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Search results for: medial plate
Experimental study on plate modal parameters
PublicationTest doświadczalny jest częścią systemu diagnostycznego. Autorzy badają wpływ dodatkowej masy na parametry modalne wolno popartej stalowej płytyi. Artykół przedstawia technikę wyznaczania parametrów modalnych dla systemów monitorowania konstrukcji.The experimental test introduced in the paper is the part of the diagnostic system. The authors investigate the influence of the additional mass on modal parameters of simply supported...
Effect of lag screw on stability of first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis with medial plate
PublicationBackground: First metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP-1) arthrodesis is a commonly performed procedure in the treatment of disorders of the great toe. Since the incidence of revision after MTP-1 joint arthrodesis is not insignificant, a medial approach with a medially positioned locking plate has been proposed as a new technique. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of the application of a lag screw on the stability and...
Medially positioned plate in first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis
PublicationObjective The purpose of this study was to biomechanically compare the stability of first metatarsophalangeal (MTP1) joint arthrodesis with dorsally and medially positioned plates. Methods A physical model of the MTP1 joint consists of printed synthetic bones, a titanium locking plate and screws. In the experiments, samples with dorsally and medially positioned plates were subjected to loading of ground load character in a universal...
Torque Transmitted by Multi-plate Wet Clutches in Relation to Number of Friction Plates and Their Dimensions
PublicationIn the paper results of experimental tests on multi-plate wet clutch torque capacity for various diameters and numbers of friction plates are presented. Construction of an apparatus for laboratory tests of wet clutch engagement, drag torque and maximum torque is shown. Methodology of maximum torque capacity experiment and hydraulic circuit diagram, which supplies a motor and an actuator for the experiment are described. Analytically...
Forming of explosively welded metal plates.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono możliwości kształtowania plastycznego poprzez walcowanie, tłoczenie, gięcie, skręcanie blach wielowarstwowych zgrzewanych wybuchowo.
Effects of interfacial sliding on anti-plane waves in an elastic plate imperfectly attached to an elastic half-space
PublicationWe study the anti-plane shear waves in a domain consisting of an elastic layer (plate) with a coating attached to an elastic half-space (substrate). We assume an imperfect contact between the layer and the half-space, allowing some sliding. We also assume some elastic bonds between the layer and the substrate. On the free top surface we apply the compatibility conditions within the Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity. We found two...
On the peculiarities of anti-plane surface waves propagation for media with microstructured coating
PublicationWe discuss new type of surface waves which exist in elastic media with surface energy. Here we present the model of a coating made of polymeric brush. From the physical point of view the considered model of surface elasticity describes a highly anisotropic surface coating. Here the surface energy model could be treated as 2D reduced strain gradient continuum as surface strain energy depends on few second spatial derivatives of...
Nowe konstrukcje przekładkowe metal-pianka poliuretanowa = New sandwich plate systems metal - PU foam
PublicationWyznaczono statyczne własności mechaniczne przy ściskaniu, rozciąganiu oraz ścinaniu w óżnych kierunkach względem wzrostu piany oraz przy cyklicznych naprężeniach ściskających i ścinających. Stwierdzono różnice własności mechanicznych w zależności od kierunku i formy naprężeń.
Modelling of in-plane wave propagation in a plate using spectral element method and Kane–Mindlin theory with application to damage detection
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Modelling of in-plane wave propagation in a plate using spectral element method and Kane-Mindlin theory with application to damage detection
PublicationThis paper presents results of experimental and numerical analyses of in-plane waves propagatingin a 5 mm-thick steel plate in the frequency range of 120-300 kHz. For such a thickness/frequency ratio,extensional waves reveal dispersive character. To model in-plane wave propagation taking into account thethickness-stretch effect, a novel 2D spectral element, based on the Kane-Mindlin theory, was formulated. Anapplication of in-plane...
The Late Neolithic sepulchral and ritual place of site 14 in Kowal (Kuyavia, Central Poland)
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The importance of a place in a small or medium - Sized Town.- Vol. 2
PublicationPublic space is a matter of concern for international humanitarian organisations. The paper describes the initiative of UNHabitat organisation for the creation of Charter of Public Space and the draft of this document. Next the definition of “place” is provided and the definitions of social capital and the bond between social capital and place attachment are presented. The actions proposed nowadays to create places are described....
Review the Ultimate Strength According to Welding Deformation Criteria of Thin Plates Under In-plane Compression
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Manufacturing of metal-polymer composites for medical applications
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Plato Journal
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Ireneusz Kreja dr hab. inż.
PeopleGraduated from the mathematical class at the Nicolaus Copernicus High School in Gdańsk (1974). Master of Sciences in Civil Engineering after studies at Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), Poland (1974-1979). Since 1979 became an employee of the GUT. In 1989 earned a Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering (with grade "Summa cum Laude") from the GUT. In 2008 obtained a D. Sc. (Habilitation) degree in Civil Engineering (with grade...
Modeling of the finite amplitude plane wave propagation in non-dissipative medium
PublicationPraca prezentuje wyniki analizy teoretycznej zagadnienia propagacji fali płaskiej o skończonej amplitudzie w ośrodku wodnym bez dyssypacji. Przedstawiono model matematyczny i przykładowe wyniki obliczeń numerycznych. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o jednowymiarowe równania mechaniki płynów. Do rozwiązania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę różnic skończonych. Analizowano zmiany ciśnienia i zmiany widma. Badano zbieżność i dokładność...
Anti-plane surface waves in media with surface structure: Discrete vs. continuum model
PublicationWe present a comparison of the dispersion relations derived for anti-plane surface waves using the two distinct approaches of the surface elasticity vis-a-vis the lattice dynamics. We consider an elastic half-space with surface stresses described within the Gurtin–Murdoch model, and present a formulation of its discrete counterpart that is a square lattice half-plane with surface row of particles having mass and elastic bonds different...
Investigation of microstructure of D36 Plate
PublicationWykonano badania metalograficzne i określono strukturę blachy gatunku D36.
Detection of damages in a rivetted plate
PublicationThe paper presents the results of damage detection in a riveted aluminium plate. The detection method has been based on Lamb wave propagation. The plate has been analysed numerically and experimentally. Numerical calculations have been carried out by the use of the time-domain spectral finite element method, while for the experimental analysis laser scanning Doppler vibrometry (LSDV) has been utilised. The panel has been excited...
Mental Health of Medical and Non-Medical Professionals during the Peak of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Nationwide Study
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Synthesis-La Plata
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Population Space and Place
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Impact analysis of surface roughness of the plate-plate measuring system on resistance torque in interaction with MR fluid
PublicationMagnetorheological (MR) fluids are complex suspensions of magnetic particles in a non-magnetic carrier fluid. They exhibit ‘smart’ properties that enable them to change their rheological parameters in response to a change in the external magnetic field applied. This behavior is used in some engineering solutions, e.g. MR clutches or brakes. For such systems to work correctly, the resistance torque achieved by contact with the...
Impact of the confinement plate on the synthetic jet
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Study of a plate modelling a dock gate
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PublicationPrzeprowadzono analizę zniszczeń korozyjnych wykrytych na płycie wymiennika ciepła stosowanego do chłodzenia silnika głównego statku. Stwierdzono obecność wżerów korozyjnych oraz korozji szczelinowej. Przedstawiono możliwe przyczyny wystąpienia w.w. uszkodzeń.
Numerical simulation of hardening of concrete plate
PublicationThe paper presents a theoretical formulation of concrete curing in order to predict temperature evolution and strength development. The model of heat flow is based on a well-known Fourier equation. The numerical solution is implemented by means of the Finite Difference Method. In order to verify the model, the in situ temperature measurements at the top plate of a road bridge were carried out. A high agreement between numerical...
Mental health predictors of medical staff in the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic in Poland.
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On the influence of a surface roughness on propagation of anti-plane short-length localized waves in a medium with surface coating
PublicationWe discuss the propagation of localized surface waves in the framework of the linear Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity and taking into account a roughness of a free boundary. We derive a boundary-value problem for anti-plane motions with curvilinear boundary and surface stresses. Using the asymptotic technique developed earlier, we obtain the form of a localized wave and analyze its amplitude evolution. As the main result we present...
Nonlinear harmonic amplitudes in air coils above and below a metal plate as a function of tensile strength via finite element simulation.
PublicationOpisano wyniki obliczeń numerycznych (symulacja metodą MES) wpływu naprężeń na amplitudy nieliniowych harmonicznych napięcia indukowanego w cewkach powietrznych umieszczonych nad i pod płytą.
Impact of the Confinement Plate on the Velocity of Synthetic Jet
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Wave propagation in plate structures for crack detection
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Wave propagation in plate structures for crack detection.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono analizę propagacji fali poprzecznej w płycie z pęknięciem. Do modelowania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę elementów spektralnych.
Viscoplastic analysis of damped vibrations of circular plate
PublicationGłównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie procedury do nieliniowej statycznej i dynamicznej analizy MES z lepkoplastycznym prawem Bodnera-Partoma. Przedstawione są podstawowe równania modelu konstytutywnego wraz z koncepcją implementacji do komercyjnego programu MSC.Marc przy użyciu procedury UVSCPL. Przedstawiono przykład analizy numerycznej płyty kołowej, zweryfikowany eksperymentalnie. Dodatkowo przedstawiono koncepcje wyznaczania...
Elastic Wave Propagation in a Cracked Isotropic Plate
PublicationW pracy omówiono model spektralny izotropowej płyty z peknięciem służący do analizy propagacji fali spręzystej.
Emissivity of the one-plate lapping machine tool
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań własnych emisyjności docieraka żeliwnego docierarki jednotarczowej. Omówiono konstrukcje produkowanych docierarek jednotarczowych wyposażonych w system kontroli temperatury lub chłodzenia tarczy docierającej. Podano warunki pomiarów temperatury przy użyciu kamery termowizyjnej typu V-20II firmy VIGO System S.A.
Bending of a Three-Layered Plate with Surface Stresses
PublicationWe discuss here the bending deformations of a three-layered plate taking into account surface and interfacial stresses. The first-order shear deformation plate theory and the Gurtin-Murdoch model of surface stresses will be considered and the formulae for stiffness parameters of the plate are derived. Their dependence on surface elastic moduli will be analyzed.
A non-linear direct peridynamics plate theory
PublicationIn this paper a direct non-local peridynamics theory for thin plates is developed. Peridynamic points are assumed to behave like rigid bodies with independent translation and finite rotation degrees of freedom. The non-local mechanical interaction between points is characterized by force and moment vectors. The balance equations including the linear momentum, the angular momentum and the energy are presented. Peridynamic deformation...
Late Imperial China
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Journal of Late Antiquity
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Studies in Late Antiquity
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Evaluating the influence of radiative heat flux on convective heat transfer from a vertical plate in air using an improved heating plate
PublicationThis article examines the influence of radiative heat flux on the accuracy of the results of free convective heat transfer in air. In order to carry out these tests, based on the experience gained during the operation of a plate heated on one side, compensated by a reverse heat loss flux counter-heater, a unique double-sided heating sandwich plate was designed and built, consisting of three thin epoxy resin plates reinforced with...
Non-Destructive Diagnostics of Concrete Beams Strengthened with Steel Plates Using Modal Analysis and Wavelet Transform
PublicationExternally bonded reinforcements are commonly and widely used in civil engineering objects made of concrete to increase the structure load capacity or to minimize the negative effects of long-term operation and possible defects. The quality of adhesive bonding between a strengthened structure and steel or composite elements is essential for effective reinforcement; therefore, there is a need for non-destructive diagnostics of adhesive...
Place attachment, place identity and aesthetic appraisal of urban landscape
PublicationAs the aesthetic of the Polish cities became a topic of wider discussions, it is important to detect the potentialrole of human-place relations. Two studies (N = 185 & N = 196) were conducted to explore the relationship betweenplace attachment, place identity and appraisal of urban landscape. Satisfaction with urban aesthetic was predicted by twodimensions of place attachment (place inherited and place...
Modeling of damage in a circular plate subjected to dynamic excitation
PublicationSzereg różnych dziedzin nauki zajmuje się problemem zniszczenia ciśnieniowych metalowych zbiorników (mechanika, termodynamika, mechanika płynów). Tylko niektóre prace ujmują wszystkie aspekty analizy. W prezentowanej pracy przedstawiono numeryczna analizę metalowej płyty poddanej obciążeniu dynamicznemu, aż do momentu zniszczenia. Do analizy zastosowano program MSC.Marc, element powłokowy, i prawo sprężysto lekoplastyczne uwzględniające...
Identification of plate dynamic parameters for structural health monitoring
PublicationPraca przedstawia technikę wyznaczania parametrów modalnych wykorzystywanych w diagnostyce konstrukcji. Modalna masa, sztywność, tłumienie i postacie drgań wyznaczone są dla prostokątnej stalowej płyty na podstawie badań eksperymentalnych. Teoretyczne parametry modalne otrzymaneo z modelu MES. Omówiony został wpływ dodatkowej masy na parametry modalne konstrukcji.This paper presents a technique for modal parameters estimation for...
Active Damping of Impulse-Excited Flexible Plate Vibration
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje metodę aktywnego tłumienia drgań podatnej płytki wzbudzanych impulsowo. Układ sterowania składa się z aktywych wzbudników piezoelektrycznych przymocowanych do przedmiotu. Efektywnośc metody została potwierdzona badaniami eksperymentalnymi.