wszystkich: 21
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: STATIC CONTACT
Morphology of damage inflicted on brittle polymer in lubricated contact under cyclic static load
PublikacjaIn this article morphology of damage inflicted on the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) plate in static point lubricated contact with a ball made of five different materials under cyclic normal load has been presented. It is argued that the counterface material and lubricating film play an important role in the damage process and the extent of damage inflicted in the PMMA plate.
The new version of contact-less method for localisation of catenary contact wire – theoretical assumption
PublikacjaThis article presents the theoretical basic of a new version of contact-less method for localising the catenary contact wires, using the advanced video techniques and image analysis. So far, contact line diagnostic systems exploited nowadays uses the contact measuring methods with special design current collector. This solutions make it impossible to measure the contact line geometry in a static way. The proposed measurement method...
Micro-modelling of shear localization during quasi-static confined granular flow in silos using DEM
PublikacjaThe paper deals with the quasi-static confined flow of cohesionless sand in a plane strain model silo with parallel walls and a slowly movable bottom. Numerical modelling was carried out by the discrete element method (DEM) using spheres with contact moments to approximately capture a non-uniform shape of sand particles. Different initial void ratios of sand and silo wall roughness grades were employed. Regular triangular grooves...
Comparative 3D DEM simulations of sand–structure interfaces with similarly shaped clumps versus spheres with contact moments.
PublikacjaThree-dimensional simulations of a monotonic quasi-static interface behaviour between initially dense cohesionless sand and a rigid wall of different roughness during tests in a parallelly guided direct shear test under constant normal stress are presented. Numerical modelling was carried out by the discrete element method (DEM) using clumps in the form of convex non-symmetric irregularly shaped grains. The clumps had an aspect...
PublikacjaThe paper describes experimental and numerical results of quasi-static splitting tensile tests on concrete specimens at meso-scale level. The loading strip was made of plywood or steel. Fracture in concrete was detected at the aggregate level by means of three non-destructive methods: 3D x-ray micro-computed tomography, 2D scanning electron microscope and manual 2D digital microscope. The discrete element method was used to directly...
The Influence of Articular Cartilage Thickness Reduction on Meniscus Biomechanics
PublikacjaObjective Evaluation of the biomechanical interaction between meniscus and cartilage in medial compartment knee osteoarthritis. Methods The finite element method was used to simulate knee joint contact mechanics. Three knee models were created on the basis of knee geometry from the Open Knee project. We reduced the thickness of medial cartilages in the intact knee model by approximately 50% to obtain a medial knee osteoarthritis...
Technical diagnostics and monitoring of traction current collectors
PublikacjaNew evaluation methods of the technical condition of rolling stock current collectors are proposed in this paper. The method of automatic measurement of the pantograph static force characteristic, realized when the vehicle runs through the test section of the track with especially prepared overhead line height distribution, has been practically implemented by the Polish Railways. The method of testing the slipper spring suspension...
PublikacjaThe purpose of this study is to compare the strain measurement techniques of concrete in R-C element subjected to the monotonic load up to the failure. In the analysis manual extensometer methods of measurements and the optical system ARAMIS for non-contact three-dimensional measurements of deformation was used. The test sample was a cantilever deep beam loaded throughout the depth which was a part of the reinforced concrete deep...
Nowa metoda diagnostyki stanu technicznego nakładek stykowych
PublikacjaThe current collection system, which consists of the overhead contact line and a current collector, is particularly important in electric rail vehicles, where their reliability is concerned. Faultless current collection is conditioned not only by suitable construction of these elements but also by their proper maintenance. Retaining permanent electrical contact is essential in DC systems, where current demand is relatively high. In...
Badania eksperymentalne i symulacyjne dynamiki modelowego odcinka sieci trakcyjnej
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono główne założenia i strukturę opracowanego modelu matematycznego odcinka kolejowej górnej sieci trakcyjnej, opartego na metodzie energetycznej Lagrange’a. W celu wyznaczenia wybranych parametrów modelu, jak również dla oceny stopnia zgodności odwzorowania przez utworzony program symulacyjny stanów statycznych i dynamicznych sieci zbudowano laboratoryjny model odcinka sieci jezdnej z użyciem rzeczywistych jej...
Nonlinear free and forced vibrations of a dielectric elastomer-based microcantilever for atomic force microscopy
PublikacjaThe majority of atomic force microcode (AFM) probes work based on piezoelectric actuation. However, some undesirable phenomena such as creep and hysteresis may appear in the piezoelectric actuators that limit their applications. This paper proposes a novel AFM probe based on dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs). The DE is modeled via the use of a hyperelastic Cosserat model. Size effects and geometric nonlinearity are included...
The influence of a change in the meniscus cross-sectional shape on the medio-lateral translation of the knee joint and meniscal extrusion
PublikacjaObjective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of a change in the meniscus cross sectional shape on its position and on the biomechanics of a knee joint. Methods One main finite element model of a left knee joint was created on the basis of MRI images. The model consisted of bones, articular cartilages, menisci and ligaments. Eight variants of this model with an increased or decreased meniscus height were then...
Piezoelectric Transducer for Mechanical Assessment of Soft Tissues. Concept, Implementation and Analysis
PublikacjaThe main goal of this work was following: preparation of a new concept, implementation and analysis of the piezoelectric resonant sensor/actuator for measuring the aging process of human skin. The research work has been carried out in the framework of cooperation between the INP-ENSEEIHT-LAPLACE, Toulouse, France, and at the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Research Group of...
System monitoringu odbieraków prądu pojazdów kolejowych w aspekcie bezpieczeństwa i ciągłości ruchu.
PublikacjaOmówiono metodę monitorowania stanu technicznego odbieraków prądu w oparciu o pomiar uniesienia przewodów jezdnych sieci trakcyjnej w czasie przejazdu pociągu. Opisano konstrukcję i zasadę działania wdrożonego na linii kolejowej pilotażowego stanowiska monitoringu. Przedstawiono metodę analizy i sposób wizualizacji wyników pomiarów. Zastosowany algorytm szacowania siły statycznej odbieraka uwzględnia prędkości pociągu i działanie...
Analiza wyników monitoringu odbieraków prądu w warunkach ruchowych na linii kolejowej
PublikacjaOmówiono metodę ciągłego monitorowania stanu odbieraków prądu na linii kolejowej w oparciu o pomiar uniesienia przewodów jezdnych sieci trakcyjnej w czasie przejazdu pociągu. Omówiono zasadę działania wdrożonego stanowiska monitoringu. Opisano algorytmy analizy danych pomiarowych - w szczególności oszacowania siły statycznej odbieraka prądu - i przyjęte kryteria oceny odbieraka. W analizie bierze się pod uwagę także prędkość pociągu...
PublikacjaOne of the most popular types of foundations in layered subsoil with very differentiated soil shear strengths are precast piles. One of the reasons is a fact that we can well control the driving process during the installation of these piles. The principles of the assessment of bearing capacity and settlements of the piles given by Eurocode 7, concentrate on two main methods, i.e. Static Pile Load Tests (SPLT) and Dynamic Driving...
POM/EVA Blends with Future Utility in Fused Deposition Modeling
PublikacjaPolyoxymethylene (POM) is one of the most popular thermoplastic polymers used in the industry. Therefore, the interest in its potential applications in rapid prototyping is understandable. Nevertheless, its low dimensional stability causes the warping of 3D prints, limiting its applications. This research aimed to evaluate the effects of POM modification with ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) (2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 wt.%) on its processing...
Meso‐scale analyses of size effect in brittle materials using DEM
PublikacjaThe paper describes numerical meso-scale results of a size effect on strength, brittleness and fracture in brittle materials like concrete. The discrete element method (DEM) was used to simulate the size effect during quasi-static splitting tension with the experimental-based meso-structure. The two-dimensional (2D) calculations were carried out on concrete cylindrical specimens with two diameters wherein two different failure...
Effects of Deck-Abutment Pounding on the Seismic Fragility Curves of Box-Girder Highway Bridges
PublikacjaEarthquake-induced pounding in bridges is a complex contact phenomenon in which the dynamic responses of structures, including collisions between deck and abutments, are strongly related to structural properties and earthquake excitation. The goal of this study is to develop and compare the seismic fragility curves of overall system and individual components of regular and irregular box-girder highway bridges in two cases: with...
Shaping Place Identity through Interaction on the Example of the European Solidarity Centre in Gdansk
PublikacjaThe article presents process of shaping place identity on the example of an important for Pomerania region investment - European Solidarity Centre. The realization of the European Solidarity Centre aims to be one of the essential elements of shaping Gdańsk’s identity of space. The article is an attempt to analyse how the presence of realization gradually affects the formation of the place identity of new urban space. Analysis...
Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
OsobyStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...