Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SURFACE STATES
Doubly Excited Resonance States of Helium Atom: Complex Entropies
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Limit States of Shallow Bridge Foundations With Sheet Piling Covers
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Entropy criterion of random states for granular material in a mixing process
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On entaglement distillation and quantum error correction of unknown states and channels.
PublikacjaBadano niezmienniczości splątania kwantowego oraz pojemności kwantowego kanału ze względu na ewentualną utratę informacji o pojedynczej kopii kwantowego stanu. Pokazano, że jeżeli dany kwantowy kanał ma pewne pojemności niezerowe, to odpowiadające mu stany posiadają niezerowe destylowalne splątanie. Postawiono pewne otwarte problemy dotyczące destylowalności splątania.
Rank two bibartite bound entangled states do not exist.
PublikacjaWykazano, że nie istnieją stany rzędu dwa które zawierałyby splątanie. Pokazano związki między lokalnym a globalnym rzędem macierzy gęstości oraz ewentualną możliwością wydestylowania kwantowego splątania.
Triple correlation states between in-situ tested soil parameters
PublikacjaWhen testing soil parameters, the measured parameter values are only approximations of the true values. The measurand is determined based on metrological uncertainties or using statistical models for analysing data. Some parameters of the soil state present strong correlations, but others do not always provide simple correspondences. Multiple correlations between geotechnical parameters can provide a new perspective regarding the...
On the distillation of cryptographic key from multipartie entangled quantum states
PublikacjaCelem pracy było uzupełnienie ogólnego paradygmatu destylacji bezpiecznego klucza kryptograficznego z dwucząstkowych stanów splątanych, a w szczegolności znalezienie nowych konstrukcji stanów kwantowych o splątaniu związanym z niezerowym destylowanym kluczem kryptograficznym. Kolejnym celem pracy było uogólnienie powyższego paradygmatu dwucząstkowego na przypadek wielu cząstek. W szczególności sformułowanie definicji wielocząstkowych...
The image of the Baltic States as perceived by the students of Gdańsk University of Technology
PublikacjaWizerunek państw stanowi jeden z czynników wpływających na zdolność do osiągania wyznaczonych celów narodowych na scenie międzynarodowej oraz przyczyniających się do ich politycznego, społecznego, ekonomicznego i kulturalnego rozwoju. Obraz republik bałtyckich funkcjonujący wśród studentów Politechniki Gdańskiej ukazuje wyobrażenia o sąsiadach oraz wskazuje na rolę uczelni w procesie jego kreowania.
Probabilistic sensitivity of limit states of structures. The Monte Carlo simulation
PublikacjaDesign sensitivity deals with the variation of structural response, implicitly dependent on the design variables of the problem. An attempt is made to implement probabilistic notation in engineering sensitivity analysis. The procedure to implement the sensitivity of a structural limit state to a given basic variable is described in the paper - its main idea, depicted by a flowchart and numerical examples of engineering analysis....
Probabilistic sensitivity of limit states of structures. The Monte Carlo simulation
PublikacjaPraca zawiera koncepcję badania wrażliwości stanów granicznych konstrukcji na zmiany poszczególnych zmiennych podstawowych, w oparciu o procedurę symulacyjną Monte Carlo. Sformułowanie ogólne metody oparte jest na analizie stanów granicznych konstrukcji, wprowadzona metoda losowa umożliwia badania histogramu stanu granicznego oraz estymację niezawodności / prawdopodobieństwa awarii konstrukcji.
PublikacjaFuel tanks are designed with regard to standard actions and operating conditions. The work analyses the impact of corrosion and other means to variation of stresses and deformation of a horizontal underground tank shell. The computations are preliminary. Due to the long computational time of the entire tank the analysis is restricted to its part only. The full analysis is bound to assess structural reliability, further allowing...
Reliability estimation of underground horizontal fuel tank limit states
PublikacjaFuel tanks are designed with regard to standard loads and operating conditions. The investigations of the paper show the impact of such factors as tank corrosion and other means on the variation of stress fields and deformation of the underground horizontal tank shell. The introduction of probabilistic methods allows for structural reliability assessment. While the computational time of the entire tank FEM model is high, the preliminary...
Direct brain stimulation modulates encoding states and memory performance in humans
PublikacjaPeople often forget information because they fail to effectively encode it. Here, we test the hypothesis that targeted electrical stimulation can modulate neural encoding states and subsequent memory outcomes. Using recordings from neurosurgical epilepsy patients with intracranially implanted electrodes, we trained multivariate classifiers to discriminate spectral activity during learning that predicted remembering from forgetting,...
Assessment of the Feasibility of Energy Transformation Processes in European Union Member States
PublikacjaThe energy transition is now treated in most countries as a necessary condition for their long-term development. The process of energy transformation assumes the simultaneous implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, which are a major challenge for modern economies and introduce significant restrictions in their functioning. Our study aims to group EU member states according to their ability to achieve energy transition...
Economic growth, structural change and quality upgrading in New Member States
PublikacjaThe purpose of this research is to present the recent developments concerning structural change and productivity growth in New Member States and the role played in such process by country specific factors. We focus on ten countries (NMS-10) which joined the EU in 2004 and analyze productivity dynamics of their labor structures between the years 1995 and 2005 in a comparative setting versus EU-15 economies. NMS-10 have gone through...
Publikacja• The aim - This article aims to compare the situation in the banking sectors of two regions, which due to their political and economic history have much in common. These are the Western Balkan States of Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia, and the Baltic Sea States of Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia. • Methods - It presents three approaches to defining banking stability that can be found in the literature and carries out an initial...
Chemical Origins of Optically Addressable Spin States in Eu2(P2S6) and Eu2(P2Se6)
PublikacjaLanthanide materials with a 4f7 electron configuration (8S7/2) offer an exciting system for realizing multiple addressable spin states for qubit design. While the 8S7/2 ground state of 4f7 free ions displays an isotropic character, breaking degeneracy of this ground state and excited states can be achieved through local symmetry of the lanthanide and the choice of ligands. This makes Eu2+ attractive as it mirrors Gd3+ in exhibiting...
Potential energy surfaces of the low-lying electronic states of the Li+LiCs system
PublikacjaAb initio quantum chemistry calculations are performed for the mixed alkali triatomic system. Global minima of the ground and first excited doublet states of the trimer are found and Born-Oppenheimer potential energy surfaces of the Li atom interacting with the LiCs molecule were calculated for these states. The lithium atom is placed at various distances and bond angles from the lithium-caesium dimer. Three-body nonadditive forces...
Squashed entanglement for multipartite states and entanglement measures based on the mixed convex roof
PublikacjaNew measures of multipartite entanglement are constructedbased on two definitions of multipartite information anddifferent methods of optimizing over extensions of the states. Oneis a generalization of the squashed entanglement where one takesthe mutual information of parties conditioned on the state's extensionand takes the infimum over such extensions. Additivity ofthe multipartite squashed entanglement is proved for both versionsof...
Performance of data transmission in UMTS with turbo code about decreased number of states
PublikacjaIn the paper a structure of turbo encoder and decoder about decreased number of states has been described. The simulation results of transmission performance based on turbo coding without the reduction of the number of iterations for the uplink and downlink of WCDMA/FDD interface have been presented. The SOVA algorithm for turbo decoding has been used. The investigations have been carried out for Outdoor to Indoor & Pedestrian...
Audio-visual aspect of the Lombard effect and comparison with recordings depicting emotional states.
PublikacjaIn this paper an analysis of audio-visual recordings of the Lombard effect is shown. First, audio signal is analyzed indicating the presence of this phenomenon in the recorded sessions. The principal aim, however, was to discuss problems related to extracting differences caused by the Lombard effect, present in the video , i.e. visible as tension and work of facial muscles aligned to an increase in the intensity of the articulated...
Interaction of PDA monomers with Au
Dane BadawczeThis dataset contains supplementary information in the form of Electrostatic difference potential (EDP) map, density of states (DOS) spectra, and adsorption geometries of polydopamine PDA monomers on the Au surface. PDA was modelled either as the oxidised (indolequinone, IQ) and reduced (dihydroxyindole, DHI) chemistries.
Convex set of quantum states with positive partial transpose analysed by hit and run algorithm
PublikacjaThe convex set of quantum states of a composite K×K system with positive partial transpose is analysed. A version of the hit and run algorithm is used to generate a sequence of random points covering this set uniformly and an estimation for the convergence speed of the algorithm is derived. For K >3 or K=3 this algorithm works faster than sampling over the entire set of states and verifying whether the partial transpose is positive....
Energetic density of states in copper phthalocyanine studied by modulated photocurrent method
PublikacjaPrzy pomocy metody modulowanych fotoprądów określono różniczkowy i całkowy rozkład stanów pułapkowych w naparowanej ftalocyjaninie miedzi w koplanarnej konfiguracji elektrod próbki.
High Efficiency Configuration Space Sampling -- probing the distribution of available states
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Efficient sampling of high-energy states by machine learning force fields
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Quasibound states and transport characteristics of Au chains with a substitutional S impurity
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Political Regime Type and Regional Cooperation – a Case Study of Arab States
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Bound-Excited Electronic States of the Anion of 2,3,5,6-Tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane
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Interline power flow controller - properties and control strategy in dynamic states
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Tourist Activity of LGBT in European Post-Communist States: the Case of Poland
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Reversible transformations from pure to mixed states and the unique measureof information.
PublikacjaWprowadzono protokół w którym kwantowe stany czyste są w sposób odwracalny przeprowadzane w stany mieszane. W oparciu o analizę protokołu wyprowadzono jednoznaczną miarę informacji. Dokonano porównania z innymi nieodwracalnymi protokółami przeprowadzającymi stany czyste w mieszane.
On mixed states entanglement and quantum communication: aspects of quantum channels theory
PublikacjaDokonano przeglądu związków miedzy stanami kwantowymi oraz kwantowymi kanałami. Wykazano, że istnienie nietypowych korelacji kwantowych (splątanie związane typu NPT) w pewnych sytuacjach pociąga za sobą nieaddytywność pojemności kanałów kwantowych.
Determining coinsistent states of distributed objects paricipating in a remote method call
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono metodę testowania obiektów w systemie rozprzoszonym z wykorzystaniem replikacji stanu obiektów. W szczególności zaproponowano technikę zegarów haszujących do identyfikacji zdarzeń w systemach zawierających nieznaną a'priori liczbą obiektów oraz E-drzewo do identyfikacji stanu tych obiektów.
Operational loads of power systems of bucket dredgers in main service states
PublikacjaW artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań eksploatacyjnych silników spalinowych układów energetycznych pogłębiarek wieloczerpakowych. Badania dotyczyły obciążeń silników głównych i pomocniczych w podstawowych stanach eksploatacji pogłębiarki wieloczerpakowej.
Simulation of the remanence influence on the transient states in a single-phase multiwinding transformer
PublikacjaThis paper presents the mathematical model of a single-phase multi-winding core type transformer taking into account magnetic hysteresis phenomenon based on the feedback Preisach model (FPM). The set of loop differential equations was developed for a K-th winding transformer model where the flux linkages of each winding includes flux Φ common to all windings as a function of magneto motive force Θ of all windings. The first purpose...
Interline power flow controller - properties and control strategy in dynamic states
PublikacjaHigh-power electronic converter topologies, in such forms as Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC), Static Compensators (STATCOM) and Interline Power Flow Controllers (IPFC), have been used to enhance and optimize the use of transmission facilities, under the concept of a flexible ac transmission system (FACTS). In Europe, the anticipated proliferation of distributed-generation (DG) in the near future, driven by governmental initiatives...
Managing Unemployment under COVID-19 Conditions (States of Emergency or Crisis)
PublikacjaRising unemployment is one of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in many countries. This, in turn, has forcedpolicymakers to respond immediately with policy tools to minimize unemployment. The purpose of our study is to contribute toempirical knowledge by looking at activities of 40 local government units to counteract unemployment in the cross-border regionon the Polish side. In doing this, our study contributes to the...
Multi-mode vibronic interactions in the five lowest electronic states of the fluorobenzene radical cation
PublikacjaThe multi-mode vibronic interactions between the five lowest electronic states of the fluorobenzene radical cation are investigated theoretically, based on ab initio electronic structure data, and employing the linear vibronic coupling model. Low-energy conical intersections, and strong vibronic couplings are found to prevail within the set of X-A and B-C-D cationic states, while the interactions between these two sets of states...
Laser-assisted modification of titanium dioxide nanotubes in a tilted mode as surface modification and patterning strategy
PublikacjaElectrochemical anodization is regarded as a facile and easily scalable fabrication method of titania nanotubes (TiO2NTs). However, due to the extended duration of calcination and further modifications, much faster alternatives are highly required. As a response to growing interest in laser modification of nanotube arrays, a comprehensive investigation of pulsed-laser irradiation and its effect onto TiO2NT properties has been carried out....
Dirichlet-to-Neumann and Neumann-to-Dirichlet embedding methods for bound states of the Dirac equation
PublikacjaZaprezentowano uogólnienie formalizmu operatorów Dirichleta-Neumanna (DtN) i Neumanna-Dirichleta (NtD) na przypadek równania Diraca. Przedstawiono zastosowanie tego formalizmu do znajdowania poziomów energetycznych cząstki Diraca związanej w potencjale.
<title>Estimation and control of discrete fractional order states-space systems</title>
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Entanglement in S states of two-electron quantum dots with Coulomb impurities at the center
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Dirichlet-to-Neumann and Neumann-to-Dirichlet embedding methods for bound states of the Schrodinger equation.
PublikacjaPrzeformułowano metodę Inglesfielda, stosowaną do obliczania własności stanów związanych równania Schrodingera, stosując formalizm operatorów całkowych Dirichleta-do-Neumanna(DtN) i Neumanna-do-Dirichleta (NtD). Wykorzystano zasady wariacyjne dla energii dopuszczające użycie funkcji próbnych nieciągłych wraz z pochodnymi. Podano metodę konstrukcji jąder operatorów DtN i NtD za pomocą rozwiązań zagadnienia własnego typu Steklova....
Operational loads of dredge pumps in their basic service states on selected types of dredgers
PublikacjaArtykuł przedstawia wyniki badań eksploatacyjnych dotyczący jednego z najważniejszych odbiorników energii mechanicznej na pogłębiarkach - pomp gruntowych. Badania eksploatacyjne obejmowały pomiary parametrów charakteryzujących obciążenia pomp gruntowych w dwóch podstawowych stanach ich eksploatacji, a mianowicie podczas załadunku ładowni gruntowej (pogłębiarki lub szalandy) oraz podczas refulowania gruntu na ląd.
Influence of geotechnical conditions on damage states of Gdansk Bay Coast cliff formations
PublikacjaA geotechnical aspect of destruction processes of seashores was identified based on the case of erosion of Gdansk Bay Coast cliff formations. Causative factors of landslide were described in the context of natural phenomena, land development and its anthropogenic transformations. Possible directions of theoretical analysis of changes in groundwater relations were indicated.
Molecular Dynamics to Predict Cryo-EM: Capturing Transitions and Short-Lived Conformational States of Biomolecules
PublikacjaSingle-particle cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) has revolutionized the field of the structural biology, providing an access to the atomic resolution structures of large biomolecular complexes in their near-native environment. Today’s cryo-EM maps can frequently reach the atomic-level resolution, while often containing a range of resolutions, with conformationally variable regions obtained at 6 Å or worse. Low resolution...
Hydrogen migration in formation of NH(A3Π) radicals via superexcited states in photodissociation of isoxazole molecules
PublikacjaFormation of the excited NH(A 3Π) free radicals in the photodissociation of isoxazole (C3H3NO) molecules has been studied over the 14-22 eV energy range using photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy. The NH(A 3Π) is produced through excitation of the isoxazole molecules into higher-lying superexcited states. Observation of the NH radical, which is not a structural unit of the isoxazole molecule, corroborates the hydrogen atom...
Variational principles for bound states of Schrödinger and Dirac equations allowing the use of discontinuous trial functions
PublikacjaWe present systematic constructions of variational principles for energies of bound states of the Schroedinger and Dirac equations. The principles allow the use of discontinuous trial functions. The method employed is based on a generalized Lagrange procedure. Relationships between our variational principles and those available in the literature are established.
Comparison of Renewable Energy Sources in ‘New’ EU Member States in the Context of National Energy Transformations
PublikacjaThe European Union strives to create sustainable, low-carbon economies; therefore, energy policies of all member states should move towards renewable energy sources (RES). That concerns also the so-called new EU member states. These countries, on the one hand, are characterized by significant historical similarities in terms of post-communist legacy and adopted development strategies linked with the EU membership, and on the other...