Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: QUANTUM MATERIALS
Mathematical analysis of the lasing eigenvalue problem for the optical modes in a layered dielectric cavity with a quantum well and distributed Bragg reflectors
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Optoelectronic and non-linear optical properties of Lu-doped AgGaGe3Se8 crystallites
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Energy conversion in 7-(Diethylamino)coumarin doped PMMA fluorescent fibre
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Radial and angular correlations in a confined system of two atoms in two-dimensional geometry
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Capillary waveguide biosensor
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Teleportation seen from spacetime: on 2-spinor aspects of quantum information processing
PublikacjaZastosowanie formalizmu 2-spinowego do kwantowego przetwarzania informacji zilustrowane przykładem teleportacji i relatywistycznej korelacji błędu.
PublikacjaWe deal with families of probability distributions satisfying non-signalling condition, called non-signalling boxes and consider a class of operations that transform local boxes into local ones (the one that admit LHV model). We prove that any operation from this class cannot broadcast a bipartite non-local box with 2 binary inputs and outputs. We consider a function called anti-Robustness which can not decrease under these operations....
Shrinking-shifting and amplifying-shifting device using transformation optics
PublikacjaBased on transformation optics (TO), this paper uses geometric divisions and linear coordinate transformations to design “shrinking-shifting—and reshaping”, and “amplifying-shifting—and reshaping” devices. The proposed devices can reshape the sizes and locations of the wrapped-objects inside the core-region. The shrinking-shifting device shrinks the larger object into a smaller one and shifts it to different location, whereas the...
The role of low-energy electrons in the charging process of LISA test masses
PublikacjaThe estimate of the total electron yield is fundamental for our understanding of the test-mass charging associated with cosmic rays in the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) Pathfinder mission and in the forthcoming gravitational wave observatory LISA. To unveil the role of low energy electrons in this process owing to galactic and solar energetic particle events, in this work we study the interaction of keV and sub-keV...
Teleportation of geometric structures in 3D
PublikacjaThe simplest quantum teleportation algorithms can be represented in geometric terms in spaces of dimensions 3 (for real state vectors) and 4 (for complex state vectors). The geometric representation is based on geometric-algebra coding, a geometric alternative to the tensor-product coding typical of quantum mechanics. We discuss all the elementary ingredients of the geometric version of the algorithm: geometric analogs of states...
Directed percolation effects emerging from superadditivity of quantum networks
PublikacjaEntanglement-induced nonadditivity of classical communication capacity in networks consisting of quantum channels is considered. Communication lattices consisting of butterfly-type entanglement-breaking channels augmented, with some probability, by identity channels are analyzed. The capacity superadditivity in the network is manifested in directed correlated bond percolation which we consider in two flavors: simply directed and...
Linear game non-contextuality and Bell inequalities—a graph-theoretic approach
PublikacjaWe study the classical and quantum values of a class of one-and two-party unique games, that generalizes the well-known XOR games to the case of non-binary outcomes. In the bipartite case the generalized XOR(XOR-d) games we study are a subclass of the well-known linear games. We introduce a 'constraint graph' associated to such a game, with the constraints defining the game represented by an edge-coloring of the graph. We use the...
Hybrid quantum-classical approach for atomistic simulation of metallic systems
PublikacjaThe learn-on-the-fly (LOTF) method [G. Csanyi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 175503 (2004)] serves to seamlessly embed quantum-mechanical computations within a molecular-dynamics framework by continual local retuning of the potential's parameters so that it reproduces the quantum-mechanical forces. In its current formulation, it is suitable for systems where the interaction is short-ranged, such as covalently bonded semiconductors....
Natural carbon-based quantum dots and their applications in drug delivery: A review
PublikacjaNatural carbon based quantum dots (NCDs) are an emerging class of nanomaterials in the carbon family. NCDs have gained immense acclamation among researchers because of their abundance, eco-friendly nature, aqueous solubility, the diverse functionality and biocompatibility when compared to other conventional carbon quantum dots (CDs).The presence of different functional groups on the surface of NCDs such as thiol, carboxyl, hydroxyl,...
Robust amplification of Santha-Vazirani sources with three devices
PublikacjaWe demonstrate that amplification of arbitrarily weak randomness is possible using quantum resources. We present a randomness amplification protocol that involves Bell experiments. We find a Bell inequality which can amplify arbitrarily weak randomness and give a detailed analysis of the protocol involving it. Our analysis includes finding a sufficient violation of Bell inequality as a function of the initial quality of randomness....
Quantum-state transfer in spin chains via isolated resonance of terminal spins
PublikacjaWe propose a quantum-state transfer protocol in a spin chain that requires only the control of the spins at the ends of the quantum wire. The protocol is to a large extent insensitive to inhomogeneity caused by local magnetic fields and perturbation of exchange couplings. Moreover, apart from the free evolution regime, it allows one to induce an adiabatic spin transfer, which provides the possibility of performing the transfer...
Thermodynamical approach to quantifying quantum correlations
PublikacjaWe consider the amount of work which can be extracted from a heat bath using a bipartite state ρ shared by two parties. In general it is less then the amount of work extractable when one party is in possession of the entire state. We derive bounds for this “work deficit” and calculate it explicitly for a number of different cases. In particuar, for pure states the work deficit is exactly equal to the distillable entanglement of...
Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase tetrahydrofuran: A quantum treatment of the dynamics and a comparison with experiments
PublikacjaIn this paper we report new quantum calculations of the dynamics for low-energy positrons interacting with gaseous molecules of tetrahydrofuran. The new quantum scattering cross sections are differential and integral cross sections at collision energies between 1.0 and 25.0 eV and include a careful treatment of the additional effects on the scattering process brought about by the permanent dipole moment of the target molecule....
PublikacjaPhoton emission arising during tetrahydrofuran (C4H8O, THF) fragmentation initiated by H3 + ion impact has been studied experimentally. Luminescence fragmentation spectra and the relative emission cross-sections of the excited fragments have been measured using collision-induced emission spectroscopy in the 20–1000 eV energy range. The main features in the spectra are the H Balmer series lines, whose intensities decrease with increasing...
Sudden death of effective entanglement
PublikacjaSudden death of entanglement is a well-known effect resulting from the finite volume of separable states. We study the case when the observer has a limited measurement capability and analyze the effective entanglement (i.e., entanglement minimized over the output data). We show that in the well-defined system of two quantum dots monitored by single-electron transistors, one may observe a sudden death of effective entanglement when...
Objectivity in a Noisy Photonic Environment through Quantum State Information Broadcasting
PublikacjaRecently, the emergence of classical objectivity as a property of a quantum state has been explicitly derived for a small object embedded in a photonic environment in terms of a spectrum broadcast form—a specific classically correlated state, redundantly encoding information about the preferred states of the object in the environment. However, the environment was in a pure state and the fundamental problem was how generic and robust...
Quantum structure in competing lizard communities
PublikacjaAlmost two decades of research on applications of the mathematical formalism of quantum theory as a modeling tool in domains different from the micro-world has given rise to many successful applications in situations related to human behavior and thought, more specifically in cognitive processes of decision-making and the ways concepts are combined into sentences. In this article, we extend this approach to animal behavior, showing...
Reexamination of the decoherence of spin registers
PublikacjaWe revisit the decoherence process of a multiqubit register interacting with a thermal bosonic bath. We generalize the previous studies by considering not only the register’s behavior but also a part of its environment. In particular, we are interested in information flow from the register to the environment, which we describe using recently introduced multipartite quantum state structures called spectrum broadcast structures....
A Comprehensive Experimental and Theoretical Study on the[{(η5-C5H5)2Zr[P(µ-PNEt2)2P(NEt2)2P]}2O Crystalline System
PublikacjaThe structure of tetraphosphetane zirconium complex C52H100N8OP10Zr21 was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystal belongs to the monoclinic system, space group P21/c, with a = 19.6452(14), b = 17.8701(12), c = 20.7963(14)Å, α = γ = 90°, β = 112.953(7)°, V = 6722.7(8)Å3, Z = 4. The electronic structure of the organometallic complex has been characterized within the framework of Quantum Chemical Topology....
TINKTEP: A fully self-consistent, mutually polarizable QM/MM approach based on the AMOEBA force field
PublikacjaWe present a novel quantum mechanical/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approach in which a quantum subsystem is coupled to a classical subsystem described by the AMOEBA polarizable force field. Our approach permits mutual polarization between the QM and MM subsystems, effected through multipolar electrostatics. Self-consistency is achieved for both the QM and MM subsystems through a total energy minimization scheme. We provide an expression...
Unbounded quantum advantage in communication complexity measured by distinguishability
PublikacjaCommunication complexity is a fundamental aspect of information science, concerned with the amount of communication required to solve a problem distributed among multiple parties. The standard quantification of one-way communication complexity relies on the minimal dimension of the communicated systems. In this paper, we measure the communication complexity of a task by the minimal distinguishability required to accomplish it,...
From unextendible product bases to genuinely entangled subspaces
PublikacjaUnextendible product bases (UPBs) are interesting mathematical objects arising in composite Hilbert spaces that have found various applications in quantum information theory, for instance in a construction of bound entangled states or Bell inequalities without quantum violation. They are closely related to another important notion, completely entangled subspaces (CESs), which are those that do not contain any fully separable pure...
Information transfer during the universal gravitational decoherence
PublikacjaRecently Pikovski et al. (Nat Phys 11:668, 2015) have proposed in an intriguing universal decoherence mechanism, suggesting that gravitation may play a conceptually important role in the quantum-to-classical transition, albeit vanishingly small in everyday situations. Here we analyze information transfer induced by this mechanism. We show that generically on short time-scales, gravitational decoherence leads to a redundant information...
Convex set of quantum states with positive partial transpose analysed by hit and run algorithm
PublikacjaThe convex set of quantum states of a composite K×K system with positive partial transpose is analysed. A version of the hit and run algorithm is used to generate a sequence of random points covering this set uniformly and an estimation for the convergence speed of the algorithm is derived. For K >3 or K=3 this algorithm works faster than sampling over the entire set of states and verifying whether the partial transpose is positive....
Design, Synthesis, and Enzymatic Evaluation of Novel ZnO Quantum Dot-Based Assay for Detection of Proteinase 3 Activity
PublikacjaHerein, the synthesis and application of functionalized quantum dot-based protease probes is described. Such probes are composed of nontoxic ZnO nanocrystals decorated by amino groups followed by linker and labeled peptide attachment. Spherical NH2-terminated ZnO quantum dots (QDs) with the average size ranging from 4 to 8 nm and strong emission centered at 530 nm were prepared using the sol−gel method. The fluorescence of ZnO...
Rotational state-changing collisions of C2H− and C2N− anions with He under interstellar and cold ion trap conditions: A computational comparison
PublikacjaWe present an extensive range of quantum calculations for the state-changing rotational dynamics involving two simple molecular anions that are expected to play some role in the evolutionary analysis of chemical networks in the interstellar environments, C2H− (X1Σ+) and C2N− (X3Σ−), but for which inelastic rates are only known for C2H−. The same systems are also of direct interest in modeling selective photo-detachment experiments...
Solution of coupled integral equations for quantum scattering in the presence of complex potentials
PublikacjaIn this paper, we present a method to compute solutions of coupled integral equations for quantum scattering problems in the presence of a complex potential. We show how the elastic and absorption cross sections can be obtained from the numerical solution of these equations in the asymptotic region at large radial distances.
Statistical properties of a modified standard map in quantum and classical regimes
PublikacjaWe present a model—a modified standard map. This model has interesting properties that allow quantum–classical correspondences to be studied. For some range of parameters in the classical phase space of this model, there exist large accelerator modes. We can create a family of maps that have large accelerator modes.
Can architecture be 11-dimensional? The nature of space in the architecture of the digital world era
PublikacjaThis research aims to explore the development of architectural theories about ‘architectural dimensions’ and look at architecture as a multidimensional space. It is important to understand that with today's development of virtual reality technology and through the combination of theories of physics and architecture, a new possibility of creating space has emerged. The arguments are made through inductive reasoning and grounded...
Electric and magnetic dipole shielding constans for the ground state of the relativistic hydrogen-like atom: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function
PublikacjaStosując rozwinięcie sturmowskie funkcji Greena-Diraca-Coulomba, znaleziono wyrażenie analityczne dla stałych ekranowania elektrycznego i magnetycznego relatywistycznego atomu wodoropodobnego w stanie podstawowym.
Optical Theorem Helps Understand Thresholds of Lasing in Microcavities With Active Regions
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Coupled cluster and DFT calculations of 14N nuclear quadrupole coupling constants
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Dipole-bound anions supported by charge-transfer interaction: Anionic states of HnF3?nN ? BH3 and H3N ? BHnF3?n (n = 0, 1, 2, 3)
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Toward the preparation of the HAuF6 , HAu2 F11 , and HAu3 F16 superacids: Theoretical study
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Low-energy (0.1 eV) electron attachment S?S bond cleavage assisted by Coulomb stabilization
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Can cooperativity in hydrophobic association be reproduced correctly by implicit solvation models?
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Large-scale DFT calculations in implicit solvent-A case study on the T4 lysozyme L99A/M102Q protein
PublikacjaW ostatnich latach zaproponowano szereg modeli typu implicit solvent, ktore bazują na bezpośrednim rozwiązaniu niejednorodnego równania Poissona w przestrzeni rzeczywistej. Modele te charakteryzują się elegancją, ponieważ wnęka, w której umieszczona jest molekuła substancji rozpuszczanej zdefiniowana jest bezpośrednio w funkcji gęstości elektronowej, a rozkład ładunku jest w sposób samouzgodniony polaryzowany dzięki reakcji dielektryka,...
Multi-state multi-reference Møller-Plesset second-order perturbation theory for molecular calculations
PublikacjaThis work presents multi‐state multi‐reference Møller–Plesset second‐order perturbation theory as a variant of multi‐reference perturbation theory to treat electron correlation in molecules. An effective Hamiltonian is constructed from the first‐order wave operator to treat several strongly interacting electronic states simultaneously. The wave operator is obtained by solving the generalized Bloch equation within the first‐order...
Variational principles for bound states of Schrödinger and Dirac equations allowing the use of discontinuous trial functions
PublikacjaWe present systematic constructions of variational principles for energies of bound states of the Schroedinger and Dirac equations. The principles allow the use of discontinuous trial functions. The method employed is based on a generalized Lagrange procedure. Relationships between our variational principles and those available in the literature are established.
Entanglement-swapping boxes and their communication properties
PublikacjaWe pose the fundamental question of communication properties of primitives irrespectively of their implementation. To illustrate the idea we introduce the concept of entanglement-swapping boxes, i.e., we consider any quantum operations which perform entanglement swapping, not necessarily via simple quantum teleportation. We ask a question about the properties of such boxes, i.e., what local operations and how much classical communication...
Charge dependence of fragmentation process induced by ion collisions with furan molecule
PublikacjaThe goal of this work is to describe the system evolution after ion-molecule interaction. We combine different quantum chemistry and statistical mechanics approaches in order to give extended description of the process. Herein we report on a recent study of the fragmentation mechanism of neutral, singly- and doubly-ionized furan molecule in the gas phase.
Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase pyrimidine: A quantum treatment of the dynamics and a comparison with experiments
PublikacjaWe are reporting detailed quantum scattering calculations that describe the diffusion of a beam of low-energy positrons interacting with the pyrimidine target as a gas-phase partner. The calculations have employed an essentially ab initio model for the short-range correlation interaction and for the electrostatic interaction of an impinging positron and the electron+nuclear structure of the target molecule at its equilibrium geometry.
Unifying Aspects of Generalized Calculus
PublikacjaNon-Newtonian calculus naturally unifies various ideas that have occurred over the years in the field of generalized thermostatistics, or in the borderland between classical and quantum information theory. The formalism, being very general, is as simple as the calculus we know from undergraduate courses of mathematics. Its theoretical potential is huge, and yet it remains unknown or unappreciated.
Information content of systems as a physical principle
PublikacjaTo explain the conceptual gap between classical and quantum and other, hypothetical descriptions of the world, several principles have been proposed. So far, all these principles have not explicitly included the uncertainty relation. Here we introduce an information content principle ( ICP ) which represents a constrained uncertainty principle. The principle, by taking into account the encoding and decoding properties of a single physical...
Stark effect of atomic helium singlet lines
PublikacjaWe present experimental and theoretical investigations of the He spectral series 2S1−nQ1 (n=3÷9, Q=S,P,D,…,n−1) and 2P1−nQ1 (n=3÷9, Q=S,P,D,…,n−1) in electric fields up to 1635 kV/cm. Apart from the allowed transitions with |ΔL|=1, the transitions with |ΔL|=0,2,3,…-without field strictly forbidden-were observed. Several He patterns become similar to hydrogen patterns, which means they are nearly symmetric and show in higher fields...