationVolunteerism is a sustained prosocial activity, and young adults are one of the most important targets for organizations recruiting volunteers. Empathy and altruistic social value orientation measured by a decomposed game are dispositional traits that might foster engagement in volunteerism. Using a self-report online-based questionnaire study on two groups of young adults (aged 18-35, N = 224 non-volunteers and N = 178 volunteers...
Novel Tools as New Challenges to HRM Communicational Practices (and the Increasingly Important Social Role of the Manager)
PublicationEach communicational process consists inseparably of three aspects: the linguistic (which means the whole language content of the message), technical (which states the form of the message) and the social (meaning social relations, emotions, behaviours). The recent COVID-19 pandemic deeply influenced several layers of our lives. But the main aim of this chapter is to focus on the communicational processes that normally take place...
Public Spaces - Coexistence and Participation
PublicationThe paper is an attempt to answer two questions: (1) how to develop positive social relations and citizenship among residents of cities in Poland and (2) howsuitable shaping of public space affects the activation and integration of local residents.The specificity of the post-war process of urbanization in Poland - a country traditionally agricultural - was its political dimension (forced 'nationalisation' of agriculture and industrialization...
The role of governance to support smart community development: a systematic literature review
PublicationThis paper studies the interaction between the smart community and smart governance concepts to elaborate on the role of governance to support local governments in developing smart communities’ strategies and solutions. We perform a systematic literature review to analyse how the concept of smart community has advanced in terms of its definitions, context, benefits, challenges, and enablers and propose a unified term with a focus...
Scabies – still current medical and social problem. A retrospective analysis of 193 cases
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Type 1 diabetes in an adolescent with social problems and mental disorders – case report
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Can chronotype and social jet lag predict burnout among physical therapists?
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Social health and dementia: a European consensus on the operationalization of the concept and directions for research and practice
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The SARS-CoV-2 and mental health: From biological mechanisms to social consequences
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Interspecific social information use in habitat selection decisions among migrant songbirds
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Detection of roles of actors in social networks using the properties of actors' neighborhood structure.
PublicationArtykuł opisuje metodę identyfikacji ról aktorów sieci społecznej. Metoda ta może być szczególnie przydatna w sieciach społecznych, o których posiadamy ograniczoną wiedzę, głównie zawężoną do lokalnych powiązań pomiędzy aktorami. Przedstawiona w artykule metoda korzysta z grafu relacji społecznych, algorytmu identyfikacji ról oraz zbioru grafów wzorców relacji. Rozwiązanie zostało przetestowane w społeczności użytkowników serwisu...
Mapowanie sieci międzyorganizacyjnych w wymiarze sprawiedliwości metodami social network analysis
PublicationMimo specyfiki wymiaru sprawiedliwości, przejawiającej się w wysokim sformalizowaniu stosunków z otoczeniem oraz wysokim sformalizowaniem struktur organizacyjnych, istnieje duży potencjał do wykorzystania mechanizmów sieciowej współpracy w celu usprawnienia funkcjonowania sądów. Jedną z możliwości jest tworzenie sieci międzyorganizacyjnych między sądami z różnych szczebli hierarchii, które będą nastawione na dzielenie się wiedzą...
Static and dynamic approach of social roles identification using PISNA and subgraphs matching
PublicationIdentyfikacja ról w sieci społecznej jest jednym z podstawowych zagadnień analiza takich sieci. W artykule przedstawiamy nowe podejście do tego zagadnienia. Pokazujemy w jaki sposób można dokonać identyfikacji ról poprzez tworzenie specjalnych struktur grafowych tzw. grafów wzorcowych. Przy definiowaniu tychże grafów wspieramy się metodą PISNA. Proponujemy statyczne i dynamiczne podejście do identyfikacji ról. Pokazujemy, w jaki...
Online brand communities’ contribution to digital business models
PublicationAbstract Purpose – There is limited research examining social drivers and mediators of online brand community identification in the context of business models development. This study aims to identify them behind the social mechanisms and present essential factors which should be applied in business models to foster value co-creation. Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected from a convenience sample of 712 cases gathered among...
Safeguarding democracy during pandemics. Social distancing, postal, or internet voting—the good, the bad, or the ugly?
PublicationDuring a pandemic, many countries and organizations must decide whether to postpone upcoming elections or to hold them (Krimmer et al., 2020a). If the decision is made to hold the election, three main scenarios come to mind: continue using the existing system but include measures to ensure the health of participants; or look for alternatives among remote voting channels which could ensure social distancing is guaranteed either...
An Overview of Sport and the Future Smart Cities
PublicationOne of the main challenges for future cities is to strengthen the role of people and their activities. Therefore, sport provides an opportunity to engage in physical activity, connecting citizens to the city. The question of how sport influences the development of cities and the concept of future smart cities arises. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between sport and the concept of smart cities by identifying...
How does institutional and natural social support shape the beliefs about psychological help among policemen?
PublicationEffectiveness of social support mechanisms results from interacting subjective factors (beliefs about help from others) and context (social network available). Organized institutional support and perception of natural support reduce barriers in obtaining psychological help.
Historic railway stations, documentation and revitalization of the railway infrastructure facilities - protection of cultural and social heritage
PublicationThe article presents problems of documentation and adaptation of buildings which constitute the cultural heritage of the railway infrastructure facilities in Pomerania in Poland. Shows the potential and possibilityto be adopted for various purposes. This problem affects many sites and buildings, railway stations, railway warehouses, residential buildings, technical buildings, water towers, trackman shelters, bridges, viaducts,...
Rewitalizacja przestrzeni w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju - potencjał zielonych dachów
PublicationThe revitalization of space in the context of sustainable development – potential of green roof. The article shows the need to take into account the principles of sustainable development in the field of the revitalization of space, and point out green roofs as a tool in this process. It is presented in the light of the green city concept, and the criteria of the European Green City Index. The article shows the ecological, social...
Towards High-Value Datasets Determination for Data-Driven Development: A Systematic Literature Review
PublicationOpen government data (OGD) is seen as a political and socio-economic phenomenon that promises to promote civic engagement and stimulate public sector innovations in various areas of public life. To bring the expected benefits, data must be reused and transformed into value-added products or services. This, in turn, sets another precondition for data that are expected to not only be available and comply with open data principles,...
Corporate social responsibility in reference to environmental statements within EMAS system in small and medium enterprises
PublicationAccording to the corporate social responsibility concept, organisations should apply any mechanisms available supporting their business actions contributing i.e. to the improvement of natural environment. Among them is EMAS eco-management and audit scheme. The prove of its implementation is environmental statement and entering the organisation into a national EMAS register. The aim of the statement is informing the society and...
Fashion and Tourism: Parallel Stories of Two "Dream Marvels".
PublicationFashion and tourism are two social, cultural, and economic phenomena that have both numerous connections and surprising similarities. These are not new: they have been built and developed since the beginnings of tourism as a modern social phenomenon, emerged in Europe in the context of the industrial revolution. They consolidated in the first decades of the 21st century, in a context where both phenomena have completed their “mass”...
The role of purpose in life and social support in reducing the risk of workaholism among women in Poland
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The role of purpose in life and social support in reducing the risk of workaholism among women in Poland
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Cognitive Abilities of Alzheimers Disease Transgenic Mice are Modulated by Social Context and Circadian Rhythm
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Usefulness of the concept of social savings and consumer surplus in studies on the impact of innovation on economic growth
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Comparison of machine learning for sentiment analysis in detecting anxiety based on social media data
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ESG unpacked: Environmental, social, and governance pillars and the stock price reaction to the invasion of Ukraine
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Social support against depression in young adults’ group during COVID-19 pandemic.
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Fusion-based Representation Learning Model for Multimode User-generated Social Network Content
PublicationAs mobile networks and APPs are developed, user-generated content (UGC), which includes multi-source heterogeneous data like user reviews, tags, scores, images, and videos, has become an essential basis for improving the quality of personalized services. Due to the multi-source heterogeneous nature of the data, big data fusion offers both promise and drawbacks. With the rise of mobile networks and applications, UGC, which includes...
Impact of Large-scale urban interventions on contemporary city centers. Gdansk case study. Wpływ przedsiewzięć urbanistycznych dużej skali na centra miast. Studium przypadku Gdańska
PublicationLarge scale urban interventions have become a common development practice in cotemporary cities, allowing achieving rapid changes in their urban structure. They can be analyzed taking into account various perspectives. Some of them include planning and development models, transformation of brownfields and other types of distressed urban areas, as well as consequences and results of their implementation in existing urban structures....
Rural Landscapes of Roman (northern) Liburnia: Diachronic Development of Organisation and the Economy in Extra-Urban Territories in the Light of Recent Archaeological Research
PublicationThe archaeology of Roman rural landscapes in the province of Dalmatia, and especially northern Liburnia, has until recently focused on single-site or single-monument analyses, allowing for only geographically patchy and chronologically limited conclusions. Considering the results of recent research in the wider Kvarner and sub-Velebit area, the paper discusses issues of Roman extra-urban territorial organization, the formation...
Participatory projects in urban area – opportunities and limitations on the example of 2013 Podwórkowa Rewolucja
PublicationParticipatory projects implemented in urban space have a group of supporters and opponents. The aim of this article is to define the possibilities and limitations of this type of spatial activities on the example of the 2013 Podwórkowej rewolucji in the development of the Edukacja obywatelska w działaniu project in cooperation with the Social Innovation Foundation and its Neighborhood House - the Gościna Przystań, where the inhabitants...
Social networks as a context for small business? A new look at an enterprise in the context of a smallness and newness liability syndrome
PublicationIn this paper we aim to propose and outline key ingredients to a small enterprise success, emerging from the social capital of small business owner-managers and their business networks. We employ resource based view of an organization as well as an embeddedness perspective along with new approach transaction costs to outline the pillars of an advantage of a small business entity. The analysis of survey data leads us to conclusion,...
Measuring the effectiveness of digital communication - social media performance: an example of the role played by AI-assisted tools at a university
PublicationThe aim of the article is to show the role played by AI-powered tools in measuring the effectiveness of digital communication in social media using a university case study. Therefore, a research problem was formulated to identify the metrics (KPIs) used to measure the effectiveness – non-financial outcomes – of digital social media communication at the university using AI tools. The literature review on the role of AI in digital...
Poverty and social exclusion in the transition Baltic States during the implementation of the European Union Lisbon Strategy - comparative analysis
PublicationThe problem of poverty and social exclusion in the Baltic States generates serious social, economic and political consequences. The scope of the analysis includes primarily the scale and structure of poverty and social exclusion in the Baltic Region in the years 2004-2010 in the context of the Lisbon Strategy of the European Union. The results show that during the transition and implementation of the Lisbon Strategy, the problem...
How do responsible universities perceive their social engagement? In search of signs of Creating Shared Value by the University
PublicationObjectives: University social responsibility still lacks legitimisation and is perceived as a burden that hinders academics from doing research and teaching. Creating Shared Value by the University may serve as a tool to motivate universities to engage in initiatives for society, as this is beneficial for both parties. Yet, some researchers perceive the creation of economic value as inappropriate for academia. Thus, it was interesting...
Podejście środowiskowe w dydaktyce projektowania Sustainable approach in teaching of design
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to assess the inclusion of academic teaching design to the process of sustainable development and proposals for an integrated approach in training architects. The article presents an original interpretation of environmental design in the field of architecture and urban planning. The significance of the environmental perspective is presented in the context of growing spatial and social fragmentation. The...
“Don’t call it work”: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of volunteer firefighting in young adults based on the volunteer process model
PublicationThe number of people engaging in volunteer firefighting is on the decline. It is important to understand what factors on a personal and social level and from the three stages of the volunteer process model: antecedents, experiences and consequences, might be linked to starting and sustaining such engagement. To address this problem, a qualitative, interview-based study was performed on a sample of 10 volunteer firefighters from...
Zintegrowany Program Operacyjny Rozwoju Regionalnego (ZPORR) w procesie rewitalizacji miast polskich. Integrated Operational Programme For Regional Development in the Process of Polish Cities Revitalization.
PublicationWobec przygotowań do przystąpienia naszego kraju do Unii Europejskiej pojawiły się nowe możliwości wspierania rewitalizacji polskich miast. Jedną z nich jest Zintegrowany Program Operacyjny Rozwoju Regionalnego (ZPORR), które posłużą do realizacji Narodowego Planu Rozwoju na lata 2004-2006. stanowiący część Narodowego Planu Rozwoju na lata 2004-2006. Program ma być współfinansowany z zasobów Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego...
Scenarios in regional planning – theory and practice in Poland
PublicationAbstract. It is important to recognise future conditions in planning because it primes future actions. Scenarios are useful prognostic tools, especially when the social and institutional behaviour plays a crucial role. The aims of the paper are: (1) to indicate the roles and the place of scenarios in the strategic plan building process; (2) to analyse and evaluate the application of scenarios in regional planning in Poland; (3)...
Celebrities’ personal brand authenticity in social media: an application in the context of football top-players. The Robert Lewandowski case
PublicationThe aim of the study is to explore personal brand authenticity in social media through sentiment analysis. A survey has been conducted in the context of football players with respect to Robert Lewandowski – the most valuable Polish football-celebrity brand. Authors first assess antecedents of his brand authenticity basing on an international sample of social media users, made of 219 cases from 22 countries (intentionally excluding...