wszystkich: 982
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: ENERGY MANAGEMENT
Energy Efficiency
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AIMS Energy
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Nano Energy
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Geothermal Energy
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Frontiers in Energy
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Nature Energy
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Nanomaterials and Energy
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Geopolitics of Energy
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Clean Energy
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Energy Geoscience
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Carbon Energy
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Energy Storage
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Energy and AI
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Smart Energy
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Energy Informatics
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Energy consumption optimization in wastewater treatment plants: Machine learning for monitoring incineration of sewage sludge
PublikacjaBiomass management in terms of energy consumption optimization has become a recent challenge for developed countries. Nevertheless, the multiplicity of materials and operating parameters controlling energy consumption in wastewater treatment plants necessitates the need for sophisticated well-organized disciplines in order to minimize energy consumption and dissipation. Sewage sludge (SS) disposal management is the key stage of...
Ukrainian Market of Electrical Energy: Reforming, Financing, Innovative Investment, Efficiency Analysis, and Audit
PublikacjaThe aim of this research is to determine the influence of electrical energy market regulation reform in Ukraine on the competitive environment, the reproduction processes of financial and innovative support, and the energy efficiency of the national economy. The authors have put forward and verified the hypothesis that, under conditions of institutional maturity of the Ukrainian electrical energy market, its liberalization and...
Evaluation of the energy efficiency of electric vehicle drivetrains under urban operating conditions
PublikacjaIn electric vehicles, as in hybrids vehicles, a very important factor affecting the energy efficiency of the powertrain is the ability to use the regenerative braking energy. Depending on the settings available in electric vehicles, the driver can choose different modes of operation: switch off the regenerative braking mode altogether, select the intensity of regenerative braking, or leave the control system in automatic mode....
The Principles of Alternative Investments Management
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Alternative Investments in Wealth Management
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Hypertension Management by Practice Guidelines
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Diagnosis and management of hypertension in obesity
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Mobbing as a problem in management ethics
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Traditional Business Process Management
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Dynamic Business Process Management
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Engineering and Management of Space Systems
PublikacjaDynamic development of the European space sector results in a necessity for suitable Higher Education Institution graduates. Current study programs of Aerospace Technology are focused on the field of mechanical engineering. Although engineering methods for design, construction and assembly of mechanical systems are covered, interdisciplinarity and life cycle aspects are not considered in a sufficient degree. Due to the increasing...
Strategy parameters of globalization management.
PublikacjaPraca zawiera opis sposobu łączenia parametrów, politycznych ekonomicznych, zarządczych oraz społecznych, celem skutecznego zarządzania globalizacją.
Management of complexity and information flow
PublikacjaProblemy złożoności i zarządzania przepływem informacji. W rozdziale omówio-no podejście do modelowania systemów złożonych oraz zarządzania przepływeminformacji w takich systemach. Rozwiązania odniesiono do płaszczyzny elasty-cznego wytwarzania. Poruszono aspekty miękkiego modelowania w takich środo-wiskach.
Management of changes in software engineering
PublikacjaPraca zawiera rozdział poświecony problematyce budowy systemów z bazami wiedzy dla wspomagania procesów zarządzania. W rozdziale tym przedstawiono metody budowy systemów dla potrzeb zarządzania koncentrując uwagę na systemach opartych na wiedzy. Następnie omówiono możliwości zastosowania teorii zbiorów rozmytych do modelowania wiedzy. Na zakończenie przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania zbiorów rozmytych i systemów opartych na wiedzy...
Algorithmic Human Resources Management
PublikacjaThe rapid evolution of Digital Human Resources Management has introduced a transformative era where algorithms play a pivotal role in reshaping the landscape of workforce management. This transformation is encapsulated in the concepts of algorithmic management and algorithmic Human Resource Management (HRM). The integration of advanced analytics, predictive and prescriptive analytics and the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI)...
Cultural dilemmas of international management
PublikacjaZarządzanie międzynarodowe polega na kierowaniu działalnością przedsiębiorstwa przekraczającą granice państw. Otoczenie międzynarodowe, zwłaszcza wymiar kulturowy odgrywa podstawową rolę w kształtowaniu efektywności umiędzynarodowionego podmiotu. Celem referatu jest przedstawienie problematyki zarządzania międzynarodowego w aspektach kulturowych. Pierwsza część pracy ukazuje obszary zarządzania międzynarodowego. Następnie krótko...
Fuzzy logic in financial management
PublikacjaW rozdziale tym przedstawiono rozważania na temat możliwości prognozowania sytuacji finansowej gospodarstw domowych przy zastosowaniu logiki rozmytej. Autor zaproponował model składający się ze zmiennych wejściowych opartych na informacjach demograficznych i finansowych konsumentów - na przykład: wiek, wykształcenie, liczba dzieci, wynagrodzenie, stopień zabezpieczenia finansowego.
An approach to smart experience management
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono procesowe podejście do inteligentnego zarządzania wiedzą zebraną na podstawie przebytych doświadczeń.
Specific guality management systems.
Publikacjaobecnie coraz więcej również niewielkich przedsiębiorstw wdraża i certyfikuje systemy zarządzania jakością. w większości przypadków bazą do opracowania szj są normy serii iso 9000, które ze względu na swój ogólny charakter nie zawsze wskazują konkretne rozwiązania możliwe do implementacji. coraz większą popularnością cieszą się jednak specyficzne, branżowe systemy zarządzania, lepiej dostosowane do specyfiki przedsiębiorstwa i...
Smart future of knowledge management
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono kierunek przyszłościowego rozwoju obszaru zarządzania wiedzą pod kątem jego użyteczności w tworzeniu sztucznej inteligencji.
TQM tools in crisis management
PublikacjaThe current article is concerned with basic aspects connected with improvement of crisis management activities employed by economic operators. The work presents the crisis management model with its fundamental phases and identifies TQM tools that might be applied in all of these phases. The analysis included in the work has been supported with research conducted on companies located in northern Poland
Economics of credit scoring management
PublikacjaCredit scoring models constitute an inevitable element of modern risk and profitability management in retail financial lending institutions. Quality,or separation power of a credit scoring model is usually assessed with the Gini coefficient. Generally, the higher Gini coefficient the better, as in this way a bank can increase number of good customers and/or reject more bad applicants. In...
Knowledge Risk Management in Organizations
PublikacjaPurpose – Shorter product life cycles, greater demands from consumers for sustainable and eco-friendly products and services, and thus the need for constant market observation make today’s business environment a rather complex one, the one that is characterized not only by a number of opportunities but also by a number of risks. These risks are increasingly related to knowledge which, in turn, underlines the need for an updated...
Diagnostics in ballast water management
Publikacja. Diagnostics in ballast water management is the main remedy to protect against the threat of spreading invasive species that can be carried in ships' ballast tanks. This phenomenon is getting better known and understood. New and more effective methods of preventing threats related to this are being developed. Procedures are created to ensure environmental safety in the face of ever-increasing transport by sea. The article characterizes...
Collective creativity in management science
PublikacjaPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to establish the current state of knowledge on collective creativity in management science on the basis of a systematic literature review. Methodology: A systematic review was performed based on the three-step SPL procedure proposed by Tranfield et al. (2003). Two databases (Scopus and Web of Science) were searched electronically up until March 2022. Based on the secondary data a literature...
A unified approach to the analysis of electric energy and fuel consumption of cars in city traffic
PublikacjaForecasting fuel and electricity consumption is an important factor determining the direction of changes in road engineering solutions, traffic management, selection of routes for public transport and development more efficient car drive systems. With a reliable and easy-to-use computational tool, it is possible to reduce the consumption of primary energy sources and reduce the emission of toxic compounds in cities. An analysis...
A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis of Business Process Management and Knowledge Management Integration: Bridging the Scholarly Gap
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Pinquark Warehouse Management System (WMS): Moving from process-based to activity-oriented management
PublikacjaSince the release of the first warehouse management system (WMS), these systems have been systematically developed and improved to optimize warehouse operations, including inventory management, order fulfillment, receiving, picking, packing, and shipping. Among the many well-documented and well-known WMS systems, there are other systems with a similar level of maturity and comparable functionality, but not as popular, but still...
Use of Modified Cuckoo Search algorithm in the design process of integrated power systems for modern and energy self-sufficient farms
PublikacjaIn the face of increasingly stringent pollutant emission regulations, designing an agricultural holding becomes a difficult challenge of connecting a large number of coefficients that describe an energy system of a farm in regard to its ecological and economic efficiency. One way to cope with this issue is to design an energy self-sufficient farm that integrates various technologies, including renewable energy. However, the selection...
Prediction of consumer electricity needs based on Internet weather forecasts
PublikacjaElectrical energy is considered both as an important driver for producing and transporting goods in companies, as well as a good in itself which requires planning and management for generating and delivering it to consumers in proper time and amounts. Weather information can be considered to convey part of the data on energy delivery needs of consumers. Free meteorological data sources on the Web do not offer consistent data to...
A Knowledge base for intelligent information management
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono zasady modelowania służącego do budowy bazy wiedzy prydatnej w podejmowani decyzji w otoczeniu charakteryzujacym sie duzym natężeniem informacji. Omówiono miękkie oraz twarde podejscie do takiego modelowania.
Intelligent information, knowledge, and technology management
PublikacjaW pracy omówiono najnowsze kierunki badań związanych z inteligentnym podejściem do zarządzania wiedzą i technologiami.