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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: BLAST CHARGE TECHNIQUE
Blast Charge Technique as a Method of Soil Improving to Locate the New Supporting Runways
PublikacjaA quick and effective method of reinforcing the ground base designed for the construction of engineering structures used for performing various types of air operations was presented. It allows to use wastelands, wetlands, swamps, etc. for these purposes, thus creating a dispersed network of landing sites, increasing the access of large social groups to air transport and increasing their mobility.
Model-Based Decision Support System for the Blast Furnace Charge of Burden Materials
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Airstrip Ground Improvement Works by Blasting Charge Technique and Dredged-Ash Material Mixture
PublikacjaSoil improvement by blasting charge technique is known in geotechnics as one of the efficient and inexpensive method. It can be used in preparing of underground to found road construction and buildings as well. The technique proves usefulness especially when dynamic load is applied. It is because of non-stiff or rather resilient type soil after improvement. In noncohesive or organic soil, blasting charge...
Jednoelektronowy atom Diraca w słabym polu magnetycznym
PublikacjaW rozprawie przedstawiono opis wpływu zewnętrznego stałego, słabego, jednorodnego pola magnetycznego na jednoelektronowy atom Diraca. Wykorzystując funkcje gęstości ładunku elektrycznego oraz gęstości prądu elektrycznego, rozważono procesy indukowania się w atomie dodatkowych elektromagnetycznych momentów multipolowych. Dokonano analizy indukowanego momentu dipolowego, w wyniku której uzyskano wyrażenie dla magnetyzowalności atomu....
Supercapacitors - charge redistribution and restoring voltage
PublikacjaThe charge in supercapacitor is stored on electrodes and in electrolyte. The charges on electrodes create the Helmholtz double layer which is formed immediately with time constant of the order of seconds, while the charge storage in electrolyte is going on with time constant of the order of hundreds seconds. When the charged supercapacitor is shorted for few seconds, the charge from electrodes is discharged while the charge in...
Studies on the charge density distribution in p-substituted phenylnitrenium cation
PublikacjaAniline and its derivatives are known to be mutagenic. This activity is caused by the formation of phenylnitrenium cations during aniline oxidation. Reactivity of the positively charged chemical species can be measured by means of s+ substituent constant. In this paper charge density distribution in p-substituted nitrenium cations and reactivity indices such as, hardness η, electronegativity χ , and electrophilicily ω were analyzed....
On the use of a charge balancing method for low energy measurements
PublikacjaThe paper presents the method for the estimation of the energy consumption of the low-power microcontroller-based devices. Due to high dynamics of the changes of the supply current of the tested devices during the operational cycle, the consumed energy estimation is not easy. In order to avoid disadvantages of known methods, the charge balancing method was employed similarly like in some types of A/D converters.
Asynchronous Charge Carrier Injection in Perovskite Light-Emitting Transistors
PublikacjaUnbalanced mobility and injection of charge carriers in metal-halide perovskite light-emitting devices pose severe limitations to the efficiency and response time of the electroluminescence. Modulation of gate bias in methylammonium lead iodide light-emitting transistors has proven effective in increasing the brightness of light emission up to MHz frequencies. In this work, a new approach is developed to improve charge carrier...
Charge transfer and formation of complexes in the He+ collisions with the furan molecules
PublikacjaCharge transfer and formation of the collision complexes have been studied experimentally in fragmentation of the furan molecules in collisions with He+ cations. The excited atomic and diatomic fragments of furan have been identified using collision-induced luminescence spectroscopy. Charge transfer ionization of the furan molecules has been observed in production of helium atoms in the excited 1s4d 1D2, 3D1,2,3 states. The fragmentation...
Field-induced suppression of charge density wave in GdNiC2
PublikacjaWe report the specific heat, magnetic, magnetotransport, and galvanomagnetic properties of polycrystalline GdNiC 2 . In the intermediate temperature region above T N = 20 K, we observe large negative magnetoresistance due to Zeeman splitting of the electronic bands and partial destruction of a charge density wave ground state. Our magnetoresistance and Hall measurements show that at low temperatures a magnetic field-induced transformation from...
Lanthanide ions (Eu3+, Er3+, Pr3+) as luminescence and charge carrier centers in Sr2TiO4
PublikacjaA series of strontium orthotitanate (Sr2TiO4) samples doped with 2% of a mole of europium, praseodymium, and erbium were obtained using the solid-state synthesis method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique confirms the phase purity of all samples and the lack of the influence of dopants at a given concentration on the structure of materials. The optical properties indicate, in the case of Sr2TiO4:Eu3+, two independent emission...
Increasing the conductivity of V2O5-TeO2 glass by crystallization: structure and charge transfer studies
PublikacjaIn the present paper, V 2 O 5 -TeO 2 glass was prepared by the melt-quenching technique. Crystallization of glass with a vanadium content higher than 35%mol results in an increase in electrical conductivity by a few orders of magnitude and a decrease in activation energy from ~0.40 to ~0.12 eV. In this work, a critical review of existing charge transfer models was presented on the example of V 2 O 5 -TeO 2 glass and glass–ceramics....
The effect of waste-expanded perlite on alkali activation of ground granulated blast furnace slag
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Charge density wave and large nonsaturating magnetoresistance in YNiC2 and LuNiC2
PublikacjaWe report a study of physical properties of two quasi-low-dimensional metals YNiC2 and LuNiC2 including the investigation of transport, magnetotransport, galvanomagnetic, and specific heat properties. In YNiC2 we reveal two subsequent transitions associated with the formation of weakly coupled charge density wave at TCDW=318K and its locking in with the lattice at T1=275K. These characteristic temperatures follow the previously...
Magnetism and charge density waves in RNiC2(R=Ce,Pr,Nd)
PublikacjaWe have compared the magnetic, transport, galvanomagnetic, and specific-heat properties of CeNiC2, PrNiC2, and NdNiC2 to study the interplay between charge density waves (CDW) and magnetism in these compounds. The negative magnetoresistance in NdNiC2 is discussed in terms of the partial destruction of charge density waves and an irreversible phase transition stabilized by the field-induced ferromagnetic transformation is reported....
Charge Transport in High-Entropy Oxides
PublikacjaThis work presents the results of research on the transport properties of the high-entropy BaZr1/8Hf1/8Sn1/8Ti1/8Y1/8In1/8Sm1/8Yb1/8O3–x perovskite oxide with special focus on proton transport. The presented study is part of broader work in which we focus on multiple different chemical compositions with the cation number varying from 5 up to 12 (in B-sublattice). The presence of proton defects is analyzed with thermogravimetry,...
Advances in macromodeling technique
PublikacjaThe paper discuses recent advances in the finite differencetime domain method employing macromodels. New techniquesfor creating irregularly shaped macromodels, grouping ofmacromodels and advanced macromodel cloning are introduced.The last technique is particularly important for efficient analysisof the structures based on Photonic Crystals (PhC). The methodallows one to shorten considerably the preprocessing time, theRAM usage...
Charge density wave and crystalline electric field effects in TmNiC2
PublikacjaSingle crystals of TmNiC2 were grown by the optical floating-zone technique and were investigated by x-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal expansion, electrical resistivity, specific heat, and magnetic susceptibility measurements. Single-crystal XRD reveals the formation of a commensurate charge density wave (CDW) characterized by a CDW modulation vector q2c = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), which is accompanied by a symmetry change from the orthorhombic...
Surface Charge Density Spectra: Complex Analysis of the Electrical Double Layer Developed from Measurements of Hexanol Adsorption Kinetics
PublikacjaA procedure for deriving surface charge density spectra from differential capacitance data is presented in this study, providing a deeper analysis of the generated charge. A set of simulated differential capacitance spectra was determined for three types of adsorption process control: diffusion control, adsorption control, and mixed control. Based on the differential capacitance curves and spectra, surface charge density spectra...
The influence of the thickness, recombination and space charge on the loss of photocurrent in organic semiconductors: an analytical model
PublikacjaWe propose an analytical model of the photocurrent efficiency dependence on the light intensity in organic semiconductors. The influence of the thickness of sample, space charge effects and recombination of charge on the loss of photocurrent has been considered. We demonstrate that the presented model is the enhancement of an analytical model reported recently by Rappaport et al (2005 J. Appl. Phys. 98 033714). The method to identify...
Correlation between charge density waves and antiferromagnetism in Nd1−xGdxNiC2 solid solutions
PublikacjaWe report a study on the evolution of a charge density wave and antiferromagnetism in the series of the polycrystalline solid solution Nd1−xGdxNiC2 (0 _ x _ 1) by means of magnetic and transport properties measurements. The experimental results reveal the violation of the de Gennes law and a strong correlation between the Peierls, Néel, and Curie-Weiss temperatures, which strongly suggests a cooperative interaction between the...
Inception and Propagation of Electrical Trees in the Presence of Space Charge in HVAC Extruded Cables
PublikacjaThis paper presents the space charge impact on the inception and propagation of electrical trees in cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation via simulations and experimentation. A 3D finite element analysis (FEA)-based modeling is proposed to simulate electrical trees via a needle embedded on the XLPE insulation. The proposed FEA model demonstrates the influence of the space charge magnitude and polarity on the initiation of...
Influence of excitons interaction with charge carriers on photovoltaic parameters in organic solar cells
PublikacjaWe report on theoretical analysis of excitons annihilation on charge carriers in organic solar cells. Numerical calculations based on transient one-dimensional drift-diffusion model have been carried out. An impact of three quantities (an annihilation rate constant, an exciton mobility and a recombination reduction factor) on current density and concentrations of charge carriers and excitons is investigated. Finally, we discuss...
Room temperature depinning of the charge-density waves in quasi-two-dimensional 1T-TaS2 devices
PublikacjaWe report on the depinning of nearly commensurate charge-density waves in 1T-TaS2 thin films at room temperature. A combination of the differential current–voltage measurements with the low-frequency noise spectroscopy provides unambiguous means for detecting the depinning threshold field in quasi-2D materials. The depinning process in 1T-TaS2 is not accompanied by an observable abrupt increase in electric current—in striking contrast...
Giant Nernst effect in the incommensurate charge density wave state of P4W12O44
PublikacjaWe report the study of Nernst effect in quasi-low-dimensional tungsten bronze P4W12O44 showing a sequence of Peierls instabilities. We demonstrate that both condensation of the electronic carriers in the charge density wave state and the existence of high-mobility electrons and holes originating from the small pockets remaining in the incompletely nested Fermi surface give rise to a Nernst effect of a magnitude similar to that...
Evolution of charge density wave order in continuous solid solutions Lu(Ni1-xCox)C2
PublikacjaPseudo-ternary solid solutions, Lu(Ni1-xCox)C2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1), were studied by means of powder X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis as well as electrical resistivity and heat capacity measurements. The crystal structure of the Lu(Ni1-xCox)C2 series, as investigated by means of X-ray powder diffraction, is of structure type CeNiC2, space group Amm2, Pearson symbol oS8. The structural analysis reveals a non-monotonous evolution,...
Impact of dyes isomerization effect on the charge transfer phenomenon occurring on the dye/nanosemiconductor interface
PublikacjaThe present work aimed to find the answer how does the isomerization of the Ru based dyes affect the overall photon-to-current efficiency of the DSSCs and to explain the charge transfer phenomenon occurring on the dye/ nanosemiconductor interface. Therefore, electronic and optical properties of three bipyridine derivatives anchored on the TiO2 electrode were investigated by computational simulations based on quantum chemistry codes...
Modeling of Transient Photocurrent in Organic Semiconductors Incorporating the Annihilation of Excitons on Charge Carriers
PublikacjaThe role of the annihilation of excitons on charge carriers has been theoretically investigated in organic semiconductors. We have developed the numerical drift-diffusion model by incorporation terms which describe the annihilation process. The transient photocurrent has been calculated for different injection barrier heights, exciton mobilities, and annihilation rate constants. We have demonstrated that the annihilation has a...
Effect of shallow traps on admittance spectra of the system carrying SCLC and on values of charge carrier mobility extracted from susceptance
PublikacjaThe work concerns small-signal spectra of space-charge-limited current below threshold frequency (ft) of shallow traps. It is shown that below ft the small-signal concentration of trapped charge carriers is proportional to and in phase with small-signal concentration of free charge carriers, so there is no room for “slow shallow traps”. Conductance can be reduced by the traps, however no change in the range of real capacitance...
Generalized Einstein relation in disordered organic semiconductors: Influence of the acoustic phonons–charge carriers scattering
PublikacjaIn this work, we analyze the generalized Einstein relation for disordered organic semiconductors with a non-equilibrium Druyvesteyn-type distribution function. The Druyvesteyn behavior of hot electrons in a solid state is associated with the acoustic phonons–charge carriers scattering. Such a case has been experimentally demonstrated in electroluminescent inorganic rare–earth–doped zinc chalcogenides. Therefore, we can assume that,...
Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing (FES): A Promising Sensing Technique
PublikacjaFluctuation-enhanced sensing (FES) is a very powerful odor and gas sensing technique and as such it can play a fundamental role in the control of environments and, therefore, in the protection of health. For this reason, we conduct a comprehensive survey on the state-of-the-art of the FES technique, highlighting potentials and limits. Particular attention is paid to the dedicated instrumentation necessary for the application of...
Crossover from charge density wave stabilized antiferromagnetism to superconductivity in Nd1−xLaxNiC2 compounds
PublikacjaThe path from the charge density wave antiferromagnet NdNiC2 to the noncentrosymmetric superconductor LaNiC2 is studied by gradual replacement of Nd by La ions. The evolution of physical properties is explored by structural, magnetic, transport, magnetoresistance, and specific heat measurements. With the substitution of La for Nd, the Peierls temperature is gradually suppressed, which falls within the BCS mean-field relation for...
Charge separation control in organic photosensitizers for photocatalytic water splitting without sacrificial electron donors
PublikacjaPhotocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (photoHER) is one of the most promising approaches towards production of “green” hydrogen. Currently, the state-of-the-art photoHER systems require the use of sacrificial electron donors (SED), because of inefficient charge separation in photosensitizers and thermodynamically challenging water oxidation by the same catalyst. Here, we present a molecular design approach for all-organic...
Conformation analysis and semiclassical dynamics study of charge exchange process induced by collision of C2+ ions with tetrahydrofuran
PublikacjaWe present the results of recent investigations of charge transfer processes in the collisions of C²⁺ ions with heterocyclic molecules of tetrahydrofuran.
Light‐Driven Multi‐Charge Separation in a Push‐Pull Ruthenium‐Based Photosensitizer – Assessed by RASSCF and TDDFT Simulations
PublikacjaThe performance of photosensitizers in the field of, for example, solar energy conversion, relies on their light-harvesting efficiency in the visible region, population of long-lived charge separated intermediates, as well as their charge-accumulation capacity amongst other properties. In this computational study, we investigate the photophysical properties of a bis(bipyridyl)ruthenium(II)-based black dye (Ru) incorporating a chromophoric...
Charge density wave, enhanced mobility, and large nonsaturating magnetoresistance across the magnetic states of HoNiC2 and ErNiC2
PublikacjaWe report on magnetotransport and thermoelectric properties of two ternary carbides HoNiC2 and ErNiC2 hosting both charge density wave and long-range magnetic order. In the charge density wave state, both compounds show relatively large magnetoresistance MR ≈ 150% in HoNiC2 and ≈ 70%in ErNiC2 at a magnetic field of 9 T and temperature as low as 2 K. This positive field-linear magnetoresistance shows no signatures of saturation....
Cascading transitions toward unconventional charge density wave states in the quasi-two-dimensional monophosphate tungsten bronze P4W16O56
PublikacjaSingle crystals of the m = 8 member of the low-dimensional monophosphate tungsten bronzes (PO2)4(WO3)2m family were grown by chemical vapour transport technique and the high crystalline quality obtained allowed a reinvestigation of the physical and structural properties. Resistivity measurements revealed three anomalies at TC1 = 258 K, TC2 = 245 K and TC3 = 140 K, never observed until now. Parallel X-ray diffraction investigations...
Generation of charge carriers pairs in tetracene.
PublikacjaBadano mechanizmy odpowiedzialne za fotogenerację nośników ładunku w polikrystalicznych warstwach tetracenu.
Design and Application of Magnetic Photocatalysts for Water Treatment. The Effect of Particle Charge on Surface
PublikacjaCore-interlayer-shell Fe3O4/SiO2/TiO2, CoFe2O4/SiO2/TiO2 and BaFe12O19/SiO2/TiO2 magnetic photocatalysts were obtained. A water-in-oil microemulsion system with suitable surfactants was used for functionalization of the magnetic core with silica interlayer and TiO2-based photocatalyst. Uncoated and coated particles were characterized by electrophoretic meaurements, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM),...
Electrical Interface Parameters of PEDOT: PSS: Effect of Electrodeposition Charge Evaluated Under Body Conditions for Neural Electrode Applications
PublikacjaThis study explores the influence of the deposition charge of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) doped with polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) on its electrical interface parameters. For this purpose, PEDOT:PSS was fabricated by electrodeposition on commercial platinum electrodes with the time limited by different charges (1, 3, 6, 9 mC). Further, the electrodes were characterized regarding their electrical interface such as interfacial...
BODIPY‐Perylene Charge Transfer Compounds; Sensitizers for Triplet‐Triplet Annihilation Up‐conversion
PublikacjaBODIPY heterochromophores, asymmetrically substituted with perylene and/or iodine at the 2 and 6 positions were prepared and investigated as sensitizers for triplet-triplet annihilation up conversion (TTA-UC). Single-crystal X-ray crystallographic analyses show that the torsion angle between BODIPY and perylene units lie between 73.54 and 74.51, though they are not orthogonal. Both compounds show intense, charge transfer absorption...
Assessment of fitness for service of Cr-Mo steel tubes in catalytic reforming charge heaters
PublikacjaIn this paper characteristic features of metal dusting corrosion in high temperature gas mixtures of high carbon activity in catalytic reforming units, including Continuous Catalyst Regeneration (CCR) platformer are presented. Examples of 2.25Cr-1Mo and 9Cr-1Mo steel tubes at advanced stages of metal dusting process after long-term service in charge heaters are used to prove that destructive examinations are necessary to provide...
Domain Reduction in Hybrid Technique for Electromagnetic Wave Scattering Problems
PublikacjaThis paper proposes a combination of the field matching technique, finite element method and generalized impedance matrix, the main idea of which is to reduce the computational domain by surrounding a scatterer with the smallest convex shape and applying the field matching technique. This approach can be applied for arbitrary shaped scatterers and types of materials and allows for the reduction of the computational domain. In order...
Hybrid technique for the analysis of circular waveguide junctions loaded with ferrite posts
PublikacjaThis study presents a hybrid technique for the analysis of circular waveguide junctions loaded with axially symmetrical ferrite posts of irregular shape. The method is based on a combination of the finite-difference frequency- domain technique with a mode-matching technique. The proposed approach is validated by comparing the presented results with numerical ones obtained from commercial software. The application of a cylindrical...
Calculation of Resonance in Planar and Cylindrical Microstrip Structures Using a Hybrid Technique
PublikacjaA hybrid technique was employed for the analysis of the resonance frequency of thin planar and cylindrical microstrip structures with the patches of arbitrary geometry. The proposed technique utilizes a combination of Galerkin’s moment method and a finite-element method (FEM). In this approach, an FEM is adopted to calculate the patch surface current densities, and a method of moments is utilized to calculate the resonance frequencies...
Charge Transfer, Complexes Formation and Furan Fragmentation Induced by Collisions with Low-Energy Helium Cations
PublikacjaThe present work focuses on unraveling the collisional processes leading to the fragmentation of the gas-phase furan molecules under the He+ and He2+ cations impact in the energy range 5–2000 eV. The presence of different mechanisms was identified by the analysis of the optical fragmentation spectra measured using the collision-induced emission spectroscopy (CIES) in conjunction with the ab initio calculations. The measurements of...
Charge Transport in the A6B2O17 (A = Zr, Hf; B = Nb, Ta) Superstructure Series
PublikacjaThe electrical properties of the entropy stabilized oxides: Zr6Nb2O17, Zr6Ta2O17, Hf6Nb2O17 and Hf6Ta2O17 were characterized. The results and the electrical properties of the products (i.e. ZrO2, HfO2, Nb2O5 and Ta2O5) led us to hypothesize the A6B2O17 family is a series of mixed ionic-electronic conductors. Conductivity measurements in varying oxygen partial pressure were performed on A6Nb2O17 and A6Ta2O17. The results indicate...
On the preestimation technique and its application to identification of nonstationary systems
PublikacjaThe problem of noncausal identification of a nonstationary stochastic FIR (finite impulse response) sys- tem is reformulated, and solved, as a problem of smoothing of preestimated parameter trajectories. Three approaches to preestimation are critically analyzed and compared. It is shown that optimization of the smoothing operation can be performed adaptively using the parallel estimation technique. The new approach is computationally...
Photogeneration of charge carriers pairs in pentacene layers.
PublikacjaAnalizowano mechanizmy odpowiedzialne za powstawanie par nośników ładunku w polikrystalicznych warstwach pentacenu.
Prediction of coking dynamics for wet coal charge
PublikacjaA one-dimensional transient mathematical model describing thermal and flow phenomena during coal coking in an oven chamber was studied in the paper. It also accounts for heat conduction in the ceramic oven wall when assuming a constant temperature at the heating channel side. The model was solved numerically using partly implicit methods for gas flow and heat transfer problems. The histories of temperature, gas evolution and internal...