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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: probabilities in the final proposal
Comment on "Measurements without probabilities in the final state proposal"
PublikacjaThe final state proposal [G.T. Horowitz and J.M. Maldacena, J. High Energy Phys.2004(2),8 (2004)] is an attempt to relax the apparent tension betweenstring theory and semiclassicalarguments regarding the unitarity of black hole evaporation. The authors of [R. Bousso and D.Stanford, Phys. Rev. D89, 044038 (2014)] analyze thought experiments where an infalling observerfirst verifies the entanglement between early and late Hawking...
PublikacjaW artykule przestawiono propozycję rozpatrywania zarówno obciążenia jak i zużywania ślizgowych skojarzeń ciernych (łożysk głównych i korbowych) układów korbowo-tłokowych silników spalinowych, zwłaszcza głównych, a także skojarzeń „tłok-tuleja” tych silników, jako procesów stochastycznych. Propozycję tę uzasadniono tym, że deterministyczne podejście do badania zarówno obciążenia jak i zużycia wspomnianych skojarzeń uniemożliwia...
Awaria ściany szczelinowej stanowiącej obudowę wykopu głębokiego
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono awarię ściany szczelinowej stanowiącej obudowę wykopu głębokiego. Omówiono warunki geologiczne, hydrogeologiczne i geotechniczne podłoża. Przeprowadzono analizę rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych w kolejnych oszczędnościowych modyfikacjach projektu oraz zrealizowanej wersji. Wykonano obliczenia porównawcze. Wskazano przyczyny wystąpienia awarii. In the paper a failure of diaphragm wall protecting deep excavation...
Towards a Lightweight Approach for the Evaluation of Requirements Engineering Impact on Other IT Project Areas
PublikacjaRequirements Engineering (RE) is recognized as one of the most important, but difficult areas of software engineering, with a significant impact on other areas of the IT project and its final outcome. The empirical studies investigating this impact are hard to conduct, mainly due to large effort required. It is thus difficult for researchers and even more for industry practitioners to make evidence-based evaluations, how decisions...
Stan graniczny nośności dźwigara żelbetowego mostu na zginanie według norm PN-EN 1992-2 oraz PN-S-10042:1991
PublikacjaPraca włącza się w bogaty w ostatnich latach w krajowym piśmiennictwie nurt porównań dwóch generacji norm projektowania mostów z betonu: polskiej - wycofanej, aczkolwiek powszechnie stosowanej oraz europejskiej – wciąż jeszcze wdrażanej do praktyki projektowej. Nowością w stosunku do dotychczasowych publikacji polskich jest szersze ujęcie różnic pomiędzy obydwiema generacjami norm. Poza rozpatrywanymi przez wielu autorów różnicami...
Assessment of the Accuracy of Determining the Angular Position of the Unmanned Bathymetric Surveying Vehicle Based on the Sea Horizon Image
PublikacjaThe paper presents the results of research on assessing the accuracy of angular position measurement relative to the sea horizon using a camera mounted on an unmanned bathymetric surveying vehicle of the Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) type. The first part of the article presents the essence of the problem. The rules of taking the angular position of the vehicle into account in bathymetric surveys...
Determination of rectification corrections for semi gantry crane rail axes in the local 3D coordinate system
PublikacjaElectronic tacheometers are currently the standard instruments used in geodetic work, including also geodetic engineering measurements. The main advantage connected with this equipment is among others high accuracy of the measurement and thus high accuracy of the final determinations represented for example by the points’ coordinates. One of many applications of the tacheometers is the measurement of crane rail axes. This measurement...
Final Project BiM
Kursy OnlineThis course pertains to the final thesis that you students prepare and defend to obtain the bachelor's degree.
M2M communications system proposal for maritime applications
PublikacjaThis article describes the proposal to use the M2M communication to enhance the safety of people, ships and other marine infrastructure, in broadly defined marine systems. In addition, there are numerous examples of planned solutions to be implemented in the near future as well as new services. The proposal for M2M communication system architecture is described below. In addition, the use of the STRUGA system radio interface as...
PublikacjaThe paper presents a proposal of a description of the operating conditions of diesel-electric locomotives. The proposal is a result of the operational experience and the analysis of the locomotive operation. It constitutes a significant simplification in relation to the descriptions currently used by domestic carriers. The paper also presents examples of analyses of the operating conditions of locomotives using the proposed method.
Akaike's final prediction error criterion revisited
PublikacjaWhen local identification of a nonstationary ARX system is carried out, two important decisions must be taken. First, one should decide upon the number of estimated parameters, i.e., on the model order. Second, one should choose the appropriate estimation bandwidth, related to the (effective) number of input-output data samples that will be used for identification/ tracking purposes. Failure to make the right decisions results...
AHURI Final Report
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Evaluation of Response Amplitude Operator of Ship Roll Motions Based on the Experiments in White Noise Waves
PublikacjaEvaluation of the response amplitude operator (RAO) function for ship wave frequency motions by means of scale model tests in regular waves is a standard procedure conducted by hydrodynamic model testing institutions. The resulting RAO function allows for evaluating sufficiently reliable seakeeping predictions for low to moderate sea states. However, for standard hull forms, correct prediction of roll motion in irregular wave (and...
Determination of probabilities defining safety of a sea-going ship during performance of a transportation task in stormy weather conditions
PublikacjaThe paper presents the possibility of applying the theory of semi-Markov processes to determine the limiting distribution for the process of changes of technical states being reliability states of the systems of sea-going ships significantly affecting safety of such ships, which include main engine, propeller and steering gear. The distribution concerns the probabilities of occurrence of the said states defined for a long time...
Novel proposal for V2X systems and WBAN cooperation to improve road safety
PublikacjaIn this paper, a novel proposal of the automotive Vehicle-to-Everything system solution is presented. In this proposal, there are included the Machine to Machine type communication system and the sensor system based on a short-range the Wireless Body Area Network communication. The aim of this paper is the analysis of the model for communication, especially its architecture and signals structure for the proposed solution. The use...
Discussing daylight simulations in a proposal for online daylighting education.
PublikacjaThere is increasing interest concerning daylighting in the building sector. However, such knowledge is difficult to penetrate the curricula of architects and designers as existing educational programmes often do not provide sufficient training on BPS. This also leads to superficial use of daylight simulations. This paper presents a proposal for a needs-based education package on daylighting design, that mixes modular eLearning...
Imitating Quantum Probabilities: Beyond Bell’s Theorem and Tsirelson Bounds
PublikacjaLocal hidden-variable model of singlet-state correlations discussed in M. Czachor, Acta Phys. Polon. A 139, 70, is shown to be a particular case of an infinite hierarchy of local hidden-variable models based on an infinite hierarchy of calculi. Violation of Bell-type inequalities can be interpreted as a `confusion of languages' problem, a result of mixing different but neighboring levels of the hierarchy. Mixing of non-neighboring...
Marek Czachor prof. dr hab.
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A calculation proposal of labour time input when concreting in difficult atmospheric conditions
PublikacjaThe paper presents a selected proposal of establishing labour input in concreting jobs carried out in difficult atmospheric conditions.
Final Farewell to Alberto Zanchetti MD
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Final report on noise and rolling resistance
PublikacjaWork Package 6 deals with environmental impacts of PERS use, including noise and rolling resistance. This report covers preliminary noise tests performed in the laboratory and at the road test sites. The obtained results indicate that PERS material reduce noise considerably - up to 12 dB in comparison to SMA16 reference surface. Noise reduction properties are especially visible in the case of factory produced PERS slabs supplied...
Proposal of New Starch-Blends Composition Quickly Degradable in Marine Environment
PublikacjaThe aim of this paper was to obtain a quickly degradable in seawater polymer blend as an alternative proposal for classical polymer packaging. For preliminary studies: poly(lactic acid) (PLA), starch, calcium carbonate (CaCO3), gelatin and glycerol were chosen. PLA was pointed out due to its biodegradability and comparable properties to polyethylene or polypropylene. Whereas starch was chosen as abundant, renewable and cheap polymer...
Proposal of a System Loss Model for Body Area Network in Passenger Ferry Environment
PublikacjaIn the paper, proposal of an empirical off-body system loss model for Body Area Networks working in a passenger ferry environment at 2.45 GHz has been presented. The measurements were carried out for dynamic scenarios in the discotheque passenger ferry environment. The general model formula consists of three components: mean system loss, attenuation resulting from the variable antenna position on the human body, and attenuation...
Proposal of Steel weldability quantification.
PublikacjaPrzedstawiono analizę używanych definicji spawalności i zaproponowano jej zmodyfikowanie. Opracowano metodykę określania wartości względnej spawalności stali stodowanych na konstrukcje spawane. Za podstawę przyjęto uniwersalną skalę jakościową. Dla określenia spawalności uwzględniono szacowanie skłonności do pękania gorącego, zimnego, lamelarnego oraz relaksacyjnego. Ponadto, wzięto pod uwagę wskaźniki eksploatacyjne złącza, takie...
Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska dr hab. inż. arch.
OsobyKarolina M. Zielinska-Dabkowska (dr hab. inż. arch., Dipl.-Ing. Arch.[FH]) jest profesorem Politechniki Gdańskiej na Wydziale Architektury. W roku 2002 ukończyła studia na Wydziale Architektury i Urbanistyki Politechniki Gdańskiej a w 2004 inżynierii architektonicznej na HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim w Niemczech. Po studiach pracowała dla kilku firm o światowej renomie w Berlinie, Londynie, Nowym...
Final dissertation preparation
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Final Exam KF
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Fixed final time and free final state optimal control problem for fractional dynamic systems – linear quadratic discrete-time case
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The impacts of final demands changes on the total outputs of Japanese industrial sectors: A further study
PublikacjaThe purpose of the current study is to expand the previous studies which analyze the impacts of final demands changes on the total outputs of industrial sectors of a specific country. More specifically, the study conducts the analysis regarding the impacts on the total outputs of Japanese industries. The study employs a demand-pull Input-Output (IO) quantity model, one of the calculation tools in the IO analysis. The study focuses...
The impacts of final demands changes on the total outputs of Japanese industrial sectors: A further study
PublikacjaThe purpose of the current study is to expand the previous studies which analyze the impacts of final demands changes on the total outputs of industrial sectors of a specific country. More specifically, the study conducts the analysis regarding the impacts on the total outputs of Japanese industries. The study employs a demand-pull Input-Output (IO) quantity model, one of the calculation tools in the IO analysis. The study focuses...
Final state of thermal evolution of Jupiter-type planet
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Proposal of a new tolerances classification system
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono ocenę obowiązującego obecnie systemu określania tolerancji w konstrukcjach stalowych oraz zaproponowano nowy system doboru tolerancji, odpowiadający wymaganiom współczesnych metod wytwarzania konstrukcji stalowych. Na potrzeby systemu wprowadzono klasyfikację wymiarów konstrukcji oraz pojęcia ''koordynac8yjnych wymiarów montażowych'', ''pętli montażowej'' oraz ''stanu granicznego montażu''. W proponowanym...
Proposal of a new tolerances classification system
PublikacjaW referacie przedstawiono ocenę obowiązującego obecnie systemu określania tolerancji w konstrukcjach stalowych oraz zaproponowano nowy system doboru tolerancji, odpowiadający wymaganiom współczesnych metod wytwarzania konstrukcji stalowych. Na potrzeby systemu wprowadzono klasyfikację wymiarów konstrukcji oraz pojęcia ''koordynac8yjnych wymiarów montażowych'', ''pętli montażowej'' oraz ''stanu granicznego montażu''. W proponowanym...
The Proposal to “Snapshot” Raim Method for Gnss Vessel Receivers Working in Poor Space Segment Geometry
PublikacjaNowadays, we can observe an increase in research on the use of small unmanned autonomous vessel (SUAV) to patrol and guiding critical areas including harbours. The proposal to “snapshot” RAIM (Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) method for GNSS receivers mounted on SUAV operating in poor space segment geometry is presented in the paper. Existing “snapshot” RAIM methods and algorithms which are used in practical applications...
The dying medium temperature impact on the final moisture content of pine wood at constant drying time
PublikacjaThe results of final moisture content of pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) after drying process are presented. The wood in the experiments was taken from the northern part of Pomeranian region in Poland. The drying process was performed in the experimental chamber equipped with the micro-jet heat exchanger. The air at temperatures of 40°C, 60°C, 80°C, 100°C and 120°C with relative humidity about 60% and atmospheric pressure was the...
Final Project Seminar_Natalia Przybylska_2021
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Sensors integration in the smart home environment - a proposal to solve the problem with user identification
PublikacjaIn this preliminary study we, investigate the possibility of user recognition techniques suitable on smart home devices like chairs, beds, aiming for low–power, high accuracy and quick response time. We propose the two well know technique: voice speaker recognition and accelerometer signal from device mounted on the chair, and the third one optical system basing on IR LED transmitter/receiver circuit. The preliminary results proved...
The Recent Past and Possible Futures of Citizen Science: Final Remarks
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The final answer to the complexity of a basic problem in resilient network design
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BPMN Update Proposal for Non-expert Users
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Tourism in Apuseni Mountains (Romania) – A technical proposal
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Digital Public Service Innovation: Framework Proposal
PublikacjaThis paper proposes the Digital Public Service Innovation Framework that extends the "standard" provision of digital public services according to the emerging, enhanced, transactional and connected stages underpinning the United Nations Global e-Government Survey, with seven example "innovations" in digital public service delivery -- transparent, participatory, anticipatory, personalized, co-created, context-aware and context-smart....
Addressing Challenges in AI-based Systems Development: A Proposal of Adapted Requirements Engineering Process
Publikacja[Context] Present-day IT systems are more and more dependent on artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. Developing AI-based systems means facing new challenges, not known for more conventional systems. Such challenges need to be identified and addressed by properly adapting the existing development and management processes. [Objective] In this paper, we focus on the requirements engineering (RE) area of IT projects and aim to propose...
Effect of adopted rules of inference and methods of defuzzification on the final result of the evaluation of reliability made using the fuzzy logic methods
PublikacjaThe object of interest is to solve the problem of risk management of marine systems. But the main trouble is a lack of numerous and sure data on the reliability of the components of such systems. The methods based on the fuzzy logic seem to be helpful here. The goal of the article is to check the effect of using different fuzzy inference rules and methods of defuzzification on the final result of reliability assessment. The three...
Probability of flooding a compartment (the pi factor) - a critique and a proposal
PublikacjaArtykuł podaje krytyczny przegląd stanu wiedzy dot. obliczania prawdopodobirństwa zatopienia przedziału (mnożnika pi), ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem projektu badawczego ''Harder'' oraz podaje poprawne rozwiązanie dotyczące tego mnożnika. Kończy się propozycją przepisu do zamieszczenia w konwencji SOLAS.
A proposal for a knowledge market based on quantity and quality of knowledge
PublikacjaThe paper proposes an autonomous market environment in which it is possible to trade knowledge based on its quantity and quality.
Ipertrofan Revisited—The Proposal of the Complete Stereochemistry of Mepartricin A and B
PublikacjaBeing a methyl ester of partricin, the mepartricin complex is the active substance of a drug called Ipertrofan (Tricandil), which was proven to be useful in treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and chronic nonbacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Nevertheless, no direct structural evidence on the stereochemistry of its components has been presented to date. In this contribution, we have conducted detailed, NMR-driven...
Final dissertation preparation (2021/2022)
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Final Project Seminar (BiM) - Nowy
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Final dissertation preparation 2021/2022
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