Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GLOBAL TERRORISM INDEX - MOST Wiedzy


Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GLOBAL TERRORISM INDEX

Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: GLOBAL TERRORISM INDEX

  • Changes in the Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 Methodology: The Improved Approach of Competitiveness Benchmarking


    The Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) developed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) is used as a standard for measuring a country’s competitiveness. However, in literature, the GCI has been accused of numerous methodological flaws. Consequently, in 2018, the WEF introduced significant methodological changes. This study aims to examine whether the methodological modifications in the GCI’s structure increase its ability to capture...

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  • Analiza Globalnego Indeksu Terroryzmu Państw Europejskich


    - Rok 2017

    W referacie przytoczono doniesienia raportu Global Terrorism Index 2016 [1] w odniesieniu do sytuacji państw Europejskich. Raport ten publikowany jest co roku przez Instytut Ekonomii i Pokoju (ang. Institute for Economics and Peace). W raporcie tym realizowana jest analiza światowych tendencji i modeli związanych z terroryzmem. Niestety, doniesienia raportu opublikowanego na początku bieżącego roku są zatrważające, zwłaszcza w...

  • Aleksandra Parteka dr hab. inż.

    About me: I am an associate professor and head of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology (GdanskTech, Poland).  I got my MSc degree in Economics from Gdansk University of Technology (2003) and Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche (2005), as well as MA degree in Contemporary European Studies from Sussex University (2006, with distinction).  I received my PhD in Economics...

  • Wojciech Grabowski dr hab.


    Wojciech Grabowski, Ph.D. with habilitation, is affiliated researcher at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Gdansk. Working across the disciplines of political science and international relations his research examines regional cooperation of authoritarian states of the Middle East, including the changing role and position of Persian Gulf states (Gulf Cooperation Council) in the regional and global order. He...

  • Analiza przestrzenna sprzedaży paliw


    Ze względu na zmieniające się warunki i niepewność ekonomiczną gospodarowania, przeprowadzane badania dotyczące popytu na paliwa płynne dotyczą głównie zmian popytu w czasie, rzadziej w przestrzeni. Jednak rozwój narzędzi ekonometrycznych, który dokonał się w latach dziewięćdziesiątych, umożliwił nie tylko badania zmian popytu wynikające ze związków przyczynowo-skutkowych zachodzących w czasie, ale również w przestrzeni oraz w...

  • Koncepcja międzynarodowej konkurencyjności makrootoczenia przedsiębiorstw

    Celem badań przedstawionych w niniejszym artykule jest opracowanie koncepcji konkurencyjności międzynarodowej (IC) krajów, której podstawą jest makroekonomiczne otoczenie przedsiębiorstw. Motywem podjęcia tych badań były poważne wady metodologii pomiaru IC gospodarek stosowanej przez Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne (WEF). WEF rekomenduje Globalny Indeks Konkurencyjności (GCI) jako globalną miarę produktywności kraju. WEF utrzymuje,...

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  • The Impact of Terrorism on International Peace and Security

    • M. Bharti

    - Rok 2022

    Pełny tekst do pobrania w serwisie zewnętrznym

  • Islamist Terrorism in Europe: A History, written by Peter Nesser

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    ISSN: 0306-4220 , eISSN: 1746-6067

  • Index Comunicacion


    ISSN: 2174-1859

  • E-cohomological Conley index


    - Rok 2017

    In this thesis we continue with developing the E-cohomological Conley index which was introduced by A.Abbondandolo. In particular, we generalize the index to non-gradient flows, we show that it an possesses additional multiplicative structure and we prove the continuation principle. Then, using continuation principle, we show how the computation of the E-cohomological Conley index can be reduced to the computation of the classical...

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  • Justyna Płotka-Wasylka dr hab. inż.

    Urodziła się w Słupsku (24.03.1986).W 2005 roku ukończyła I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Jana II Sobieskiego w Wejherowie i rozpoczęła studia na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej. Po ich ukończeniu w 2010 rozpoczęła pracę naukową na tej uczelni, uzyskując w 2014 roku stopień doktora nauk chemicznych. Tematem jej rozprawy doktorskiej, wykonywanej pod kierunkiem prof. Marka Biziuka oraz dr Caluma Morrisona (Uniwersytet w...

  • Numerical Modelling for Prediction of Compression Index from Soil Index Properties in Jimma town, Ethiopia


    - U.Porto Journal of Engineering - Rok 2022

    In this study, correlations are developed to predict compression index (Cc) from index parameters so that one can be able to model Jimma soils with compression index using simple laboratory tests. Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples from twelve different locations in Jimma town were collected. Laboratory tests like specific gravity, grain size analysis, Atterberg limit, and one-dimensional consolidation test for a total of twenty-four...

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  • Perspectives on Terrorism


    eISSN: 2334-3745

  • The cohomological span of LS-Conley index

    In this paper we introduce a new homotopy invariant – the cohomological span of LS-Conley index. We prove the theorems on the existence of critical points for a class of strongly indefinite functionals with the gradient of the form Lx+K(x), where L is bounded linear and K is completely continuous. We give examples of Hamiltonian systems for which our methods give better results than the Morse inequalities. We also give a formula...

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  • Morse inequalities via Conley index theory


    The relation known as the Morse inequalities can be extended to a more general setting of flows on a locally compact metric spaces (Conley index) as well as dynamical systems on Hilbert spaces (LS-index). This paper is a discourse around this extension. Except the part concerning the LS-index the material is self-contained and has a character of a survey.

  • Global edge alliances in graphs

    In the paper we introduce and study a new problem of finding a minimum global edge alliance in a graph which is related to the global defensive alliance (Haynes et al., 2013; Hedetniemi, 2004) and the global defensive set (Lewoń et al., 2016). We proved the NP-completeness of the global edge alliance problem for subcubic graphs and we constructed polynomial time algorithms for trees. We found the exact values of the size of the...

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  • Global defensive sets in graphs

    In the paper we study a new problem of finding a minimum global defensive set in a graph which is a generalization of the global alliance problem. For a given graph G and a subset S of a vertex set of G, we define for every subset X of S the predicate SEC ( X ) = true if and only if | N [ X ] ∩ S | ≥ | N [ X ] \ S | holds, where N [ X ] is a closed neighbourhood of X in graph G. A set S is a defensive alliance if and only if for...

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  • A new index for statistical analyses and prediction of travelling ionospheric disturbances

    • C. Borries
    • A. A. Ferreira
    • G. Nykiel
    • R. A. Borges


    Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs) are signatures of atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) observed in changes in the electron density. The analysis of TIDs is relevant for studying coupling processes in the thermosphere–ionosphere system. A new TID index is introduced, which is based on an easy extension of the commonly used approach for TID detection. This TID activity index, which can be applied for individual Global Navigation...

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  • Index de Enfermeria


    ISSN: 1132-1296

  • Journal of Index Investing


    ISSN: 2154-7238 , eISSN: 2374-135X

  • Topological invariants for equivariant flows: Conley index and degree


    - Rok 2010

    About forty years have passed since Charles Conley defined the homotopy index. Thereby, he generalized the ideas that go back to the calculus of variations work of Marston Morse. Within this long time the Conley index has proved to be a valuable tool in nonlinear analysis and dynamical systems. A significant development of applied methods has been observed. Later, the index theory has evolved to cover such areas as discrete dynamical...

  • The conditions of the business services sector in Poland and its competitiveness in the global market


    The following article presents the conditions of the business services sector (BSS) in Poland and the assessment of its competitiveness in the global market. The first section discusses the BSS sector and the categories of the provided services, in the division of business process outsourcing, shared services center, information technology outsourcing, research and development. Next the authors presents the status of the business...

  • Morse cohomology in a Hilbert space via the Conley index

    The main theorem of this paper states that Morse cohomology groups in a Hilbert space are isomorphic to the cohomological Conley index. It is also shown that calculating the cohomological Conley index does not require finite-dimensional approximations of the vector field. Further directions are discussed.

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  • Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth: A One-Way or Two-Way Relationship?

    The Global Competitiveness Index is treated as a standard to measure the competitiveness of countries. Leaders look at it to make policy and resource allocation decisions because global competitiveness is expected to be related to economic growth. However, studies which analyze the empirical relationship between these two economic categories are very rare. It is still an open question in the literature whether economic growth can...

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  • Opitmalising Human Development Index with sensitivity analysis


    - Rok 2019

    Research background: Composite indicators are commonly used not only to measure economic development, the standard of livin g, competitiveness, fairness, effectiveness but are also willingly implemented in to many different fields. How- ever, it seems that in most cases the variable weig hting procedure is avoided or erroneous since in most cases so-called “wights by belief” are...

  • Space and Landscape in a Global Context

    Kursy Online
    • R. Orlik
    • I. Mironowicz

    Module SPACE AND LANDSCAPE IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT (2022/2023, autumn semester) Objective The objective of the module is to debate different approaches to managing spatial development and contemporary issues in a global context. The course is founded on the students' knowledge about urban planning and instruments used to make them better places both for people and the environment.  Course proceedings Lectures and classes run online...

  • Global defensive secure structures


    Let S ⊂ V (G) for a given simple non-empty graph G. We define for any nonempty subset X of S the predicate SECG,S(X) = true iff |NG[X]∩S| ≥ |NG[X]\S|. Let H be a non-empty family of graphs such that for each vertex v ∈ V (G) there is a subgraph H of G containing v and isomorphic to a member of H. We introduce the concept of H-alliance extending the concept of global defensive secure structures. By an H-alliance in a graph G we...

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  • The Maslov index and the spectral flow—revisited


    We give an elementary proof of a celebrated theorem of Cappell, Lee and Miller which relates the Maslov index of a pair of paths of Lagrangian subspaces to the spectral flow of an associated path of self-adjoint first-order operators. We particularly pay attention to the continuity of the latter path of operators, where we consider the gap-metric on the set of all closed operators on a Hilbert space. Finally, we obtain from Cappell,...

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  • Parallel simulations of electrophysiological phenomena in myocardium on large 32 and 64-bit Linux clusters.


    - Rok 2004

    W pracy podjęto badania i przeprowadzono symulacje zjawisk elektrofizjologicznych w mięśniu sercowym z wykorzystaniem wytworzonego w tym celu oprogramowania równoległego opartego na MPI. Zaimplementowano i zbadano ulepszenia kodu prowadzące do uzyskania dobrej skalowalności oraz przeprowadzono testy wydajności na najnowszych 32 i 64-bitowych klastrach linuksowych. Praca stanowi próbę równoległej implementacji znanego podejścia...

  • An efficient algorithm for the longest tandem scattered subsequence problem.


    - Rok 2004

    Referat dotyczy zagadnienia wyznaczania najdłuższego podciągu podwójnego (typu x1,x2,...,xk,x1,x2,...,xk) dla zadanego ciągu znaków (y1,y2,...,yn). Podano algorytm o złożoności obliczeniowej O(n^2) i pamięciowej O(n) znajdujący optymalne rozwiązanie postawionego problemu.

  • Global Trends 2022

    Kursy Online
    • L. Segreto

    The course reflects on the different models of capitalism, starting with the debate on "Varieties of capitalism". It will deal with the relationships between historical dimension, juridical and economic cultures, institutions, financial markets and ownership structures in today's world economy. The aim of the course is trying to give an answer to a couple of very simple questions: why economic systems react in a different way...

  • Sensitivity analysis as a tool to optimise Human Development Index

    Research background: Composite indicators are commonly used as an approximation tool to measure economic development, the standard of living, competitiveness, fairness, effectiveness, and many others being willingly implemented into many different research disciplines. However, it seems that in most cases, the variable weighting procedure is avoided or erroneous since, in most cases, the so-called...

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  • Homotopy invariance of the Conley index and local Morse homology in Hilbert spaces



    In this paper we introduce a new compactness condition — Property-(C) — for flows in (not necessary locally compact) metric spaces. For such flows a Conley type theory can be developed. For example (regular) index pairs always exist for Property-(C) flows and a Conley index can be defined. An important class of flows satisfying the this compactness condition are LS-flows. We apply E-cohomology to index pairs of LS-flows and obtain...

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  • Relations between the domination parameters and the chromatic index of a graph

    In this paper we show bounds for the sum and the product of the domination parameters and the chromatic index of a graph. We alsopresent some families of graphs for which these bounds are achieved.

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  • Critical Studies on Terrorism


    ISSN: 1753-9153 , eISSN: 1753-9161



    ISSN: 0954-6553 , eISSN: 1556-1836

  • Studies in Conflict & Terrorism


    ISSN: 1057-610X , eISSN: 1521-0731

  • Tight bounds on global edge and complete alliances in trees

    In the talk the authors present some tight upper bounds on global edge alliance number and global complete alliance number of trees. Moreover, we present our NP-completeness results from [8] for global edge alliances and global complete alliances on subcubic bipartite graphs without pendant vertices. We discuss also polynomial time exact algorithms for finding the minimum global edge alliance on trees [7] and complete alliance...

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  • The Use of Sustainability Reporting Instruments in the Global Airline Industry in Financial Year 2019

    Dane Badawcze
    open access

    This dataset provides an overview of the GRI topic-specific disclosures global passenger airline companies reported in their 2019 financial year sustainability reports and the specific SDGs they addressed. Additionally, it includes information on the frequency of application of other well-known SR instruments (i.e., SASB, IIRC, CDSB, CDP, UNGC, ISO...

  • Measurement of complex refractive index of human blood by low-coherence interferometry

    In this article, the usefulness of the optical technique for measurements of blood complex refractive index has been examined. Measurement of optical properties of human blood is difficult to perform because of its nonuniform nature. However, results of my investigation have shown the usefulness of low-coherencei nterferometry for measurement complex refractive index of human blood. Furthermore, mathematical analysis of spectrum...

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  • Prediction of the Biogenic Amines Index of Poultry Meat Using an Electronic Nose

    The biogenic amines index of fresh chicken meat samples during refrigerated storage was predicted based on the headspace analysis using an electronic nose equipped with an array of electrochemical sensors. The reference biogenic amines index values were obtained using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. A prototype electronic nose with modular construction and a dedicated sample chamber...

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    Based on the analysis of the impact of quantitative easing policies on the global economy, there was concluded that the world’s largest central banks and widespread debt stimulation have created the model of economic growth. This model was based on the productivity growth. The lack of productivity growth in the developed world, the active integration of developing countries (first of all China and India) in the global economy have...

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  • An Analysis of Sustainability Reporting Practices of the Global Airline Industry


    - Rok 2022

    Sustainability reporting (SR) has become a standard practice for many organisations worldwide. The purpose of this paper is to explore and develop our understanding of the global airline industry’s SR practices. Content analysis was employed to map which reporting frameworks the global commercial airline industry has recently used to report their non-financial impacts. Additionally, comparisons were made in the application of SR...

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  • Global value chains and wages under different wage setting mechanisms

    This study examines whether, and how, differences in wage bargaining schemes shape the relationship between global value chains (GVCs) and the wages of workers while considering both GVC participation and position in GVC. Our dataset is derived from the European Structure of Earnings Survey (SES), containing employee–employer data from 18 European countries, merged with sectoral data from the World Input-Output Database (WIOD)....

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  • DFT studies of the refractive index of boron-doped diamond

    The density functional theory is one of the optimal solutions in calculation of optical properties of materials on the quantum scale. In this paper, we have investigated the refractive index of a boron-doped diamond structure with the usage of Atomistic Toolkit software from Synopsys. During this study, various methods and pseudopotentials were checked to obtain an optimal performanceaccuracy method for calculation of such materials....

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  • Statistical evaluation of physical and index properties of Vistula Marshlands deltaic soft soils

    This paper provides statistical evaluation of physical and index parameters of the Vistula Marshlands deltaic soft soils using three datasets. Soft soils from the Vistula Marshlands are grouped into the four categories: (1) silty/sandy loams, (2) organic clays, (3) organic silts and (4) peats. Variability of basic and derivative physical properties as well as Atterberg's limits and plasticity index is studied. It is found that...

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  • GPU based implementation of Temperature-Vegetation Dryness Index for AVHRR3 Satellite Data


    Paper presents an implementation of TVDI (Temperature-Vegetation-Dryness Index) algorithm on GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). Calculation of this index is based on LST (Land Surface Temperature) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). Discussed results are based on multi-spectral imagery retrieved from AVHRR3 sensors for area of Poland. All phases of TVDI implementation on GPU are modified in respect to CUDA platform....

  • Global and regional economic inequality: Methods of measurement and evidences


    - Rok 2019

    The lack of countries’ statistical income data, comparable across countries and years, seems to be the main reason of controversial conjectures concerning global inequality and its evolution over time. In the databases, which purport to collect income data on a worldwide scale, only some summary statistics (quantile income shares, means, Gini indices) are presented. Therefore, the development of efficient methods of extracting...

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  • The LS-index: A Survey


    - Rok 2006

    Niniejszy przegląd jest oparty na wykładach autora wygłoszonych na NATO-ASI-SMS w 2004 roku na University of Montreal w Kanadzie.Niech H będzie przestrzenią Hilberta. Rozważmy pole wektorowe f zdefiniowane na H postaci f(x)=L(x)+K(x), gdzie L jest silnie nieokreślonym, ograniczonym operatorem liniowym, a K jego pełnociągłym zaburzeniem. W tej pracy prezentujemy rozszerzenie klasycznego indeksu Conley'a na potoki generowane przez...