Dynamic charging of electric buses
PublikacjaDespite the continuous development of electrochemical battery technology and the multitude of electric buses on offer, it is still not possible to exploit electric buses in urban transport on an all-day basis without the necessity of charging them. It is therefore necessary to build point-to-point contact charging stations or induction charging stations at the terminals. This results in substantial financial outlays connected with...
PublikacjaNowadays the issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming a key area of interest which is connected both with a growth in environmental awareness of the society and an increase in the prices of fuel and electricity. It can be achieved by improving the usage of regenerative breaking. In 2016 the Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Trolejbusowej (PKT, Trolleybus Transport Company) in Gdynia began practical implementation...
Interference between Land and Sea Logistics Systems. Multifunctional Building System Design Towards Autonomous Integrated Transport Infrastructure
PublikacjaThe research is focused on developing design theory towards efficient multifunctional facilities for logistics supply chains in the contemporary urban city structures. The development of modern systems based on autonomous transport creates new conditions for their management and generates an emerging need to define dedicated functional service structures. An important element of consideration also taken into account is the scenario...
Smart sustainable cities : Reconnaissance Study
PublikacjaThe global urban population is expected to grow by 63 percent between 2014 and 2050 – compared to an overall global population growth of 32 percent during the same period. Megacities with over 20-million inhabitants will see the fastest increase in population – and at least 13 new megacities are expected by 2030, in addition to the 28 existing today. The fastest growing urban centres contain around one-million inhabitants, and...
Investigating trip and parking characteristics of hospitals: A case study from Tri-City, Poland
PublikacjaThis research aims to investigate public hospitals’ trip and parking characteristics based on the study conducted in Poland in September 2021 on the example of the Tri-City agglomeration. The main objective of the research was to build models of the relationship between the number of trips during peak transport hours and the number of beds. The second research element was the analysis of transport behavior in these areas. The research...
Numerical Analysis of Recharge Rates and Contaminant Travel Time in Layered Unsaturated Soils
PublikacjaThis study focused on the estimation of groundwater recharge rates and travel time of conservative contaminants between ground surface and aquifer. Numerical simulations of transient water flow and solute transport were performed using the SWAP computer program for 10 layered soil profiles, composed of materials ranging from gravel to clay. In particular, sensitivity of the results to the thickness and position of weakly permeable...
Simulation studies into quayside transport and storage yard operations in container terminals
PublikacjaThe focus of the paper is on quayside transport and storage yard operations in the sea container terminals. Developed algorithms for solving the issues of load handling and storage space allocation have been applied in the frame of adopted simulation model. The criteria chosen for decision making involved the total makespan of vessel unloading and the utilisation levels of the transportation trucks. Recommendations for unloading...
The generalized Suzuki model of the multipath fading channel
Dane BadawczeThe dataset contains the results of simulations that are part of the research on modelling the multipath fading in the communication channel. The generalized Suzuki fading envelope is generated using the Monte-Carlo simulation (MCS) in the LabVIEW programming environment.
Abandoned heritage – the first European airports
PublikacjaDue to the development of air transport and urban expansion, the locations of pre-war airports were often changed. The question of the fate of the abandoned airports and their entire infrastructure arose. This article looks at the issue of derelict, pre-war airfields. Examples of airports which were successfully adapted as well as the ones which were abandoned and closed yet but equally important in historical context are shown....
An advanced Thermal-FSI approach to flow heating/cooling
PublikacjaActually, two-way thermal-energy exchange between working fluid and solid material of a casing is a leading problem for modern – semi automatic – design techniques. Many questions should be solved, especially, the turbulent mode of thermal energy transport both in fluid and solid, should be re-examined and reformulated from the primary principles. In the present paper, a group of researchers from Energy Conversion Department of...
WydarzeniaBiuro Karier, Wydział OiO, studenci kierunku Transport oraz WRS OiO serdecznie zapraszają na Targi Pracy TRANSPORTER.Głównym celem targów jest możliwość bezpośredniego kontaktu studentów z pracodawcami.
Risk assessment for tram traffic on tramway bridges
PublikacjaMiejski transport szynowy wielu miastach stanowi istotny element systemu transportowego i jest przestrzennie rozwijającym się systemem zapewniającym mieszkańcom codzienną obsługę transportową. Bezpieczeństwo pasażerów transportu szynowego i użytkowników dróg jest jednym z najważniejszych czynników, który należy uwzględnić w trakcie projektowania infrastruktury oraz w ocenie operacyjnej systemu miejskiego transportu tramwajowego....
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans: implementation process and indicators to evaluate effects on physical activity
PublikacjaBackground: Active mobility and public transport increase physical activity (PA) levels. With varying intensity and effectiveness, European cities implement Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) to spur transport-related PA. Therefore, we aim to examine drivers and barriers to SUMP implementation and assess its influence on PA across European cities. Methods: We screened policy reports to gain insights into SUMP implementation...
Analytical Traffic Model for a Multidomain IMS/NGN Network Including Service and Transport Stratum
PublikacjaThis paper addresses the problem of modelling call processing performance (CPP) in a multidomain Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture including the elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) in service stratum and based on the Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology in transport stratum. An analytical traffic model for such an architecture is proposed by integrating the formerly implemented submodels of service...
Ruchotwórczość wielkopowierzchniowych obiektów handlowych trzeciej generacji na przykładzie Trójmiasta
PublikacjaWielkopowierzchniowe obiekty (handlowe, usługowe itp.) generują ruch o dużych natężeniach, które często przekraczają możliwości przepustowe przyległego układu ulicznego. Wpływają w ten sposób na znaczne pogorszenie się warunków ruchu w najbliższym otoczeniu obiektu i zakłócenia w prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu systemu transportowego miasta. Wobec braku polskich doświadczeń konieczne jest badanie wpływu wybranych czynników demograficznych,...
Zabytkowa infrastruktura kolejowa jako potencjał krajobrazu kulturowego
PublikacjaW dobie obecnych działań rewitalizacyjnych oraz przemian kolejnictwa, prowadzonych lub przewidywanych w licznych miastach Polski, konieczne jest wskazanie wartości, jakie często niesie z sobą infrastruktura kolejowa. Może się ona stać istotnym elementem przekształcanych przestrzeni miejskich – nie tylko pod względem transportowym. Odpowiednio zaplanowane działania pozwalają uchronić przed destrukcją historyczne obiekty, m.in. wprowadzając...
Participatory Budgeting in Poland – Missing Link in Urban Regeneration Process
PublikacjaIn last thirty years Poland has gone a long way toward democracy and decentralization. Role of public participation in planning is increasing rapidly and recently many new instruments of empowering the community is being introduced, participatory budgeting is one of the most important. On the other hand, urban regeneration is one of the most important challenges of polish cities are facing. Technical and transport infrastructure...
Evaluation of the Influence of Farming Practices and Land Use on Groundwater Resources in a Coastal Multi-Aquifer System in Puck Region (Northern Poland)
PublikacjaThis study focuses on the modeling of groundwater flow and nitrate transport in a multi-aquifer hydrosystem in northern Poland, adjacent to Puck Bay (Baltic sea). The main goal was to investigate how changes in land use and farming practices may affect groundwater recharge and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to the sea and the associated N-NO3 fluxes. An integrated modelling approach has been developed, which couples the...
An Algorithm for Optimizing the Determination of Cycling Routes on the Example of the Gdansk Agglomeration
PublikacjaPhysical activity is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. One of the manifestations of the change in a society type from consumer to information one is the understanding of the importance of ecology and a healthy lifestyle. This is evident, inter alia, in the inventiveness and involvement of the society in the start-up and solutions referred to as the Smart City. One example is the development of e-bike rental and local investments...
Systematics of intelligent transport systems services
PublikacjaRecent years have seen a more intensified deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Polish cities. Work is also underway on the implementation of ITS on the national roads within the National Traffic Management System (KSZR). The research project RID-4D (part of Road Innovations), is designed to fill the gap, which is the lack of systematics of ITS services in Poland. The paper presents a proposal of ITS services systematics,...
Mahaveer Mahaveer
OsobyI am a PhD candidate in Civil Engineering, Geodesy, and Transport at the Department of Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk University of Technology), Poland. My research is focused on optimizing hydrodynamic vortex separators for enhanced separation. My current research builds on my experiences from my Master of Engineering research in...
Tomasz Szymański dr inż. arch.
OsobyTomasz Szymański (dr inż. arch.) jest architektem i adiunktem na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. Absolwent Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. Studia zakończone dyplomem z wyróżnieniem. Zainteresowania badawcze dr. Tomasza Szymańskiego skoncentrowane są wokół kwestii dziedzictwa przemysłowego, re-use, adaptacji i rewitalizacji obiektów poprzemysłowych, obiektów poportowych i postoczniowych na nowe funkcje...
PublikacjaThis paper presents a role of the Navier number (Na-dimensionless slip-length) in universal modelling of flow reported in micro- and nano-channels like: capillary biological flows, fuel cell systems, micro-electro-mechanical systems and nano-electro-mechanical systems. Similar to another bulk-like and surface-like dimensionless numbers, the Na number should be treated as a ratio of internal viscous to external viscous momentum...
The effect of numerical 2D and 3D FEM element modelling on strain and stress distributions at laser weld notches in steel sandwich type panels
PublikacjaLike other means of transport, merchant ships face the problem of increasing requirements concerning the environment protection, which, among other issues, implies the reduction of fuel consumption by the ship. Here, the conventional approach which consists in making use of higher strength steels to decrease the mass of the ship hull can be complemented by the use of new steel structures of sandwich panel type. However, the lack...
The reduction of auxiliaries power demand: The challenge for electromobility in public transportation
PublikacjaAn important role in the consumption of electric energy in urban transport are non-traction needs (auxiliaries), the main part of which is heating and air condition (HVAC). Auxiliaries are responsible for almost half of total energy consumption (normal weather conditions) and in the winter (or hot summer) it reaches up to 70% in daily scale. The reduction of energy used for non-traction needs is currently the main challenge related...
Optimization of Energetic Train Cooperation
PublikacjaIn the article, possible ways of using energy recovered during regenerative braking of trains are presented. It is pointed out that the return of recovered electricity directly to the catenary and its use in the energy cooperation of vehicles can be a no-cost method (without additional infrastructure). The method of energy cooperation between trains and its main assumptions, that uses the law of conservation of energy, are described...
Space syntax analysis - methodology of understanding the space
PublikacjaNowadays space is considered as a net of connections between different areas. The questions how to delineate its character and how it is possible to objectively compare two spaces is the matter under consideration. This was the reason for creating new theories about the structure of place. "Space syntax analysis" (SSA) or simply "Space Syntax" defines a number of theories and research areas devoted to the analysis of space configuration....
Unveiling the Green Mirage: Unearthing Weaknesses in Pro-Environmental Applications
PublikacjaGrowing ecological concerns and a general shift towards tailored digitized solutions in cities lead to an increased popularity of pro ecological applications, especially those associated with transport-oriented functionalities. This research focuses on the results from a testbed of a pro-environmental application deployment among early adopters. Based on quantitative and cartographic analysis enriched with interviews’ results,...
Looking for the Optimal Location of an Eco-District within a Metropolitan Area: The Case of Tricity Metropolitan Area
PublikacjaCompact housing structures located in city centers are considered to be the most energy and environmentally eective, mainly due to the access to services, transport networks and municipal infrastructures. There is the question of why so many of the acknowledged ecological housing complexes are located on the outskirts of cities or suburbs. Numerous cities decide to introduce strategies either to densify city centers, hoping to...
Potential Impact of Waterway Development on Cultural Landscape Values: The Case of the Lower Vistula
PublikacjaThe northern (“lower”) section of the Vistula is on the route of two international waterways—E70 and E40. However, the current condition of the riverbed prevents larger vessels from passing through. Plans for the waterway date back to the beginning of the 20th century. Following Poland’s ratification of the European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance in 2017, the general concept has been transformed...
Electrifying the bus network with trolleybus: Analyzing the in motion charging technology
PublikacjaCurrently, electric buses are becoming more and more popular, and their number in operation is increasing. The range of electric buses is also increasing and solutions that seem to be working almost without fixed infrastructure are being promised. However, this requires the use of high-capacity batteries, which increases the weight and price of the vehicle and causes high costs of battery replacement during operation. Moreover,...
Determinants and effects of Poland’s road accidents in the context of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development – poviat level analysis for the years 2010-2019
PublikacjaThe objective of the research was to assess how selected factors influence road safety in Poland’s poviats. To that end, an analysis was conducted of road accident determinants and effects in the poviats in the years 2010-2019. The time horizon fits in with Goal 3.6. of Agenda 2030, which is to halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents by 2020. The article pres-ents the analysis results for the...
Assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Puck region (denudation moraine upland) using vertical seepage method
PublikacjaDegradation of groundwater quality can cause a serious water supply and environmental problems. The identify of potential groundwater pollution can be determined by assessment of groundwater vulnerability method. The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution was based on estimation of migration time of potential conservative contamination through the vadose zone. Area of investigation is a type of denudation moraine...
Practical Eco-Driving Strategy for Suburban Electric Multiple Unit
PublikacjaIn this paper, a practical approach to velocity profile optimization for electric multiple unit was presented. The study focuses on a case of fast urban railway, which is a popular mean of transport across Tricity, Poland. Based on observations and measurements, a potential for improvement of energy efficiency by modifying the speed profile was recognized. In order to conduct necessary calculations, simulation model of railway...
Concrete versus green corridors in road planning. Gdansk case
PublikacjaThe aim of an article is to present the threats which may be caused by the construction of the transit road inside the city structure, and some mitigation measures aiming to eliminate or minimize environmental and landscape damages and social problems. Theoretical guidelines and conclusions will be followed by the example illustrating the problem. As an answer, some guidelines enabling sustainable road planning will be presented....
Informal Settlements and International Migrants: The city of Rome (Italy) as Case Study
PublikacjaToday, urbanization is happening at an unprecedentedly rapid rate, owing heavily to the influx of migrants. Empirical evidence shows the development of informal settlements in cities as a result of migration, including Rome. Furthermore, information on informal settlements is either insufficient or inadequate, which makes it challenging for architects, urban planners, and policymakers to form viable solutions to deal with the situations...
Problemy modelowania liczby podróży generowanych i absorbowanych na przykładzie Gdańska
PublikacjaJedną z podstawowych danych niezbędnych do planowania elementów systemu transportowego jest informacja o liczbie podróży odbywanych na analizowanym obszarze. Dane te uzyskiwane są najczęściej za pomocą symulacyjnych modeli transportowych. Jednym z istotnych elementów i pierwszym etapem najczęściej stosowanego, klasycznego modelu czterostopniowego jest modelowanie liczby podróży generowanych i absorbowanych, podczas którego to...
Energy efficiency of electric multiple units in suburban operation
PublikacjaThis thesis presents approach to analysis of energy efficiency of a suburban rail network, using novel models developed on the Matlab/Simulink basis. Necessary features and requirements for such models were determined thru in-depth review of the source literature in all applicable fields: electrified transportation systems, electric multiple units construction, vehicle drivetrains and finally, existing simulation methods. Existing...
Elżbieta Marczak dr inż. arch.
OsobyElżbieta Marczak (dr inż. arch.) - adiunkt na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej, zatrudniona Katedrze Architektury Miejskiej i Przestrzeni Nadwodnych (dawniej Katedra Architektury Morskiej i Przemysłowej, od roku 1997). Studia na Wydziale Architektury PG ukończyła w roku 1995. Stopień naukowy doktora uzyskała w 2006 r. przedstawiając pracę p.t. Architektura statków na tle rozwoju transportu morskiego. Jej badania naukowe...
Backscattering properties of southern Baltic herring
PublikacjaReliable TS(L) relationship is required to improve acoustic algorithms of abundanceestimation of Baltic herring. The relationships, empirically obtained in different parts of theBaltic Sea, produce up to 8 dB – difference in the herring TS. In order to develop an accurateTS(L) relationship, it is important to analyze factors controlling the TS variability. Thepossible impact of the regional difference...
Vehicular Communication Environments
PublikacjaCommunication to and between road vehicles (cars, truck, buses, trains, etc.) are of growing interest. This is partly due to the attractive services that cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITSs) provides, mainly in the areas of traffic safety and traffic efficiency. An enabler for C-ITS is wireless vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication, collectively referred to as vehicle-to-X (V2X)...
A numerical analysis of the thermal effects in the jet impingement stagnation zone
PublikacjaMost of the flows occurring in the engineering systems are turbulent and their accurate numerical analysis is still challenging, especially when combined with the heat transfer. One of the methods of heat transfer enhancement is utilization of the turbulent impinging jets, which were recently applied also in the heat exchangers. Their positive impact on the heat transfer performance was proven, but many questions related to its...
The interaction of the pulsed laser irradiation with titania nanotubes - Theoretical studies on the thermal effect
PublikacjaThis paper reports temperature dispersion simulations of titania nanotubes irradiated by the 355 nm, pulsed, nanosecond laser. The modelling with the use of Finite Elements Method concerns titania nanotubes of the length and the wall thickness in the range of 0.5–2 μm and 5–20 nm, respectively. The uniqueness of the morphology was preserved by ensuring the wall thickness variation along the height of the tube, which was determined...
PublikacjaThe article expresses an idea of the privileged role of universities in the process of shaping the new culture for urban mobility. Mobility management of the academic community is adopted in order to indirectly influence a wider group of the population. The aim of the study was to investigate the situation at the Polish universities and the willingness of their authorities to implement integrated tools to manage the transportation...
Integrated development plans of the functional urban areas in Pomeranian region in Poland
PublikacjaThe European Commission put a growing emphasis on the territorial and integrated app roach to policy support addressed in the frame of regional policy. In a special way this process refers to cities along with their functional environment. In Poland the National Spatial Development Concept 2030 has introduced the concept of functional areas, among others – Functional Urban Areas (FUAs). There is...
PublikacjaArtykuł dotyczy procesu żywiołowej suburbanizcji (urban sprawl) w Polsce. Jego celami są: (1) analiza powiązań między negatywnymi skutkami tego procesu, (2) prezentacja negatywnych skutków dla transportu i zużycia energii oraz ładu przestrzennego, (3) analiza sposobów przeciwdziałania negatywnym procesom, w tym uwarunkowań (w szczególności ograniczeń) stosowania tych sposobów i ich skuteczności. Jako metody zastosowano: obserwację,...
Numerical Analysis of an Impact of Planned Location of Sewage Discharge on Natura 2000 Areas – The Dead Vistula Region Case Study
PublikacjaThis article presents results of an analysis of impact of a designed discharge of contaminated water into the Dead Vistula (Wisła Martwa) in the region of the Isthmus (Przesmyk) with the aim of determination of a possible effect of the pollution onto protected areas of Natura 2000 (bird habitats and sites, especially the Bird Paradise – Ptasi Raj) nature reserve. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the two-dimensional modelling...
A unified approach to the analysis of electric energy and fuel consumption of cars in city traffic
PublikacjaForecasting fuel and electricity consumption is an important factor determining the direction of changes in road engineering solutions, traffic management, selection of routes for public transport and development more efficient car drive systems. With a reliable and easy-to-use computational tool, it is possible to reduce the consumption of primary energy sources and reduce the emission of toxic compounds in cities. An analysis...
Selected elements of the methodology and method of designing amphibious flood rescue vehicles
PublikacjaThe methodology of designing amphibious flood rescue vehicles at the preliminary stage of the design process has been presented. The study has been focused on the properties of such vehicles when afloat, with their on-land behaviour and performance characteristics having been left aside. In the study, a general assumption has been made that the amphibious flood rescue vehicles should be designed as, above all, watercraft that additionally...
Risk factor assessment in agricultural supply chain by fuzzy logic
PublikacjaSignificant uncertainty characterizes the harvest period. This aspect is due to various risks impacting agrifood supply chains. The occurrence of risks is due to hazards: technological failures, technical breakdowns, or adverse weather conditions. Hence, the operational time of the agricultural supply chain during the harvest period increases due to such risk factors. In essence, some hazards are fuzzy, and the nature of most threats...