Search results for: au-cu nanostructures
On the use of Cu catalysts for tailoring carbon nanostructures in alcohol‐CVD
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Transformation of bimetallic Ag–Cu thin films into plasmonically active composite nanostructures
PublicationFormation of plasmonically active silver, copper and composite silver-copper nanostructures were studied in this paper. Metallic nanostructures were fabricated by thermal disintegration, so called dewetting, of the thin films in an argon atmosphere. The formation process of the nanostructures was in-situ observed by a novel method, based on resistance measurements. The influence of the material and thickness of the initial thin...
Tuning of the plasmon resonance location in Au nanostructures coated with a ultrathin film of Al2O3 – Optical measurements and FDTD simulations
PublicationThe Au nanostructures have been coated with an ultra-thin films of amorphous aluminium oxide. Optical absorption spectra show the influence of the thickness of Al2O3 on plasmon resonance wavelength. The observed red-shift of the resonance location with the increase of the thickness of the Al2O3 film, can be explained by the change in the dielectric function of this film. It allows control of the optical spectra of the coated particles....
Temperature of formation of Au nanostructures
Open Research DataNanostructures were obtained via annealing of thin Au films. In order to determine possible nanoislands formation mechanisms, dependence on initial film thickness was examined. For the surface morphology studies, nanograin structure and chemical composition analysis, SEM, HR TEM and EDS measurements were performed, respectively. Morphology studies shown...
Thermally tuneable optical and electrochemical properties of Au-Cu nanomosaic formed over the host titanium dimples
PublicationAu-Cu nanostructures offer unique optical and catalytic properties unlike the monometallic ones resulting from the specific interaction. Among others, they have the ability to exhibit surface plasmon resonance, electrochemical activity towards the oxygen and hydrogen evolution reaction (OER, HER) as well as improved photoresponse in relation to monometalic but those properties depend highly on the substrate where bimetallic structures...
UV-Vis-Induced Degradation of Phenol over Magnetic Photocatalysts Modified with Pt, Pd, Cu and Au Nanoparticles
PublicationThe combination of TiO2 photocatalyst and magnetic oxide nanoparticles enhances the separation and recoverable properties of nanosized TiO2 photocatalyst. Metal-modified (Me = Pd, Au, Pt, Cu) TiO2/SiO2@Fe3O4 nanocomposites were prepared by an ultrasonic-assisted sol-gel method. All prepared samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy...
Influence of Relativistic Effects on Assembled Structures of V-Shaped Bispyridine Molecules on M(111) Surfaces Where M = Cu, Ag, Au
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Badanie właściwości fotokatalitycznych, biobójczych i magnetycznych tlenku tytanu(IV) modyfikowanego nanocząstkami monoi bimetalicznymi Pt, Ag, Cu, Au oraz Pd
PublicationZakres badań obejmował otrzymywanie i charakterystykę nanokompozytów tlenku tytanu(IV) modyfikowanego mono- oraz bimetalicznymi nanocząstkami metali platyny, palladu, złota, srebra oraz miedzi. Zbadano wpływ zawartości metali, matrycy TiO2 oraz połączeniami metali na właściwości fotokatalityczne, biobójcze i magnetyczne otrzymanych nanokompozytów TiO2. Aktywność fotokatalityczną zbadano w reakcji degradacji modelowych związków oraz...
Au nanostructures coated with a ultrathin film of Al2O3 - measurements and FDTD simulations
Open Research DataGold plasmonic platforms have been coated with an ultra-thin films of aluminium oxide. Optical measurements, showing the influence of the thickness of Al2O3 on plasmon resonance position. The observed red-shift of the resonance location with the increase of the thickness of the Al2O3 film, can be explained by the change in the dielectric function of...
Au–Si plasmonic platforms: synthesis, structure and FDTD simulations
PublicationPlasmonic platforms based on Au nanostructures have been successfully synthesized by directional solidification of a eutectic from Au and the substrate. In order to determine homogeneous shape and space distribution, the influence of annealing conditions and the initial thickness of the Au film on the nanostructures was analyzed. For the surface morphology studies, SEM and AFM measurements were performed. The structure of platforms...
Substrate Dependence in the Formation of Au Nanoislands for Plasmonic Platform Application
PublicationIn this work, the influence of the various substrates on Au nanoisland formation has been studied. Nanostructures were obtained via annealing of thin Au films. In order to determine nanoisland formation mechanisms, correlation between an initial film thickness and temperature of formation, shapes, and dimensions of nanostructures was examined. For the surface morphology studies, nanograin structure, and chemical composition analysis,...
Temperature-controlled nanomosaics of AuCu bimetallic structure towards smart light management
PublicationGold–copper nanostructures are promising in solar-driven processes because of their optical, photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical properties, especially those which result from the synergy between the two metals. Increasing interest in their internal structure, such as the composition or distribution of the Au and Cu as well as the size and shape of the nanoparticles, have developed to define their physicochemical properties. In...
TEM imaging of Ag-Au nanoalloys
Open Research DataThe nanostructures of AuAg nanoalloys were prepared by sequential sputtering of metal thin layers (Au/Ag or Ag/Au) followed by annealing under 550 Celsius degree in an argon atmosphere. The basic single layer thickness was usually ca. 3 nm. For investigations two samples wih 50% Au and 50% Ag were selected and samples 1/3 Ag - 2/3 Au and 2/3 Ag - 1/3...
SEM images of tge gold nanostructures on silicon
Open Research DataAu nanostructures were prepared on Si(111) as a substrate. The substrates (1 × 1 cm2 of area) were cleaned with acetylacetone and then rinsed in ethanol. Thin Au films (with thicknesses in a range of 1.7–5.0 nm) were deposited using a table-top dc magnetron sputtering coater (EM SCD 500, Leica) under pure Ar plasma conditions (Argon, Air Products 99.999%)....
Properties of ordered titanium templates covered with Au thin films for SERS applications
PublicationtCurrently, roughened metal nanostructures are widely studied as highly sensitive Raman scattering sub-strates that show application potential in biochemistry, food safety or medical diagnostic. In this workthe structural properties and the enhancement effect due to surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) ofhighly ordered nano-patterned titanium templates covered with thin (5–20 nm) gold films are reported.The templates are formed...
Nanostructuring of thin Au films deposited on ordered Ti templates for applications in SERS
PublicationIn this work the results on thermal nanostructuring of the Au films on Ti templates as well as morphology and optical properties of the obtained structures are reported. The bimetal nanostructures are fabricated in a multi-step process. First, the titania nanotubes are produced on the surface of Ti foil by anodization in an ethylene glycol-water solution containing fluoride ions. This is followed by chemical etching in oxalic acid...
Properties of Thermally Dewetted Thin Au Films on ITO-Coated Glass for Biosensing Applications
PublicationNoble metal nanostructures are object of great interest due to their unique optical and electronic properties exploited in nanotechnology, medicine, biochemistry, and surface-enhanced spectroscopies. In this work, the Au nanoparticle (NP) structures for application in biosensing obtained by dewetting are investigated in dependence on their preparation conditions. Structures are produced from thin Au films (5–30 nm) sputtered onto...
Plasmon resonance in gold-silver nanoalloys
Open Research DataSurface plasmon resonance (SPR) can lead to improve or formation a new linear or nonlinear optical phenomena. Especially it can enhance a light emission from luminescence materials. The presence of metal nanostructures or nanoparticles is necessary to excitation of the SPR. It is well known that gold and silver nanostructures exhibit plasmon resonance...
SEM images of dewetted gold films
Open Research DataGold nanostructures were prepared on silicon - Si(111) as a substrate. as a result of dewetting process. Thin golds films were deposited using a table-top dc magnetron sputtering coater under pure Ar plasma conditions . The Au target had 99.99% purity, the rate of Au layer deposition was about 0.4 nm·s−1 and the incident power was 32 W. The thickness...
Formation of gold anostructures detected by SEM microscope
Open Research DataGold nanostructures were prepared on silicon - Si(111) as a substrate. The substrates (1 × 1 cm2 of area) were cleaned with acetylacetone and then rinsed in ethanol. Thin Au films (with thicknesses in a range of 1.7–5.0 nm) were deposited using a table-top dc magnetron sputtering coater (EM SCD 500, Leica) under pure Ar plasma conditions (Argon, Air...
Chemical analysis of the Au-Ag nanoaloys
Open Research DataThe nanostructures of AuAg nanoalloys were prepared by sequential sputtering of gold and silver thin films. Single layer thickness was usually 2.8 nm were deosted by magnetron sputtering method in a Ar plasma. As deposited layers were annealed in Ar atmosphere at 550 degress for 15 minutes. For XPS measurements five samples were selected: pure gold...
XRD patterns of V2O5 nanostructures
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns of vanadium pentaoxide nanostructures obtained by the sol-gel with different annealing temperatures under synthetic air. The results show that crystallinity dependent on the annealing temperature.
XRD patterns of VO2 and V2O3 nanostructures
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns of VO2 and V2O3 nanostructures obtained by the sol-gel with different reaction conditions. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The xerogel powder was annealing under argon atmosphere in the temperature range 400-1000C. The results show that the morphology...
XRD patterns of V2O3 nanostructures
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns of V2O3 nanostructures obtained by the sol-gel with different reaction conditions. The xerogel powder was annealing under a reducing atmosphere (94% Ar, 6% H2) in the temperature range 350-700C. The results show that crystallinity dependent on the annealing temperature.
XRD patterns of vanadium oxide nanostructures on silicon substrate obtained by V2O5 recrystallization
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns of vanadium oxide nanostructures on silicon substrates obtained by recrystallization of V2O5 thin films between 800-1200°C under synthetic air. The thin films were obtained by the sol-gel method. The information about sol synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
XRD patterns of vanadium oxide nanostructures on quartz glass substrate obtained by V2O5 recrystallization
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the XRD patterns of vanadium oxide nanostructures on quartz glass substrates obtained by recrystallization of V2O5 thin films between 800-1200°C under synthetic air. The thin films were obtained by the sol-gel method. The information about sol synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Influence of plasmon resonance on the luminescence of titanium dioxide thin films doped with rare earth ions
PublicationIn this work the study of the optical properties of europium doped titanium dioxide thin films (TiO2:Eu) enhanced by gold plasmonic nanostructures are presented. Plasmonic platforms were manufactured by thermal annealing of thin film of Au, deposited on a Corning glass substrate. As a result of thermal treatment, gold spherical nanostructures with average dimensions of 50 nm were obtained. Luminescent TiO2:Eu film was deposited...
Plasmon resonance in a TiO2-Au NPs structures
Open Research DataInvestigated structures were deposited on a pre cleaned Corning 1737 glass substrates, which provided flat optical transmission characteristics and high transmission coefficient in a visible light range. Plasmonic nanostructures were formed as a result of thermal annealing. For gold films with thickness of 2.8 nm depiction a table-top dc magnetron sputtering...
Depth profile of the gold-silver bimetallic structures
Open Research DataSilver and gold bimetallic layers were deposited on a silicon substrate by magnetron sputtering method. Both, Au and Ag layers had 3 nm of thickness. That prepared nanostructures were measured by XPS method. To obtain a depth profile of chemical composition, an Argon ion (Ar+) gun was used for etching surface of sample. Each cycle of etching takes 30...
Graphene hydrogels with embedded metal nanopatricles as efficient catalysts in 4-nitrophenol reduction and methylene blue decolorization
PublicationSynthesis and characterization of the graphene hydrogels with three different metallic nanoparticles, that is Au, Ag and Cu, respectively is presented. Synthesized in a one-pot approach graphene hydrogels with embedded metallic nanoparticles were tested as heterogeneous catalysts in a model reaction of 4-nitrophenol reduction. The highest activity was obtained for graphene hydrogel with Cu NPs and additional reaction of methylene...
Group 11 complexes with a phosphanylphosphaalkene ligand: preparation and stability study
PublicationThe reactivities of two selected phosphanylphosphaalkenes, Ph2C=P-PtBu2 (1a) and (p-MeO-Ph)2C=P-PtBu2 (1b), toward CuCl, AgCl and (tht)AuCl (tht = tetrahydrothiophene) were investigated. As a result, new phosphanylphosphaalkene dimeric and monomeric complexes were formed (Cu and Ag dimeric and Au monomeric). All obtained products were air and moisture stable and light insensitive.
Application of INAA and ETAAS techniques for human samples analysis in evaluation of the impact of Gdansk Phosphatic Fertilizer Plant on its workers
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu Gdańskich Zakładów Nawozów Fosforowych na zdrowie pracowników. Oznaczano stężenia (techniką INAA) Al, As,Au, Br, Ca, Cl, Cu, Dy, I, In, K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, S, Sb, Sm, Ti, U, V,W, Zn we włosach, paznokciach i filtrach z pyłem zebranych od 21 pracowników fabryki oraz 5 osób z grupy kontrolnej nie związanej z zakładem. Ponadto oznaczono Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, Ni i Zn w moczu przy użyciu...
Ordered titanium templates functionalized by gold films for biosensing applications – Towards non-enzymatic glucose detection
PublicationRecently, metal nanostructures evoke much interest due to application potential in highly sensitive detectors in biochemistry and medical diagnostics. In this work we report on preparation and characteristics of thin (1–100 nm) Au films deposited onto highly ordered structured titanium templates for SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) and electrochemical sensing. The Ti templates are formed by selective removal of TiO2 nanotubes...
Noble metal modified TiO2 microspheres: Surface properties and photocatalytic activity under UV-vis and visible light
PublicationComposite photocatalysts that consist of TiO2and noble metal nanostructures have been considered tobe the promising and pivotal material for accessible enhancement of the efficiency in the photocatalyticprocess carried out in the aqueous and gas phases. In this work we fabricated porous TiO2microspheresthrough a hydrothermal process followed by photochemical reduction of noble metal nanoparticles atthe TiO2surface. The morphology...
Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 microspheres decorated by bimetallic nanoparticles
PublicationComposite photocatalysts that consist of TiO2and noble metal nanostructures have been considered tobe the promising and pivotal material for accessible enhancement of the efficiency in the photocatalyticprocess carried out in the aqueous and gas phases. In this work we fabricated porous TiO2microspheresthrough a hydrothermal process followed by photochemical reduction of noble metal nanoparticles atthe TiO2surface. The morphology...
Experimental tuning of AuAg nanoalloy plasmon resonances assisted by machine learning method
PublicationPlasmonic nanostructures based on AuAg nanoalloys were fabricated by thermal annealing of metallic films in an argon atmosphere. The nanoalloys were chosen because they can extend the wavelength range in which plasmon resonance occurs and thus allow the design of plasmonic platforms with the desired parameters. The influence of initial fabrication parameters and experimental conditions on the formation of nanostructures was investigated....
Annealing Rate as a Crucial Parameter Controlling the Photoelectrochemical Properties of AuCu Mosaic Core–Shell Nanoparticles
PublicationThermal processing is an essential step during the synthesis of various metal nanostructures and for tailoring their morphology, optical, and electrochemical properties. Herein, a profound impact of the annealing rate and time on photoactivity of gold–copper nanostructures by changes in the position and alignment of energy levels and surface states is reported. AuCu nanoparticles (NPs) are fabricated by sputtering of thin metal...
Bi-based halide perovskites: Stability and opportunities in the photocatalytic approach for hydrogen evolution
PublicationIn this study, we successfully prepared Bi-based single perovskites of the A3Bi2I9 type (A = Cs, Rb, MA, FA), and, for the first time, attempted to experimentally obtain double perovskites Cs2B’BiI6 type (B′ = Ag, Au, In, Cu). Despite the premises available in theoretical studies, our research has proven the impossibility of the existence of double perovskites of this type. Nevertheless, both types of obtained materials were subjected...
Nanoparticles preparation using microemulsion systems
PublicationMetallic nanoparticles become of current interests because they exhibit unique properties compared with those of metal atoms or bulk metal due to the quantum size effect and their large surface area, which make them attractive for applications in optics, electronics, catalysis biology and medicine. TiO2 has been used for environmental remediation purposes such as in the purification of water and air and also solar-to chemical energy...
Otrzymywanie i charakterystyka nanocząstek o właściwościach biobójczych oraz fotokatalitycznych
PublicationGłównym celem niniejszej pracy było opracowanie nowej metody otrzymywania nanokompozytów ditlenku tytanu modyfikowanych nanocząstkami metali, wykazujących aktywność biobójczą oraz fotokatalityczną. Dla otrzymanych nanokompozytów Ag/TiO2, Au/TiO2, Ag/Cu-TiO2, Ag/Au-TiO2 zbadano aktywność fotokatalityczną w reakcji degradacji fenolu (Co= 0,21 mmol/dm3) w roztworze wodnym, w obecności światła widzialnego. Otrzymane nanocząstki scharakteryzowano...
Thermal dewetting as a method of surface modification of the gold thin films for surface plasmon resonance based sensor applications
PublicationHere, we report a quick and simple approach with low, optimized production costs to obtain surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based sensors fabricated through a time- and resource-effective method based on thermal dewetting of thin Au films. From the applicative point of view, the method of detection presented here should be easier to implement, since light transmission measurements seem to be much less challenging than light refractive...
Electric properties of an Au-CuPc-Au sandwich system: Direct current and low signal admittance studies
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki pomiarów stałoprądowych i niskosygnałowej admitancji układu złoto/ftalocyjanina miedzi/złoto. Obserwowana asymetria charakterystyk stałoprądowych sugeruje, że prąd elektryczny płynący przez układ jest prądem ograniczonym elektrodowo i wydajność wstrzykiwania dziur jest uwarunkowana kolejnością nanoszenia warstw. W przypadku wstrzykiwania dziur przez bardziej regularną międzypowierzchnię (tj. gdy ftalocyjanina...
An evaluation of endemic exposure of citizens living in near a Gdańsk Phosphatic Fertilizer Plant
PublicationPrzeprowadzono ocenę wpływu Gdańskich Zakładów Nawozów Fosforowych FOSFORY na mieszkańców różnych dzielnic Gdańska. Oznaczono - za pomocą Neutronowej Analizy Aktywacyjnej (NAA) stężenia Al, As, Au, Br, Ca, Cl, Cu, Dy, I, In, K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, S, Sb, Sm, U, V, Zn w próbkach włosów i paznokci stóp, zebranych od 22 osób mieszkających w sąsiedztwie Zakładów oraz od jedenastoosobowej grupy kontrolnej. Podstawowe różnice pomiędzy...
Chiral Schiff base complexes as an effective catalyst in Diels-Alder reaction
PublicationDiels Alder reaction is a very important tool in carbon-carbon bond formation. It is a cycloaddition between a conjugated diene and a second compound called dienophile. Where one or more heteroatoms are present in the diene and/or dienophile framework, the cycloaddition is called hetero-Diels-Alder reaction (HDA). The asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction is among the most powerful available methodologies for that construction of optically...
Ranking of Heterogeneous Catalysts Metals by Their Greenness
PublicationCatalysis is very important process in industry and laboratory practice, especially from the point of green chemistry principles. However, eco-friendly character of heterogeneous catalysts, containing transition metal components has not been evaluated, yet. Therefore, we perform a comprehensive assessment of 18 heterogeneous metal catalysts (Pd, Pt, V, Co, Ni, Mo, Ru, Mn, Au, Cu, Cd, Zr, Fe, Rh, Ir, Sn, Zn, Ag) using multicriteria...
Numerical modelling of asymetric double-layer Al-Cu plate rolling process
PublicationNiekorzystnym zjawiskiem towarzyszącym procesom walcowania płaskich wyrobów bimetalowych jest krzywizna pasma na wyjściu z kotliny walcowniczej wynikająca z nierównomierności odkształcenia warstw bimetalowej blachy. Możliwość szybkiego i łatwego przeciwdziałania temu zjawisku daje wprowadzenie asymetrii prędkości bądź średnic walców roboczych. W przedstawionym artykule zaprezentowano badania komputerowe procesu walcowania blach...
Visible light photoactivity of TiO2loaded with monometallic(Au or Pt) and bimetallic (Au/Pt) nanoparticles
PublicationTiO2modified with monometallic (Au or Pt) and bimetallic (Au/Pt) nanoparticles have been preparedusing a water-in-oil microemulsion system (water/AOT/cyclohexane) followed by calcination step. Theeffect of metal ratio, reducing agent type (NaBH4or N2H4), TiO2matrix type (P-25, ST-01, TiO-5, TiO2nano-tubes or TiO2obtained by TIP hydrolysis) as well as calcination temperature (from 350 to 650◦C) weresystematically investigated. Obtained...
Superconducting transition in granular Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconductors
PublicationW układzie(Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O poprzez krystalizację w fazie stałej można wytworzyć materiały o bardzo różnych właściwościach elektrycznych i nadprzewodzących. W zależności od warunków krystalizacji, można wytworzyć nadprzewodnik o temperaturze krytycznej między 8 a 105 st. K lub materiał nie przechodzący do stanu nadprzewodzącego. Przejście do stanu nadprzewodzacego w materiałach granulastych ma charakter dwustopniowy. Zbadano wpływ...
Microwave absorption study on (Bi, Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O granular superconductors
PublicationNadprzewodniki granulaste są bardzo ciekawymi materiałami dzięki temu, że zawierają dużą ilość złącz Josephsona. W pracy przedstawiono absorpcję mikrofalową w granulastych nadprzewodnikach (Bi, Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O zawierających granule 2201, 2212 i 2223 umieszczone w matrycy dielektrycznej. Obserwowano dwustopniowe przejście do stanu nadprzewodzącego. Sygnał MMMA obserwowano poniżej temperatury T1.
The structure of Al-Cu and Al-Si eutectic melts
PublicationStrukturę ciekłych stopów eutektycznych Al_{83}Cu_{17} i Al_{88}Si_{12} zbadano metodami dyfrakcyjnymi i RMC. Przeanalizowano uzyskane całkowite i cząstkowe funkcje korelacyjne i parametry strukturalne.