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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: PROBLEM RENDEZVOUS

  • Deterministic Rendezvous in Restricted Graphs


    - Rok 2015

    In this paper we consider the problem of synchronous rendezvous in which two anonymous mobile entities (robots) A and B are expected to meet at the same time and point in a graph G = (V;E). Most of the work devoted to rendezvous in graphs assumes that robots have access to the same sets of nodes and edges, where the topology of connections may be initially known or unknown. In our work we assume the movement of robots is restricted...

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  • A solution of non-linear differential problem with application to selected geotechnical problems


    A certain non-linear differential equation containing a power of unknown function being the solution is considered with application to selected geotechnical problems. The equation can be derived to a linear differential equation by a proper substitution and properties of the operations G and S.

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  • Rendezvous of Distance-Aware Mobile Agents in Unknown Graphs


    - Rok 2014

    We study the problem of rendezvous of two mobile agents starting at distinct locations in an unknown graph. The agents have distinct labels and walk in synchronous steps. However the graph is unlabelled and the agents have no means of marking the nodes of the graph and cannot communicate with or see each other until they meet at a node. When the graph is very large we want the time to rendezvous to be independent of the graph size...

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  • Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents in Edge-Weighted Networks


    - Rok 2014

    We introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal...

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  • Rendezvous of heterogeneous mobile agents in edge-weighted networks

    We introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal...

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  • Quantum strategies for rendezvous and domination tasks on graphs with mobile agents


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Rok 2024

    This paper explores the application of quantum nonlocality, a renowned and unique phenomenon acknowledged as a valuable resource. Focusing on an alternative application, we demonstrate its quantum advantage for mobile agents engaged in specific distributed tasks without communication. The research addresses the significant challenge of rendezvous on graphs and introduces a distributed task for mobile agents grounded in the graph...

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  • Deterministic rendezvous of asynchronous bounded-memory agents in polygonal terrains



    Two mobile agents, modeled as points starting at differentlocations of an unknown terrain, have to meet. The terrain is a polygon with polygonal holes. We consider two versions of this rendezvous problem: exact RV, when the points representing the agents have to coincide at some time, and epsilon-RV, when these points have to get at distance less than epsilon in the terrain. In any terrain, each agent chooses its trajectory, but...

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  • Deterministic rendezvous of asynchronous bounded-memory agents in polygonal terrains



    We consider two versions of the rendezvous problem: exact RV, when the points representing agents have to coincide at some time, and e-RV, when these points have to get at distance less than e in the terrain. In any terrain, each agent chooses its trajectory, but the movements of the agent on this trajectory are controlled by an adversary that may, e.g. speed up or slow down the agent.

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  • Analityka śladów - wyzwania i problemy. Trace analysis- challenges and problems

    Przedstawiono główne źródła błędów w analityce składników śladowych i ultraśladowych obecnych w próbkach o złożonym składzie matrycy. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na: klasyfikację metod i technik ze względu na stężenie analitu w próbce; jednostki służące do wyrażania stężeń w zakresie śladów i ultraśladów; etapy przygotowania próbek do oznaczeń końcowych; sposoby eliminacji lub zmniejszenia intensywności wpływu różnych czynników na...

  • Time versus space trade-offs for randezvous in trees



    Two identical (anonymous) mobile agents start from arbitrary nodes of an unknown tree and have to meet at some node. Agents move in synchronous rounds: in each round an agent can either stay at the current node or move to one of its neighbors. We consider deterministic algorithms for this rendezvous task. The main result of this paper is a tight trade-off between the optimal time of completing rendezvous and the size of memory...

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  • Wybrane problemy modelowania obiektów technicznych : Chosen problems in the modeling of technical objects


    - Rok 2007

    Budowa modeli obiektów technicznych połączona z identyfikacją przyjętych wstępnie parametrów oraz diagnostyką weryfikacyjną porównującą obiekt z modelem w celu sprawdzenia rzeczywistych przedziałów wartości istotnych właściwości obiektu, jest cyklicznym procesem udoskonalającym zarówno model, jak również kolejne wersje obiektu rzeczywistego. Wirtualne programy w pamięciach komputerowych pozwalają projektantom na sprawdzenie swojego...

  • Entangled rendezvous: a possible application of Bell non-locality for mobile agents on networks


    Rendezvous is an old problem of assuring that two or more parties, initially separated, not knowing the position of each other, and not allowed to communicate, are striving to meet without pre-agreement on the meeting point. This problem has been extensively studied in classical computer science and has vivid importance to modern and future applications. Quantum non-locality, like Bell inequality violation, has shown that in many...

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  • How to meet when you forget: log-space rendezvous in arbitrary graphs



    Two identical (anonymous) mobile agents start from arbitrary nodes in an a priori unknown graph and move synchronously from node to node with the goal of meeting. This rendezvous problem has been thoroughly studied, both for anonymous and for labeled agents, along with another basic task, that of exploring graphs by mobile agents. The rendezvous problem is known to be not easier than graph exploration. A well-known recent result...

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  • How to meet when you forget: log-space rendezvous in arbitrary graphs



    Problem rendezvous został dogłębnie zbadany, zarówno dla agendów anonimowych jak i poetykietowanych. zbadano też problem eksploracji grafu za pomocą agentów mobilnych.

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  • Analityka środowiskowa i monitoring: problemy i wyzwania = Environmental analytics and monitoring: problems and challenges


    - Rok 2007

    W wystąpieniu przedstawiono informacje na temat nowych rozwiązań metodycznych i aparaturowych związanych z:- bezrozpuszczalnikowymi technikami przygotowania próbek do analizy (solventless techniques of sample pretreatment),- wytwarzaniem nowych typów materiałów odniesienia,- zastosowaniem nowych technik pobierania próbek analitów z mediów środowiskowych.W referacie zwrócono uwagę na znaczenie technik chemometrycznych i sztucznej...

  • Problemy drgań trybun stalowych poddanych oddziaływaniom dynamicznym = Vibration problems of steel grandstands under dynamic loads


    W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostały wyniki badań eksperymentalnych i analiz numerycznych dotyczące zachowania się trybun stalowych poddanych oddziaływaniom dynamicznym. Z uwagi na coraz bardziej powszechne stosowanie tych konstrukcji jako wyposażenia np. stadionów sportowych oraz na ich obciążenie tłumem ludzi trybuny stalowe są konstrukcjami stale narażonymi na oddziaływania dynamiczne. Lekkie i smukłe elementy z jakich...

  • The Protein Folding Problem

    • H. Scheraga
    • A. Liwo
    • S. Oldziej
    • C. Czaplewski
    • J. Pillardy
    • J. Lee
    • D. Ripoll
    • J. Vila
    • R. Kazmierkiewicz
    • J. Saunders... i 12 innych

    - Rok 2006

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  • On the hat problem on a graph


    The topic of this paper is the hat problem in which each of n players is uniformly and independently fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning....

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  • A modified hat problem

    The topic of our paper is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of a win. There are known many...

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  • Hat problem on a graph


    The topic of our paper is the hat problem. In that problem, each of n people is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color looking at the hat colors of the other people. The team wins if at least one person guesses his hat color correctly and no one guesses his hat color wrong, otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of win. In this version every...

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  • Problem powodzi miejskich

    Zagadnienia związane z powtarzającym się w Polsce zjawiskiem powodzi miejskiej pochodzącej od opadu. Problemy ocen ilościowych. Zagadnienie nadmiernego wpływu przeszłości na podejmowane działania, w efekcie niewłaściwa identyfikacja problemów. Przykład działań podjętych w Gdańsku. Inicjatywa bydgoska.

  • The Snow Team Problem


    - Rok 2017

    We study several problems of clearing subgraphs by mobile agents in digraphs. The agents can move only along directed walks of a digraph and, depending on the variant, their initial positions may be pre-specified. In general, for a given subset~$\cS$ of vertices of a digraph $D$ and a positive integer $k$, the objective is to determine whether there is a subgraph $H=(\cV_H,\cA_H)$ of $D$ such that (a) $\cS \subseteq \cV_H$, (b)...

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  • Tribologia biołożysk i inteligentnych bioreaktorów problemem grantu europejskiego = Tribology of biobearings and intelligent bioreactors as the main problem of euro-project


    - Rok 2005

    Praca przedstawia kluczowe problemy związane z organizacją współpracy z uczelniami niemieckimi i badaniami naukowym przeprowadzanymi w zakresie biomechaniki i biotribologii w ramach grantu europejskiego MTK-CT-2004/2008-517226, którego koordynatorem na Wydziale Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa Politechnice Gdańskiej jest prof. Krzysztof Wierzcholski

  • Redefining The Modifiable Areal Unit Problem Within Spatial Econometrics, The Case of the Scale Problem

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  • Redefining the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem Within Spatial Econometrics, the Case of the Aggregation Problem

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  • Hat problem on odd cycles

    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of a win. In this version every player can...

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  • On the Hat Problem on the Cycle C7

    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of a win. In this version every player can...

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  • Cross-cultural problem of quality


    - Rok 2009

    The paper, by presenting issues such as variability of reality, quality of life, quality and environmental management systems, emphasizes the opportunities of taking the socially important problem under control by utilization of efficient quality engineering analytical methods.

  • A more colorful hat problem

    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. We consider a generalized hat...

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  • Hat problem on the cycle C4

    The topic of our paper is the hat problem. In that problem, each of n people is randomly tted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultanously his own hat color looking at the hat colors of the other people. The team wins if at least one person guesses his hat color correctly and no one guesses his hat color wrong, otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of win. In this version every...

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  • Mobbing as a problem in management ethics


    - Annales. Etyka w życiu gospodarczym - Rok 2018

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  • Problem awarii nowobudowanej kanalizacji


    - Instal - Rok 2015

    Awaria nowobudowanej i odebranej kanalizacji. Rzetelność projektanta, kierownika budowy i inspektora nadzoru. Ocena zagrożeń dla procesu budowlanego. Błędy działań naprawczych. Szczególny problem projektanta i wykonawcy wywodzących się zer środowiska "melioracji rolnych". Zagrożenia finansowe w sytuacji braku trwałego efektu inwestycji.

  • Problem ubóstwa w Polsce

    W publikacji podjęto się omówienia problemu ubóstwa. Wskazano na jego przyczyny oraz przeprowadzono analizę jego funkcjonowania w ujęciu teoretycznym. W kontekście rozważań natury teoretycznej, przeprowadzono analizę ubóstwa w Polsce.

  • The Use of an Autoencoder in the Problem of Shepherding


    This paper refers to the problem of shepherding clusters of passive agents consisting of a large number of objects by a team of active agents. The problem of shepherding and the difficulties that arise with the increasing number of data describing the location of agents have been described. Several methods for reducing the dimensionality of data are presented. Selected autoencoding method using a Restricted Boltzmann Machine is...

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  • Decisional DNA and Optimization Problem


    - Rok 2013

    Many researchers have proved that Decisional DNA (DDNA) and Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS or SOE) is a technology capable of gathering information and converting it into knowledge to help decision-makers to make precise decisions in many ways. These techniques have a feature to combine with different tools, such as data mining techniques and web crawlers, helping organization collect information from different sources...

  • Problem wyboru zbiornika retencyjnego


    - Rok 2015

    Problemy związane z optymalnym doborem zbiornika retencyjnego. Zapotrzebowanie na ograniczenie wielkości spływów. Optymalizacja lokalizacji. Funkcja retencji oraz mieszana retencyjno - rozsączająca. Próby wymuszeń. Główne zagrożenia. Warunki posadowienia. Specyfika zbiornika rurowego. Dokumentacja przedprojektowa i projektowa.

  • The searchlight problem for road networks



    We consider the problem of searching for a mobile intruder hiding in a road network given as the union of two or more lines, or two or more line segments, in the plane. Some of the intersections of the road network are occupied by stationary guards equipped with a number of searchlights, each of which can emit a single ray of light in any direction along the lines (or line segments) it is on. The goal is to detect the intruder,...

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  • Dlaczego problem suburbanizacji? : [Wprowadzenie]


    - Rok 2005

    Artykuł opisuje specyfikę zagadnienia suburbanizacji.zawarto w nimtezy porzemawiające za koniecznością podjęcia tej problemtyki badawczej oraz mozliwewgo spektrum badań.

  • Tereny zdegradowane w UE: skala problemu, przyczyny powstawania i zasady zrównoważonej rewitalizacji = Brownfields in the EU : Scale of the problem, reasons of generation and principles of sustainable revitalization


    - Rok 2014

    Rosnąca liczba terenów zdegradowanych staje się istotnym problemem w wielu krajach na całym świecie. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie holistycznego podejścia do zarządzania terenami zdegradowanymi rozwijanego w ramach europejskiego projektu HOMBRE (Holistic Management of Brownfield Regeneration). Koncepcja koncentruje się na osiągnięciu najwyższych możliwych korzyści ekonomicznych z uwzględnieniem zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju oraz...

  • The problem of “spectrum leakage” in the measurement of harmonics


    - ITM Web of Conferences - Rok 2019

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  • The Backbone Coloring Problem for Small Graphs

    In this paper we investigate the values of the backbone chromatic number, derived from a mathematical model for the problem of minimization of bandwidth in radio networks, for small connected graphs and connected backbones (up to 7 vertices). We study the relationship of this parameter with the structure of the graph and compare the results with the solutions obtained using the classical graph coloring algorithms (LF, IS), modified...

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  • Semantic Interoperability Problem of OSS Forges

    • A. Ciemniewska
    • P. Kedziora
    • B. Lewandowski
    • C. Mazurek

    - Rok 2009

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  • Complexity of a classical flow restoration problem


    - NETWORKS - Rok 2013

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  • The hat problem on a union of disjoint graphs

    The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. In this version every player...

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  • A construction for the hat problem on a directed graph


    A team of n players plays the following game. After a strategy session, each player is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then, without further communication, everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. Visibility is defined by a directed graph; that is, vertices correspond to players, and a player can see each player to whom he is connected by an arc. The...

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  • On the hat problem, its variations, and their applications

    The topic of our paper is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of a win. There are known many...

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  • Problem wspólnotowego kształtowania środowiska mieszkaniowego


    - Rok 2011

    Community based shaping of housing environmentA sustainable development of housing environment depends on socio-economical context. Interest towards locality in western countries has a completely different basis than in the post-communist ones. Social capital, which shows e.g. in trust, as well as ecological awareness are totally different. We do not belong to saturated societies. There is a distinct issue of community shaping...



    The article is an overview of the literature output in the field of banking sector stability. In the literature a plethora of definitions of the term may be encountered. There is no universal definition of the term. Therefore, the article proposes a unique division of the existing explanations into the following groups: stability determined by the quality of the banking sector, stability in terms of its influence on the macroeconomic...

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  • Asymmetric Renyi Problem and > PATRICIA Tries


    - Rok 2016

    In 1960 R´enyi asked for the number of random queries necessary to recover a hidden bijective labeling of n distinct objects. In each query one selects a random subset of labels and asks, what is the set of objects that have theselabels? Weconsider here anasymmetric version of the problem in which in every query an object is chosenwith probability p > 1/2 and we ignore “inconclusive” queries. We study the number of queries needed...

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  • The Backbone Coloring Problem for Bipartite Backbones

    Let G be a simple graph, H be its spanning subgraph and λ≥2 be an integer. By a λ -backbone coloring of G with backbone H we mean any function c that assigns positive integers to vertices of G in such a way that |c(u)−c(v)|≥1 for each edge uv∈E(G) and |c(u)−c(v)|≥λ for each edge uv∈E(H) . The λ -backbone chromatic number BBCλ(G,H) is the smallest integer k such that there exists a λ -backbone coloring c of G with backbone H satisfying...

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