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Measurement file of PEEK 70 mm bushing measurements in original condition perforemed on custom-built 3d measuring stand
Dane BadawczeAfter manufacturing process (lathe turning) bearing was measured on custom bulit measurement stan developed during research project financed by National Centre of Science. Measurements consist of 110 000 points in 3D space taken on bushing inner surface. Bearing was measured taking vertical steps of 0,2 mm.
Measurement file of stainless stell shaft LSS1 and LSS2 with diameter 95,995 with 3d measurment device
Dane Badawcze3d point cloud consist of measured points on new stainless steel shaft used during testing hydrodynamic journal PEEK bearing.
DSC measurments of ammonium vanadate nanocrystals
Dane BadawczeThe DataSet contains the thermal behavior of the ammonium vanadate nanostructures obtained by the hydrothermal method with different conditions. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurement was carried out under an argon atmosphere from 40C to 560C (with a heating rate of 10 C/min) using Netzsch STA 449 F1. The results reveal the differences...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - sitting on measuring electrodes, drl in water - men
Dane BadawczeThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - sitting on the measuring electrodes, drl outside the bathtub - men
Dane BadawczeThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl in the water, measuring electrodes on the sides of the bathtub - men
Dane BadawczeThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl in water, front and back measuring electrodes - men
Dane BadawczeThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
D.C. electrical measurements of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic measured at high temperature region
Dane BadawczeD.C. electrical properties of Bi2VO5.5 ceramic was measured.
ECG measurement in the bathtub - drl on the outside of the bathtub on both sides, measuring electrodes on the front and back of the bathtub- men
Dane BadawczeThe measurement data shows the measurement of the ECG signal in water in the bathtub. The data includes the measurement time, the reference ECG signal from the chest, and the ECG signal measured by electrodes placed in the bathtub without contact with the human body. Using the presented data, it is possible to estimate the optimal arrangement of measuring...
Imaging of graphene surface by means of tapping mode AFM
Dane BadawczeGraphene [1] is a material consisting of carbon planes with a hexagonal structure. One of the facts of interest from a purely scientific point of view is the very high mobility of electrons in the described material, allowing the study of relativistic effects inside a solid sample. Other features, such as bactericidal activity, make graphene an interesting...
Ferromagnetic nanoparticles imaging by means of Magnetic Force Microscopy
Dane BadawczeFerromagnetic nanoparticles can be used as building blocks for advanced thin film magnets, and can also be used in data storage and biomedical technologies. Nano-crystalline ferrites with the chemical formula NixZn (1 - x) Fe2O4, where x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 show anti-corrosion properties and suppress electromagnetic interference, in the case...
A collection of directed graphs for the minimum cycle mean weight computation
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains definitions of the 16 directed graphs with weighted edges that were described in the following paper: Paweł Pilarczyk, A space-efficient algorithm for computing the minimum cycle mean in a directed graph, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 20 (2020), no. 4, 349--355, DOI: 10.22436/jmcs.020.04.08, URL: These...
Monthly mean concentration of chlorophyll a on the sea surface of the Baltic Sea
Dane BadawczeMonthly mean surface concentration of chlorophyll a in the years 2003-2022 calculated on the basis of data from the SatBaltic System ( Maps of monthly average values with a resolution of 1 km were derived from daily satellite data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Gaps in satellite images...
Monthly mean sea surface temperature (SST) of the Baltic Sea
Dane BadawczeMonthly mean sea surface temperature (SST) from 2001 to 2022 calculated from data from the SatBaltic System ( The spatial resolution of the maps is 1 km. The calculation of monthly mean values at each pixel was based on four SST maps on each day of the month. The primary source of SST information was satellite data collected...
Imaging of ferroelectric properties of sinter by means of Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
Dane BadawczeFerroelectricity is a property of certain materials [1], characterized by a spontaneous electrical polarization that can be reversed by applying an external electric field. Ferroelectric properties can be used to make capacitors with adjustable capacity. The permeability of ferroelectrics is not only regulated, but usually also very high, especially...
Thermographic images during testing measuring instrument boards
Dane BadawczeThe dataset presents thermografic images acquired during testing the prototype of measuring instrument for resistiometric corrosion monitoring. The testing was performed in the room temperature. VIGOcam v50 thermal imaging camera (VIGO System S.A., Ozarow Mazowiecki, Poland) was used for taking the pictures. These pictures were used as preliminary tests...
Measurement data of cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance measurements of carbon samples synthesized on axes and off axes
Dane BadawczeThe electrochemical performance of the multielectrode samples were investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) using a VMP-300 BioLogic galvanostat potentiostat (France) under the EC-lab software. All electrochemical investigations were carried out in a three-electrode cell system. The carbon multi-electrode,...
Morphology and conductivity investigations of nickel-molybdenium alloy by means of Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy
Dane BadawczeElectrolytically deposited nickel-molybdenum alloys are interesting materials because of their high corrosion resistance and low over-potential for hydrogen evolution. Despite many studies devoted to the deposition of these alloys, the mechanism of co-deposition is not fully understood [1]. The aim of the research was to preserve the electrochemically...
Measurements of AuAg nanostructures
Dane BadawczeExtensive UV-vis measurements of AuAg alloyed nanostructures created from thin films. Plasmonic band position dependence on fabrication parameters.
Results of vibration measurements
Dane BadawczeThe data includes the results of own vibration measurements of a residential buildings in accordance with PN-B-02170 (POLAND) under the Miniatura 7 grant DEC-2023/07/X/ST8/00317. A pdf file with a description of the research methodology is included in the folder.
Statistics of measured samples
Dane BadawczeStatistics of measured samples presented in the paper An improved methodology for accelerated marine immersed corrosion testing of ship structural components
Processed measurements of AuAg nanostructures
Dane BadawczeExtensive processed UV-vis measurements of AuAg alloyed nanostructures created from thin films. Plasmonic band position dependence on fabrication parameters.
Measurements of the chemical composition of LTO:Cu powders
Dane BadawczeLithium titanate doped by copper was measured by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS). For sol-gel synthesis lithium acetate dehydrate and titanium (IV) butoxide 97% and copper (II) nitrate from Alfa Aesar were used as a reagents. Cu precursor was added in the proper weight to get an x index equal 0, 0.1 and 0.2. In the first step lithium acetate...
AeroSense Measurements: Wind Tunnel EPFL
Dane BadawczeData from wind tunnel tests of Aerosesne measurement system installed on NACA63418 at EPFL wind tunnel.
Measurements of raising of 160EC pantograph type
Dane BadawczeIn this description the results of the experiment and also simulation performed on the total assembly of the 160 EC pantograph type is given. Multibody dynamics of pantograph rising due to external torque and forces are measured for parameter validation of the pantograph model.
Selected results of measurements carried out in a ship power station with two generators working in parallel with the use of the NI PXIe-1062Q based measurement system
Dane BadawczeThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the assessment of metrological properties of the instrument, Estimator/Analyzer (A/E v.2), developed and made at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Marine Electrical Power Engineering, of Gdynia Maritime University. The attached data set contains the results of measurements made...
The results of measuring concentrations of heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons and humic acids in watercourses around the municipality of Gdańsk in 2005
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of a measurement of concentrations of heavy metals (cadmium, lead and mercury), petroleum hydrocarbons and humic acids in watercourses around the municipality of Gdańsk in 2005. The data was collected from January to December, once a month at 23 measuring stations located at 15 watercourses.
Miscanthus × giganteus root anatomical traits measurements
Dane BadawczeThis data set presents the optical microscope measurements/ images of Miscanthus × giganteus (M×g) roots. The experiment was performed under work package 1: "Properties characterisation of two types of biochar", task D_RT: Phyto-analyses (stress response of plants on biochar amendments) in cooperation with Aarhus University. A short term pot experiment...
Simultaneous measurements of ECG, body Impedance and temperature
Dane BadawczeThe data are complementary part of the experiment designed to demonstrate how to use the network protocols to transmit medical data. The dataset contains biomedical signals of ECG, Impedanc and temperature acquired simultaneously. The data allow students to become familiar with data acquisition methods (simulate data transmission by medical device over...
Electrical measurements of the dewetting of metal thin films
Dane BadawczeIn situ observations of dewetting of thin films is very complicated. One of the method, that helps to observe it, could be electrical measurements. For experiments, thin gold, silver and gold-silver nanoalloy films were deposited by magnetron sputtering method. Films were deposited on a Corning glass substrates. Samples were measured by four point method...
XPS measurements of the iron elements covered by chromium
Dane BadawczeAnticorrosive coatings are an important issue in modern materials engineering. One of the most commonly used, for that coating materials, is chrome. Three metal elements were measured, named as Turcja, WB Tech and Nomet. Names were given according to producer of elements. XPS measurements of the Cr 2p region give an ansver concering on surface chemical...
AeroSense Measurements: Wind Tunnel ETH Zurich
Dane BadawczeData from wind tunnel tests of Aerosesne measurement system installed on NACA 0012 at ETH Zurich wind tunnel.
Instantaneous power signal measurements for bearing diagnostics
Dane BadawczeBearing diagnostics can be carried out based on the method, which relies on the measurement and analysis of the variability of the signal instantaneous power, defined as the product of instantaneous current and voltage power supplied to the engines. Bearing damage causes the appearance of deformations, which are in the form of additional harmonic components...
XPS measurements of the Fe-Bi based glass
Dane BadawczeFe-Si-O and Fe-Si-Pb-O glass was measured by XPS method. The influence of Pb dopand on the glass structure, including the valence of iron, was investigated. The influence of the annealing temperature on the behavior of iron in glass was also investigated. Studies have confirmed the mixed valence of iron in glasses and a high proportion of metallic Fe.
Miscanthus × giganteus growth and photosynthetic rate measurements
Dane BadawczeThis data set contains the findings of the growth development, gas exchange, and specific leaf area of the plants during the experiment in which straw and wood chips-based biochars were used as soil amendment for Miscanthus × giganteus (M×g) cultivation.
Experimental data of galvanic electric cells measurements
Dane BadawczeInternal temperature of an electric cell can be measured and monitored using microsphere-based fiber-optic sensors with thin ALD ZnO coating. Their compact size will allow to integrate them easily and effectively within the electric cells. Utilization of presented sensors allows to detect, in real time, damages to the structure of the sensor head that...
SPTNO ceramics measured by XPS method
Dane BadawczeSPTNO (Sr-Pr-Ti-Ni-O) ceramic were manufactured by solid state reaction, from oxides compounds. Synthesis conducted in air atmosphere at temperature in a range of 800-900 deg. Chemical composition of prepared materials were measured by XPS (X-Ray photoemision spectroscopy) method. UHV OmicronNanotechnology system with 128 channel Argus hemispherical...
Electrical performance measurement of reference and SOFC with LSCNT layer fueled by H2 and 20ppm H2S/biogas mixture at 750 C - cyclic measurements (12h per cycle)
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the electrical IV measurements collected during the cyclic measurements of H2S poisoning in DIR-SOFC with/-out LSCNT layer. The H2S poisoning and H2 regenrating cycles were 12 h each. The spectra were collected every 10 min.
The results of the nitrogen adsorption/desorption measurements of CPMD and CPMH
Dane BadawczeThe results of the nitrogen adsorption/desorption measurements of CPMD and CPMH. The adsorption/desorption isothermswere carried out at 77 K using a Quantachrome Autosorb-1C-MS instrument. Sample abbreviations (CPMD, CPMH) are in agreement with the markings used in the linked publication.
Results of electrical voltage measurements in reactors - part 1
Dane BadawczeResults of electric voltage measurements in six reactors using various plantings. These are the results of the project: Integrated approach 3M (Macrophytes-Microbiome-Modelling) to elucidate mechanisms of bioenergy production and micropollutants transformation in Floating Treatment Wetlands combined with Microbial Fuel Cells.
Spectroscopic Measurements of Reference Compounds: Tyrosine, Tryptophan and NADH
Dane BadawczeThe results present absorption and emission spectra of reference compounds (tryrosine, tryptophan, and NADH) present in human sweat fatty substance dissolved in 1% ethanol.
AeroSense Measurements: Wind Tunnel Ecole Centrale Lyon
Dane BadawczeData from wind tunnel tests of Aerosesne measurement system installed on NACA 63418 aerfoil in the anechoic wind tunnel at the Ecole Centrale Lyon.
Sb measurements in a Bi-Sb-Te ceramics materials
Dane BadawczeThe influence of the temperature of the annealing of ceramic materials with the composition Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3O9 was investigated. The materials were annealed at the temperature of 440 degrees Celsius and 450 degrees Celsius. There were no significant differences in the valence of antimony and other elements.
XPS measurements of the Fe-Pb-Si based glass
Dane BadawczeGlass samples with nominal compositions of xFe2O3-(50-x)PbO–50SiO2, where x = 12.5, 15, 17.5 (mol%) were prepared. Analytical grade substrates were used: Fe2O3, SiO2, and PbO. The appropriate amounts of reagents were mixed in an agate mortar. The powders obtained were melted in porcelain un-enamelled crucibles in an electric furnace at a temperature...
The magnetic field measurements in selected places of the industrial building
Dane BadawczeThe dataset is part of a comprehensive study on the assessment of the electromagnetic field intensity in a building of an operating industrial plant. Detailed results of magnetic field measurements, carried out in selected places of this building, are presented.
UV-Vis measurements and SEM images of Ag nanostructures
Dane BadawczeUv-vis and SEM of Ag nanostructures. Structures were obtained by dewetting thin films. Various fabrication conditions i.e. temperature, time of the annealing and thickness of the initial layer were subsequently changed.
Results of accelerometer measurements in rail passenger transport vehicles
Dane BadawczeAs part of the project, field research was done to better understand how unbalanced accelerations affect passenger comfort in rail transport and to compare this with passengers’ actual, subjective feelings. Data were collected from different types of rail vehicles, like trains and trams, using common mobile devices with MEMS accelerometer sensors.
Results of EIS measuremnts and DRT analysis of SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode at 800 °C and 1% oxygen partial pressure by using two R-CPE fiting elements
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 800 °C and 1% of oxygen partial pressure. EIS and DRT spectra of simmulated two R-CPE elements from equivalent circuit,...
Results of EIS measuremnts and DRT analysis of SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode at 800 °C and 1% oxygen partial pressure by using three R-CPE fiting elements
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and Distribution of Relaxation Times analysis results for symmetrical cell with porous SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C. EIS spectra were measured at 800 °C and 1% of oxygen partial pressure. EIS and DRT spectra of simmulated three R-CPE elements from equivalent circuit,...
GC (gas chromatography) measurements during photocatalytic decomposition of ethylene
Dane BadawczeData include data logs of measurements performed in a quartz reactor using photocatalyst-coated expanded polystyrene spheres. Measurements were made using an SRI 8010 gas chromatograph and UV light under a flow of ethylene gas diluted in air. A detailed description of the method used to obtain the materials is described in the article: Coating of expanded...