Search results for: LIGANDY DIFOSFOROWE
Access to Side-On Bonded Tungsten Phosphanylphosphinidene Complexes
PublicationMetathesis reactions between diimido complexes of tungsten(VI)[(ArN)2WCl2] (Ar = 2,6-iPr2C6H3) and lithium derivatives of diphosphanes R2P-P(SiMe3)Li (R = tBu and iPr) yield two anionic diimido complexes of tungsten with side-on bonded phosphanylphosphinidene ligands, [(ArN)2WCl(η2-R2P-P)]-. Both complexes are structurally characterized. A possible reaction mechanism and the role of donor solvents are discussed on the basis of...
PublicationIn the mononuclear title compound, [MoCl3(C4H8O)(C14H15P)2], obtained by the reaction of trichlorotris(tetrahydrofuran)molybdenum(III) and ethyldiphenylphosphine in tetrahydrofuran (THF) solution, the MoIII atom is six-coordinated by one O atom of a THF molecule, two P atoms from two ethyldiphenylphosphine ligands and three Cl atoms in a distorted octahedral geometry. The C atoms of the THF molecule are disordered over two positions...
Green porous benzamide-like nanomembranes for hazardous cations detection, separation, and concentration adjustment
PublicationGreen biomaterials play a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases as well as health-related problem-solving. Typically, biocompatibility, biodegradability, and mechanical strength are requirements centered on biomaterial engineering. However, in-hospital therapeutics require an elaborated synthesis of hybrid and complex nanomaterials capable of mimicking cellular behavior. Accumulation of hazardous cations like...
Heracles Gecour i zoologiczne zagadki
PublicationHeracles Gecour i podróżnicy w poszukiwaniu ongis nieznanych zwierząt, zagubionych cywilizacji oraz tajemnych minerałów. Historia dotyczy legendy człowieka i zrównoważonego rozwoju.
Activation of small molecules by ambiphilic NHC-stabilized phosphinoborenium cation: formation of boreniums with B–O–C, B–O–B, and B–O–P structural motifs
PublicationThe reactivity of the phosphinoborenium cation supported by a 1,3,4,5-tetramethylimidazolin-2-ylidene ligand toward small molecules was explored. The phosphinoborenium cation exhibited dual Lewis acid–base properties due to the presence of the Lewis acidic boron center and the Lewis basic phosphido ligand connected by a covalent bond. The reaction of the title cation with CO2 led to the insertion of a CO2 molecule into the P–B...
Synthesis and hydrogen evolving catalysis of a panchromatic photochemical molecular device
PublicationA dinuclear hydrogen evolution photocatalyst [(tbbpy)2Os(tpphz)PtI2](PF6)2 (tbbpy = 4,4′-tert-butyl-2,2′-bipyridine; tpphz = tetrapyrido[3,2-a:2′,3′-c:2′′,3′′-h:2′′′,3′′′-j]phenazine) is synthesized in order to make use of the broader range of visible light absorption mitigated by the osmium center. In a first step, the activity of the complex for hydrogen evolution is investigated by evaluating the role of different electron donors...
Structural and spectroscopic investigation of new luminescent hybrid materials based on calix[4]arene-tetracarboxylate and Ln 3+ ions (Ln = Gd, Tb or Eu)
PublicationLanthanide-calixarene hybrid materials are of particular interest due to the combination of the interesting properties of the ligand cavity-like structure and the luminescent features of lanthanides. The aim of this study was to synthesize and investigate the photophysical properties of Eu3+, Tb3+ and Gd3+ hybrids based on calix[4]arene-tetracarboxylate. The preparation of two structurally different...
New pathways for functionalization of phosphorus-rich ligands
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Inorganic Chemistry according to UMO-2017/25/N/ST5/00766 agreement from 2018-02-14
Heteroleptic cobalt(II)tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates in search of new biomimetic complexes
PublicationW ramach prowadzonych badań mających na celu syntezę układów mimikujących centra aktywne wybranych metaloprotein zostały otrzymane dwa nowe heterlopetyczne tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolany kobaltu(II) w reakcji bimetalicznego kompleksu kobaltu(II) zawierającego już reszty silanotiolanowe z pochodnymi pirydyny: 3,5-dimetylopirydyny i dibenzyloaminy. Otrzymane związki zostały scharakteryzowane strukturalnie za pomocą analizy rentgenostrukturalnej,...
Reactions of Lithiated Diphosphanes R2P−P(SiMe3)Li (R = tBu and iPr) with [MeNacnacTiCl2·THF] and [MeNacnacTiCl3]. Formation and Structure of TitaniumIII and TitaniumIV β‑Diketiminato Complexes Bearing the Side-on Phosphanylphosphido and Phosphanylphosphinidene Functionalities
Publicationβ-Diketiminate complexes of TiIII-containing phosphanylphosphido ligands [MeNacnacTi(Cl){η2-P(SiMe3)- PR2}] (MeNacnac− = [Ar]NC(Me)CHC(Me)N[Ar]; Ar = 2,6- iPr2C6H3) were prepared by reactions of [MeNacnacTiCl2· THF] with lithium derivatives of diphosphanes R2P−P(SiMe3) Li (R = tBu, iPr) in toluene solutions. Surprisingly, reactions of [MeNacnacTiCl2·THF] with R2P−P(SiMe3)Li in THF solutions led to TiIV complexes containing phosphanylphosphinidene ligands...
PublicationTytułowy związek jest molekularnym, heteroleptycznym tiolanem kadmu zawierającym jako dodatkowy ligand 3,5-dimetylopirydynę. Jon kadmu(II) znajduje się w centrum bipiramidy o podstawie trójkątnej, utworzonej przez 5 atomów - 2 atomy siarki, 2 atomy tlenu i jeden atom azotu. Między cząsteczkami kompleksu upakowanymi w krysztale nie ma oddziaływań innych niż oddziaływania van der Waalsa.
Single-dopant organic white electrophosphorescent diodes with very high efficiency and its reduced current density roll-off
PublicationW pracy opisano konstrukcję wysokowydajnej diody elektrofosforescencyjnej zawierającej domieszkę organicznego kompleksu platyny PtL2Cl (L oznacza organiczny ligand). Dioda emituje światło białe które pochodzi od ekscymerów świecących w czerwieni i wzbudzonych monomerów świecących w części niebieskiej widma. Kwantowa wydajność świecenia diody wynosi ok. 15% i słabo maleje ze wzrostem gęstości płynącego prądu elektrycznego.
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the adherence of cells of the recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pACYCpBAD to glass in a dynamic system - PBS pH=8
Open Research DataThe attachment of bacteria begins the process of surface colonization, called biofilm development, characterized by a number of physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adherence to inert surfaces typically involves nonspecific interactions, whereas adherence to biological surfaces is associated with specific ligand-receptor interactions. In this...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the adherence of cells of the recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pCC90 to glass in a dynamic system - PBS pH=5,7
Open Research DataThe attachment of bacteria begins the process of surface colonization, called biofilm development, characterized by a number of physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adherence to inert surfaces typically involves nonspecific interactions, whereas adherence to biological surfaces is associated with specific ligand-receptor interactions. In this...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the adherence of cells of the recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pACYCpBAD to glass in a dynamic system - PBS pH=7
Open Research DataThe attachment of bacteria begins the process of surface colonization, called biofilm development, characterized by a number of physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adherence to inert surfaces typically involves nonspecific interactions, whereas adherence to biological surfaces is associated with specific ligand-receptor interactions. In this...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the adherence of cells of the recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pACYCpBAD to polystyrene in a dynamic system - PBS pH=7
Open Research DataThe attachment of bacteria begins the process of surface colonization, called biofilm development, characterized by a number of physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adherence to inert surfaces typically involves nonspecific interactions, whereas adherence to biological surfaces is associated with specific ligand-receptor interactions. In this...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the adherence of cells of the recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pACYCpBAD to glass in a dynamic system - PBS pH=5,7
Open Research DataThe attachment of bacteria begins the process of surface colonization, called biofilm development, characterized by a number of physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adherence to inert surfaces typically involves nonspecific interactions, whereas adherence to biological surfaces is associated with specific ligand-receptor interactions. In this...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the adherence of cells of the recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pCC90 to glass in a dynamic system - PBS pH=8
Open Research DataThe attachment of bacteria begins the process of surface colonization, called biofilm development, characterized by a number of physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adherence to inert surfaces typically involves nonspecific interactions, whereas adherence to biological surfaces is associated with specific ligand-receptor interactions. In this...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the adherence of cells of the recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pCC90 to polystyrene in a dynamic system - PBS pH=7
Open Research DataThe attachment of bacteria begins the process of surface colonization, called biofilm development, characterized by a number of physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adherence to inert surfaces typically involves nonspecific interactions, whereas adherence to biological surfaces is associated with specific ligand-receptor interactions. In this...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the adherence of cells of the recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pCC90 to polystyrene in a dynamic system - PBS pH=8
Open Research DataThe attachment of bacteria begins the process of surface colonization, called biofilm development, characterized by a number of physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adherence to inert surfaces typically involves nonspecific interactions, whereas adherence to biological surfaces is associated with specific ligand-receptor interactions. In this...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the adherence of cells of the recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pACYCpBADto polystyrene in a dynamic system - PBS pH=5,7
Open Research DataThe attachment of bacteria begins the process of surface colonization, called biofilm development, characterized by a number of physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adherence to inert surfaces typically involves nonspecific interactions, whereas adherence to biological surfaces is associated with specific ligand-receptor interactions. In this...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the adherence of cells of the recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pCC90 to glass in a dynamic system - PBS pH=7
Open Research DataThe attachment of bacteria begins the process of surface colonization, called biofilm development, characterized by a number of physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adherence to inert surfaces typically involves nonspecific interactions, whereas adherence to biological surfaces is associated with specific ligand-receptor interactions. In this...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the adherence of cells of the recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pACYCpBAD to polystyrene in a dynamic system - PBS pH=8
Open Research DataThe attachment of bacteria begins the process of surface colonization, called biofilm development, characterized by a number of physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adherence to inert surfaces typically involves nonspecific interactions, whereas adherence to biological surfaces is associated with specific ligand-receptor interactions. In this...
Study of the influence of the presence of Dr fimbriae on the adherence of cells of the recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pCC90 to polystyrene in a dynamic system - PBS pH=5,7
Open Research DataThe attachment of bacteria begins the process of surface colonization, called biofilm development, characterized by a number of physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adherence to inert surfaces typically involves nonspecific interactions, whereas adherence to biological surfaces is associated with specific ligand-receptor interactions. In this...
A Novel Ru(II) Polypyridine Black Dye Investigated by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy and TDDFT Calculations
PublicationThe optical properties of a new(bipyridine)2Ru(4H-imidazole) complex presenting a remarkablebroad absorption in the visible range are investigated. Thestrong overlap of the absorption with the solar radiationspectrum renders the studied complex promising as a blackabsorber and hence as a starting structure for applications inthe field of dye-sensitized solar cells. The correlations betweenstructural and electronic features for...
C-1311 (Symadex), a potential anti-cancer drug, intercalates into DNA between A and G moieties. NMR-derived and MD-refined stereostructure of the d(GAGGCCTC) 2 :C-1311 complex
PublicationImidazoacridinone C-1311 (Symadex®) is an antitumor agent which has been recommended for Phase II clinical trials a few years ago. Previously, it was shown experimentally that during the initial stage of its action C-1311 forms stable intercalation complexes with DNA duplexes. Herein, a NMR-derived stereostructure of d(GAGGCCTC)2:C-1311 complex was reported. The ligand was found locating itself between A and G moieties, forming...
The luminescence study of Sr0.98Li2.5 + zAl1.5 – zO3 + 2zN1 – 2z:0.02Eu coumpounds.
Open Research DataEu2+-doped UCr4C4-type oxynitride phosphors are emerging innovative materials to replace oxide and nitride phosphors for high-end light-emitting devices. A series of Sr0.98Li2.5 + zAl1.5 – zO3 + 2zN1 – 2z:0.02Eu phosphors were synthesized by collaborators from the National Taiwan University by precursor engineering, and these products showed an unexpected...
New clicked full agonists of the estrogen receptor β
PublicationA click chemistry approach was used to synthesize a series of 1,4-diaryl-substituted 1,2,3-triazoles designed to behave as estrogen receptor (ER) ligands. We studied their affinities for both receptors α and β, their agonist activities in a cell-based luciferase reporter assay and their effect on the proliferation of the hormone-dependent MCF-7 cell line. We found two compounds (3a and 3c) that behave as selective full agonists...
Inhibiting activity of HIV-1: protease, reverse transcriptase and integrase all together by novel compounds using computational approaches (flexible and rigid docking)
PublicationAcquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), caused by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, is one of the most challenging diseases in recent decades. Nevertheless the shortcomings of chemical drugs such as toxicity, lack of curative effects, the search for more potent anti-HIV agents have been focused in our study. In current study, novel scaffold was designed having a benzyl and imidazole in it which are very...
A Cu/Zn heterometallic complex with solvent-binding cavity, catalytic activity for the oxidation of 1-phenylethanol and unusual magnetic properties
PublicationMononuclear and polymeric complexes of zinc(II) and copper(II) have been synthesized using two isomers of the hemi-salen ligand with a different mutual orientation of donor atoms. The heterometallic Cu/Zn metallocycle features a catalytic niche filled with the molecule of water and molecules of methanol. This unusual compound exhibits both pronounced catalytic activity in the reaction of oxidation of a secondary alcohol to ketone...
Extracting functional groups of ALLINI to design derivatives of FDA‐approved drugs: Inhibition of HIV‐1 integrase
PublicationHIV‐1 integrase (IN) is crucial for integration of viral DNA into the host genome and a promising target in development of antiretroviral inhibitors. In this work, six new compounds were designed by linking the structures of two different class of HIV‐1 IN inhibitors (active site binders and allosteric IN inhibitors (ALLINIs)). Among newly designed compounds, INRAT10b was found most potent HIV‐1 IN inhibitor considering different...
Pyrrole azocrown ethers. Synthesis, complexation, selective lead transport and ion-selective membrane electrode studies
PublicationOtrzymano nowe, 21-członowe, lipofilowe etery koronowe z jednostką pirolową i dwoma grupami azowymi jako składowymi makrocyklu. Właściwości kompleksujące tych nowych oraz dwóch wcześniej otrzymanych makrocykli zbadano w acetonitrylu. Ligandy te zostały użyte jako jonofory w badaniach konkurencyjnego transportu równomolowej mieszaniny jonów metali: Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Ag2+, Pb2+ w układzie woda(pH 4.9)/chloroform/woda(pH...
Lower Rim Substituted p-tert-Butyl-Calix[4]arene. Part 15. Pb(II)-Ion-Selective Electrodes Based on p-tert-Butyl-calix[4]arene Thioamides.
PublicationTetra podstawione tioamidowe pochodne para-tert-butylokaliks[4]arenu (1-5) zostały zastosowane jako jonofory w membranowych elektrodach jonoselektywnych (EJS) selektywne na kationy Pb(II). Wyznaczono współczynniki selektywności. Czwartorzędowe kaliks[4]aren-tioamidy (1,2) wykazują nadzwyczaj dobrą selektywność na kationy Pb(II) w porównaniu z kaliks[4]aren-amidami. Membrany z tymi ligandami wykazują dużą trwałość, a charakterystyki...
Study of the effect of Dr fimbria presence on the accumulation of recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pCC90 cells in polystyrene in a dynamic system
Open Research DataThe process of surface colonization, known as biofilm development, begins with bacterial attachment and involves various physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adhesion to neutral surfaces typically involves non-specific interactions, while adhesion to biological surfaces is governed by specific ligand-receptor interactions. In the experiment,...
Study of the effect of Dr fimbria presence on the accumulation of recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pCC90 cells in glass in a dynamic system
Open Research DataThe process of surface colonization, known as biofilm development, begins with bacterial attachment and involves various physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adhesion to neutral surfaces typically involves non-specific interactions, while adhesion to biological surfaces is governed by specific ligand-receptor interactions. In the experiment,...
Study of the effect of Dr fimbria presence on the accumulation of recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pACYCpBAD cells in polystyrene in a dynamic system
Open Research DataThe process of surface colonization, known as biofilm development, begins with bacterial attachment and involves various physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adhesion to neutral surfaces typically involves non-specific interactions, while adhesion to biological surfaces is governed by specific ligand-receptor interactions. In the experiment,...
Study of the effect of Dr fimbria presence on the accumulation of recombinant Escherichia coli strain: AAEC191A/pACYCpBAD cells in glass in a dynamic system
Open Research DataThe process of surface colonization, known as biofilm development, begins with bacterial attachment and involves various physicochemical and molecular interactions. Adhesion to neutral surfaces typically involves non-specific interactions, while adhesion to biological surfaces is governed by specific ligand-receptor interactions. In the experiment,...
Molecular basis and potential activity of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase toward trimethylamine-based compounds
PublicationReverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors are currently used to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 infections. In this work, novel triethylamine derivatives were designed and studied by rigid and flexible docking and molecular dynamics (MD) approaches. An apo form of HIV-1 RT was also studied by MD simulation to analyze comparative response of protein in ligand-bound and ligand-unbound forms. Among newly designed HIV-1 RT inhibitors,...
Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Isochroman Derivatives
PublicationThe isochroman scaffold constitutes an important structural unit, which is present in various bioactive natural products and synthetic pharmaceutical compounds exhibiting wide arrays of biological properties. Hence the synthesis of this class of heterocyclic compounds in a stereoselective fashion is highly significant and desirable. In the last decade, a substantial advancement has been witnessed ln the catalytic asymmetric...
Gold nanoparticles and their coatings, their effect on cells and their interaction with radiation
PublicationTwo nanometre gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), bearing sugar moieties and/or polyethylene glycolamine (PEG-amine), were synthesised and evaluated for their in vitro toxicity and ability to radiosensitise cells with 220 kV and 6 MV X-rays, using four cell lines representing normal and cancerous skin and breast tissues. In addition to the observed intrinsic cancer-selective chemotoxicity, these AuNPs acted as radiosensitisers in combination with...
O07 Filaggrin insufficiency renders keratinocyte-derived small extracellular vesicles capable of affecting CD1a-mediated T-cell responses and promoting allergic inflammation
PublicationThe association between FLG loss-of-function mutations and the development of atopic dermatitis (AD) indicates that filaggrin is critical to skin barrier function; the mutations are also linked to additional allergic manifestations, but it is unknown how the skin may influence inflammation in distant tissues. Here we investigated the impact of filaggrin insufficiency on keratinocyte-derived exosome-enriched small extracellular...
Homo- i heteroleptyczne związki koordynacyjne metali przejściowych z pochodnymi imidazolu, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem 4(5)-(β-hydroksyetylo)imidazolu – badania strukturalne i spektroskopowe w ciele stałym i roztworze
PublicationRozprawa doktorska porusza zagadnienia związane z syntezą oraz właściwościami związków koordynacyjnych metali przejściowych z pochodnymi imidazolu. Główna uwaga poświęcona jest 4(5)-(β-hydroksyetylo)imidazolowi — występującemu naturalnie ligandowi, będącemu hydroksylowym analogiem histaminy, o zwyczajowej nazwie histaminol. Praca skupia się na ligandach zbliżonych strukturalnie do 4(5)-(β-hydroksyetylo)imidazolu oraz wykazującymi...
PublicationAtom kadmu w tytułowym kompleksie jest koordynowany przez pięć atomów: 2 atomy tlenu i dwa atomy siarki z chelatujących ligandów silanotiolanowych oraz atom azotu pochodnej imidazolu. Kompleks ten jest izostrukturalny z opisanym wcześniej analogicznym związkiem cynku.
Acceleration deforms exponential decays into generalized Zipf-Mandelbrot laws
PublicationAn exponentially decaying system looks as if its decay was a generalized power or double-exponential law, provided one takes into account the relativistic time dilation in a detector, the delay of the emitted signal, and the accelerations of both the source and the detector. The same mathematical formula can be found in generalizations of the Zipf-Mandelbrot law in quantitative linguistics and in the dynamics of ligand binding...
Simplified AutoDock force field for hydrated binding sites
Publicationhas been extracted from the Protein Data Bank and used to test and recalibrate AutoDock force field. Since for some binding sites water molecules are crucial for bridging the receptor-ligand interactions, they have to be included in the analysis. To simplify the process of incorporating water molecules into the binding sites and make it less ambiguous, new simple water model was created. After recalibration of the force field on...
Human carnosinases: A brief history, medicinal relevance, and in silico analyses
PublicationCarnosine, an endogenous dipeptide, has been found to have a plethora of medicinal properties, such as antioxidant, antiageing, and chelating effects, but with one downside: a short half-life. Carnosinases and two hydrolytic enzymes, which remain enigmatic, are responsible for these features. Hence, here we emphasize why research is valuable for better understanding crucial concepts like ageing, neurodegradation, and cancerogenesis,...
Reactions of tBu2P-PLi-P(tBu)2 with [(Et3P)2MCl2] (M = Ni, Pd, Pt). Synthesis and properties of [(1,2-h-tBu2P=P-P(tBu)2)M(PEt3)Cl] (M=Ni, Pd)
PublicationtBu2P-PLi-P(tBu)2*2THF reaguje z [(Et3P)2MCl2] (M = Ni, Pd) dając odpowiednio [(1,2-h-tBu2P=P-P(tBu)2)Ni(PEt3)Cl] i [(1,2-h-tBu2P=P-P(tBu)2)Pd(PEt3)Cl]. Związek tBu2P-PLi-P(tBu)2 utlenia się i ligand tBu2P-P-P(tBu)2 przyjmuje w produktach strukturę bocznie związanego kationu z krótkim wiązaniem P-P. Reakcja ze związkami platyny nie dała oczekiwanych produktów.
Peptydowe koniugaty antrachinonów i ich aktywność biologiczna = Peptidyl anthraquinone conjugates and its biological activity
PublicationW artykule opisano syntezę i aktywność biologiczną peptydowych koniugatów antrachinonów. Koniugaty takie są nie tylko potencjalnymi chemoterapeutykami, ale także odgrywają rolę barwnych ligandów w metodach oczyszczania białek, technikach histochemicznych i badaniu helikalnej struktury DNA z zastosowaniem spektroskopii UV i UV-Vis.
Copper(I) iodide ribbons coordinated with thiourea derivatives
PublicationTwo products of the reactions of CuI with 1-benzoyl-3-(4-bromophenyl)thiourea and with 1-benzoyl-3-(2-iodophenyl)thiourea have been obtained and characterized, namely poly[[[1-benzoyl-3-(4-bromophenyl)thiourea-κS]-µ3-iodidocopper(I)] acetone hemisolvate], {[CuI(C₁₄H₁₁BrN₂OS)]‧0.5C₃H₆O}ₙ, and poly-[µ₄-iodido-µ₃-iodido-[N-(benzo[d]thiazol-2-yl)benzamide-κN]dicopper(I)], [Cu₂I₂(C₁₄H₁₀N₂OS)]ₙ. Their structures, determined by single-crystal...
A Series of Novel 3D Coordination Polymers Based on the Quinoline-2,4-dicarboxylate Building Block and Lanthanide(III) Ions—Temperature Dependence Investigations
PublicationA series of novel 3D coordination polymers [Ln2(Qdca)3(H2O)x]yH2O (x = 3 or 4, y = 0–4) assembled from selected lanthanide ions (Ln(III) = Nd, Eu, Tb, and Er) and a non-explored quinoline- 2,4-dicarboxylate building block (Qdca2 = C11H5NO4 2) were prepared under hydrothermal conditions at temperatures of 100, 120, and 150 C. Generally, an increase in synthesis temperature resulted in structural transformations and the formation...