total: 9081
filtered: 31
- Publications 8259 available results
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- People 165 available results
- Inventions 11 available results
- Projects 31 available results
- Laboratories 2 available results
- Research Teams 3 available results
- Research Equipment 8 available results
- e-Learning Courses 183 available results
- Events 16 available results
- Open Research Data 391 available results
Chosen catalog filters
NTMM Neurodivergent Team Mental Model
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to UMO-2023/51/B/HS4/00148 agreement from 2024-07-15
AMDDM: Algal Model for the Determination of Diclofenac Mitotoxicity Application of the algal model to determine the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs mitotoxicity – diclofenac as a case study
ProjectsProject realized in Uniwersytet Gdanski according to 2021/41/N/NZ8/00124 agreement from 2022-01-13
Positive management of technical universities: a new model of motivation
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to UMO-2017/27/B/HS4/01033 agreement from 2018-07-19
INBETS Innovative Business Transfer Models for SMEs in the BSR
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to 3883/INTERREG BSR/2018/2 agreement from 2019-05-19
INBETS+ Innovative Business Transfer Models for SMEs in the BSR +
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to #016 agreement from 2021-03-17
NOMM Organizational maturity model to support the employability of neurodiverse individuals
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to UMO-2021/43/B/HS4/00499 agreement
SoURCE Service of Utility Risk/Cost Evaluation (SoURCE)
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Geodesy according to 4000130203/20/UK/ND agreement from 2020-03-27
MZP Effectuation model of entrepreneurial teams. How do effective entrepreneurial teams operate?
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to UMO-2017/25/B/HS4/01507 agreement from 2018-01-24
n/d n/d
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering from 2009-03-26
Effect of concrete meso-structure on initiation and propagation of cracks - experiments and two-scale numerical model
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Building Structures and Material Engineering according to UMO-2017/25/B/ST8/02108 agreement from 2018-02-21
Opracowanie magnetycznej metody oceny stanu naprężeń w materiałach konstrukcyjnych zwłaszcza anizotropowych
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics according to PBS1/A9/14/2012 agreement from 2012-11-23
Metodyka oceny przydatności wybranych przepływomierzy zwężkowych do pomiarów dwufazowych ciecz-gaz
ProjectsProject realized in partment of Metrology and Information Systems according to UMOWA nr PM/SP/0020/2021/1 agreement from 2022-07-12
Dangerous Heritage. Harmful pollutants and their identification in the substance of an industrial monument versus a model of its conservation.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of History of Architecture and Conservation of Monuments according to UMO-2023/49/B/HS2/01364 agreement from 2024-10-15
Opracowanie nowych deskryptorów obrazowania w podczerwieni dla obiektywnej oceny gojenia ran pooperacyjnych
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to UMO-2011/03/B/ST7/03423 agreement from 2012-09-25
Model obiektu wodnego stealth o innowacyjnych rozwiązaniach umożliwiających modyfikacje kominacje cech decydujących o jego trudno-wykrywalaności
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Theory and Ship Design according to PBS3/A6/27/2015 agreement from 2015-07-02
A method for evaluating airborne wear particle emissions from sliding contacts based on the novel aerodynamic chamber design
ProjectsProject realized in Zakład Mechaniki Stosowanej i Biomechaniki
DATASET DATASET: GrounDwater sAlinizaTion and leaching AsseSsmEnt Tool: a holistic approach for coastal areas
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering according to WATER4ALL/I/38/DATASET/2024 agreement from 2024-08-06
Ocena analityczna i chemometryczna zdolności biowskaźnikowych fok do oceny stopnia zanieczyszczenia ekosystemu Morza Bałtyckiego
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to 3097/B/P01/2011 agreement from 2014-05-11
Zaawansowane Metody Symulacyjne dla Oceny Ekspozycji na Pole Elektromagnetyczne / Advanced Simulation Methods for Electromagnetic Exposure Assessment
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to Homing Plus/2011-3/9 agreement from 2011-10-14
Use of field olfactometry technique and GCxGC-TOFMS technique to evaluate the odour nuisance of atmospheric air in the Pomeranian Voivodeship
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Analytical Chemistry according to UMO-2015/19/N/ST4/03917 agreement from 2016-07-18
RIDII 2C A model method of road investment assessment at the STEŚ stage, taking into account the principles of sustainable development throughout the road's life cycle
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Transportation Engineering
PERFORM A sophisticated multi-parametric system for the continuous effective assessment and monitoring of motor status in Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics according to 215952 agreement from 2008-01-21
Brak Spatial aspects of urban ventilation management and air quality monitoring: integrated assessment method. Case studies in Gdańsk, Poznań and Warsaw.
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes according to UMO-2019/33/N/HS4/00978 agreement from 2020-02-05
Nowoczesne metody obliczania przepustowości i oceny warunków ruchu dla dróg poza aglomeracjami miejskimi, w tym dla dróg szybkiego ruchu
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to DZP/RID-I-50/9/NCBR/2016 agreement from 2016-02-26
Model-based optimization of the operational conditions for mitigation of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from an aerobic granular sludge reactor performing integrated nitrogen and phosphorus removal
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Method for assessing the ecological, energy and reliability effects of using modified marine fuels to power compression ignition engines under real conditions
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Ship and Land Based Power Plants from 2017-04-04
INNOTECH-K2/IN2/53/182767/NCBR/12 An intelligent PIG inspection device for the assessment of the condition of the underground oil and gas pipelines with the help of magnetic flux leakage (MFL) measurements
ProjectsProject realized in CDRiA Sp. z o.o. according to INNOTECH-K2/IN2/53/182767/NCBR/12 agreement from 2013-01-01
Opracowanie nowych metodyk oznaczania związków bioaktywnych i zapachowych w próbkach owoców miechunki peruwiańskiej (Physalis peruviana L.) oraz innych "superowoców" jako narzędzia do oceny ich walorów zdrowotnych i sensorycznych.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2012/07/N/ST4/00629 agreement from 2016-07-17
Nowe metodyki oznaczania związków z grupy glikoli benzotriazoli wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych w próbkach wód spływnych jako narzędzie do śledzenia losu środowiskowego i oceny oddziaływania portów lotniczych na środowisko
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2011/01/N/ST4/01913 agreement from 2011-12-01
PDIH Pomeranian Digital Innovation Hub
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering
ENABLE-S3 European Initiative to Enable Validation for Highly Automated Safe and Secure Systems
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Microwave and Antenna Engineering according to 692455 agreement from 2016-05-11