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WRF-METEOPG: numerical weather forecast data for Poland - Days 141-147, Year 2021
Open Research DataWRF-METEOPG is a numerical weather forecast system developed at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The system was built on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecast model version 4.2 and implemented at Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network. Physics parametrization...
WRF-METEOPG: numerical weather forecast data for Poland - Days 120-126, Year 2021
Open Research DataWRF-METEOPG is a numerical weather forecast system developed at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The system was built on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecast model version 4.2 and implemented at Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network. Physics parametrization...
WRF-METEOPG: numerical weather forecast data for Poland - Days 183-189, Year 2021
Open Research DataWRF-METEOPG is a numerical weather forecast system developed at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The system was built on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecast model version 4.2 and implemented at Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network. Physics parametrization...
WRF-METEOPG: numerical weather forecast data for Poland - Days 197-203, Year 2021
Open Research DataWRF-METEOPG is a numerical weather forecast system developed at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The system was built on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecast model version 4.2 and implemented at Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network. Physics parametrization...
WRF-METEOPG: numerical weather forecast data for Poland - Days 176-182, Year 2021
Open Research DataWRF-METEOPG is a numerical weather forecast system developed at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The system was built on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecast model version 4.2 and implemented at Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network. Physics parametrization...
WRF-METEOPG: numerical weather forecast data for Poland - Days 190-196, Year 2021
Open Research DataWRF-METEOPG is a numerical weather forecast system developed at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The system was built on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecast model version 4.2 and implemented at Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network. Physics parametrization...
Phylogenetic trees of genus Oncidium Sw. based on analysis of DNA sequences
Open Research DataGenus Oncidium Sw. is widely regarded as a polyphiletic, and the taxonomic boundaries between him and such genera as Odontoglossum Kunth. or Miltonia Lindley remain blurred. The goal of the study was to determine the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Oncidium s.lato based on the DNA sequences analysis. The correlation between molecular data...
Forest habitat types in the State Forests and their age structure in the years 2007-2008
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data illustrating the area occupied by various types in the State Forests and their age structure over the years 2007-2008. It should be noted that this only concerns forests managed by the State Forests National Forest Holding. The average age is determined as a weighted average, with the area in individual age classes and subclasses...
The effect of interview location on the perception of Ecosystem Services provided by trees. A Polish case study.
Open Research DataSeveral survey research methods are available to study attitudes towards the environment, including: CAWI (computer-assisted Internet interview), CATI (computer-assisted telephone interview), CAPI (computer-assisted personal interview), and PAPI (paper-pencil interview). An increasingly popular CAWI approach is the geo-questionnaire – an internet survey...
Very low resolution depth images of 200,000 poses
Open Research DataA dataset represents simulated images of depth sensor seeing a single human pose, performing 200,000 random gestures. The depth images as vectors of pixels are stored with ground truth positions of every relevant joint.
WRF-METEOPG: numerical weather forecast data for Poland - Days 106-112, Year 2021
Open Research DataWRF-METEOPG is a numerical weather forecast system developed at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The system was built on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecast model version 4.2 and implemented at Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network. Physics parametrization...
WRF-METEOPG: numerical weather forecast data for Poland - Days 134-140, Year 2021
Open Research DataWRF-METEOPG is a numerical weather forecast system developed at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The system was built on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecast model version 4.2 and implemented at Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network. Physics parametrization...
WRF-METEOPG: numerical weather forecast data for Poland - Days 99-105, Year 2021
Open Research DataWRF-METEOPG is a numerical weather forecast system developed at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The system was built on the basis of the Weather Research and Forecast model version 4.2 and implemented at Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network. Physics parametrization...
Mode shapes of a beam and plate with defects, obtained by experimental modal analysis
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the experimental results of the first mode shape for a beam and a plate.
Simulations of wave propagation and attenuation in fields of colliding ice floes
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of numerical smulations of sea ice-wave interactions, corresponding to laboratory experiments conducted at the Large Ice Model Basin (LIMB) at the Hamburg Ship Model Basin (HSVA) as part of the LS-WICE ("Loads on Structure and Waves in Ice"; project. THe simulations were conducted...
Topography and microstructure of phosphate-iron glasses containing niobium and titanium
Open Research DataThe topography and microstructure of phosphate-iron glasses containing niobium and titanium were investigated by the means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Glass samples of the composition of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-(35-x)Nb2O5-xTiO2 where x= 0; 7.5 and 15 (in %mol) were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate...
Herbarium of Division of Marine Biology and Ecology University of Gdańsk (DMBE)
Open Research DataHerbarium of Division of Marine Biology and Ecology University of Gdańsk (DMBE) is a research herbarium encompassing specimens of vascular plants and algae hosted by the Laboratory of Marine Plant Ecology at University of Gdańsk, Poland. The aim of Herbarium is to preserve marine plant and algae collections mostly from the Gulf of Gdańsk, but the herbarium...
Non-linear impedance of V2O5 nanorods obtained at 923K
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the non-linear electrical properties of V2O5 nanorods which were measured by the impedance spectroscopy method. V2O5 nanorods were obtained by the sol-gel method. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The precursor powder was pressed into the disk-shaped pellets (12mm in diameter...
Results of accelerometer measurements in rail passenger transport vehicles
Open Research DataAs part of the project, field research was done to better understand how unbalanced accelerations affect passenger comfort in rail transport and to compare this with passengers’ actual, subjective feelings. Data were collected from different types of rail vehicles, like trains and trams, using common mobile devices with MEMS accelerometer sensors.
Database of algebraic periods of quasi-unipotent orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of orientable surfaces
Open Research DataThe set of algebraic periods of a map contains important information about periodic points and, in addition, is a homotopy invariant of the map. It is determined by indices of nonzero Dold coefficients which are computed purely algebraically from maps induced on homology groups of a considered space. In this dataset, we include for a given g=1,2,...,30,...
The structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides measured with X-ray diffraction method
Open Research DataThe structure of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides was measured by XRD.
Simulation of ship spiral test for ballast and full load conditions
Open Research DataThe data show the results of the spiral test for the simplified ship model, taking into account two states of loading: ballast and full load. The data set contains the results of time simulation for sea state 10 on the Beaufort scale: changes in rudder angle delta_tab[deg]; angular velocity r_tab[deg/s]; surge velocity u_tab (m/s); sway velocity v_tab...
Ocean mixed layer dynamics: high-resolution simulations of wind, wave and convective effects
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of high-resolution numerical simulations of the ocean mixed layer (OML) forced by wind, waves and cooling from the atmosphere, i.e., under strongly turbulent, convective conditions. The goal is to provide detailed, three-dimensional information about OML circulation, turbulent kinetic energy, and temperature and salinity...
Conley-Morse graphs for a two-dimensional discrete neuron model (limited range)
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper “Topological-numerical analysis of a two-dimensional discrete neuron model” by Paweł Pilarczyk, Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska and Grzegorz Graff. A preprint of this paper is available at
Conley-Morse graphs for a two-dimensional discrete neuron model (low resolution)
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper “Topological-numerical analysis of a two-dimensional discrete neuron model” by Paweł Pilarczyk, Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska and Grzegorz Graff. A preprint of this paper is available at
Conley-Morse graphs for a two-dimensional discrete neuron model (full range)
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper “Topological-numerical analysis of a two-dimensional discrete neuron model” by Paweł Pilarczyk, Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska and Grzegorz Graff. A preprint of this paper is available at
The topography of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides measured with SEM method
Open Research DataThe topography of strontium–borate glasses and glass-ceramics containing bismuth and vanadium oxides was measured by SEM.
The complete list of two-dimensional number-conserving ternary cellular automata
Open Research DataThis dataset contains a complete list of all 1327 two-dimensional number-conserving cellular automata with the state set {0,1,2} (the so-called ternary cellular automata) based on adjacent cells only, i.e. with the von Neumann neighborhood. The detailed definitions and the method of enumerating are given in the paper:
SkinDepth - synthetic 3D skin lesion database
Open Research DataSkinDepth is the first synthetic 3D skin lesion database. The release of SkinDepth dataset intends to contribute to the development of algorithms for:
Results after grinding C45 steel
Open Research DataThe database contains results from nanoindenter, scanning microscope and also X-ray diffractometer. To determine the residual stresses and the size of the crystallites in the ferrite grains in the grinded surface layer, the Williamson Hall analysis of the X-ray diffraction patterns was performed. XRD diffraction patterns were also used to perform a...
Measurements of the mechanical system properties of "SpeedLine magnetic" ultra-fast robot prototype for IML labeling
Open Research DataThe mechanical system tests of the high-speed IML labeling robot "SpeedLine Magnetic" were carried out in order to analyze the effects of the drive system's operating parameters on vibration and noise.
Ultrasonic wave propagation and digital image correlation measurements of polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete beams under 3-point bending (beam B-002)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of a concrete beam under a 3-point bending test. The beams had dimensions 15 x 15 x 70 cm3. The beam B-Con was made of concrete without fibres (as the reference beam), while beams B-002, B-004, and B-006 were manufactured from the concrete mix containing 2 kg/m3, 4 kg/m3 and 6 kg/m3 of fibres,...
Ultrasonic wave propagation and digital image correlation measurements of polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete beams under 3-point bending (beam B-Con)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of a concrete beam under a 3-point bending test. The beams had dimensions 15 x 15 x 70 cm3. The beam B-Con was made of concrete without fibres (as the reference beam), while beams B-002, B-004, and B-006 were manufactured from the concrete mix containing 2 kg/m3, 4 kg/m3 and 6 kg/m3 of fibres,...
Ultrasonic wave propagation and digital image correlation measurements of polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete beams under 3-point bending (beam B-004)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of a concrete beam under a 3-point bending test. The beams had dimensions 15 x 15 x 70 cm3. The beam B-Con was made of concrete without fibres (as the reference beam), while beams B-002, B-004, and B-006 were manufactured from the concrete mix containing 2 kg/m3, 4 kg/m3 and 6 kg/m3 of fibres,...
The complete list of two-dimensional rotation-symmetric number-conserving septenary cellular automata
Open Research DataThis dataset contains a complete list of all 30144 two-dimensional rotation-symmetric number-con-serving cellular automata with the state set {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} based on adjacent cells only, i.e. with the von Neumann neighborhood. The detailed definitions and the method of enumerating are given in the paper:
Ultrasonic wave propagation and digital image correlation measurements of polyolefin fibre-reinforced concrete beams under 3-point bending (beam B-006)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of a concrete beam under a 3-point bending test. The beams had dimensions 15 x 15 x 70 cm3. The beam B-Con was made of concrete without fibres (as the reference beam), while beams B-002, B-004, and B-006 were manufactured from the concrete mix containing 2 kg/m3, 4 kg/m3 and 6 kg/m3 of fibres,...