Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: SAFETY ZONE
UWB Microstrip Antennas on a Cylindrical Surfaces
PublikacjaConformal antennas are becoming popular due to their many advantages and possibilities of applications they offer. The advantages of using antennas with a curved surface arise not only from the possibility of integrating them with the object on which they are mounted on but also from the increase, relatively to planar antennas, of their visible angular range. The circular antenna arrays, or arrays of radiators located on the surface...
Modeling external carbon addition in combined N-P activated sludge systems with an extension of the IWA Activated Sludge Models
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to expand the IWA Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) to account for a newly defined readily biodegradable substrate that can be consumed by polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) under anoxic and aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. The model change was to add a new substrate component and process terms for its use by PAOs and other heterotrophic bacteria under anoxic and aerobic...
Modeling external carbon addition in combined N-P activated sludge systems with an extension of the IWA Activated Sludge Models
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to expand the IWA Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) to account for a newly defined readily biodegradable substrate that can be consumed by polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) under anoxic and aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. The model change was to add a new substrate component and process terms for its use by PAOs and other heterotrophic bacteria under anoxic and aerobic...
Modelling of acoustic backscattering by southern Baltic herring
PublikacjaAssessment of Baltic herring abundance can be carried out using acoustic techniques. Analysis of the relationship between the Baltic herring individual target strength, TS, and the total fish length, L, important for the acoustic assessment, showed the relationship to be dependent on the location of the study area. This finding motivated a detailed analysis of the relationship for the herring occurring in the southern Baltic...
Methodology of the Morphometry Study on Baltic Herring
PublikacjaAcoustic techniques are used in the estimation of the abundance of Baltic herring. Investigations of the relationship between the Baltic herring individual target strength TS and the total fish length L, significant in the acoustic assessment, demonstrated its de-pendence on the study area location. It motivated the detailed analysis of the relationship between herring from the southern Baltic ICES Subdivisions 24, 25, and 26,...
Analysis of turnouts with non-linear curvature of diverging track for different train running speeds
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the issue of shaping a variable curvature in the diverging track of the railway turnout. Solution without a circular arc in the central zone, comprising two zones of non-linear curvature, of the same length, having zero curvature values at the end points, was adopted as a model, on the basis of the previously conducted dynamic tests. Optimum type of curvature was selected from the point of view of the kinematic...
Damage Analysis of Tensioning Cable Anchorage Zone of a Bridge Superstructure, Using CDP Abaqus Material Model
PublikacjaNumerical analysis of the tensioning cables anchorage zone of a bridge superstructure is presented in this paper. It aims to identify why severe concrete cracking occurs during the tensioning process in the vicinity of anchor heads. In order to simulate the tensioning, among others, a so-called local numerical model of a section of the bridge superstructure was created in the Abaqus Finite Element Method (FEM) environment. The...
PublikacjaIn this paper values of the fracture toughness and of shear yield stress in the shear zone of Scots pine are presented. Tests of cutting were carried on samples of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood of five provenances from Poland. These experimentally cutting tests were carried on the sash gang saw PRW-15M and the values of cutting power were obtained. The values of fracture toughness and shear yield stress based on Atkins’s...
Improvement of S355G10+N steel weldability in water environment by Temper Bead Welding
PublikacjaThe normalized S355G10 + N steel was chosen for testing, it is used in a variety of applications including the building of offshore structures, which may require repairs in water environment. The main aim of the work was to check susceptibility to cold cracking for fillet welds – Controlled Thermal Severity (CTS) tests and butt welds – Tekken tests and in the next step evaluation of effectiveness of Temper Bead Welding (TBW) application...
Under the Fire of Disinformation. Attitudes Towards Fake News in the Ukrainian Frozen War
PublikacjaIn this article, we examine individual attitudes towards fake news in the extreme conditions of a propaganda war, taking into account the complex regional social and historical conditions. For this purpose, within the mobile boundary zone during frozen war in Ukraine, we conducted qualitative research among representatives of generations X and Z (high school teachers and students). Being accustomed to fake news turned out to be...
On-line measurement of wood surface smoothness
PublikacjaThe latest progress in the field of optics and microelectronics resulted in development of new generation vision systems capable of scanning surface topography with very high sampling frequencies. The blue color of illuminating light as well as novel systems for controlling ultra-thin laser line thickness allows measurement of the porous surface of wood with a triangulation method. Three alternative sensors were tested here in...
Assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Puck region (denudation moraine upland) using vertical seepage method
PublikacjaDegradation of groundwater quality can cause a serious water supply and environmental problems. The identify of potential groundwater pollution can be determined by assessment of groundwater vulnerability method. The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution was based on estimation of migration time of potential conservative contamination through the vadose zone. Area of investigation is a type of denudation moraine...
Technology Concept of TLP Platform Towing and Installation in Waters with Depth of 60 m
PublikacjaThe article is part of the design and research work conducted at the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology, in cooperation with a number of other research centres, which concerns offshore wind farms planned to be built in the Polish zone of the Baltic sea in the next years. One of most difficult tasks in this project is building suitable foundations for each power unit consisting of a...
The influence of the welding environment on the properties of Tekken joints made from S355J2C+N steel
PublikacjaThere are three main methods of underwater welding: dry, wet and intermediate between them, by using the local dry chamber. Due to low costs, the most common method is the wet welding with the use of covered electrodes. Water as a welding environment carries out a lot of problems. The first is limited visibility and instability of the welding arc. The biggest problem during underwater welding is high susceptibility to cold cracking,...
Fracture in composite/aluminium joints of variable adhesive properties
PublikacjaA strain gauge technique recently developed with the wedge test, for estimating crack length and, thus, the fracture energy of structural adhesive bonding, has been employed on a system in which one adherend had two types of surface treatment. Simple polishing and polishing with subsequent sandblasting were the treatments used, with a distinct straight line, perpendicular to the sample edges, separating the two. Despite the clear-cut...
Effect of adhesive compliance in the assessment of soft adhesives with the wedge test
PublikacjaWedge tests are usually analysed assuming that the free, unbonded members may be treated as encastré cantilever beams. However, if the adhesive layer is sufficiently flexible (e.g., due to low elastic modulus), then significant strain in the bonded region may occur and lead to modification of the behaviour outside this region. Using in conjunction a sensitive strain gauge method on asymmetric wedge tests and a mathematical analysis...
PublikacjaWater lubricated sliding bearings are increasingly popular in marine and hydro power industry. Such popularity is partly due to their simple construction which also means a relatively affordable price. Properly designed and installed water lubricated bearings may well last for over a decade. During the last decade their traditional range has been expanded with new, modern products like three layer bearing bush. The work presents...
Effect of Laser Treatment on Intrinsic Mechanical Stresses in Titanium and Some of Its Alloys
PublikacjaLaser surface treatment conducted at different power levels is an option to modify titanium bone implants to produce nano- and microtopography. However, such processing can lead to excess mechanical stress within the surface layer. This research aims to calculate the level of such residual stresses after the surface processing of Ti grade IV, Ti15Mo, and Ti6Al7Nb alloys with an Nd:YAG laser. Light and scanning electron microscopies...
Laser Dissimilar Welding of AISI 430F and AISI 304 Stainless Steels
PublikacjaA dissimilar autogenous laser welded joint of AISI 430F (X12CrMoS17) martensitic stainless steel and AISI 304 (X5CrNi18-10) austenitic stainless steel was manufactured. The welded joint was examined by non-destructive visual testing and destructive testing by macro- and microscopic examination and hardness measurements. With reference to the ISO 13919-1 standard the welded joint was characterized by C level, due to the gas pores...
The application of the Superpave method of climatic zones analysis in Poland with regard to bitumen performance grading
PublikacjaCurrently in Poland, similarly as in the other EU countries, road bitumens are tested and classified with regard to mainly the penetration value determined at the tempera-ture of 25C. It should be noted that this classification is not correlated with the cli-matic conditions in which the bitumens are to serve in the road pavement. Towards the end of the last century a new system of bitumen grading was developed and im-plemented...
Weldability of Underwater Wet-Welded HSLA Steel: Effects of Electrode Hydrophobic Coatings
PublikacjaThe paper presents the effects of waterproof coatings use to cover electrodes on the weldability of high-strength, low-alloy (HSLA) steel in water. With the aim of improving the weldability of S460N HSLA steel in water, modifications of welding filler material were chosen. The surfaces of electrodes were covered by different hydrophobic substances. The aim of the controlled thermal severity (CTS) test was to check the influence...
Jumping Wave Characteristic during Low Plasticity Burnishing Process
PublikacjaDuring the low plasticity burnishing process of soft materials such as carbon steel with a hardness of up to 40 HRC (Rockwell grade) a raised structure of the material known as the Jumping Wave forms in front of the tool roll. This phenomenon significantly disturbs the burnishing process, but is very poorly described in the literature. This article presents studies of this phenomenon on the example of burnished 1.0562 steel. The...
Bead-on-Plate Underwater Wet Welding on S700MC Steel
PublikacjaThe participation of high strength steels in marine and offshore structures is increasing, which makes it necessary to develop recommendations for underwater repair welding works. The article presents the results of bead-on-plate welded specimens made of S700MC high strength steel in underwater wet welding conditions by covered elec- trodes. Three specimens with heat input values in the range 0.91-1.05 kJ/mm were made. The specimens...
Comparison of Downdraft and Updraft Gasification of Biomass in a Fixed Bed Reactor
PublikacjaThe aim of this study was to compare and analyze the gasification process of beech wood. The experimental investigation was conducted inside a gasifier, which can be operated in downdraft and updraft gasification system. The most important operating parameter studied in this paper was the influence of the amount of supply air on the temperature distribution, biomass consumption and syngas calorific value. The results show that...
Corrosion behavior of hydrogen charged super duplex stainless steel welded joints
PublikacjaThe electrochemical behavior of the weld metal, heat-affected zone (HAZ), and base material of super duplex stainless steel (SDSS) welded joints, made with the application of flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) and submerged arc welding (SAW), were investigated with the use of metallographic examinations (optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy), potentiodynamic polarization measurements and total hydrogen content determination...
Enhancement of the Magnetoresistance in the Mobility‐Engineered Compensated Metal Pt 5 P 2
PublikacjaThe magnetoresistance (MR) in nonmagnetic materials continues to be a fertile research area in materials science. The search for giant, positive MR has been limited to a rather small window of materials such as high-mobility semimetals in single-crystalline form. Here, the observation of a very large positive MR in metallic Pt5P2 in polycrystalline form is reported. The observations reveal that improvement of the crystallinity...
The use of Preston equation to determine material removal during lap-grinding with electroplated CBN tools
PublikacjaGrinding executed in a lapping configuration is an alternative finishing process benefiting from both grinding and free-abrasive machining, while minimizing the heat effect impact. Electroplated tools can be effectively used in different abrasive processes, including high-speed grinding, however, the assessment of machining performance over time is a key factor in their correct use to achieve satisfactory technological results....
Pulsed GTAW joint of P92 steel and Inconel 625: microstructure and mechanical properties
PublikacjaIn the present work, the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties has been investigated for the dissimilar welded joint of P92 steel and Inconel 625, fabricated using the pulsed current gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process. Microstructural investigation revealed that the pulsed current resulted in fner equiaxed dendrites in the bulk weld metal, while columnar dendrites were observed in the weld metal near...
Backscattering properties of southern Baltic herring
PublikacjaReliable TS(L) relationship is required to improve acoustic algorithms of abundanceestimation of Baltic herring. The relationships, empirically obtained in different parts of theBaltic Sea, produce up to 8 dB – difference in the herring TS. In order to develop an accurateTS(L) relationship, it is important to analyze factors controlling the TS variability. Thepossible impact of the regional difference...
Pounding mitigation of a short-span cable-stayed bridge using a new hybrid passive control system
PublikacjaThis paper investigates the effectiveness of a new hybrid passive control system on the seismic response of an existing steel cable-stayed bridge considering the pounding effect. The proposed hybrid passive control system comprises a seismic isolator and a metallic damper. The bridge is located in a high seismic zone and has suffered several damages including the earthquake-induced pounding damage during the 1988 earthquake....
PublikacjaTowards the end of the last century a new system of bitumen grading was developed and implemented as part of the American Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP). Its aim was to better adjust the testing methods and requirements for road bitumens to the actual conditions in which those bitumens serve in road pavements. Currently in Poland, similarly as in the other EU countries, road bitumens are tested and classified with regard...
FDTD Simulations on Disjoint Domains with the Use of Discrete Green's Function Diakoptics
PublikacjaA discrete Green's function (DGF) approach to couple disjoint domains in the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) grid is developed. In this method, total-field/scattered-field (TFSF) FDTD domains are associated with simulated objects whereas the interaction between them is modeled with the use of the DGF propagator. Hence, source and scatterer are simulated in separate domains and updating of vacuum cells, being of little interest,...
Designate CTOD Heat Affected Zone of butt weld, Report No: WOiO/II/76/2013
PublikacjaTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability...
The effect of pre-hydrogen charging on corrosion behaviour of superduplex stainless steel welded joints
PublikacjaThe paper presents results of research undertaken to determine the influence of hydrogen on passivity and corrosion resistance of 2507 super duplex stainless steel welded joints. Butt welded joints were made with low heat input using flux corded arc welding (FCAW) method. Coupons of 5.0 x 5.0 mm were cut from the welded joints containing weld metal (WM), heat affected zone (HAZ) and parent metal (PM). Hydrogen was introduced...
Comparison of heat transfer characteristics in surface cooling with boiling microjets of water, ethanol and HFE7100
PublikacjaThe basis of microjet technology is to produce jets which impinge the surface at the stagnation point with a very high kinetic energy. Main objective of this paper was to investigate the physical phenomena occurring on solid surfaces upon impingement of the single microjet in case of three fluids, namely water, ethanol and HFE7100. Intense heat transfer in the impact zone of microjet has been examined and described with precise...
CTOD designation for WM and HAZ in butt joint made from S460 ML steel, Expertise No. WOiO/II/82/2015
PublikacjaTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability to...
Designate of CTOD for WM and HAZ, report no: WOiO/II/122/2014
PublikacjaTypical (normative) testing of materials and/or welded joints do not answer on all questions about material or welded joint properties. In ship building and off-shore sectors, many strucures requires materials and joint with higher than typical fatigue resistance. Imact tests, which are carried out during welding technology qualification, gives answer about ductility, CTOD tests results about material or welded joint ability to...
Antibacterial evaluation of bioactive modifiers of bone cements: antibiotics, nanometals and chitosan
PublikacjaModern biomaterials in addition to their basic tasks, can serve as carriers of active substance. The release of a bioactive particles allows to locally fight infection or its prevent it. Bone cements additionally to their basic applications in orthopedic surgery can also serve to deliver locally active substances. Currently, only antibiotics are routinely used as modifiers for bone cements. Bioactive bone cements constitute...
PublikacjaIn this paper, the application possibilities of the ultra-high strength (UHSS). Domex 960 steel in the underwater welded structures are analyzed. In the research, the investigated material has been tested in bead-on-plate wet welding conditions with the usage of different heat input values, namely 0.63 kJ/mm, 0.72 kJ/mm and 0.93 kJ/mm. Specimens were performed by the manual metal arc (MMA) welding method with the usage of rutile...
Comparison of different one-parameter damage laws and local stress-strain approaches in multiaxial fatigue life assessment of notched components
PublikacjaThis paper aims to compare the predictive capabilities of different one-parameter damage laws and local stress-strain approaches to assess the fatigue lifetime in notched components subjected to proportional bending-torsion loading. The tested fatigue damage parameters are defined using well-known stress-based, strain-based, SWT-based and energy-based relationships. Multiaxial cyclic plasticity at the notch-controlled process zone...
Dissimilar underwater wet welding of HSLA steels
PublikacjaThe high-strength low-alloy S460ML and S460N steels were chosen for underwater wet welding of dissimilar T-joints using covered electrodes. For improving the quality of joints, the temper bead welding (TBW) method was used. The application of TBW in pad welding conditions has been investigated earlier but the possibility of usage of this technique in welded joints was not analyzed. The main aim of the study was to check the influence...
A constitutive law for concrete with smooth transition from continuous into discontinuous cracks’ description
PublikacjaPaper presents a constitutive model for concrete that combines a continuous and discontinuous crack’s description to simulate the concrete under tensile dominated loads. In a continuum regime, two different constitutive laws were used. First, a plasticity model with the Rankine failure criterion and an associated flow rule was used. Second, a constitutive law based on isotropic damage mechanics was formulated. Both model alternatives...
Microstructure and mechanical properties of a dissimilar metal welded joint of Inconel 617 and P92 steel with Inconel 82 buttering layer for AUSC boiler application
PublikacjaThe application of the novel dissimilar metal welded (DMW) joint, utilizing Inconel 617 and P92 steel, was showcased in the advanced ultra-supercritical (AUSC) boiler. The work has been performed to investigate the effect of Inconel 82 (ERNiCr-3) buttering layer on microstructure and mechanical properties (high-temperature tensile strength, impact strength and microhardness) of gas tungsten arc welded (GTAW) dissimilar joint between...
Badania eksperymentalne strefy przypodporowej żelbetowych belek częściowo sprężonych
PublikacjaThis project refers to the study the shear zone, under full and partial prestressing in comparison to beams with passive reinforcement.For comparison, variable parameters have been determined:- a/d (from 1,5 to 3,5) - it's shear span to effective depth of the beam . Assuming constant geometrical quantities, "a" is variable.- 26 beams had no vertical shear reinforcement, and the other 26 had closed stirrups.- prestressing intensity...
PublikacjaThe paper describes structure and properties of dissimilar stainless steels welded joints between duplex 2205 and austenitic 316L steels. Investigations were focused on environmentally assisted cracking of welded joints. The susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and hydrogen embrittlement was determined in slow strain rate tests (SSRT) with the strain rate of 2.2 × 10–6 s–1. Chloride-inducted SCC was determined in the...
Numerical Simulation of Catastrophic Flood: the Case Study of Hypothetical Failure of the Bielkowo Hydro–Power Plant Reservoir
PublikacjaThe numerical modeling of flood wave propagation following the hypo-thetical breaks of the embankments of the Bielkowo hydro–power plant storage reservoir (Kolbudy II Reservoir) on the Radunia River in Poland have been presented. The results of computations were used to estimate the parameters of the flood waves, which are indispensable for the flood zone determination and mapping and then for the flood risk analysis. When estimating...
An Improved Method of Minimizing Tool Vibration during Boring Holes in Large-Size Structures
PublikacjaThe paper presents a thoroughly modified method of solving the problem of vibration suppression when boring large-diameter holes in large-size workpieces. A new approach of adjusting the rotational speed of a boring tool is proposed which concerns the selection of the spindle speed in accordance with the results of the simulation of the cutting process. This streamlined method focuses on phenomenological aspects and involves the...
Educational and cognitive aspects of adaptation of nonuse spaces in monumental sacral objects.
PublikacjaThe area of attics and towers in historic churches in Europe are yet quite inaccessible places for visitors, shrouded in the atmosphere of mysticism, hiding many secrets. Introduction of the new public function into the non-used zones of the monumental sacral objects has many aspects including educational and cognitive ones which are discussed in the following article. The article indicates items that can be found in the zone above...
Shear fracture of longitudinally reinforced concrete beams under bending using Digital Image Correlation and FE simulations with concrete micro-structure based on X-ray micro-computed tomography images
PublikacjaThe paper presents experimental and numerical investigations of the shear fracture in rectangular concrete beams longitudinally reinforced with steel or basalt bar under quasi-static three point bending. Shear fracture process zone formation and development on the surface of beams was investigated by Digital Image Correlation (DIC) whereas thorough analyses of 3D material micro-structure, air voids, width and curvature of shear...
The Opening of Central and Eastern European Countries to Free Trade: A Critical Assessment
PublikacjaThree decades after the fall of the Berlin wall and one and a half decades after the Big Bang enlargement of the European Union (2004-2007), we revisit contrasting narratives about the benefit of both free trade and the EU enlargement for Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. We distinguish old, pre-2004 EU countries from CEE countries that joined the EU in 2004-2007, as well as from the CEE countries that have not become...