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Search results for: DRAE ADHESIN
A surface-exposed DraD protein of uropathogenic Escherichia coli bearing Dr fimbriae may be expressed and secreted independently from DraC usher and DraE adhesin
PublicationOperon dra uropatogennych szczepów Escherichia coli Dr+ odpowiedzialny jest za proces bakteryjnej adhezji i inwazji. Operon dra kodujący fimbrie Dr zawiera sześć otwartych ramek odczytu - draA, draB, draC, draD, draP oraz draE. Fimbrie Dr zlokalizowane na powierzchni komórki bakteryjnej, zbudowane są z podjednostek białka DraE. Niewiele wiadomo na temat powierzchniowej ekspresji białka DraD oraz jego roli w procesie biogenezy fimbrii...
Molecular aspects of biogenesis of Escherichia coli Dr Fimbriae: characterization of DraB-DraE complexes
PublicationHemaglutynina Dr uropatogennych szczepów Escherichia coli jest fimbrialnym homopolimerem zbudowanym z podjednostek białkowych DraE kodowanych przez operon dra. Operon dra zawiera geny draB i draC, kodujące białka homologiczne do białek (białko opiekuńcze-białko kanałotwórcze) zaangażowanych w procesie biogenezy struktur polimerycznych eksprymowanych powierzchniowo. Białko DraB jest jednym z białek periplazmatycznych, należącym...
Preclusion of irreversible destruction of Dr adhesin structures by a high activation barrier for the unfolding stage of the fimbrial DraE subunit
PublicationFimbrie Dr uropatogennych szczepów Escherichia coli stanowią przykład eksponowanych powierzchniowo struktur adhezyjnych podlegających biogenezie według zakonserwowanego, pośród bakterii Gram-ujemnych, systemu "chaperone-usher" ("białko opiekuńcze-zewnątrzbłonowe białko kanałowe"). Powyższe struktury adhezyjne są niezbędne w procesie specyficznej adhezji bakterii do receptorów zlokalizowanych na powierzchni docelowych komórek gospodarza....
Biofilm formation as a virulence determinant of uropathogenic Escherichia coli Dr+ strains
PublicationInfekcje dróg moczowych stanowią największy problem zdrowotny dotykający miliony osób populacji ludzkiej każdego roku. Uropatogenne szczepy Escherichia coli są najczęstszym czynnikiem etiologicznym odpowiedzialnym za wywoływanie górnych i dolnych dróg moczowych. Powyższe szczepy bakteryjne produkują szereg czynników wirulentnych pośród, których wyróżnić można eksponowane powierzchniowo polimeryczne struktury adhezyjne (fimbrie/pile)...
Identification of antigen Ag43 in uropathogenic Escherichia coli Dr+ strains and defining its role in the pathogenesis of urinary tract infections
PublicationUrinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) are among the most common bacterial infectious diseases in the developed world. The urovirulence of UPEC is mainly associated with the surface-exposed fimbrial adhesins and adhesins of the autotransporter (AT) family. The best studied of theses proteins is antigen 43 (Ag43) mediating cell aggregation, adhesion and biofilm development as the causes of...
The noncanonical disulfide bond as the important stabilizing element of the immunoglobulin fold of the Dr fimbrial DraE subunit
PublicationAdhezyny fimbrialne bakterii patogennych stanowią liniowe asocjaty białkowe odpowiedzialne za wiązanie do specyficznych receptorów na powierzchni komórek gospodarza. Biogeneza tych struktur odbywa się przez system sekrecji typu chaperone/usher zakonserwowany pośród bakterii Gram-ujemnych. Powyższe struktury adhezyjne charakteryzują się wysoką odpornością na denaturację i deasocjację, powodowane przez temperaturę lub chemiczne czynniki...
Role of the disulfide bond in stabilizing and folding of the fimbrial protein DraE from uropathogenic Escherichia coli
PublicationDr fimbriae are homopolymeric adhesive organelles of uropathogenic Escherichia coli composed of DraE subunits, responsible for the attachment to host cells. These structures are characterized by enormously high stability resulting from the structural properties of an Ig-like fold of DraE. One feature of DraE and other fimbrial subunits that makes them peculiar among Ig-like domain-containing proteins is a conserved disulfide bond...
The DraC usher in Dr fimbriae biogenesis of uropathogenic E. coli Dr+ strains
PublicationBiogeneza fimbrii Dr kodowanych przez operon dra uropatogennych szczepów Escherichia coli (infekcje górnych dróg moczowych) odbywa się na bazie zakonserwowanego systemu sekrecji typu chaperone-usher. Funkcjonowanie powyższego systemu sekrecji opiera się na dwóch komponentach białkowych, periplazmatycznym chaperonie DraB i zewnątrzbłonowym kanale DraC. Białko DraB kontroluje proces składania podjednostek fimbrialnych DraE, natomiast...
Non-destructive adhesion control.
PublicationW przeciwieństwie do innych metod, spektroskopia impedancyjna jest zdolna do wyznaczania adhezji międzywarstwowej np. systemu powłokowego stosowanego do ochrony samochodów basecoat/clercoat ''in situ'' i niedestrukcyjnie. Obniżenie adhezji międzywarstwowej przebiega analogicznie jak zmiany energi aktywacji przewodnictwa jonowego w obszarze międzywarstwowym, co jest mierzone przy pomocy spektroskopii impedancyjnej. Stosując przewodzące...
Polyallylamine as an Adhesion Promoter for SU-8 Photoresist
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Minimum drag shape bodies moving in inviscid fluid - revisited
PublicationThis paper presents the classic approach to minimum drag shape body problem, moving at hypersonic speeds, leading to famous power law shapes with value of the exponent of 3/4. Two- and three-dimensional cases are considered. Furthermore, an exact pseudo solution is given and its uselessness is discussed. Two new solutions are introduced, namely an approximate solution due to form of the functional and solution by means of optimisation...
Influence of windsurfing fin stiffness distribution on the lift-drag characteristics
PublicationThis article addresses the problem of determining the hydromechanical loads generated by flexible hydrofoils. The research was done on the example of the composite windsurfing fin for the RS:X monotype class. Despite the assumption of fins identity, everyday practice showed that variations of mechanical properties occur and strongly affect their performance. Therefore, we decided to study the differences between the windsurfing...
Antagonist adhesion effects due to variable substrate surface
PublicationThe effects of variability of intrinsic adhesion within a joint have been studied using a single cantilever beam (SCB) test. Fracture energy was found not to be a simple function of relative areas of 2 surface pre-treatments: a 'weak' zone decreased strength more than expected from simple, additive considerations. By severing the adhesive along the strong-weak transition, fracture energy increased.The prior antagonist effect appears...
Adhesion of organic coatings to hot-dip galvanized steel
PublicationDuplex systems provide long-time corrosion protection, much longer than the sum of the lifetimes of zinc and paint used individually. However loss of adhesion between coating and zinc substrate is often found in practice. Different methods of zinc surface preparations are used in the fi eld. The aim of this study was to examine and compare coating protection when the old zinc surface, stored during long-time period (15 years) in...
Determination of binder-aggregate adhesion by contact angle measurement
PublicationThe key factor in asphalt pavement durability, especially in the presence of water, is adhesion of the bituminous binder to mineral aggregates. There are currently no standard laboratory test procedures that can quickly and accurately measure the strength of the interaction (bond) between the binder and aggregate. In this regard, to evaluate the adhesion force measurements based on the contact angle between the binder and the aggregate...
Influence of Staphylloccoccus bacteria adhesion on the degradation of the Ti6Al4V alloy
PublicationThe paper deals with bacteria adhesion and the degradation of the Ti6Al4V alloy
Electrochemical approach to evaluate the interlayer adhesion of organic coatings
PublicationZastosowano elektrochemiczną spektroskopię impedancyjną do wyznaczania międzywarstwowej adhezji w powłokach organicznych. Zbadano różne zestawy powłok do ochrony samochodów. Zastosowano dwie elektrody wykonane z prądoprzewodzącego tuszu umieszczone pomiędzy warstwami powłokowymi. Stwierdzono, że utrata adhezji międzywarstwowej następuje podobnie jak zmiany energii aktywacji przewodnictwa jonowego w obszarze międzywarstwowym. Uzyskane...
A two-plasmid Escherichia coli system for expression of Dr adhesins
PublicationPraca opisuje konstrukcję wydajnego systemu produkcji fimbrii Dr. System składa się z dwóch plazmidów. Plazmid pACYCpBAD-DraC-C-His zawiera pod kontrolą promotora arabinozowego gen draC kodujący białko kanałotwórcze DraC. Plazmid pET-30b-sygDraBE zawiera pod kontrolą promotora T7lac geny draB i draE kodujące odpowiednio białko opiekuńcze DraB oraz adhezynę DraE. Oba plzamidy posiadają różne ori replikacji co pozwala na ich jednoczesne...
U-Tube Method of Identification of Drag Parameters for High Permeability Materials
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A shear stress micromodel of urinary tract infection by the Escherichia coli producing Dr adhesin
PublicationIn this study, we established a dynamic micromodel of urinary tract infection to analyze the impact of UT-segment-specific urinary outflow on the persistence of E. coli colonization. We found that the adherence of Dr+ E. coli to bladder T24 transitional cells and type IV collagen is maximal at lowest shear stress and is reduced by any increase in flow velocity. The analyzed adherence was effective in the whole spectrum of physiological...
Evaluation of recycled tyre steel fibres adhesion to cement matrix
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Interfacial adhesion evaluation in (low-density polyethylene)/elastomer blends
PublicationLow-density polyethylene (LDPE) with different elastomers at a ratio of 50/50 wt% blends was prepared by using a co-rotating twin-screw extruder. Three kinds of elastomers were used: ground tire rubber (GTR), partially crosslinked butyl rubber (KalarVR ), and styrenebutadiene- rubber block copolymer (SBS; KratonVR ). For better characterization of interaction between polyethylene and elastomer, influence of the type of elastomer on...
Identification of Drag Parameters of Flow in High Permeability Materials by U-Tube Method
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Copper(II) complexes with Fusobacterium nucleatum adhesin FadA: Coordination pattern, physicochemical properties and reactivity
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Adhesive Monitoring with Instrumented Wedge Test
PublicationThe wedge test (sometimes called the Boeing wedge test) is amongst the most readily exploitable techniques for assessment of the rate-dependent fracture energy of adhesive materials when used to bond relatively rigid substrates. With its siblings: the double cantilever beam (DCB), and the tapered double cantilever beam (TDCB), a force is applied, essentially in cleavage, to provoke substrate separation perpendicularly to the bondline...
Impedance-based sensing of the interlayer adhesion loss in organic coating systems
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Copolymerization of Styrene and Pentadecylphenylmethacrylate (PDPMA): Synthesis, Characterization, Thermomechanical and Adhesion Properties
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Impedance-based sensing of the interlayer adhesion loss in organic coating systems.
PublicationZmienne parametry środowiska takie jak: temperatura,wilgotność i promieniowanie UV powodują degradację własności ochronnych powłok organicznych. Stosując sensor w postaci elektrod wykonanych z prądoprzewodzącego tuszu umieszczonych pomiędzy warstwami zestawu oraz technikę spektroskopii impedancyjnej stwierdzono możliwość monitorowania utraty adhezji międzywarstwowej.
Quantification of interlayer adhesion in protective coating systems using impedance spectroscopy
PublicationNowoczesne systemy powłokowe stosowane w praktyce są wielowarstwowe. Potencjalnie słabymi obszarami z punktu widzenia właściwości ochronnych są obszary międzywarstwowe. Osiągnięcie odpowiedniej przyczepności pomiędzy warstwami pozwala na polepszenie zdolności ochronnych całego zestawu. Tradycyjne metody pomiaru adhezji międzywarstwowej są destrukcyjne. Zaproponowano nową metodę oceny przyczepności międzywarstwowej przy użyciu...
Contact with coupled adhesion and friction: Computational framework, applications, and new insights
PublicationContact involving soft materials often combines dry adhesion, sliding friction, and large deformations. At the local level, these three aspects are rarely captured simultaneously, but included in the theoretical models by Mergel et al., (2019). We here develop a corresponding finite element framework that captures 3D finite-strain contact of two deformable bodies. This framework is suitable to investigate sliding friction even...
Copolymerization of Styrene and Pentadecylphenylmethacrylate (PDPMA): Synthesis, Characterization, Thermomechanical and Adhesion Properties
PublicationThe copolymerization of styrene (St) with a bioderived monomer, pentadecylphenylmethacrylate (PDPMA), via atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) was studied in this work.The copolymerization reactivity ratio was calculated using the composition data obtained from1HNMR spectroscopy, applying Kelen-Tudos and Finemann-Ross methods. The reactivity ratio of styrene (r1=0.93) and PDPMA (r2=0.05) suggested random copolymerization...
Modeling the debonding process of osseointegrated implants due to coupled adhesion and friction
PublicationCementless implants have become widely used for total hip replacement surgery. The long-term stability of these implants is achieved by bone growing around and into the rough surface of the implant, a process called osseointegration. However, debonding of the bone–implant interface can still occur due to aseptic implant loosening and insufficient osseointegration, which may have dramatic consequences. The aim of this work is to...
Laser Beam as a Precision Tool to Increase Fatigue Resistance in an Eyelet of Undercarriage Drag Strut
PublicationThe article contains the results of tests on a laser-processed eyelet of undercarriage drag strut to increase its fatigue strength. Laser processing concentrated on both sides around the hole of eye for connecting the undercarriage drag strut caused that the material in this area withstood more than twice the number of load cycles established for this material. In order to determine the reasons for the increase in fatigue strength,...
PublicationEnsuring the safety of ship crews at sea is of the utmost importance. Life rafts are one of the basic components of any seagoing vessel and ensuring their stability is an important component of maritime research. This study concerns the determination of the aerodynamic drag coefficients of pneumatic life rafts in a full range of wind speed and directions. The drag coefficients are based on full-scale experimental studies and numerical...
Effect of selective laser treatment on initiation of fatigue crack in the main part of an undercarriage drag strut
PublicationThis paper presents the results of material characterization and a fatigue test conducted for a laser-re-melted drag strut used in an aircraft landing gear. The drag strut was re-melted with a CO2 laser beam. Eight re-melted paths were made in the form of spiral lines along the axis of the drag strut. Next, the drag strut was subjected to variable loads on a testing machine simulating loads occurring when an aircraft lands. The...
The influence of texturing of the surface of concrete substrate on its adhesion to cement mortar overlay
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Significant Down-Regulation of “Biological Adhesion” Genes in Porcine Oocytes after IVM
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A chemo-mechano-thermodynamical contact theory for adhesion, friction, and (de)bonding reactions
PublicationThis work presents a self-contained continuum formulation for coupled chemical, mechanical, and thermal contact interactions. The formulation is very general and, hence, admits arbitrary geometry, deformation, and material behavior. All model equations are derived rigorously from the balance laws of mass, momentum, energy, and entropy in the framework of irreversible thermodynamics, thus exposing all the coupling present in the...
Enhancement of lift and drag performances of a NACA0012 airfoil by multi-DBD plasma actuator with additional floating interelectrodes
PublicationIt is clear that the improvement of aircraft aerodynamic performances is currently and will continue to be a significant area of research for the aeronautical industry. The current study is focused on theenhancement of aerodynamic airfoil performances by using a multi-DBD plasma actuator mounted around the model leading-edge. Experiments have been conducted at the University of Orleans, in the 2 m x 2 m test section of a large...
Application of COSMO-RS-DARE as a Tool for Testing Consistency of Solubility Data: Case of Coumarin in Neat Alcohols
PublicationCoumarin is a naturally occurring lactone-type benzopyrone with various applications in the pharmaceutical, food, perfume, and cosmetics industries. This hydrophobic compound is poorly soluble in water but dissolves well in protic organic solvents such as alcohols. Despite the extensive use of coumarin, there are only a few reports documenting its solubility in organic solvents, and some reported data are incongruent, which...
Partition of friction heat between sliding semispaces due to adhesion-deformational heat generation
PublicationAnalytical expressions of heat-partition coefficient and contact temperatures for two sliding semispaces with account for adhesion-deformational heat generation and contact heat exchange have been obtained. The rate of deformational heat generation is assumed to decay exponentially with increase of distance from the interface. It has been shown that heat-generation configuration and the intensity of contact heat exchange have impact...
Fracture in composite/aluminium joints of variable adhesive properties
PublicationA strain gauge technique recently developed with the wedge test, for estimating crack length and, thus, the fracture energy of structural adhesive bonding, has been employed on a system in which one adherend had two types of surface treatment. Simple polishing and polishing with subsequent sandblasting were the treatments used, with a distinct straight line, perpendicular to the sample edges, separating the two. Despite the clear-cut...
4-Point beam tensile test on a soft adhesive
PublicationAn adhesive butt joint with a soft bondline has been studied. A series of experiments was conducted on test pieces constituted of aluminium adherends bonded with a low modulus epoxy adhesive, ScotchWeld™ 2216. The joint was subjected to four point bending, in tension/compression loading, under constant deflection rate, with the bondline being parallel to the applied load. The objective was to examine and evaluate crack nucleation...
Adhesive compliance effect in mode I separation:Profilometry approach
PublicationThe effect of adhesive compliance on the deflection of a loaded, bonded beam was studied using laser profilometry. Experimental data obtained were compared with both Euler-Bernoulli (encastré) and Winkler (one parameter elastic foundation) models. A third, analytical, 2D model, based on shear within the adhesive layer (two parameter elastic foundation), was introduced. Finite element analysis (FEA) was also used to study the effect...
Lamb wave propagation in a single lap adhesive joint
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Lamb wave propagation in a single lap adhesive joint
PublicationThe aim of the paper is the analysis of Lamb wave propagation in adhesive joints. The research was performed on a single lap adhesive joint of two steel plates. Two types of joints, namely an intact and with defect were considered. In experimental investigations the condition assessment of the joint was performed with the use of antisymmetric Lamb waves excited by a plate piezo actuators and measured by a laser vibrometer. Numeri-cal...
The effectiveness of polymer adhesive in reduction of vibrations of structural members
PublicationIn this paper, the idea of using polymer adhesive as a damping layer is proposed. An experimental study of two aluminium cantilevered beams has been conducted. One of them presents a plain cantilevered beam, while the second one considers two aluminium beams bonded with a polymer adhesive of different thickness (0,5; 1,2; 1,75; 3,1 and 5 mm). The polymer adhesive considered in the study is a specially designed flexible...
The chaperone-usher pathway of bacterial adhesin biogenesis - from molecular mechanism to strategies of anti-bacterial prevention and modern vaccine design
PublicationSystem chaperone-usher (białko opiekuńcze-białko kanałotwórcze) warunkuje biogenezę powierzchniowych struktur adhezyjnych, odpowiedzialnych za wirulencję wielu bakterii gram-ujemnych. Powyższy mechanizm został zbadany na poziomie strukturalnym w przypadku różnych gatunków bakterii patogennych. Celem powyższej pracy było przedstawienie molekularnego mechanizmu biogenezy struktur adhezyjnych na bazie systemu chaperone-usher. Otrzymane...
Structure-function analysis of decay-accelerating factor: identification ofresidues important for binding of the Escherichia coli Dr adhesin and complement regulation
PublicationZidentyfikowano ważne dla wiązania adhezyny Dr uropatogennych Escherichiacoli reszty aminokwasowe w ludzkim receptorze DAF SCR-3.
Type II secretory pathway for surface secretion of DraD invasin from the uropathogenic Escherichia coli Dr+ strain
PublicationWłaściwości wirulentne uropatogennych szczepów Escherichia coli Dr+ IH11128 związane są z obecnością struktur fimbrialnych typu Dr i białka inwazyny DraD, które może na powierzchni komórki bakteryjnej pełnić rolę fimbrialnej podjednostki szczytowej. Ostatnie badania wykazały, że białko DraD jest eksponowane na powierzchni bakterii w dwóch formach: związanej ze strukturą fimbrialną i jako niezależna od fimbrii otoczka białkowa....