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Wyniki wyszukiwania dla: spring characteristic
Submerged objects modeling and storing in a global reference context using multiresolution spline technique,
PublikacjaContemporary records from multibeam sonars or even elevations from 3D shuttle radar topography missions feature high resolution. On the other hand, bathymetric models of a different resolution from different sensors are available as well, beginning from very high resolution MBS records and low resolution records coming from regular scattered measurements. Approximating and eventually visualizing the high volume scattered 3D raster...
PublikacjaThe optimal transformation path for the resource is determined by the quality of a log combined with its dimension. The commercial value of derived products is also closely connected with the size and extent of containing wood deficiencies. The results of studies with three diverse strategies for log sorting are presented in the paper. Resource assessment by a worker without extensive experience in sorting logs, the certified grading...
An Improved Method of Minimizing Tool Vibration during Boring Holes in Large-Size Structures
PublikacjaThe paper presents a thoroughly modified method of solving the problem of vibration suppression when boring large-diameter holes in large-size workpieces. A new approach of adjusting the rotational speed of a boring tool is proposed which concerns the selection of the spindle speed in accordance with the results of the simulation of the cutting process. This streamlined method focuses on phenomenological aspects and involves the...
Cervical spine injuries during car collisions with three types of roadside barriers
PublikacjaTraditional methods for assessing vehicle passenger safety in crash tests involving roadside barriers rely on safety indices derived from vehicle kinematic responses. However, this approach may not accurately capture the complex biomechanical stresses exerted on the human body during a collision, raising concerns about the validity and reliability of these indices in accurately evaluating passenger safety. This study investigates...
Numerical analysis of lumbar spine injury during road safety barrier collision
PublikacjaPurpose: Enhancing road safety is a critical goal worldwide, necessitating the development of clear standards for road safety systems. This study focuses on lumbar spine (L-spine) compression injuries during collisions with concrete road safety barriers (RSBs). It aims to analyze internal forces during impact to understand L-spine injury biomechanics in such accidents. Methods: The research included a literature review, analyzing...
Journal of Caring Sciences
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Characteristic of particles created by preparatory operationsof the particleboard production process
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Selected aspects of application UAVS to recognize characteristic quantities of fire.
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Iron filled singlewalled carbon nanotubes – synthesis and characteristic properties
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Biochemical characteristic of biofilm of uropathogenic Escherichia coli Dr+ strains.
PublikacjaUrinary tract infections caused by Escherichia coli are very common health problem in the developed countries. The virulence of the uropathogenic E. coli Dr+ IH11128 is determined by Dr fimbriae, which are homopolymeric structures composed of DraE subunits with the DraD protein capping the fiber. In this study, we have analyzed the structural and biochemical properties of biofilms developed by E. coli strains expressing Dr fimbriae...
Characteristic and specificity of protease activity of thermophilic bacteria Meiothermus ruber
PublikacjaThe primary purpose of research was to establish the possibility of using thermophilic bacteria Meiothermus ruber as a source of proteolytic enzymes. The main reason of searching new proteases is their commercial value especially in production of detergents, food, pharmaceuticals, leather, diagnostics or waste management. The development of this type processes will be possible by utilization of enzymes which have unique characteristics...
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A newly-developed model for predicting cutting power during wood sawing with circular saw blades
PublikacjaIn the classical approach, cutting forces and cutting power in sawing processes of orthotropic materials such as wood are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance kc (cutting force per unit area of cut). For every type of sawing kinematics (frame saws, band saws and circular sawing machines) different empirical values of specific cutting resistance kc have to be applied. It should be emphasised that...
Theoretical and Actual Feed Per Tooth During Wood Sawing on an Optimizing Cross-Cut Saw
PublikacjaThe work presents the geometries of circular saw teeth, whose task is to divide the cross-cut of the cutting layer. For efficient machining on a cross-cut saw with high feed speed values (about 1 ms−1) maximal theoretical feeds per tooth are determined. These values were compared with the actual values determined during transverse cutting of pine wood on a special test stands in industrial conditions. In the experiment the rotational...
Washboarding during cutting on frame sawing machines II. Experimental study of the saw blade behaviour
PublikacjaPraca jest swego rodzaju suplementem do referatu przedstawianego na 15th Inernational Wood Machining Seminar w Los Angeles, CA, USA. Opisano uzyskane wyniki badań doświadczalnych prowadzonych w oparciu o plan badań Hartley`a.Czynnikami badanymi były: naprężenia napinające brzeszczotu piły, częstotliwość skoków ramy piłowej oraz wysokość cięcia przedmiotu obrabianego. Czynnikami wynikowymi były: wysokość sfalowania powierzchni oraz...
An analysis of the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors: 2005-2010
PublikacjaThe purpose of the current study is to analyze the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors from 2005 through 2010. The study employs the analysis instruments from the Input-Output (IO) analysis, namely the indices of the power of dispersion, and the sensitivity of dispersion. For 2005 and 2010, the study focuses on nine and seventeen industries, respectively. The results show that industry 3, manufacturing, placed the...
Low-frequency tripping characteristics of residual current devices
PublikacjaFast development of various types of converters makes their utilization in industry and in domestic installations very common. Due to converters, an earth fault current waveform in modern circuits can be distorted or its frequency can be different than 50/60 Hz. Frequency of earth fault (residual) current influences tripping of residual current devices which are widely used in low voltage systems. This paper presents the behaviour...
An analysis of the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors: 2005-2010
PublikacjaThe purpose of the current study is to analyze the characteristics of Indonesian industrial sectors from 2005 through 2010. The study employs the analysis instruments from the Input-Output (IO) analysis, namely the indices of the power of dispersion, and the sensitivity of dispersion. For 2005 and 2010, the study focuses on nine and seventeen industries, respectively. The results show that industry 3, manufacturing, placed the...
Characteristics of the polarised off-body channel in indoor environments
PublikacjaThis paper addresses the depolarisation effect in off-body body area networks channels, based on measurements performed at 2.45 GHz in an indoor environment. Seven different scenarios, involving both static and dynamic users, were considered, taking a statistical perspective. The analysis of the cross-polarisation discrimination is performed, as well as the analysis of path loss in co- and cross-polarised channels. Results show...
Wideband Off-Body Channel Characteristics with Dynamic User
PublikacjaThis paper presents the preliminary results of a dynamic off-body channel characterisation study, based on wideband measurements at 5.8 GHz in an indoor environment. The Channel Impulse Response (CIR) was measured for a scenario with the user approaching and departing from the off-body antenna. A CIR deconvolution procedure was performed jointly in two polarisations, and the received signal power, Cross-Polarisation Discrimination...
Emotion Monitoring – Verification of Physiological Characteristics Measurement Procedures
PublikacjaThis paper concerns measurement procedures on an emotion monitoring stand designed for tracking human emotions in the Human-Computer Interaction with physiological characteristics. The paper addresses the key problem of physiological measurements being disturbed by a motion typical for human-computer interaction such as keyboard typing or mouse movements. An original experiment...
Nanoparticles: Synthesis, characteristics, and applications in analytical and other sciences
PublikacjaNanoparticles (NPs) are widely employed in different research areas, ranging from analytical chemistry and environmental science to medicine, the agriculture and pharmaceutical industry. This is mainly due to the unique characteristics of NPs and the novelty they introduce in such applications. In analytical chemistry, the role of NPs can differ depending on the nature of the steps involved in analytical process. NPs are probably...
Organic light-emitting diodes. Principles, characteristics and processes.
PublikacjaJest to pierwsze monograficzne opracowanie zjawiska elektroluminescencji w organicznych ciałach stałych. W sześciu rozdziałach książki opisano między innymi wytwarzanie stanów wzbudzonych w wyniku rekombinacji ładunku, sposoby zaniku stanów wzbudzonych i ich rozkład przestrzenny, elektryczne i optyczne własności organicznych diod elektroluminescencyjnych oraz procesy warunkujące wydajne świecenie takich diod.
Rational determination of dynamic characteristics of fluid-flow Reactors
PublikacjaPodstawowa charakterystykę reaktorów stanowi krzywa rozkładu czasu zatrzymania. Jej dokładne wyznaczenie jest trudne i kosztowne. W pracy zaproponowano wykorzystanie metody aproksymacyjnej, polegającej na zastąpieniu rzeczywistej funkcji przez jej przebieg uproszczony. Zaproponowano aproksymację rozkładem trójkątnym. Na konkretnym przykładzie pokazano, że metoda ta daje lepsze wyniki niż powszechnie stosowany model przepływu tłokowego.
Characteristics of the Radunia river and its catchment in view of WFD
PublikacjaCelem Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej (RDW), między innymi problemami jest ochrona śródlądowych wód powierzchniowych, zabezpieczenie przed dalszym pogorszenien ich stanu i poprawa stanu ekosystemów wodnych. Badania Rzeki Raduni i jej zlewni zostały wykonane przez Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego i Politechnikę Gdańską. Dotyczyły one wód śródlądowych (rzeki, jeziora, zbiorniki), ich hydrologii, hydrauliki i jakości wody. Rzeka jest istotna...
Role of electronic correlations in the transport characteristics of molecular junctions
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Leading Behavioral Characteristics and Investors’ Decisions: An Experimental Approach
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Characteristics of sweeteners used in foods and their effects on human health
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Elemental characteristics of mushroom species cultivated in China and Poland
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The surface contact characteristics after sliding and rolling burnishing.
PublikacjaW pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie nowej metody SCGC i odpowiedniego programu komputerowego JKC do oceny pomierzonej mikrostereometrii powierzchni części maszyn, głównie na potrzeby kontroli jakości. Na przykładzie powierzchni nagniatanych wykazano cechy nowej metody: wizualizację ułatwiającą wyobrażenie pomierzonej sfery chropowatości, położenie w niej najważniejszych parametrów oceny (rozkład geometrycznej powierzchni kontaktu,...
Experimental measurements of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the pod propulsor models
PublikacjaPraca przedstawia wyniki pomiarów charakterystyk hydrodymicznych trzech wariantów modelu pędnika azymutalnego. Charakterystyki obejmują napór pędnika, siłę boczną i moment względem osi pionowej w zależności od współczynnika posuwu i kąta dryfu.
Influence of the heat treatment on corrosion characteristics of the Superston alloy
PublikacjaW artykule przedstawiono wpływ hartowania i odpuszczania na twardość i właściwości korozyjne stopu Superston, stosowanego na śruby okrętowe. Stwierdzono, iż hartowanie z temperatury 900 st.C i odpuszczanie w temperaturze 550 st.C znacząco podwyższa odporność na korozję stopu Superston w 3% roztworze NaCl w porownaniu ze stanem odlanym.
A stochastic approach to the problem of bearing capacity by the method of characteristics
PublikacjaW pracy omówiono zagadnienie nośności granicznej podłoża o własnościach losowych, przy obciążeniu od spoczywającego na nim fundamentu. Zaproponowano stochastyczną modyfikację metody charakterystyk bazującej na metodzie różnic skończonych. Analizowano zagadnienia związane z dyskretyzacją losowego ośrodka gruntowego, symulacją pola losowego oraz ze zbieżnością i stabilnością rozwiązania. Przedstawione podejście umożliwiło uwzględnienie...
Analytical characteristics of a new amperometric sulfur dioxide sensor
PublikacjaZaprojektowano i skonstruowano wyposażony w układ trójelektrodowy amperometryczny czujnik ditlenku siarki. Elektroda pracująca czujnika była napylona bezpośrednio na powierzchnię membrany. Zbadano charakterystyki czujnika z membranami z mikroporowatego Teflonu oraz Nafionu. Porównano parametry statyczne i dynamiczne tych czujników wypełnionych roztworami elektrolitów wewnętrznych, zawierających dodatek dimetylosulfotlenku.
Distinct characteristics of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children in Poland
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Characteristics of orthopaedic implants damage and mechanisms of its initiation
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Characteristics of herring marinated in reused brines after microfiltration
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Effect of water content on the characteristics of hydro-compacted nanosilica
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Research and analysis of operating characteristics of energetic biomass micronizer
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Physicochemical Characteristics and Consumers’ Preferences for Milk Fat Products
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Au-RE-TiO2 nanocomposites: Surface characteristics and photoactivity
PublikacjaThe photocatalysts based on TiO2 co-doped with rare earth metal (RE) and gold nanoparticles have been prepared using a sol-gel method and followed by gold reduction. Specific surface areas of the modified photocatalysts were calculated by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method (BET). Diffuse reflectance spectra of the obtained photocatalysts were recorded in a UV-Vis spectrophotometer (DRS UV-Vis). The influence of the type of rare...
Fitting the mobile device characteristics to the user's hearing preferences
PublikacjaA method for fitting the mobile computer audio characteristics to the user's hearing preferences is proposed. The process consists of two stages: calibration and dynamics processing. During the calibration phase the user performs a loudness scaling test giving their response regarding the perceived loudness. The dynamics processing made on above basis sets the loudness to the most comfortable level. The processing accounts both...
Research on operational characteristics of tyres with run flat insert
PublikacjaThe paper describes results of research on heavy vehicle tyre with Run Flat VFI insert. The experiment has included the determination of heat generation, rolling resistanceand radial stifnessof two different tyre designes (textile and steel carcass). The results have been used for the purpose of ewalution of tyre operating characteristics. The study included research on non-inflated tyre properties. The purpose of the paper is...
Characteristics of the Polarised Off-Body Channel in Indoor Environments
PublikacjaThis paper addresses the depolarisation effect in off-body Body Area Networks channels, based on measurements performed at 2.45 GHz in an indoor environment. Seven different scenarios, involving both static and dynamic users, were considered, taking a statistical perspective. The analysis of the cross-polarisation discrimination is performed, as well as the analysis of path loss in co- and cross-polarised channels. Results show...
Spring Conference on Computer Graphics
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Surface roughness chracteristic if components created by stereolithography method
PublikacjaModele wykonywane metodami szybkiego prototypowania mają charakterystyczna strukturę powierzchni określaną mianem schodkowatości. W artykule przedstawiono modele obliczeniowe profilu nierówności jak i porównanie ich z wynikami pomiarów
Characteristic equations for the lasing modes of infinite periodic chain of quantum wires
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Thresholds of Lasing as Solutions of Characteristic Equation for a VCSEL-type Layered Structure