wszystkich: 167
wybranych: 68
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: rehabilitation
On the rehabilitation of steel constructions
PublikacjaW pracy dokonano krótkiego przeglądu literatury z zakresu rewitalizacji i rehabilitacji konstrukcji stalowych. Omówiono podstawowe aspekty rewitalizacji i odnowy tego typu obiektów.
On aspects of urban areas rehabilitation.
PublikacjaW pracy dokonano krótkiego przeglądu literatury z zakresu rewitalizacji i rehabilitacji obszarów miejskich. Omówiono podstawowe aspekty rewitalizacji obszarów miejskich. Zwrócono uwagę między innymi na aspekty: polityczne, kulturalne, socjalne, ekonomiczne.
On using digital photos in a structure rehabilitation.
PublikacjaPraca dotyczy metody optycznego pomiaru ugięć w konstrukcjach inżynierskich na podstawie fotografii cyfrowych.
Innovative rehabilitation lifts – mechanics in medical devices
PublikacjaMechanical devices are now widely used in physiotherapy and other rehabilitation processes. Particular importance is attached to devices enabling easy and effective transport of disabled people. The article presents innovative designs of rehabilitation lifts offered by the Polish manufacturer of lifts and medical accessories, LeviCare company. Moreover, the main assumptions of the research and development project implemented by...
A New Rehabilitation Device for Balance Impaired Individuals
PublikacjaIn the paper authors present a device designed to improve the rehabilitation process of people with balance impairment. The discussed device (JStep) utilizes a commercially available static standing frame (stander) modified in order to fit force sensing units under the feet and in the pillows around the hips of a patient. While executing rehabilitation tasks, the patient may compensate his balance deficiency by leaning on the pillows...
Characteristic of Injuries and Rehabilitation to Professional Rugby Players
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Use of CPTU and DMT in rehabilitation of flood embankments
PublikacjaZastosowanie badań CPTU i DMT do oceny stanu wałów przeciwpowodziowych Żuław Wiślanych oraz do koncepcji projektowania ich wzmocnienia i uszczelnienia. Wyznaczenie wytrzymałości gruntów słabych pod wałem z oszacowaniem wskaźnika prekonsolidacji. Uwzględnienie kształtu krzywej dyssypacji nadwyżki ciśnienia wody w porach gruntu generowanej podczas wciskania końcówki CPTU do oceny współczynnika filtracji oraz historii naprężenia w...
Rehabilitation Spaces – Architecture for Children with Multiple Disabilities
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FEX a Fingers Extending eXoskeleton for Rehabilitation and Regaining Mobility
PublikacjaThis paper presents the design process of an exoskeleton for executing human fingers’ extension movement for the rehabilitation procedures and as an active orthosis purposes. The Fingers Extending eXoskeleton (FEX) is a serial, under-actuated mechanism capable of executing fingers’ extension. The proposed solution is easily adaptable to any finger length or position of the joints. FEX is based on the state-of-art FingerSpine serial...
Diagnosis and rehabilitation of timber elements in housing of traditional structure.
PublikacjaW pracy zaproponowano klasyfikację charakterystycznych, najbardziej narażonych na deteriorację miejsc w budynku mieszkalnym, które mogą wymagać rehabilitacji drewnianych elementów konstrukcyjnych. Rozpatrzono budynek "modelowy", zakładając, że jest on obiektem o typowej, powszechnie kiedyś stosowanej technologii. Omówiono podstawowe problemy dotyczące rehabilitacji konstrukcji drewnianych.
Rehabilitation device supporting active and passive upper limb exercises
PublikacjaThis article presents a mechatronic solution for rehabilitation devices supporting active and passive exercises in persons with motor dysfunctions of the upper limbs in the area of the elbow and shoulder joints. A planar positioner integrated with original software and a control system, served as the basis for creating the present solution. Bellman’s programming method was applied to optimize the motion trajectory of the planar...
Public space as a place of rehabilitation for the elderly – a systematic literature review
PublikacjaThe phenomenon of the population’s gradual global ageing means that an increasing proportion of research is concerned with the space in which seniors function on a daily basis. They are primarily aimed at identifying elements of the built environment that need updating in the new social context. The purpose of the analyses presented in this article is to review the current scientific literature on various aspects of physical activity...
Editor Note On Epistemic Innovation And Academic Progression In The Rehabilitation Community
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Development and test of fex, a fingers extending exoskeleton for rehabilitation and regaining mobility
PublikacjaThis paper presents the design process of an exoskeleton for executing human fingers' extension movement for the rehabilitation procedures and as an active orthosis purposes, together with its first clinical usability tests of a robotic exoskeleton. Furthermore, the Fingers Extending eXoskeleton (FEX) is a serial, under-actuated mechanism capable of executing fingers' extension. FEX is based on the state-of-art FingerSpine serial...
Review and evaluation of cold recycling with bitumen emulsion and cement for rehabilitation of old pavements
PublikacjaThe article presents Polish experience with cold recycling of asphalt pavements with theusage of bituminous emulsion and cement. In the 1990s numerous roads in Polandrequired immediate reinforcement due to their significant degradation. Implementation ofthe cold recycling technology was one of the solutions to this problem. Cold recycledmixtures containebeside the recycled asphalt pavement and aggregateetwo differenttypes of binding...
Evaluation of a short-term group psychotherapy used as part of the rehabilitation process in nursing home patients
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Errorless Learning as a method of neuropsychological rehabilitation of individuals suffering from dementia in the course of Alzheimer’s disease
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Telemedicine and BPM in Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Comprehensive Post-Myocardial Infarction Care Program Case Study
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PublikacjaThis work concerns structural and sensitivity analysis of carpentry joints used in historic wooden buildings in south-eastern Poland and western Ukraine. These are primarily sacred buildings and the types of joints characteristic for this region are saddle notch and dovetail joints. Thus, in the study the authors focus on these types of corner log joints. Numerical models of the joints are defined and finite element simulations...
The role of depressive and anxiety symptoms in the evaluation of cardiac rehabilitation efficacy after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery
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The Effects of a Combined Pre- and Post-Operative Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Rehabilitation Program on Lower Extremity Muscle Imbalance
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The Association between Hyponatremia and Psychotropic: An Observational Study in Chronic Forensic Rehabilitation Ward at Mental Health Hospital, Taif, Saudi Arabia
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<p>Analysis of the degree of acceptance of illness among older adults living in a nursing home undergoing rehabilitation – an observational study</p>
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Rehabilitacja dzieci autystycznych oraz z zespołem Downa a poczucie obciążenia opiekunów / Rehabilitation of children with Down Syndrome and autism, and caregivers burden
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Analysis of investment stages along with a construction project management project for an investment task regarding the reconstruction and expansion of the locomotor system rehabilitation center Krzeszowice SPZOZ in Poland
PublikacjaAutorzy: Gwóźdź-Lasoń Monika, Tkocz Sebastian.
Comparative Study of Pavement Rehabilitation Using Hot in-Place Recycling and Hot-Mix Asphalt: Performance Evaluation, Pavement Life Prediction, and Life Cycle Cost Analysis
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13th International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities and First Joint Meeting of the International Research Society on Spinal Deformities and the Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment – SOSORT-IRSSD 2016 meeting
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Potencjał kognitywno-kulturowy dzielnicy a innowacyjne strategie rehabilitacji w kontekście społecznej indywidualizacji. Studium przypadku: Mouraria, Lizbona = Innovative Public Space Rehabilitation Models to Create Cognitive-Cultural Urban Economy in the Age of Mass Individualisation. Case of Mouraria, Lisbon
PublikacjaInnovative Public Space Rehabilitation Models to Create Cognitive- -Cultural Urban Economy in the Age of Mass Individualisation. Case of Mouraria, Lisbon. This paper deals with the issue of sustainable urban rehabilitation interventions in city cores focused on value creation through culture-led development as a tool for building a cognitive city. The objective is to analyze cases of rehabilitation of public space by culture-led...
Doświadczanie bólu a aktywność fizyczna u osób z chorobą dyskową odcinka krzyżowo – lędźwiowego kręgosłupa/ Experience of pain and physical activity in people suffering from the disc disease of the lumbosacral spine
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Occurrence of Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults after a Stroke in the Nursing Home Facility
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Demograficzne uwarunkowania stosowania ćwiczeń fizycznych w profilaktyce bólu w chorobie dyskowej odcinka krzyżowo – lędźwiowego kręgosłupa / Demographic determinants of using exercise as the prophlaxis of the cross section of the disk – lumbar spine’s pain
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Effectiveness of physiotherapy in elderly patients with dementia: a prospective, comparative analysis
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Recovery of facial expressions using functional electrical stimulation after full-face transplantation
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The impact of resistance exercise range of motion on the magnitude of upper-body post-activation performance enhancement
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Does caffeine ingestion affect the lower-body post-activation performance enhancement in female volleyball players?
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Antagonist activation exercises elicit similar post-activation performance enhancement as agonist activities on throwing performance
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Attempt to eliminate health inequalities in Poland arising at the time of political and economic transformation: Polish 400 Cities Project
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Work–life balance: Does age matter?
PublikacjaWork-life balance is a priority of EU policies but at the same time demographic change affects the labour market. Employers have to deal with the ageing of their employees and adjust human resource management to maintain their competitiveness. The purpose of the article is to answer research questions: whether the age of workers determines their assessment of the work-life balance, and whether there is a relationship between the...
Upper Limb Bionic Orthoses: General Overview and Forecasting Changes
PublikacjaUsing robotics in modern medicine is slowly becoming a common practice. However, there are still important life science fields which are currently devoid of such advanced technology. A noteworthy example of a life sciences field which would benefit from process automation and advanced robotic technology is rehabilitation of the upper limb with the use of an orthosis. Here, we present the state-of-the-art and prospects for development...
Basic evaluation of limb exercises based on electromyography and classification methods
PublikacjaSymptoms caused by cerebral palsy or stroke deprive a person partially or even completely of his ability to move. Nowadays we can observe more technologically advanced rehabilitation devices which incorporate biofeedback into the process of rehabilitation of such people. However, there is still a lack of devices that would analyse, assess, and control (independently or with limited support) specialised movement exercises. Here...
Enhancing Facial Palsy Treatment through Artificial Intelligence: From Diagnosis to Recovery Monitoring
PublikacjaThe objective of this study is to develop and assess a mobile application that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to support the rehabilitation of individuals with facial nerve paralysis. The application features two primary functionalities: assessing the paralysis severity and facilitating the monitoring of rehabilitation exercises. The AI algorithm employed for this purpose was Google's ML Kit “face-detection”. The classification...
Poland: Quality Monitoring of Therapeutic Processes in a Small Treatment Center for Children
PublikacjaThis article presents the case of the first ISO 9001:2000-certified small healthcare organization (the Center for Therapy and Rehabilitation) providing therapeutic and rehabilitation services for disabled children in Northern Poland. Elements of the process-oriented healthcare quality system implementation, initial benefits, and the organization's quality system structure and process descriptions are described. Particular attention...
Factors Associated with Preoperative Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Ambulatory Hand Surgery: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study
PublikacjaBackground: Studies examining preoperative anxiety in patients awaiting hand surgery are scarce. Preoperative anxiety is a common reaction and can have a negative impact on treatment outcomes. The aim of this study was to assess the level of anxiety in patients undergoing hand surgery as a one-day procedure and to investigate the associations between patients’ preoperative anxiety and selected sociodemographic, psychological, and...
Design and Evaluation of the Platform for Weight-Shifting Exercises with Compensatory Forces Monitoring
PublikacjaDetails of a platform for the rehabilitation of people with severe balance impairment are discussed in the paper. Based upon a commercially available static parapodium, modified to fit force sensors, this device is designed to give a new, safe tool to physiotherapists. It is designed for the patients who cannot maintain equilibrium during a bipedal stance and need to hold to or lean on something during the rehabilitation. Visual,...
PublikacjaThis article raises the issue of designing and adapting correctional facilities to the new perception of prisoners as well as comprehension of punishment. For research purposes, several European prisons which came into service over recent years were selected. A study of such facilities revealed design solutions that may significantly affect the process of rehabilitation for inmates and make such buildings an accepted part of society.
Dilemmas associated with the implementation of quality management systems in Polish smaller health care units
PublikacjaThe article presents the considerations and recommendations for the implementation of the process-oriented quality management systems (QMS) in small health care units. As an example, the unit providing services for children with disabilities (therapy and rehabilitation) localized in northern part of Poland have been selected. The essential elements of the implementation of the quality system, taking into account the objectives...
Most Uniwersytecki w Bydgoszczy. Teoretyczne podstawy decyzji o wyłączeniu obiektu z ruchu
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono ogólny opis konstrukcji podwieszonego mostu Uniwersyteckiego nad rzeką Brdą w Bydgoszczy. Opisano również prace eksperckie dotyczące oceny nośności konstrukcji. W wyniku badań i analiz obiekt został uznany za niebezpieczny dla użytkowników i wycofany z eksploatacji. W artykule przedstawiono zasadnicze przesłanki, które doprowadziły zarządcę do podjęcia głównych decyzji i postępowania naprawczego.
Searching for evaluation procedures for Web based courses - cases from EU projects
PublikacjaCentrum Edukacji Niestacjonarnej Politechniki Gdańskiej realizuje projekty Unii Europejskiej od 1997 roku. Większość projektów była ukierunkowana na dostarczanie kursów internetowych. Jednak nie wszystkie powstałe kursy mogą być wykorzystane jako dobrej jakości, gotowy do wprowadzenia produkt. W artykule, na bazie doświadczeń nabytych podczas realizacji projektów Leonardo da Vinci (1998-2004), przedstawiono ocenę jakości i osiągniętej...
Arm EMG Wavelet-Based Denoising System
PublikacjaThese paper presents research results of muscle EMG signal denoising. In the same time two muscles were examined - an adductor muscle (biceps brachii) and an abductor muscle (tricpeps brachii). The EMG signal was filtered using the wavelet transform technique, having selected the crucial parameters as: wavelet basis function (Daubechies 4), 10 th decomposition level, threshold selection algorithm (Heurestic) and a sln rescaling...
Rewitalizacja zespołow fortyfikacji nowożytnych - ograniczenia i możliwości
PublikacjaFortyfikacjenowożytne stanowią w Polsce liczną grupę zabytków, trudną do utrzymywania i zarządzania co powoduję ich postępującą degradację. Wskutek zmian polityczno-ekonomicznych w ostatnich dekadach, powstał problem chaotycznych i agresywnych działań inwestycyjnych, zagrażających zabytkowym fortyfikacjom. Tekst omawia fortyfikacje jako część dziedzictwa kulturowego, sprzecznośći pomiędzy pojęciami "rewitalizacji" i "rewaloryzacji"...