Search results for: BIPARTITE CHAIN CORRELATIONS - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Free randomness amplification using bipartite chain correlations

    • A. Grudka
    • K. Horodecki
    • M. Horodecki
    • P. Horodecki
    • M. Pawłowski
    • R. Ramanathan

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2014

    A direct analysis of the task of randomness amplification from Santha-Vazirani sources using the violation of the chained Bell inequality is performed in terms of the convex combination of no-signaling boxes required to simulate quantum violation of the inequality. This analysis is used to find the exact threshold value of the initial randomness parameter from which perfect randomness can be extracted in the asymptotic limit of...

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  • Bipartite correlations in quantum resonance states


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  • Broadcast copies reveal the quantumness of correlations


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2009

    We study the quantumness of bipartite correlations by proposing a quantity that combines a measure of total correlations-mutual information-with the notion of broadcast copies-i.e., generally nonfactorized copies-of bipartite states. By analyzing how our quantity increases with the number of broadcast copies, we are able to classify classical, separable, and entangled states. This motivates the definition of the broadcast regularization...

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  • All Nonclassical Correlations Can Be Activated into Distillable Entanglement

    • M. Piani
    • S. Gharibian
    • G. Adesso
    • J. Calsamigilia
    • P. Horodecki
    • A. Winter


    We devise a protocol in which general nonclassical multipartite correlations produce a physically relevant effect, leading to the creation of bipartite entanglement. In particular, we show that the relative entropy of quantumness, which measures all nonclassical correlations among subsystems of a quantum system, is equivalent to and can be operationally interpreted as the minimum distillable entanglement generated between the system...

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  • Thermodynamical approach to quantifying quantum correlations



    We consider the amount of work which can be extracted from a heat bath using a bipartite state ρ shared by two parties. In general it is less then the amount of work extractable when one party is in possession of the entire state. We derive bounds for this “work deficit” and calculate it explicitly for a number of different cases. In particuar, for pure states the work deficit is exactly equal to the distillable entanglement of...

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  • Evidence for SrHo2O4 and SrDy2O4 as model J1- J2 zigzag chain materials

    • A. Fennell
    • V. Y. Pomjakushin
    • A. Uldry
    • B. Delley
    • B. Prévost
    • A. Désilets-Benoit
    • A. D. Bianchi
    • R. I. Bewley
    • B. R. Hansen
    • T. Klimczuk... and 2 others

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - Year 2014

    Neutron diffraction and inelastic spectroscopy is used to characterize the magnetic Hamiltonian of SrHo2O4 and SrDy2O4. Through a detailed computation of the crystal-field levels we find site-dependent anisotropic single-ion magnetism in both materials, and diffraction measurements show the presence of strong one-dimensional spin correlations.Our measurements indicate that competing interactions of the zigzag chain, combinedwith...

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  • Doskonalenie logistycznego łańcucha dostaw w usługach w ujęciu relacyjnym


    - Year 2023

    W literaturze zagadnienia związane z modelami doskonałości zarządzania łańcuchem dostaw, modelami zarządzania relacjami, modelami doskonałości EFQM oraz obszarami logistycznymi funkcjonują rozłącznie. Opracowany model w postaci MAPY RELACJI pozwala na pokazanie jak wyglądają korelacje między obszarami logistycznymi, obszarami działalności w odniesieniu do modeli doskonałości EFQM, modelami doskonałości zarządzania łańcuchem dostaw...

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  • Quantum Steering Inequality with Tolerance for Measurement-Setting Errors: Experimentally Feasible Signature of Unbounded Violation



    uantum steering is a relatively simple test for proving that the values of quantum-mechanical measurement outcomes come into being only in the act of measurement. By exploiting quantum correlations, Alice can influence — steer — Bob ’ s physical system in a way that is impossible in classical mechanics, as shown by the violation of steering inequalities. Demonstrating this and similar quantum effects for systems of increasing size,...

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  • Quasi-one-dimensional exchange interactions and short-range magnetic correlations in CuTeO4

    • Z. Hasan
    • E. Zoghlin
    • M. J. Winiarski
    • K. E. Arpino
    • T. Halloran
    • T. Tran
    • T. McQueen

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW B - Year 2024

    CuTeO4 has been proposed as a crystallographically distinct, yet electronic structure analog, of the superconducting cuprates. Here, we present a detailed characterization of the physical properties of CuTeO4 to address this proposal. Fitting of magnetic susceptibility data indicates unexpected quasi-one-dimensional, antiferromagnetic correlations at high temperature, with a nearest-neighbor Heisenberg exchange of 1=164⁢(5) K....

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  • Local hidden–variable models for entangled quantum states


    While entanglement and violation of Bell inequalities were initially thought to be equivalent quantum phenomena, we now have different examples of entangled states whose correlations can be described by local hidden-variable models and, therefore, do not violate any of the Bell inequalities. We provide an up-to-date overview of the existing literature regarding local hidden-variable models for entangled quantum states, in both...

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  • Trade-offs in multiparty Bell-inequality violations in qubit networks


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2018

    Two overlapping bipartite binary input Bell inequalities cannot be simultaneously violated as this would contradict the usual no-signalling principle. This property is known as monogamy of Bell inequality violations and generally Bell monogamy relations refer to trade-offs between simultaneous violations of multiple inequalities. It turns out that multipartite Bell inequalities admit weaker forms of monogamies that allow for violations...

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  • Interval incidence coloring of bipartite graphs

    In this paper we study the problem of interval incidence coloring of bipartite graphs. We show the upper bound for interval incidence coloring number (χii) for bipartite graphs χii≤2Δ, and we prove that χii=2Δ holds for regular bipartite graphs. We solve this problem for subcubic bipartite graphs, i.e. we fully characterize the subcubic graphs that admit 4, 5 or 6 coloring, and we construct a linear time exact algorithm for subcubic...

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  • Modeling protein structures with the coarse-grained UNRES force field in the CASP14 experiment

    • A. Antoniak
    • I. Biskupek
    • K. K. Bojarski
    • C. Czaplewski
    • A. Giełdoń
    • M. Kogut
    • M. M. Kogut
    • P. Krupa
    • A. Lipska
    • A. Liwo... and 9 others


    The UNited RESidue (UNRES) force field was tested in the 14th Community Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP14), in which larger oligomeric and multimeric targets were present compared to previous editions. Three prediction modes were tested (i) ab initio (the UNRES group), (ii) contact-assisted (the UNRES- contact group), and (iii) template-assisted (the UNRES-template...

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  • Chromatic cost coloring of weighted bipartite graphs

    Given a graph G and a sequence of color costs C, the Cost Coloring optimization problem consists in finding a coloring of G with the smallest total cost with respect to C. We present an analysis of this problem with respect to weighted bipartite graphs. We specify for which finite sequences of color costs the problem is NP-hard and we present an exact polynomial algorithm for the other finite sequences. These results are then extended...

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  • Interval Edge Coloring of Bipartite Graphs with Small Vertex Degrees

    An edge coloring of a graph G is called interval edge coloring if for each v ∈ V(G) the set of colors on edges incident to v forms an interval of integers. A graph G is interval colorable if there is an interval coloring of G. For an interval colorable graph G, by the interval chromatic index of G, denoted by χ'_i(G), we mean the smallest number k such that G is interval colorable with k colors. A bipartite graph G is called (α,β)-biregular...

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  • Hybrid no-signaling-quantum correlations


    - NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS - Year 2022

    Fundamental investigations in non-locality have shown that while the no-signaling principle alone is not sufficient to single out the set of quantum non-local correlations, local quantum mechanics and no-signaling together exactly reproduce the set of quantum correlations in the two-party Bell scenario. Here, we introduce and study an intermediate hybrid no-signaling quantum set of non-local correlations that we term HNSQ in the...

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  • Postulates for measures of genuine multipartite correlations


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2011

    A lot of research has been done on multipartite correlations. However, it seems strange thatthere is no denition of so called genuine multipartite correlations. In this paper we propose threereasonable postulates which each measure or indicator of genuine multipartite correlations (or gen-uine multipartite entanglement) should satisfy. We also introduce degree of correlations which givespartial characterization of multipartite...

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  • Scheduling on Uniform and Unrelated Machines with Bipartite Incompatibility Graphs


    - Year 2022

    The problem of scheduling jobs on parallel machines under an incompatibility relation is considered in this paper. In this model, a binary relation between jobs is given and no two jobs that are in the relation can be scheduled on the same machine. We consider job scheduling under the incompatibility relation modeled by a bipartite graph, under the makespan optimality criterion, on uniform and unrelated machines. Unrelated machines...

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  • On some Zarankiewicz numbers and bipartite Ramsey Numbers for Quadrilateral


    - ARS COMBINATORIA - Year 2015

    The Zarankiewicz number z ( m, n ; s, t ) is the maximum number of edges in a subgraph of K m,n that does not contain K s,t as a subgraph. The bipartite Ramsey number b ( n 1 , · · · , n k ) is the least positive integer b such that any coloring of the edges of K b,b with k colors will result in a monochromatic copy of K n i ,n i in the i -th color, for some i , 1 ≤ i ≤ k . If n i = m for all i , then we denote this number by b k ( m )....

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  • No-local-broadcasting theorem for multipartite quantum correlations


    We prove that the correlations present in a multipartite quantum state have an operational quantum character even if the state is unentangled, as long as it does not simply encode a multipartite classical probability distribution. Said quantumness is revealed by the new task of local broadcasting, i.e., of locally sharing preestablished correlations, which is feasible if and only if correlations are stricly classical. Our operational...

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  • The Backbone Coloring Problem for Bipartite Backbones

    Let G be a simple graph, H be its spanning subgraph and λ≥2 be an integer. By a λ -backbone coloring of G with backbone H we mean any function c that assigns positive integers to vertices of G in such a way that |c(u)−c(v)|≥1 for each edge uv∈E(G) and |c(u)−c(v)|≥λ for each edge uv∈E(H) . The λ -backbone chromatic number BBCλ(G,H) is the smallest integer k such that there exists a λ -backbone coloring c of G with backbone H satisfying...

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  • Bipartite theory of graphs: outer-independent domination



    Let $G = (V,E)$ be a bipartite graph with partite sets $X$ and $Y$. Two vertices of $X$ are $X$-adjacent if they have a common neighbor in $Y$, and they are $X$-independent otherwise. A subset $D \subseteq X$ is an $X$-outer-independent dominating set of $G$ if every vertex of $X \setminus D$ has an $X$-neighbor in $D$, and all vertices of $X \setminus D$ are pairwise $X$-independent. The $X$-outer-independent domination number...

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  • Anomalous decay of quantum correlations of quantum-dot qubits


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2013

    We study the evolution of quantum correlations, quantified by the geometric discord, of two excitonic quantum-dot qubits under the influence of the phonon environment. We show that the decay of these correlations differs substantially from the decay of entanglement. Instead of displaying sudden-death-type behavior, the geometric discord shows a tendency to undergo transitions between different types of decay, is sensitive to nonlocal...

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  • Effect of temperature and composition on physical properties of deep eutectic solvents based on 2-(methylamino)ethanol – measurement and prediction



    Novel deep eutectic solvents were synthesized using 2-(methylamino)ethanol as hydrogen bond donor with tetrabutylammonium bromide or tetrabutylammonium chloride or tetraethylammonium chloride as hydrogen bond acceptors. Mixtures were prepared at different molar ratios of 1:6, 1:8 and 1:10 salt to alkanolamine and then Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy measurements were performed to confirm hydrogen bonds interactions between...

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  • On the deficiency of bipartite graphs


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  • Conjectured strong complementary-correlations tradeoff

    • A. Grudka
    • M. Horodecki
    • P. Horodecki
    • R. Horodecki
    • W. Kłobus
    • Ł. Pankowski

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2013

    We conjecture uncertainty relations that restrict correlations between the results of measurements performed by two separate parties on a shared quantum state. The first uncertainty relation bounds the sum of two mutual informations when one party measures a single observable and the other party measures one of two observables. The uncertainty relation does not follow from the Maassen-Uffink uncertainty relation and is much stronger...

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  • Extending loophole-free nonlocal correlations to arbitrarily large distances


    - npj Quantum Information - Year 2024

    Quantum theory allows spatially separated observers to share nonlocal correlations, which enable them to accomplish classically inconceivable information processing and cryptographic feats. However, the distances over which nonlocal correlations can be realized remain severely limited due to their high fragility to noise and high threshold detection efficiencies. To enable loophole- free nonlocality across large distances, we introduce...

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  • A note on polynomial algorithm for cost coloring of bipartite graphs with Δ ≤ 4

    In the note we consider vertex coloring of a graph in which each color has an associated cost which is incurred each time the color is assigned to a vertex. The cost of coloring is the sum of costs incurred at each vertex. We show that the minimum cost coloring problem for n-vertex bipartite graph of degree ∆≤4 can be solved in O(n^2) time. This extends Jansen’s result [K.Jansen,The optimum cost chromatic partition problem, in:...

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  • Strong Monogamies of No-Signaling Violations for Bipartite Correlation Bell Inequalities



    The phenomenon of monogamy of Bell inequality violations is interesting both from the fundamental perspective as well as in cryptographic applications such as the extraction of randomness and secret bits. In this article, we derive new and stronger monogamy relations for violations of Bell inequalities in general no-signaling theories. These relations are applicable to the class of binary output correlation inequalities known as...

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  • The influence of intermolecular correlations on the infrared spectrum of liquid dimethyl sulfoxide

    Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is routinely applied as an excellent, water-miscible solvent and chemical reagent. Some of the most important data concerning its liquid structure were obtained using infrared (IR) spectroscopy. However, the actual extent of intermolecular correlations that connect the isolated monomer spectrum to the IR response of the bulk liquid is poorly studied thus far. Using ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations,...

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  • Visualizing spatially decomposed intermolecular correlations in the infrared spectra of aprotic liquids

    Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is commonly used to study intermolecular interactions in the liquid phase, including solvation phenomena. On the other hand, ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations offer the possibility to obtain IR spectra from first principles. Surpassing the experiment, AIMD simulations can deliver additional information on the spatial intermolecular correlations underlying the IR spectrum of the liquid. Although...

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  • Correlations between organic pollution indicators in municipal wastewater

    • T. Siwiec
    • L. Reczek
    • M. M. Michel
    • B. Gut
    • P. Hawer-Strojek
    • J. Czajkowska
    • K. Jóźwiakowski
    • M. Gajewska
    • P. Bugajski

    - Archives of Environmental Protection - Year 2018

    The paper presents the results of a study of parameters used for determining the amount of organic pollutants in wastewater flowing into a collective wastewater treatment plant with a population equivalent of about 120 000 PE. The plant constituted part of a sewage system. Assays were performed for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (CODCr), permanganete index (CODMn) and total organic carbon (TOC). In addition,...

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  • Scheduling of unit-length jobs with bipartite incompatibility graphs on four uniform machines

    The problem of scheduling n identical jobs on 4 uniform machines with speeds s1>=s2>=s3>=s4 is considered.The aim is to find a schedule with minimum possible length. We assume that jobs are subject to mutual exclusion constraints modeled by a bipartite incompatibility graph of degree delta. We show that the general problem is NP-hard even if s1=s2=s3. If, however, delta<5 and s1>12s2 s2=s3=s4, then the problem can be solved to...

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  • Scheduling of identical jobs with bipartite incompatibility graphs on uniform machines. Computational experiments

    We consider the problem of scheduling unit-length jobs on three or four uniform parallel machines to minimize the schedule length or total completion time. We assume that the jobs are subject to some types of mutual exclusion constraints, modeled by a bipartite graph of a bounded degree. The edges of the graph correspond to the pairs of jobs that cannot be processed on the same machine. Although the problem is generally NP-hard,...

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  • Distributed correlations and information flows within a hybrid multipartite quantum-classical system


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2015

    Understanding the non-Markovian mechanisms underlying the revivals of quantum entanglement in the presence of classical environments is central in the theory of quantum information. Tentative interpretations have been given by either the role of the environment as a control device or the concept of hidden entanglement. We address this issue from an information-theoretic point of view. To this aim, we consider a paradigmatic tripartite...

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  • Collaboration within the Automotive Value Chain

    • A. Szerenos
    • A. Maciocha

    - Year 2007

    The paper describes new approach to supply chain management in the North American automotive industry, in part influenced by the Japanese model. To survive and prosper all automotive suppliers must face major challenges in supporting their customers including delivering innovative ideas, technology and quality with increasing speed, participating in every aspect of product development and producing entire systems. The authors describe...

  • Are quantum correlations symmetric?



    We provide operational definition of symmetry of entanglement: An entangled state contains symmetric entanglement if its subsystems can be exchanged (swapped) by means of local operations and classical communication. We show that in general states have asymmetric entanglement. This allows to construct nonsymmetric measure of entanglement, and a parameter that reports asymmetry of entanglement contents of quantum state. We propose...

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  • Benchmarking the Digital Government Value Chain


    Digital Government (DG) benchmarking is an academically vivid topic and, equally important, a tool with the potential to provide valuable insights to policymakers and public managers responsible for digital policies at the level of countries and international bodies. Alas, this potential remains largely untapped in the current DG benchmarking practice. In our study, we identify the reasons and propose a way of mitigating them....

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  • The content of biogenic amines in Rondo and Zweigelt wines and correlations between selected wine parameters


    - FOOD CHEMISTRY - Year 2022

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the content of biogenic amines (BAs) in wines using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (DLLME-GC–MS). An additional objective was to assess the correlations between selected parameters characterizing the samples such as the content of BAs, sugars, and organic acids, pH, and total acidity. Wines produced from the same grape variety in which alcoholic...

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  • Effective Decision-Making in Supply Chain Management

    Proper decision-making in Supply Chain Management (SCM) is crucial for an appropriately functioning mechanisms. The paper presents how IT technologies can impact on an organization and process realization. Especially Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) standard and the Cloud Computing (CC) paradigms are taken into account. A general model of decision-making is proposed and based on a specific practical example is analyzed using...

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  • Sum Coloring of Bipartite Graphs with Bounded Degree


    - ALGORITHMICA - Year 2004

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  • Rotationally invariant bipartite states and bound entanglement


    W pracy rozważano stany kwantowe niezmiennicze na działanie grupy SO(3). Pokazano, że w przypadku, gdy pierwszy podukład ma parzysty wymiar większy lub równy cztery oraz drugi podukład ma wymiar dowolny, większy niż pierwszy to pośród takich stanów zawsze istnieje splątanie związane.

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  • On quantum cryptography with bipartite bound entangled states


    Ostatnio pokazano bezpośrednie zastosowanie splątania związanego w kryptografii kwantowej. W niniejszym artykule dokonano przeglądu niektórych najnowszych osiągnięć dotyczących tego zagadnienia. W szczególności przypomniano istotne pojęcia i definicje. Ponadto podano nową konstrukcję stanów o splątaniu związanym, posiadających bezpieczne korelacje, dostarczając w ten sposób niskowymiarowe (6x6) stany o splątaniu związanym z niezerowym...

  • Sum coloring of bipartite graphs with bounded degree.

    Artykuł poświęcony jest złożoności obliczeniowej zagadnienia sumacyjnego kolorowania grafów dwudzielnych o ograniczonym stopniu. Zawiera dowód tego, że sumacyjne kolorowanie grafów dwudzielnych stopnia mniejszego równego 5 jest NP-zupełne oraz opis wielomianowego algorytmu, który optymalnie sumacyjnie koloruje grafy dwudzielne podkubiczne.

  • Risk factor assessment in agricultural supply chain by fuzzy logic


    - Year 2024

    Significant uncertainty characterizes the harvest period. This aspect is due to various risks impacting agrifood supply chains. The occurrence of risks is due to hazards: technological failures, technical breakdowns, or adverse weather conditions. Hence, the operational time of the agricultural supply chain during the harvest period increases due to such risk factors. In essence, some hazards are fuzzy, and the nature of most threats...

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  • Entangled Histories vs. the Two-State-Vector Formalism - Towards a Better Understanding of Quantum Temporal Correlations


    The Two-State-Vector formalism and the Entangled Histories formalism are attempts to betterunderstand quantum correlations in time. Both formalisms share some similarities, but they are notidentical, having subtle differences in their interpretation and manipulation of quantum temporalstructures. However, the main objective of this paper is to prove that, with appropriately definedscalar products, both formalisms can be...

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  • Chain Action - How Do Countries Add Value Through Digital Government?


    This study examineshow countries develop and benefit from Digital Government(DG).The literature proposes various conceptualizations of the value-adding logic of DG, but the benchmarking practice is not respondingto such proposals.For instance, the United Nations’E-Government Surveycombines the readiness and uptake indicatorsand failsto cover any impactindicators;thus,its diagnostic valueis limited. To overcome...

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  • Quantum corrections to 4 model solutions and applications to Heisenberg chain dynamics

    The Heisenberg spin chain is considered in φ^4 model approximation. Quantum corrections to classical solutions of the one-dimensional φ^4 model within the correspondent physics are valuated with account of rest d − 1 dimensions of a d-dimensional theory. A quantization of the model is considered in terms of space- time functional integral. The generalized zeta-function formalism is used to renormalize and evaluate the functional...

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  • Correlations between the wear of car brake friction materials and airborne wear particle emissions


    - WEAR - Year 2020

    Airborne wear particles emitted from transport vehicle brakes are one of the main sources of toxic metals in inhalable particulate matter. Prediction of wear particle emissions may become more accurate if the relationship between the wear and particle emission characteristics is known. An experimental study was performed to investigate proportional correlations between the mass wear, 0.01–0.42 μm particle emission measured by a NanoScan...

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  • The decay of quantum correlations between quantum dot spin qubits and the characteristics of its magnetic-field dependence


    - EPL-EUROPHYS LETT - Year 2014

    We address the question of the role of quantum correlations beyond entanglement in the context of quantum magnetometry. We study the evolution of the rescaled variant of the geometric quantum discord of two electron-spin qubits interacting with an environment of nuclear spins via the hyperfine interaction. We have found that quantum correlations display a strong magnetic-field sensitivity which can be utilized for decoherence-driven...

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