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Search results for: GEOMETRIC LAY-OUT
Chip geometry while sawing frozen wood.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę geometrii wiórów zebranych podczas przecierania pryzm sosnowych o temperaturach -5 st. C, -20 st. C, + 18 st. C na pilarce ramowej przecieranych za pomocą cienkich pił. Analizowano rozkład wiórów w funkcji ich wymiarów podłużnych oraz pola powierzchni. W badaniach wykorzystywano kamere cyfrową, a obrazy z niej uzyskane obrabiano za pomoca oprogramowania opracowanego w srodowisku LabView. W widmach...
Influence of some anthropometric parameters on the risk of development of distal complications after mastectomy carried out because of breast carcinoma
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Algorithm for searching out similar ships within expert system of computer aided preliminary design of ship power plant
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano algorytm wyszukiwania statków podobnych zaimplementowany w hybrydowym systemie wspomagania projektowania wstępnego siłowni okrętowej na podstawie nowych funkcji podobieństwa oraz zaadaptowanych z literatury. Do wyszukiwania statków podobnych została zastosowana metoda optymalizacji wielokryterialnej ważonych zysków.
Masked hypertension in type 2 diabetes: never take normotension for granted and always assess out-of-office blood pressure
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Opposing Age-Related Trends in Absolute and Relative Risk of Adverse Health Outcomes Associated With Out-of-Office Blood Pressure
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Experiments on Preserving Pieces of Information in a Given Order in Holographic Reduced Representations and the Continuous Geometric Algebra Model
PublicationGeometric Analogues of Holographic Reduced Representations (GAc, which is the continuous version of the previously developed discrete GA model) employ role-filler binding based on geometric products.Atomic objects are real-valued vectors in n-dimensional Euclidean space and complex statements belong to a hierarchy of multivectors. The property of GAc and HRR studied here is the ability to store pieces of information in a given...
A comparison of geometric analogues of holographic reduced representations, original holographic reduced representations and binary spatter codes
PublicationGeometric Analogues of Holographic Reduced Representations (GA HRR) employ role-filler binding based on geometric products. Atomic objects are real-valued vectors in n-dimensional Euclidean space and complex statements belong to a hierarchy of multivectors. The paper reports a battery of tests aimed at comparison of GA HRR with Holographic Reduced Representation (HRR) and Binary Spatter Codes (BSC). Firstly, we perform a test of...
Założenia metodyczne i rozwiązania warsztatowe multimedialnego skryptu do geometrii wykreślnej
PublicationMultimedialne techniki przekazu i odbioru informacji odgrywają coraz większą rolę w różnych formach kształcenia. Artykuł porusza zagadnienia związane z konstruowaniem i oceną elektronicznego skryptu do geometrii wykreślnej. Kolejno omówiono cztery fazy tworzenia multimedialnego podręcznika, a mianowicie: przygotowawczą, projektowania, wykonywania materiałów oraz fazę doskonalenia.
PublicationNiniejsza praca jest omówieniem fragmentów rozprawy doktorskiej autorki. Przedstawia ideę połączenia opisu analitycznego z metodą elementów skończonych poprzez uogólnioną macierz impedancji. Przedstawione zostały analizy dwóch struktur z wykorzystaniem metody hybrydowej, które wraz z porównaniem względem innych metod stanowią potwierdzenie zasadności prezentowanego podejścia.
XLS file with the initial data on the dome's geometry outline
Open Research DataThis dataset consists of an XLS file with the initial data on the dome's geometry outline.
Autodesk AUTOCAD file with the dome's geometry outline
Open Research DataThis dataset consists of an Autodesk AUTOCAD file with the dome's geometry outline.The studies carried out in the "Miniatura 7" scientific grant were devoted to both experimental and theoretical (numerical) measurements executed on a tensegrity dome model (with a Fuller-type grid) to identify the changes in the state of displacements, induced by the...
For Your Eyes Only – Biometric Protection of PDF Documents
PublicationThe paper introduces a concept of a digital document content encryption/decryption with facial biometric data coming from a legitimate user. Access to the document content is simple and straightforward, especially during collaborative work with mobile devices equipped with cameras. Various contexts of document exchange are presented with regard to the next generation pro-active digital documents proposed by authors. An important...
Earthworks calculations due to reconstruction of railway geometrical layout
PublicationThe paper characterizes continuation of ongoing work of computer program MUGO which is connected with earthworks. The program is related to the modernization of the railway track layout. The methodology for the calculating the size of earthworks in the areas of embankments on the two way railway line is discussed in detail.
Usability study of various biometric techniques in bank branches
PublicationThe purpose of the presented research was to evaluate the performance of the prepared biometric algorithms and obtain information on the opinions and preferences of their users in bank branches. The study aimed to determine users' attitudes towards particular modalities and preferences on how to use biometrics after the bank customers had practical experience with the operation of the prototype solutions. The research results...
Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth: A One-Way or Two-Way Relationship?
PublicationThe Global Competitiveness Index is treated as a standard to measure the competitiveness of countries. Leaders look at it to make policy and resource allocation decisions because global competitiveness is expected to be related to economic growth. However, studies which analyze the empirical relationship between these two economic categories are very rare. It is still an open question in the literature whether economic growth can...
PublicationAmong the minerals found in the earth's crust, clay minerals are of the widest interest. Due to the specific properties such as plasticity, absorbing and catalytic properties clay minerals are used in many industries (oil & gas, chemistry, pharmacy, refractory technology, ceramics etc.). In drilling, a phenomenon of swelling clays is frequently observed. It has an important impact on the cementing quality. During the last few decades...
Search for optimum geometry of selected steel sandwich panel joints
PublicationZastosowanie stalowych paneli typu sandwich w konstrukcjach okrętowych wymaga rozwiązania wielu problemów. Jednymi z trudniejszych zagadnień związanych z tymi nowymi strukturami są połączenia pomiędzy panelami oraz między panelami i konstrukcją innego typu. Artykuł przedstawia poszukiwanie optymalnej geometrii połączenia typu panel-panel w układzie wzdłużnym, przy użyciu parametrycznego modelu w programie ANSYS. Poszukiwano konfiguracji...
35 lat minęło
PublicationPrzedstawiono przebieg zjazdu absolwentów Wydziału Mechanicznego Technologicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej, studiujących w latach 1969-1974. Zacytowano wspomnienia kolegów z lat studiów i z okresu aktywności zawodowej
Monument / Las Szpęgawski
PublicationWspółczesne monumenty często projektowane są tak, aby angażować uwagę odwiedzających miejsce pamięci nie tylko pod względem wizualnym. Zapraszają one do wejścia w swoją przestrzeń, nawet do dotknięcia powierzchni, a tym samym tworzą bliższe i bogatsze więzi ze zwiedzającymi. Tekst przedstawia Monument Pamięci w Lesie Szpęgawskim autorstwa Katarzyny Ephraim jako współczesne miejsce pamięci.
Geometry, Integrability and Quantization
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Journal of Fractal Geometry
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Journal of Computational Geometry
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Journal of Geodetic Science
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Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
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Groups Geometry and Dynamics
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Journal of Symplectic Geometry
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Journal of Noncommutative Geometry
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Innovations in Incidence Geometry
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Journal of Computational Geometry
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Cobalt(II) and Cobalt(III) Tri‐tert‐butoxysilanethiolates. Synthesis, Properties, Crystal and Molecular Structures of [Co{μ‐SSi(OBut)3}{SSi(OBut)3}(NH3)]2 and [Co{SSi(OBut)3}2(NH3)4][SSi(OBut)3] Complexes
PublicationThe heteroleptic neutral tri‐tert‐butoxysilanethiolate of cobalt(II) incorporating ammonia as additional ligand (1) has been prepared by the reaction of a cobalt(II) ammine complex with tri‐tert‐butoxysilanethiol in water. Complex 1, dissolved in hexane, undergoes oxidation in an ammonia saturated atmosphere to the ionic cobalt(III) compound 2. Molecular and...
Life-long norepinephrine transporter (NET) knock-out leads to the increase in the NET mRNA in brain regions rich in norepinephrine terminals
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Methodology for carrying out measurements of the tombolo geomorphic landform using Unmanned Aerial and Surface Vehicles near Sopot pier, Poland
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Moving out of CF3‐Land: Synthesis, Receptor Affinity, and in silico Studies of NK1 Receptor Ligands Containing a Pentafluorosulfanyl (SF5) Group
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Miniaturized, green salting-out liquid–liquid microextraction coupled with GC–MS used to evaluate biogenic amines in wine samples
PublicationMonitoring of the biogenic amines (BAs) content in food products, including wine, is important due to the health and safety of consumers and from the quality control point of view. In a given study, simultaneous derivatization and salting-out liquid–liquid microextraction (SALLME) coupled with GC–MS for BAs determination from wine samples was developed. For the optimization the Box-Behnken design was applied, where three independent...
Methodology for Carrying Out Measurements of the Tombolo Geomorphic Landform Using Unmanned Aerial and Surface Vehicles near Sopot Pier, Poland
PublicationThe human impact on the ecosystem has been particularly evident in the last century; it transforms the Earth’s surface on an unprecedented scale and brings about irreversible changes. One example is an oceanographic phenomenon known as a tombolo, i.e., a narrow belt connecting the mainland with an island lying near the shore formed as a result of sand and gravel being deposited by sea currents. The phenomenon contributes to an...
OT Practice
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X-ray images of Baltic herring
Open Research DataA methodology for studying the geometric shape of Baltic herring swimbladders including the optimal way of catching, transporting and storing fish, the X-ray measurements and the X-ray image analysis, that does not change the natural shape of the fish swimbladder was developed. Fish for research was obtained in the area of the Polish coastal zone...
Which digital games are appropriate for our children?
PublicationChapter contains advice on which digital games are accessible for children with diverse impairments. It providess a process for choosing the device, the game and adjusting it. It might be of use for therapists, techers and caregivers.
Rhinological factors predisposing to headaches: our experience.
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Transport system integration - a challenge of our times
PublicationKażdego dnia w systemie transportowym na świecie ginie ponad 3 tys. osób, z czego większość w wypadkach drogowych. W Polsce, podobnie jak w innych krajach UE, obserwuje się podobne dysproporcje pomiędzy skalą wypadków drogowych i wypadków w innych rodzajach transportu. Z punktu widzenia zarządzania bezpieczeństwem, każdy z systemów gałęziowych jest zorganizowany w inny sposób. Dotyczy to baz danych, instytucji zarządzających infrastrukturą...
Response to David Steigmann’s discussion of our paper
PublicationWe respond to David Steigmann's discussion of our paper "A general theory for anisotropic Kirchhoff-Love shells with in-plane bending of embedded fibers, Math. Mech. Solids, 28(5):1274-1317" (arXiv:2101.03122). His discussion allows us to clarify two misleading statements in our original paper, and confirm that its formulation is fully consistent with the formulation of Steigmann. We also demonstrate that some of our original statements...
Low-dimensional bound entanglement with one-way distillable cryptographic key
PublicationIn this paper, we provide a class of bound entangled states that have positive distillable secure key rate. The smallest state of this kind is 4 circle times 4, which shows that peculiar security contained in bound entangled states does not need high-dimensional systems. We show that for these states a positive key rate can be obtained by one-way Devetak-Winter (DW) protocol. Subsequently, the volume of bound entangled key-distillable...
PublicationThe process of the design of the 1MW steam turbine includes designing the stator and rotor blades, the steam turbine inlet and exit, the casing and the rotor. A turbine that operates at rotation speeds other than 3000 rpm requires a gear box and generator with complex electronic software. This paper analyses the efficiency of eight turbine variants, including seven inlet geometries and three stages of stator as well as an eight...
Search for the most useful geometry of an acoustic journal bearing
PublicationComputer simulations of a number of journal bearing’s geometries utilising acoustic levitation were carried out. The choice of the best geometry depended on the ability of a deformed shape, created by piezo-electric elements, to facilitate squeeze film ultrasonic levitation, and also to create three evenly distributed diverging aerodynamic gaps. Deformations of analysed variants of the bearing’s shape were generated by numerical...