Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: LIQUID FUEL
Heavy duty vehicle fuel consumption modelling using artificial neural networks
PublikacjaIn this paper an artificial neural network (ANN) approach to modelling fuel consumption of heavy duty vehicles is presented. The proposed method uses easy accessible data collected via CAN bus of the truck. As a benchmark a conventional method, which is based on polynomial regression model, is used. The fuel consumption is measured in two different tests, performed by using a unique test bench to apply the load to the engine. Firstly,...
The influence of dynamic load changes on temporary impedance in hydrogen fuel cells, selection and validation of the electrical equivalent circuit
PublikacjaTo achieve optimal performance of a fuel cell, a reliable monitoring and diagnostic method is required. The currently utilized methods give limited information or they are impossible to use under dynamic working conditions. To obtain comprehensive information about the fuel cell operation we utilized novel dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Impedance measurements in dynamic mode were performed on a hydrogen fuel cell,...
Performance of a single layer fuel cell based on a mixed proton-electron conducting composite
PublikacjaMany of the challenges in solid oxide fuel cell technology stem from chemical and mechanical incompatibilities between the anode, cathode and electrolyte materials. Numerous attempts have been made to identify compatible materials. Here, these challenges are circumvented by the introduction of a working single layer fuel cell, fabricated from a composite of proton conducting BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2O3-δ and a mixture of semiconducting...
Analysis of the macrostructure of the fuel spray atomized with marine engine injector
PublikacjaOne of the main problem influencing the combustion process in the cylinder of the marine engine is an fuel spray phenomena. The parameters describing the shape of the fuel spray are named macro parameters. This article presents the research results of the macrostructure parameters of the fuel spray atomized with the marine engine injector. The research were carried out by optical visualization measurement method of Mie scattering....
Dynamic characteristics of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell module
PublikacjaThe paper describes a fuel cell based system and its performance. The system is based on two fuel cell units, DC/DC converter, DC/AC inverter, microprocessor control unit, load unit, bottled hydrogen supply system and a set of measurement instruments. In the study presented in the paper a dynamic response of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell system to unit step change load as well as to periodical load changing cycles...
The influence of synthesis method on the microstructure and catalytic performance of Y 0.07 Sr 0.93 Ti 0.8 Fe 0.2 O 3-δ in synthetic biogas operated solid oxide fuel cells
PublikacjaThe Y0.07Sr0.93Ti0.8Fe0.2O3-δ (YSTF) material was fabricated using three different synthesis methods: modified polymer precursor method (MPP), Pechini method and a solid state reaction method. It was applied as an anode catalytic material for biogas reforming in solid oxide fuel cells. Clear differences in the microstructure of fabricated catalytic layers were found, mainly with respect to a grain size and distribution of grains....
An interactive system for remote modeling and design validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems
PublikacjaIn the paper a multi-functional demonstrator of the interactive system designed to modeling, monitoring and validation of hybrid photovoltaic systems assisted by fuel cells and thermoelectric generators is presented. The purpose of this paper is to report the system solution expressed in the form of a block diagram. Technical parameters of demonstrator components such as: silicon photovoltaic modules, fuel cells, thermoelectric...
Local atomic order in low Pt-content nanocatalysts investigated in situ by XAS
PublikacjaThe unique features of X-ray absorption spectroscopy allow investigations of nanosized catalysts for fuel cells under working conditions. We present the results of an experiment carried out on a low Pt content electrocatalyst supported by a mesoporous heteropolyacid salt and used at the cathode of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). The analysis of the EXAFS signal at the Pt L3-edge indicates that upon operating the fuel...
Adaptable management for cooling cyclic air in ship power plants by heat conversion – Part 1: Downsizing strategy for cogeneration plants
PublikacjaThe ship power plants (SPP) are generally based on Diesel engines. Their fuel efficiency is gradually sensible to cyclic air temperatures and drops with their rise. A sustainable performance of ship engines with high fuel efficiency is possible by cooling intake and charge air as two objects in waste heat conversion chillers. The peculiarities of marine engine application are associated with constrained space of machine room. Whereas,...
PublikacjaThe article describes a test rig that allows the measurement of fuel oil specific heat changes based on the cooling time of liquids. After that, by analysing the test results, a research hypothesis was created and verified. The hypothesis is that the specific heat energy of fuel oil impact the operation of the circulation pump.
Experimental determination of general characteristic of internal combustion engine using mobile test bench connected via Power Take-Off unit
PublikacjaThe general characteristics of the engine include information about the regions of the engine's operating area that are most efficient, where specific fuel consumption reaches the smallest values. Economic operation based on those characteristics can contribute to a significant reduction of fuel consumption and consequently less pollutant emissions and lower costs. The paper presents an experimental method of determination of general...
Performance of the PEM fuel cell module. Part 2. Effect of excess ratio and stack temperature
PublikacjaThe paper describes a fuel cell based system performance under different thermal conditions. The system could be fed with bottled hydrogen or with very high purity hydrogen obtained from reforming of methanol. The system is based on two fuel cell units (1.2 kW each, produced by Ballard Power Systems Inc. and called Nexa), DC/DC converter, DC/AC inverter, microprocessor control unit, load unit, bottled hydrogen supply system and...
The influence of the fuel spray nozzle geometry on the exhaust gas composition from the marine 4-stroke diesel engine
PublikacjaThe paper presents experimental research on a 4-stroke, 3-cylinder, turbocharged AL25/30 Diesel engine. Research consisted in investigating the effect of the geometry of the fuel injectors on the exhaust gas composition from the engine. During measurements, the engine was operated with a regulator characteristic of a load range from 40 kW to 280 kW, made by electric water resistance. The engine was mechanically coupled to the electric...
A unified approach to the analysis of electric energy and fuel consumption of cars in city traffic
PublikacjaForecasting fuel and electricity consumption is an important factor determining the direction of changes in road engineering solutions, traffic management, selection of routes for public transport and development more efficient car drive systems. With a reliable and easy-to-use computational tool, it is possible to reduce the consumption of primary energy sources and reduce the emission of toxic compounds in cities. An analysis...
Thermal failure of a second rotor stage in heavy duty gas turbine
PublikacjaThe impulse mode of operation and the supply of various types of fuels causes frequent failures even in the heavy duty gas turbines. The paper presents the ravages of second rotor stage failure in a gas turbine. The excessive thermal elongation rise caused by fuel change was indicated as the main cause. We applied nonlinear numerical analysis, preceded by thermodynamic calculations of the turbine and visual inspection of the effects...
Desirability-based optimization of dual-fuel diesel engine using acetylene as an alternative fuel
Publikacjahe study examined the dual-fuel engine performance employing acetylene gas as primary fuel and diesel as pilot fuel. The engine's operational parameters were adjusted using the Box-Behnken design, and the results were recorded. The best operating settings were yielded as 81.25 % engine load, 4.48 lpm acetylene gas flow rate and the compression ratio were 18. At this optimized setting the BTE was 27.1 % and the engine emitted 360...
Investigation of functional layers of solid oxide fuel cell anodes for synthetic biogas reforming
PublikacjaSolid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are one of the most promising energy conversion devices due to their high efficiency, low pollution and fuel flexibility. Unfortunately, when hydrocarbons are used as a fuel, for example in the form of a biogas, solid carbon can deposit on the anode surface. This process leads to the degradation of the fuel cell performance. A possible solution to this problem is to apply an additional catalytic material,...
PublikacjaThe article presents a brief overview of hybrid energy systems used on ships. The area of their application is outlined. The benefits of using such systems are also indicated. Then, the classic ship power plant is defined. The most important part of the article is a proposal how to modify a classic engine room by using a hybrid energy system. The idea is: to accumulate a part of electricity in areas where it is allowed to burn...
Carbon dioxide potential reduction using Start-Stop system in a car
PublikacjaOperating fuel consumption increases significantly when the vehicle stops frequently while driving or when the engine is idling during braking. In such cases, the internal combustion engine consumes the fuel but the mechanical energy is not used by the drive system. The amount of fuel that is consumed in this time by the engine can potentially be saved if the car is equipped with a Stop-Start system. Start-Stop system automatically...
Chapter 4. Electricity generation from glucose microbial fuel cell
PublikacjaThe microbial fuel cell was constructed to generate electricity with simultaneous digestion of a glucose fuel by a bacterial biofilm. The decomposition of glucose resulted in releasing of electrons to an anode and to production of some by-products, e.g. metane or organic acids. It was found that maximum electric power density strongly depended on the proton transport through the proton exchange membrane seperating the anolyte and...
Activity of Patents in Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Production in the Context of Passenger Car Fleet in the V4 Countries
PublikacjaThe hydrogen market in the world today is capable ovule and em-pirical evidence on activity of patents in fuel cells and hydrogen production islimited so far. Patent applications in zero-emission mobility in the aspect of fuelcells include: DAFC/DMFC&DMFC, PEMFC, SOFC, AFC, PAFC. As for thepatents relating to the hydrogen production, they concern low carbon, electrol-ysis and inorganic. The purpose of the study was to investigate...
CeCu2O4 as a functional layer on solid oxide fuel cells for synthetic biogas reforming
PublikacjaSolid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) are one of the most promising electrochemical devices, which can convert chemical energy to the electrical energy these days. Their ability to work with different kind of fuel makes them noteworthy. SOFC can work with biogas. The problem arises when solid carbon starts to be deposited in anode. That leads to degradation of fuel cell. Simple solution is to apply catalytic functional layer, which is...
Deep eutectic solvents based highly efficient extractive desulfurization of fuels – Eco-friendly approach
PublikacjaThe developed process is based on alternative, green and cheap solvents for efficient desulfurization of fuels. Several deep eutectic solvents (DESs) were successfully synthesized and studied as extraction solvents for desulfurization of model fuel containing thiophene (T), benzothiophene (BT) and dibenzothiophene (DBT). The most important extraction parameters (i.e. kind of DES, DES: fuel volume ratio, hydrogen bond acceptor:...
Degradation of xylose using a microbial fuel cell
PublikacjaIt is generally known, that many kind of microorganisms are capable of using carbohydrates as a source of carbon and energy in an environment. The biodegradation process of monosaccharides from pentoses (in this case- racemic mixture of D - and L – xylose) is an immense opportunity for an entire reduction of biological contamination to neutral compounds through MFC. The process is occurred in a single-chamber MFC, which is contained...
The impedance of hydrogen oxidation reaction in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell in the presence of carbon monoxide in hydrogen stream
PublikacjaEvaluation of performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell, which is affected by carbon monoxide that pollutes the hydrogen stream, was presented. This influence was studied for carbon monoxide concentration of 125–325 ppb, which are close to values specified in ISO 14687:2019 standard. Performed studies provided crucial information for further development of fuel cell as an energy source for automotive application. Impedance...
Heavy Duty Vehicle Fuel Consumption Modelling Based on Exploitation Data by Using Artificial Neural Networks
PublikacjaOne of the ways to improve the fuel economy of heavy duty trucks is to operate the combustion engine in its most efficient operating points. To do that, a mathematical model of the engine is required, which shows the relations between engine speed, torque and fuel consumption in transient states. In this paper, easy accessible exploitation data collected via CAN bus of the heavy duty truck were used to obtain a model of a diesel...
Analysis of the possibilities of using of DME fuel in motor boat drive systems
PublikacjaThe characteristics of alternative fuel for diesel: dimethyl ether (DME) and an analysis of the potential to reduce emissions of toxic compounds by the engines when running on this fuel have been presented in this work. Basic types of design solutions of gas supply and control systems, possible for use in internal combustion engines with DME supply have been also presented. The paper presents a study of the legislation and an analysis...
Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells as novel electrochemical devices
PublikacjaProton ceramic conductors are novel materials which are interesting from the application point of view. For example, Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells (PCFCs) is a type of a solid oxide fuel cell, which uses proton ceramic conductors as an electrolyte. Scientists are looking for the most efficient materials for these devices. In recent years main focus has been put on the search for new proton and mixed proton-electron conductors which...
Numerical modeling of the combustion in a lab-scale pulverized-coal fired combustion chamber
PublikacjaThis work presents results of numerical modeling of the combustion process inside a lab-scale drop-tube chamber, designed to investigate the slagging properties of the flue ashes, created through the solid fuel firing. Interaction between turbulence and chemistry is accounted by use of probability density function (PDF). FLUENT inputs for non-premixed combustion chemistry modeling are defined. A discrete second phase of the coal...
Numerical modeling of the combustion in a lab-scale pulverized-coal fired combustion chamber
PublikacjaThis work presents results of numerical modeling of the combustion process inside a lab-scale drop-tube chamber, designed to investigate the slagging properties of the flue ashes, created through the solid fuel firing. Interaction between turbulence and chemistry is accounted by use of probability density function (PDF). FLUENT inputs for non-premixed combustion chemistry modeling are defined. A discrete second phase of the coal...
The Analysis of Overall Ship Fuel Consumption in Acceleration Manoeuvre using Hull-Propeller-Engine Interaction Principles and Governor Features
PublikacjaThe problem of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in shipping is currently addressed by many research works and related industries. There are many existing and visionary technologies and ideas, which are conceptually defined or practically realised. This goal can be achieved in different ways, and reducing fuel consumption is one of the major methods. In these circumstances, the aim of this study is to analyse the possibility...
PublikacjaA precise determination of the crankshaft angular position, at which fuel ignition occurs in the SI engine, enables credible diagnosis of the technical state of its working space as well as of the fuel feed system. An observation of the Langmuir probe signal provides entirely new possibilities for engine diagnostics. The probe is introduced into the working space of a cylinder through its indicator valve. This paper presents the...
PublikacjaThe paper concerns design analysis of a hybrid gas turbine power plant with a fuel cell (stack). The aim of this work was to find the most favorable variant of the medium capacity (approximately 50 MW) hybrid system. In the article, computational analysis of two variants of such a system was carried out. The analysis let to calculate capacity, efficiency of both variants and other parameters like flu gas temperature. The paper...
Comparative study of operation of condensing and traditional boilers equipped with the ORC module for electricity generation
PublikacjaCondensing technology applied to boilers is to make full use of thermal energy contained in the fuel. That means that additionaly the heat from condensation of exhaust gases can be used for the purposes of heating the domestic hot water and to cover the demand for central heating. The study analyzed the operation of the "traditional" boiler equipped with the ORC module as the similar arrangement but with the condensing boiler....
Impedance monitoring of fuel cell stacks
PublikacjaThis paper presents an innovative, electrochemical impedance method for monitoring of electrochemical behaviour of a multi-cell, direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) device. This method not only provides classical voltage changes at successive cells but also allows their detailed impedance behaviour to be presented. Impedance characteristics of individual cells within a fuel cell stack (depending on actual operating conditions) are...
Sustainable energy system combined biogas-feedSolid Oxide Fuel Cell and Microalgae technology
PublikacjaIn the new frontier of energy and environmental safety, new efficient and clean safe energy conversion systems are required. In this sense, the present work is framed within the context of Circular Economy and proposes a multidisciplinary study for the development of more efficient, economically viable and non-polluting energy conversion systems, based on the synergetic combination of different technologies: fuel cells, biofuels,...
Risks caused by microbiologically influenced corrosion in diesel fuel storage tanks
PublikacjaMicrobiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) poses serious problems for the petrochemical and refinery industries. Particularly favourable conditions for MIC arise in storage tanks and transmission pipelines for mixtures of diesel oil with the addition of a biocomponent (in Poland 7%). The best conditions for the development of MIC occur at the fuel-water interface, where microorganisms are provided with a source of food and water,...
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Ni infiltrated perovskite anode
PublikacjaNiobium-doped strontium titanate was used as the anode for a solid oxide fuel cell. Electrolyte-supported cells were prepared with pure perovskite and composite perovskite–yttria–stabilized-zirconia (YSZ) anodes. Fuel cell tests demonstrated significant improvement in power density after infiltration with a small amount of Ni. The obtained values of power densities are comparable with conventional Ni/YSZ cermet anode. In addition,...
Materials for Mediator-free Electron Transfer in the Enzymatic Electrodes of Biobatteries and Biofuel Cells
PublikacjaWe present functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and their application in the enzymatic fuel cells construction. SWCNTs were covalently modified with different types of aromatic moieties. Free radical reaction was employed to create direct carbon-carbon bond between moiety and SWCNTs. In second approach functionalization takes place through amide bonding. Functionalized SWCNTs were characterized by spectroscopy...
Synthesis and Testing of BCZY/LNZ Mixed Proton–electron Conducting Composites for Fuel Cell Applications
PublikacjaA composite of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2O3–δ and Li2O:NiO:ZnO was investigated for fuel cell applications. The composite was successfully synthesized and its phase stability was confirmed at temperatures up to 900 °C. The influence of sintering and pressing aids on density was also investigated. Electrical properties were measured. DC electrical conductivity was about 8•10-4 S/m at 845 K. Open circuit voltage measurements in wet hydrogen...
The impact of air humidity on the operation of proton exchange membrane fuel cells determined using dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
PublikacjaThis paper describes the changes in the fuel cell impedance across a range of current loads and humidity changes. The changes of each equivalent circuit parameters representing specific processes occurring in fuel cells, as a function of humidity and current changes, were determined. Within the combined scope of current and humidity, the optimal working conditions of the cells were determined, corresponding to the lowest impedance...
Influence of Different Biofuels on the Efficiency of Gas Turbine Cycles for Prosumer and Distributed Energy Power Plants
PublikacjaThe efficiency of a gas turbine can be affected by the use of different biofuels usually with a relatively Lower Heating Value (LHV). The paper evaluates the impact of calorific value of fuel on turbine performance and analyzes the possibilities of optimizing turbine construction from the point of view of maximum efficiency for a particular fuel. The several variants of design of small power microturbines dedicated to various biofuels...
Impedance Measurement and Selection of Electrochemical Equivalent Circuit of a Working PEM Fuel Cell Cathode
PublikacjaThe dynamic impedance analysis of direct methanolfuel cell (DMFC) cathode supplied with pure oxygen is pre-sented. Presented results were obtained during dynamic chang-es of the current density in working fuel cell. Investigation ofthe occurring processes at cathode was carried with dynamicelectrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS). A discussionwas conducted based on the determined correlation parameterχ2. It was shown that...
An application of simulation model of fuel consumption in diagnostic system of wheeled tractors
PublikacjaAn application of computer controlled fuel injection systems in vehicle engines and growing demands concerning toxic substances emission and fuel consumption was a main reason for OBD (On Board Diagnosis) development. In spite of a great technological development, only some tractors are equipped in diagnostic systems. On board diagnostic is strongly connected with emission demands and does not concern other important vehicle functions. In...
Co-gasification of waste biomass-low grade coal mix using downdraft gasifier coupled with dual-fuel engine system: Multi-objective optimization with hybrid approach using RSM and Grey Wolf Optimizer
PublikacjaThe looming global crisis over increasing greenhouse gases and rapid depletion of fossil fuels are the motivation factors for researchers to search for alternative fuels. There is a need for more sustainable and less polluting fuels for internal combustion engines. Biomass offers significant potential as a feed material for gasification to produce gaseous fuel. It is carbon neutral, versatile, and abundant on earth. The present...
Status report on high temperature fuel cells in Poland – Recent advances and achievements
PublikacjaThe paper presents recent advances in Poland in the field of high temperature fuel cells. The achievements in the materials development, manufacturing of advanced cells, new fabrication techniques, modified electrodes and electrolytes and applications are presented. The work of the Polish teams active in the field of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) is presented and discussed. The review is oriented...
Recent advances in hydrogen production from biomass waste with a focus on pyrolysis and gasification
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results research on the optimal fuel compositions and the control parameters of the spark ignition engine fueled with syngas-biogas-hydrogen for the purpose of setting up a flexible electronic control unit for the engine working in a solar-biomass hybrid renewable energy system. In syngas-biogas-hydrogen mixture, the optimal content of hydrogen and biogas is 20% and 30%, respectively. Exceeding these thresholds,...
PublikacjaA contemporary road vehicle (RV) is a rather complex system, consisting of a large number of subsystems, assemblies, units, and elements (parts). While operating, an RV interacts with the environment, and its elements interact with each other. Consequently, the properties (parameters) of these elements change in the process - hardness, roughness, size, relative position, gapping, etc. A partial solution to the presented problems...
Flexible syngas-biogas-hydrogen fueling spark-ignition engine behaviors with optimized fuel compositions and control parameters
PublikacjaThis paper presents the results research on the optimal fuel compositions and the control parameters of the spark ignition engine fueled with syngas-biogas-hydrogen for the purpose of setting up a flexible electronic control unit for the engine working in a solar-biomass hybrid renewable energy system. In syngas-biogas-hydrogen mixture, the optimal content of hydrogen and biogas is 20% and 30%, respectively. Exceeding these thresholds,...
Pollutants in Airport Runoff Waters
PublikacjaRunoff waters from airport areas constitute a serious environmentalproblem. It is essential to monitor levels of pollutants emitted intothe environment and measure their toxicity on a continuous basis.The authors' aim was to critically review data on pollution fromaviation fuel combustion, aviation fuel spillage, the washing andcleaning of aircraft and airport service equipment, and the useof de-/anti-icing agents published in...