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System SCADA w nowoczesnym monitorowaniu i sterowaniu oczyszczalnią ścieków
PublicationArtykuł jest kolejną publikacją z cyklu prezentującego wyniki projektu 5. Programu Ramowego UE ''SMART Control of wastewater systems - SMAC''. W ramach tego projektu zaproponowana została nowa koncepcja sterowania biologiczną oczyszczalnią ścieków (OŚ) oraz opracowana została nowa struktura i algorytmy sterowania. Wyniki projektu zostały zaimplimentowane w pilotażowej oczyszczalni w Kartuzach.
The concept of sewage-sludge management system for an individual household
PublicationThe individual farms at the rural areas often face problems with domestic sewage collection and treatment. In many cases building of sewerage systems and central wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) brings too high costs, due to high distances from one farm to another and terrain configuration. Treatment wetlands for individual farms can solve this problem. In the article, an overview of individual treatment wetlands in Europe and...
Bibliometric analysis and literature review of ultrasound-assisted degradation of organic pollutants
PublicationUltrasound as a clean, efficient, and cheap technique gains special attention in wastewater treatment. Ultrasound alone or coupled with hybrid processes have been widely studied for the treatment of pollutants in wastewater. Thus, it is essential to conduct a review about the research development and trends on this emerging technique. This work presents a bibliometric analysis of the topic associated with multiple tools such as...
Atimicrobial Resistance of Enterococcus spp. in Muncipal wasterwater Treatment Plant - Model Study
PublicationIn this study the removal of resistant Enterococcus spp. was evaluated using the laboratory-scale wastewater treatment model plant (M-WWTP), designed as a multiphase (anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic) system (Q = 27 dm3 per day) and continuously supplied with the wastewater obtained from the full-scale WWTP, after grid. The activated sludge from the secondary clarifier was recirculated to the anaerobic chamber (with the ratio equal...
Macro-nutrients recovery from liquid waste as a sustainable resource for production of recovered mineral fertilizer: Uncovering alternative options to sustain global food security cost-effectively
PublicationGlobal food security, which has emerged as one of the sustainability challenges, impacts every country. As food cannot be generated without involving nutrients, research has intensified recently to recover unused nutrients from waste streams. As a finite resource, phosphorus (P) is largely wasted. This work critically reviews the technical applicability of various water technologies to recover macro-nutrients such as P, N, and...
Development of an orbital shaker-assisted fatty acid-based switchable solvent microextraction procedure for rapid and green extraction of amoxicillin from complex matrices: Central composite design
PublicationIn this study, a cheap, fast and simple orbital shaker-assisted fatty acid-based switchable solvent microextraction (OS-FASS-ME) procedure was developed for the extraction of amoxicillin (AMOX) in dairy products, pharmaceutical samples and wastewater prior to its spectrophotometric analysis. Fatty acid-based switchable solvents were investigated for extracting AMOX. The key factors of the OS-FASS-ME procedure were optimized using...
Utilizing Morphological and Physiological Parameters of Lemna minor for Assessing Tetracyclines’ Removal
PublicationAntibiotics with significant environmental toxicity, e.g., tetracyclines (TCs), are often used in large quantities worldwide, with 50–80% of the applied dose ending up in the environment. This study aimed to investigate the effects of exposure to tetracycline hydrochloride (TC) and minocycline hydrochloride (MIN) on L. minor. Our research evaluated the phytotoxicity of the TCs by analyzing plant growth and biomass and evaluating...
Occurrence of specific pollutants in a mixture of sewage and rainwater from an urbanized area
PublicationUrban runoff appears to be a pathway for transferring new emerging pollutants from land-based sources to the aquatic environment. This paper aimed to identify and describe the groups of pollutants present in rainwater surface runoff as well as their mixture with wastewater in the combined sewer system from urbanized catchments and to determine the correlations between these pollutants. Four leading groups of new emerging pollutants...
The impact of slowly biodegradable organic compounds on the oxygen uptake rate in activated sludge systems
PublicationThe hydrolysis process of slowly biodegradable substrate (Xs) have impact on the efficiencies of nutrient removal in activated sludge systems. Measurement of OUR and corresponding COD is accepted as a very useful tool to reflect the consumption of biodegradable substrates. The influence of the readily biodegradable substrate (Ss) in biological wastewater treatment systems has been extensively investigated, but little is known about...
The impact of slowly biodegradable organic compounds on the oxygen uptake rate in activated sludge systems
PublicationThe hydrolysis process of slowly biodegradable substrate (Xs) have impact on the efficiencies of nutrient removal in activated sludge systems. Measurement of OUR and corresponding COD is accepted as a very useful tool to reflect the consumption of biodegradable substrates. The influence of the readily biodegradable substrate (Ss) in biological wastewater treatment systems has been extensively investigated, but little is known about...
Recent Advancements in Cyclodextrin-Based Adsorbents for the Removal of Hazardous Pollutants from Waters
PublicationWater is an essential substance for the survival on Earth of all living organisms. However, population growth has disturbed the natural phenomenon of living, due to industrial growth to meet ever expanding demands, and, hence, an exponential increase in environmental pollution has been reported in the last few decades. Moreover, water pollution has drawn major attention for its adverse effects on human health and the ecosystem....
History and Perspective of Treatment Wetland in Poland – Part One: Lesson learned
PublicationEarly implementation of treatment wetlands under supervision of the researchers from were quite promising. The constructed facilities ensured effective wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering. In the next years a number of treatment wetland s systems were constructed without following the designing principles and left without proper maintenance. In the consequence this lead to unsatisfactory treatment results. Investigations...
An optimized dissolved oxygen concentration control in SBR with the use of adaptive and predictive control schemes
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of optimizing control of the aeration process in a water resource recovery facility (WRRF) using sequencing batch reactor (SBR), one that affects the efficiency of wastewater treatment by stimulating metabolic reactions of microorganisms through dissolved oxygen (DO) level control, and accounts for the predominant part of operating costs. Two independent approaches to DO control algorithm design...
The role of biodegradable particulate and colloidal organic compounds in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationThe efficiency of denitrification and enhanced biological phosphorus removal in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems is strongly dependent on the availability of appropriate carbon sources. Due to high costs of commercial compounds (such as methanol, ethanol, acetic acid, etc.) and acclimation periods (usually) required, the effective use of internal substrates is preferred. The aim of this study was to determine...
Mathematical modelling and computer simulation of activated sludge systems.Second edition
PublicationMathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation of Activated Sludge Systems – Second Edition, provides, from the process engineering perspective, a comprehensive and up-to-date overview regarding various aspects of the mechanistic (“white box”) modelling and simulation of advanced activated sludge systems performing biological nutrient removal. In the new edition of the book, a special focus is given to nitrogen removal and an overview...
Ciliated protozoa in the impact zone of the Uzhgorod treatment plant
PublicationThis paper presents the results of studies on the Uzh River (Ukraine, Zakarpattia Oblast) near the effluent point of a sewage treatment plant in Uzhgorod. The samples were taken at various sites of the treatment plant along the stages of purification process, as well as in the river, at a number of different points above and below the wastewater discharge. At each of these objects, the temperature...
Design and Analysis of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Models for Achieving Self-Sustainability in Sanitation
PublicationThe present study investigates the potential of using fecal ash as an adsorbent and demonstrates a self-sustaining, optimized approach for urea recovery from wastewater streams. Fecal ash was prepared by heating synthetic feces to 500 °C and then processing it as an adsorbent for urea adsorption from synthetic urine. Since this adsorption approach based on fecal ash is a promising alternative for wastewater treatment, it increases...
Nowoczesne sterowanie w oczyszczalniach ścieków - sprzęt i oprogramowanie
PublicationArtykuł jest jedną z publikacji cyklu prezentującego wyniki projektu 5. Programu Ramowego UE ''SMART Control of wastewater systems - SMAC''. W ostatnim dziesięcioleciu w istotny sposób zostały zaostrzone wymagania dotyczące jakości ścieków oczyszczonych. Z drugiej strony, zmienione warunki funkcjonowania gospodarki wymusiły dążenie do obniżania kosztów oczyszczania ścieków. Prowadzi to do ustalania się nowych standardów oceny jakości...
Influence of Phosphorus Speciation on Its Chemical Removal from Reject Water from Dewatering of Municipal Sewage Sludge
PublicationThe aim of the presented research was the assessment of phosphorus speciation impact on the precipitation of phosphorus in reject water using Ca(OH)2. To achieve this, phosphorus speciation (organic and inorganic phosphorus in suspension and in dissolved form) in reject water that is produced during sludge dewatering, after methane digestion in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), was determined. This study covered the materials...
The newest researches and applications of treatment wetlands in sewage sludge management
PublicationIn the paper the newest researches and applications of treatment wetlands conducted by re-searchers of Civil and Environmental Faculty are presented. Among others it was proved that this technology could be successfully implemented for highly polluted wastewater treatment. Within the research project two multistage treatment wetlands, one for landfill leachate and the second for reject water from digested sewage sludge centrifugation,...
Monitoring of odors emitted from stabilized dewatered sludge subjected to aging using proton transfer reaction–mass spectrometry
PublicationOne of the potential emission sources of odorous compounds from wastewater treatment plants is sludge processing. The odorous compounds released from dewatered sludge can result in odor nuisance. This study concerns the use of flux hood chamber combined with proton transfer reaction—time of flight—mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) technique for periodical monitoring of odorous compounds emitted from aged, stabilized dewatered sludge samples...
Modeling nutrient removal and energy consumption in an advanced activated sludge system under uncertainty
PublicationActivated sludge models are widely used to simulate, optimize and control performance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). For simulation of nutrient removal and energy consumption, kinetic parameters would need to be estimated, which requires an extensive measurement campaign. In this study, a novel methodology is proposed for modeling the performance and energy consumption of a biological nutrient removal activated sludge system...
Cellulose and its derivatives, coffee grounds, and cross-linked, β-cyclodextrin in the race for the highest sorption capacity of cationic dyes in accordance with the principles of sustainable development
PublicationIn this study, seven different materials were analyzed and includes coffee grounds (CG), two types of cellulose (CGC and CC), two types of modified cellulose (CT and CTCD), and cross-linked β-cyclodextrin (CD-1 and CD-2) were tested as adsorbents for the removal of dyes from the wastewater. The composition, morphology, and presence of functional groups in the obtained sorption materials were characterized by elemental analysis,...
Design criterion for hydrodynamic vortex separators
PublicationTechnical objects designing involves determination of geometrical parameters that characterize a given object. When the device is described by the differential equations, an inverse problem brings difficulties, as geometrical values sought condition the solution to the problem. Vortex separators can be designed by the "criterion method'. Firstly, a critical particle is distinguished such that bigger particles are removed from...
Environmental consequences of emulsifying properties of biosurfactant produced by Pseudomonas sp.
PublicationBiosurfactants are natural surfactants produced by variety of microorganisms. They are very prospective product due to good biodegradability, low toxicity, good physicochemical properties and high efficiency in many applications. Moreover, they are efficient in wide range of pH, temperatures and salinity. Thus, they have potential to be used in many applications. However, their later presence in municipal and industrial wastewater...
Analysis the Parameters of the Adaptive Controller for Quality Control of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration
PublicationThe wastewater treatment plant can be considered a dynamic large scale complex system, in which the most important control parameter is the dissolved oxygen concentration in the aerobic zone. The air is supplied to this zone by the aeration system. In the paper, both the sequencing batch reactor and the aeration system are modelled and used as plant of control performed by the cascade nonlinear adaptive control system extended...
Experience of hybrid constructed wetlands operation in Gdansk region
PublicationThe investigation were carried out at five local hybrid constructed wetlands (HCWs), which secured biological treatment of domestic wastewater generated from 15 to 600 pe. Based on over two years monitoring it was indicated that HCWs ensured very effective removal of organic matter from 74.9 to 95.5 COD % in wild range of loadings (1.5 - 17.0g COD/ m3day). Efficiency of total nitrogen removal varied significantly from 23.4 two...
Microbial fuel cell applications for removal of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants: A review
PublicationBioelectrochemical systems (BESs) are considered as the potential approaches to remediate the environments contaminated by hydrocarbons. This review addresses the application of BESs particularly microbial fuel cells (MFCs) in degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons, including BTEXs, from soil, water, wastewater and sediments. Details on reactor design and critical issues are discussed. Aspects on electrodes, redox mediators and...
Activated persulfate and peroxymonosulfate based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for antibiotics degradation – A review
PublicationSulfate radical AOPs (SR-AOP) were successfully utilized in degradation of antibiotics in water and wastewater treatment. The review discusses details on SR-AOPs mechanisms and applications for antibiotics degradation. The progress in this field was discussed, highlighting the most promising developments and remaining challenges. The applicability of SR-AOPs was summarized revealing the most susceptible and persistent to oxidation...
Hydrochars as a bio-based adsorbent for heavy metals removal: A review of production processes, adsorption mechanisms, kinetic models, regeneration and reusability of hydrochar
PublicationThe spread of heavy metals throughout the ecosystem has extremely endangered human health, animals, plants, and natural resources. Hydrochar has emerged as a promising adsorbent for removing heavy metals from water and wastewater. Hydrochar, obtained from hydrothermal carbonization of biomass, owns unique physical and chemical properties that are highly potent in capturing heavy metals via surface complexation, electrostatic interactions,...
A Comprehensive Approach to Azo Dichlorotriazine Dye Treatment: Assessing the Impact of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Treatment Methods through Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data
PublicationThis exploration investigates integrated treatment systems combining advanced oxidation processes (Fenton and photo-Fenton) with biological methods for the effective elimination of stubborn organic compounds in simulated textile wastewater composed of azo Dichlorotriazine dye. A comprehensive optimization of key process factors including catalyst dosage, hydrogen peroxide quantity, irradiation duration, etc. was systematically...
Microbial and chemical quality assessment of the small rivers entering the South Baltic. Part I: Case study on the watercourses in the Baltic Sea catchment area
PublicationThe area of the Coastal Landscape Park (CLP) due to its location is extremely attractive touristic area. In the summer season, a significant increase in population density is observed, which influences surface water quality. Large numbers of tourists generate an increased amount of municipal wastewater, being treated in local treatment plants and discharged into rivers and streams. The paper presents preliminary research from summer...
PublicationThis paper presents analysis of hydraulic conditions of sewage flow down the slipway (ramp) in the collecting sanitary chamber connecting 3 collectors on the inlet: ⌀600, ⌀800 and ⌀1400 and one on the outlet ⌀1600 mm, with a maximum difference of elevation 5 m. The mathematical model has been made and hydraulic calculations were carried out in steady flow conditions. Then wastewater surface elevation, energy grade line elevation,...
The state of the art in the field of decrease the pollution in the South Baltic area
PublicationVarious form of human activity such as maritime transports, industrial activities, busy traffic, intensive farming and animal husbandry can have negative impact on natural marine environment. Baltic Sea catchment area is characterized by the high river water flux and wastewater treatment plants discharges. Additionally, the limited shallow connection to the North Sea results in little water exchange and residence time of approximately...
Determination of the substances potentially allergenic in water
PublicationPersonal care chemicals are continuously released into environment through domestic and industrial wastewater, causing adverse effects on human health. Their presence can be detected in different environmental compartments. A group of chemicals included in most personal care products are the allergen fragrances. In the present work, simple and rapid methodology based on ultrasound-assisted emulsification-microextraction (USAEME)...
Kinetics of nitrogen removal processes in constructed wetlands
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present a state-of-the-art review of the kinetics of nitrogen removal in constructed wetlands. Biological processes of nitrogen removal from wastewater can be described using equations and kinetic models. Hence, these kinetic models which have been developed and evaluated allow for predicting the removal of nitrogen in treatment wetlands. One of the most important, first order removal model, which is...
Reject water and landfil leachate treatment with hydrophyte method - preliminary results
PublicationTreatment of landfill leachate (LL) and reject water (RWC) from dewatering of digested sludge in WWTPs have become one of the actual problems. Treatment of both types of wastewater is in many cases very costly and difficult due to quality and quantity fluctuations in time as well as high concentrations of specific pollutants. In case of our investigation the TSS concentration in RWC was two times higher than in LL. The shere of...
A mechanistic model for fate and removal of estrogens in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationTwo estrogen fate and transformation models were integrated with a comprehensive activated sludge model (ASM) to predict estrogen removal based on biomass and solids production. Model predictions were evaluated against published full-scale plant data as well as results from a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) fed synthetic wastewater. The estrogen fate model relating the rate of total estrogen degradation to soluble...
The role of slowly biodegradable substrate in a full-scale biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationThis paper contains futher results obtained at ''Wschod'' WWTP in Gdańsk under transient conditions (spring season) and comparation of similar experiments carried out at a recently upgraded ''Debogorze'' WWTP in Gdynia. The removal of colloidal and particulate fractions resulted in similar effects (reduced process rates) at both plants. For example, the initial denitrification rates (NUR1) were up to 30% lower during the ''conventional''...
The use of mathematical models for diagnosis of activated sludge systems in WWTP
PublicationIn this study diagnosis of activated sludge systems in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was investigated. Diagnosis of technical objects can be realized in many ways. One of the divisions of the diagnostic methods include modelling with or without a model of the object. The first of these is the analysis of the symptoms for which, based on the parameter values, the abnormality in the diagnosed objects are sought. Another way is...
Membranes for toxic- and heavy-metal removal
PublicationSince time ago, membranes have greatly attracted the attention of researchers for different types of water-treatment applications, such as wastewater treatment, water purification, removal of microorganisms, chemical compounds, and heavy metals. Nowadays, one of the current challenges of research community definitely deals with the removal of toxic and heavy metals from water. In this regard, the current chapter provides enough...
FeS-based nanocomposites: A promising approach for sustainable environmental remediation – Focus on adsorption and photocatalysis – A review
PublicationPopulation expansion, industrialization, urban development, and climate changes increased the water crisis in terms of drinking water availability. Among the various nanomaterials for nanoremediation towards water treatment, FeS-based nanocomposites have emerged as promising candidates in the adsorptive and photocatalytic removal of contaminants. This paper, therefore, evaluates the potential of FeS-based nanocomposites for environmental...
Phosphorus removal by application of natural and semi-natural materials for possible recovery according to assumptions of circular economy and closed circuit of P
PublicationIn the last fewyears the idea of circular economy has become essential. Thus, designing methods of nutrients removal should be based on usingmaterials that make it possible to recover those nutrients. Recently,methods applied in wastewater treatment plants cannot provide optimal results; moreover, the application of commercial coagulants like ferric chloride and polyaluminumchloride can cause difficulties in potential recovery...
Highly antifouling polymer-nanoparticle-nanoparticle/polymer hybrid membranes
PublicationWe introduce highly antifouling Polymer-Nanoparticle-Nanoparticle/Polymer (PNNP) hybrid membranes as multi-functional materials for versatile purification of wastewater. Nitrogen-rich polyethylenimine (PEI)-functionalized halloysite nanotube (HNT-SiO2-PEI) nanoparticles were developed and embedded in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) membranes for protein and dye filtration. Bulk and surface characteristics of the resulting HNT-SiO2-PEI...
Degradation of Rhodamine dyes by Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) – Focus on cavitation and photocatalysis - A critical review
PublicationThis review evaluates selected advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) - cavitation and photocatalysis - successfully used for wastewater treatment towards degradation of Rhodamine (Rh) dyes. Reactor configuration and impact of process parameters and oxidants addition (hydrogen peroxide, ozone, persulfates) on degradation effectiveness along with degradation mechanisms are discussed. Best technologies provide 100% degradation within...
Optimising Sequencing Batch Reactor Operation Cycle Planning Using Evolutionary Algorithm
PublicationThe objective of this research was to optimise the operation cycle of the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR). Appropriate time balances of aerobic to anaerobic phases, as well as a set dissolved oxygen level are the key to ensuring the quality of effluent from the wastewater treatment process. The proposal to solve this optimisation problem was based on multi-objective optimisation using an evolutionary multi-objective optimisation...
Granulometric analysis to etimate influence of anionic surfactrant on activated sludge structure
PublicationThe work concerns the evaluation of the possibility of using laser diffraction analyzer to determine changes in the distribution of sludge floc size in the presence of anionic surfactant. As a model of surfactant linear alkylbenzyne sulphonate (LAS) was used. The granulometric analysis showed that the pure activated sludge was composed of particles with a size of 0,001 to 2 mm. The largest and fastest changes in the distribution...
Ion Chromatography in Environmental Analysis of Selected Organic Acids
PublicationLow molecular mass carboxylic acids (LCAs) occur in many environmental compartments dueto natural processes and human activity. When volatile and nonvolatile acids are to be monitored then liquidchromatography, including ion chromatography seems a method of choice. At high pH the acids are inionized form and can be separated as carboxylats by means of anion exchange chromatography. LCAs canalso be separated at low pH by ion exclusion...
Designing control strategies of aeration system in biological WWTP
PublicationThe paper presents the complete design processes of a novel aeration control systems in the SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Due to large energy expense and high influence on biological processes, the aeration system plays a key role in WWTP operation. The paper considers the aeration system for a biological WWTP located in the northeast of Poland. This system consists of blowers, the main collector...
Mainstream shortcut N removal modeling current status and perspectives
PublicationThis work gives an overview of the state-of-the-art in modelling of short-cut processes for nitrogen removal in mainstream wastewater treatment and presents future perspectives for directing research efforts in line with the needs of practice. The modelling status for deammonification (i.e., anammox-based) and nitrite-shunt processes is presented with its challenges and limitations. The importance of mathematical models for considering...